MAMA MARIODE In the future, all of our forest will vanish for you and your grandchildren. Because the company kept taking it until all the forest was gone. That's why we are still protecting this small piece of forest. We are guarding this customary forest. So, you need to think about you and your great grandchildren's future. Where will you find your food? Where will you grow your food? Where can you find wood to build your house? We, as your parents, are thinking about your future. That's why we are maintaining the last piece of our forest. So, after this, we will go right up to our forest and visit our land. Now, the forest is a small piece of land and we're trying to protect it. This forest has nearly vanished. Please, let there be no more corporations trying to make fields here. Now there are these palm oil plantations. The very first time they started a plantation, we blockaded this area. That's when the palm plantation was still up there. It's hard to see from here And all of this area was still intact, still a big forest. We erected a blockade. Then the Henrison Persada company destroyed it piece by piece. They are the same company that came before. I warned the government, I already gave them a warning. We've already told the company that this is enough now! Even if it's a government program. If the government has a program to cut down this forest my husband and I will never agree because we think about our children and our grandchildren.