WEBVTT 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:04.211 I give way to the honorable gentleman 在此讓賢給這名紳士發言 00:00:04.211 --> 00:00:07.054 There is no doubt that the Prime Minister has in many ways 毋庸置疑,首相夫人在許多層面上 00:00:07.054 --> 00:00:12.677 achieved substantial success in the economy 取得了非凡的經濟成果 00:00:12.677 --> 00:00:18.464 Though there is one statistic that I understand is not challengeable 但就我所知,有一項統計數字是沒辦法否認的 00:00:18.464 --> 00:00:20.009 and that is over her eleven years 就是在她執政11年之後 00:00:20.009 --> 00:00:26.049 the gap between the richest 10% and the poorest 10% in this country 本國最富裕10%和最貧窮10%之間的差距 00:00:26.049 --> 00:00:28.934 has widened substantially 有大幅的增加 00:00:28.934 --> 00:00:33.176 How can she say at the end of her chapter of British politics 在她英國政治生涯的落幕之中,她是要如何交代 00:00:33.176 --> 00:00:36.869 that she can justify many people in a constituency such as mine 她是要如何合理化,許多像是在下選區的人民 00:00:36.869 --> 00:00:41.067 being relatively much poor off, much less well-housed 相對更窮困,住房品質更低落 00:00:41.067 --> 00:00:46.012 and much less well provided than it was in 1979 整體福利落後1979年 00:00:46.012 --> 00:00:47.887 surely she accepts 她想必要接受 00:00:47.887 --> 00:00:53.138 that is not a record that she, or any Prime Minister can be proud of 這不是她本人,或是任何首相會引以為傲的事實 00:00:53.138 --> 00:00:59.328 Mr. Speaker, all levels of income are better off than they were in 1979 發言的先生,所有層級的收入都高於1979年的水平 00:00:59.328 --> 00:01:02.993 But what the honorable member is saying 但這名紳士所真正要講的 00:01:02.993 --> 00:01:06.791 is that he would rather the poor were poorer 就是他寧願窮人更窮 00:01:06.791 --> 00:01:09.412 provided the rich were less rich 只要富人不要更富就好 00:01:09.412 --> 00:01:14.993 that way you will never create the wealth for better social services as we had 照你那樣做,永遠無法如我們,創造財富支持更好的社會福利 00:01:14.993 --> 00:01:16.762 And what a policy! 妙計啊! 00:01:16.762 --> 00:01:19.521 Yes! He would rather have the poor poorer 是的!他會寧願窮人更窮 00:01:19.521 --> 00:01:23.697 provided the rich were less rich, that is a liberal policy! 只要富人不要更富,這就是一個(社會)自由主義政策! 00:01:23.697 --> 00:01:27.222 Yes, it came out, he didn't intend it to, but he did 是的,他說出來了,他不是故意的,但就是這個意思 00:01:27.222 --> 00:01:29.914 I give way to the honorable gentleman 在此讓賢給這名紳士發言 00:01:29.914 --> 00:01:31.758 I'm extremely grateful 在下非常榮幸 00:01:31.758 --> 00:01:33.568 The Prime Minister is aware 首相夫人應該是知道 00:01:33.568 --> 00:01:37.606 that I detest every single one of her domestic policies 我痛恨她的每一個內政政策 00:01:37.606 --> 00:01:40.005 and I never hid that 我從來沒有隱瞞這個事實 00:01:40.005 --> 00:01:43.375 And I think that the honorable gentleman knows 我認為這名紳士也知道 00:01:43.375 --> 00:01:47.164 that I have the same contempt for his socialist policies 我也同樣鄙視他的『社會主義』政策 00:01:47.164 --> 00:01:53.313 as the people of east Europe, who have experienced them, have for theirs 就是東歐人民所經歷的那種 00:01:53.313 --> 00:01:56.322 I think that I must have hit the right nail on the head 我想剛剛我大概是敲對釘頭了 00:01:56.322 --> 00:02:01.302 when I pointed out that the logic of those policies is that they would rather the poor were poorer 就是當我指出他們的政策邏輯是『寧願窮人更窮』 00:02:01.302 --> 00:02:03.703 Once they start to talk about the gap 當他們開始談貧富差距的時候 00:02:03.703 --> 00:02:05.819 they would rather that the gap 他們寧願差距 00:02:05.819 --> 00:02:08.046 were that 是這個 00:02:08.046 --> 00:02:11.293 down here, that 下面這裡,這個 00:02:11.293 --> 00:02:15.072 not that 不是這個 00:02:15.072 --> 00:02:17.758 but that 而是這個 00:02:17.758 --> 00:02:25.824 So long as the gap is smaller, they would rather have the poor poorer 只要差距縮小,他們寧願窮人更窮 00:02:25.824 --> 00:02:29.823 You do not create wealth and opportunity that way 你不能用這種方法創造財富、創造機會 00:02:29.823 --> 00:02:33.083 you do not create a property-owning democracy that way. 你不能用這種方法創造私有財產的民主社會 00:02:33.083 --> 00:02:35.522 I give way to the honorable gentleman 在此讓賢給這名紳士發言 00:02:35.522 --> 00:02:37.043 I'm most grateful to the Prime Minister 非常感謝首相夫人 00:02:37.043 --> 00:02:39.706 Will she tell us whether she intends to continue 冒昧請問,夫人是否有意 00:02:39.706 --> 00:02:45.597 her own personal fight against a single currency and an independent central bank when she leaves office 在離開職位後,以個人身份繼續與單一貨幣(歐元)和獨立央行奮鬥 00:02:45.597 --> 00:03:08.101 No. She is going to be the governor. 哪的話,她當然是去做總裁 00:03:08.101 --> 00:03:11.541 Order! The Prime Minister 肅靜! 首相夫人請 00:03:11.541 --> 00:03:21.922 What a good idea! 妙計啊! 00:03:21.922 --> 00:03:24.925 I hadn't thought of it 我沒想過耶 00:03:24.925 --> 00:03:26.074 but if I were 但如果由我作主 00:03:26.074 --> 00:03:32.803 there'd be no European Central Bank accountable to no one, least of all to national Parliaments 就不會有無須對任何人負責,更別說對國會負責的歐洲央行了 00:03:32.803 --> 00:03:35.599 because the point of that kind of European Central Bank 因為那種歐洲央行 00:03:35.599 --> 00:03:40.074 is no democracy, taking powers away from every single Parliament 根本就不會有民主,將會剝奪各國國會的權利 00:03:40.074 --> 00:03:43.579 and being able to have a single currency 並且擁有單一貨幣 00:03:43.579 --> 00:03:49.095 under a monetary policy and interest rates which takes all political power away from us 在單一貨幣政策和利率之下,將剝奪我們所有的政治權力 00:03:49.095 --> 00:03:54.464 as my right honorable friend said in his first speech after the proposal of a single currency 如我右側這位朋友,在單一貨幣提案後的第一次演說所言 00:03:54.464 --> 00:03:58.025 a single currency is about the politics of Europe 單一貨幣是歐洲的『政治議題』 00:03:58.025 --> 00:04:00.843 it is about a Federal Europe by the back door 是一個從後門來的歐洲統一計劃 00:04:00.843 --> 00:04:03.749 so I'll consider your honorable gentleman's proposal 所以我會考慮這位紳士的提案 00:04:03.749 --> 00:04:07.184 Now where were we? I'm enjoying this 我們講到哪裡了? 我現在可樂得很 00:04:07.184 --> 00:04:16.476 I'm enjoying this 我樂得很啊 00:04:16.476 --> 00:04:19.000 Cancel it! You can wipe the floor with these people! 給它個痛快吧!妳一定能痛宰那些人! 00:04:19.000 --> 99:59:59.999 I was talking about Europe. 對了,我在談歐洲