[Translated and captioned by ShibaSubs] [Translated by auro & dizzypg] [Reviewed by cissy & jackie] Welcome back to Shanghai Share Life. This show is sponsored by sports app Keep. Keep Exercise App -- Burn Fat Better! Making me advertise for Keep is really... I'll try my best. I'll also join a live class. Let's continue to watch these six friends in a house for 150 days. A month has passed. Let's review what happened in the last episode. Tianqi, in order to pickup a friend, quit his job. He quit, and curiously, he didn't even tell anyone. You didn't go to work today? I resigned a couple days after calling you. He's like one of those dads in the movies. Unemployed but pretending to have a job. It's sad. And he even took his friend out. It didn't seem cheap. A simple young man who wants to save face. Then Nana found out about Tianqi selling the model cars. She bought it back. Amazing work. But after she bought it back, she didn't even get to give it to him. Tianqi wouldn't answer her call. When they met, he avoided eye contact. Don't know what Tianqi is thinking. On the other hand... Carmon's misunderstanding is getting deeper and deeper. Remember Binshen from the coffee festival? He invited me to an exhibit. Binshen is also dawdling further and further. The two will meet soon at the exhibit. This exhibit is not just a simple art exhibit. This is an exhibit of human nature. What on earth is going on with this guy? Done. Episode 9, Week 5 "There Will Be No Next Time" Hello. Hello! Did you wait long? Just got here. -Just got here, good. -Yeah, I didn't wait long. Ok. How do I look? How do I look? -Your outfit? -Yeah. It looks like you dressed up. -Maybe a little different from usual. -Yeah. You usually dress on the cutesy side. Japanese style, maybe? Today I'm trying out a Korean vibe. Looks pretty good. I did a little research on your favorite female celebrity. Who? IU? Are you cold? You should put on your coat. I'll just drape it. Let's go. Let's go. Give me your phone, you hold this. That was pretty smooth. Chu Mengna (Nana) Student, 22 years old Chen Xiaowei (Binshen) Pro gamer, 23 years old Jin Yujie Model, 22 years old Liu Keli (Curry) Entrepreneur, 29 years old Wu Kawen (Carmon) Designer, 29 years old Wang Tianqi Salesperson, 26 years old Okay, thank you. [panelist] Oh, they're done. I'm very happy today. Because you saw the exhibit you've been wanting to see? Yes. Thank you for inviting me. Next time I'll invite you to one. Maybe there will be a more interesting one later. I'll keep an eye out. Later... Because the Asia Cup is starting soon, I might not have much time. Yeah. It's ok, there will be others. We'll go when you're free. I made this for you. Fruit. Which one do you like? I'll give you one. How about mango? I like mango. Last time, I didn't go to your match because of work. I kind of regret it. If there's a chance, can I visit the club to watch you play? To see my teammates? It's okay, if you're really busy then it's fine. I'm just thinking if you happen to be free sometime, can we have more opportunities like this, going out alone? Do you remember what I said to you when I invited you to the exhibit? I forget. Going to the exhibit today, what kind of outing is this for you? What kind of relationship do you think we have, what kind of feelings? What kind of date is it for you? Actually, to be honest... From the first day I saw you at the house, I thought you were cute. You're quite tall and pale and you have monolids. You seem like my type. So I do kind of like you. So when you invited me to see the exhibit, I was really happy. What about you? I think you're a lot like my older sister. Me? Yeah, my older sister. Because she's the same age as you. And she takes care of me and gives me advice on a lot of things. So the feeling you give me is a lot like my older sister. Very similar. Just an older sister? I wasn't thinking about you as a girlfriend or potentially dating you. Ok. I got it. I think when it comes to relationships... everyone has their own ways of thinking and their own opinions. After knowing you for a while, I'm happy with how things are. It feels like family. But I've been scared that... you'd have some misunderstandings... and think that we might... No, no. I didn't know you would feel that kind of pressure. Maybe at first, I... misread the signals... but... but I... ...never mind. How do I put this? It's not like at first I wanted this to become romantic. Because you're much younger than me, sometimes I do see you as a younger brother to take care of. Anyway, you don't have to worry. In the house, we'll still be like family. You don't have to walk on eggshells. I just feel like... the two of us... having a brother-sister relationship is pretty good too. Since you're still cute. Should we go then? Do you guys have to calm down for a bit or should we just get into it? I want to hear from Teacher Chen, what do you think? Didn't you guys keep saying they'd confess? She was rejected. So he did it, which shows he knows how to keep the situation from escalating. But his approach is really questionable. That phrase "older sister" that we were afraid of still appeared. Yeah, that word is too hurtful. You might as well insult her directly. I think it's okay he called her "older sister," but I hate that he had to ask, "How do you feel about me," and all that crap. He made the other person confess "I love you" first. When actually you're just going to follow that up with "I don't feel it." Yeah, just don't make her say it. Why would you force her to say those things? -His tactic is a little...I don't get it. -Yes, yes. -I thought he'd be upfront about it and that would be it. -That's what he should have done! I thought he could do it! And he didn't have to ask her out, he could just say it at home. If he hadn't made Carmon say those things, at least she'd still have an out. "Oh, there was nothing between us. I see you as a friend too." Everyone could still get along. But how do you deal with this? -And that scene with Carmon at the end? -That was so painful to watch. When she came to the exhibition, she was full of hope and confidence. She thought today would be the day they'd announce they're dating. As long as I'm brave today, then the two of us will be together. In the last scene, Carmon was totally heartbroken. To him she said "It's ok, you're a little brother." But she didn't touch her juice, it evaporated. She didn't even take the lunchbox, did you see it? The one she happily prepared. She just left. If I were her, I would've stormed out, like I'd been tricked. With Carmon's personality, she wouldn't say anything nasty. Why would she say anything nasty? No need to, she's probably punishing herself. She won't say anything, the next day she'll pretend like nothing happened. Carmon will only blame one thing, she'll think it's because she's too old. -Probably. -That's terrible. -I don't think she will. -I think she will. Because when Binshen rejected her, his very first words were "older sister." He's using her age against her. I think she would be more sensible. He just doesn't like her, that's it. I agree with this, it has nothing to do with age. We all hope Carmon will agree. Carmon, you'll watch this right? Don't ever think it's because of your age. By the time this airs, this period will have passed. She'll be cheerful and upbeat again. I don't think they'll want to watch this, they wouldn't want to remember this. There was actually one thing Binshen wasn't wrong about. She has an older sister's personality. If a family has an older sister and little brother, that's how it is. It's sad. The sister always sacrifices. Always gives the good things to the brother. All the older sisters I know have this kind of self-sacrificing personality. -There's this type of personality? -A lot of girls are like this. Wake up, okay? Sisters who are watching! Anyway, Binshen only did one thing right. He made things very clear. -It's just that the way he said it was... -A critical hit. Maybe at his age, he couldn't think of a better way. We'll give him the benefit of the doubt, that he won't do this again. He tried his best to do this thing well, and he ended up doing it like this. He did the worst thing with the best intentions. -What can you do with someone like this? -You can't even yell at him or anything. Even writing a note to her would have been better. "No thanks." But if you think about it, at 22, most of us weren't much better. For 22, his awareness and initiative are already pretty good. At least he said it, and didn't lead her on more. Let's see what they'll do when they get home. You're home. What are you eating? Canned food, do you want some? But there's no extra. There's so much and you're saying there's no extra? Ok. Oh yeah, you know how we're cooking tomorrow? And Tianqi's friend is coming? I was thinking about... what to make. Are you asking my opinion? Yeah, so I wanted to see if there was anything you wanted to eat. So you're actually asking other people's opinions. You used to dictate what we cooked or ate without asking us at all. Now you're finally becoming a proper big brother. You're making me feel a little shy, but I'm also at a loss. You said some good things but also some bad things. 80% compliments, 20% insults. Ok, I'll keep it up. So what do you want to eat? I want to eat maoxuewang [duck blood stew]. The one you made the other day was super delicious. Sure. Who's back? You're back? Hello. Didn't you go to the exhibit? Yes. Why are you back alone? Where's Carmon? I'm a little tired, going to rest. You guys carry on. You showered? Yeah. Cutting an apple? You and Carmon went to see the exhibit today? Yeah. How was it? Was it good? It was ok. Why are you unhappy if the exhibit wasn't bad? Well... Did something happen? I rejected Carmon today. And then? I told her I can't get into a romantic relationship with her. Then where is she now? I think she went back to her studio afterwards. Ok. Carmon, where are you? I called but you didn't answer. If you see this, call back. So she really cares about her. A few episodes ago, we saw Yujie at work with her friend. She ran into her friend and said she got cheated on by her scumbag boyfriend. So she might be scared Carmon will spiral into those emotions. She feels more empathetic towards girls who are hurting. Because it seems like Yujie is really upset about this. She said to Binshen before, you can't hurt Carmon. If he does, then she'll also be hurt. She has to choose between love and friendship. -Maybe she hopes there can be a balance? -How is that possible? Maybe she wishes everything can work out perfectly. Her friend won't get hurt and she can be with the person she likes. But it's hard. -Her wish is one that can't be satisfied. -Yeah. I think it could have been possible, but his EQ is low. -You mean Binshen? -Yeah. But he's aware he messed up. -Awareness is IQ, but making a mess is EQ. -He handled it poorly. The damage may be lessened, but that doesn't mean Yujie won’t be hurt. She'll be unhappy, but at least she won’t feel hurt. It's so sad. What's wrong? Had a bad day? You seem down in the dumps today. I went to the art exhibition with Carmon today... and... I wanted to clarify things with her. Because I didn't think I wanted to develop anything romantic with her. I feel like... If there's a girl that likes me, and she's made it clear she does, then I have to clarify things with her. Otherwise I think it'd be difficult to interact with her. So I rejected her today. But also... I feel like I did something wrong. Having this conversation... rejecting someone you don't see romantically... is that wrong? If you don’t have feelings for her... you didn't have to ask her to see the exhibition with you. Because you asking her to see this exhibit... would make her think you also had feelings for her. Given that she didn't formally confess to you, but you rejected her out of the blue.. I think it's a little improper. But actually the reason I asked Carmon to see the exhibition is because... Yujie and I, when we had dinner together, I told her about this situation. Because she kept talking about how I seem very close to Carmon. Actually, I do have some feelings for Yujie. That's why I wanted to tell Carmon. But... what I don't understand is, after I told Yujie about this... I don't know why she just turned around and left. I don't think it's my place to say much about this. My suggestion is... If you want to know why she's acting like this, you could ask Yujie directly. That would be better. What do you think? I don't know. Carmon still isn't home yet. Carmon, you're back. Hey. Why are you back so late? I was just working late at the studio. I called you a bunch of times and left voicemails, but you didn't answer. I was worried about you. I was in the car then, so I couldn't pick up. I'm a bit tired. Let's go to sleep. She's completely devastated. Carmon seems like she doesn't want to talk to anybody. Of course she's devastated, she'll want to leave. She's going to quit and leave this show. -Yeah. -But I personally think Carmon... -has a lot of inner strength. -True. I don't think she will leave the show because of this incident. I think she'll keep going. I think if someone were to leave, it wouldn't be her. She wouldn't. How can you stay? It'll be so awkward now, the three of them in the house. Would Binshen want to leave? -Binshen will stay. -Then who would leave? -I think-- -I think it'd be Curry. Curry feels offended and leaves. -Curry wouldn't. -We haven't even talked about him. Curry just did something hilarious. When Binshen mentioned Yujie in their conversation... He was like, He lightly touches his forehead and says, "It's not my place to say anything." Weren't you just talking about making food for her this afternoon? -Duck blood stew! -Let's have duck blood stew! We won't claim anything about Curry and Yujie's relationship. But he definitely didn't expect that Yujie and Binshen already talked about dating. In Curry's heart, he's already divided up the house into couples. The only ones left are the two of us. And he must be satisfied, right? He's very pleased with himself. - He sits there with his legs crossed. - Like a god. He's like this every day, just having a good time. But I think the information here is wrong. Binshen shouldn't have -pushed the responsibility to Yujie. -Yeah. He goes to Curry and tells him that Yujie asked him to do it. That's not right. Yujie didn't tell you to say anything. -You just don’t want to lose her. -Yeah. He said it was because Yujie said she wanted him to make things clear. Yeah. "That's why I did such a thing." So his initial motivation was because of her. -That's Binshen's problem. -Yes. Come, let's see if they'll have a way to work around this. -Morning! -Morning. You're up early. I'm going to the studio to work today. Why didn't you come home last night? I had a lot of work last night, so I got back late. You want to eat? Nah, I have to go to work. It'll only take 10 minutes. 10 minutes? Okay then. How were you yesterday? Binshen cleared things up for me. I was rejected, that's all. I feel a bit awkward, like... it just... was so sudden. I was really looking forward to seeing this exhibition. I got dressed up and everything. Then suddenly this happened. Regardless of what happened, at least you tried, right? I think it's already admirable that you tried. Because having a crush on someone... it's not easy. Right? And... life isn't just about love. You still have us, we're your family too. You still have your job, and your dreams. And Popsicle, right? I'll take some time to readjust myself... to try to return to how I was before. Don't worry about me too much. I'll pick myself up and be back at my best. When are Tianqi and his friend arriving? It should be soon. We're about done, what else is there to do? We're good for now. Smells so good! I'll get some water for you to drink. Nana sure is sunny today. When am I not? Give me a break. It's warmer here than in Beijing. But it does get a bit cold at night. Beijing is too cold, I almost have to wear long underwear. You're back! Just got back. We just finished cooking. -This is my friend. -Hello! We've made a meal just for you! Thank you. -It's done already. -What a setup! Our mouths will be blessed. -Thanks for going to all this trouble. -Not at all. Come! -Great. -Come. -Welcome! -Thank you all. Of course. Let's introduce ourselves. My name is Liu Keli, or Curry. Curry. My name is Binshen. I also go by A-Bin. A-Bin. Yeah. I'm a professional gamer. Cool. My name is Jin Yujie. They call me Jinjin. You can call her anything, anything at all. Same with him. No, not this guy. This is President Liu. After all, he's the head chef. My name is Chu Mengna, you can call me Nana or Lala. Ok. Come on, let's eat! Let's start with the main dish. Try the twice-cooked pork first, it's a must-try. Nice. -It's delicious. -Yeah? Tianqi mentioned that you were coming, so... the girls in our house wanted some insider info. -They asked if you're good-looking. -What! This is true. What do you guys think? -He's good-looking. -You're too kind. The glasses match your vibe. Thank you. Is there no more gossip? Go on. I know Tianqi well, ask me anything you want about him. How many girlfriends has he had? That I know of... Look here. Six. Is that sixty-six or six? I didn't even know I had that many. It's two or three. You've finished two bowls? Have another one. Sure. Does he always eat so much? He probably has the best appetite of all of us. Nana is number two. -I can tell. -What? I think I should be second. That means Nana is number one? It's not me! What do you mean I eat so much? It's pretty amazing. So you two cook together. Cook together. Want some? Do you like it? Okay, the three of us are done. -You take your time. -Okay. Is it good? Really good. I'll get the dishes. -You guys can-- -I was waiting for you to offer! Alright then. Let's go. Just do it quickly, why the sigh? Do you need help? No, no need. So devious. How about I take A-Chen on a tour around the house? Ok then, go ahead. See you. I haven't seen it yet. -You got this, wash them well. -Good luck! Have fun, sir. -Wow, this place is nice. -Isn't it? And there are some grills there. -For barbecue. -Yeah. Not bad. If you're free... -Come hang with us more. -Definitely. I'll come and see Tianqi more. -Mooch off of your food. -Yes, yes. The two of us wandered around today before coming back. Wasn't he at work today? Didn't he quit? You guys don't know? No... Let me think... He didn't say anything. And did you see the blackboard on our wall? Every day he writes his work schedule. Starting pretty early, getting back late at night. Did he tell you why? He told me yesterday. His salary is barely over 5,000 a month, and he was deducted over 2,000 for tardiness. You know how I was going to visit? A few days ago, he asked his boss for time off. His boss wouldn't let him. So he got angry and quit. So impulsive. I don't think it's just being impulsive. I think it's been accumulating, and he hasn't been happy for a while. But why did he... lie to us? Because if he's... Even if he said he's been busy with personal matters, that would be fine. But every day he said that he was still going to work as usual. Let him save a little face. Ease up on the questions. Yeah, his reputation is shredded. Maybe he hadn't found the right opportunity to mention it. All right... He hid it so well, but all his efforts were undone by his friend in a second. Did you see the panic in his friend's eyes? -"Oh, you don't know?" -The shock. So be careful with what you say. You've been gone for so long, I'm almost done. No one wants to help? Finish it quickly. What's up with her? What's up with you? It's nothing. How has your work been lately? It's been okay. It's been okay? Alright then. If you don't want to say it, then don't. Say what? What are you doing? I think I kind of mentioned that you quit. -Seriously? -You didn't tell them, did you? No. I've only told you. I thought they knew, so I accidentally... Why didn't you tell them? Because she'd react like that. If A-Chen hadn't told me today, would you have kept it from us forever? It's because I knew you wouldn't be happy if I told you. Aren't you upset now? I'm upset because you hid it from us. I didn't plan to keep it from you forever. Okay then. I'm going. There's no point sitting here. Now they'll all know. It just keeps getting worse. Tianqi, this boy. You can see him very clearly now. He's hit rock bottom. I feel bad for him. All of his efforts to conceal it have been smashed to pieces. It took him so long to save face. -Now he's lost it all. -He's faceless. His face has been shredded. And he even said exactly how much he earns. Yeah. It was so awkward when they said he has the biggest appetite. Before, they said he was only eating 3 buns a day. He's really just going hungry. He's already so unfortunate, why get angry at him? This issue made Nana realize that she's actually in love with Tianqi. She really cares about him, so she's very angry. So she's angry because she loves him? Yes, yes. -Right? -Something like that. She's thinking, I'm upset because how did I grow to care about this guy! No, she's thinking, How could you keep this from me? You've told others, how could you not tell me? Who am I to you? I was the one who previously rejected you! She is angry because he didn't tell her, he hid it from her, not because he quit. No! She is angry because he quit. It doesn't have to do with him hiding it. I think it's both. First, you're so immature. -Second, you hid it from me. -You didn't tell me. If he told her earlier, she'd still have a reason to be angry. -She'd be angry either way. -Yeah. If he told her earlier she'd have one reason, now she has two. Add them up and she explodes. Tianqi knows very well that Nana would be angry if he told her. So he didn't tell her. So Nana has to think about this. If she can understand why he would do such a thing, instead of just scrutinizing his behavior, Tianqi wouldn't have to worry about her getting angry if he told her. Sometimes the reason you don't talk about your problems with those around you is because if you tell them, they'll just nag you. It doesn't help. They don't understand you at all. Perhaps we can't really understand what they're thinking. It's a reality show, but there's always cameras watching. Sometimes we forget that. Remember that these machines can affect the decisions they make. Some people might have emotional outbursts that they don't want to show on camera. So that might cause some confusion. We hope that as we're here longer and get more material, we can understand them better. Ok! Let's look forward to the next episode of Shanghai Share Life. Bye bye! [Translated by auro & dizzypg] [Reviewed by cissy & jackie]