Gorky Film Studio Second Creative Association Screenplay: A.Veitsler, A.Misharin Screen Director: Vladimir Grammatikov Art Direction: Mikhail Fishgoit Composer: A.Rybnikov Recording: V.Kipa Producer: L.Bahtiarova Projectionist: S.Magerramova Montage: V.Vasilyeva Editing: S.Rubinshtein Costumes: T.Dmitrieva Make-up: S.Filenova Songs lyrics: U.Mikhailova State Symphony Orchestra of Cinematography Conductor: M. Nersesyan Combined recording: Operator: U.Ivanov Artist: S.Ivanov Director Assistants: M.Orlova, N.Rychagova Projectionist Assistants: A. Voronezhcev, S.Tkachenko Artist Assistant: I.Ratnikova Light: N.Vasiliadi Photographer: L.Kirpichnikova Film Director: Yakov Sapozhnikov Cast: Kesha: Sergey Prohanov Marina Borisovna: Liudmila Shagalova Arina Rodionovna: Elizaveta Uvarova "Little Barmaleys": M.Topper, o.Korhin, A.Piskunov, D.vinarov A.Mischenko, D.Dashevskiy, S.Levina K.Devitt, M.Torchinskaya T.Tomysheva, N.Tomysheva, V.Voronchenko, V.Puchkov A.Bannik, S.Klokov Stranger girl: M.Matveenko Kesha's friends: s.Bachurskiy, V.Kislenko, F.Krol Policeman: V.Alexandrov, Old lady: N.Samsonova, Day care guard Kuzya: A.Sazhin Episodes: V.Brylev, G.Yalovich, A.Berzin, B.Zaharova, T.Nikolaeva O.Grigoryeva, K.Kozlenko, L.Trutnev, A.Panova, N.Harahorina, V.Subachev "Nanny with Mustache" You can do it Everything will be alright - Don't worry - I don't - Ready? - Excellent! - So, what will you do for her to notice you? - What? - You have to surprise her - Got it? - Got it! - Repeat? - Surprise. - Right! - We'll do so: you stay here and hold gas We stand in the line Now she appears from behind the corner She doesn't know what's waiting for her we give you a sign... "Motyl" - one, "Ponchik" - two... me - three, then you press gas and go! Look... increase the speed, slow down... and... stop, jump... open the door - Hey, what are you planning here? - Maria Stepanovna, don't worry... - Take this away from here! - "Motyl"! Where is the brake? Stay calm - Now go! - Go! - Go! - Stop! Stop! - What a fool! - Oh, Chetvergov... - Chetvergov, why are you not working? Having rest again? - It takes too long with this little mustache holder - What can we do... He's not a hooligan nor drunker, but he doesn't want to work... I always liked how you sing Kesha When you couldn't get into the University I helped you to get a job as a plumber, then in the shop storage then an assistant in a sauna but you are like Kolobok... - Kolobok? - Kolobok... rolled... little pigeon... he ran away from granma he ran away from granpa he ran away from grand daughter, and from Zhuchka it's not good... I'll be honest with you people, and complain to you now I am very unorganized, and I myself don't know why my hands work independently, my legs work independently, my head is maybe here, maybe not while my hands are trying to put myself together, my legs are running away... While my legs are running after, running after, running after my hands are singing maybe here, maybe there maybe here, maybe there, pa-ba-ba-ba-ba maybe here, maybe there, pa-ba-ba-ba-ba maybe here, maybe there pa-ba-ba-ba-ba such weird things happen to people sometimes, they say "put yourself together" but the troubles is that the hands live on their own, legs are on their own while the hands are putting myself together, the legs are running away while the legs are running after... while the legs are running after, running after, running after, running after running after, running after... hands are singing the song... pa-ba-ba-ba-ba Finished badly Now Everything is clear! - We have to open the case! - Right! right!right! - Comrades! I have an offer! - No offers! - Comrades, listen, I have an offer not to open a case! because we have to give the person the last chance! - But where is Chetvergov? - Where is he?! - Give him to my little "savages" - I thought it was the end... that's it! from now on I become a hard worker! the work is secret, I think it has something to do with the space so, read newspapers! - Oh wow... - Aaaah! - Take the spy alive! - Yeaah! - Stop! Get him! - Run! Run for good appetite! - This is already misbehaving! - Arina! - Ah? - There must be one more bag with soft toys - Right, here it is - It's with bears. Pink bear - one - Yes - Red bear in trousers - one - Aha, one - Brown bear with the bottle - one... with soother - With soother, ok - Oh my God, this one is sick - No, it's not a soft toy - Hello - My dear hedgehog, I only helped you for one reason - Why? - I think you just don't want to grow up - Hello! One minute! Yes, it is Mihalchuk - director of the kindergarten Thanks, we received the toys, but I'm concerned about the summer cottage for children we need it by the 1st of May what? excuse me, one minute Parrot: Cactus... - Oh my God, horrible! - Hello! Group Nr.3? - Zina, Alexandrov from your group is eating cactus again go quickly! - Thank you Valery - Yes, Alexey Ivanovich, so we agreed about the summer cottage - One minute... Innokentiy, this is the best nanny on Earth - Kesha - Arina Radionovna - Are you that famous "friend of my old days"? - Pass this over. - If you only knew how many great people she raised! - But I don't have any skills - Such people don't exist - Please take the robe - We have serious people - all madcaps don't wait for mercy, they'll tear you apart - Oh no! not to these ones! - Kids! Attention! Look, who came to us! this is Innokentiy Petrovich! one, two, three - Innokentiy Petrovich! - Oh, very bad... - One more time all together! - Innokentiy Petrovich! Great! No, don't throw this! Kids! This man will be your night nanny! - Keep quiet Innokentiy... Bravo! - Wait, wait! - What bravo! what nanny? - Night nanny! - I'm sorry but you said I will be singing - Right! Like Arina Radionovna! - What Arina Radionovna! Look at me and at her! What a nanny of me! I'm a difficult child, I just had a nanny myself! Look, she is nanny and me - nanny? - He will be a night "nann"! - Hooray! Parrot: Disaster! - Look, it's not a job but holiday take this, open the cover, put the child and take it away, that's it. - That's it? - Alright, then I'm fine. How many kids? - 30 - 30 kids, it's fine - Agreed - Innokentiy, come back! - Ohh, scared you? give me your foot no, too small I don't have your size I'll have to knit them - Hi! could you come there in 5 minutes? - Nope - Wait a minute, it'll take you only 5 minutes you drive to the entrance, call me Innokentiy Petrovich (it's me), I get in your car, then we turn behind the corner you stop, I get out of the car, "thank you" and that's it - No - Wait, let me tell you - Really? - Yeah - Where should I drive? - There, to the left - Wow, cool hat! I'll borrow, just for 5 minutes - What a joker you are! - Hello! Vladimer Alexandrovich? Alo, alo! it's me, Innokentiy Petrovich! How is it going without me? I'm fine, have you sent a car? soon will be here? don't start without me so, you sent a car? alright, I will be soon - They will send a car for you? - Yes - Hold this - Listen, can you recommend me there? - It's difficult there, Ponchik - But I will do my best - How is it going in the sauna? - Ah, I'll leave it, I'm sick of it - I'm not sure... They had a vacancy in the older group there... - So? - I will ask - Please ask - Do you know how to work with people? - Well, you know me... - Alright, I will ask for you - But don't forget, please - Where are you going so late at night? - To work - They are sending a car for him... "Chaika", you'll see now - Did you find what I asked? - Here it is - What about the light? - Oh, the light... right, I spoke to the director of the storage Arina Radionovna... she promised - Will it fit? - Of course! - What is this? - Hey, this is the uniform, don't tough! - They give you robes there? - Of course, it's not the sauna! - Creative job! a group of 30 people, experimenting... I'm one of them... ah, today we were running for 1,5 hour... we went through many subjects it's alright, I won't give up that easily! - Innokentiy Petrovich! - Time to go! - I understand - It's time to go Ponchik "I believe my friends the caravans will take us far from the star to the star" - Salut! To the laboratory! - Thanks a lot! - Hey, my hat! - Oh, right! Bye! - Hey, where are you going, to pee? - No, to mama Innokentiy Petrovich, I need to go to mama - Let me go please - Sure, go... Wait! It is 2am, what mama at night! - You understand what you're saying kid? - Let me go! - Hush, everybody's asleep - Let me go! - Wait wait, Friday's coming soon, your mum will come for you And now it is night, everybody's sleeping, your mum is sleeping - No, she is not sleeping, she is working - Hush... yes, she's working - And you have to sleep - I want to go to her work You can't, there are wolves outside - No, there are no wolves outside! - I've just seen them - No, no, there aren't! - I tell you there are - There aren't, there aren't - Hush, hush... Whooooo, whoooooo, whoooooo What is that? I want a night story! - What story kid, it is 2am - I want a story, story, story Okey, okey, I'll tell you a story, but close your eyes Once upon a time there was the head of cabbage with the cabbage stalk... - Yes... - And they had a friend pumpkin - Right, there was the head of the cabbage with the cabbage stalk and their friend pumpkin... and they had... emm... - Enough! - What enough? - Better this one! - About pumpkin? Let me tell you another story - Tell me! - But close your eyes - Once upon a time there was an old man with... with that one... - With "oladka" - With what? - With the cabbage Alright, there was an old man with the cabbage - And he had a daughter - Alionushka - And there was baba Yaga! - Right, baba Yaga, and there was also... - A fire dragon! - Alright... So, they lived With "Kikimora" and wood goblin Alright, they all lived together They lived well, and Ivanushka lived next door He had a sister Alionushka... so... And they loved each other so much And once at night when Alionushka and Ivanushka were sleeping baba Yaga sneaked there with the Immortal Scrag, Merman and Kikimora Then they took Alionushka and Ivanushka, put them to the bag, took them to the train station there they packed them into a crystal cuffing, nailed it and threw to the tree and hid the key in the baggage room Innokentiy Petrovich, what was next? Next? Then there was neither the tale to say, nor for pen to describe Then there was Karlson flying over the train station Karlson saw everything, he knows everything and flies to the Soviet spy Shtirliz Meanwhile, Shtirliz is playing piano and having coffee Then Karlson is screaming: Shtirliz, they took our people! - Calm down,- said Shtirliz, - let's go! They get into "Volga"M24 and fly Shtirliz can see Barmaley, Immortal Scrag, baba Yaga and Muller! Shtirliz jumps out the cabinet: Hands up! Barmaley threw the grenade! Shtirliz fell down! This was a strategic maneuver He got up shouting: you missed it, you missed it and ran Shtirliz crawls under the table, takes the machine gun and shoots them all... he takes Kikimora... ahh.. then takes Barmaley and strangles him, Barmaley climbs the wall then falls... Boom! he gets a bump! his eyes go apart then Shtirliz saw Karlson and baba Yaga he took the knife and throws to baba Yaga! Baba Yaga - boom! ahh, ohh.. then Shtirliz rides the horse and cut everybody, all of them! there was only the fire dragon left so, he takes the cannon and... Kolobok, kolobok... sunk, the pigeon Baba Yaga took Alionushka and then to the train station Shtirliz caught Barmaley and aaaahhh boom! bump, the eyes apart! Kuraslepov! Get to bed! Hush, hush Stop it, sleep, sleep Stop it now! What's going on? What is all this fight? Sleep, sleep Get to bed now, where are you going? sleep, sleep Ay-ay-ay, Kesha, you woke up the whole kindergarten To your beds people, sleep, sleep, sleep - Borisovna! Disaster! - What? - So, what? - Mustached nanny... - Don't be so nervous, it's his first time - Shame! Let's go Bayu bayu bayu my little rabbits where have you been running what have you been doing? we were running in the woods we were beating angry wolves we rode a mosquito we went for the wood we sold a bear for a fir-cone and before we finished we were deadly tired oh, you my little rabbits go to sleep, bayu bayu I'll warm up the fire place And make for you pan-cakes on the birch cork, on the blue water with the sour cream, with honey... oh bayu bayu, you my little rabbits Disaster! Your last chance! - Finished? - One moment - Marina Borisovna is coming! - Good morning children! Today your teacher is not coming! - And where is the night nanny? - There! - Innokentiy! - Aaaaah! - We've got an emergency! The teacher of this group is getting married today - Congratulations You have to stay here over the day! Because the day nanny left to Cheboksary for sport competition And I can't... oh, it's my glasses... I can't stay because I have to negotiate the summer cottage, otherwise children will stay in the city Innokentiy, wake up! Here's the schedule for you: morning exercise, breakfast, outside, lunch, then siesta - Alright? - Yup, got it... I'm leaving then Innokentiy! This is your last chance! Valera, I am not going anywhere I'll be in my room, just in case - Who is this? - It's me, Valera, wake up! - Go away! - I won't go, wake up! - Morning exercise! - What exercise! Get lost! - You get lost! - Go away bird! - Get up! - Oh you, bird! Good morning comrades! Morning exercise we start from walking! Stay in the middle of the room! Breath in, start! One, two, three, four One, two, three, four, hold your back straight! Early, early in the morning... go my cow to the open filed and when you come back in the evening, give us your milk put your legs apart! wider! wider! wider! wider! wider! wider! wider! - Eh you! This is how you should do it! watch! one, two, three, four carry on, one, two, three, four finished! sit down! And now! wipe yourself with the dry towel, all the best! - Disaster! Come here! what are you doing! What is this, why the ball is here! Quickly get dressed! I'm telling you to get dressed! what are you doing! - What? - Make a bow for me please - What bow? - Innokentiy Petrovich, our teacher was always making a bow for me in the morning. You are a big girl, can't you do it yourself? Where are you going?! Wait! Stop! - Give me the bow! - It's not your child! It's Grisha! Oh, sorry Innokentiy Petrovich, there is Kuraslepov with Karlson eating toothpaste in the toilet When I'm back everybody must be dressed! And what are you sitting here? Hurry up, catch your jaws with the spoon! - It's the wolf has jaws - Heh, bad people say this for a mouth - Pfu! Where is the toilet? - There! - Mess! Jaws, jaws - You bird keep silent! Who's this hat? Stop it immediately! Here they are eating toothpaste! Squeaker-sneaker, turkish drum! Who's playing it is a cockroach! You are cockroaches! Come here! You want to die? - It is poisonous! - If it is poisonous why would we brush our teeth with it? - Yes! - Brushing teeth is one thing and eating is different! - I won't do it again - Traitor! What happened there? aha! wait, wait! - It is delicious, with cherry! - There isn't a toothpaste with cherry! - No there is! - No there isn't! - There is! - Cherry toothpaste doesn't exist! - No, it does! - No, it doesn't! - It does! - Give it to me! - Why are you lying, ah? it is with orange! - No, with cherry! - I tell you with orange! - But in fact it is with cherry Okey, I will check it now myself! - Hey, what is going on here? - Innokentiy Petrovich, please sew the button for my coat - I don't have the threads and needles - They're up on the shelves, so we can't get them Where is the button? Wanna see the magic? - Yes - Give it to me. You see? ha, that's it! Aaahh! You managed it without a bow, you can manage without a button! Come here! Mama is sleeping, she is tired, so I decided not to play My toys are quiet... my toys... It's quiet in the empty room And the golden ray is crawling on the mama's pillow Alright, come out one by one, hurry up to the playground! Oh my God! - Hello uncle Kuzya - Hello, hello! - Treasures don't lie on the street - Then where they are? - In the sea - Treasures are in the cave - No, the treasures are at the end of the world - And where is the end of the world? - It's very far, you can't walk there - No, you can! - There is no end of the world! - Why? - Because we live on the sphere - So we will fly! and if it explodes we'll sink in the sea! Grow, grow my braid to the waist... Help! help! Hello! - Innokentiy Petrovich, do you need help? - No, thanks So much of water! Innokentiy Petrovich, we finished! Kuzya! - Here? - Yes, fix it! - Like this? - No - Here? - Kuzya, turn it like this! Pain for a cat, pain for a dog, and heal for Maxim - Not painful anymore? - Nope - Hey, where is your tooth? - I lost it yesterday And I, and I, and I Let's go! Hurry, hurry! - So, kids what we're gonna play now? - The sea is gurgling - one! - The sea is gurgling - two! - What is this game about? Marina Borisovna, could you come here for a minute? Marina Borisovna, come to us! I'm coming! - Here's some sea gurgling... - Sea gurgling is a very simple game, Kuzya come here! The sea is gurgling - one! The sea is gurgling - two! The sea is gurgling - three, the sea figure freeze! Don't move! Very good! Very good Kuzya, excellent! - Got it? - Sure! The best figure is conducting Okey kids, one more time with Innokentiy Petrovich! The sea is gurgling - one! The sea is gurgling - two! The sea is gurgling - three, the sea figure freeze! Chetvergov! Innokentiy Petrovich... I caught you! The sea is gurgling - one! The sea is gurgling - two, the sea is gurgling - three, the sea figure freeze! Okey, let's see... Stop! Playing hide and seek! One, two, three, four, five, I'm seeking! Run away! Chetvergov! Come out, Innokentiy Petrovich! - Hey there, Kesha, is there life on Mars? - Have you spoken about me? - Come here! - Don't forget your robe! Where are your colleagues, sitting on the pots? Come here! The sea is gurgling - one... the sea figure... Bublik, Motyl, Ponchik... and normally: Vasya, Dima, Petya, right? Do you know guys that so far already 30 people on Earth call me Innokentiy Petrovich they're waiting for me, asking for help and advice... they need me! And regarding the space... that is something acquirable but kids, they are perspective... you just need to feel them for example you also have some skills, but nobody felt you Kuzya! Our experiment succeeded So, Ponchik, I can't promise you the older group, too early for you but you can come to the middle group, we'll give it a try that's it! Once the son came to the father and asked him: what is good and what is bad? I don't have secrets from you, listen children to the answer of the father That is right, Anton... That is right - In the field there is... - A tower-room? - Nope, Kolobok. He is... - Not short, not tall Right! He's not short and not tall He's not thin, not wide He's not close, not far But without hands and legs! No gloves, no boots! He's got nothing, such a guy was Kolobok! Absolutely round! That's it! - Oops, who is that? A mouse ran! - A mouse ran! A mouse ran, waved its tail, and Kolobok fell down to the entrance and from there rolled to the road - And from the grandpa - And from the grandma! And from grand daughter, and from Zhuchka - And from the cat... what? - Ran away! Great! But suddenly, from the Nile towards him gorilla walked! Gorilla! - Gorilla is carrying.. - Who? A crocodile! - My dear crocodile, why do you need such eyes? - This is so I can see you better! - Oh dear crocodile, why do you have such ears? - This is to hear you better! - Dear crocodile, why do you need such teeth? - This is to eat you! Dear crocodile! I better keep going... I'll come back to you next year! - But suddenly he meets! - Who? Immortal Scrag! Immortal Scrag made from bones alone! He doesn't it porridge or soup he doesn't it candies or chocolate, but only little kids! Finally Kolobok is caught! I will eat you now like a nut! I hate the round ones, I don't like funny ones, and anybody at all! Dear Scrag... Carry on, carry on And from the grandpa! and from grandma! And from grand daughter! And from Zhuchka! And from the cat! And from Kesha he ran away! What a fun! - Innokentiy, you are genius! - Well, maybe not a genius, but he deserved the shoes You think so? So, put them on - So, Innokentiy, are they good? - Good!!! Heh, good. Oy, bayu-bayu, my little rabbits Where have you been running, What have you been doing We were running in the woods, Paaa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa We were beating angry wolves Pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa We were riding a mosquito We went to collect wood - Is the tea ready? - Yes, take it - Your group today calmed down very fast - Well, kids' reaction is unpredictable - Science! - You have been reading this science for 3 days, does it help? Kuraslepov is unpredictable... I also had one little hurricane today, she didn't want to sleep I was telling her stories, singing lullabies... "Ah, gray cats...", you know this one? Ah gray cats walked from the sea, Walked from the sea, carrying dreams... A dream is saying: I will make you asleep And a nap is saying: I will make you asleep - You know, right? - Heh, no - And this one is nice too: the storm is covering the sky with darkness, howling like monster - And crying like a baby - Ah, so you know it! - How old are you? Very old... ah, let's have a tea! The buses are next to the gates! Please calm down the kids! What happened, Serezha, you are crying? My little one, mama will come for you soon... what is going on? - Valera, watch them carefully, ok? - Ok! - There is the forest and the river... - Lovely! You know, Andriusha is asking for the mother every night And the new night nanny, she is.. you see... - Got it! - You understand, right? - Petya, where is Innokentiy? - He left somewhere with Valera - What do you mean with Valera? Kuzya go and find Innokentiy! - Aha Valera! Innokentiy! The car is here - Arina Radionovna! - Oh no, this is to the other bus, go there! Take it Dima! Thank you Vasya! Oh, everything is alright We are leaving in 15 minutes! - Whose this doll? - I couldn't find him It means when I'm back they will be already 7 They won't recognise me - Innokentiy, Valera! - I'm coming (the parrot) - What else I wanted to say... - Right, Ania, she doesn't brush her teeth, she only makes the toothbrush wet, watch her out - Shame What else I wanted to say... right, Maxim... Innokentiy, bring Valera to the car and help Arina I will Arina Radionovna, you need help? Oh, where is your hair? Don't worry, the soldier's head is like a grass under the rain! - They'll grow fast, soldier! - Ok, I'll be going Go, go, we are waiting for you... Ah, children already started a letter for you Writing carefully... So, you'll have to reply! God help you! Bye Valera! Attention, we are leaving! Parents, please get back from the buses Attention! Move! Children! Wait! Come here! - Good bye Innokentiy Petrovich! - Thank you! I'll come back to you! You boys behave yourself! Bye, bye, I'll come back! I'll come back for sure! Innokentiy Petrovich, I... oh, hello Innokentiy Petrovich I want to tell you a story I want to come to you in the army, missing you and want to shoot from the gun Kesha, remember how we were playing: the sea is gurgling - one, the sea is gurgling - two, the sea is gurgling - three when you come back we'll meet you with flowers Are you shooting well there? Is your food good there? You let us know and I will come to you with Dimka Kesha, Arina Radionovna taught me how to swim on the back I fell down in the summer cottage, was riding a bicycle and hurt my lip on the handle it was bleeding, and then I rubbed it with my hand and it stopped. Yesterday we found a lake and were fishing there but didn't catch anything because the weather was cold yesterday, but one fish was on the hook, I tickled it But it didn't eat my bread I also got an ABC-book and a schoolbag it is very beautiful with the strange lock and I like it a lot Congratulations if you got any awards