0:00:08.029,0:00:09.029 Well hi there! 0:00:09.029,0:00:15.440 Recently I've had a couple of people ask me[br]to review and try out "handheld sewing machines". 0:00:15.440,0:00:20.290 So I didn't actually know that handheld sewing[br]machines existed until some people told me 0:00:20.290,0:00:21.480 about them. 0:00:21.480,0:00:26.510 They supposedly have a lot of the functions[br]of just like a... standard, straight-stitch 0:00:26.510,0:00:30.580 sewing machine, but they're a lot smaller,[br]compact and a lot cheaper. 0:00:30.580,0:00:40.190 So I found one on Ebay which was $16, I did[br]also find a $2 handheld sewing machine, but 0:00:40.190,0:00:41.190 I was kinda... 0:00:41.190,0:00:45.699 I was like, that's not gunna, that's can't[br]be - that's not going to work, right? 0:00:45.699,0:00:52.760 So, if this works, I think it would be really[br]cool because it will make sewing more accessible 0:00:52.760,0:00:57.579 to a lot more people, I've had a lot of you[br]message me saying that, you know, getting 0:00:57.579,0:01:02.780 a sewing machine for one project, or if they're[br]not sure about sewing as a hobby, it's kinda 0:01:02.780,0:01:04.030 a big investment! 0:01:04.030,0:01:08.970 On the other hand, if it doesn't work, I can[br]save you guys the time and money in buying 0:01:08.970,0:01:10.200 one of these for yourself. 0:01:10.200,0:01:15.921 SO my handheld sewing machine arrived today,[br]I am going to open it up on camera and give 0:01:15.921,0:01:17.170 you my first impressions! 0:01:17.170,0:01:23.189 Okay, apparently, I didn't know this when[br]I was buying it but I've ended up with the 0:01:23.189,0:01:25.180 "Handy Stitch": As Seen On TV. 0:01:25.180,0:01:28.670 Which makes me a little bit worried because[br]those as.. 0:01:28.670,0:01:31.270 As Seen on TV things generally don't work. 0:01:31.270,0:01:32.270 Oh, cool. 0:01:32.270,0:01:34.610 They even have typos on the box. 0:01:34.610,0:01:35.610 Cool. 0:01:35.610,0:01:36.930 I have such high hopes for this already. 0:01:36.930,0:01:40.680 Well, it comes with a couple of pre-loaded[br]boddins - boddins?! 0:01:40.680,0:01:41.580 Bobbins! 0:01:41.660,0:01:45.180 A needle-threader... oh good, we have instructions. 0:01:45.280,0:01:46.560 And here's the machine! 0:01:46.560,0:01:47.760 Da da da daaa! (Fanfare Noise) 0:01:47.760,0:01:49.700 Um okay, it kinda looks like a stapler - 0:01:49.740,0:01:51.840 Okay, so batteries are in, and this here is[br]the power switch. 0:01:53.900,0:01:55.400 [Loud noise from machine][br]Whoa. 0:01:55.640,0:01:56.140 Ooh. 0:01:57.020,0:01:58.100 It did something! 0:01:58.800,0:02:00.680 I'm surprised it did something! 0:02:01.640,0:02:05.300 'Kay, so it sews sideways, instead of back[br]and forth... 0:02:05.700,0:02:06.980 Whoa. 0:02:09.120,0:02:10.660 It seems to work! 0:02:10.660,0:02:11.660 Maybe! 0:02:11.660,0:02:15.420 So I'm going to try and do a simple project[br]with this, um, we'll see how we go! 0:02:15.500,0:02:18.380 Okay, so here's a question: why is there grease[br]on everything? 0:02:18.380,0:02:19.380 Ewww. 0:02:19.380,0:02:21.739 There's like, big globs of grease. 0:02:21.739,0:02:28.349 So on this machine, here is the needle, um[br]this is like the plate that the fabric goes 0:02:28.349,0:02:32.330 under, and there's the feed-dogs under there,[br]that pull the fabric through. 0:02:32.330,0:02:38.500 This controls the tension, this is the bobbin[br]for the thread... there only seems to be one 0:02:38.500,0:02:40.129 place where thread goes through. 0:02:40.129,0:02:41.129 I think. 0:02:41.129,0:02:44.420 This is like a little wheel that raises the[br]needle up and down manually. 0:02:44.420,0:02:46.370 And this is the power switch. 0:02:46.370,0:02:51.730 So, you hold it... from here and... ooop![br][loud noise from machine] Whoa! [laughs] And 0:02:51.730,0:02:54.160 it goes! [loud noise from machine] 0:02:54.160,0:02:57.000 Let's just figure out which way you go first. 0:02:58.760,0:02:59.800 Okay. 0:02:59.800,0:03:01.540 It sews this way. 0:03:04.980,0:03:10.160 Okay, okay, ummm... the stitches came straight[br]out. 0:03:10.160,0:03:11.810 Sooo... that's cool. 0:03:11.810,0:03:14.100 Not sure how we make that NOT happen. 0:03:15.980,0:03:18.060 [Quietly]: Oh my god, what? 0:03:18.220,0:03:21.020 Okay, I think I've got it mostly figured out. 0:03:21.020,0:03:23.970 So I'm going to try and make a bow out of[br]this. 0:03:23.970,0:03:26.200 Wish me luck! 0:03:26.260,0:03:29.040 I wonder if this sews 'round corners. 0:03:29.040,0:03:31.080 That would be a good thing. 0:03:31.080,0:03:33.000 If it doesn't sew around corners - pffflt. 0:03:33.000,0:03:34.740 I give up on this. 0:03:38.420,0:03:40.080 I'm so scared! 0:03:40.700,0:03:41.200 Alright. 0:03:41.200,0:03:41.860 ... 0:03:42.220,0:03:43.360 We got this. 0:03:43.580,0:03:44.400 We can do it. 0:03:47.260,0:03:51.500 Wait, I'm supposed to pull the thread to the[br]front... okay 0:03:51.500,0:03:53.940 Take 2. 0:03:58.960,0:04:02.060 Oh no, it's skipping some stitches! 0:04:02.060,0:04:03.360 [Machine makes loud noise that isn't sewing[br]noise] 0:04:03.360,0:04:04.360 Gasp! 0:04:11.960,0:04:14.540 Come on, turn, please! 0:04:14.940,0:04:21.680 So I'm trying to turn the fabric, and it's[br]really getting bunched up and caught inside 0:04:21.680,0:04:22.680 the machine... 0:04:22.680,0:04:24.590 It's not looking so good for you here - 0:04:24.590,0:04:27.290 [Machine makes loud noise][br]Ah! 0:04:27.290,0:04:28.290 Oh! 0:04:28.290,0:04:31.720 [laughs] Why am I so scared of this?! 0:04:31.720,0:04:33.060 [Machine makes a small noise][br]Stop! 0:04:33.060,0:04:34.060 Okay. 0:04:34.120,0:04:38.000 I managed to turn it, kinda - I should probably[br]be using pins to hold the fabric together. 0:04:38.160,0:04:39.820 This is my bad. 0:04:42.640,0:04:43.640 Oooh. 0:04:43.640,0:04:45.640 All of the fabric is bunching up. 0:04:48.660,0:04:52.420 Kay, now I'm going to try and do that "backstitching". 0:04:53.240,0:04:54.260 Needle, up. 0:04:55.580,0:04:59.680 Pull out 3 inches of thread. 0:05:00.260,0:05:03.500 Down, up... 0:05:04.460,0:05:07.140 Pull fabric out... 0:05:07.740,0:05:09.640 Oooh... 0:05:16.300,0:05:18.820 Oh no, I'm pulling the stitches out! 0:05:18.820,0:05:19.480 No no no no no! 0:05:19.480,0:05:20.340 No no no no! 0:05:20.340,0:05:21.300 Argh! 0:05:21.300,0:05:22.220 Where's - argh! 0:05:22.220,0:05:24.940 All the stitches came out! 0:05:24.940,0:05:25.940 Uhhhh! 0:05:26.180,0:05:33.000 [Voiceover] Okay, so I gave this a real, honest try, and[br]I could just not get it to work. 0:05:33.000,0:05:38.940 After about an hour of trying to get just[br]one single line of stitches sewn, I gave up. 0:05:38.940,0:05:42.360 The main problem that I was having was that[br]I couldn’t figure out how to secure the 0:05:42.360,0:05:48.539 stitches at the end of my line of stitches[br]- this is pretty important because that literally 0:05:48.539,0:05:51.680 stops the thread from falling out right out[br]after you’ve sewn it in. 0:05:51.680,0:05:55.850 The instructions were not much help either[br]– they were totally confusing, and even 0:05:55.850,0:06:01.450 though I followed them to a tee, which involved[br]all this complicated tying of knots with your 0:06:01.450,0:06:03.800 hands, it still didn’t work out. 0:06:03.800,0:06:07.740 In addition, there was no apparent method[br]to holding the stitches into the fabric at 0:06:07.740,0:06:10.250 the beginning of the stitch, either. 0:06:10.250,0:06:14.349 Seriously how hard would it have been to put[br]in a backstitch function? 0:06:14.349,0:06:18.660 This would save so much time and energy if[br]the machine had a simple backstitch to secure 0:06:18.660,0:06:20.530 the stitches in place. 0:06:20.530,0:06:24.870 And regardless of me not being able to secure[br]the stitches at the beginning and the end 0:06:24.870,0:06:28.539 – it also skipped a significant number of[br]stitches while I was sewing. 0:06:28.539,0:06:33.330 Now, it’s possible that I needed to fine-tune[br]the tension, but there weren’t really any 0:06:33.330,0:06:38.440 instructions as to what the best tension even[br]looked like, and each tension that I used 0:06:38.440,0:06:41.470 still ended up giving me skipped stitches. 0:06:41.470,0:06:45.260 And so, this was the bow that I ended up with. 0:06:46.480,0:06:48.020 Here's my bow. 0:06:49.440,0:06:54.860 I've been working on this for about an hour[br]at this point. 0:06:54.870,0:06:56.400 None of these stitches have held up. 0:06:56.400,0:07:00.990 They've all come unravelled under a small[br]amount of tension. 0:07:00.990,0:07:08.530 The only place that the stitches have actually[br]held was the place that I hand-tied the stitches 0:07:08.530,0:07:09.530 in. 0:07:09.530,0:07:13.300 The rest of them have completely fallen out. 0:07:16.620,0:07:25.300 Cool - so, my final remarks on my first impression[br]of using a handheld sewing machine... 0:07:25.540,0:07:26.610 I hate it. 0:07:26.610,0:07:32.539 I wasted about an hour of my life trying to[br]sew a simple couple of lines of stitches, 0:07:32.539,0:07:34.539 and it didn't work. 0:07:34.539,0:07:39.980 Now, it's possible that with enough time and[br]effort you could get good at using this, but 0:07:39.980,0:07:44.849 the amount of time that you have to invest[br]into learning to use this is just SO much 0:07:44.849,0:07:49.460 more than it is for a standard beginner's[br]sewing machine. 0:07:49.460,0:07:55.480 Like, an hour into it and I wasn't even able[br]to figure out how to do a secure straight 0:07:55.480,0:07:56.480 line of stitches. 0:07:56.480,0:08:00.520 So it's definitely not easier to use than[br]a standard sewing machine, definitely don't 0:08:00.520,0:08:03.970 buy it if you're looking for an easy version[br]of sewing. 0:08:03.970,0:08:05.850 Fun, Fast and Easy? 0:08:05.850,0:08:10.050 M-more like, not fun, slow and… hard! 0:08:10.050,0:08:11.050 YEAH. 0:08:11.050,0:08:12.320 Take that Marybeth. 0:08:12.320,0:08:13.320 Take that. 0:08:13.320,0:08:17.360 So yeah, those are my initial thoughts on[br]the handheld sewing machine. 0:08:17.360,0:08:22.069 I will give it another go, um if you guys[br]leave some helpful suggestions, maybe – ‘coz 0:08:22.069,0:08:24.419 I think I'm doing something wrong! 0:08:24.419,0:08:29.100 Let me know if you've ever used a handheld[br]sewing machine before and what brand you used, 0:08:29.100,0:08:32.550 and if it worked for you - I'd really like[br]to know whether these are worth it at all, 0:08:32.550,0:08:35.000 but from my first impressions - it is not. 0:08:35.000,0:08:36.610 Thank you so much for watching this video[br]- OH! 0:08:36.610,0:08:40.080 Did you see the jacket I was wearing in my[br]intro? 0:08:40.080,0:08:41.101 Oh, you didn't? 0:08:41.101,0:08:44.680 Did you see those patches and you were just[br]like, I'm so envious of Annika's cool patches, 0:08:44.680,0:08:45.680 well GUESS WHAT! 0:08:45.680,0:08:47.640 You can buy them at my merchandise store! 0:08:47.640,0:08:52.350 The patches were designed by me and then made[br]by a WRAP certified factory in China, which 0:08:52.350,0:08:55.211 means they were produced ethically, coz that[br]is super important to me. 0:08:55.211,0:08:57.470 There's even a Make Thrift Buy one! 0:08:57.470,0:09:00.960 And all proceeds will go towards helping out[br]my channel, so you can yourself something 0:09:00.960,0:09:06.110 cute, that shows off your love of sewing,[br]or Make Thrift Buy, and support my channel 0:09:06.110,0:09:06.900 at the same time! 0:09:06.900,0:09:08.620 Alright, I'm going now. 0:09:08.660,0:09:09.300 Thank you for watching! 0:09:09.300,0:09:10.100 Bye!