0:00:01.460,0:00:06.220 Gorky Film Studio 0:00:06.220,0:00:14.073 Second Creative Association 0:00:14.073,0:00:14.685 Screenplay: A.Veitsler, A.Misharin 0:00:14.685,0:00:21.875 Screen Director: Vladimir Grammatikov 0:00:21.875,0:00:28.516 Art Direction: Mikhail Fishgoit 0:00:28.516,0:00:33.624 Composer: A.Rybnikov[br]Recording: V.Kipa 0:00:33.624,0:00:38.826 Producer: L.Bahtiarova[br]Projectionist: S.Magerramova 0:00:38.826,0:00:43.098 Montage: V.Vasilyeva[br]Editing: S.Rubinshtein 0:00:43.098,0:00:48.764 Costumes: T.Dmitrieva[br]Make-up: S.Filenova 0:00:48.764,0:00:52.061 Songs lyrics: U.Mikhailova 0:00:52.061,0:00:57.773 State Symphony Orchestra of Cinematography[br]Conductor: M. Nersesyan 0:00:57.773,0:01:01.940 Combined recording:[br]Operator: U.Ivanov[br]Artist: S.Ivanov 0:01:01.940,0:01:10.173 Director Assistants: M.Orlova, N.Rychagova[br]Projectionist Assistants: A. Voronezhcev, S.Tkachenko[br]Artist Assistant: I.Ratnikova 0:01:10.173,0:01:15.281 Light: N.Vasiliadi[br]Photographer: L.Kirpichnikova 0:01:15.281,0:01:18.764 Film Director: Yakov Sapozhnikov 0:01:18.764,0:01:21.504 Cast: 0:01:21.504,0:01:30.188 Kesha: Sergey Prohanov[br]Marina Borisovna: Liudmila Shagalova[br]Arina Rodionovna: Elizaveta Uvarova 0:01:30.188,0:01:33.300 "Little Barmaleys": M.Topper, o.Korhin, A.Piskunov, D.vinarov 0:01:33.300,0:01:36.365 A.Mischenko, D.Dashevskiy, S.Levina 0:01:36.365,0:01:40.266 K.Devitt, M.Torchinskaya 0:01:40.266,0:01:43.098 T.Tomysheva, N.Tomysheva, V.Voronchenko, V.Puchkov 0:01:43.098,0:01:44.027 A.Bannik, S.Klokov[br]Stranger girl: M.Matveenko 0:01:44.027,0:02:01.582 Kesha's friends:[br]s.Bachurskiy, V.Kislenko, F.Krol 0:02:01.582,0:02:09.569 Policeman: V.Alexandrov, Old lady: N.Samsonova, Day care guard Kuzya: A.Sazhin 0:02:09.569,0:02:16.257 Episodes: V.Brylev, G.Yalovich, A.Berzin, B.Zaharova, T.Nikolaeva 0:02:16.257,0:02:21.922 O.Grigoryeva, K.Kozlenko, L.Trutnev, A.Panova, N.Harahorina, V.Subachev 0:02:21.922,0:02:29.127 "Nanny with Mustache" 0:02:32.112,0:02:33.509 You can do it 0:02:33.586,0:02:35.306 Everything will be alright 0:02:35.737,0:02:39.303 - Don't worry[br]- I don't 0:02:40.036,0:02:42.233 - Ready? 0:02:42.427,0:02:46.994 - Excellent![br]- So, what will you do for her to notice you? 0:02:46.994,0:02:50.161 - What?[br]- You have to surprise her 0:02:50.161,0:02:51.818 - Got it?[br]- Got it![br] 0:02:52.034,0:02:54.418 - Repeat?[br]- Surprise.[br]- Right! 0:02:54.602,0:02:57.831 - We'll do so: you stay here and hold gas 0:02:58.798,0:03:01.687 We stand in the line 0:03:01.749,0:03:05.094 Now she appears from behind the corner 0:03:05.094,0:03:07.694 She doesn't know what's waiting for her 0:03:07.694,0:03:11.352 we give you a sign... "Motyl" - one, "Ponchik" - two... 0:03:11.352,0:03:15.694 me - three, then you press gas and go! 0:03:15.694,0:03:19.200 Look... increase the speed, slow down... 0:03:19.200,0:03:21.940 and... stop, jump... 0:03:21.940,0:03:24.944 open the door 0:03:26.606,0:03:31.074 - Hey, what are you planning here?[br]- Maria Stepanovna, don't worry... 0:03:31.074,0:03:36.847 - Take this away from here![br]- "Motyl"! Where is the brake? 0:03:48.074,0:03:53.463 Stay calm 0:03:58.941,0:04:01.648 - Now go![br]- Go![br]- Go![br] 0:04:13.849,0:04:16.817 - Stop! Stop! 0:04:29.603,0:04:31.739 - What a fool![br] 0:04:31.878,0:04:34.070 - Oh, Chetvergov... 0:04:34.639,0:04:38.539 - Chetvergov, why are you not working? 0:04:38.539,0:04:41.606 Having rest again? 0:04:41.606,0:04:52.139 - It takes too long with this little mustache holder[br]- What can we do... He's not a hooligan nor drunker, but he doesn't want to work... 0:04:52.139,0:04:57.141 I always liked how you sing Kesha 0:04:57.141,0:05:04.141 When you couldn't get into the University I helped you to get a job as a plumber, then in the shop storage 0:05:04.340,0:05:07.352 then an assistant in a sauna 0:05:07.906,0:05:10.324 but you are like Kolobok...[br]- Kolobok? 0:05:10.324,0:05:18.624 - Kolobok... rolled... little pigeon... he ran away from granma 0:05:18.624,0:05:23.125 he ran away from granpa 0:05:23.125,0:05:27.190 he ran away from grand daughter, and from Zhuchka 0:05:27.190,0:05:32.525 it's not good... I'll be honest with you people, and complain to you now 0:05:32.525,0:05:35.707 I am very unorganized, and I myself don't know why 0:05:35.707,0:05:40.373 my hands work independently, my legs work independently, my head is maybe here, maybe not 0:05:40.373,0:05:46.091 while my hands are trying to put myself together, my legs are running away... 0:05:46.091,0:05:50.812 While my legs are running after, running after, running after 0:05:50.812,0:05:53.776 my hands are singing 0:05:53.776,0:05:56.292 maybe here, maybe there 0:05:56.292,0:05:59.343 maybe here, maybe there, pa-ba-ba-ba-ba 0:05:59.343,0:06:02.624 maybe here, maybe there, pa-ba-ba-ba-ba 0:06:02.624,0:06:05.074 maybe here, maybe there pa-ba-ba-ba-ba 0:06:05.074,0:06:09.524 such weird things happen to people sometimes, they say "put yourself together" 0:06:09.524,0:06:13.990 but the troubles is that the hands live on their own, legs are on their own 0:06:13.990,0:06:16.408 while the hands are putting myself together, the legs are running away 0:06:16.408,0:06:19.326 while the legs are running after... 0:06:19.326,0:06:23.141 while the legs are running after, running after, running after, running after 0:06:23.141,0:06:29.991 running after, running after... hands are singing the song... pa-ba-ba-ba-ba 0:08:16.844,0:08:16.844 Finished badly 0:08:34.855,0:08:37.517 Now Everything is clear! 0:08:37.732,0:08:42.178 - We have to open the case![br]- Right! right!right! 0:08:43.009,0:08:47.213 - Comrades! I have an offer![br]- No offers! 0:08:47.383,0:08:53.347 - Comrades, listen, I have an offer not to open a case! 0:08:53.547,0:08:58.701 because we have to give the person the last chance! 0:08:58.701,0:09:01.490 - But where is Chetvergov? 0:09:01.490,0:09:06.657 - Where is he?![br]- Give him to my little "savages" 0:09:13.058,0:09:21.301 - I thought it was the end... that's it! from now on I become a hard worker! 0:09:21.947,0:09:28.800 the work is secret, I think it has something to do with the space 0:09:28.800,0:09:31.743 so, read newspapers! 0:10:49.581,0:10:51.867 - Oh wow... 0:11:17.377,0:11:19.265 - Aaaah! 0:11:19.604,0:11:22.905 - Take the spy alive![br]- Yeaah! 0:12:01.477,0:12:05.400 - Stop! Get him! 0:12:20.508,0:12:23.509 - Run! Run for good appetite! 0:12:41.926,0:12:44.601 - This is already misbehaving! 0:12:51.586,0:12:52.890 - Arina! 0:12:54.121,0:12:58.415 - Ah?[br]- There must be one more bag with soft toys 0:12:58.431,0:13:03.760 - Right, here it is 0:13:05.175,0:13:08.224 - It's with bears. Pink bear - one[br]- Yes 0:13:30.190,0:13:33.310 - Red bear in trousers - one[br]- Aha, one 0:13:33.310,0:13:39.938 - Brown bear with the bottle - one... with soother[br]- With soother, ok 0:13:39.938,0:13:44.505 - Oh my God, this one is sick[br]- No, it's not a soft toy 0:13:45.690,0:13:46.935 - Hello 0:13:50.628,0:13:57.581 - My dear hedgehog, I only helped you for one reason[br]- Why? 0:13:58.289,0:14:02.648 - I think you just don't want to grow up 0:14:03.372,0:14:06.529 - Hello! One minute! 0:14:06.529,0:14:10.841 Yes, it is Mihalchuk - director of the kindergarten 0:14:10.841,0:14:18.343 Thanks, we received the toys, but I'm concerned about the summer cottage for children 0:14:18.589,0:14:22.261 we need it by the 1st of May 0:14:24.138,0:14:28.809 what? excuse me, one minute 0:14:29.639,0:14:36.206 Parrot: Cactus...[br]- Oh my God, horrible! 0:14:37.590,0:14:39.206 - Hello! Group Nr.3? 0:14:39.206,0:14:44.275 - Zina, Alexandrov from your group is eating cactus again 0:14:44.275,0:14:45.726 go quickly! 0:14:46.987,0:14:49.230 - Thank you Valery 0:14:49.461,0:14:54.858 - Yes, Alexey Ivanovich, so we agreed about the summer cottage 0:14:56.319,0:15:02.083 - One minute... Innokentiy, this is the best nanny on Earth 0:15:03.113,0:15:06.467 - Kesha[br]- Arina Radionovna 0:15:06.467,0:15:09.953 - Are you that famous "friend of my old days"? 0:15:09.953,0:15:12.860 - Pass this over. 0:15:13.152,0:15:17.627 - If you only knew how many great people she raised! 0:15:17.627,0:15:21.886 - But I don't have any skills[br]- Such people don't exist 0:15:21.886,0:15:24.571 - Please take the robe 0:15:25.786,0:15:30.986 - We have serious people - all madcaps 0:15:31.217,0:15:34.554 don't wait for mercy, they'll tear you apart 0:15:35.093,0:15:39.389 - Oh no! not to these ones! 0:15:40.650,0:15:47.324 - Kids! Attention! 0:15:47.324,0:15:50.857 Look, who came to us! 0:15:50.857,0:15:53.675 this is Innokentiy Petrovich! 0:15:53.675,0:15:58.925 one, two, three - Innokentiy Petrovich![br]- Oh, very bad... 0:15:58.925,0:16:03.791 - One more time all together![br]- Innokentiy Petrovich! 0:16:03.791,0:16:08.509 Great! No, don't throw this! 0:16:08.509,0:16:15.209 Kids! This man will be your night nanny! 0:16:15.209,0:16:20.069 - Keep quiet Innokentiy... Bravo![br]- Wait, wait! 0:16:20.069,0:16:23.247 - What bravo! what nanny?[br]- Night nanny! 0:16:23.247,0:16:27.742 - I'm sorry but you said I will be singing[br]- Right! Like Arina Radionovna! 0:16:27.742,0:16:30.725 - What Arina Radionovna! Look at me and at her! What a nanny of me! 0:16:30.725,0:16:35.824 I'm a difficult child, I just had a nanny myself! Look, she is nanny and me - nanny? 0:16:37.162,0:16:47.463 - He will be a night "nann"![br]- Hooray! 0:16:48.309,0:16:50.195 Parrot: Disaster! 0:16:50.195,0:16:55.841 - Look, it's not a job but holiday 0:16:55.841,0:17:00.760 take this, open the cover, put the child 0:17:00.760,0:17:03.926 and take it away, that's it.[br]- That's it? 0:17:03.926,0:17:07.486 - Alright, then I'm fine. How many kids?[br]- 30 0:17:07.609,0:17:10.584 - 30 kids, it's fine[br]- Agreed 0:17:13.092,0:17:16.178 - Innokentiy, come back! 0:17:18.162,0:17:26.268 - Ohh, scared you? give me your foot 0:17:28.038,0:17:30.162 no, too small 0:17:40.933,0:17:44.425 I don't have your size 0:17:44.563,0:17:46.919 I'll have to knit them 0:17:55.718,0:18:00.160 - Hi! could you come there in 5 minutes? 0:18:00.160,0:18:04.859 - Nope[br]- Wait a minute, it'll take you only 5 minutes 0:18:04.859,0:18:11.227 you drive to the entrance, call me Innokentiy Petrovich (it's me), I get in your car, then we turn behind the corner 0:18:11.227,0:18:14.376 you stop, I get out of the car, "thank you" and that's it 0:18:14.376,0:18:17.728 - No[br]- Wait, let me tell you 0:18:23.358,0:18:25.609 - Really?[br]- Yeah 0:18:28.901,0:18:32.037 - Where should I drive?[br]- There, to the left 0:18:32.114,0:18:40.314 - Wow, cool hat! I'll borrow, just for 5 minutes[br]- What a joker you are! 0:18:40.499,0:18:45.878 - Hello! Vladimer Alexandrovich? Alo, alo! 0:18:45.878,0:18:52.809 it's me, Innokentiy Petrovich! How is it going without me? 0:18:53.209,0:19:01.877 I'm fine, have you sent a car? 0:19:01.877,0:19:05.844 soon will be here? don't start without me 0:19:05.844,0:19:13.461 so, you sent a car? alright, I will be soon 0:19:17.492,0:19:20.656 - They will send a car for you?[br]- Yes 0:19:20.656,0:19:26.245 - Hold this[br]- Listen, can you recommend me there? 0:19:26.245,0:19:31.543 - It's difficult there, Ponchik[br]- But I will do my best 0:19:31.543,0:19:38.295 - How is it going in the sauna?[br]- Ah, I'll leave it, I'm sick of it 0:19:38.295,0:19:42.096 - I'm not sure... They had a vacancy in the older group there...[br]- So? 0:19:42.096,0:19:45.868 - I will ask[br]- Please ask 0:19:46.868,0:19:53.476 - Do you know how to work with people?[br]- Well, you know me... 0:19:53.676,0:20:03.543 - Alright, I will ask for you[br]- But don't forget, please 0:20:07.036,0:20:10.254 - Where are you going so late at night? 0:20:10.254,0:20:14.469 - To work[br]- They are sending a car for him... "Chaika", you'll see now 0:20:14.469,0:20:17.818 - Did you find what I asked?[br]- Here it is 0:20:17.818,0:20:24.213 - What about the light?[br]- Oh, the light... right, I spoke to the director of the storage 0:20:24.213,0:20:26.398 Arina Radionovna... she promised 0:20:26.398,0:20:28.795 - Will it fit?[br]- Of course! 0:20:29.118,0:20:31.946 - What is this?[br]- Hey, this is the uniform, don't tough! 0:20:31.946,0:20:35.745 - They give you robes there?[br]- Of course, it's not the sauna! 0:20:35.745,0:20:40.213 - Creative job! a group of 30 people, experimenting... 0:20:40.213,0:20:47.297 I'm one of them... ah, today we were running for 1,5 hour... we went through many subjects 0:20:47.297,0:20:59.234 it's alright, I won't give up that easily! 0:21:03.497,0:21:05.587 - Innokentiy Petrovich! 0:21:05.587,0:21:10.379 - Time to go![br]- I understand 0:21:10.379,0:21:13.163 - It's time to go Ponchik 0:21:13.163,0:21:29.291 "I believe my friends the caravans will take us far from the star to the star" 0:21:29.291,0:21:35.838 - Salut! To the laboratory! 0:21:44.915,0:21:50.080 - Thanks a lot![br]- Hey, my hat![br]- Oh, right! Bye! 0:23:41.731,0:23:47.133 - Hey, where are you going, to pee?[br]- No, to mama 0:23:47.133,0:23:51.053 Innokentiy Petrovich, I need to go to mama 0:23:51.053,0:23:54.686 - Let me go please[br]- Sure, go... 0:23:54.809,0:23:59.766 Wait! It is 2am, what mama at night! 0:23:59.766,0:24:03.400 - You understand what you're saying kid?[br]- Let me go! 0:24:03.400,0:24:08.124 - Hush, everybody's asleep[br]- Let me go! 0:24:08.124,0:24:12.216 - Wait wait, Friday's coming soon, your mum will come for you 0:24:12.216,0:24:14.586 And now it is night, everybody's sleeping, your mum is sleeping 0:24:14.586,0:24:20.117 - No, she is not sleeping, she is working[br]- Hush... yes, she's working 0:24:20.117,0:24:22.954 - And you have to sleep[br]- I want to go to her work 0:24:22.954,0:24:25.800 You can't, there are wolves outside 0:24:25.800,0:24:30.866 - No, there are no wolves outside![br]- I've just seen them 0:24:30.866,0:24:34.217 - No, no, there aren't![br]- I tell you there are 0:24:34.217,0:24:40.319 - There aren't, there aren't[br]- Hush, hush... 0:24:40.319,0:24:56.183 Whooooo, whoooooo, whoooooo 0:24:56.183,0:24:59.642 What is that? 0:24:59.642,0:25:01.551 I want a night story! 0:25:01.551,0:25:06.180 - What story kid, it is 2am[br]- I want a story, story, story 0:25:07.826,0:25:11.819 Okey, okey, I'll tell you a story, but close your eyes 0:25:11.819,0:25:17.120 Once upon a time there was the head of cabbage with the cabbage stalk... 0:25:17.120,0:25:21.669 - Yes...[br]- And they had a friend pumpkin 0:25:21.669,0:25:26.352 - Right, there was the head of the cabbage with the cabbage stalk and their friend pumpkin... 0:25:26.352,0:25:28.919 and they had... emm...[br] 0:25:28.919,0:25:34.218 - Enough![br]- What enough? 0:25:34.218,0:25:38.085 - Better this one![br]- About pumpkin? 0:25:38.085,0:25:40.635 Let me tell you another story 0:25:40.635,0:25:42.568 - Tell me![br]- But close your eyes 0:25:42.568,0:25:47.718 - Once upon a time there was an old man with... with that one...[br]- With "oladka" 0:25:47.718,0:25:51.336 - With what?[br]- With the cabbage 0:25:51.336,0:25:53.835 Alright, there was an old man with the cabbage 0:25:53.835,0:25:57.351 - And he had a daughter[br]- Alionushka 0:25:57.351,0:26:02.375 - And there was baba Yaga![br]- Right, baba Yaga, and there was also... 0:26:02.375,0:26:06.052 - A fire dragon![br]- Alright... So, they lived 0:26:06.052,0:26:11.503 With "Kikimora" and wood goblin 0:26:11.503,0:26:15.135 Alright, they all lived together 0:26:15.135,0:26:22.820 They lived well, and Ivanushka lived next door 0:26:22.820,0:26:26.233 He had a sister Alionushka... so... 0:26:26.233,0:26:29.004 And they loved each other so much 0:26:29.004,0:26:36.557 And once at night when Alionushka and Ivanushka were sleeping 0:26:36.557,0:26:43.403 baba Yaga sneaked there with the Immortal Scrag, Merman and Kikimora 0:26:43.403,0:26:48.902 Then they took Alionushka and Ivanushka, put them to the bag, took them to the train station 0:26:48.902,0:26:54.053 there they packed them into a crystal cuffing, nailed it and threw to the tree 0:26:54.053,0:27:08.670 and hid the key in the baggage room 0:27:08.670,0:27:18.444 Innokentiy Petrovich, what was next? 0:27:18.444,0:27:21.473 Next? 0:27:21.473,0:27:26.954 Then there was neither the tale to say, nor for pen to describe 0:27:26.954,0:27:30.520 Then there was Karlson flying over the train station 0:27:30.520,0:27:34.254 Karlson saw everything, he knows everything and flies to the Soviet spy Shtirliz 0:27:34.254,0:27:37.121 Meanwhile, Shtirliz is playing piano and having coffee 0:27:37.121,0:27:40.185 Then Karlson is screaming: Shtirliz, they took our people! - Calm down,- said Shtirliz, - let's go! 0:27:40.185,0:27:43.385 They get into "Volga"M24 and fly 0:27:43.385,0:27:50.303 Shtirliz can see Barmaley, Immortal Scrag, baba Yaga and Muller! 0:27:50.303,0:27:55.321 Shtirliz jumps out the cabinet: Hands up! 0:27:55.321,0:27:58.889 Barmaley threw the grenade! Shtirliz fell down! 0:27:58.889,0:28:01.020 This was a strategic maneuver 0:28:01.020,0:28:04.565 He got up shouting: you missed it, you missed it and ran 0:28:04.565,0:28:08.454 Shtirliz crawls under the table, takes the machine gun and shoots them all... 0:28:08.454,0:28:14.654 he takes Kikimora... ahh.. then takes Barmaley and strangles him, Barmaley climbs the wall 0:28:14.654,0:28:20.246 then falls... Boom! he gets a bump! his eyes go apart 0:28:20.246,0:28:23.537 then Shtirliz saw Karlson and baba Yaga 0:28:23.537,0:28:28.006 he took the knife and throws to baba Yaga! Baba Yaga - boom! ahh, ohh.. 0:28:28.006,0:28:33.787 then Shtirliz rides the horse and cut everybody, all of them! 0:28:33.787,0:28:36.675 there was only the fire dragon left 0:28:36.675,0:28:55.802 so, he takes the cannon and... 0:28:55.802,0:29:02.055 Kolobok, kolobok... 0:29:02.055,0:29:15.239 sunk, the pigeon 0:29:15.239,0:29:19.365 Baba Yaga took Alionushka 0:29:19.365,0:29:21.672 and then to the train station 0:29:21.672,0:29:25.589 Shtirliz caught Barmaley and aaaahhh 0:29:25.589,0:29:35.257 boom! bump, the eyes apart! 0:29:35.257,0:30:11.857 Kuraslepov! 0:30:11.857,0:30:16.656 Get to bed! Hush, hush 0:30:16.656,0:30:24.473 Stop it, sleep, sleep 0:30:24.473,0:30:28.165 Stop it now! 0:30:28.165,0:30:31.682 What's going on? 0:30:31.682,0:30:34.458 What is all this fight? Sleep, sleep 0:30:34.458,0:30:38.117 Get to bed now, where are you going? sleep, sleep 0:30:38.117,0:30:43.490 Ay-ay-ay, Kesha, you woke up the whole kindergarten 0:30:43.490,0:30:47.788 To your beds people, sleep, sleep, sleep 0:30:47.788,0:30:54.692 - Borisovna! Disaster![br]- What? 0:30:54.692,0:31:02.424 - So, what?[br]- Mustached nanny... 0:31:02.424,0:31:07.041 - Don't be so nervous, it's his first time[br]- Shame! 0:31:07.041,0:31:11.724 Let's go 0:31:11.724,0:31:19.952 Bayu bayu bayu my little rabbits 0:31:19.952,0:31:27.575 where have you been running 0:31:27.575,0:31:30.458 what have you been doing? 0:31:30.458,0:31:37.058 we were running in the woods[br]we were beating angry wolves 0:31:37.058,0:31:40.524 we rode a mosquito[br]we went for the wood 0:31:40.524,0:31:50.235 we sold a bear[br]for a fir-cone 0:31:50.235,0:31:57.443 and before we finished[br]we were deadly tired 0:31:57.443,0:32:06.308 oh, you my little rabbits[br]go to sleep, bayu bayu 0:32:06.308,0:32:13.760 I'll warm up the fire place[br]And make for you pan-cakes 0:32:13.760,0:32:19.043 on the birch cork,[br]on the blue water 0:32:19.043,0:32:26.177 with the sour cream, with honey...[br] 0:32:26.177,0:32:56.877 oh bayu bayu, you my little rabbits 0:32:56.877,0:34:26.211 Disaster! 0:34:26.211,0:35:09.067 Your last chance! 0:35:09.067,0:35:14.581 - Finished?[br]- One moment 0:35:14.581,0:35:20.062 - Marina Borisovna is coming![br]- Good morning children! 0:35:20.062,0:35:24.263 Today your teacher is not coming! 0:35:24.263,0:35:26.813 - And where is the night nanny?[br]- There! 0:35:26.813,0:35:30.197 - Innokentiy![br]- Aaaaah! 0:35:30.197,0:35:35.497 - We've got an emergency! The teacher of this group is getting married today[br]- Congratulations 0:35:35.497,0:35:39.228 You have to stay here over the day! 0:35:39.228,0:35:44.674 Because the day nanny left to Cheboksary for sport competition 0:35:44.674,0:35:47.883 And I can't... oh, it's my glasses... 0:35:47.883,0:35:53.300 I can't stay because I have to negotiate the summer cottage, otherwise children will stay in the city 0:35:53.300,0:35:55.479 Innokentiy, wake up! 0:35:55.479,0:36:01.720 Here's the schedule for you: morning exercise, breakfast, outside, lunch, then siesta 0:36:01.720,0:36:05.579 - Alright?[br]- Yup, got it... 0:36:05.579,0:36:11.711 I'm leaving then 0:36:11.711,0:36:16.331 Innokentiy! This is your last chance! 0:36:16.331,0:36:19.834 Valera, I am not going anywhere 0:36:19.834,0:36:26.197 I'll be in my room, just in case 0:36:26.197,0:36:29.463 - Who is this?[br]- It's me, Valera, wake up! 0:36:29.463,0:36:34.464 - Go away![br]- I won't go, wake up! 0:36:34.464,0:36:39.162 - Morning exercise![br]- What exercise! Get lost! 0:36:39.162,0:36:43.598 - You get lost![br]- Go away bird! 0:36:43.598,0:36:47.079 - Get up![br]- Oh you, bird! 0:36:47.079,0:36:54.748 Good morning comrades! Morning exercise we start from walking! 0:36:54.748,0:36:58.901 Stay in the middle of the room! 0:36:58.901,0:37:05.780 Breath in, start! One, two, three, four 0:37:05.780,0:37:12.151 One, two, three, four, hold your back straight! 0:37:12.151,0:37:14.615 Early, early in the morning... 0:37:14.615,0:37:17.519 go my cow to the open filed 0:37:17.519,0:37:30.213 and when you come back in the evening, give us your milk 0:37:30.213,0:37:35.183 put your legs apart! wider! 0:37:35.183,0:37:40.982 wider! wider! wider! wider! 0:37:40.982,0:37:43.632 wider! wider![br]- Eh you! 0:37:43.632,0:37:47.403 This is how you should do it! watch! 0:37:47.403,0:37:50.830 one, two, three, four 0:37:50.830,0:38:07.516 carry on, one, two, three, four 0:38:07.516,0:38:12.384 finished! sit down! 0:38:12.384,0:38:36.150 And now! 0:38:36.150,0:38:47.157 wipe yourself with the dry towel, all the best![br]- Disaster! 0:38:47.157,0:38:53.683 Come here! what are you doing! 0:38:53.683,0:39:04.200 What is this, why the ball is here! Quickly get dressed! 0:39:04.200,0:39:09.267 I'm telling you to get dressed! what are you doing! 0:39:09.267,0:39:13.633 - What?[br]- Make a bow for me please 0:39:13.633,0:39:18.577 - What bow?[br]- Innokentiy Petrovich, our teacher was always making a bow for me in the morning. 0:39:18.577,0:39:26.434 You are a big girl, can't you do it yourself? 0:39:26.434,0:39:29.954 Where are you going?! 0:39:29.954,0:39:31.821 Wait! Stop! 0:39:31.821,0:39:36.133 - Give me the bow![br]- It's not your child! It's Grisha! 0:39:36.133,0:40:11.767 Oh, sorry 0:40:11.767,0:40:20.285 Innokentiy Petrovich, there is Kuraslepov with Karlson eating toothpaste in the toilet 0:40:20.285,0:40:28.300 When I'm back everybody must be dressed! 0:40:28.300,0:40:34.701 And what are you sitting here? Hurry up, catch your jaws with the spoon! 0:40:34.701,0:40:39.169 - It's the wolf has jaws[br]- Heh, bad people say this for a mouth 0:40:39.169,0:40:41.435 - Pfu! Where is the toilet?[br]- There! 0:40:41.435,0:40:53.836 - Mess! Jaws, jaws[br]- You bird keep silent! Who's this hat? 0:40:53.836,0:41:05.402 Stop it immediately! 0:41:05.402,0:41:06.750 Here they are eating toothpaste! 0:41:06.750,0:41:11.887 Squeaker-sneaker, turkish drum![br]Who's playing it is a cockroach! 0:41:11.887,0:41:19.318 You are cockroaches! 0:41:19.318,0:41:21.186 Come here! 0:41:21.186,0:41:23.420 You want to die? 0:41:23.420,0:41:27.168 - It is poisonous![br]- If it is poisonous why would we brush our teeth with it? 0:41:27.168,0:41:30.985 - Yes![br]- Brushing teeth is one thing and eating is different! 0:41:30.985,0:41:35.803 - I won't do it again[br]- Traitor! 0:41:35.803,0:41:42.209 What happened there? aha! wait, wait! 0:41:42.209,0:41:45.305 - It is delicious, with cherry![br]- There isn't a toothpaste with cherry! 0:41:45.305,0:41:47.303 - No there is![br]- No there isn't! 0:41:47.303,0:41:49.373 - There is![br]- Cherry toothpaste doesn't exist! 0:41:49.373,0:41:51.701 - No, it does![br]- No, it doesn't! 0:41:51.701,0:41:55.843 - It does![br]- Give it to me! 0:41:55.843,0:42:00.103 - Why are you lying, ah? it is with orange![br]- No, with cherry! 0:42:00.103,0:42:02.670 - I tell you with orange![br]- But in fact it is with cherry 0:42:02.670,0:42:30.187 Okey, I will check it now myself! 0:42:30.187,0:42:35.455 - Hey, what is going on here?[br]- Innokentiy Petrovich, please sew the button for my coat 0:42:35.455,0:42:43.374 - I don't have the threads and needles[br]- They're up on the shelves, so we can't get them[br] 0:42:43.374,0:42:47.105 Where is the button? Wanna see the magic? 0:42:47.105,0:42:55.987 - Yes[br]- Give it to me. You see? ha, that's it! Aaahh! 0:42:55.987,0:43:06.890 You managed it without a bow, you can manage without a button! 0:43:06.890,0:43:08.438 Come here! 0:43:08.438,0:43:13.871 Mama is sleeping, she is tired, so I decided not to play 0:43:13.871,0:43:17.570 My toys are quiet... my toys... 0:43:17.570,0:43:22.038 It's quiet in the empty room 0:43:22.038,0:43:26.651 And the golden ray is crawling on the mama's pillow 0:43:26.651,0:43:46.387 Alright, come out one by one, hurry up to the playground! 0:43:46.387,0:43:48.697 Oh my God! 0:43:48.697,0:44:12.004 - Hello uncle Kuzya[br]- Hello, hello! 0:44:12.004,0:44:14.822 - Treasures don't lie on the street[br]- Then where they are? 0:44:14.822,0:44:18.407 - In the sea[br]- Treasures are in the cave 0:44:18.407,0:44:30.648 - No, the treasures are at the end of the world[br]- And where is the end of the world? 0:44:30.648,0:44:38.240 - It's very far, you can't walk there[br]- No, you can! 0:44:38.240,0:44:42.423 - There is no end of the world![br]- Why? 0:44:42.423,0:45:40.408 - Because we live on the sphere[br]- So we will fly! and if it explodes we'll sink in the sea! 0:45:40.408,0:46:14.725 Grow, grow my braid to the waist... 0:46:14.725,0:46:37.360 Help! help! 0:46:37.360,0:46:51.147 Hello! 0:46:51.147,0:47:16.475 - Innokentiy Petrovich, do you need help?[br]- No, thanks 0:47:16.475,0:47:22.043 So much of water! 0:47:22.043,0:48:36.883 Innokentiy Petrovich, we finished! 0:48:36.883,0:48:39.369 Kuzya! 0:48:39.369,0:48:43.486 - Here?[br]- Yes, fix it! 0:48:43.486,0:48:46.610 - Like this?[br]- No 0:48:46.610,0:48:56.162 - Here?[br]- Kuzya, turn it like this! 0:48:56.162,0:49:02.195 Pain for a cat, pain for a dog, and heal for Maxim 0:49:02.195,0:49:05.878 - Not painful anymore?[br]- Nope 0:49:05.878,0:49:08.811 - Hey, where is your tooth?[br]- I lost it yesterday 0:49:08.811,0:49:10.263 And I, and I, and I 0:49:10.263,0:49:21.149 Let's go! 0:49:21.149,0:49:30.309 Hurry, hurry! 0:49:30.309,0:49:34.678 - So, kids what we're gonna play now?[br]- The sea is gurgling - one! 0:49:34.678,0:49:38.910 - The sea is gurgling - two![br]- What is this game about? 0:49:38.910,0:49:43.163 Marina Borisovna, could you come here for a minute? 0:49:43.163,0:49:50.889 Marina Borisovna, come to us! 0:49:50.889,0:49:54.983 I'm coming! 0:49:54.983,0:50:01.494 - Here's some sea gurgling...[br]- Sea gurgling is a very simple game, Kuzya come here! 0:50:01.494,0:50:05.895 The sea is gurgling - one! 0:50:05.895,0:50:08.851 The sea is gurgling - two! 0:50:08.851,0:50:16.678 The sea is gurgling - three, the sea figure freeze! 0:50:16.678,0:50:20.929 Don't move! Very good! 0:50:20.929,0:50:25.179 Very good Kuzya, excellent! 0:50:25.179,0:50:27.744 - Got it?[br]- Sure! 0:50:27.744,0:50:29.447 The best figure is conducting 0:50:29.447,0:50:34.544 Okey kids, one more time with Innokentiy Petrovich! 0:50:34.544,0:50:37.578 The sea is gurgling - one! 0:50:37.578,0:50:40.515 The sea is gurgling - two! 0:50:40.515,0:50:49.481 The sea is gurgling - three, the sea figure freeze! 0:50:49.481,0:50:53.738 Chetvergov! Innokentiy Petrovich... I caught you! 0:50:53.738,0:51:15.432 The sea is gurgling - one! The sea is gurgling - two, the sea is gurgling - three, the sea figure freeze! 0:51:15.432,0:51:47.765 Okey, let's see... 0:51:47.765,0:51:50.882 Stop! Playing hide and seek! 0:51:50.882,0:51:55.399 One, two, three, four, five, I'm seeking! Run away! 0:51:55.399,0:52:00.815 Chetvergov! Come out, Innokentiy Petrovich! 0:52:00.815,0:52:06.230 - Hey there, Kesha, is there life on Mars?[br]- Have you spoken about me? 0:52:06.230,0:52:09.348 - Come here![br]- Don't forget your robe! 0:52:09.348,0:52:12.747 Where are your colleagues, sitting on the pots? 0:52:12.747,0:52:21.381 Come here! The sea is gurgling - one... the sea figure... 0:52:21.381,0:52:31.347 Bublik, Motyl, Ponchik... 0:52:31.347,0:52:34.935 and normally: Vasya, Dima, Petya, right? 0:52:34.935,0:52:43.138 Do you know guys that so far already 30 people on Earth call me Innokentiy Petrovich 0:52:43.138,0:52:47.065 they're waiting for me, asking for help and advice... 0:52:47.065,0:52:50.122 they need me! 0:52:50.122,0:52:56.717 And regarding the space... that is something acquirable 0:52:56.717,0:53:02.897 but kids, they are perspective... you just need to feel them 0:53:02.897,0:53:07.099 for example you also have some skills, but nobody felt you 0:53:07.099,0:53:10.347 Kuzya! Our experiment succeeded 0:53:10.347,0:53:15.465 So, Ponchik, I can't promise you the older group, too early for you 0:53:15.465,0:53:19.964 but you can come to the middle group, we'll give it a try 0:53:19.964,0:53:31.283 that's it! 0:53:31.283,0:53:38.182 Once the son came to the father and asked him: what is good and what is bad? 0:53:38.182,0:53:46.349 I don't have secrets from you, listen children to the answer of the father 0:53:46.349,0:54:57.678 That is right, Anton... That is right 0:54:57.678,0:55:01.940 - In the field there is...[br]- A tower-room? 0:55:01.940,0:55:07.266 - Nope, Kolobok. He is...[br]- Not short, not tall 0:55:07.266,0:55:10.565 Right! He's not short and not tall 0:55:10.565,0:55:14.548 He's not thin, not wide[br]He's not close, not far 0:55:14.548,0:55:18.319 But without hands and legs![br]No gloves, no boots! 0:55:18.319,0:55:22.061 He's got nothing, such a guy was Kolobok! 0:55:22.061,0:55:26.468 Absolutely round! That's it! 0:55:26.468,0:55:30.785 - Oops, who is that? A mouse ran![br]- A mouse ran! 0:55:30.785,0:55:36.051 A mouse ran, waved its tail, and Kolobok fell down to the entrance 0:55:36.051,0:55:38.318 and from there rolled to the road 0:55:38.318,0:55:42.685 - And from the grandpa[br]- And from the grandma! 0:55:42.685,0:55:47.452 And from grand daughter, and from Zhuchka 0:55:47.452,0:56:11.830 - And from the cat... what?[br]- Ran away! 0:56:11.830,0:56:15.719 Great! 0:56:15.719,0:56:23.402 But suddenly, from the Nile towards him 0:56:23.402,0:56:26.035 gorilla walked! 0:56:26.035,0:56:28.721 Gorilla! 0:56:28.721,0:56:36.160 - Gorilla is carrying..[br]- Who? 0:56:36.160,0:56:43.720 A crocodile! 0:56:43.720,0:56:52.119 - My dear crocodile, why do you need such eyes?[br]- This is so I can see you better! 0:56:52.119,0:57:00.279 - Oh dear crocodile, why do you have such ears?[br]- This is to hear you better! 0:57:00.279,0:57:16.269 - Dear crocodile, why do you need such teeth?[br]- This is to eat you! 0:57:16.269,0:57:20.141 Dear crocodile! 0:57:20.141,0:57:43.022 I better keep going... I'll come back to you next year! 0:57:43.022,0:57:47.269 - But suddenly he meets![br]- Who? 0:57:47.269,0:57:59.973 Immortal Scrag! 0:57:59.973,0:58:03.392 Immortal Scrag made from bones alone! 0:58:03.392,0:58:07.487 He doesn't it porridge or soup 0:58:07.487,0:58:15.103 he doesn't it candies or chocolate, but only little kids! 0:58:15.103,0:58:21.305 Finally Kolobok is caught! 0:58:21.305,0:58:26.458 I will eat you now like a nut! 0:58:26.458,0:58:34.737 I hate the round ones, I don't like funny ones, and anybody at all! 0:58:34.737,0:58:39.788 Dear Scrag...[br] 0:58:39.788,0:58:43.055 Carry on, carry on 0:58:43.055,0:58:45.021 And from the grandpa! 0:58:45.021,0:58:47.021 and from grandma! 0:58:47.021,0:58:52.279 And from grand daughter![br]And from Zhuchka! 0:58:52.279,0:58:58.488 And from the cat! 0:58:58.488,0:59:16.307 And from Kesha he ran away! 0:59:16.307,0:59:18.626 What a fun! 0:59:18.626,0:59:25.261 - Innokentiy, you are genius![br]- Well, maybe not a genius, but he deserved the shoes 0:59:25.261,0:59:55.290 You think so? So, put them on 0:59:55.290,1:00:00.023 - So, Innokentiy, are they good?[br]- Good!!! 1:00:00.023,1:00:04.255 Heh, good. 1:00:04.255,1:00:27.991 Oy, bayu-bayu, my little rabbits 1:00:27.991,1:00:33.589 Where have you been running,[br]What have you been doing 1:00:33.589,1:00:38.573 We were running in the woods,[br]Paaa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa 1:00:38.573,1:00:43.916 We were beating angry wolves[br]Pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa 1:00:43.916,1:00:49.374 We were riding a mosquito 1:00:49.374,1:01:56.143 We went to collect wood 1:01:56.143,1:02:00.708 - Is the tea ready?[br]- Yes, take it 1:02:00.708,1:02:11.257 - Your group today calmed down very fast[br]- Well, kids' reaction is unpredictable 1:02:11.257,1:02:24.072 - Science![br]- You have been reading this science for 3 days, does it help? 1:02:24.072,1:02:28.792 Kuraslepov is unpredictable... 1:02:28.792,1:02:35.526 I also had one little hurricane today, she didn't want to sleep 1:02:35.526,1:02:38.484 I was telling her stories, singing lullabies... 1:02:38.484,1:02:41.122 "Ah, gray cats...", you know this one? 1:02:41.122,1:02:47.542 Ah gray cats walked from the sea,[br]Walked from the sea, carrying dreams... 1:02:47.542,1:02:56.778 A dream is saying: I will make you asleep[br]And a nap is saying: I will make you asleep 1:02:56.778,1:02:59.170 - You know, right?[br]- Heh, no 1:02:59.170,1:03:09.036 - And this one is nice too: the storm is covering the sky with darkness, howling like monster[br]- And crying like a baby 1:03:09.036,1:03:16.709 - Ah, so you know it![br]- How old are you? 1:03:16.709,1:03:42.425 Very old... ah, let's have a tea! 1:03:42.425,1:03:49.459 The buses are next to the gates! Please calm down the kids! 1:03:49.459,1:03:53.045 What happened, Serezha, you are crying? 1:03:53.045,1:04:06.161 My little one, mama will come for you soon... what is going on? 1:04:06.161,1:04:10.674 - Valera, watch them carefully, ok?[br]- Ok! 1:04:10.674,1:04:14.893 - There is the forest and the river...[br]- Lovely! 1:04:14.893,1:04:19.177 You know, Andriusha is asking for the mother every night 1:04:19.177,1:04:23.944 And the new night nanny, she is.. you see... 1:04:23.944,1:04:26.894 - Got it![br]- You understand, right? 1:04:26.894,1:04:30.944 - Petya, where is Innokentiy?[br]- He left somewhere with Valera 1:04:30.944,1:04:40.212 - What do you mean with Valera? Kuzya go and find Innokentiy![br]- Aha 1:04:40.212,1:04:47.177 Valera! 1:04:47.177,1:04:49.228 Innokentiy! 1:04:49.228,1:04:52.110 The car is here 1:04:52.110,1:05:00.228 - Arina Radionovna![br]- Oh no, this is to the other bus, go there! 1:05:00.228,1:05:03.662 Take it Dima! Thank you Vasya! 1:05:03.662,1:05:11.651 Oh, everything is alright 1:05:11.651,1:05:15.228 We are leaving in 15 minutes! 1:05:15.228,1:05:21.746 - Whose this doll?[br]- I couldn't find him 1:05:21.746,1:05:27.945 It means when I'm back they will be already 7 1:05:27.945,1:05:30.828 They won't recognise me 1:05:30.828,1:05:35.846 - Innokentiy, Valera![br]- I'm coming (the parrot)[br]- What else I wanted to say... 1:05:35.846,1:05:44.968 - Right, Ania, she doesn't brush her teeth, she only makes the toothbrush wet, watch her out[br]- Shame 1:05:44.968,1:05:49.297 What else I wanted to say... right, Maxim... 1:05:49.297,1:05:59.777 Innokentiy, bring Valera to the car and help Arina 1:05:59.777,1:06:11.313 I will 1:06:11.313,1:06:16.767 Arina Radionovna, you need help? 1:06:16.767,1:06:19.866 Oh, where is your hair? 1:06:19.866,1:06:26.946 Don't worry, the soldier's head is like a grass under the rain! 1:06:26.946,1:06:30.224 - They'll grow fast, soldier![br]- Ok, I'll be going 1:06:30.224,1:06:33.131 Go, go, we are waiting for you... Ah, children already started a letter for you 1:06:33.131,1:06:38.341 Writing carefully... So, you'll have to reply! 1:06:38.341,1:06:50.167 God help you! 1:06:50.167,1:06:58.264 Bye Valera! 1:06:58.264,1:07:10.882 Attention, we are leaving! Parents, please get back from the buses 1:07:10.882,1:07:15.399 Attention! Move![br] 1:07:15.399,1:07:19.017 Children! 1:07:19.017,1:07:21.053 Wait! Come here! 1:07:21.053,1:07:28.401 - Good bye Innokentiy Petrovich![br]- Thank you! I'll come back to you! 1:07:28.401,1:07:31.206 You boys behave yourself! 1:07:31.206,1:07:37.430 Bye, bye, I'll come back! I'll come back for sure! 1:07:37.430,1:08:06.924 Innokentiy Petrovich, I... oh, hello Innokentiy Petrovich 1:08:06.924,1:08:11.275 I want to tell you a story 1:08:11.275,1:08:19.348 I want to come to you in the army, missing you and want to shoot from the gun 1:08:19.348,1:08:27.766 Kesha, remember how we were playing: the sea is gurgling - one, the sea is gurgling - two, the sea is gurgling - three 1:08:27.766,1:08:34.986 when you come back we'll meet you with flowers 1:08:34.986,1:08:42.264 Are you shooting well there?[br]Is your food good there? 1:08:42.264,1:08:47.530 You let us know and I will come to you with Dimka 1:08:47.530,1:08:52.218 Kesha, Arina Radionovna taught me how to swim on the back 1:08:52.218,1:09:01.581 I fell down in the summer cottage, was riding a bicycle and hurt my lip on the handle 1:09:01.581,1:09:09.070 it was bleeding, and then I rubbed it with my hand and it stopped. 1:09:09.070,1:09:18.348 Yesterday we found a lake and were fishing there but didn't catch anything 1:09:18.348,1:09:31.042 because the weather was cold yesterday, but one fish was on the hook, I tickled it 1:09:31.042,1:09:33.971 But it didn't eat my bread 1:09:33.971,1:09:37.783 I also got an ABC-book and a schoolbag 1:09:37.783,1:09:48.383 it is very beautiful with the strange lock and I like it a lot 1:09:48.383,9:59:59.000 Congratulations if you got any awards