0:00:00.000,0:00:00.970 Hi, I'm Crown! 0:00:00.979,0:00:04.469 Today we'll be talking about some classic lines from the movie "The Fault in Our Stars" 0:00:09.570,0:00:12.741 Last week we talked about the lines from "The Intern" 0:00:12.741,0:00:15.920 and today we'll be talking about the heart-breaking romance movie 0:00:15.920,0:00:19.158 "The Fault in Our Stars!" 0:00:19.158,0:00:22.390 The story was based on a novel of the popular author, John Green 0:00:22.390,0:00:24.540 and it was adapted into a movie in 2014 0:00:24.540,0:00:27.199 with Shailene Woodley and Ansel Elgort 0:00:27.199,0:00:29.139 playing a part as lovers that suffer from cancer 0:00:29.139,0:00:33.089 I've picked out some touching lines from the movie 0:00:33.089,0:00:34.940 so let's check them out! 0:00:34.980,0:00:38.489 I actually think that his response is fairly appropriate 0:00:38.489,0:00:40.010 Pain demands to be felt 0:00:40.010,0:00:41.480 You’re quoting my book! 0:00:42.638,0:00:44.339 Pain demands to be felt 0:00:44.339,0:00:47.139 「痛苦」要求要被深刻的感受到 0:00:47.139,0:00:49.660 This is quoted from Hazel's favorite novel 0:00:49.660,0:00:51.440 "An Imperial Affliction" 0:00:51.440,0:00:53.400 and Gus is using this quote to describe 0:00:53.400,0:00:57.893 the situation of his best friend Isaac, who had just gone through a breakup. 0:00:57.893,0:01:01.069 "Demand" means 要求,so the "pain" is personified here 0:01:01.069,0:01:03.850 to let it be capable of "demanding" 0:01:04.997,0:01:07.470 Perhaps, 'okay' will be our 'always.' 0:01:13.908,0:01:15.329 Okay. 0:01:15.680,0:01:18.140 Perhaps, 'okay' will be our 'always.' 0:01:18.140,0:01:20.823 也許「好」,會成為我們的「永遠」 0:01:20.823,0:01:23.131 The flirting Gus and Hazel 0:01:23.131,0:01:26.939 thought of a code between them, which is "okay" 0:01:26.939,0:01:30.765 This bland word then become their promise to each other 0:01:30.765,0:01:32.380 "Perhaps" means 或許 0:01:32.380,0:01:35.431 which is similar to "maybe" 0:01:35.431,0:01:38.121 but gives us a more advanced feeling 0:01:38.741,0:01:40.471 Because I don’t want to hurt you 0:01:40.471,0:01:42.922 -I wouldn’t mind. -You don’t understand 0:01:42.922,0:01:44.011 -I do understand. -No, you don’t unders.... 0:01:44.011,0:01:45.668 I know what you’re trying to say and that I... 0:01:45.668,0:01:46.668 Hazel, I’m saying, I wouldn’t mind 0:01:48.252,0:01:50.583 It’d be a privilege to have my heart broken by you 0:01:50.812,0:01:53.622 It’d be a privilege to have my heart broken by you. 0:01:53.622,0:01:56.762 能因為你而心碎將會是我的榮幸 0:01:56.762,0:01:59.362 Gus does not retain his love for Hazel 0:01:59.362,0:02:02.010 Though Hazel thinks that they should only be friends 0:02:02.010,0:02:03.693 Gus still thinks that 0:02:03.693,0:02:06.313 if his love for Hazel broke his heart 0:02:06.313,0:02:09.193 it would still be a privilege which was worth it 0:02:09.193,0:02:11.634 The original meaning of "privilege" is 特權 0:02:11.634,0:02:13.753 and because of that 0:02:13.753,0:02:16.373 the implication of "pleasure" is derived 0:02:16.373,0:02:18.124 To "break someone's heart" means to 0:02:18.124,0:02:20.716 「讓某人心碎,傷透某人的心」 0:02:21.994,0:02:22.784 In case you’re wondering 0:02:22.784,0:02:26.106 that’s why I like you, Hazel Grace. 0:02:26.106,0:02:27.315 You’re just so busy being you 0:02:27.315,0:02:30.366 you have no idea how utterly unprecedented you are. 0:02:30.554,0:02:32.052 You’re just so busy being you 0:02:32.052,0:02:35.556 you have no idea how utterly unprecedented you are. 0:02:35.556,0:02:36.865 你這麼忙著做「自己」 0:02:36.865,0:02:41.365 所以你根本不知道你是一位多麼前所未有的特別女孩 0:02:41.365,0:02:43.376 The reason why Gus boldly confessed his feelings for Hazel 0:02:43.376,0:02:45.125 is that Hazel was just bravely being herself 0:02:45.125,0:02:47.247 She has her own cuteness and personality 0:02:47.247,0:02:49.698 and that's why Gus like her so much 0:02:49.698,0:02:51.585 thinking her as an utterly unprecedented existence. 0:02:51.585,0:02:54.977 The "idea" in "Have no idea" means 點子、想法 0:02:54.977,0:02:58.727 which means "not knowing anything, having no thought" 0:02:58.727,0:02:59.727 The word "Utterly" is not that common. It means “completely” 0:03:02.388,0:03:05.197 just like "fully" and "totally" 0:03:05.197,0:03:07.097 In the word "Unprecedented" 0:03:07.097,0:03:09.448 we can see there are prefixes "un" and "pre", which means "never" and "before" 0:03:12.448,0:03:15.319 so the word has the meaning of 前所未有的(unprecedented) 0:03:15.689,0:03:20.369 I fell in love with him the way you fall asleep: 0:03:20.369,0:03:25.478 Slowly, and then all at once 0:03:26.015,0:03:28.600 I fell in love with him the way you fall asleep: 0:03:28.600,0:03:30.838 Slowly, and then all at once 0:03:30.838,0:03:33.529 我如進入睡眠般的墜入情網: 0:03:33.529,0:03:37.468 一開始很緩慢,然後一瞬間深陷其中 0:03:37.468,0:03:40.440 Gus knew he could not help falling in love with Hazel 0:03:40.440,0:03:43.819 but Hazel had been resisting because of fear 0:03:43.819,0:03:45.270 But finally her emotions overflowed 0:03:45.270,0:03:48.989 making her completely emerge in the sweetness of love 0:03:48.989,0:03:51.340 "Fall in love with someone" means 愛上某人 0:03:51.340,0:03:52.950 What I find interesting is that 0:03:52.950,0:03:56.971 "fall asleep" uses the same verb — "fall" 0:03:56.971,0:04:00.112 so both actions have the feeling of a "sudden sinking" 0:04:01.161,0:04:05.378 You gave me a forever... 0:04:05.378,0:04:07.751 within the numbered days... 0:04:07.751,0:04:11.081 And for that I am...[br] 0:04:11.081,0:04:13.091 I'm eternally grateful. 0:04:13.301,0:04:16.041 You gave me a forever, within the numbered days 0:04:16.041,0:04:19.071 你在我有限的生命裡,創造出永恆 0:04:19.071,0:04:23.282 What is often mentioned in the story is that how big the "infinity" is 0:04:23.282,0:04:25.652 Hazel said, she was really grateful to Gus 0:04:25.652,0:04:27.962 for letting her experience the infinity of her own and the eternity of them 0:04:27.962,0:04:31.742 within the numbered days 0:04:31.742,0:04:34.653 The "forever" here has become something actual 0:04:34.653,0:04:37.302 changing its tense from an adverb to a noun 0:04:37.302,0:04:39.493 The "numbered" in "within the numbered days" 0:04:39.493,0:04:42.283 literally means the days that had been counted 0:04:42.283,0:04:45.294 That is, "in my left days." 0:04:45.783,0:04:49.743 There’s a beautiful quote in Gus’ home that reads 0:04:49.743,0:04:54.663 "If you want the rainbow, you have to deal with the rain" 0:04:54.913,0:04:57.694 If you want the rainbow, you have to deal with the rain 0:04:57.694,0:05:01.124 如果你想要彩虹,就得先忍受雨水 0:05:01.124,0:05:03.224 You only see the rainbow after the rain 0:05:03.224,0:05:07.351 If you want to enjoy fairness, sometimes you have to go under cultivation or pain 0:05:07.351,0:05:11.075 The beautiful quote in Gus' home encourages her to hang in there 0:05:11.075,0:05:15.525 because there are still beautiful things waiting in the future 0:05:15.525,0:05:18.257 "To deal with something" means 忍受 0:05:18.257,0:05:20.626 which is similar to "to put up with something" 0:05:20.626,0:05:22.426 so they can be used alternately 0:05:22.426,0:05:23.777 There's a little bonus 0:05:23.777,0:05:27.506 if you want to say「忍受某件事情」,you can use the word "bear" 0:05:27.506,0:05:29.387 The word means 熊 when it's a noun 0:05:29.387,0:05:32.527 but when it is used as a verb, it has a meaning of 忍受 0:05:32.527,0:05:36.317 so "bear with it" does not mean 「跟他一起熊」 0:05:36.317,0:05:38.326 but it means 「要忍受他」 0:05:38.436,0:05:41.295 You don't get to choose if you get hurt in this world but 0:05:41.295,0:05:44.507 you do have a say in who hurts you 0:05:44.507,0:05:47.578 And I like my choices 0:05:47.578,0:05:49.268 I hope she likes hers 0:05:49.468,0:05:51.919 You don't get to choose if you get hurt in this world 0:05:51.919,0:05:54.659 but you do have a say in who hurts you 0:05:54.659,0:05:57.447 你不能選擇自己是否會受到傷害 0:05:57.447,0:06:00.385 但你能夠決定傷害你的人是誰 0:06:00.385,0:06:03.169 At the end of the movie, Gus said in the letter 0:06:03.169,0:06:06.979 "You don't get to choose if you get hurt in this world," 0:06:06.979,0:06:10.168 "but you do have some say in who hurts you" 0:06:10.168,0:06:11.459 have a say in something 0:06:11.459,0:06:14.320 means “You can speak for yourself” 0:06:14.320,0:06:17.140 that is to say, "You can make your own decisions" 0:06:17.140,0:06:20.940 Though it is painful to be deeply in love but not able to stay together 0:06:20.940,0:06:23.259 I still believe Gus is very happy 0:06:23.259,0:06:25.351 because the person he chose is Hazel 0:06:25.351,0:06:28.111 The above quotes are some classic ones in "The Fault in Our Stars" 0:06:28.111,0:06:30.310 Which quote do you think is the most touching one? 0:06:30.310,0:06:34.391 The name of this work is actually taken from Shakespeare's "Caesar the Great" 0:06:34.391,0:06:35.961 and the original story indicates: 0:06:35.961,0:06:40.363 All the hardships and difficulties in our lives are our own sin 0:06:40.363,0:06:41.891 so don‘‘t blame fate 0:06:41.891,0:06:44.141 However, John Green, the author, disagrees 0:06:44.141,0:06:48.182 He feels that sometimes the inevitable misfortunes are just going to happen 0:06:48.182,0:06:50.630 It's just like the main characters are living a hard life 0:06:50.630,0:06:53.801 but it's not because what their decisions were 0:06:53.801,0:06:54.702 What really matters is 0:06:54.702,0:06:58.232 no matter how bad life treats you, no matter how hard life is 0:06:58.232,0:07:01.869 never give up on choosing what you love and never regret 0:07:04.869,0:07:07.012 If you like this video, please give us a big thumbs up 0:07:07.012,0:07:08.763 If you want to see more videos, 0:07:08.763,0:07:11.383 please press the button here and subscribe to our YouTube channel 0:07:11.383,0:07:15.324 There will be a new video each Monday and Thursday at 9 pm 0:07:15.324,0:07:18.101 We also have Facebook and Instagram accounts 0:07:18.101,0:07:21.764 You can search "Ray Du English" to find us! 0:07:21.764,0:07:22.825 And that is a wrap 0:07:22.825,0:07:24.733 thank you guys for watching, as always 0:07:24.733,0:07:27.914 and I’ll catch you guys next time! See ya~~~