WEBVTT 00:00:09.740 --> 00:00:14.270 In are far away corner of the lonely mountains, 00:00:14.270 --> 00:00:18.190 was lying, quietly asleep, Moomin Valley. 00:00:18.310 --> 00:00:22.470 The inhabitants of the valley still were dreaming their winter dreams 00:00:22.470 --> 00:00:28.010 and did not notice that the story, that would be happening to them, 00:00:28.010 --> 00:00:31.690 already had begun. 00:00:31.830 --> 00:00:35.260 ALL IN THE HAT 00:00:35.260 --> 00:00:38.860 On the motives of Tove Jansson's fairy-tale "The Wizards Hat". 00:01:11.560 --> 00:01:14.910 Well, what is it? What happened? 00:01:14.910 --> 00:01:19.610 What, " what is the matter?"! Time to get up! Spring has come! 00:01:49.720 --> 00:01:52.990 On the meadows blooms the burr! Chiki Chiki - Brock! 00:01:52.990 --> 00:01:55.640 The sparrows chirp! Chiki Chiki - Brock! 00:01:55.640 --> 00:01:57.640 Emul - Hemul - tra -ta-ta! 00:01:57.640 --> 00:01:58.710 Chiki Chiki - Brock! 00:01:58.710 --> 00:02:02.090 Summer - it's a beauty! A Beauty! 00:02:23.610 --> 00:02:27.660 Oh! Look! - Holy smoke! 00:02:27.660 --> 00:02:29.660 It's coming right at us! 00:02:31.610 --> 00:02:37.080 An excellent cylinder! That's a hat! 00:02:37.080 --> 00:02:41.180 Maybe it will fit Moomin papa? 00:02:41.180 --> 00:02:43.180 Come on, let's see! 00:02:55.020 --> 00:02:58.380 Well? How does it look? Does it fit? 00:03:00.760 --> 00:03:05.950 Normally. Only without a hat you look much more impressive! 00:03:05.950 --> 00:03:07.950 You're right! 00:03:09.150 --> 00:03:15.030 Not the hat graces the man but the man the hat! 00:03:16.680 --> 00:03:19.050 Well, do not throw it out yet! 00:03:19.050 --> 00:03:25.240 Very well, we'll use it instead as a waste basket! 00:03:28.780 --> 00:03:32.430 [ Valley News ] Mysterious discovery. 00:03:32.860 --> 00:03:36.070 In the river, a brand new hat was found. 00:03:36.330 --> 00:03:40.170 The owner of the hat is unknown. - [A warning message.] 00:03:40.170 --> 00:03:45.950 An ant-lion invaded an ant-nest. There were casualties. 00:04:19.070 --> 00:04:21.500 Holy smoke! 00:04:22.040 --> 00:04:25.390 What a little one! 00:04:25.500 --> 00:04:27.390 Wow! 00:04:34.590 --> 00:04:38.920 Oh-oh - honey! The children, well, how is that possible! 00:04:39.720 --> 00:04:43.580 Ah, youth, youth! 00:04:50.550 --> 00:04:53.560 Shall we have a little ride together? 00:04:53.560 --> 00:04:55.880 With pleasure! 00:05:01.630 --> 00:05:05.320 I have not seen you the whole winter! 00:05:05.720 --> 00:05:11.390 You've changed! You too... More grown up! 00:05:13.230 --> 00:05:15.880 Look, there goes Hemul! 00:05:18.790 --> 00:05:24.070 Hemul! Look, what we're riding on! 00:05:24.070 --> 00:05:28.830 Ordinary clouds! Think I did not see those clouds? 00:05:30.110 --> 00:05:32.470 What are you so sad about? 00:05:36.010 --> 00:05:40.190 Today I glued my last stamp! 00:05:41.420 --> 00:05:45.950 I gathered all stamps of all brands, there are in the world! Every one! 00:05:45.950 --> 00:05:48.760 So I have nothing to collect anymore! 00:05:49.510 --> 00:05:51.960 Well then collect something else! 00:05:51.960 --> 00:05:58.010 Maybe...,movie stars, jewelry ... Buttons on pants ... 00:05:58.220 --> 00:06:04.510 " movie stars, jewelry... " What about something you can eat in winter? 00:06:05.500 --> 00:06:08.990 Buttons on the pants? Ugh! 00:06:17.150 --> 00:06:19.850 Right! Plants! 00:06:21.980 --> 00:06:25.350 I will collect the world's best herbarium! 00:06:26.170 --> 00:06:29.820 Moomin troll, where are our clouds? 00:06:30.670 --> 00:06:33.000 Oh, look! 00:06:37.110 --> 00:06:39.340 Holy smoke! 00:06:52.310 --> 00:06:56.790 [ News of the valley.] Local philatelist. 00:06:57.100 --> 00:07:01.270 The hobby of the respected Hemul came to a happy end. 00:07:01.370 --> 00:07:06.170 In his collection now you can find every stamp of every country. 00:07:06.170 --> 00:07:10.890 [Incidents.] The ant-lion climbed into the pantry of the field mice 00:07:10.890 --> 00:07:17.050 and in one breakfast destroyed a year's supply of the entire family. 00:07:23.190 --> 00:07:28.890 One, two, three, four 00:07:28.890 --> 00:07:38.460 five - six, seven - eight, 00:07:40.150 --> 00:07:43.870 nine, ten! I'm done! I start my search now! 00:07:46.070 --> 00:07:47.510 One-and - oop! 00:07:57.340 --> 00:07:59.670 Where is Moomin troll? 00:07:59.830 --> 00:08:03.660 Where are you. Moomin troll, come out! Moomin! 00:08:06.780 --> 00:08:08.890 What has become of him? 00:08:10.890 --> 00:08:13.590 I'm here!! 00:08:14.380 --> 00:08:18.860 Who is this? I do not know! Some freak! 00:08:19.990 --> 00:08:22.790 What, don't you recognize me? After all, I'm Moomin troll! 00:08:22.790 --> 00:08:27.800 No you're not Moomin troll! Moomin troll has such nice ears! 00:08:27.800 --> 00:08:30.710 And you have go these big mugs! 00:08:32.890 --> 00:08:36.890 Now then, no nonsense anymore, or I'll kick the living daylights out of you! 00:08:36.890 --> 00:08:39.669 Well now, but I really am Moomin troll! 00:08:40.299 --> 00:08:44.940 Ha, what do you think of that? Moomin troll! Get him, guys! 00:08:46.590 --> 00:08:53.990 So be it! It's not fair! Three against one! 00:08:53.990 --> 00:08:56.870 Children, what are you doing? 00:08:58.620 --> 00:09:02.760 Mom,surely you now will recognize me? 00:09:03.150 --> 00:09:05.690 Oh, my little fool! 00:09:06.120 --> 00:09:11.740 A mother always knows her child, whatever would be the matter with him! 00:09:20.550 --> 00:09:25.030 Come on, come on, let me embrace you, my little fool! 00:09:27.910 --> 00:09:31.750 Cuckoo! Cuckoo! A mysterious transformation! 00:09:31.750 --> 00:09:36.110 Cuckoo! Touching scenes in the Moomin house! Cuckoo! 00:09:36.110 --> 00:09:39.500 A happy mother regains her son. 00:09:39.500 --> 00:09:41.500 [An attack.] 00:09:41.500 --> 00:09:44.910 The ant lion climbed a tree 00:09:44.910 --> 00:09:49.030 and ravaged the nest of venerable herons. 00:09:50.280 --> 00:09:53.430 But someone has bewitched you! 00:09:53.430 --> 00:09:57.630 I don't know! I was quietly sitting under the black hat and... 00:09:57.630 --> 00:10:00.750 Under the hat? Inside? Well, yes! 00:10:01.550 --> 00:10:05.370 Then all is clear! The reason must be the hat. 00:10:05.430 --> 00:10:08.150 How can we test that? 00:10:08.150 --> 00:10:10.470 Well, I won't climb back in it again! 00:10:10.470 --> 00:10:12.710 So maybe we go together... 00:10:13.390 --> 00:10:16.650 I have an idea! Come on! 00:10:25.050 --> 00:10:27.720 He sleeps! Come on! 00:10:37.230 --> 00:10:39.590 Let's wake him! 00:10:40.030 --> 00:10:45.130 Hey, these ant-lions are just sore buggers! 00:10:46.090 --> 00:10:49.070 What are they saying about me?! 00:10:50.230 --> 00:10:55.870 How they are softies... and boasters! 00:10:56.170 --> 00:10:58.200 Well, we'll see about that!! 00:10:59.130 --> 00:11:01.750 Ho-ho, what trouble could you bring?! 00:11:01.750 --> 00:11:05.230 I will, small fry, eat you! 00:11:10.040 --> 00:11:12.620 Bring the lid! Hurry! 00:11:17.550 --> 00:11:20.760 Cuckoo! Cuckoo! First in the valley! 00:11:20.760 --> 00:11:23.850 An ant-lion caught in a jar! 00:11:23.850 --> 00:11:26.510 A bold experiment of the young trolls! 00:11:26.510 --> 00:11:30.390 The king of beasts in a jar! Cuckoo! 00:11:30.390 --> 00:11:34.920 " For the first time caught! For the first time in a bottle!"... Big deal! 00:11:39.740 --> 00:11:44.250 Well, are you ready? get the lid off! 00:11:46.250 --> 00:11:47.960 Cover it! 00:11:47.960 --> 00:11:50.830 [ Dictionary of Foreign Words ] 00:11:56.630 --> 00:11:58.810 It has started! 00:12:08.970 --> 00:12:10.520 What are those? 00:12:10.570 --> 00:12:14.550 Well, can't you see? Foreign words! 00:12:18.790 --> 00:12:20.710 So, where is the ant lion? 00:12:20.710 --> 00:12:23.530 T -s- s-s! Look! 00:12:30.540 --> 00:12:34.680 Oh, a hedgehog! how small he is! 00:12:36.390 --> 00:12:40.220 I'm in not much of a mood to get involved with you! 00:12:40.220 --> 00:12:43.550 But I will show you! Small fry! 00:12:53.610 --> 00:12:59.740 Ah! A Gagialyuteya! Of the Labiatae family! 00:13:07.870 --> 00:13:12.070 Dad! The ant lion transformed into a hedgehog! 00:13:12.070 --> 00:13:16.810 Yes, well? But what has happened to my favorite dictionary? 00:13:16.810 --> 00:13:23.930 Oh- oh - honey, kids! Ah! what's going on in my living room! Oh my God! 00:13:23.930 --> 00:13:28.600 What am I to do with these creepy small fry? The horror! 00:13:29.080 --> 00:13:33.830 Well now, children, who do not have a head, 00:13:33.830 --> 00:13:37.610 do not need a hat! 00:13:47.990 --> 00:13:50.730 Oh! What a pity! 00:13:50.730 --> 00:13:55.850 So what with the wondrous occurrences, the clouds! - And the little hedgehog! 00:14:02.360 --> 00:14:07.580 The magic hat swam farther and farther away 00:14:07.580 --> 00:14:13.530 gradually turning into a small black dot. 00:14:13.850 --> 00:14:18.380 Soon this black dot disappeared around a bend, 00:14:18.440 --> 00:14:25.070 and in Moomin Valley peace and order prevailed again. 00:14:55.350 --> 00:14:59.430 But then I found... the hat! 00:15:04.680 --> 00:15:06.940 Written & directed by Anatoly Aliashev cameraman V. Rozhin 00:15:06.940 --> 00:15:08.870 art director Yevgenia Sterligova music V. Kobekin 00:15:08.870 --> 00:15:12.760 artists F. Galimov, R. Pestryakova, S. Burmistrov, Sergei Ainutdinov, Tatiana Kostousova, L. Tsvetkova 00:15:12.760 --> 00:15:14.670 sound B. Berestetsky Cutter L. Turovets 00:15:14.670 --> 00:15:17.800 voice artists Rogvold Sukhoverko, N. Litvinova, I. Pototskaya, Zinaida Naryshkina, L. Shchukin, N. Litvinov, G. Ivanova 00:15:17.800 --> 00:15:19.630 script editor V. Khaidarov executive producer Yu. Rozhin 00:15:19.630 --> 00:15:21.750 Sverdlovsk Telefilm 1980 The end Subs nfdfneq & Eus, 01-2014