Hi it's Emily! So this is a very uncharacteristic video happening right now. So here is the deal. Number one, there will be embarrassing photos video because I promised it in the title but first there's an announcement, which came first in the title, so that makes sense Today was going to be this really awesome research video and it still gonna happen. I have been working on it since last Wednesday about 12 to 14 hours a day Although today I've actually been working on it 18 hours... If you follow me on social media you got to see this post yesterday... which is actually my today because I'm recording this tuesday. This is the first time in the two years that I have been doing 2-3 videos every single week regardless of what's happening that I am NOT getting a video up because it's not done yet. So that's really sad. Everything Wrong With Environmentalism, if you guys remember that one. I worked for 24, I think it was 24 or 25 hours in a row through the night. Got it up. 2 hours late, which made me really sad but it was there This one is not going to -- I could work through the night. It's not going to be done. So if you... I mean if you don't know -- really quick, this might bore you -- I'm going to say it really fast. If you don't know how I do my videos. When I research I don't just say "Oh I heard this the documentary, I read this in an article about a study and it said this. You know, I read this in a book -- even if I read it in a book, what I'm gonna do is I'm going to look up the sources for what they cite. or in the documentary, if they don't cite sources I'm gonna just google until I just find them until I find the research article. Then I'm going to look at their sources. I'm going to read the study, I'm going to see what they were talking about.I'm going to see if there are any conflicting studies. I'm going to - if there's a report from the FAO I'm going to see if there's a newer report from the FAO. Then I'm going to compare the reports. So...it's kind of like doing a thesis paper in 3-4 days. And then, making a video out of it, so... So this time I'm really upping my citation game. Over 130 sources right now that I've compiled for this and gone through. So it's going to be a really solid piece of work. So anyways, this video is is gonna be on Monday. I'm 99% sure there will be a video of this Friday. Look at this is awesome right now, what's happening here it's really good. So that's going to happen. There should be a little video on Friday, really awesome one on Monday. It's not super long. Don't worry it's not like the thirty-minute History of Veganism ones. By the way, if you like this kind of delightfully awkward format, you should join on Patreon in the Nugget Army. Because this is the kind of interaction that my patrons get...all the time. I'm sure they like it. So I am linking other videos of mine at the end of this video and down in the description. for you to see. Some that are, I think are pretty decent pieces of work. Check them out if youhaven't seen them already give them a gander because I don't have much for you today. But I am gonna show you some pictures from my youth as penance for not having the video ready. Let's take a look here So here I am as cat. That's actually kinda cute. If you'll notice on the bottom shelf, those are record, kids. We used to play those. Here I am trying to look shorter than I actually am Which is a strange desire because I'm very tiny person. This is me with my mom, who looks really happy and I look disgruntled...with life. And finally, my favorite. Mastering censorship with my perfect cup placement. Well done little baby Emily. I will let you know that I also have a lot of talks coming up in the coming months so I'm gonna be traveling and things like that and I'm going to do my very best to keep the channel going as well so it's gonna be a bit of a juggling act but we will see. If you want to see where I'm going to be ahead of the upcoming talks on the "About" page of BiteSizeVegan.com Well I hope you enjoyed whatever this thing is. Do check out come of these much better put together videos, which are also linked below with others that I've included because I didn't put any funny ones on the card. So I decided to link them below. Please stay tuned and thank you so much for your support through everything and your patience. Now go live vegan, watch some of my better videos and I'll see you soon. I think that went marginally okay.