0:00:00.000,0:00:01.335 STRIKER: Whatcha looking at? 0:00:01.335,0:00:02.790 WOMAN: The Pinto. 0:00:02.790,0:00:06.150 STRIKER: I like it. My kind of car. 0:00:06.150,0:00:06.945 WOMAN: Oh really? 0:00:06.945,0:00:10.185 STRIKER: Sub-compact. Lots of trunk space. What's the price? 0:00:10.185,0:00:12.570 WOMAN: Under 2,000 dollars. 0:00:12.570,0:00:12.720 STRIKER:Huh? 0:00:12.720,0:00:14.070 WOMAN: In 1971. 0:00:14.070,0:00:15.705 STRIKER: Oh that makes sense. 0:00:15.705,0:00:17.190 Still a good deal though. 0:00:17.190,0:00:19.980 But why is it here in the law museum? 0:00:19.980,0:00:24.855 WOMAN: The Pinto was at the center of a very important trial in 1979, 0:00:24.855,0:00:27.600 State of Indiana v. Ford Motor Company. 0:00:27.600,0:00:30.600 This was the first time an American corporation was 0:00:30.600,0:00:34.015 criminally prosecuted and the whole country was watching. 0:00:34.015,0:00:35.000 STRIKER: Why? 0:00:35.000,0:00:37.740 WOMAN: Everybody wanted to see if a company could be 0:00:37.740,0:00:40.335 punished criminally for creating a product, 0:00:40.335,0:00:43.380 in this case, an automobile that was unsafe. 0:00:43.380,0:00:44.690 STRIKER: Yipes! 0:00:56.000,0:00:58.710 STRIKER: So what was wrong with the Pinto? 0:00:58.710,0:01:03.085 WOMAN: Well, the Pinto was created to satisfy two main objectives. 0:01:03.085,0:01:08.150 Lee Iacocca, who was executive vice president of the Ford Motor Company, 0:01:08.150,0:01:12.260 tasked his engineers with creating a car that would weigh less 0:01:12.260,0:01:16.625 than 2,000 pounds and cost less than 2,000 dollars. 0:01:16.625,0:01:20.990 German and Japanese manufacturers were making lots of money producing 0:01:20.990,0:01:25.975 sub-compact cars and Ford Motor Company wanted in on the action. 0:01:25.975,0:01:26.970 STRIKER: What's wrong with that? 0:01:26.970,0:01:30.560 WOMAN: Well, nothing but I haven't finished the story. 0:01:30.560,0:01:36.110 Ford was in a hurry to introduce their car into the market so they 0:01:36.110,0:01:42.215 accelerated their production time from their usual 43 months to 25 months. 0:01:42.215,0:01:43.940 Compromises were made. 0:01:43.940,0:01:47.270 Serious risks associated with the placement of 0:01:47.270,0:01:53.325 the Pintos fuel tanks were ignored despite crash tests resulting in flames. 0:01:53.325,0:01:54.240 STRIKER: Flames? 0:01:54.240,0:01:55.995 WOMAN: Yes, flames. 0:01:55.995,0:01:59.240 The rush design placed the fuel tank behind 0:01:59.240,0:02:03.545 the rear axle instead of over it like most sub-compact cars, 0:02:03.545,0:02:06.980 this left only 9 or 10 inches of crush space. 0:02:06.980,0:02:11.030 Other design flaws included a thin strip of chrome for 0:02:11.030,0:02:15.245 a bumper and a lack of reinforcement around the fuel tank. 0:02:15.245,0:02:19.070 The results? At speeds over 25 miles per hour, 0:02:19.070,0:02:24.455 the fuel tank ruptured every time it experienced a rear impact. 0:02:24.455,0:02:26.555 STRIKER: Yipes! That looks deadly. 0:02:26.555,0:02:27.605 WOMAN: It was. 0:02:27.605,0:02:28.820 STRIKER: Couldn't they fix it? 0:02:28.820,0:02:31.865 WOMAN: They certainly could have improved the situation. 0:02:31.865,0:02:33.890 Engineers at Ford came up with 0:02:33.890,0:02:38.720 several modifications to significantly improve the safety of the vehicle. 0:02:38.720,0:02:40.355 STRIKER: So they did make it better? 0:02:40.355,0:02:40.918 WOMAN: No. 0:02:40.918,0:02:41.740 STRIKER: How come? 0:02:41.740,0:02:47.772 WOMAN: Well, despite the cost being only 11 dollars per car, Ford declined. 0:02:47.772,0:02:48.355 STRIKER: Why? 0:02:48.355,0:02:49.825 WOMAN: It's hard to say. 0:02:49.825,0:02:53.930 However, we can gain some insight into the corporate mentality 0:02:53.930,0:02:58.055 at Ford from an internal report regarding safety, 0:02:58.055,0:03:00.010 which was leaked to the media. 0:03:00.010,0:03:01.140 STRIKER: What did it say? 0:03:01.140,0:03:04.280 WOMAN: The document, nicknamed the Pinto Memo, 0:03:04.280,0:03:07.430 was created by several analysts at Ford. 0:03:07.430,0:03:12.590 It compared the cost of making safety improvements in advance with the cost 0:03:12.590,0:03:18.100 Ford would most likely incur through death and injury lawsuits and lost vehicles. 0:03:18.100,0:03:19.035 STRIKER: What? 0:03:19.035,0:03:22.350 WOMAN: It's called a cost-benefit analysis. 0:03:22.350,0:03:26.510 Ford estimated that if they did not fix the safety issues, 0:03:26.510,0:03:29.270 there would be 180 deaths, 0:03:29.270,0:03:34.010 180 injuries, and 2,100 vehicles destroyed. 0:03:34.010,0:03:39.575 They even determined a value for each loss, $200,000 per death, 0:03:39.575,0:03:42.545 $67,000 per burn injury, 0:03:42.545,0:03:45.410 and $700 per lost vehicle, 0:03:45.410,0:03:49.550 which was the average resale value of a Pinto at that time. 0:03:49.550,0:03:50.765 STRIKER: That's crazy. 0:03:50.765,0:03:57.110 WOMAN: The public especially didn't appreciate their $200,000 valuation of a human life. 0:03:57.110,0:03:58.415 STRIKER: Uncool. 0:03:58.415,0:04:03.350 WOMAN: They compared these costs to those associated with redesigning and installing 0:04:03.350,0:04:08.690 better safety features on the 12.5 million cars they expected to sell. 0:04:08.690,0:04:11.780 The cost was only $11 per vehicle. 0:04:11.780,0:04:12.790 STRIKER: And the result? 0:04:12.790,0:04:17.780 WOMAN: They determined it will cost the company approximately $49 million in 0:04:17.780,0:04:22.820 lawsuits and lost vehicles to sell the Pinto as it was already designed, 0:04:22.820,0:04:24.290 or it would cost 0:04:24.290,0:04:32.180 approximately $137 million to redesign and improve the safety defect in advance. 0:04:32.180,0:04:34.355 STRIKER: What did they decide to do? 0:04:34.355,0:04:35.780 WOMAN: What do you think? 0:04:35.780,0:04:37.010 STRIKER: Keep the money? 0:04:37.010,0:04:41.590 WOMAN: Yep, they save the money and ignored the safety risk. 0:04:41.590,0:04:42.975 STRIKER: What happened? 0:04:42.975,0:04:48.760 WOMAN: An estimated 27 people were killed in rear-end collisions involving the Pinto. 0:04:48.760,0:04:53.270 Upon impact, the fuel tank would puncture and explode, 0:04:53.270,0:04:57.905 often sending fuel into the driver's compartment which would then ignite. 0:04:57.905,0:04:59.285 STRIKER: That's terrible. 0:04:59.285,0:05:02.285 WOMAN: In one of the few cases that made it to trial, 0:05:02.285,0:05:08.315 Grimshaw versus Ford, a California jury awarded a boy who had been badly burned, 0:05:08.315,0:05:13.790 127 million dollars, 125 million of which was for 0:05:13.790,0:05:19.730 punitive damages to punish Ford for its decision to elevate profits over human life. 0:05:19.730,0:05:25.445 Although the judge subsequently reduced the punitive damages to 3.5 million, 0:05:25.445,0:05:30.440 the unexpectedly high amount sent the Ford Motor Company scrambling. 0:05:30.440,0:05:32.320 STRIKER: Scrambling to do what? 0:05:32.320,0:05:37.130 WOMAN: To settle as many of their pending cases as possible out of court. 0:05:37.130,0:05:38.675 STRIKER: How many cases were there? 0:05:38.675,0:05:42.500 WOMAN: Ford was involved in dozens of cases related to the Pinto. 0:05:42.500,0:05:46.910 However, their public image was suffering more than their bank account. 0:05:46.910,0:05:52.820 Here's an opinion given by a California Appellate Court regarding the Ford Motor Company. 0:05:52.820,0:05:58.100 STRIKER: "Ford decided to defer correction of the Pinto's shortcomings by engaging in 0:05:58.100,0:06:04.405 a cost-benefit analysis balancing human lives and limbs against corporate profits. 0:06:04.405,0:06:07.400 Ford's institutional mentality was shown to 0:06:07.400,0:06:10.610 be one of callous indifference to public safety. 0:06:10.610,0:06:15.110 There was substantial evidence that Ford's conduct constituted 0:06:15.110,0:06:21.200 conscious disregard of the probability of injury to members of the consuming public. 0:06:21.200,0:06:25.960 The conduct of Ford's management was reprehensible in the extreme. 0:06:25.960,0:06:29.240 It exhibited a conscious and callous disregard of 0:06:29.240,0:06:33.890 public safety in order to maximize corporate profits." 0:06:33.890,0:06:35.630 Harsh words. 0:06:35.630,0:06:37.945 WOMAN: It was a disaster. 0:06:37.945,0:06:42.770 In 1976, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration 0:06:42.770,0:06:46.460 finally introduced rear impact safety regulations. 0:06:46.460,0:06:51.505 Ford complied with the standards on their new 1977 Pinto model. 0:06:51.505,0:06:56.780 However, the NHTSA also announced that a safety defect existed in 0:06:56.780,0:07:03.640 the fuel systems of all Pintos manufactured between 1971 and 1976. 0:07:03.640,0:07:09.290 Ford was forced to recall and repair 1.5 million cars. 0:07:09.290,0:07:12.815 STRIKER: But what about those criminal charges you mentioned earlier? 0:07:12.815,0:07:14.360 WOMAN: Oh yes. That's right. 0:07:14.360,0:07:20.045 Prior to 1978, Ford had only been sued for monetary damages. 0:07:20.045,0:07:24.605 However, that changed on August 10, 1978, 0:07:24.605,0:07:32.405 when three teenage girls were driving in a 1973 Pinto down a highway in rural Indiana, 0:07:32.405,0:07:37.925 suddenly their gas cap rolled from the top of their car into the middle of the road, 0:07:37.925,0:07:41.600 realizing they forgot to attach it after fueling up, 0:07:41.600,0:07:44.730 they stopped their car to retrieve it. 0:07:44.730,0:07:46.775 Since there was no shoulder available, 0:07:46.775,0:07:49.895 they parked their car in a driving lane. 0:07:49.895,0:07:54.650 Moments later, a van whose driver was distracted as he searched for 0:07:54.650,0:07:59.850 a fallen cigarette hit their Pinto while traveling at 50 miles per hour. 0:07:59.850,0:08:05.575 The Pinto burst into flames and all three teenagers were killed. 0:08:05.575,0:08:09.110 The state prosecutor charged the Ford Motor Company 0:08:09.110,0:08:12.290 with criminal recklessness and reckless homicide. 0:08:12.290,0:08:17.225 STRIKER: This was the first time a corporation had ever been charged with a criminal offense? 0:08:17.225,0:08:19.895 WOMAN: In a product liability case, yes. 0:08:19.895,0:08:22.580 STRIKER: Wow. I'll bet other corporations around 0:08:22.580,0:08:25.340 the country were nervous about the outcome of the trial. 0:08:25.340,0:08:26.960 WOMAN: Yes, they were. 0:08:26.960,0:08:28.855 STRIKER: What did the court decide? 0:08:28.855,0:08:31.620 WOMAN: On March 13, 1980, 0:08:31.620,0:08:35.150 the jury returned not-guilty verdicts on 0:08:35.150,0:08:39.485 all three counts of reckless homicide against the Ford Motor Company. 0:08:39.485,0:08:41.020 STRIKER: Really, how come? 0:08:41.020,0:08:46.160 WOMAN: The prosecution was unable to show that Ford had failed to warn the public about 0:08:46.160,0:08:52.085 the Pinto's defects since Ford had issued a recall prior to the date of the accident. 0:08:52.085,0:08:54.380 STRIKER: But the girls didn't hear about the recall? 0:08:54.380,0:08:57.320 WOMAN: Yes. But just because you don't hear about something 0:08:57.320,0:09:00.010 doesn't mean it didn't happen. 0:09:00.010,0:09:04.850 The defense also called several Ford engineers to the stand who 0:09:04.850,0:09:10.475 testified they bought 1973 Pintos for their wives, children, and themselves. 0:09:10.475,0:09:13.985 This showed their confidence in the safety of the car. 0:09:13.985,0:09:17.690 But the main reason Ford Motor won the case was 0:09:17.690,0:09:21.490 because the impact happened at 50 miles per hour. 0:09:21.490,0:09:22.485 STRIKER: Why did that matter? 0:09:22.485,0:09:27.350 WOMAN: Well, not even the new rear impact standard in effect for 1977 0:09:27.350,0:09:32.765 models required that car fuel tanks be able to withstand crashes at that speed. 0:09:32.765,0:09:35.475 STRIKER: I see. So nothing happened to Ford? 0:09:35.475,0:09:40.445 WOMAN: Ford Motor paid out well over $100 million in damages, 0:09:40.445,0:09:44.585 endured approximately 117 civil lawsuits, 0:09:44.585,0:09:47.840 and recalled 1.5 million cars. 0:09:47.840,0:09:50.090 STRIKER: I guess that is pretty significant. 0:09:50.090,0:09:55.745 I just feel bad for all the people who unknowingly rode in a car that was clearly unsafe. 0:09:55.745,0:09:59.210 WOMAN: No car is ever 100% safe. 0:09:59.210,0:10:03.980 Just remember, every time you get into a vehicle, drive carefully. 0:10:03.980,0:10:05.750 STRIKER: Buckle up for safety. 0:10:05.750,0:10:07.615 WOMAN: Good advice, Striker. 0:10:07.615,0:10:12.920 Now, let's see if we can learn some other important lessons from the history of law. 0:10:12.920,0:10:17.060 Click on something and let's go explore.