0:00:00.260,0:00:05.050 There are certain ailments one expects as[br]an unfortunate consequence of getting older. 0:00:05.050,0:00:10.210 For men, frequent late night trips to the[br]bathroom and increased risk of prostate cancer 0:00:10.210,0:00:15.110 are regarded as inevitable aspects of aging, with treatments ranging from medication to invasive 0:00:15.110,0:00:20.150 and debilitating surgery. But whatif prostate enlargement and cancer could be prevented 0:00:20.150,0:00:26.070 and even reversed?  What if what your doctor isn’t telling you could save your life? 0:00:30.570,0:00:34.170 Hi it's Emily from Bite Size Vegan and [br]welcome to another vegan nugget. 0:00:34.180,0:00:40.640 Despite the serious complications and even fatal outcomes, the topic of prostate health is rarely 0:00:40.649,0:00:43.879 addressed in an appropriate, [br]constructive or respectful manner. 0:00:43.879,0:00:48.800 With an astounding array of prostate-themed jokes poking fun at increased urination and 0:00:48.800,0:00:54.309 the horrors of rectal exams, an enlarged prostate[br]seems more like a right of passage into infirmity 0:00:54.309,0:00:59.289 than a medical condition. And with heaps of[br]supplement scams, prescription-pushing physicians 0:00:59.289,0:01:03.280 and scalpel-wielding surgeons, and it’s[br]hard to know what information or approach 0:01:03.280,0:01:04.280 to trust. 0:01:04.280,0:01:08.830 In this fourth installment of the Men’s[br]Health Series with Dr. Greger of Nutritionfacts.org, 0:01:08.830,0:01:14.680 we’re going to see what the science says[br]about preventing, treating and reversing Benign 0:01:14.680,0:01:19.650 Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)—the medical[br]term for the non-cancerous enlargement of 0:01:19.650,0:01:23.430 the prostate—and prostate cancer. If you’ve[br]seen the first three installments on testosterone, 0:01:23.430,0:01:28.000 erectile dysfunction, and soy’s effect on[br]hormones, you’ll notice a common theme of 0:01:28.000,0:01:33.040 the medical profession—ignoring simple and[br]effective treatment in favor of ineffective 0:01:33.040,0:01:35.200 and debilitating measures. 0:01:35.200,0:01:40.290 Prostate surgery, the various methodologies[br]of which read like a list of medieval torture 0:01:40.290,0:01:45.130 practices, can leave men with ongoing erectile[br]dysfunction and urinary incontinence issues, 0:01:45.130,0:01:46.180 among other side effects. 0:01:46.180,0:01:50.980 Let’s take a quick look at what two of the[br]leading institutions have to offer. In regards 0:01:50.980,0:01:55.930 to Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia and prostate[br]cancer respectively, the American Urological 0:01:55.930,0:02:00.840 Association and National Cancer Institute[br]do give a cursory nod to the effects of exercise 0:02:00.840,0:02:06.270 and diet on prostate health, but fail to expand[br]upon what that means in practical terms. 0:02:06.270,0:02:11.760 If we look at the AUA’s extensive guidelines[br]for BPH treatment, there is “watchful waiting,” 0:02:11.760,0:02:16.750 essentially meaning, let’s just see what[br]happens, during which period no recommendations 0:02:16.750,0:02:21.689 are made for dietary intervention. Then there[br]are medical therapies, meaning drugs, which 0:02:21.689,0:02:27.310 receive seven pages of prescription possibilities,[br]a potentially promising section on alternatives 0:02:27.310,0:02:33.540 only addresses dietary supplements, and surgical[br]procedures shine with a six-page spread. 0:02:33.540,0:02:38.730 Perhaps the worst offender is the AUA’s[br]Prostate Health Playbook, in which they attempt 0:02:38.730,0:02:44.209 to convey this misinformation through strained[br]football analogies in an astoundingly patronizing 0:02:44.209,0:02:49.709 and condescending manner—as if possession[br]of a prostate renders one borderline incompetent, 0:02:49.709,0:02:53.629 requiring spoon-fed sports comparisons [br]for basic comprehension. 0:02:54.560,0:02:58.989 The information Dr. Greger will share can[br]spare you the pain of the devastating effects 0:02:58.989,0:03:03.980 of potentially unnecessary surgery and even[br]save your life. And the fact that you’ll 0:03:03.980,0:03:09.060 never hear this from your doctor is why you[br]should be pissed about your prostate. 0:03:09.060,0:03:13.450 Emily: So prostate health is a huge concern[br]for men. What we usually hear the most of 0:03:13.450,0:03:17.430 is enlarged prostate and prostate cancer.[br]The way that these are presented, though, 0:03:17.430,0:03:22.919 by the medical field, it seems like they are[br]almost inevitable aspects of aging. Can prostate 0:03:22.919,0:03:26.480 cancer and an enlarged prostate be prevented[br]and how so? 0:03:26.480,0:03:31.749 Dr. Greger: Some of the most compelling data[br]for eating healthy for men and women has come 0:03:31.749,0:03:38.069 out of Dr. Dean Ornish’s lab, who firstshowed that—[br]was first to do a randomized controlled 0:03:38.069,0:03:42.889 trial showing that indeed heart disease could[br]be reversed with a plant-based diet and other 0:03:42.889,0:03:45.969 healthy lifestyle behaviors. Opening up arteries[br]without drugs, without surgery. 0:03:45.969,0:03:54.389 And so, after conquering killer #1 he’s[br]ok next and went on to kill the #2 cancer 0:03:54.389,0:03:58.469 and took men with prostate cancer and put[br]them on a plant-based diet. Same kind of regimen 0:03:58.469,0:04:04.420 and actually got a reversal in the growth[br]of prostate—early stage prostate cancer. 0:04:04.420,0:04:09.471 And indeed it’s interesting when you take[br]serum, when you take blood from men who have 0:04:09.471,0:04:12.829 been on a plant-based diet for a year and[br]drip them on cancer cells growing in a petri 0:04:12.829,0:04:18.570 dish, they suppress the growth of that cancer[br]about 8 times better compared to the blood 0:04:18.570,0:04:21.250 of people men eating the Standard American[br]Diet. 0:04:21.250,0:04:27.400 What’s interesting is a different group[br]of researches said, well wait a second, I 0:04:27.400,0:04:34.350 wonder if the same effect on normal prostate[br]cell. So the same experiment and found indeed 0:04:34.350,0:04:38.600 you go on a plant-based diet and this time[br]it was just the diet without exercise and 0:04:38.600,0:04:43.330 stress management components. You go on a[br]plant-based diet your blood indeed is better 0:04:43.330,0:04:46.780 able to suppress the growth of the normal[br]prostate cells. 0:04:46.780,0:04:51.620 And I talk about in the video indeed this[br]kind of it’s kind of inevitable consequence 0:04:51.620,0:04:55.930 of aging. You get older, your prostate enlarges[br]- No, that’s inevitable consequence of eating 0:04:55.930,0:04:58.300 the Standard American Diet and aging. 0:04:58.300,0:05:04.930 So I talk about the statistics in the US.[br]It effects—so an enlarged prostate—and 0:05:04.930,0:05:11.260 when I say enlarged prostate, what does that[br]mean? It kind of squeezes off the urethra 0:05:11.260,0:05:16.540 where the urine goes through and so you have[br]to frequently get up at night a couple times 0:05:16.540,0:05:21.820 because you can’t, you have this kind of[br]weak, hesitant urine stream and you can’t 0:05:21.820,0:05:26.380 completely evacuate your bladder and then[br]so your bladder fills up over and over again. 0:05:26.380,0:05:27.380 And anyway. 0:05:27.380,0:05:30.620 And then is a stagnant pool of urine can set[br]more than likely be infected. Fifty percent 0:05:30.620,0:05:37.290 of men in their 50s are affected, 80% of their[br]men in the 80s. It’s an epidemic in the 0:05:37.290,0:05:43.270 US. 16 million American men. A billion dollars[br]a year is spent on drugs to treat it and another 0:05:43.270,0:05:48.090 billion on supplements, lots of surgery that’s[br]done. And the reason we know that it’s not 0:05:48.090,0:05:52.650 an inevitable consequence of aging is because[br]you can look at different populations around 0:05:52.650,0:05:53.650 the globe. 0:05:53.650,0:05:59.410 So for example in China, there was study that[br]found at the Medical College of Beijing, they 0:05:59.410,0:06:06.330 didn’t have 80% of me infected. They found[br]80 cases period. Eighty-four over a 15 year 0:06:06.330,0:06:14.520 period. It was such a rare, it was considered[br]kind of rare condition until of course China 0:06:14.520,0:06:16.520 started eating like us. 0:06:16.520,0:06:21.020 And so there are particular food that appear[br]to help. Garlic and onions, allium family 0:06:21.020,0:06:24.300 vegetables. Cooked vegetables appear to work[br]better than raw vegetables and legumes, beans, 0:06:24.300,0:06:29.360 flip peas, chickpeas, lentils as well as flax[br]seeds. And there are actually head to head 0:06:29.360,0:06:36.050 challenges of ground flax seed versus the[br]leading drug prescribed for PBH patients and 0:06:36.050,0:06:42.210 it worked just as well without the side effects[br]but as a group Pritikin researchers showed 0:06:42.210,0:06:46.340 its not just these individual plant foods,[br]but if you go on an entirely plant-based diet, 0:06:46.340,0:06:51.930 you can dramatically slow down the growth[br]of the suppressed cancer cells so you don’t 0:06:51.930,0:06:55.490 have to deal with this as one gets older. 0:06:55.490,0:07:00.650 I hope you found what Dr. Greger shared to[br]be helpful and eye-opening. On a personal 0:07:00.650,0:07:06.330 level, when researching for this video, I[br]did not at all expect to get so angry about 0:07:06.330,0:07:07.330 prostates. 0:07:07.330,0:07:11.390 But the more I looked into the studies so[br]graciously compiled by Dr. Greger, and compared 0:07:11.390,0:07:16.770 their data to the guidelines of major medical[br]organizations, the more angry I became. 0:07:16.770,0:07:21.520 Everyone deserves to be fully informed about[br]their health, and offered all of the possible 0:07:21.520,0:07:26.170 treatments. As longs as doctors present BPH[br]and prostate cancer risk as just a part of 0:07:26.170,0:07:31.080 aging and fail to alert their patients to[br]effective, non-invasive methods of prevention 0:07:31.080,0:07:36.080 and reversal, countless men will continue[br]to undergo unnecessary surgery and even lose 0:07:36.080,0:07:37.730 their lives. 0:07:37.730,0:07:42.570 For more on why your doctor is lying to you,[br]see this video with Dr. Greger. Please see 0:07:42.570,0:07:47.360 the blog post for this video linked below[br]for more information and links to Dr. Greger’s 0:07:47.360,0:07:52.430 extensive content on prostate health, including[br]more about which foods to avoid and include 0:07:52.430,0:07:58.110 in your diet, and to his NYT best seller How[br]Not To Die, which includes an entire chapter 0:07:58.110,0:07:59.480 on prostate health. 0:07:59.480,0:08:03.120 To make sure you’re getting the prostate-healthy[br]nutrition you need, I wanted to let you know 0:08:03.120,0:08:07.170 about Cronometer. It’s a free website and[br]app that I’ve used in several of my videos 0:08:07.170,0:08:11.750 because of it’s uniquely detailed nutrition[br]reports and ease of use. Plus, they’ve reached 0:08:11.750,0:08:16.139 out to help sponsor the Men’s Health series[br]to get this vital educational information 0:08:16.139,0:08:19.920 out to those who need it. Click the link in[br]the description, or go here to make your free 0:08:19.920,0:08:21.540 profile. It’s not an affiliate link, but[br]it will let Cronometer know that Bite Size 0:08:21.540,0:08:22.540 Vegan sent you. 0:08:22.540,0:08:25.880 Please share this video around to help men[br]take hold of their health. Be sure to subscribe 0:08:25.880,0:08:29.060 to the channel to not miss out on the rest[br]of the Men’s Health Series. 0:08:29.060,0:08:32.930 To support free education like this, please[br]see the support links below or click the Nugget 0:08:32.930,0:08:34.700 Army icon or the link in the sidebar. 0:08:34.700,0:08:39.669 Now go live vegan, get pissed about your prostate,[br]and I’ll see you soon. 0:08:39.669,0:08:49.580 So even though vegan men tend to have significantly[br]higher testosterone levels, than both vegetarians 0:08:49.580,0:08:54.640 and meat-eaters—which can be a risk factor[br]for prostate cancer, the reason plant-based 0:08:54.640,0:09:00.450 diets appear to reverse the progression of[br]prostate cancer may be due to how low their 0:09:00.450,0:09:04.240 IGF-1 drops. High testosterone, yet low cancer. 0:09:04.240,0:09:11.250 The bottom line… is that male or female,[br]just eating vegetarian did not seem to cut 0:09:11.250,0:09:18.310 it—didn’t do their body many favors. It[br]looks like to get a significant drop in cancer-promoting 0:09:18.310,0:09:22.150 growth hormone levels one really has to move[br]towards eliminating animal products altogether. 0:09:22.150,0:09:22.650 i