0:00:00.089,0:00:06.980 Hi it's Emily! So this is a very[br]uncharacteristic video happening right 0:00:06.980,0:00:10.960 now. So here is the deal. Number one, there will be embarrassing photos video because I promised 0:00:10.960,0:00:17.380 it in the title but first there's an announcement, which came first in the title, so that makes sense 0:00:18.720,0:00:22.160 Today was going to be this really awesome research video and it still gonna happen. 0:00:22.240,0:00:27.720 I have been working on it since last[br]Wednesday about 12 to 14 hours a day 0:00:27.730,0:00:31.530 Although today I've actually been working on it 18 hours... 0:00:32.520,0:00:36.360 If you follow me on social media you got to see this post yesterday... 0:00:37.800,0:00:41.540 which is actually my today because I'm[br]recording this tuesday. 0:00:42.580,0:00:48.000 This is the first time in the two years that I have been doing 2-3 videos every single week 0:00:48.000,0:00:51.840 regardless of what's happening that I am[br]NOT getting a video up because it's not 0:00:51.840,0:00:54.489 done yet. So that's really sad. 0:00:54.489,0:00:57.009 Everything Wrong With Environmentalism, if you guys remember that one. 0:00:57.620,0:01:04.940 I worked for 24, I think it was 24 or 25 hours in a row through the night. Got it up. 0:01:05.360,0:01:08.100 2 hours late, which made me really sad but it was there 0:01:09.060,0:01:12.540 This one is not going to -- I could work through the night. It's not going to be done. 0:01:13.040,0:01:19.320 So if you... I mean if you don't know -- really quick, this might bore you -- I'm going to say it really fast. 0:01:19.680,0:01:25.980 If you don't know how I do my videos. When I research I don't just say "Oh I heard this the documentary, I read 0:01:25.990,0:01:32.010 this in an article about a study and it said this. You know, I read this in a book -- even if I read it in a book, 0:01:32.220,0:01:36.120 what I'm gonna do is I'm going to look up the sources for what they cite. 0:01:36.300,0:01:40.860 or in the documentary, if they don't cite sources I'm gonna just google until I just find them 0:01:40.860,0:01:45.640 until I find the research article. Then I'm going to look at their sources. I'm going to read the study, I'm going to 0:01:46.180,0:01:51.500 see what they were talking about.I'm going to see if there are any conflicting studies. I'm going to - 0:01:51.520,0:01:55.799 if there's a report from the FAO I'm going to see if there's a newer report from the FAO. 0:01:55.799,0:01:59.719 Then I'm going to compare the reports. So...it's kind of like doing 0:02:00.380,0:02:07.320 a thesis paper in 3-4 days. And then, making a video out of it, so... 0:02:08.240,0:02:12.280 So this time I'm really upping my citation game. Over 130 sources right now that I've 0:02:12.280,0:02:18.820 compiled for this and gone through. So it's going to be a really solid piece of work. 0:02:19.220,0:02:22.840 So anyways, this video is is gonna be on Monday. 0:02:22.850,0:02:28.410 I'm 99% sure there will be a video of this Friday. Look at this is awesome right now, what's happening here 0:02:28.410,0:02:29.810 it's really good. 0:02:29.810,0:02:34.380 So that's going to happen. There should be a little video on Friday, really awesome one on Monday. 0:02:34.380,0:02:39.200 It's not super long. Don't worry it's not like the thirty-minute History of Veganism ones. 0:02:39.500,0:02:47.900 By the way, if you like this kind of delightfully awkward format, you should join on Patreon in the Nugget Army. 0:02:47.900,0:02:52.280 Because this is the kind of interaction[br]that my patrons get...all the time. 0:02:54.500,0:02:55.740 I'm sure they like it. 0:02:55.740,0:03:01.160 So I am linking other videos of mine at the end of this video and down in the description. 0:03:01.400,0:03:05.940 for you to see. Some that are, I think are[br]pretty decent pieces of work. 0:03:06.020,0:03:10.080 Check them out if youhaven't seen them [br]already give them a gander 0:03:10.080,0:03:14.080 because I don't have much for you today.[br]But I am gonna show you some pictures 0:03:14.080,0:03:21.920 from my youth as penance for not having[br]the video ready. Let's take a look here 0:03:21.960,0:03:27.100 So here I am as cat. That's actually kinda[br]cute. If you'll notice on the bottom shelf, 0:03:27.100,0:03:31.000 those are record, kids. We used to play those. 0:03:31.620,0:03:38.760 Here I am trying to look shorter than I actually am Which is a strange desire because I'm very tiny person. 0:03:39.860,0:03:45.480 This is me with my mom, who looks really happy and I look disgruntled...with life. 0:03:45.740,0:03:53.880 And finally, my favorite. Mastering censorship with my perfect cup placement. Well done little baby Emily. 0:03:53.880,0:03:58.269 I will let you know that I also have a lot[br]of talks coming up in the coming months 0:03:58.269,0:04:02.190 so I'm gonna be traveling and things like[br]that and I'm going to do my very best to 0:04:02.190,0:04:07.430 keep the channel going as well so it's[br]gonna be a bit of a juggling act but we 0:04:07.430,0:04:10.830 will see. If you want to see where I'm[br]going to be ahead of the upcoming talks 0:04:10.830,0:04:13.250 on the "About" page of BiteSizeVegan.com 0:04:14.160,0:04:18.020 Well I hope you enjoyed whatever this thing is. 0:04:19.260,0:04:26.080 Do check out come of these much better put together videos, which are also linked below with others that I've 0:04:26.080,0:04:31.900 included because I didn't put any funny ones on the card. So I decided to link them below. 0:04:31.910,0:04:36.240 Please stay tuned and thank you so much for your support through everything and your patience. 0:04:36.240,0:04:41.400 Now go live vegan, watch some of my better videos and I'll see you soon. 0:04:42.480,0:04:44.480 I think that went marginally okay.