Hello and welcome back to my channel! I'm very excited about today's video. It's a topic that I have wanted to do for a very long time. We're talking about lighting. I'm going to give you ideas for different lighting setups. We're in a pretty small space. So, keep that in mind. You are not limited by the size of room that you're in. But first, before, we get into the meat of this video I would like to take a moment to thank today's sponsor [meow] smart home. So, we'll be using their devices to help us make these lighting setups more convenient and intuitive. You'll see what I mean in just a sec so let's get into it. We set everything up for this particular lighting setup yesterday because we just wanted to get ahead so, unfortunately there is no BTS of how we set this up but I am going to walk you through exactly what we're using to light this beautiful scene that you're seeing right now. The coolest thing about this setup is that most of what we're using as light sources, you probably already have at home. So our first light, our key light-- Thanks Luna. As I was saying, our first light, our key light, is actually the beautiful window that I am facing right now. So it's a little bit sunnier in here today than it was yesterday when we originally set it up. It was way more overcast yesterday and that was giving us a beautiful diffused, soft light on my face and that's typically what I love about natural light is it is really flattering, especially when it is an overcast day because it's already adding that natural diffusion. But today, because it's much more harsh, and usually it is in this room in the morning; it's very very sunny so we've added a diffusion panel. If you don't have something like this at home, you can repurpose a sheer curtain, you can use a sheet off of your bed. Anything white and sheer that's a little bit opaque that'll allow you to just nicely diffuse that light source on your face. So, you don't necessarily need to go to Amazon and buy your own diffusion panel if you don't want to. Next, behind me we've got some practicals lit. We have our own lamp that-- I love this lamp. It