today we're going to talk about the urticating hairs of tarantulas so let's get started [Music] welcome to the tarantula collective my name's richard and if you're new to the channel i make videos about tarantulas scorpions and other inverts so if that's something you're interested in make sure you hit that subscribe button now we all know that some species of tarantulas have urticating hairs but when it comes to exactly which species have exactly what type of verticating hairs it seems a lot of us are confused on that topic so today we're going to dive deep into sete not literally though because that would be very itchy [Music] there are two types of tarantulas in the world divided up depending on what part of the world you find them [Music] there are new world tarantulas that can be found in north central and south america sometimes referred to as bird eaters and there are old world tarantulas that can be found in the rest of the world usually referred to as baboons old world tarantulas like those found in africa and throughout asia for the most part lack any urticating hairs though they do seem to possess much stronger venom there can always be exceptions to these rules especially as tarantulas have not nearly been studied as thoroughly scientifically as they probably should be at this point even the assumption that old world tarantulas have stronger venom than new world tarantulas with the exception of a few species has not been scientifically proven in all cases [Music] that being said it is easy to observe that old world tarantulas seem to be more defensive faster to flee and more apt to show a threat pose in an attempt to intimidate compared to new world species [Music] new world tarantulas are not as defensive but they do possess urticating sete that they will kick up in the air when they feel threatened around ninety percent of new world species have these hairs though some species like some opius do not possess them urticating setae can be found on the femura of the pedopalps or more commonly on the abdomen different types of tarantulas have different sette or combinations of setae located on different areas of the [Music] abdomen it is said that species of tarantulas in the gramostola lostyodora or acanthus curia genera possess the most urticating sete on their bodies but to different levels of effectiveness the er dedicating sete of gramostola species are typically harmless to humans and not very irritating at all though tarantulas in the acanthoscuria genus can have hairs that are much more irritating and can cause severe itching in rashes while specimens within the genus of theraposa are known to have the most serious urticating sete that can cause not only itching and rash but burning sensations bumps or blisters that can last for weeks as well as the possibility of causing breathing issues especially if the hairs are inhaled these hairs are not just kicked into the air in self-defense but they can also be used passively by some species and are transferred onto the webbing of their burrows and surrounding areas as well as onto their egg sacs in an attempt to ward off predators and counter to the common belief that one can build up a tolerance or immunity to hairs like can happen with medicine or alcohol the reaction to urticating hairs can become worse the more you are exposed to them some hairs you found slightly irritating in the beginning can become extremely uncomfortable after years of repeated contact leading some people to no longer even be able to stay in the same room as some of their favorite species that they have kept for decades because the discomfort has become so intolerable that is why it is important and even imperative to be careful when rehousing or interacting with your tarantulas and take precautions like wearing gloves eye protection and even long sleeves when there is a chance you can come in contact with the cete being macho and saying they do not bother you now may be true but after years of that mindset you may realize your resistance has turned into a sensitivity that could make keeping some of your favorite tarantulas very uncomfortable or even impossible while researching tarantulas it is common to come across descriptions of species stating different types of urticating hairs that use the numbers one through six though they usually go into no further detail about what this means or what the differences are between the different types in fact there are actually seven different types and some species have two different types of urticating setting so today we're going to break down the different types of hairs and explain what kind of tarantulas possess them type 1 hair these hairs are about 0.2 to 0.6 millimeters and are embedded into the skin by a penetrating tip they are found on many species of tarantula except for the gramostola species they are also the only type of urticating hair possessed by the nondu carponius the p amazonicus and vitalius species these hairs are not just effective when kicked into the air but these tarantulas will also kick them onto their webbing and around their burrows as they are effective and quickly warding off creatures that come in contact with them type 2 hairs are a little larger measuring between 0.5 to 1.5 millimeters and are also embedded with a penetrating tip this type of hair is exclusive to a vicularia species pasha to pelme species and era de pelma species they are not kicked into the air as a cloud rather they are transferred by direct contact so when your evicularia is rubbing its abdomen on you it may look cute and you may think it's a sign of affection but it's actually trying to rub urticating hairs on type 3 hairs are around the same size as type 2 measuring 0.3 millimeters to 1.8 millimeters and are also embedded by a penetrating tip these are known as the most effective and most irritating type of urticating hairs to vertebrates and invertebrates alike they can be found on species in genera like nandu mega fapelma rockypelma among many others [Music] type 4 these hairs are much finer than the previous urticating sete usually measured around 0.06 to 0.22 millimeters and like most cete are embedded by a penetrating tip they are most commonly found on many species like those in the gramostola and youthless genus they are very irritating to small animals but are among the least irritating to humans so if you are sensitive to urticating hairs gramostola and youthless tarantulas are probably a very good choice for you type 5 these are extremely short and light compared to other types of urticating setting and instead of penetrating the skin they are embedded in hair follicles also unlike the previous sette these hairs are found on the femura of the petaps and are exclusive to the ephebopus species type 6 hairs are relatively rare and are found in the himmerhaga species and are also embedded in the hair follicle [Applause] [Music] type 7 these are the most recently discovered urticating hairs described by galves and perez miles in 2016. they are exclusive to the colombian tarantula and the konkuamu genus and are different from other types of hairs as they have a small patch of reverse barbs near the tip and small main barbs extending the length of the sente even though most people are worried about the venom of the tarantula concern and attention should really be paid to urticating hairs this seemingly innocuous defense mechanism is often overlooked or even joked about among tarantula keepers but if you have ever been on the receiving end of urticating satay you know how irritating the reaction can be this is why it is very important to not place tarantulas on your face have them around your eyes or nose and why you definitely should never put one in your mouth no matter how cool you think the picture may be and how many likes you may get on instagram verticating hairs in the eye can cause temporary blindness and may require medical treatment getting hairs in your mouth or throat could cause swelling making it hard to talk eat or even breathe and the consequences could be even worse if they get into your lungs in all my years of keeping tarantulas i have found no home remedy that can alleviate the discomfort of getting these hairs on your skin i have tried ice packs warm compresses calamine lotion duct tape hot candle wax and about any other suggestions you can commonly find on message boards and facebook groups the only thing to provide the slightest relief has been ibuprofen benadryl and a prescription steroid anti-itch cream my doctor prescribed once for the most part you just have to suffer through the discomfort and wait for your body to heal itself it is best to avoid getting hair on your skin in the first place by taking preventative measures like wearing gloves long sleeves eye protection and even a face mask depending on the species that you're interacting with and your sensitivity [Applause] now i know it sounds silly to be concerned about hair but if you've gotten some of that urticating set on your skin you know how serious it can be and it's only going to get worse the longer you let yourself be exposed to it now don't let this scare you or turn you off to the hobby because keeping tarantulas is amazing just don't fall into that macho mindset and throw caution in the wind and not care about hairs at all because as i mentioned they can be extremely uncomfortable and potentially dangerous if they get in your eyes nose or mouth as long as you wear gloves and long sleeves and a mask and eye protection if needed you're not going to have any issues now if you want to watch my video where i talk to coyote peterson about the effects of venom on the human body just click this video right here and if you want to be entertained with some awesome feeding videos just watch this playlist right here as always i appreciate you watching subscribe if you want to see more thanks for buying tarantula collective merchandise and i will see you next tuesday [Music] you