0:00:00.000,0:00:07.320 By the authority in the mighty [br]name of Jesus Christ, 0:00:07.320,0:00:11.520 be positioned for good success! 0:00:11.520,0:00:15.400 Be positioned for divine breakthrough! 0:00:15.400,0:00:19.240 Be positioned for uncommon favour! 0:00:19.240,0:00:25.160 Be positioned for progress! 0:00:28.280,0:00:40.560 I speak to every heart under [br]the influence of this programme. 0:00:40.560,0:00:53.840 I speak to every heart connected to this service today by divine invitation. 0:00:53.840,0:00:58.560 It is time to rise up. 0:00:58.560,0:01:02.520 I'm seeing people rise up [br]to their feet for prayer. 0:01:02.520,0:01:05.400 That is good. That is wonderful. 0:01:05.400,0:01:11.560 But remember, the real rising is within. 0:01:11.560,0:01:22.120 When it comes to the things of God, [br]the key factor is not our physical body. 0:01:22.120,0:01:26.880 The key is the position of our hearts. 0:01:26.880,0:01:32.400 When I say, ‘It is time to rise up’,[br]I don't simply mean rise to your feet. 0:01:32.400,0:01:39.000 I mean, let your hearts rise up and [br]seek the things that are above. 0:01:39.000,0:01:41.560 Rise up! 0:01:41.560,0:01:44.760 Rise up right now. 0:01:44.760,0:01:48.000 Rise above that unforgiveness. 0:01:48.000,0:01:51.120 Rise above that pain of the past. 0:01:51.120,0:01:53.640 Rise above that bitterness. 0:01:53.640,0:01:57.120 Rise above that worldly distraction. 0:01:57.120,0:02:00.200 Rise above that fleshly desire. 0:02:00.200,0:02:03.480 Rise above the realm of the senses 0:02:03.480,0:02:12.040 and give your complete, undivided attention to Jesus Christ. 0:02:12.040,0:02:14.760 Because He is your Deliverer. 0:02:14.760,0:02:17.120 He is your Restorer. 0:02:17.120,0:02:19.200 He is your Repairer. 0:02:19.200,0:02:21.400 He is your Creator. 0:02:21.400,0:02:23.480 He is your Provider. 0:02:23.480,0:02:27.800 He is the Owner of our souls and [br]the Healer of our wounds. 0:02:27.800,0:02:32.160 And He will touch your case today. 0:02:32.160,0:02:40.400 I want you to acknowledge [br]your position before God 0:02:40.400,0:02:49.440 as a sinner in need of His divine mercy. 0:02:49.440,0:02:53.600 Son of David, have mercy on us. 0:02:53.600,0:02:59.320 Son of David, have mercy on me. 0:02:59.320,0:03:02.280 Offer that prayer right now. 0:03:32.640,0:03:36.600 As you acknowledge your wrongdoings, 0:03:36.600,0:03:44.720 be cleansed by the precious [br]Blood of Jesus Christ. 0:03:56.720,0:04:02.040 As you repent of your sins, 0:04:02.040,0:04:09.560 be cleansed by the precious [br]Blood of Jesus Christ. 0:04:24.960,0:04:30.160 Whatever is troubling your heart, [br]disturbing your heart - 0:04:30.160,0:04:36.360 rise above it and receive [br]a free spirit right now! 0:04:36.360,0:04:40.200 Receive a free spirit because of Christ. 0:04:59.760,0:05:10.360 Let there be restoration in [br]your relationship with God! 0:05:25.480,0:05:32.440 There are some hearts still harbouring that pain of the past, holding onto unforgiveness. 0:05:32.440,0:05:39.400 I speak to that heart. Be released! 0:05:39.400,0:05:43.600 Be released in the name of Jesus Christ. 0:06:08.440,0:06:16.800 There is power in the mighty [br]name of Jesus Christ. 0:06:16.800,0:06:23.000 There is power in the precious [br]Blood of Jesus Christ 0:06:23.000,0:06:30.000 that causes the devil and his [br]agents to tremble and flee! 0:06:50.720,0:06:55.680 Right now, people of God, anywhere you are connected to this service, 0:06:55.680,0:07:03.840 I want you to place your hands on your head and declare, say with me right now: 0:07:03.840,0:07:12.000 I belong to Jesus Christ! 0:07:12.000,0:07:14.040 Declare it right now. 0:07:39.800,0:07:46.640 You devil, I command you [br]to remove your hand! 0:07:46.640,0:07:49.680 Remove your hand from that family. 0:07:49.680,0:07:52.560 Remove your hand from that household. 0:07:52.560,0:07:55.320 Remove your hand from that marriage. 0:07:55.320,0:08:02.000 I command you to leave right now! 0:08:02.000,0:08:03.720 Leave with your bondage. 0:08:03.720,0:08:05.400 Leave with your burden. 0:08:05.400,0:08:07.720 Leave in Jesus’ name! 0:08:33.360,0:08:45.240 Yes, I command every strange spirit operating in your head, eyes, ears, mouth - 0:08:45.240,0:08:50.120 you strange spirit, come out right now! 0:08:50.120,0:08:55.080 Come out, in the mighty [br]name of Jesus Christ! 0:09:20.280,0:09:26.000 People of God, the Holy Spirit [br]is at work right now. Listen! 0:09:26.000,0:09:37.160 Every sexual attack in your dreams - that strange man, woman sleeping with you - 0:09:37.160,0:09:41.720 I say be disconnected. 0:09:41.720,0:09:45.480 Be disconnected in Jesus’ name! 0:10:15.440,0:10:22.320 That connection to a spiritual husband, [br]that connection to a spiritual wife - 0:10:22.320,0:10:29.760 I say to that demonic connection, [br]be broken! Be broken right now! 0:10:29.760,0:10:37.080 Break that demonic connection. Break it! 0:11:06.200,0:11:13.320 That nightmare, that spiritual attack disturbing your sleep, your nights - 0:11:13.320,0:11:20.040 I say to that nightmare, be cancelled! 0:11:47.640,0:11:55.920 Right now, that bad habit opening [br]the door to bondage in your life - 0:11:55.920,0:12:04.200 I say right now, break free! [br]Break free, in the name of Jesus Christ. 0:12:04.200,0:12:06.720 Break free from that bad habit! 0:12:06.720,0:12:09.200 Break free from that addiction! 0:12:09.200,0:12:13.520 Break free in the name of Jesus Christ. 0:12:39.560,0:12:43.440 That cage of addiction - 0:12:43.440,0:12:54.840 addiction to alcohol, cigarettes, pornography, your phone, the internet, social media - 0:12:54.840,0:13:03.080 I say to that addiction right now, be broken! 0:13:03.080,0:13:06.160 Be broken, in the name of Jesus Christ! 0:13:06.160,0:13:10.280 Break free from that addiction. 0:13:10.280,0:13:13.600 Break free in the name of Jesus Christ. 0:13:43.000,0:13:51.840 There are many people today who are under attack by the spirit of confusion. 0:13:51.840,0:13:55.200 They don't understand their identity. 0:13:55.200,0:14:01.000 They are confused about who they really are, about who God says they are. 0:14:01.000,0:14:11.920 Right now, I say to that spirit of confusion - [br]be cast out! 0:14:11.920,0:14:17.160 Be cast out, in the name of Jesus Christ. 0:14:49.320,0:14:53.400 People of God, in this atmosphere of faith, we see the Holy Spirit working. 0:14:53.400,0:14:55.240 We see the Holy Spirit moving. 0:14:55.240,0:15:00.840 Place your hand anywhere you are experiencing pain in your physical body. 0:15:00.840,0:15:06.520 Place your hand there as a [br]point of contact by faith. 0:15:06.520,0:15:21.800 Wherever that sickness has taken root or residence within you, I declare healing! 0:15:21.800,0:15:27.480 Be healed, in Jesus’ name! 0:15:52.240,0:15:57.440 Listen, don't just accept that [br]problem as your portion. 0:15:57.440,0:16:00.480 Don't conclude that sickness is your lot. 0:16:00.480,0:16:08.880 The Scripture says in 1 Corinthians 6:19 that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, 0:16:08.880,0:16:14.440 not a temple for the spirit of sickness, affliction or pain. 0:16:14.440,0:16:25.800 Right now, whatever organ in your body is damaged by the spirit of sickness, 0:16:25.800,0:16:36.800 I declare restoration. Be restored! 0:17:17.520,0:17:28.240 That damaged organ in your system - begin to function right now! 0:17:28.240,0:17:31.680 Whereve that damage is located - [br]is it in your heart? 0:17:31.680,0:17:34.720 Is it in your brain? Is it in your stomach? 0:17:34.720,0:17:38.280 Is it in your lungs, your liver, your kidney? 0:17:38.280,0:17:45.120 Wherever that damage is located, [br]begin to function right now. 0:17:45.120,0:17:50.480 Function by the power in [br]the name of Jesus Christ! 0:18:23.280,0:18:26.480 Where is that sickness hiding? 0:18:26.480,0:18:30.960 Where is that disease lurking[br]in your system? 0:18:30.960,0:18:37.440 Right now, whatever you have eaten [br]from the table of the adversary 0:18:37.440,0:18:43.240 in your dreams that is poisoning your system, polluting your system, 0:18:43.240,0:18:51.600 I say right now - be flushed out! 0:18:51.600,0:18:58.240 Vomit it out right now! Vomit out [br]that sickness, disease, poison! 0:18:58.240,0:19:03.560 That strange affliction in your system - come out right now! 0:19:46.560,0:19:50.720 I know there are some of us who have the pictures of our loved ones. 0:19:50.720,0:19:56.480 They are not physically with you for this prayer, but by faith they are with you. 0:19:56.480,0:20:02.320 Hold up their picture right now.[br]Let us stand in faith on their behalf. 0:20:02.320,0:20:15.120 I speak to that family member, that loved one in the cage of addiction, rebellion, bondage. 0:20:15.120,0:20:23.480 Wherever they are right now - be released! 0:20:23.480,0:20:27.560 Be released in Jesus’ name! 0:20:55.280,0:21:00.440 I send the word of faith to that [br]loved one on the sickbed, 0:21:00.440,0:21:08.160 surrounded by sickness, sorrow, trouble. 0:21:08.160,0:21:16.400 In the name of Jesus Christ, be released! 0:21:16.400,0:21:19.880 Be released in Jesus’ name. 0:21:49.000,0:21:55.160 I want right now to offer a prayer for the married couples who are connected. 0:21:55.160,0:21:59.920 If you are here with your husband [br]or wife connected right now, 0:21:59.920,0:22:01.280 please hold each other's hands. 0:22:01.280,0:22:04.040 Let us pray for marriages. 0:22:04.040,0:22:13.520 Whatever is robbing you of rest [br]in your marriage, in your home, 0:22:13.520,0:22:22.440 I say right now - be removed![br]Be removed in Jesus’ name! 0:22:44.000,0:22:52.280 I speak complete restoration [br]to your home. Be restored! 0:22:52.280,0:22:55.680 Let that affection be restored. 0:22:55.680,0:23:00.000 Let that mutual understanding be restored. 0:23:00.000,0:23:07.040 Let that unity be restored. 0:23:33.440,0:23:37.400 There are many homes [br]that lack peace today 0:23:37.400,0:23:44.600 because instead of learning from [br]our wrongs, we repeat them. 0:23:44.600,0:23:50.880 The cause of this is not too far from pride. 0:23:50.880,0:23:58.480 I command every spirit of pride causing you to not acknowledge your wrongs, 0:23:58.480,0:24:03.000 that spirit of pride - get out right now! 0:24:03.000,0:24:07.880 Out of your marriage! Out of your home! [br]Out of your family! 0:24:07.880,0:24:11.560 Come out in Jesus’ name. 0:24:49.880,0:24:55.600 Husbands, wives under the influence [br]of this programme - listen to this. 0:24:55.600,0:24:59.320 Leave the past behind and move on. 0:24:59.320,0:25:03.800 Leave that petty issue behind[br]and move on. 0:25:03.800,0:25:05.520 Move on in your marriage. 0:25:05.520,0:25:07.520 Move on in maturity. 0:25:07.520,0:25:09.080 Move on in love. 0:25:09.080,0:25:11.440 Move on in understanding. 0:25:11.440,0:25:14.880 Receive the grace to move on! 0:25:48.800,0:25:53.960 In the same vein, there are many [br]of us connected right now 0:25:53.960,0:26:01.880 whose businesses, careers seem to be stuck in a cycle of stagnation, 0:26:01.880,0:26:09.240 a cycle of limitation. Enough is enough! 0:26:09.240,0:26:16.520 Right now, receive the grace to [br]move on in your business. 0:26:16.520,0:26:19.040 Move on in your finances. 0:26:19.040,0:26:21.280 Move on in your career. 0:26:21.280,0:26:25.400 Move forward! 0:26:25.400,0:26:27.720 Don't be stuck in stagnation. 0:26:27.720,0:26:30.080 Don't get caught up in carryover. 0:26:30.080,0:26:33.440 Move on in Jesus’ name! 0:27:25.640,0:27:32.960 By the authority in the mighty [br]name of Jesus Christ, 0:27:32.960,0:27:37.160 be positioned for good success! 0:27:37.160,0:27:41.040 Be positioned for divine breakthrough! 0:27:41.040,0:27:44.880 Be positioned for uncommon favour! 0:27:44.880,0:27:51.480 Be positioned for progress! 0:28:14.920,0:28:18.560 Those of you who are [br]looking for employment, 0:28:18.560,0:28:23.720 I say unto you - be positioned [br]for your destined job! 0:28:23.720,0:28:28.800 Those of you who have experienced [br]delay in promotion, 0:28:28.800,0:28:33.040 I say unto you - be positioned for upgrade! 0:28:33.040,0:28:39.360 Be positioned for increase! [br]Be positioned for advancement! 0:29:05.720,0:29:14.440 People of God, I want to offer a prayer [br]right now for our students. 0:29:14.440,0:29:19.520 I know there are many students studying for exams, in the midst of exams. 0:29:19.520,0:29:22.120 I want to pray for you right now. 0:29:22.120,0:29:32.360 As you pray as if everything depends on God and study as if everything depends on you, 0:29:32.360,0:29:38.360 receive the grace to excel! 0:29:38.360,0:29:46.040 I declare academic excellence[br]in Jesus’ name. 0:30:13.840,0:30:27.160 That spirit of procrastination in your studies - be cast out, in Jesus’ name! 0:30:44.840,0:30:56.680 Whatever is breaking your focus - [br]be removed! Be removed right now! 0:30:56.680,0:31:05.040 That spirit of distraction breaking your focus - I say, come out in Jesus’ name. 0:31:29.880,0:31:34.880 People of God, right now, I want you to hold the flag of your nation. 0:31:34.880,0:31:40.160 Let us stand in prayer for the nations[br]of the world. 0:31:40.160,0:31:51.560 Whatever the tension engulfing your nation, [br]be it political, religious or cultural tension, 0:31:51.560,0:32:01.440 whatever the tension, ask God right now for His calmness to reign in your nation, 0:32:01.440,0:32:07.040 for His peace to reign, for His justice [br]to reign in your nation. 0:32:07.040,0:32:14.760 Ask Him right now for that calmness [br]from above to reign in your nation. 0:32:51.800,0:33:01.400 Ask God right now to help you[br]develop godly habits 0:33:01.400,0:33:05.360 that will help to maintain [br]your relationship with Him. 0:33:05.360,0:33:06.800 Ask Him right now. 0:33:06.800,0:33:15.320 Ask God to help you develop godly habits that will strengthen your spiritual life, 0:33:15.320,0:33:19.160 that will help you maintain [br]your relationship with Him. 0:33:19.160,0:33:22.480 Ask Him right now. 0:33:57.120,0:34:11.360 In this journey of faith, ask God to help you rise above fear, worry, anxiety. 0:34:11.360,0:34:19.160 Ask Him right now. Ask Him [br]to help you rise above it! 0:34:48.360,0:34:57.880 That trap of comparison - [br]I say, rise above it! 0:34:57.880,0:35:04.880 That trap of competition fuelled [br]by the flesh - rise above it! 0:35:04.880,0:35:13.000 That trap of inferiority complex - [br]rise above it, in Jesus’ name! 0:35:45.160,0:35:52.280 In the mighty name of Jesus Christ we pray. 0:35:59.400,0:36:12.200 People of God, in Psalm 107:13-14, [br]the Scripture says this: 0:36:12.200,0:36:21.080 “Then they cried out to the [br]Lord in their trouble, 0:36:21.080,0:36:25.400 and He saved them out of their distresses. 0:36:25.400,0:36:31.720 He brought them out of darkness [br]and the shadow of death, 0:36:31.720,0:36:38.000 and broke their chains in pieces.” 0:36:38.000,0:36:43.640 Today, I say unto you by faith - 0:36:43.640,0:36:57.280 God has brought you out of darkness into His marvellous light and broken those chains! 0:36:57.280,0:37:02.600 He has brought you out of [br]bondage into breakthrough. 0:37:02.600,0:37:07.000 He has brought you out of [br]sickness into good health. 0:37:07.000,0:37:11.160 He has brought you out of [br]fear into freedom. 0:37:11.160,0:37:15.280 He has brought you out of pain into peace. 0:37:15.280,0:37:21.560 He has brought you out [br]and broken those chains! 0:37:21.560,0:37:24.480 Rejoice in your release. 0:37:24.480,0:37:28.000 Today, you have been [br]positioned for progress. 0:37:28.000,0:37:30.960 You have been positioned [br]for good success. 0:37:30.960,0:37:34.000 You have been positioned [br]for divine breakthrough. 0:37:34.000,0:37:36.760 You have been positioned [br]for uncommon favour. 0:37:36.760,0:37:40.000 You have been positioned [br]for unique opportunities. 0:37:40.000,0:37:45.320 Rejoice! Rejoice in your release. 0:37:45.320,0:37:55.680 But take note of this - today, you have been connected to that heavenly frequency. 0:37:55.680,0:38:06.680 Don't let any issues of this world take [br]your heart down. Stay connected! 0:38:06.680,0:38:09.520 Don't tune back into unforgiveness. 0:38:09.520,0:38:12.400 Don't tune back into pain of the past. 0:38:12.400,0:38:15.760 Don't tune back into the lies of the devil. 0:38:15.760,0:38:18.920 Stay connected. 0:38:18.920,0:38:29.480 The devil can only succeed in deceiving you when you lower yourself to his level. 0:38:29.480,0:38:38.480 His weapons of warfare can only work when you descend to his battleground. 0:38:38.480,0:38:43.640 That is, when you fight [br]according to the flesh. 0:38:43.640,0:38:54.560 Because the believer who walks in [br]the natural is no match for satan. 0:38:54.560,0:39:00.320 So people of God, what does [br]this mean for you and me? 0:39:00.320,0:39:05.800 Don't be spiritually minded for a service. 0:39:05.800,0:39:11.280 Be spiritually minded as a standard. 0:39:11.280,0:39:19.880 Seeking God is not seasonally or circumstantially driven. 0:39:19.880,0:39:25.080 No, it is a lifetime pursuit. 0:39:25.080,0:39:33.800 So to enjoy the miracle, the blessing, the freedom, the touch you have received today, 0:39:33.800,0:39:43.320 employ your faith day-by-day, hour-by-hour, minute-by-minute, second-by-second.