0:00:04.165,0:00:06.340 So when I say the word "vegan" to you, 0:00:06.787,0:00:08.213 what do you think of? 0:00:08.381,0:00:11.542 I'm sure for many of you,[br]you think of "Oh, vegans. 0:00:11.654,0:00:13.465 Why can't they just live and let live? 0:00:13.465,0:00:16.029 I personally have no problem[br]with you being vegan, 0:00:16.029,0:00:17.865 but can you not force your views 0:00:17.865,0:00:20.964 and just respect my personal choice[br]to eat animal products?" 0:00:20.964,0:00:22.890 For some of you, you might be thinking, 0:00:22.903,0:00:26.314 "Ah, no, vegan. I could never be vegan. 0:00:26.314,0:00:28.966 I love the taste of cheese[br]far too much for that." 0:00:28.966,0:00:31.815 And some you might[br]just be confused and thinking, 0:00:31.815,0:00:33.982 "But eating meat is the circle of life, 0:00:33.982,0:00:37.015 and after all, other animals[br]eat other animals, 0:00:37.015,0:00:39.331 so why can't I?" 0:00:39.331,0:00:41.885 This is a selection of the things [br]that I used to say 0:00:41.885,0:00:44.562 when someone said the word vegan to me. 0:00:44.562,0:00:46.930 But I also used to say [br]that vegans were crazy 0:00:46.930,0:00:49.530 and that no one should ever go vegan. 0:00:49.530,0:00:51.031 But now I am vegan. 0:00:51.031,0:00:53.514 And so, how on earth did that happen? 0:00:53.514,0:00:55.213 It's a question I often ask myself, 0:00:55.213,0:00:58.447 and so to try and understand[br]why it is that I'm now vegan, 0:00:58.447,0:01:01.494 I want to go through all the main[br]arguments that I used to make 0:01:01.494,0:01:04.274 and show you why I changed my mind. 0:01:04.274,0:01:07.764 And so, the first one:[br]"It's personal choice." 0:01:07.764,0:01:10.431 Can we morally justify not being vegan 0:01:10.431,0:01:14.381 by saying it's our personal choice[br]to consume animal products? 0:01:14.381,0:01:15.713 Well, interestingly, yes, 0:01:15.713,0:01:18.801 it is our personal choice[br]to consume animal products 0:01:18.801,0:01:22.464 in the same way that it is[br]our personal choice to abuse a dog 0:01:22.464,0:01:24.182 or beat a cat. 0:01:24.182,0:01:27.516 In essence, what I'm saying[br]is that every action that we make 0:01:27.516,0:01:30.748 is a choice that we[br]personally choose to make. 0:01:30.748,0:01:34.137 And so to imply that it's morally[br]justifiable to use animals 0:01:34.137,0:01:35.880 because it's a personal choice 0:01:35.880,0:01:38.813 would mean that every action[br]that we as humans can make 0:01:38.813,0:01:40.781 must also be morally justifiable 0:01:40.781,0:01:43.999 because every action is a personal choice. 0:01:44.264,0:01:46.632 And so, is it morally justifiable 0:01:46.632,0:01:49.853 to randomly assault a stranger[br]on the street? 0:01:49.853,0:01:53.748 Is it morally justifiable[br]to go to a shelter, rescue a dog, 0:01:53.748,0:01:56.346 bring them home[br]and then abuse them yourself? 0:01:56.748,0:01:58.847 No. Of course it's not. 0:01:58.847,0:02:00.813 Because those choices have a victim, 0:02:00.813,0:02:02.579 someone who suffers negatively 0:02:02.579,0:02:05.551 because of the personal choice[br]that we have made. 0:02:05.551,0:02:06.749 And so consequently, 0:02:06.749,0:02:12.114 the inclusion of a victim removes[br]any possibility for moral justification. 0:02:12.114,0:02:15.848 And besides, one of the reasons[br]that I went vegan in the first place 0:02:15.848,0:02:17.932 was for personal choice. 0:02:17.932,0:02:22.766 The personal choice of the trillions of[br]animals who are killed every single year. 0:02:22.766,0:02:24.516 Who have granted their choice? 0:02:24.516,0:02:28.982 They would just like to live their life[br]without human inflicted exploitation. 0:02:28.982,0:02:33.665 Remember, animals don't willfully walk[br]onto the kill floor of a slaughterhouse. 0:02:33.665,0:02:36.432 They are forced there against their will. 0:02:36.432,0:02:39.282 Any notion of choice [br]has been removed for them, 0:02:39.282,0:02:42.365 and so when we cite personal choice[br]as a justification, 0:02:42.365,0:02:46.500 whose personal choice are we considering,[br]other than our own? 0:02:46.500,0:02:51.201 And if it is a choice,[br]then why would we choose to be cruel? 0:02:51.201,0:02:52.517 And so we might then think, 0:02:52.517,0:02:56.729 "Yes, but the difference is[br]these animals are bred for that purpose, 0:02:56.729,0:02:59.696 which is why your example[br]of abusing a dog is disingenuous 0:02:59.696,0:03:02.248 because that's just needless suffering." 0:03:02.248,0:03:03.508 To which I would say, yes, 0:03:03.508,0:03:06.598 but most of us find dog fighting[br]to be morally abhorrent, 0:03:06.598,0:03:11.507 yet many dogs used in fighting[br]are bred specifically for that purpose. 0:03:11.507,0:03:13.247 Does it make it acceptable? 0:03:13.247,0:03:14.768 So we might then say after that, 0:03:14.768,0:03:17.677 "Yes, but dog fighting[br]is illegal in this country, 0:03:17.677,0:03:20.464 but farms and slaughterhouses[br]are allowed under law; 0:03:20.464,0:03:22.570 they are lawful practices." 0:03:22.570,0:03:25.675 But does legality equal morality? 0:03:25.675,0:03:28.965 Is something acceptable[br]just because the law says so? 0:03:28.965,0:03:30.623 I mean, if that was true, 0:03:30.623,0:03:34.564 then dog fighting would be moral[br]in the countries where it's legal. 0:03:34.564,0:03:38.601 And if we apply that way of thinking,[br]let's take it to a human situation. 0:03:38.601,0:03:42.308 Is female genital mutilation[br]a moral and acceptable practice 0:03:42.308,0:03:44.762 in the countries[br]where it's legally condoned? 0:03:44.762,0:03:47.297 And let's take this argument[br]and this line of thinking 0:03:47.297,0:03:50.940 and apply it to the "culture[br]and tradition" excuse as well. 0:03:50.940,0:03:54.813 Is it justifiable to kill dogs[br]during the Yulin dog meat festival 0:03:54.813,0:03:57.779 because the festival is a cultural event? 0:03:57.779,0:04:01.312 Is it justifiable to slaughter [br]dolphins in Japan 0:04:01.312,0:04:05.684 or pilot whales in the Faroe Islands[br]because those events are traditional? 0:04:05.684,0:04:09.608 And again, using that example[br]of female genital mutilation, 0:04:09.608,0:04:14.631 is it a moral practice simply[br]because it is cultural and traditional? 0:04:14.631,0:04:18.264 Because the thing is if we try[br]to excuse using animals by saying, 0:04:18.264,0:04:21.771 "Well, they form part of our culture[br]and can be used in our traditions," 0:04:21.771,0:04:23.265 we therefore have to make 0:04:23.265,0:04:27.566 every cultural and traditional action[br]and practice morally justifiable 0:04:27.897,0:04:31.847 simply because they are cultural[br]and traditional practices. 0:04:32.330,0:04:34.531 And so we might get[br]to the point where we say, 0:04:34.531,0:04:36.131 "Well, that's all fair enough, 0:04:36.131,0:04:38.934 but the thing is we need to eat[br]animal products to survive; 0:04:38.934,0:04:41.413 in fact, they are optimal to our diet." 0:04:41.413,0:04:45.608 And so, the question becomes,[br]Are animal products a necessity? 0:04:45.608,0:04:47.767 Now, the American Dietetic Association, 0:04:47.767,0:04:51.481 which is the largest body of[br]diet and nutrition professionals in the US 0:04:51.481,0:04:55.348 and is formed of over[br]a 100,000 certified practitioners, 0:04:55.348,0:04:57.230 has categorically stated 0:04:57.230,0:05:01.349 that a vegan diet is healthy, safe[br]and nutritionally adequate 0:05:01.349,0:05:07.165 for all stages of life, including[br]pregnancy, lactation and infancy. 0:05:07.165,0:05:10.471 This is also supported[br]by the British Dietetic Association 0:05:10.471,0:05:12.559 as well as the NHS. 0:05:12.893,0:05:17.264 Furthermore, there is extensive[br]and conclusive research and evidence 0:05:17.264,0:05:19.532 that links our consumption[br]of animal products 0:05:19.532,0:05:22.297 to some of our leading[br]diseases and illnesses, 0:05:22.297,0:05:24.973 including heart disease,[br]certain forms of cancer, 0:05:24.973,0:05:27.650 type 2 diabetes, strokes. 0:05:27.650,0:05:30.314 The issue of thriving on a vegan diet 0:05:30.314,0:05:33.914 is not a contentious one[br]within the scientific community, 0:05:33.914,0:05:38.863 and therefore, consuming animal products[br]will be deemed an unnecessary action. 0:05:39.768,0:05:41.990 And so let's progress[br]the argument and say, 0:05:41.990,0:05:44.709 "Yes, but you're denying us of our nature! 0:05:44.709,0:05:48.037 After all we are omnivores.[br]Have you seen our canine teeth? 0:05:48.037,0:05:49.686 And we've always eaten meat. 0:05:49.686,0:05:54.081 If your ancestors didn't eat meat,[br]you wouldn't even be alive today." 0:05:54.081,0:05:58.148 And so, to being with, many herbivorous[br]animals do have canine teeth. 0:05:58.148,0:06:00.731 Take the saber-toothed deer as an example, 0:06:00.731,0:06:05.566 which means that canines[br]don't necessarily equate to meat eating. 0:06:05.566,0:06:07.596 Furthermore, there's many people out there 0:06:07.596,0:06:10.481 that believe that biologically[br]and physiologically speaking, 0:06:10.481,0:06:13.751 our bodies are more closely aligned[br]to that of herbivorous animals 0:06:13.751,0:06:16.132 rather than omnivorous animals. 0:06:16.132,0:06:19.049 They point to the fact[br]that our intestines are on average 0:06:19.049,0:06:22.566 around three times longer[br]than that of the average omnivore; 0:06:22.566,0:06:26.021 the fact that our jaws,[br]they grind side to side when we chew, 0:06:26.021,0:06:28.002 like the jaws of herbivorous animals; 0:06:28.002,0:06:30.674 and the fact that the[br]hydrochloric acid in our stomach 0:06:30.674,0:06:35.646 is comparatively weaker[br]to carnivores but also omnivores as well. 0:06:36.249,0:06:38.715 But personally,[br]I find that entirely irrelevant. 0:06:38.715,0:06:42.133 I don't think it really matters[br]if we're herbivores or omnivores. 0:06:42.133,0:06:44.798 I mean, just because[br]we can physically do something 0:06:44.798,0:06:47.934 doesn't mean that we are[br]morally justified to do so. 0:06:47.934,0:06:52.293 And because we don't have to eat meat,[br]that means we can survive of plants. 0:06:52.293,0:06:55.348 So biologically speaking, [br]it makes no difference, 0:06:55.348,0:06:57.497 because we don't have to do it; 0:06:57.497,0:06:59.864 and therefore,[br]in the absence of necessity, 0:06:59.864,0:07:03.397 there is the absence[br]of justification as well. 0:07:03.397,0:07:06.966 And so, I also think[br]it's a little bit logically dishonest, 0:07:06.966,0:07:08.332 a bit disingenuous, 0:07:08.332,0:07:10.151 that we claim that we're somehow built 0:07:10.151,0:07:12.315 to be intrinsically designed[br]to kill animals, 0:07:12.315,0:07:16.565 yet so many of us would[br]never want to kill the animal ourself. 0:07:16.565,0:07:19.697 And so, if we wouldn't want [br]to kill the animal ourself, 0:07:19.697,0:07:23.810 why is it acceptable to pay[br]for someone else to do it on our behalf? 0:07:23.810,0:07:25.497 I've always found it interesting 0:07:25.497,0:07:28.615 when I try and show someone[br]slaughterhouse footage and they say, 0:07:28.615,0:07:31.735 "Don't show me that![br]That's going to put me off my food." 0:07:31.735,0:07:33.151 Then I say, Well, why? 0:07:33.151,0:07:36.555 Why would seeing the process of[br]how animal products arrive on your plate 0:07:36.555,0:07:37.913 put you off consuming them? 0:07:37.913,0:07:40.416 That seems to make [br]little to no sense to me. 0:07:40.416,0:07:42.366 And also, why is it that we get upset 0:07:42.366,0:07:45.365 when we see footage of animals[br]being killed in gas chambers 0:07:45.365,0:07:47.266 or animals struggling to survive 0:07:47.266,0:07:48.931 as they desperately try to flee 0:07:48.931,0:07:52.162 from the kill floor[br]they're being forced onto? 0:07:52.162,0:07:55.166 Let's take that idea of ancestors[br]and run with that for a moment 0:07:55.166,0:07:58.328 because our ancestors [br]used to do lots of horrible things. 0:07:58.328,0:08:00.782 They would rape. They would murder. 0:08:00.782,0:08:03.565 Are those actions[br]automatically justified in society 0:08:03.565,0:08:06.465 simply because our ancestors[br]used to commit them? 0:08:06.465,0:08:07.531 And besides, 0:08:07.531,0:08:11.882 why would we ever base our morality[br]on the actions of a primitive society 0:08:11.882,0:08:14.881 where modern day notions[br]of right or wrong didn't exist 0:08:14.881,0:08:16.398 and in the absence of choice 0:08:16.398,0:08:20.266 consuming animals[br]was a necessity for their survival? 0:08:20.266,0:08:21.650 Let's take that argument. 0:08:21.650,0:08:22.935 Because it's also pertinent 0:08:22.935,0:08:26.816 when we look at the "animals[br]eat other animals" excuse as well. 0:08:26.816,0:08:29.514 Just because a lion kills[br]and eats a gazelle 0:08:29.514,0:08:32.915 doesn't mean we're justified[br]to go to a supermarket and buy a steak. 0:08:33.274,0:08:34.951 Lions are obligate carnivores, 0:08:34.951,0:08:37.613 [br]which means they need[br]to eat meat to survive. 0:08:37.613,0:08:40.681 As we've already established: we don't. 0:08:40.681,0:08:41.779 And like before, 0:08:41.779,0:08:45.467 [br]why would we ever base our morality[br]on the actions of wild animals, 0:08:45.467,0:08:47.324 [br]who are consistently documented 0:08:47.324,0:08:51.765 as doing things that we would never[br]deem acceptable within our own country 0:08:51.765,0:08:55.339 or, indeed, within our own[br]society in general? 0:08:55.339,0:08:57.269 So the argument continued even further. 0:08:57.269,0:09:00.165 So let's run with the idea[br]of necessity and survival 0:09:00.165,0:09:04.065 because I'm pretty sure that if a vegan[br]was stranded on a desert island 0:09:04.529,0:09:07.014 and the only thing[br]they had to eat was an animal, 0:09:07.014,0:09:09.048 they would definitely do it. 0:09:09.048,0:09:10.898 And so, the reality is 0:09:10.898,0:09:14.346 no one knows how they'll react[br]in an extreme survival situation. 0:09:14.346,0:09:16.263 That's really the point of the argument: 0:09:16.263,0:09:18.233 to make vegans seem hypocritical 0:09:18.233,0:09:21.983 [br]if they say they might eat the animal[br]if they absolutely had to to survive. 0:09:21.983,0:09:25.566 But there's been documented cases[br]of humans cannibalising to survive. 0:09:25.566,0:09:27.364 There was a plane crash in the Andes, 0:09:27.364,0:09:29.899 [br]and the survivors of the plane crash lived 0:09:29.899,0:09:33.565 because they cannibalised on the flesh[br]of the dead passengers. 0:09:33.565,0:09:39.113 And so, cannibalism, in effect,[br]became a justifiable act in that moment. 0:09:39.113,0:09:42.998 Does it mean that cannibalism[br]is a justifiable act in everyday society? 0:09:42.998,0:09:46.086 Likewise, just because a vegan[br]might consume an animal 0:09:46.086,0:09:48.127 if they absolutely had to to survive 0:09:48.127,0:09:50.136 doesn't mean that[br]consuming animal products 0:09:50.136,0:09:54.458 is a morally justifiable act[br]in everyday society. 0:09:54.849,0:09:57.211 And so the argument presses further, 0:09:57.211,0:10:00.848 and we say, "Yes, but consuming animals[br]is part of the food chain. 0:10:00.848,0:10:02.385 I mean, it's the circle of life: 0:10:02.385,0:10:04.448 everyone who is born must one day die, 0:10:04.448,0:10:05.830 that's a natural process, 0:10:05.830,0:10:09.798 that's symbiotic and harmonious to nature[br]and the world that we live in. 0:10:09.798,0:10:11.899 And our food chains[br]are incredibly important. 0:10:11.899,0:10:17.745 They symbolise part of the natural order[br]and help maintain and form ecosystems. 0:10:17.745,0:10:19.266 Fundamentally they are there 0:10:19.266,0:10:22.749 to ensure that population sizes[br]of animals are kept consistent 0:10:22.749,0:10:26.665 and to ensure that the natural ecology[br]is just well balanced." 0:10:27.033,0:10:30.780 But what we do to animals[br]when we selectively breed them, 0:10:30.780,0:10:32.731 when we genetically modify them, 0:10:32.731,0:10:36.261 when we artificially inseminate[br]and forcibly impregnate them, 0:10:36.261,0:10:38.231 [br]when we take their babies away from them, 0:10:38.231,0:10:39.431 when we mutilate them, 0:10:39.431,0:10:42.965 when we exploit them for what they[br]naturally produce for their own species, 0:10:42.965,0:10:45.850 when we load them into trucks,[br]take them to a slaughterhouse 0:10:45.850,0:10:49.269 where we hang them upside down,[br]cut their throat and bleed them to death 0:10:49.269,0:10:52.347 has nothing to do with a natural order, 0:10:52.347,0:10:53.480 and most importantly, 0:10:53.480,0:10:58.681 [br]it fits none of the criteria required[br]to be labeled as a food chain. 0:10:58.681,0:11:02.315 You see, the food chain that we cite[br]is a human construct 0:11:02.315,0:11:03.846 created very conveniently 0:11:03.846,0:11:08.465 to try and justify[br]what is an entirely unnecessary act. 0:11:08.465,0:11:10.765 It ignores the complexity, 0:11:10.765,0:11:14.581 an interdependent web of life[br]that form our natural ecosystems. 0:11:14.581,0:11:18.064 It is an appeal to nature fallacy[br]that overlooks our ability 0:11:18.064,0:11:22.697 to make moral decisions[br]as beings who possess moral agency. 0:11:22.697,0:11:23.653 In essence, 0:11:23.653,0:11:27.599 [br]the food chain argument draws upon[br]the idea of "might makes right," 0:11:27.891,0:11:29.934 the belief that[br]because you have the ability 0:11:29.934,0:11:32.315 to physically exploit someone else, 0:11:32.315,0:11:36.114 you're somehow [br]justified to do so as well. 0:11:36.114,0:11:37.726 And the circle of life, 0:11:38.093,0:11:42.068 all that refers to is two moments[br]of our existence that are certain: 0:11:42.068,0:11:43.415 our birth and our death. 0:11:43.415,0:11:46.498 Everyone who's born must one day[br]come full circle and die. 0:11:46.498,0:11:50.964 But what happens between those areas[br]of certainty is variable 0:11:50.964,0:11:53.980 and has nothing to do[br]with preordained circle of life. 0:11:53.980,0:11:55.832 If we run with that argument, 0:11:55.832,0:11:58.650 we'd be morally excused[br]to harm anyone at any time 0:11:58.650,0:12:01.049 [br]in any manner that we so please. 0:12:01.049,0:12:03.748 We'd be morally excused[br]to murder an animal or, indeed, 0:12:03.748,0:12:07.397 murder a human as well, [br]running with that logic. 0:12:07.397,0:12:09.812 And so let's move this on[br]to a more practical note, 0:12:09.812,0:12:14.993 because if the world went vegan, well,[br]what would we do with all the animals? 0:12:15.128,0:12:17.793 We can't just release billions[br]of animals into the wild, 0:12:17.793,0:12:20.226 that'd be devastating[br]for the natural ecology - 0:12:20.226,0:12:22.099 and of course it would. 0:12:22.099,0:12:23.537 But what we have to understand 0:12:23.537,0:12:26.850 is that animal agriculture runs[br]on a system of supply and demand, 0:12:26.850,0:12:28.833 [br]meaning that when we buy a product, 0:12:28.833,0:12:31.715 we demand that product be supplied. 0:12:31.715,0:12:35.249 Now, farmers will only breed animals [br]into existence if they can sell. 0:12:35.249,0:12:37.889 They're not going to breed them[br]if they can't sell them, 0:12:37.889,0:12:40.940 because that's just not[br]economically viable in the slightest. 0:12:40.940,0:12:43.881 And so the shift to veganism [br]would of course be very gradual. 0:12:43.881,0:12:46.448 And so as the number of vegans increases, 0:12:46.448,0:12:50.449 the number of animals being bred into[br]existence would decrease proportionally. 0:12:50.449,0:12:52.730 And if - and of course it is an if - 0:12:52.730,0:12:54.899 but if we ever get that vegan world, 0:12:54.899,0:12:56.558 that vegan world would be a world 0:12:56.558,0:12:59.915 [br]where farmers are simply not breeding[br]animals into existence anymore. 0:12:59.915,0:13:02.999 And as such, we will never be[br]faced with the dilemma 0:13:02.999,0:13:06.415 of having to either release[br]billions of animals into the wild 0:13:06.415,0:13:10.798 or take them to a slaughterhouse[br]so we simply discard their bodies. 0:13:11.797,0:13:15.159 [br]"But OK, OK, alright. 0:13:15.159,0:13:17.500 [br]I see what you're doing,[br]I see where you're going, 0:13:17.500,0:13:18.755 but this is the problem. 0:13:18.755,0:13:20.257 You see, vegans are hypocrites. 0:13:20.257,0:13:23.935 Haven't you heard that small animals[br]sometimes die in the production of crops, 0:13:23.935,0:13:27.131 and therefore, you can't even[br]be a 100% vegan?" 0:13:27.131,0:13:28.500 Now, it's true. 0:13:28.500,0:13:31.898 Animals like caterpillars and worms [br]do die in the production of crops, 0:13:31.898,0:13:35.948 and we also can't guarantee[br]that small mammals like mice and rats 0:13:35.948,0:13:38.369 don't sometimes get killed as well. 0:13:38.369,0:13:42.215 But the difference is that notion[br]of intention and certainty. 0:13:42.215,0:13:45.449 You see, when we buy an animal product,[br]we're intentionally paying 0:13:45.449,0:13:48.584 [br]for someone to cause the suffering[br]and death of an animal. 0:13:48.584,0:13:50.031 That is a certainty. 0:13:50.031,0:13:52.448 When we buy a plant product, we're not. 0:13:52.448,0:13:54.064 And so think about it this way: 0:13:54.064,0:13:58.065 [br]if you're driving down the road[br]and you accidentally run over a dog, 0:13:58.065,0:14:00.148 morally, that is not the same 0:14:00.148,0:14:03.814 as if you were driving down the road, [br]saw a dog, actively pursued them 0:14:03.814,0:14:05.870 until you run them over. 0:14:05.870,0:14:08.549 But the philosophy and ideology[br]behind the argument 0:14:08.549,0:14:11.110 that it's morally justifiable[br]to buy animal products 0:14:11.110,0:14:13.831 because sometimes small animals[br]die in crop production 0:14:13.831,0:14:16.842 adheres to the idea that morally speaking, 0:14:16.842,0:14:22.167 accidentally hitting the dog is the same[br]as intentionally hitting the dog. 0:14:22.167,0:14:23.915 "And so what about plants? 0:14:23.915,0:14:25.517 Because plants are alive as well. 0:14:25.517,0:14:29.768 So why don't we consider plants[br]within our circle of moral compassion?" 0:14:29.768,0:14:32.432 And so, plants are of course alive. 0:14:32.432,0:14:34.131 But they're not conscious. 0:14:34.131,0:14:37.268 They don't have a brain,[br]central nervous system or pain receptors, 0:14:37.268,0:14:41.464 but also more importantly,[br]it can take up to to 16kg of plants 0:14:41.464,0:14:43.932 to produce 1kg of animal flesh, 0:14:43.932,0:14:45.978 [br]which means that vastly[br]more plants are used 0:14:45.978,0:14:49.016 in the production of a non-vegan diet[br]than a vegan diet. 0:14:49.016,0:14:51.268 So, if we care about plants, 0:14:51.268,0:14:55.075 logically and morally,[br]we're still obliged to be vegan. 0:14:55.075,0:14:57.800 And this also ties in nicely[br]with what we were just saying 0:14:57.800,0:14:59.978 about animals being killed[br]in crop production. 0:14:59.978,0:15:02.799 Because if more crops are used[br]in a non-vegan diet, 0:15:02.799,0:15:06.365 that means if we care about small animals[br]being killed in crop production, 0:15:06.365,0:15:11.162 we're again logically and morally [br]obliged to still be vegan. 0:15:11.532,0:15:13.469 "But what about soy farming? 0:15:13.469,0:15:17.097 Because soy farming is devastating[br]for the environment, is it not?" 0:15:17.097,0:15:19.765 Soy farming is terrible [br]for the environment. 0:15:19.765,0:15:23.732 But that's only because 70 to 85%[br]of all the soy that is grown 0:15:23.732,0:15:25.483 is fed to livestock animals. 0:15:25.483,0:15:31.464 In fact, it's predicted that as little[br]as 6% could be used for human consumption. 0:15:31.464,0:15:33.864 And that's not even[br]about vegans eating tofu. 0:15:33.864,0:15:37.564 Because soya is ubiquitous [br]among nearly everyone's diet. 0:15:37.564,0:15:42.469 It's found in breads and cereals, sauces, [br]chocolates and so much more as well. 0:15:42.469,0:15:43.797 So then we say, 0:15:43.797,0:15:48.048 [br]"But do we have to be vegan?[br]I mean, vegetarian? I get it. 0:15:48.048,0:15:50.797 [br]But animals don't die[br]in the production of dairy and eggs, 0:15:50.797,0:15:53.766 [br]so surely being vegetarian is enough?" 0:15:53.766,0:15:56.331 Simply put - no, it's not. 0:15:56.331,0:16:00.380 In the egg industry, male chicks are[br]useless because they won't produce eggs. 0:16:00.380,0:16:04.381 They also won't grow to be the same size[br]as the chickens that we kill for meat, 0:16:04.381,0:16:06.601 which means that as soon as they are born, 0:16:06.601,0:16:10.182 [br]they're thrown into a giant[br]macerator, minced up alive, 0:16:10.182,0:16:13.848 [br]or they're thrown into a gas chamber[br]and gassed to death. 0:16:13.848,0:16:15.612 All egg laying hens as well 0:16:15.612,0:16:19.516 [br]will be sent to a slaughterhouse[br]after around 72 weeks of life, 0:16:19.516,0:16:22.880 when their bodies are fully depleted[br]from being overly exploited 0:16:22.880,0:16:25.822 [br]and they're no longer[br]profitable to the farmer. 0:16:25.822,0:16:27.166 In the dairy industry, 0:16:27.166,0:16:30.135 [br]dairy cows will only produce milk[br]to feed their children. 0:16:30.135,0:16:32.126 They are mammals, just as we are. 0:16:32.126,0:16:36.297 And so this means that farmers forcibly[br]impregnate dairy cows year after year 0:16:36.297,0:16:39.131 to ensure a continuous cycle[br]and production of milk 0:16:39.131,0:16:42.405 is there for him to sell, or her to sell. 0:16:42.405,0:16:44.864 When the dairy cow gives birth, 0:16:44.864,0:16:47.164 the baby will be[br]taken away from the mother, 0:16:47.164,0:16:50.330 normally within 24 hours of birth. 0:16:50.330,0:16:53.640 Male dairy calves are useless[br]to the dairy industry. 0:16:53.640,0:16:58.098 And so this means that approximately[br]95,000 male dairy calves are killed 0:16:58.098,0:17:01.798 shortly after birth in this country alone, 0:17:01.798,0:17:04.382 normally by being shot in the head. 0:17:04.382,0:17:06.595 This is because they won't produce milk. 0:17:06.595,0:17:10.231 And it's sometimes not profitable enough[br]to be sold on for beef. 0:17:10.231,0:17:13.423 The female cows will be raised,[br]and they too will join the herd, 0:17:13.423,0:17:16.097 where they'll be forcibly [br]impregnated year after year 0:17:16.097,0:17:20.415 and all dairy cows are sent[br]to the slaughterhouse as well. 0:17:20.615,0:17:25.650 Which means that dairy and eggs[br]are pretty much the same as meat. 0:17:25.650,0:17:29.651 But potentially even worse[br]because the animals suffer for longer, 0:17:29.651,0:17:32.848 and yet they still are killed[br]in the same way. 0:17:32.848,0:17:34.963 And so let's talk about humane slaughter. 0:17:34.963,0:17:36.494 This is something we often hear 0:17:36.494,0:17:39.893 when we talk about the killing[br]of animals in slaughterhouses. 0:17:39.893,0:17:43.814 Now, the word "humane" means having[br]or showing compassion or benevolence, 0:17:43.814,0:17:47.113 which means that humane slaughter [br]is of course an oxymoron 0:17:47.113,0:17:52.048 because you can never compassionately[br]or benevolently take the life of an animal 0:17:52.048,0:17:56.544 who does not wish to die[br]and who does not have to die. 0:17:56.821,0:18:00.281 And so that brings us on[br]to our final excuse: 0:18:00.281,0:18:02.048 taste. 0:18:02.048,0:18:05.164 And so I want to leave you [br]with a couple of questions. 0:18:05.164,0:18:09.089 What has higher value:[br]taste or life? 0:18:09.463,0:18:14.904 Do we require more than sensory pleasure[br]alone to morally justify an action? 0:18:14.904,0:18:19.149 Remember that a meal to us[br]lasts only a matter of minutes, 0:18:19.149,0:18:23.074 but that meal has cost[br]an animal their entire life. 0:18:23.074,0:18:26.982 We take their life[br]for a moment that is fleeting, 0:18:26.982,0:18:32.051 a meal that we forget about[br]almost as soon as we have consumed it. 0:18:32.948,0:18:35.481 I used to think that vegans[br]force their views. 0:18:35.481,0:18:37.031 I said this regularly. 0:18:37.031,0:18:41.131 But one day I realised[br]that nothing can ever be as forceful 0:18:41.131,0:18:44.297 as taking the life of someone[br]who does not wish to die, 0:18:44.297,0:18:48.713 taking the life of an animal[br]who does not wish to die. 0:18:48.839,0:18:51.697 And so in the end,[br]that's why I became vegan. 0:18:51.697,0:18:55.882 Because when put into perspective,[br]my arguments held no veracity, 0:18:55.882,0:18:58.381 no credibility, no validity. 0:18:58.381,0:19:01.498 Fundamentally, I called myself[br]an animal lover, 0:19:01.498,0:19:05.368 yet I paid for animals to suffer[br]and die on my behalf. 0:19:05.814,0:19:08.030 Through all of the excuses I used to make, 0:19:08.030,0:19:11.431 I realised that my values[br]contradicted my actions, 0:19:11.431,0:19:15.226 and deep down, I could [br]find no real justification. 0:19:15.799,0:19:17.458 Thank you so much for listening.[br] 0:19:17.458,0:19:20.156 (Applause)