WEBVTT 00:00:00.723 --> 00:00:03.492 We're not to be passive. 00:00:03.492 --> 00:00:08.069 Jesus says you are to cut your hand off. 00:00:08.069 --> 00:00:10.286 Listen, it is by the Spirit that we 00:00:10.286 --> 00:00:12.088 put to death the deeds of the body. 00:00:12.088 --> 00:00:13.476 But you're not to be passive. 00:00:13.476 --> 00:00:16.314 Jesus is saying you've got to do it. 00:00:16.314 --> 00:00:18.180 He's not saying God will do it for you. 00:00:18.180 --> 00:00:21.582 He's not saying expect the church to do it for you. 00:00:21.582 --> 00:00:23.398 You know what? 00:00:23.398 --> 00:00:26.067 We have had people leave this church 00:00:26.067 --> 00:00:27.839 who have gone out 00:00:27.839 --> 00:00:29.689 either through discipline 00:00:29.689 --> 00:00:32.668 or they've just packed up and left 00:00:32.668 --> 00:00:36.058 and walked away immersed in sin 00:00:36.058 --> 00:00:41.963 who have blamed the elders. 00:00:41.963 --> 00:00:44.802 I have not been given the knife 00:00:44.802 --> 00:00:47.799 to cut your hand off. 00:00:47.799 --> 00:00:49.450 Yes, there's a place for teaching. 00:00:49.450 --> 00:00:51.203 There's a place for counsel. 00:00:51.203 --> 00:00:53.457 You have that responsibility. 00:00:53.457 --> 00:00:55.402 If you don't take your hand off, 00:00:55.402 --> 00:00:57.650 it is not my fault. 00:00:57.650 --> 00:00:59.334 It is not James' fault. 00:00:59.334 --> 00:01:01.884 And it is not somebody else's fault 00:01:01.884 --> 00:01:04.891 down the aisle from you. 00:01:04.891 --> 00:01:08.286 You have a responsibility to amputate. 00:01:08.286 --> 00:01:12.001 And if you don't, you go to hell. 00:01:12.001 --> 00:01:14.223 That's what it says. 00:01:14.223 --> 00:01:17.410 We have a personal responsibility here 00:01:17.410 --> 00:01:20.504 not to be passive. 00:01:20.504 --> 00:01:25.102 You must be proactive. 00:01:25.102 --> 00:01:28.308 You must be intentional. 00:01:28.308 --> 00:01:33.465 You must face your life with purpose. 00:01:33.465 --> 00:01:36.761 You must attack with purpose. 00:01:36.761 --> 00:01:40.394 You must be deliberate. 00:01:40.394 --> 00:01:44.309 You must identify the causes of sin in your life, 00:01:44.309 --> 00:01:46.399 and cut them off 00:01:46.399 --> 00:01:48.923 and throw them away from you. 00:01:48.923 --> 00:01:50.804 And God doesn't make deals. 00:01:50.804 --> 00:01:52.590 I want to tell you this too. 00:01:52.590 --> 00:01:54.384 God doesn't tell you that it's okay 00:01:54.384 --> 00:01:55.895 to pluck out your right eye 00:01:55.895 --> 00:01:58.214 when it's your right hand that offends. 00:01:58.214 --> 00:01:59.684 You get what I'm saying here? 00:01:59.684 --> 00:02:00.907 Have you ever noticed, 00:02:00.907 --> 00:02:03.159 sometimes we have a tendency to do that? 00:02:03.159 --> 00:02:04.632 We feel like in our conscience, 00:02:04.632 --> 00:02:06.717 God is telling me that this thing over here 00:02:06.717 --> 00:02:08.465 is what really needs to be cut off. 00:02:08.465 --> 00:02:12.074 And we start cutting off over here. 00:02:12.074 --> 00:02:15.717 You know what we're wanting to do? 00:02:15.717 --> 00:02:19.187 Well, Lord, will this appease You? 00:02:19.187 --> 00:02:22.579 He knows where our real idols are. 00:02:22.579 --> 00:02:24.546 He knows the things that have roots 00:02:24.546 --> 00:02:26.909 that go down deepest into our heart, 00:02:26.909 --> 00:02:28.613 and He'll push that aside and say, 00:02:28.613 --> 00:02:31.920 "I want that thing right there."