Hello This is Ghost Story Catcher Scary Story You Didn't Know Ep 2 Strange E-mail from C Company [Scary Story You Didn't Know] The first post about experiencing parallel world Do you remember it? There was something mentioned in the post It was a company with a cat logo Other posts have also mentioned they saw this company that this company's name is C Company some claimed they're a design company The original poster left a comment acknowledging this and gave a huge boost to those claiming the existence of parallel worlds Perhaps there is a breach in the parallel world? Rising number of people are claiming they have received e-mails from C Company The e-mail had a PDF attachment I got my hands on the said PDF file The PDF file included an introduction about C Company It looks like an ordinary About Us but click on the top right, and you'll see this picture and clicking around the cat logo will show you this video And there is a large blank space underneath the introduction At first glance, it seems like nothing but if you take your cursor over it, it will change shape If you drag the content in that area and paste into a notepad you can see something about a special department Even on the first post, they mention they say they could see unclear images or noises when they downloaded the file As this PDF includes a strange image and information perhaps it has made its way across from the other world According to the PDF the special department is trying to send papers to unspecified recipients And that if you see the paper you will feel an obsession about crowns To be honest, before I started this content I wasn't sure about the existence of parallel worlds but having found so much evidence I can say beyond doubt that parallel worlds exist If you experience parallel worlds yourself or have already done so I would appreciate if you could leave a comment I'll be back with more interesting stories This was Ghost Story Catcher