WEBVTT 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:02.000 (English captions by Andrea Matsumoto from the University of Michigan) 00:00:02.429 --> 00:00:07.600 Patrick's or Faber Test can be performed to evaluate for hip and sacroiliac pathology. 00:00:07.600 --> 00:00:12.020 One leg is flexed, abducted, and externally rotated in position resting the foot on the 00:00:12.020 --> 00:00:13.100 other knee. 00:00:13.100 --> 00:00:17.070 If the leg does not lower into a position parallel to the exam table, there may be a 00:00:17.070 --> 00:00:21.350 hip flexor contracture or protective iliopsoas spasm. 00:00:21.350 --> 00:00:26.350 Pressure on the knee with counter-pressure on the opposite pelvic brim may elicit pain 00:00:26.350 --> 00:00:28.260 at the hip or sacroiliac joint.