Myomectomy, removal and innoculation of the myoma.
Once the uterine incisions are done, then
the myoma will be visible as glicining and white and no capsules
and there might be some adhesions between the myoma nd myometrium
and it should be dissected using artery forceps or scissors
and to facilitate removal of the myoma from
its bed, the surgeon has to widen the incisions on both ways, depending on the size of the myoma
and every possible adhesion or attachment
between the myoma and the surrounding myometrial tissue should be
cut or dissected with a blunt or sharp dissections
and the assistant or the surgeon will grasp the
the myoma with the myoma hook, or sometimes
with a tall clips and through twisting movement
it should be pulled up and twisted
at the same time the attachment of the myoma from the surrounding tissue
should be dissected using blunt dissection
by gause or sometimes by scissors, and
then in the end it will be completely removed out