(Applauses) Thank you. This sculpture by Sophie Ryder in the UK seat of Salisbury. Had to be moved because people visit texting on their mobile phones kept bumping their heads on it. (laughts) Does it happen to you to text , phone, check your facebook timeline or maybe catch a pokémon while you're walking and Who does that? (laughts) How many of this time do you actually have to go on line? Well, we check our devices about 221 times per day according to Tecmark or about every 4.4 minutes of the time we don't sleep what is going on? Well, we live in the economy that is based on distraction. The more internet pages you browse for the more advertising An Internet company can show you And so the more money they make. The success metrics are based around how much time you spent using their app or you are in their website. Not on how productive or focus you are. Two years ago around the same time of the year I decided to give up my smartphone. I replace it with a very basic, no internet phone At the time, I was working in a senior position in digital marketing industry Which means that I was connected pretty much 24/7. I slept with my phone and I kept checking it all the time And even I felt it vibrate in my pockets when, I didn't have any pockets. Given up my smartphone was one of the best decisions that I have ever made. And today I want to share with you My key learnings from the journey of taking back control over my time and my life. But, before we do that. I want to give you a little challenge Even, that We check our device about every 4.4 minutes this means that you will feel an urge to check your device for three or four times during my talk. So, I want to challenge you to resist this urge and count how many times You will succeed in doing that. So, Lesson no.1 You are more addicted to your device than you think. But, You're also much more resourceful. Now, why can't we go for 4 minutes without our devices? An U.S. psychologist David Greenfield says “As internet is like a slot machine you never know what you're gonna find inside and this variability of the reward releases dopamine. The new hormone of pleasure and anticipation of the reward” The problem with dopamine is that excessive stimulation of your brain that is caused by dopamine creates addiction This is exactly how drugs work. The first meal you feel excited but, then You have to go back and take new dose to feed it to have the same feeling. So, devices use the same principles. You never know what you're going to expect in your mailbox on social media, right? One day you get a like and then the next day 50 likes. Bam! Dopamine releases You feel great! But, then the excitement fates pretty quickly and you need to go back to your device to feel good again Technologies purposefully designed the way to make you use it over and over again. We also feel dependent on our gadgets, because we have all source too many important functions to them. Has it happened to you to go to google maps or any other kind of phoneline maps and look up your way even though you kind of knew how to get there? This is exactly what I mean We easily get into the habit of not trusting ourselves. Well, You know what I discovered it's not actually very easy to get lost in London. There are maps all around and all I needed to do was to look up my way once before leaving the house and then I could always ask people in the streets I realize that I have outsourced to technology too many things that were important to me that made me human like my sense of orientation and direction. My memories of spaces and certain events and it felt great to get them back. All I wanted when I was given up my smartphone was to have a little bit more clarity in my brain and not to feel so overwhelmed and what I unexpectedly gain was the feeling that I will find my way No matter what both physically and metaphorically. And of course a great chat up line to make new connections. Sorry, I don't have a smartphone Could you please help? Lesson number two If you want to change your digital habits Do not rely on your willpower. Instead create structures around you to support you in that. Our brain is very lazy. So, When we repeat a certain action over and over again. It's that's organizing our brain cells urinates into particular chains so that it is easier to pass the information through this chains. This makes your behavior automatic and unconscious and this is exactly what notifications do the prompt you to come back to your device over and over and over again. Up until your behavior becomes automatic and unconscious. According to Kahuna report 87% of android users and 48% of iOS users opt-in for receiving app notifications on their devices or in other words all these people allow their devices to decide how they will behave. Once these chains are formed it takes quite a long time and effort to undo them. And relying on the willpower doesn't help. I certainly learned it twice. For the first time, When it took me five months from the decision of giving up my smartphone to actually doing it. And for the second time, When after about a year of not owning any smartphone I got one back. Which I thought, I would only use a spirit device in case my laptop breakdown and I need to talk to clients over Scott and in no time, I found myself using it all the time. The URL path was still there. Now, It felt incredible embarrassing, because at the time I was already conducting digital detox trainings. (laughts) So, I obviously was not walking my talk but, It also gave me great insides into the real challenges that people who do not want to give up their devices, altogether face. So, I developed 4 principles that help me take control over my time and my life. And I want to share this principles with you These are : Time management Space management Relationship management and Self-management. These principles help restablished boundaries that technology removed between our work and private life. Or between our public and private lives So, let's talk about them Time management, We need to give up on the idea that we have to be connected or accessible 24/7. Now of course developers Will try to convince you that everything is very important The truth is very few things are. Remember what we said before It is your attention that is a real car city in the information age. It is a little bit like with food, You can have all the food you may want to have in your fridge but this does not mean that you need to eat all, all the time. So, my top tip is to disable all notifications on your devices. Use delate email function to avoid being distracted by emails and use blocking apps to make sure that you're accessing certain websites only at a certain time and not being distracted by them on other times. This way you are in charge of where you're getting information as opposed to being dictated by technology and to give an example, Eric Schmidt, Who is Executive Chairman of Alphabet the googles company switches off both of his smartphone's on most evenings during dinner time. And believe me, He's much busier guy that most of us. Also, do not multitask online so did not switch between different tabs or between different devices. A Stanford experiment proves that the more we multitask the worse with the coveted. We unlearn our brain to do that but, you will still likely get distracted it. But, you can blend for it so incorporate five minutes of destruction time every now and then in your work routine. But, only after you're done with a chunk of work and as a reward only. Again this way you are taking back control over your time. Space management, is all about where you want to have connected combination and where you want to have silence. Have you ever thought Why the most expensive areas in the city are usually the quietest once. Why is it that in airport, business launchers, there is hardly any sound or music or advertising? Why silence valued so high? Well, this is because it's only in silence that our brain gets an opportunity to process information that we have been feeding into it. We cannot take good conscious decisions or be creative if we are overwhelmed. And we are only always overwhelmed when we go online, because our brain is not good at multitasking. So, do not bring the devices into the areas where you process information where you have rest this includes your bedroom, your bathroom, and your dining table. Also, If you keep your phone next to your bed this puts your brain into the state of alarm. As a research by Harvard Medical School and of course you will feel tempted to check out the first thing in the morning. Now, It's like keeping a chocolate brownie next to your bed, of course you will eat it. So, get an alarm clock your device is just a tool It is not part of you You can´t carry around your soror your hammer you don't take them to the bedroom, hopefully! It's any to your devices need their own places. For example, I try not to carry around my devices and also remove them out of sight, When I'm not using them. This way I feel less tempted to check them Relationship management, When I was still working for an advertising agency, We had a client, Who kept sending us hundreds and hundreds emails daily to make sure that we´re on the trip with delivering the project. In fact, It were his emails that captains away from doing the work, because all we return was just reading and answering back. So, We have built a dashboard that allowed us to show to the client the progress we're making in real time without any involvement. It took us about an hour to do so and in a week's time the email rate dropped so considerably that we were finally able to get the work done. We still don't have a digital advocate as to how people can best contact you. So, you can get an equally important message. Why what's up, skype, email you name it the moral is you need to have really manage people's expectations as to how they can't contact you For example, before I meet somebody I asked them to send me a text message If anything changes Because, I don't have internet on my phone and it works really well what do you do however If you work for a company that expects you to be connected and on top of everything for 24/7 Well, first things first, stop contributing to this mess by seeing seen everyone. If you want to receive fewer emails sent fewer emails Second, you might want to mention If you started to your colleagues and bosses For example, a study by Harvard Business School that said that consultants knowledge workers who had predictable time off for all the week perform much better and were much more productive than those who didn't or you can quote an example of a few companies for example, one of... the uk's leading multinationals recently introduced a two hour per week email ban for all senior management in the interest of productivity or a current German common affect your does not allow sending or receiving emails 30 minutes after the employees sheet has ended. If this doesn't help, then you can try to move into a different country like France and Brazil where they have now the so-called rights to disconnect laws where that among other things regulate whether the person has the right not to read work-related emails after the working hours Self-management is the last cornerstone of changing your digital behavior and the most tricky part because it does not how it doesn't work if you prohibit yourself from going online because your brain still needs an excitement of dopamine so instead you need to be thinking about where will you take this dopamine from? what will you do with all this free time that all of a sudden you will have available and this is where i want to share with you my last key learning and why i think I failed for so long to give on my smartphone I just did not want to deal with my own problems when you don't have anything that distracts you then you will have to start dealing with stuff you have been running away from We often go online not because we need to but because, we have some uncontrollable trigger to do that maybe we want to feel Important or maybe we are depressed. In fact, a study by Missouri University of Science and Technology says exactly that that people who spent a lot of time online tend to be depressed so the next time you feel an urge to check your device ask yourself What is really triggering me to do that? Is there is something I'm trying to avoid feeling or thinking about? Once you get alive and a natural source of dopamine You wouldn´t need anything to distract yourselves from yourselves. Thank you. (applauses).