WEBVTT 00:00:16.773 --> 00:00:20.182 I asked them to turn up the lights, so that I could see you as well. 00:00:20.182 --> 00:00:22.853 We are talking about relationships, after all. 00:00:23.783 --> 00:00:26.022 The most important thing in a relationship, men, 00:00:26.022 --> 00:00:27.664 is to see your wife. 00:00:28.154 --> 00:00:33.354 You can see who is married, at a restaurant, or who is dating. 00:00:33.354 --> 00:00:35.194 (Laughter) 00:00:35.194 --> 00:00:37.744 If a man is dating a woman, he's looking right at her. 00:00:38.604 --> 00:00:39.975 He's got one goal. 00:00:39.975 --> 00:00:41.794 (Laughter) 00:00:43.324 --> 00:00:46.074 Once he's climbed that mountain, you can relax. 00:00:46.074 --> 00:00:47.163 (Laughter) 00:00:47.163 --> 00:00:49.445 You see, the married men, they're looking around. 00:00:49.925 --> 00:00:52.403 Quite often, somebody else catches their attention: 00:00:52.683 --> 00:00:54.355 "I haven't seen her before." 00:00:55.195 --> 00:00:57.345 It doesn't mean he doesn't love her, 00:00:57.345 --> 00:00:58.376 his wife. 00:00:58.376 --> 00:01:00.755 It just means he never saw that before. 00:01:01.325 --> 00:01:03.475 We all do this, that's why we go on vacations, 00:01:03.475 --> 00:01:06.916 to lovely spots, new places, getting off the plane here in Bend, 00:01:06.916 --> 00:01:09.177 it was blown away by the beautiful mountain. 00:01:09.467 --> 00:01:10.475 It's exciting. 00:01:10.765 --> 00:01:12.638 You go somewhere new and different, 00:01:12.898 --> 00:01:15.776 it stimulates a brain chemical called dopamine, 00:01:16.106 --> 00:01:18.559 and dopamine gives us motivation; 00:01:19.109 --> 00:01:20.649 it gives us pleasure; 00:01:21.059 --> 00:01:22.759 it gives us focus; 00:01:24.379 --> 00:01:29.896 and it gives us happiness in our relationships, passion. 00:01:30.976 --> 00:01:36.457 When we fall in love with somebody, it's literally like we are high on drugs. 00:01:37.467 --> 00:01:38.656 Maybe you don't remember, 00:01:38.656 --> 00:01:40.937 if you've been married for 28 years like I have, 00:01:41.547 --> 00:01:43.848 but I'm reminded of it with my youngest daughter, 00:01:43.848 --> 00:01:47.638 who is in that first falling in love stage with her live-in. 00:01:48.449 --> 00:01:50.048 (Laughter) 00:01:50.048 --> 00:01:51.318 They're planning! 00:01:51.318 --> 00:01:52.868 But she is a modern woman, 00:01:52.868 --> 00:01:56.729 she wants to be completely financially self-sufficient before she gets married. 00:01:57.059 --> 00:02:00.319 That's the new woman; she wants to be sufficient. 00:02:00.319 --> 00:02:01.540 (Applause) 00:02:01.540 --> 00:02:05.169 Yes, we all want to be self-sufficient, we all want to be independent, 00:02:05.169 --> 00:02:07.469 and then from a place of wholeness come together; 00:02:07.469 --> 00:02:08.479 it's a new world. 00:02:08.479 --> 00:02:10.890 I'm going to talk about that new world today, 00:02:10.890 --> 00:02:12.609 but one of the most important things 00:02:12.609 --> 00:02:15.150 is to understand this brain chemical, dopamine. 00:02:15.450 --> 00:02:17.510 Because when you haven't met someone before, 00:02:17.510 --> 00:02:19.049 and you're getting to know them, 00:02:19.049 --> 00:02:22.062 all the ingredients are there to stimulate dopamine. 00:02:23.012 --> 00:02:24.022 Newness. 00:02:24.422 --> 00:02:26.512 And there's no history, you're completely - 00:02:26.512 --> 00:02:27.901 where are we going with this? 00:02:27.901 --> 00:02:29.361 What's going to happen? 00:02:29.361 --> 00:02:31.270 And that stimulates this brain chemical, 00:02:31.270 --> 00:02:35.292 and in men, dopamine stimulates a hormone called testosterone. 00:02:36.412 --> 00:02:39.222 So suddenly, men's testosterone levels are surging. 00:02:39.802 --> 00:02:41.382 The average man at 50 00:02:41.382 --> 00:02:45.252 has half the testosterone levels he had as a young man. 00:02:46.042 --> 00:02:47.301 It starts to drop. 00:02:47.691 --> 00:02:51.848 A lot of things contribute to that, but one of the things is marriage. 00:02:51.848 --> 00:02:53.573 (Laughter) 00:02:56.343 --> 00:02:59.873 You know, I'm 62, but I went through the 50s with my friends, 00:02:59.873 --> 00:03:02.862 and several of my friends got divorced, and they came alive! 00:03:02.862 --> 00:03:05.529 I'm not recommending divorce to come alive, 00:03:05.529 --> 00:03:06.974 (Laughter) 00:03:06.974 --> 00:03:10.256 but I am recommending learning new relationships skills to come alive 00:03:10.256 --> 00:03:11.573 in your marriage. 00:03:12.093 --> 00:03:14.323 But it's like, suddenly, 00:03:14.323 --> 00:03:17.132 when you're with somebody new, just going somewhere new, 00:03:17.132 --> 00:03:18.442 it stimulates dopamine, 00:03:18.442 --> 00:03:21.443 and for men, dopamine stimulates testosterone, 00:03:21.443 --> 00:03:24.334 and for men, testosterone lowers stress. 00:03:24.934 --> 00:03:27.095 Stress - and I don't mean stress in your life, 00:03:27.095 --> 00:03:29.375 life is always stressful, problems everywhere. 00:03:29.375 --> 00:03:30.686 But how do we react to life 00:03:30.686 --> 00:03:33.424 is dependent on our hormone response to life. 00:03:34.264 --> 00:03:36.547 And for men, testosterone is the hormone 00:03:36.547 --> 00:03:39.195 that helps men keep their stress levels down. 00:03:40.235 --> 00:03:43.465 Most people don't know this, but I learned this when I started - 00:03:43.465 --> 00:03:45.765 it was like 30 years ago, I was reading - 00:03:46.415 --> 00:03:48.745 20 years ago, maybe 30, somewhere in there. 00:03:51.365 --> 00:03:54.557 I was about to go see the movie Grumpy Old Men, 00:03:55.307 --> 00:03:56.376 and I was also reading 00:03:56.376 --> 00:03:59.444 that one of the differences between young men and old men 00:03:59.444 --> 00:04:01.966 was men's testosterone levels go down. 00:04:02.466 --> 00:04:04.417 And then I made the link: Grumpy Old Men. 00:04:04.417 --> 00:04:07.037 Think about men when they haven't been laid for a while. 00:04:07.037 --> 00:04:08.037 (Laughter) 00:04:08.037 --> 00:04:10.908 They get grumpy, they're irritable, 00:04:10.908 --> 00:04:12.267 and yet we always thought 00:04:12.267 --> 00:04:15.567 that testosterone caused all that irritability. 00:04:15.567 --> 00:04:18.328 But actually, for men, it's estrogen. 00:04:18.808 --> 00:04:21.507 (Laughter) 00:04:22.847 --> 00:04:24.229 It's all those grumpy old men 00:04:24.229 --> 00:04:26.808 having super high estrogen levels and low testosterone. 00:04:26.808 --> 00:04:28.158 Who knew?! 00:04:29.008 --> 00:04:32.528 One of the biggest risk factors for heart disease, prostate cancer, 00:04:32.528 --> 00:04:34.509 for men is low testosterone. 00:04:35.109 --> 00:04:38.889 All men with depression have low testosterone. 00:04:39.749 --> 00:04:43.241 That's why depression is very different for a man than for a woman. 00:04:43.871 --> 00:04:46.251 Depression for a man is that feeling: 00:04:47.011 --> 00:04:49.701 "Nobody wants me; I am not needed anymore. 00:04:49.701 --> 00:04:51.541 Basically, I'm out of work." 00:04:52.051 --> 00:04:53.532 "Nobody there to respond to me. 00:04:53.532 --> 00:04:57.082 Nobody there for me to fix, help, serve, support." 00:04:57.703 --> 00:05:00.462 So, being out of work is the major depression for men, 00:05:00.462 --> 00:05:01.522 or being in a marriage 00:05:01.522 --> 00:05:04.762 where you feel you can't do anything to make your partner happy. 00:05:05.312 --> 00:05:09.063 I get to see, as a marriage counselor for over 30 years, 00:05:09.623 --> 00:05:11.863 people often on their last exit, 00:05:11.863 --> 00:05:14.623 because I'm famous, people say, "Oh yeah, you go see him," 00:05:14.623 --> 00:05:15.884 so I get the tough cases. 00:05:15.884 --> 00:05:17.623 (Laughter) 00:05:17.773 --> 00:05:19.283 But it's a challenge. 00:05:20.253 --> 00:05:24.214 And what I hear again and again, from men, I take the men aside, 00:05:24.214 --> 00:05:28.084 "What is the problem here? What's going on here? 00:05:28.084 --> 00:05:30.244 If we can fix one problem what would that be?" 00:05:30.754 --> 00:05:34.654 "John, the only problem here is my wife's not happy." 00:05:35.594 --> 00:05:36.645 That's it. 00:05:37.525 --> 00:05:42.645 I do these seminars, workshops, at my ranch, for four days, 00:05:42.645 --> 00:05:45.505 and we start out with men in one room, women in the other. 00:05:45.765 --> 00:05:48.805 Without my influence, I have the men write down their complaints 00:05:48.805 --> 00:05:52.065 about their wives, relationships, women, in one room. 00:05:52.325 --> 00:05:53.656 Women do it in another room, 00:05:53.656 --> 00:05:56.226 and then we spend the whole four days working on that. 00:05:56.716 --> 00:06:00.517 And men have one sheet, and women have five. 00:06:00.517 --> 00:06:03.476 (Laughter) 00:06:05.096 --> 00:06:10.997 And men's list is one or two words: critical, complaints, nags, punishes, 00:06:10.997 --> 00:06:14.097 not interested in sex - that's the longest one they come up with. 00:06:14.097 --> 00:06:16.497 (Laughter) 00:06:16.997 --> 00:06:18.377 There's that list over there. 00:06:18.377 --> 00:06:21.085 And women got all these lists, so it gets a big long list: 00:06:21.085 --> 00:06:24.462 everything is a long sentence, and if this, then that, all that stuff. 00:06:24.462 --> 00:06:26.448 (Laughter) 00:06:27.078 --> 00:06:28.879 And men go, "See?" 00:06:28.879 --> 00:06:31.528 (Laughter) (Applause) 00:06:34.289 --> 00:06:36.774 I got a few claps for that, which I'm not asking for, 00:06:36.774 --> 00:06:38.506 but that's what excites men. 00:06:39.016 --> 00:06:40.436 I made a difference. 00:06:41.006 --> 00:06:43.356 That's why men love their dogs so much. 00:06:43.356 --> 00:06:44.776 (Laughter) 00:06:44.776 --> 00:06:47.946 When I come home, my dog is happy I'm alive! 00:06:47.946 --> 00:06:49.796 (Laughter) 00:06:50.286 --> 00:06:54.017 It touches something so deep inside of every man. 00:06:54.467 --> 00:06:56.137 Through the whole evolution of man, 00:06:56.137 --> 00:06:58.157 men were out there in the dangerous world, 00:06:58.157 --> 00:07:00.377 if you came home alive, they celebrated. 00:07:00.377 --> 00:07:02.647 (Laughter) 00:07:03.247 --> 00:07:05.237 Now it's, "Oh, he's back." 00:07:05.237 --> 00:07:07.081 (Laughter) 00:07:07.811 --> 00:07:11.239 You left the lights on the living room last night before you left. 00:07:11.239 --> 00:07:12.469 (Laughter) 00:07:12.469 --> 00:07:14.797 That's what I get! 00:07:16.047 --> 00:07:18.317 So men go, "She was just happy -" 00:07:18.317 --> 00:07:19.448 What is a man thinking, 00:07:19.448 --> 00:07:22.880 "If she was just the way she was when I married her." 00:07:23.540 --> 00:07:26.949 When men get married, they want you to stay the same - as if you can. 00:07:27.999 --> 00:07:30.049 I realize that women will never be the same, 00:07:30.049 --> 00:07:31.827 they're like the weather. 00:07:31.827 --> 00:07:33.539 (Laughter) 00:07:34.399 --> 00:07:35.568 It's always changing: 00:07:35.568 --> 00:07:39.747 it's sunshine, blue sky, puffy clouds, 00:07:40.247 --> 00:07:41.720 rain storms, 00:07:42.510 --> 00:07:43.946 lightning strikes, 00:07:44.756 --> 00:07:46.460 hurricanes, 00:07:46.460 --> 00:07:47.463 (Laughter) 00:07:47.463 --> 00:07:48.700 tornadoes. 00:07:49.310 --> 00:07:51.601 If you're from Mars, you have these instincts 00:07:51.601 --> 00:07:54.339 that do the worst thing when you're with a Venusian. 00:07:54.959 --> 00:07:57.869 On Mars, when there are tornadoes, what do we do? 00:07:57.869 --> 00:07:59.869 We find a ditch and lie low. 00:07:59.869 --> 00:08:01.149 (Laughter) 00:08:01.149 --> 00:08:03.310 It's not what women expect you to do. 00:08:03.780 --> 00:08:08.250 When that tornado comes in, you're supposed to, like, stand there. 00:08:08.250 --> 00:08:10.360 (Laughter) 00:08:11.050 --> 00:08:12.960 "Is something the matter?" 00:08:12.960 --> 00:08:15.380 (Laughter) 00:08:18.660 --> 00:08:21.382 If you read any of my books, you know what you have to say 00:08:21.382 --> 00:08:24.190 when every cell in your body says, "I can't take it anymore. 00:08:24.190 --> 00:08:27.891 I've got to find a ditch and lie low. Let me get my car and drive somewhere." 00:08:27.891 --> 00:08:30.472 Instead, you stand there and just keep looking. 00:08:31.312 --> 00:08:33.951 And when there's a break you say, "Huh. 00:08:33.951 --> 00:08:36.232 (Laughter) 00:08:36.232 --> 00:08:37.402 Tell me more." 00:08:37.402 --> 00:08:40.412 (Laughter) 00:08:42.442 --> 00:08:44.832 She feels like: I'm married to Superman. 00:08:44.832 --> 00:08:45.832 (Laughter) 00:08:45.832 --> 00:08:49.133 Afterwards that you could do that, and I teach people how to do that - 00:08:49.133 --> 00:08:51.804 you have to at least know what you're trying to do, here. 00:08:51.804 --> 00:08:52.974 Because married men say, 00:08:52.974 --> 00:08:56.073 "No matter what I say or do, it makes it worse." 00:08:56.523 --> 00:08:59.563 And I say, "That's because what you say and do is wrong. 00:08:59.563 --> 00:09:01.524 (Laughter) 00:09:02.224 --> 00:09:03.804 It just doesn't work! 00:09:03.804 --> 00:09:06.853 You've just told me it doesn't work. It doesn't work." 00:09:07.483 --> 00:09:08.865 But what does work? 00:09:11.705 --> 00:09:13.134 Nothing. 00:09:13.134 --> 00:09:15.064 (Laughter) (Applause) 00:09:15.684 --> 00:09:17.153 Nothing! 00:09:17.803 --> 00:09:20.444 You cannot make a woman happy! 00:09:20.444 --> 00:09:22.444 (Laughter) 00:09:22.444 --> 00:09:24.604 You cannot change the weather. 00:09:24.604 --> 00:09:26.506 It changes by itself. 00:09:27.776 --> 00:09:28.795 Women are grown ups, 00:09:28.795 --> 00:09:30.804 they can feel better, they can get happier, 00:09:30.804 --> 00:09:32.202 they know how to do it. 00:09:32.202 --> 00:09:35.406 Just their way of doing it is different from ours. 00:09:36.156 --> 00:09:39.084 All I have to do when I'm stressed out is sit down. 00:09:39.674 --> 00:09:42.556 (Laughter) 00:09:43.826 --> 00:09:45.516 Men have a switch back here, 00:09:45.516 --> 00:09:47.326 as soon as you sit down, 00:09:47.326 --> 00:09:50.746 (Laughter) 00:09:50.746 --> 00:09:53.126 blood flow stops to your brain. 00:09:53.126 --> 00:09:55.946 (Laughter) 00:09:57.276 --> 00:09:58.902 They did some experiments on that. 00:09:58.902 --> 00:10:02.757 They have women at the end of the day sit down, have men sit down, 00:10:03.621 --> 00:10:05.381 and they measure the brain activity. 00:10:05.381 --> 00:10:07.198 Women sit down, their brains speed up, 00:10:07.198 --> 00:10:08.888 (Laughter) 00:10:08.888 --> 00:10:10.098 more blood flow. 00:10:10.558 --> 00:10:12.317 And you say, "What are you thinking?" 00:10:12.317 --> 00:10:15.478 And she says - which any woman in this room can predict - 00:10:15.478 --> 00:10:17.158 "Well, while sitting on this couch, 00:10:17.158 --> 00:10:20.399 I'm thinking of all the things I should be doing that I'm not doing 00:10:20.399 --> 00:10:22.289 while I'm doing this silly experiment." 00:10:22.289 --> 00:10:24.548 (Laughter) 00:10:25.788 --> 00:10:28.177 Then they do the man, and the man is sitting there, 00:10:28.177 --> 00:10:31.150 and you look at the scans: nothing's happening! 00:10:31.150 --> 00:10:32.539 (Laughter) 00:10:32.539 --> 00:10:33.790 Is it broken? 00:10:33.790 --> 00:10:34.810 (Laughter) 00:10:34.810 --> 00:10:36.280 What is this? 00:10:39.282 --> 00:10:41.332 And she is like,"Whoa!" 00:10:41.332 --> 00:10:43.302 So you ask him, "What are you thinking?" 00:10:43.302 --> 00:10:46.732 And you all know the answer to that question if you've been married. 00:10:47.442 --> 00:10:49.522 He says, "Nothing!" 00:10:49.522 --> 00:10:51.503 (Laughter) 00:10:51.503 --> 00:10:55.194 And now he's got evidence, "See, honey. I'm not withholding from you." 00:10:55.194 --> 00:10:57.064 (Laughter) 00:10:57.064 --> 00:11:02.044 "I don't have big secrets. I'm not hiding my problems from you. 00:11:02.614 --> 00:11:04.604 I'm trying to forget them. 00:11:04.604 --> 00:11:05.883 (Laughter) 00:11:05.883 --> 00:11:08.354 Why do we have to talk about them?" 00:11:09.254 --> 00:11:12.513 Because one of the primary ways that men cope with stress - 00:11:12.513 --> 00:11:15.274 and remember, what's the hormone that lower stress for men? 00:11:15.274 --> 00:11:16.533 Testosterone. 00:11:16.533 --> 00:11:20.185 So the hormone that lowers stress for men is testosterone. 00:11:20.875 --> 00:11:24.335 If I've got all these problems in my life, and I'm solving them, 00:11:24.335 --> 00:11:25.784 I'm releasing testosterone, 00:11:25.784 --> 00:11:27.774 and it's keeping my stress levels down. 00:11:27.774 --> 00:11:30.735 At the end of the day, I still have all these unmet problems, 00:11:30.735 --> 00:11:33.175 all these problems I haven't solved. 00:11:33.175 --> 00:11:36.785 So now, I'm not solving problems, my stress level goes up! 00:11:37.255 --> 00:11:39.215 I can't do anything about it, I'm home, 00:11:39.215 --> 00:11:41.465 I can't do anything about it, so stress goes up. 00:11:41.465 --> 00:11:43.655 So how have men adapted to deal with problems 00:11:43.655 --> 00:11:45.996 you can't do anything about once you're sitting? 00:11:47.746 --> 00:11:48.847 Forget it! 00:11:48.847 --> 00:11:49.879 (Laughter) 00:11:49.879 --> 00:11:51.466 We can turn our brains off. 00:11:51.466 --> 00:11:55.306 We have an off switch. Women don't. 00:11:55.746 --> 00:11:57.766 They cannot forget anything. 00:11:57.766 --> 00:12:00.377 (Laughter) 00:12:00.377 --> 00:12:03.876 Here is a simple test in gender intelligence: 00:12:03.876 --> 00:12:07.385 who has a better, bigger memory? 00:12:07.385 --> 00:12:09.865 Women or men? 00:12:09.865 --> 00:12:10.948 Women. 00:12:10.948 --> 00:12:12.236 This is proven! 00:12:12.726 --> 00:12:17.568 The hippocampus in a woman's brain is twice as big as in a man's brain. 00:12:18.738 --> 00:12:23.199 The second story is like a library recording everything on the first floor. 00:12:23.199 --> 00:12:24.298 On the second floor, 00:12:24.298 --> 00:12:26.548 she records every mistake you've ever made. 00:12:26.548 --> 00:12:28.889 (Laughter) 00:12:29.749 --> 00:12:33.399 And something she can't do much about is when she is stressed, 00:12:33.399 --> 00:12:37.289 when she is stressed, blood flow goes to that second floor. 00:12:37.289 --> 00:12:38.579 (Laughter) 00:12:38.579 --> 00:12:40.160 There's an elevator, she goes up, 00:12:40.160 --> 00:12:42.319 she forgets every good thing you've ever done 00:12:42.319 --> 00:12:44.359 and remembers every mistake you made. 00:12:44.999 --> 00:12:46.819 How does she get off that floor? 00:12:46.819 --> 00:12:50.471 She's got to lower her stress; she cannot forget it. 00:12:50.471 --> 00:12:53.211 So what does she do? What's a woman's reaction? 00:12:53.211 --> 00:12:54.456 Just measure the brain. 00:12:54.456 --> 00:12:56.507 There're wonderful brain studies now. 00:12:56.937 --> 00:12:59.565 Under moderate stress, women's brains 00:12:59.565 --> 00:13:03.642 have eight times more blood flow to the emotional part of the brain, 00:13:03.642 --> 00:13:05.667 which then goes to the hippocampus. 00:13:05.667 --> 00:13:07.837 She's bombarded with memories! 00:13:08.527 --> 00:13:10.858 For a man, he forgets everything. 00:13:12.638 --> 00:13:15.767 I'm not saying that women are more emotional than men, 00:13:15.767 --> 00:13:22.268 I'm saying that under moderate stress, women have a stronger emotional reaction. 00:13:22.938 --> 00:13:27.990 Under big stress, men have a stronger emotional reaction. 00:13:27.990 --> 00:13:30.099 What's big stress for men? 00:13:30.799 --> 00:13:33.878 A problem you can't solve and can't forget. 00:13:34.538 --> 00:13:35.992 That's the big stress for men: 00:13:35.992 --> 00:13:38.769 a problem you can't solve, and you can't forget. 00:13:39.169 --> 00:13:41.479 No matter how many football games you're watching 00:13:41.479 --> 00:13:43.361 no matter how much news you're watching, 00:13:43.361 --> 00:13:45.751 how much pressing weights in the gym you are doing, 00:13:45.751 --> 00:13:47.181 you can't forget that problem. 00:13:47.181 --> 00:13:49.552 So now your stress levels are shooting up. 00:13:50.032 --> 00:13:52.489 So, for men, that's a big problem! 00:13:52.489 --> 00:13:55.490 So, historically, evolutionary wise, 00:13:55.490 --> 00:13:58.950 that's lions, tigers, bears. 00:14:00.040 --> 00:14:01.430 Oh, my! 00:14:01.970 --> 00:14:05.633 Lions, tigers, bears - men have a big reaction! 00:14:06.193 --> 00:14:08.411 And by the way, biologically, what's happening? 00:14:08.411 --> 00:14:10.012 As soon as a man feels powerless, 00:14:10.012 --> 00:14:14.502 his testosterone converts to estrogen and floods his brain with fear and anger. 00:14:15.660 --> 00:14:18.024 It's when men go to their female hormones, 00:14:18.024 --> 00:14:20.473 they lose control of their masculine hormones, 00:14:20.473 --> 00:14:22.153 their testosterone levels drop. 00:14:22.153 --> 00:14:24.580 Literally, testosterone converts into estrogen 00:14:24.580 --> 00:14:26.702 through an enzyme called aromatase. 00:14:27.872 --> 00:14:30.322 I'm a man, testosterone driven. 00:14:30.322 --> 00:14:32.363 Every man has to have 00:14:32.363 --> 00:14:35.192 30 times more testosterone than your average woman 00:14:35.192 --> 00:14:37.312 to get up on stage to do anything. 00:14:39.202 --> 00:14:40.593 Without that, he's like: 00:14:40.593 --> 00:14:42.265 "Ugh, I don't want to work anymore. 00:14:42.265 --> 00:14:45.183 I just want to go play, watch TV, and do nothing." 00:14:45.813 --> 00:14:47.463 Every loser I have ever counseled, 00:14:47.463 --> 00:14:50.064 I said, "Why did you do that?" "I felt like it." 00:14:50.984 --> 00:14:54.063 "Why don't you get up and do this?" "I don't feel like it." 00:14:54.833 --> 00:14:59.193 What we do want - feelings, it's a wonderful evolutionary lift. 00:15:00.405 --> 00:15:04.245 Men have to always reason first and then check it out with their feelings. 00:15:04.718 --> 00:15:05.736 Why do I say that? 00:15:05.736 --> 00:15:08.064 Because I counsel losers a lot. 00:15:09.114 --> 00:15:12.595 They follow their feelings instead of saying, "Does that make sense?" 00:15:12.595 --> 00:15:13.706 "I don't care." 00:15:14.406 --> 00:15:17.005 A man has to start with caring, about what makes sense, 00:15:17.005 --> 00:15:18.966 and then check it out with your feelings. 00:15:18.966 --> 00:15:21.284 Women have to check out what is my feeling first, 00:15:21.284 --> 00:15:23.718 which will access your intuition, 00:15:23.718 --> 00:15:25.246 and then what makes sense. 00:15:25.546 --> 00:15:27.092 We're complements to each other, 00:15:27.092 --> 00:15:29.296 and we see the wiring in the brain is the same. 00:15:29.296 --> 00:15:32.269 The intuitive center over here, the emotional center over here, 00:15:32.269 --> 00:15:35.037 called the right anterior parietal lobe in a woman, 00:15:35.427 --> 00:15:38.277 which has to do with personal relationships, 00:15:39.017 --> 00:15:41.497 has to do with: "What are you eating today?" 00:15:42.197 --> 00:15:44.197 "What should we have for food today?" 00:15:44.807 --> 00:15:46.428 "What should I wear?" 00:15:46.428 --> 00:15:48.076 "Look, what she's wearing." 00:15:48.636 --> 00:15:50.398 "What do our children need?" 00:15:50.398 --> 00:15:51.788 "What do the people need?" 00:15:51.788 --> 00:15:53.518 "What does the earth need?" 00:15:54.958 --> 00:15:56.919 "What does our family need?" 00:15:57.499 --> 00:15:59.517 "How can I improve this relationship?" 00:15:59.517 --> 00:16:01.958 That's all relational activities. 00:16:03.088 --> 00:16:04.538 I discovered that on vacation 00:16:04.538 --> 00:16:07.238 with my three daughters and my wife in Hawaii. 00:16:08.018 --> 00:16:10.028 As we're sitting around with nothing to do, 00:16:10.028 --> 00:16:11.659 I listened to their conversations. 00:16:11.659 --> 00:16:13.579 (Laughter) 00:16:14.449 --> 00:16:15.879 "What we are going to eat?" 00:16:15.879 --> 00:16:17.070 "What we going to wear?" 00:16:17.070 --> 00:16:18.839 "What did you wear, can I wear that?" 00:16:18.839 --> 00:16:20.838 Nothing there limited that at all, 00:16:20.838 --> 00:16:22.179 but when they are relaxing - 00:16:22.179 --> 00:16:25.008 See? That's what I'm talking about: this is how women relax. 00:16:25.008 --> 00:16:29.339 They go to the right part of the brain, that stimulates estrogen; 00:16:29.659 --> 00:16:34.089 it also stimulates a magic hormone that most people are not aware of 00:16:34.089 --> 00:16:36.541 called oxytocin. 00:16:37.311 --> 00:16:41.340 Oxytocin is the hormone that lowers stress in women. 00:16:42.160 --> 00:16:44.351 This was an amazing discovery! 00:16:44.351 --> 00:16:48.191 Was it 12 years ago, they start finding this out? 00:16:48.841 --> 00:16:51.461 Just to brag a moment, because I am from Mars, 00:16:51.461 --> 00:16:53.601 I was talking about 30 years ago. 00:16:53.601 --> 00:16:55.629 I discovered it when I read an article 00:16:55.629 --> 00:16:58.591 about oxytocin that women produce when they see babies. 00:16:58.591 --> 00:17:01.112 Back in the day, we were learning about being there, 00:17:01.112 --> 00:17:02.862 bonding with your children at birth, 00:17:02.862 --> 00:17:05.554 huge amount of oxytocin comes out, and you bond. 00:17:06.564 --> 00:17:10.382 Well, then I went to this mall, just watching women, watching men, 00:17:10.382 --> 00:17:12.962 I used to sit there and just watch: there was a chair. 00:17:12.962 --> 00:17:14.382 (Laughter) 00:17:14.852 --> 00:17:16.304 And in those days, 00:17:16.304 --> 00:17:19.394 when women had a lot more oxytocin than they have now, 00:17:20.544 --> 00:17:25.318 in those days, a woman carrying a baby along like this, 00:17:25.318 --> 00:17:28.298 women would gather, "Oh!" 00:17:28.758 --> 00:17:32.510 The same response that my wife would make when I brought her a rose, 00:17:33.230 --> 00:17:34.820 and when I put my arm around her, 00:17:34.820 --> 00:17:36.844 and when we saw something sweet in a movie, 00:17:36.844 --> 00:17:39.583 and I realized, "Ah, this is what makes women smile." 00:17:39.583 --> 00:17:44.004 Now we have the science behind it: oxytocin lowers stress for women. 00:17:44.004 --> 00:17:47.694 Then we found out oxytocin allows women to have climax in the bedroom. 00:17:48.814 --> 00:17:50.266 That perks up men's ears. 00:17:50.266 --> 00:17:51.345 (Laughter) 00:17:51.345 --> 00:17:54.850 There is an oxytocin pill, synthetic oxytocin. 00:17:54.850 --> 00:17:57.245 You can give it to her, she'll be really turned on, 00:17:57.245 --> 00:17:59.816 and it's been proven, next day she shoots you. 00:17:59.816 --> 00:18:02.808 (Laughter) (Applause) 00:18:05.068 --> 00:18:08.296 Because the drugs take you up, but then bring you down. 00:18:08.296 --> 00:18:10.116 (Laughter) 00:18:15.686 --> 00:18:17.540 So, by understanding these two dynamics, 00:18:17.540 --> 00:18:20.506 we're living in a world today where there's lots of stress. 00:18:20.866 --> 00:18:22.017 What we want to do is 00:18:22.017 --> 00:18:24.728 have equality, mutual respect, mutual appreciation, 00:18:24.728 --> 00:18:26.417 but we are facing a new challenge. 00:18:26.417 --> 00:18:29.382 As women are more in the workplace, feeling more independent, 00:18:29.722 --> 00:18:31.116 testosterone gets produced. 00:18:31.116 --> 00:18:33.837 There's nothing wrong with testosterone in a woman's body, 00:18:33.837 --> 00:18:35.218 some are just born with more, 00:18:35.218 --> 00:18:38.357 they'll say, "What're you talking about? I don't care what I wear." 00:18:38.357 --> 00:18:43.777 But most women, 90% of women, have this low testosterone, high estrogen, 00:18:43.788 --> 00:18:48.539 and oxytocin is the hormone in all women that lowers cortisol for them - 00:18:49.119 --> 00:18:50.767 cortisol, the stress hormone. 00:18:51.147 --> 00:18:54.379 Well, if you give a man an injection oxytocin, he goes to sleep. 00:18:54.379 --> 00:18:55.719 (Laughter) 00:18:55.719 --> 00:18:57.433 Because after climax as well ... 00:18:57.433 --> 00:18:58.687 (Laughter) 00:18:58.687 --> 00:19:01.430 After he has climaxed, that's a release of oxytocin, 00:19:01.430 --> 00:19:02.550 what does he do? 00:19:02.550 --> 00:19:04.400 He goes right to sleep. 00:19:04.400 --> 00:19:07.438 So the bottom line is anything that's oxytocin producing, 00:19:07.438 --> 00:19:11.040 after you've done it three or four times, kind of puts a man to sleep. 00:19:11.040 --> 00:19:13.011 Which puts a real damper on relationships 00:19:13.011 --> 00:19:17.000 unless men figure out that if I do oxytocin things for my wife, 00:19:17.000 --> 00:19:20.519 I'm not just doing oxytocin producing things for her, 00:19:20.519 --> 00:19:22.458 I'm solving a problem. 00:19:22.918 --> 00:19:26.151 And when I solve a problem, testosterone levels go up. 00:19:26.851 --> 00:19:28.682 So when my wife is talking, 00:19:28.682 --> 00:19:31.010 I'm in the storm, I say, "Tell me more," 00:19:31.010 --> 00:19:34.271 my testosterone stays up because I know how to make it work, 00:19:34.881 --> 00:19:38.471 and I know what I am doing is helping her create more oxytocin. 00:19:38.471 --> 00:19:41.182 Planning dates, bringing flowers, giving cards, 00:19:41.182 --> 00:19:42.862 all the symbols of Valentine's Day, 00:19:42.862 --> 00:19:45.431 you do regularly, on a little score, just a little bit. 00:19:45.431 --> 00:19:48.323 She's always looking ahead to a special time 00:19:48.323 --> 00:19:53.253 that causes her oxytocin levels to rise up to lower her stress, 00:19:53.253 --> 00:19:55.902 so that her stress levels don't shoot up. 00:19:55.902 --> 00:19:58.384 Because right now, women's stress levels, by studies, 00:19:58.384 --> 00:20:03.273 are on average twice as high as men's and four times higher at home. 00:20:03.893 --> 00:20:05.023 It's shocking. 00:20:05.023 --> 00:20:06.023 And what we can do 00:20:06.023 --> 00:20:10.434 is realize our relationships can help us to lower the stress level in women 00:20:10.434 --> 00:20:16.344 by learning new skills to create oxytocin in her, 00:20:16.344 --> 00:20:19.753 better communication does it, see her, hear her, 00:20:20.593 --> 00:20:23.814 notice when she gets her hair cut - those little things. 00:20:24.554 --> 00:20:25.754 I'm going to finish here. 00:20:25.754 --> 00:20:29.964 The little things are so important. Men's testosterone is so important. 00:20:30.394 --> 00:20:32.544 I've never given such a short talk in my life. 00:20:32.544 --> 00:20:33.556 (Laughter) 00:20:33.556 --> 00:20:36.216 But I'll finish with three simple easy takeaways - 00:20:36.216 --> 00:20:38.125 I didn't do my slideshow - 00:20:38.125 --> 00:20:40.904 (Laughter) 00:20:42.294 --> 00:20:46.056 It was going to be: "Staying focused in a hyper world," 00:20:46.056 --> 00:20:47.086 but - 00:20:47.086 --> 00:20:49.225 (Laughter) 00:20:49.225 --> 00:20:52.265 (Applause) (Cheers) 00:20:56.216 --> 00:20:59.134 But as soon as somebody laughed it brought out the best of me, 00:20:59.134 --> 00:21:01.586 so you got the best of me, and you've been the best, 00:21:01.586 --> 00:21:04.467 and I want you to give you three thoughts to go with - wait. 00:21:04.467 --> 00:21:07.417 For men, there's something: man need formulas, we need systems. 00:21:07.417 --> 00:21:09.129 The left brain, by the way, for men, 00:21:09.129 --> 00:21:11.668 left anterior parietal lobe is twice as big for women. 00:21:11.668 --> 00:21:13.997 That's solving problems, fixing the toaster, 00:21:13.997 --> 00:21:15.967 arranging the computer, technical things; 00:21:15.967 --> 00:21:18.928 when you're fixing things, that stimulates testosterone, 00:21:18.928 --> 00:21:20.948 solving problems, nurturing things. 00:21:20.948 --> 00:21:24.379 We have a combination of men and female in all of us, 00:21:24.379 --> 00:21:27.558 but here is how you nurture the female hormones, the male hormones. 00:21:27.558 --> 00:21:29.548 A secret most men don't know. 00:21:30.438 --> 00:21:32.087 You can bring her two dozen roses, 00:21:32.087 --> 00:21:34.476 and a man's brain, he calculates in the left brain: 00:21:34.476 --> 00:21:37.038 "That's 24 roses, that should be 24 points." 00:21:37.038 --> 00:21:39.649 (Laughter) 00:21:39.649 --> 00:21:42.789 If roses cause oxytocin that should be a huge surge. 00:21:43.359 --> 00:21:45.399 It's one point of oxytocin. 00:21:46.109 --> 00:21:47.280 So you have to know. 00:21:47.280 --> 00:21:50.000 If you bring one rose, guess what happens? 00:21:50.000 --> 00:21:52.039 One point of oxytocin. 00:21:52.039 --> 00:21:54.068 Six roses, guess what you get? 00:21:54.068 --> 00:21:56.150 One point of oxytocin. 00:21:56.150 --> 00:21:58.820 Hundred roses? Maybe two points of oxytocin. 00:21:58.820 --> 00:22:00.001 (Laughter) 00:22:00.001 --> 00:22:02.530 Little things make a big difference for women. 00:22:02.530 --> 00:22:04.794 So it's not the big stuff; the big stuff's fine. 00:22:05.224 --> 00:22:07.390 You go to work, you do better and better work, 00:22:07.390 --> 00:22:09.894 you think, "Okay, I never have to bring roses again!" 00:22:09.894 --> 00:22:13.121 You go to work, you get one point; you come home, you get one point. 00:22:13.121 --> 00:22:16.221 You're married, one point for that. That's it, three points a day. 00:22:16.221 --> 00:22:18.101 (Laughter) 00:22:18.301 --> 00:22:21.861 And she is doing the same thing, so the score is even when you get home. 00:22:21.861 --> 00:22:24.434 She's made you dinner and there's candle light burning, 00:22:24.434 --> 00:22:26.101 "My God, you are in a big trouble!" 00:22:26.101 --> 00:22:29.191 Because she gets herself a point for matching napkins with plates. 00:22:29.191 --> 00:22:31.811 (Laughter) (Applause) 00:22:31.811 --> 00:22:36.022 If she says, "I made your favorite meal," you are in a big trouble! 00:22:36.022 --> 00:22:39.253 Because she gets herself all these points for knowing what you like, 00:22:39.253 --> 00:22:42.043 going to the store and buying what you like, 00:22:42.043 --> 00:22:44.073 all of those selfless sacrifices. 00:22:44.073 --> 00:22:47.733 She's given herself points, and she looks at you - 33 to three. 00:22:47.733 --> 00:22:50.883 (Laughter) 00:22:50.883 --> 00:22:53.262 She's going, "Who is this guy?!" 00:22:53.262 --> 00:22:54.367 "He's a zero!" 00:22:54.367 --> 00:22:57.364 33 minus three is 30 to zero. So - 00:22:57.364 --> 00:22:59.644 (Laughter) 00:22:59.644 --> 00:23:02.624 So do lots of little things: hugs four times a day, 00:23:02.624 --> 00:23:05.865 affection, compliments, try to notice things, plan dates - 00:23:05.865 --> 00:23:07.802 these are all big oxytocin producers. 00:23:07.802 --> 00:23:09.774 I've written 17 books on this subject. 00:23:09.774 --> 00:23:11.543 Now, for men, 00:23:11.543 --> 00:23:14.274 what can you do to keep his testosterone levels up, women? 00:23:14.274 --> 00:23:17.174 You want that man alive, dynamic! 00:23:17.174 --> 00:23:18.526 Here're three little things, 00:23:18.526 --> 00:23:22.464 remember the little things, but they sometimes have a big effect on men, too. 00:23:22.464 --> 00:23:26.713 When he is talking, he pauses - find authenticity inside - 00:23:26.713 --> 00:23:29.096 here're three phrases to use every day, 00:23:29.096 --> 00:23:32.186 and you'll watch him, his chest pop up, like "Yes." 00:23:32.186 --> 00:23:34.036 (Laughter) 00:23:34.036 --> 00:23:37.026 You say to him as he pauses, "That makes sense." 00:23:37.026 --> 00:23:38.978 (Laughter) (Applause) 00:23:38.978 --> 00:23:40.256 You know? 00:23:40.256 --> 00:23:42.966 He's walking around like ... 00:23:42.966 --> 00:23:44.307 (Applause) 00:23:44.307 --> 00:23:47.016 And in his mind, he is thinking, "Why did I say?" 00:23:47.016 --> 00:23:49.867 (Laughter) 00:23:49.867 --> 00:23:52.547 The next phrase: "Good idea!" 00:23:52.547 --> 00:23:54.307 (Laughter) 00:23:54.307 --> 00:23:56.177 I think I'm ready for my next TED Talk! 00:23:56.177 --> 00:24:00.256 He's going, "Good idea, worth sharing it with others, right?" 00:24:00.256 --> 00:24:03.938 And then the magic phrase that every man craves to hear, once he gets married. 00:24:03.938 --> 00:24:06.166 Oh my gosh, it's such a deficit for us. 00:24:06.166 --> 00:24:09.946 Whenever you can say it, say it, women, you don't realize how important it is. 00:24:09.946 --> 00:24:13.187 Just with a big smile on your face, say, "You are right!" 00:24:13.187 --> 00:24:14.728 (Laughter) 00:24:14.728 --> 00:24:16.231 Thank you all so very much. 00:24:16.231 --> 00:24:18.513 I hope this is an idea worth sharing. 00:24:18.513 --> 00:24:19.629 Thank you. 00:24:19.629 --> 00:24:21.010 Thank you very much. 00:24:21.010 --> 00:24:25.120 (Cheers) (Applause)