Hi! OK everybody... The English language has many words. Like this. Ho! So many words! And every word can be split into parts. We call these parts syllables. Syllables! A word could have one, or two, or three, or four, or even more syllables. Syllables! Could a word have 1 million syllables? No, that is too many syllables. What about four syllables? Yes, I already said that. Ha! No more questions! Anyway! A syllable is like a beat. Do you know what a beat is? DRUMMER! Please play a beat. Thank you. That is a good beat. You can make a beat by clapping your hands. Get those hands up! Let's practice one beat. OK ready? Here we go: Clap! Ho ho! Now let's try it with some words. We will start with the easy ones. Words with one syllable - and therefore - one beat. The first word is dog. (Dog!) Dog. (Dog!) I SAID DOG! Ha ha! Good girl. Now everybody clap your hands to make one beat when I say the word "Dog". OK ready? Here we go: Dog. Dog. Dog. Dog. Dog! Dog! Hey! Good job. Next we will try a word with two syllables: Apple. (Apple!) Apple. (Apple!) I SAID APPLE! Ho! Thank you! The word Apple has two syllables - and therefore - two beats. It is kind of like it is split into two parts, like this. The first part is 'Ap' and the second part is 'ple'. Now everybody clap your hands and make a beat when I say each part of the word Apple. OK ready? Here we go: Ap-ple, Ap-ple, Ap-ple, Ap-ple, Ap-ple. Apple! Yay! Ho ho! You're doing great! Next we will try a word with three syllables: Ladybug. (Ladybug!) Ladybug. (Ladybug!) I SAID LADYBUG! Wow, that is a big ladybug. The word Ladybug has three syllables - and therefore - three beats. It is kind of like it is split into three parts. The first part is 'La', the second is 'dy' and the third part is 'bug'. Now everybody clap your hands and make a beat when I say each part of the word Ladybug. OK ready? Here we go: La-dy-bug, La-dy-bug, La-dy-bug, La-dy-bug, La-dy-bug. Ladybug! Good job. And finally, we will try a word with four syllables: Salamander. (Salamander!) Salamander. (Salamander!) I SAID SALAMANDER! Ho! Hi Salamander. The word Salamander has four syllables - and therefore - four beats. It is kind of like it is split into four parts. The first part is 'Sal' the second part is 'a', the third part is 'man', and the last is 'der'. Now everybody clap your hands and make a beat when I say each part of the word Salamander. OK ready? Here we go: Sal-a-man-der, Sal-a-man-der, Sal-a-man-der, Sal-a-man-der! Sal-a-man-der, Salamander! Ho! Yay! Superb! Wow! That's it for now! Until next time, see you later!