Hundreds of people wait to be registered as immigration officials and security forces stand by Those born before 1982 are being checked to see if they are eligible for Burmese citizenship In a camp of 3000 people, 700 are being registered in this pilot programme But in order for a person to gain citizenship they must be able to prove that they or their parents lived in the country before independence in 1948 If they have the documents to prove this, they're in with a chance of becoming a naturalized citizen Though most Rohingya people don't have the necessary papers Human rights groups have slammed the 1982 law, for effectively denying the Rohingyas citizenship and rendering them stateless They're not forcing us - they said it's okay if we don't want to take part and we can register at our own will In Maybaung, there are 3 choices of ethnic identification: Kahman, Bengali, or nothing at all - making the process awkward for those who identify as Rohingya What ethincity do most people here identify themselves as? Mostly Bengali Over 400 people have been registered so far Officials here will collect the personal data and send it to Naypyidaw where a central board will decide who will eligible for citizenship Critics of the law say the process is baised and set up to ensure Rohingya won't get citizenship But the camp residents que up anyway More out of desperation, than any real hope