0:00:06.434,0:00:08.964 I'm guessing that most of you 0:00:08.964,0:00:13.740 have heard the advice[br]so often attributed to Eleanor Roosevelt: 0:00:13.740,0:00:16.440 "Do something every day that scares you." 0:00:16.620,0:00:18.860 I got a big check mark right now. 0:00:18.860,0:00:20.260 (Laughter) 0:00:20.260,0:00:22.531 I'm not a fan of public speaking. 0:00:23.282,0:00:26.195 But just to add to my angst, 0:00:26.195,0:00:29.795 I plan to tell you[br]a little bit of my own story, 0:00:29.795,0:00:32.935 and it's kind of rough around the edges. 0:00:33.185,0:00:36.765 But it leads directly[br]to a much bigger story, 0:00:37.028,0:00:40.458 that of a small but mighty group of women 0:00:40.458,0:00:44.112 who came together with a deep commitment 0:00:44.348,0:00:48.827 to being a part of addressing[br]the addiction crisis in our community. 0:00:50.190,0:00:53.164 I don't pretend to be[br]an expert on the subject, 0:00:53.744,0:00:57.994 but I have been to a place[br]where many people have gotten lost, 0:00:58.213,0:01:00.363 some to never return. 0:01:00.524,0:01:03.147 And it is a hell that reminds me 0:01:03.457,0:01:06.313 that while it's really important[br]that we talk about things 0:01:06.313,0:01:10.763 like Vivitrol and detox 0:01:10.763,0:01:12.628 and needle exchange programs, 0:01:12.628,0:01:14.366 and so forth, 0:01:14.784,0:01:16.484 that it's just as important 0:01:16.484,0:01:22.294 that we talk about where healing[br]intersects with hope and purpose. 0:01:23.097,0:01:24.431 So I'm going to begin 0:01:24.431,0:01:30.607 at what was almost the end[br]of my 10-year romance with alcohol, 0:01:30.857,0:01:34.827 occasional love affairs[br]with other substances. 0:01:35.464,0:01:39.513 It was the first Friday of September 1978. 0:01:39.880,0:01:44.812 My doctor entered my hospital room,[br]and he said, "You're going home today." 0:01:45.388,0:01:49.408 And I thought, "Well, I won't go[br]to my home away from home," 0:01:49.408,0:01:51.438 which was the local bar, 0:01:51.786,0:01:56.076 not because I thought[br]I had a problem with alcohol - 0:01:56.514,0:01:59.894 no, I was just totally humiliated. 0:01:59.921,0:02:04.101 I wasn't that tough chick[br]that I projected to my friends, 0:02:04.101,0:02:05.811 or so I thought. 0:02:07.096,0:02:09.886 You see, on that previous Monday, 0:02:09.886,0:02:11.078 I had woken up 0:02:11.078,0:02:16.033 to the most beautiful,[br]brilliant blue sky, 0:02:16.328,0:02:21.108 with great big billowing clouds[br]stretched across the horizon. 0:02:21.575,0:02:22.915 And it was the kind of scene 0:02:22.915,0:02:27.475 that at one time in my life[br]would have given me such a surge of joy. 0:02:28.667,0:02:31.817 Nature has always been my sanctuary, 0:02:32.875,0:02:37.482 my place where I sense a higher power, 0:02:37.932,0:02:40.812 the magic, the mystery of the universe, 0:02:42.673,0:02:45.876 a healing balm in troubled times. 0:02:45.876,0:02:47.783 But on that morning, 0:02:48.123,0:02:52.523 I couldn't even feel[br]the tiniest little drop of awe. 0:02:53.412,0:02:56.642 That connection had been[br]unraveling for some time. 0:02:57.689,0:03:01.239 And on that morning, it was like[br]the final thread had been snipped 0:03:02.297,0:03:04.977 and untethered from any kind of hope 0:03:04.977,0:03:10.352 that I could pull myself out of the rut[br]of my own dark thinking. 0:03:10.808,0:03:16.591 I decided that my life[br]really didn't matter, 0:03:18.445,0:03:22.460 that my four-year-old son[br]would be better off without me. 0:03:23.356,0:03:25.346 That's hard to say. 0:03:26.207,0:03:29.927 And I went into my brother-in-law's room - 0:03:30.553,0:03:31.622 the house was empty - 0:03:31.622,0:03:36.223 and I removed his loaded[br]revolver from a drawer, 0:03:36.223,0:03:38.445 and I placed it at my temple. 0:03:40.173,0:03:43.803 And I can't tell you how long I sat there[br]with my hand trembling, 0:03:43.803,0:03:46.703 my finger on the trigger,[br]ready to pull it, 0:03:48.147,0:03:52.277 but it was enough[br]to make me shudder still today. 0:03:56.421,0:03:58.621 And I want to stop[br]because so many times 0:03:58.621,0:04:02.511 people I know that have struggled[br]with severe depression will say, 0:04:02.511,0:04:04.171 "I didn't have the guts to do it," 0:04:04.171,0:04:07.204 when they talk about wanting[br]to kill themselves. 0:04:08.503,0:04:10.423 That is not guts. 0:04:12.425,0:04:16.365 That is despair and hopelessness[br]and impulsivity. 0:04:17.804,0:04:21.764 I did not do the thing[br]that would have required guts - 0:04:22.271,0:04:24.691 I didn't go and call for help. 0:04:26.279,0:04:29.639 I went into the bathroom instead[br]after putting the gun down, 0:04:29.639,0:04:32.249 and I removed a bottle of aspirin, 0:04:32.560,0:04:37.409 and with the beer I was drinking[br]I washed the entire contents down - 0:04:37.850,0:04:41.449 my roommate came home[br]sometime in that period - 0:04:43.609,0:04:48.139 and I took out another bottle of aspirin[br]and took the entire contents. 0:04:49.180,0:04:51.170 And then came a razor blade. 0:04:51.676,0:04:54.196 My last memory that morning in that house 0:04:54.196,0:04:58.856 was of blood splattering[br]across my son's bedroom wall 0:04:59.557,0:05:02.137 as I was wrestled to a gurney. 0:05:02.137,0:05:05.367 And now, on the fifth day in the hospital, 0:05:05.367,0:05:07.145 I was going home 0:05:07.145,0:05:09.205 with no clue, Why I am even here? 0:05:09.205,0:05:11.584 What is this insanity about? 0:05:13.656,0:05:16.276 And that night I did go to the bar 0:05:16.555,0:05:18.795 because that's what we do[br]when we're addicted - 0:05:18.795,0:05:22.885 we keep doing the very same thing[br]over and over again, 0:05:22.885,0:05:25.285 causing our own self-destruction. 0:05:26.158,0:05:27.928 And we lie to everyone around us, 0:05:27.928,0:05:31.158 but the biggest lie[br]is the lie we tell ourself - 0:05:31.158,0:05:32.903 "It's not that bad. 0:05:33.203,0:05:35.173 Tomorrow will be different." 0:05:37.778,0:05:41.598 And the biggest, saddest,[br]most tragic thing about that 0:05:41.598,0:05:43.238 is we believe it. 0:05:43.478,0:05:47.488 We believe our own lies to ourself. 0:05:49.378,0:05:51.158 It wasn't until several months later 0:05:51.158,0:05:54.198 when I was introduced[br]to the recovery community 0:05:54.198,0:05:56.808 that I began to understand 0:05:57.616,0:06:01.566 that alcohol had become[br]the centerpiece to my life. 0:06:01.566,0:06:06.520 It was that the relationship to alcohol[br]was the common denominator 0:06:06.796,0:06:08.666 to connect the dots. 0:06:09.359,0:06:12.129 I thought back to when I was 14 years old, 0:06:12.129,0:06:14.433 when life was difficult at home 0:06:14.859,0:06:16.969 and alcohol was so much fun, 0:06:16.999,0:06:18.999 and it seemed like the answer. 0:06:18.999,0:06:21.548 It was the solution to all my problems, 0:06:21.548,0:06:24.876 but that solution had become my problem. 0:06:25.561,0:06:28.521 In recovery I was handed this blueprint, 0:06:28.521,0:06:33.021 a kind of road map for how to navigate[br]my way through life, 0:06:33.021,0:06:35.541 not just how to not pick up, 0:06:36.110,0:06:38.330 but how to enjoy the journey, 0:06:38.599,0:06:42.459 how to be at peace inside my own skin. 0:06:43.154,0:06:46.266 And I've been involved[br]in that community ever since. 0:06:46.733,0:06:50.741 Now, I'd be remiss in jumping[br]from back then to now 0:06:50.741,0:06:53.941 like, okay, everything's hunky-dory now. 0:06:53.941,0:06:55.091 (Laughter) 0:06:55.091,0:06:57.661 You know, live happily ever after. 0:06:58.250,0:07:01.380 No, in the last 39+ years, 0:07:01.380,0:07:05.690 I've had more challenging situations[br]come up in my life 0:07:06.230,0:07:08.260 than in the previous 10. 0:07:08.571,0:07:10.801 I think Forrest Gump put it so aptly: 0:07:10.801,0:07:12.630 "Shit happens," right? 0:07:12.630,0:07:14.281 to all of us. 0:07:15.150,0:07:18.400 It's just the nature[br]of the beast - life, you know? 0:07:18.400,0:07:24.562 But today I have this tool chest[br]that I keep readily available. 0:07:24.857,0:07:25.877 I keep it handy. 0:07:25.877,0:07:30.948 I keep the tools sharp,[br]try to make sure they don't get rusty. 0:07:31.658,0:07:33.755 And one of the things[br]that helped me so much, 0:07:33.755,0:07:35.275 particularly in the beginning 0:07:35.275,0:07:38.693 when those other hard things[br]happened along the way, 0:07:39.184,0:07:41.155 it's a simple mantra - 0:07:41.741,0:07:43.771 "This too shall pass." 0:07:44.346,0:07:46.486 And indeed it always does. 0:07:48.770,0:07:49.980 I was told early on 0:07:49.980,0:07:52.700 that the best antidote[br]to wanting to pick up 0:07:53.674,0:07:56.674 was to work with someone still suffering. 0:07:59.485,0:08:01.475 And several years back, 0:08:01.475,0:08:06.855 I felt like that aspect of my own program[br]needed a little B12 shot, 0:08:07.312,0:08:12.042 and I began attending a weekly meeting[br]at Southeastern Ohio Regional Jail 0:08:12.042,0:08:14.952 that my dear friend Cate had begun. 0:08:16.024,0:08:20.234 And there we sit in a circle[br]with women all dressed in orange 0:08:20.234,0:08:22.147 at their crossroads, 0:08:22.564,0:08:28.705 a roll of toilet paper handy, tossed[br]as the tears begin to fall inevitably. 0:08:29.663,0:08:33.533 In emergency medicine, there's this term: 0:08:34.717,0:08:36.217 the golden hour - 0:08:36.217,0:08:41.073 that first 60 minutes[br]after a serious accident has occurred 0:08:41.073,0:08:47.013 and how survival and good outcomes,[br]positive outcomes, can occur 0:08:47.013,0:08:50.763 when that intervention happens[br]in that window of time. 0:08:51.073,0:08:56.667 These women have had[br]a different kind of trauma. 0:08:57.143,0:08:59.434 Many of them share with us 0:08:59.434,0:09:02.934 that they've grown up[br]in dysfunctional households, 0:09:02.934,0:09:06.934 that their parents[br]have started them on drugs, 0:09:08.239,0:09:13.059 that they've been sexually[br]and physically abused as children, 0:09:13.079,0:09:15.998 and on up into adulthood. 0:09:16.635,0:09:22.565 And without any numbing substances[br]to dull that pain, 0:09:23.585,0:09:24.995 they feel it - 0:09:24.995,0:09:26.743 those memories, 0:09:28.029,0:09:31.649 and the shame and the guilt and remorse[br]for the mistakes made, 0:09:32.249,0:09:36.329 and the grief of being[br]separated from children, 0:09:36.329,0:09:38.457 the fear about the future. 0:09:39.584,0:09:41.990 All that emotion 0:09:41.990,0:09:46.319 brings some - not all, but some -[br]to their knees in surrender: 0:09:46.599,0:09:49.119 "I can't live this way anymore. 0:09:49.349,0:09:52.609 I cannot live this way anymore. 0:09:52.609,0:09:53.829 I've got to change. 0:09:53.829,0:09:55.949 I've got to break the cycle." 0:09:59.210,0:10:02.800 And that is our golden moment,[br]our golden hour there, 0:10:02.930,0:10:05.150 because the psyche becomes fertile 0:10:05.150,0:10:11.430 for the seeds of hope, of possibility,[br]of encouragement to be planted. 0:10:11.722,0:10:13.166 It's ripe. 0:10:13.859,0:10:18.629 But too often, what makes me[br]the most sad in these meetings 0:10:18.629,0:10:23.058 is when someone speaks[br]that earnest desire to change, 0:10:23.844,0:10:25.394 but she doesn't feel confident, 0:10:25.394,0:10:30.739 because she knows she's going right back[br]to that same household, neighborhood, 0:10:30.739,0:10:33.529 where everyone she knows uses. 0:10:34.946,0:10:38.071 Sam Quinones did an incredible job[br]in the book "Dreamland" 0:10:38.071,0:10:44.605 of explaining how our neighborhoods[br]became so vulnerable to the drug culture 0:10:44.605,0:10:47.795 because of the breakdown[br]of our social fabric 0:10:47.795,0:10:50.373 because of economic factors. 0:10:51.225,0:10:54.675 And many of those factors remain today. 0:10:58.175,0:11:02.055 Women getting out of jail,[br]treatment centers, prison, 0:11:03.733,0:11:08.013 homeless shelters,[br]domestic abuse homes, etc., 0:11:08.013,0:11:10.193 they need a safe, supportive environment 0:11:10.193,0:11:12.931 where they can hone the skills necessary 0:11:12.931,0:11:16.138 to create this firm[br]foundation of recovery, 0:11:16.138,0:11:20.918 not just to get sober and clean, 0:11:20.918,0:11:25.358 but to stay that way,[br]to get off the relapse treadmill. 0:11:26.083,0:11:30.973 There were others in the community[br]really coming to this realization 0:11:30.973,0:11:35.163 that we had a very critical need[br]for recovery housing for women 0:11:35.163,0:11:38.953 in Southeast Ohio at that same time. 0:11:39.584,0:11:43.984 When a call to action[br]went out in May of 2016, 0:11:45.724,0:11:47.734 a grassroots effort evolved. 0:11:47.734,0:11:50.281 It wasn't just me, as Steve had said; 0:11:50.281,0:11:54.001 it was a group of women,[br]strong women, said, 0:11:54.001,0:11:56.371 "We're going to do something about this." 0:11:56.371,0:12:00.664 And by March of 2017, 0:12:00.664,0:12:03.724 we were a formal nonprofit -[br]Women for Recovery - 0:12:03.724,0:12:08.616 and by July we had purchased our house,[br]named it Serenity Grove, 0:12:09.264,0:12:11.946 and today we are open with residents, 0:12:12.585,0:12:14.545 with a paid staff member, 0:12:15.404,0:12:19.944 with volunteers committed to helping women 0:12:19.944,0:12:24.956 embark on this somewhat scary[br]journey of change. 0:12:27.393,0:12:30.233 The project has been scary for us - 0:12:30.233,0:12:32.840 I think I speak for more than just me - 0:12:32.840,0:12:35.830 like, "We can make this happen, really? 0:12:35.830,0:12:36.826 Wow!" 0:12:37.330,0:12:40.111 We've had a lot of bumps along the way, 0:12:40.403,0:12:42.933 but the support of our community, 0:12:42.933,0:12:47.155 individuals and agencies[br]have shored up our confidence. 0:12:47.375,0:12:51.509 It's been instrumental in keeping us[br]on the straight and narrow, 0:12:51.509,0:12:54.559 to focus our eyes on the prize. 0:12:57.113,0:13:03.008 I began by telling you a story, my story, 0:13:03.369,0:13:09.247 because I believe that stigma[br]of addiction and mental illness 0:13:13.991,0:13:17.841 creates this atmosphere[br]where we can't talk openly about it. 0:13:20.018,0:13:23.688 It's hard for someone like me[br]to ask for help. 0:13:27.494,0:13:28.632 I was - 0:13:29.082,0:13:30.434 In this community, 0:13:30.434,0:13:33.719 so many people know me[br]as "Janalee the runner" - 0:13:34.004,0:13:36.148 well, some of the things[br]that were mentioned - 0:13:36.148,0:13:38.957 I'm very opinionated,[br]write the letters to the editor, 0:13:38.957,0:13:41.467 (Laughter) 0:13:42.177,0:13:44.337 you know, the retired nurse. 0:13:44.337,0:13:45.347 But you know what? 0:13:45.347,0:13:50.867 I was Janalee, who as a teenager[br]was on life support at one time; 0:13:51.347,0:13:56.213 who another time woke up in a locked ward, 0:13:56.213,0:14:01.977 in a room that did not have a door[br]that opened from inside out, 0:14:02.305,0:14:06.845 on a mattress with no sheet,[br]no furniture, no windows, no nothing. 0:14:08.550,0:14:11.190 I want people like me to know 0:14:12.300,0:14:15.390 that radical change[br]in the brain can happen. 0:14:15.390,0:14:19.223 We don't have to be prisoners[br]to our brain chemistry. 0:14:20.834,0:14:24.489 Scientists know so much more[br]about the way the brain works, 0:14:24.489,0:14:28.139 that, yes, dopamine can make us a slave 0:14:28.139,0:14:32.154 to food and drugs and alcohol[br]and sex and gambling, 0:14:32.711,0:14:37.981 but there are neurotransmitters[br]that respond to exercise 0:14:38.746,0:14:39.986 and fellowship 0:14:40.311,0:14:42.601 and prayer and meditation and green space. 0:14:42.601,0:14:48.204 Those are some of the tools[br]that I keep in my tool chest. 0:14:50.270,0:14:52.510 Change is very scary, 0:14:53.093,0:14:55.463 but by golly it's worth it. 0:14:56.408,0:14:59.158 You have to have[br]a willingness to work for it. 0:15:03.813,0:15:09.974 With the number one cause of death 0:15:09.974,0:15:14.574 in Americans under 50[br]being drug overdose, 0:15:14.574,0:15:20.994 it's pretty rare that someone[br]doesn't know someone who's been affected. 0:15:22.334,0:15:26.534 I think when Eleanor Roosevelt advised, 0:15:26.534,0:15:28.484 "Do something every day that scares you," 0:15:28.484,0:15:32.004 she wasn't just talking[br]about running a marathon 0:15:32.004,0:15:34.014 or climbing Mount Everest - 0:15:34.014,0:15:37.284 things that, you know,[br]really make your heart go, "Whoa!" 0:15:37.693,0:15:41.593 She was talking about the way[br]we think and perceive 0:15:41.839,0:15:44.384 and open our minds and our hearts. 0:15:46.601,0:15:52.146 If you don't know anyone[br]that's been affected by these afflictions, 0:15:52.146,0:15:53.757 then the challenge for you 0:15:53.757,0:15:57.833 may be just to rethink[br]how you think about us. 0:15:58.319,0:16:00.079 Do you label us? 0:16:00.830,0:16:03.170 Are we losers?[br]Are we less than? 0:16:03.529,0:16:06.862 Is someone getting out of prison 0:16:08.422,0:16:13.855 destined to carry that label forever? 0:16:17.777,0:16:19.762 Can you say to someone, 0:16:19.992,0:16:23.972 "I respect you for what you[br]have been through. 0:16:24.182,0:16:26.552 I haven't had the bad luck. 0:16:26.552,0:16:29.932 I have the privilege[br]that I didn't grow up that way. 0:16:29.932,0:16:34.251 And, boy howdy, do I respect you[br]for being such a survivor." 0:16:35.010,0:16:39.450 I have a friend like that,[br]who was in prison for 10 years. 0:16:40.430,0:16:42.290 I thought the world of her. 0:16:42.716,0:16:47.455 But I watched all[br]the obstacles beat her down, 0:16:49.456,0:16:53.396 and today she's back in prison,[br]serving her time. 0:16:53.396,0:16:56.726 And I respect her,[br]and I'm rooting for her. 0:16:58.060,0:17:02.559 I guess the biggest question[br]that I ask myself - 0:17:02.559,0:17:05.659 I think as a community[br]we can ask ourselves - 0:17:07.324,0:17:08.927 is, "Can we love that person 0:17:08.927,0:17:12.583 until they learn[br]to love themselves again?" 0:17:13.260,0:17:15.280 I'm a believer we can. 0:17:15.651,0:17:17.001 Thank you. 0:17:17.001,0:17:20.001 (Applause) (Cheers)