In are far away corner of the lonely mountains, was lying, quietly asleep, Moomin Valley. The inhabitants of the valley still were dreaming their winter dreams and did not notice that the story, that would be happening to them, already had begun. ALL IN THE HAT On the motives of Tove Jansson's fairy-tale "The Wizards Hat". Well, what is it? What happened? What, " what is the matter?"! Time to get up! Spring has come! On the meadows blooms the burr! Chiki Chiki - Brock! The sparrows chirp! Chiki Chiki - Brock! Emul - Hemul - tra -ta-ta! Chiki Chiki - Brock! Summer - it's a beauty! A Beauty! Oh! Look! - Holy smoke! It's coming right at us! An excellent cylinder! That's a hat! Maybe it will fit Moomin papa? Come on, let's see! Well? How does it look? Does it fit? Normally. Only without a hat you look much more impressive! You're right! Not the hat graces the man but the man the hat! Well, do not throw it out yet! Very well, we'll use it instead as a waste basket! [ Valley News ] Mysterious discovery. In the river, a brand new hat was found. The owner of the hat is unknown. - [A warning message.] An ant-lion invaded an ant-nest. There were casualties. Holy smoke! What a little one! Wow! Oh-oh - honey! The children, well, how is that possible! Ah, youth, youth! Shall we have a little ride together? With pleasure! I have not seen you the whole winter! You've changed! You too... More grown up! Look, there goes Hemul! Hemul! Look, what we're riding on! Ordinary clouds! Think I did not see those clouds? What are you so sad about? Today I glued my last stamp! I gathered all stamps of all brands, there are in the world! Every one! So I have nothing to collect anymore! Well then collect something else! Maybe...,movie stars, jewelry ... Buttons on pants ... " movie stars, jewelry... " What about something you can eat in winter? Buttons on the pants? Ugh! Right! Plants! I will collect the world's best herbarium! Moomin troll, where are our clouds? Oh, look! Holy smoke! [ News of the valley.] Local philatelist. The hobby of the respected Hemul came to a happy end. In his collection now you can find every stamp of every country. [Incidents.] The ant-lion climbed into the pantry of the field mice and in one breakfast destroyed a year's supply of the entire family. One, two, three, four five - six, seven - eight, nine, ten! I'm done! I start my search now! One-and - oop! Where is Moomin troll? Where are you. Moomin troll, come out! Moomin! What has become of him? I'm here!! Who is this? I do not know! Some freak! What, don't you recognize me? After all, I'm Moomin troll! No you're not Moomin troll! Moomin troll has such nice ears! And you have go these big mugs! Now then, no nonsense anymore, or I'll kick the living daylights out of you! Well now, but I really am Moomin troll! Ha, what do you think of that? Moomin troll! Get him, guys! So be it! It's not fair! Three against one! Children, what are you doing? Mom,surely you now will recognize me? Oh, my little fool! A mother always knows her child, whatever would be the matter with him! Come on, come on, let me embrace you, my little fool! Cuckoo! Cuckoo! A mysterious transformation! Cuckoo! Touching scenes in the Moomin house! Cuckoo! A happy mother regains her son. [An attack.] The ant lion climbed a tree and ravaged the nest of venerable herons. But someone has bewitched you! I don't know! I was quietly sitting under the black hat and... Under the hat? Inside? Well, yes! Then all is clear! The reason must be the hat. How can we test that? Well, I won't climb back in it again! So maybe we go together... I have an idea! Come on! He sleeps! Come on! Let's wake him! Hey, these ant-lions are just sore buggers! What are they saying about me?! How they are softies... and boasters! Well, we'll see about that!! Ho-ho, what trouble could you bring?! I will, small fry, eat you! Bring the lid! Hurry! Cuckoo! Cuckoo! First in the valley! An ant-lion caught in a jar! A bold experiment of the young trolls! The king of beasts in a jar! Cuckoo! " For the first time caught! For the first time in a bottle!"... Big deal! Well, are you ready? get the lid off! Cover it! [ Dictionary of Foreign Words ] It has started! What are those? Well, can't you see? Foreign words! So, where is the ant lion? T -s- s-s! Look! Oh, a hedgehog! how small he is! I'm in not much of a mood to get involved with you! But I will show you! Small fry! Ah! A Gagialyuteya! Of the Labiatae family! Dad! The ant lion transformed into a hedgehog! Yes, well? But what has happened to my favorite dictionary? Oh- oh - honey, kids! Ah! what's going on in my living room! Oh my God! What am I to do with these creepy small fry? The horror! Well now, children, who do not have a head, do not need a hat! Oh! What a pity! So what with the wondrous occurrences, the clouds! - And the little hedgehog! The magic hat swam farther and farther away gradually turning into a small black dot. Soon this black dot disappeared around a bend, and in Moomin Valley peace and order prevailed again. But then I found... the hat! Written & directed by Anatoly Aliashev cameraman V. Rozhin art director Yevgenia Sterligova music V. Kobekin artists F. Galimov, R. Pestryakova, S. Burmistrov, Sergei Ainutdinov, Tatiana Kostousova, L. Tsvetkova sound B. Berestetsky Cutter L. Turovets voice artists Rogvold Sukhoverko, N. Litvinova, I. Pototskaya, Zinaida Naryshkina, L. Shchukin, N. Litvinov, G. Ivanova script editor V. Khaidarov executive producer Yu. Rozhin Sverdlovsk Telefilm 1980 The end Subs nfdfneq & Eus, 01-2014