Ikigai: the Japanese secret
to living a purposeful life,
originating from the island of Okinawa,
where its residents have
the highest life expectancy in the world.
Once called the land
of immortals, the UN states
that Okinawa has the highest proportion
of centenarians to date.
These Okinawans live
by a concept known as ikigai.
"Iki" translates to life,
and "gai" describes value.
This term refers to the things
that make one's life worthwhile,
the reason you get
out of bed every morning.
Ikigai stands at the crossroad
of four main qualities:
what you love, what you're good at,
what the world needs,
and what you can be rewarded for.
The intersection between what you love
and what you're good at is your passion.
This is something
that is truly meaningful to you
and you're willing to make sacrifices for.
Adding to the picture,
what the world needs is vital,
as serving society gives us
this sense of belonging and purpose.
Finally, adding on what you
can be rewarded for
is essential to make a living
out of your purpose.
Now, finding your ikigai
requires deep experimentation
and self exploration.
By pursuing concrete actions
and reflecting back thoughtfully,
you can discover how your passion,
mission, profession and vocation
all intersect to bring more meaning
to your career and life.
Take Steve Jobs for example.
He was the epitome of success
in the technology field,
but he wasn't passionate
about computer hardware;
he was passionate about the tools
that would unleash
his personal creativity.
His curiosity and interest in calligraphy
eventually became the inspiration
for Apple and its unique typography.
By exploring your passions and interest,
you can engage your mind in novel ways
and discover your purpose, your ikigai.
And not only will your ikigai
help you live a more meaningful life,
but it will also protect you
from stress and illness.
According to the American
psychosomatic society,
possessing a high sense of purpose in life
is associated with
a reduced risk for mortality
and cardiovascular accidents.
So those who feel purpose
tend to live healthier lives
and are more motivated and resilient.
And I believe that each
and every one of us
has an ikigai.
You just have to undertake
a deep exploration of yourself to find it.
But let me tell you now: it is not easy.
It requires courage, determination,
and a willingness to make sacrifices.
In order for me to discover my ikigai,
I first had to detach myself
from my fears, negativity, and worries.
I would often think I'm too shy
to make any contributions to society,
and even if I do,
who's actually going to care?
What even is my purpose?
I would constantly criticize myself
and find faults with who I was
and what I did.
But after years and years of self-doubt
and a lack of confidence,
I realized that my only
true enemy was myself
and that if this continues,
I would never be able to experience
and discover my full potential.
So I tried convincing myself
that my contributions do matter
and that I do have a purpose,
but I just couldn't seem to believe that.
So that is when I decided
to take concrete actions
that would build up
the confidence inside of me
and help me see what I am
actually capable of.
Although it took a lot of consideration
and a lengthy list of pros and cons,
I had joined an entrepreneurial program
by the name FutureHack,
a boot camp designed
for self-motivated leaders
who strive to solve global issues.
I set foot into the program
with a shy personality,
minimal experience in leadership,
and the inability to comfortably
express my ideas to others.
But throughout the experience,
I had met so many passionate,
hard-working and inspirational people.
We worked collaboratively
under a national project
for educational innovation.
It was the first time governors,
teachers, and students of Japan
had all come together to exchange ideas
on how to reform
the Japanese education system.
Over 50 teachers and 50 students
had attended this movement
while government officials watched over
and actually took students' ideas
into consideration.
It was astonishing to watch
students and teachers interacting
and pitching their own ideas
to one another.
And this new feeling
of enthusiasm and ambition
sparked the confidence inside of me,
and I happily pitched my reformation ideas
to the changemakers themselves.
By facing my fear
and realizing that I am capable,
I no longer felt scared or intimidated.
I finally felt like my opinion
truly did matter to people,
and I developed this great drive towards
making a positive impact on society.
I had uncovered my passion
for design and entrepreneurship,
and built up this desire
to continue expanding and exploring
to further discover my true inner self.
The great Dalai Lama
has summed up my experience:
"With realization of one's own potential
and confidence in one's ability,
one can build a better world."
Now, close your eyes.
I am giving you this moment
to ask yourself,
What do you love?
What are you good at?
What can you be rewarded for?
And what would you like to see
change in this world?
Now, open your eyes,
and open yourself
to the opportunities that await you.
I encourage you to branch out
and take advantage of these opportunities,
despite your insecurities.
Keep your passion in mind.
Let go of your fear.
Go pursue that thing you've been
holding yourself back from for so long.
Shift your mindset
from viewing things as obstacles
and see them as opportunities.
Eventually, your purpose may unfold.
Go out and discover your ikigai.
Thank you.