By the authority in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, be positioned for good success! Be positioned for divine breakthrough! Be positioned for uncommon favour! Be positioned for progress! I speak to every heart under the influence of this programme. I speak to every heart connected to this service today by divine invitation. It is time to rise up. I'm seeing people rise up to their feet for prayer. That is good. That is wonderful. But remember, the real rising is within. When it comes to the things of God, the key factor is not our physical body. The key is the position of our hearts. When I say, ‘It is time to rise up’, I don't simply mean rise to your feet. I mean, let your hearts rise up and seek the things that are above. Rise up! Rise up right now. Rise above that unforgiveness. Rise above that pain of the past. Rise above that bitterness. Rise above that worldly distraction. Rise above that fleshly desire. Rise above the realm of the senses and give your complete, undivided attention to Jesus Christ. Because He is your Deliverer. He is your Restorer. He is your Repairer. He is your Creator. He is your Provider. He is the Owner of our souls and the Healer of our wounds. And He will touch your case today. I want you to acknowledge your position before God as a sinner in need of His divine mercy. Son of David, have mercy on us. Son of David, have mercy on me. Offer that prayer right now. As you acknowledge your wrongdoings, be cleansed by the precious Blood of Jesus Christ. As you repent of your sins, be cleansed by the precious Blood of Jesus Christ. Whatever is troubling your heart, disturbing your heart - rise above it and receive a free spirit right now! Receive a free spirit because of Christ. Let there be restoration in your relationship with God! There are some hearts still harbouring that pain of the past, holding onto unforgiveness. I speak to that heart. Be released! Be released in the name of Jesus Christ. There is power in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. There is power in the precious Blood of Jesus Christ that causes the devil and his agents to tremble and flee! Right now, people of God, anywhere you are connected to this service, I want you to place your hands on your head and declare, say with me right now: I belong to Jesus Christ! Declare it right now. You devil, I command you to remove your hand! Remove your hand from that family. Remove your hand from that household. Remove your hand from that marriage. I command you to leave right now! Leave with your bondage. Leave with your burden. Leave in Jesus’ name! Yes, I command every strange spirit operating in your head, eyes, ears, mouth - you strange spirit, come out right now! Come out, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ! People of God, the Holy Spirit is at work right now. Listen! Every sexual attack in your dreams - that strange man, woman sleeping with you - I say be disconnected. Be disconnected in Jesus’ name! That connection to a spiritual husband, that connection to a spiritual wife - I say to that demonic connection, be broken! Be broken right now! Break that demonic connection. Break it! That nightmare, that spiritual attack disturbing your sleep, your nights - I say to that nightmare, be cancelled! Right now, that bad habit opening the door to bondage in your life - I say right now, break free! Break free, in the name of Jesus Christ. Break free from that bad habit! Break free from that addiction! Break free in the name of Jesus Christ. That cage of addiction - addiction to alcohol, cigarettes, pornography, your phone, the internet, social media - I say to that addiction right now, be broken! Be broken, in the name of Jesus Christ! Break free from that addiction. Break free in the name of Jesus Christ. There are many people today who are under attack by the spirit of confusion. They don't understand their identity. They are confused about who they really are, about who God says they are. Right now, I say to that spirit of confusion - be cast out! Be cast out, in the name of Jesus Christ. People of God, in this atmosphere of faith, we see the Holy Spirit working. We see the Holy Spirit moving. Place your hand anywhere you are experiencing pain in your physical body. Place your hand there as a point of contact by faith. Wherever that sickness has taken root or residence within you, I declare healing! Be healed, in Jesus’ name! Listen, don't just accept that problem as your portion. Don't conclude that sickness is your lot. The Scripture says in 1 Corinthians 6:19 that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, not a temple for the spirit of sickness, affliction or pain. Right now, whatever organ in your body is damaged by the spirit of sickness, I declare restoration. Be restored! That damaged organ in your system - begin to function right now! Whereve that damage is located - is it in your heart? Is it in your brain? Is it in your stomach? Is it in your lungs, your liver, your kidney? Wherever that damage is located, begin to function right now. Function by the power in the name of Jesus Christ! Where is that sickness hiding? Where is that disease lurking in your system? Right now, whatever you have eaten from the table of the adversary in your dreams that is poisoning your system, polluting your system, I say right now - be flushed out! Vomit it out right now! Vomit out that sickness, disease, poison! That strange affliction in your system - come out right now! I know there are some of us who have the pictures of our loved ones. They are not physically with you for this prayer, but by faith they are with you. Hold up their picture right now. Let us stand in faith on their behalf. I speak to that family member, that loved one in the cage of addiction, rebellion, bondage. Wherever they are right now - be released! Be released in Jesus’ name! I send the word of faith to that loved one on the sickbed, surrounded by sickness, sorrow, trouble. In the name of Jesus Christ, be released! Be released in Jesus’ name. I want right now to offer a prayer for the married couples who are connected. If you are here with your husband or wife connected right now, please hold each other's hands. Let us pray for marriages. Whatever is robbing you of rest in your marriage, in your home, I say right now - be removed! Be removed in Jesus’ name! I speak complete restoration to your home. Be restored! Let that affection be restored. Let that mutual understanding be restored. Let that unity be restored. There are many homes that lack peace today because instead of learning from our wrongs, we repeat them. The cause of this is not too far from pride. I command every spirit of pride causing you to not acknowledge your wrongs, that spirit of pride - get out right now! Out of your marriage! Out of your home! Out of your family! Come out in Jesus’ name. Husbands, wives under the influence of this programme - listen to this. Leave the past behind and move on. Leave that petty issue behind and move on. Move on in your marriage. Move on in maturity. Move on in love. Move on in understanding. Receive the grace to move on! In the same vein, there are many of us connected right now whose businesses, careers seem to be stuck in a cycle of stagnation, a cycle of limitation. Enough is enough! Right now, receive the grace to move on in your business. Move on in your finances. Move on in your career. Move forward! Don't be stuck in stagnation. Don't get caught up in carryover. Move on in Jesus’ name! By the authority in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, be positioned for good success! Be positioned for divine breakthrough! Be positioned for uncommon favour! Be positioned for progress! Those of you who are looking for employment, I say unto you - be positioned for your destined job! Those of you who have experienced delay in promotion, I say unto you - be positioned for upgrade! Be positioned for increase! Be positioned for advancement! People of God, I want to offer a prayer right now for our students. I know there are many students studying for exams, in the midst of exams. I want to pray for you right now. As you pray as if everything depends on God and study as if everything depends on you, receive the grace to excel! I declare academic excellence in Jesus’ name. That spirit of procrastination in your studies - be cast out, in Jesus’ name! Whatever is breaking your focus - be removed! Be removed right now! That spirit of distraction breaking your focus - I say, come out in Jesus’ name. People of God, right now, I want you to hold the flag of your nation. Let us stand in prayer for the nations of the world. Whatever the tension engulfing your nation, be it political, religious or cultural tension, whatever the tension, ask God right now for His calmness to reign in your nation, for His peace to reign, for His justice to reign in your nation. Ask Him right now for that calmness from above to reign in your nation. Ask God right now to help you develop godly habits that will help to maintain your relationship with Him. Ask Him right now. Ask God to help you develop godly habits that will strengthen your spiritual life, that will help you maintain your relationship with Him. Ask Him right now. In this journey of faith, ask God to help you rise above fear, worry, anxiety. Ask Him right now. Ask Him to help you rise above it! That trap of comparison - I say, rise above it! That trap of competition fuelled by the flesh - rise above it! That trap of inferiority complex - rise above it, in Jesus’ name! In the mighty name of Jesus Christ we pray. People of God, in Psalm 107:13-14, the Scripture says this: “Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble, and He saved them out of their distresses. He brought them out of darkness and the shadow of death, and broke their chains in pieces.” Today, I say unto you by faith - God has brought you out of darkness into His marvellous light and broken those chains! He has brought you out of bondage into breakthrough. He has brought you out of sickness into good health. He has brought you out of fear into freedom. He has brought you out of pain into peace. He has brought you out and broken those chains! Rejoice in your release. Today, you have been positioned for progress. You have been positioned for good success. You have been positioned for divine breakthrough. You have been positioned for uncommon favour. You have been positioned for unique opportunities. Rejoice! Rejoice in your release. But take note of this - today, you have been connected to that heavenly frequency. Don't let any issues of this world take your heart down. Stay connected! Don't tune back into unforgiveness. Don't tune back into pain of the past. Don't tune back into the lies of the devil. Stay connected. The devil can only succeed in deceiving you when you lower yourself to his level. His weapons of warfare can only work when you descend to his battleground. That is, when you fight according to the flesh. Because the believer who walks in the natural is no match for satan. So people of God, what does this mean for you and me? Don't be spiritually minded for a service. Be spiritually minded as a standard. Seeking God is not seasonally or circumstantially driven. No, it is a lifetime pursuit. So to enjoy the miracle, the blessing, the freedom, the touch you have received today, employ your faith day-by-day, hour-by-hour, minute-by-minute, second-by-second.