哈囉,我叫安德森先生 而我的教室是個電腦遊戲 我想不出有什麼開場,會比以下的更好 愛麗絲掉到一個兔子洞中 然後她找到了一個瓶子 瓶子上簡單的寫著「喝我」 我是個老師,我想嘗試創造出類似的環境 所以我就把一台電腦放在教室裡 然後我把憤怒鳥打開,並且在電腦旁放紙牌 紙牌上簡單的寫著「去玩」 我就走開了 但我想知道會發生什麼事 所以我把筆電的攝影機打開 於是我就得到這段班上孩子的影片 那...你們想看嗎? [群眾:要!] 要...好像你們有其他選擇,哈 我好喜歡他們交換玩的樣子 我也好喜歡傑克森眼中 如果你仔細觀察 太好了! 成功! So that look at his eyes, that look of learning try something new and failing and try something new again is something we inspired to see in the eyes of our kids we don't do that a lot of the time it's glazed over look and so I want to try to apply some of these dynamics into my classroom so I grew up in 1980s playing video games, and these video games taught me lessons that we could apply in schools today the first thing I learned, is the video games are fun and school should be fun as well unfortunately, most kids wouldn't say the school day is fun however there are elements of school that all students love they love seeing their friends, and they love learning unfortunately they spend most of the day, just passively sitting down in front Sitting, listening to a teacher lecture so I think school should be fun second thing I learned, is that failure is OK is it takes you 8 times to clear the third elevator stage in donkey kong, that's OK failure is simply part of a learning process however, in schools, we tend to stigmatized failure you don't take a quiz over and over and over agian until you finally pass it in fact, failure individuals right now, failure in schools is highly stigmatized. so I think we need to send a message that failure is OK! The third thing I learned is the importance of leveling This could be applied in schools in two ways When a teacher decides to move in a specific pace that's ok for some of the students in their class but some of the students are automatically to be bored some of the students are quickly gonna be confused so I think students should be able to move on their own pace through mastery system where they master a level and they can move on to the next one they also should be able to level up becoming more powerful as they learn new material in the class I also think that, we give the wrong lecture at the beginning of the year as I said the lecture at the beginning of the year, I would say, You all have an A, from this point forward, you will fall spitefully, until eventually you land your final grade no game will ever be designed this way so one of the great thing to be a great teacher is you have a summer break Summer break is great because you get a break from school, but you also can reinvent your class make it something that's never been before if you try to do that during the year, if you try to make it radical changes, kids will just simply be confused but if you change during the summer, you make huge swiping change in your class the kids will never know what hit them this was my dream, I wanted to reinvent my class as a video game but i didn't want kids just sit in front, and watch the video game like Oregon Trail where the world is in common Sandiego I want to take them in most compelling elements of gaming, then applied in the classroom this took a lot of work, so I created a class, it's called "Biohazard 5" It's got narrator, got the narrative, all the kids come together there I've created about 150 podcast that take them through the lecture and so when they get that point, they get kind of learned I have all the special activities in class, that kids can applied the material that we're learning in the real world I have a bunch of inquiry labs, this one right here, is a photo of synphetheis lab you can see my students very vivid they're studying photo synthesis using little chop we cut from a leaf I've developed hundreds of questions that I have a mastery where the system, students can take quizzes over and over and over again until they finally get it I have a leveling system, so they start with zero experiencing point at the beginning of the year I borrowed this from Lee Sheldon in the University of Indiana so basically they coming on day 1 I invented the button level as the primordial soup cause I teach Biology So they gain their experience point, and they can move their way up like dumble octpus, and mountain gorilla, and maybe grand master at the end I also have a leader board, so they play with the avatar and they can see how they're doing in the class how they're doing to against everybody else this is the most popular resource in the class kids are constantly logged in and see how they're stacked up I also got a piloting set that of a iPad so kids got an internet connected devices at all times Finally, the summer is over and I stood in front of the class Like this, apparently (laugh) and I said Hello, my name is Mr. Anderson and my class is a video game, so what I want you to do is grab an iPad I want you to logging into Biohazard 5 I want you to watch a video, I want you to do some reading I want you to take a quiz, and head off the class now if I have done this with my students' parents, that would be the most frustrating day of my life but the kids grew up with the technology and the technology today simply works so they were headed off on their own So my class, is a learning classroom if you come in, you'll find the kids are reading, watching videos, applying, doing special activities, trying to solve challenges, working together or working alone so it's really need at the teacher come we were just talking in the half way of the class he said " well you created is like a shop class" cause he was a shop teacher once he said the shop teacher, you teach them some skills and the kids can apply that so it's like that I would love to keep telling you how great it is how the test score seem to be going up and how the kids learning how to learn independently but I am a science teacher and that's not what get us excited in science, what gets us excited is discovering something new so I wanna talk about 3 ways that I failed Number 1 a conventional classroom is like a school bus where all the students were all logged in they just get on and the teacher is like the bus driver and it drives from point A to point B you can make sure that all the students get there so what I have done is like I get each of them a brand new car, keys, and I said "Drive" so some of them stalled out and some of them raced ahead and some of them drove right into a wall so I need to get them more scaffolding next year next thing I learned is the importance of reading kids struggled with reading when you make your class independant and I should've seen this coming because this is the biggest indicator of success and I think the reason I didn't see it coming is that I never stopped talking, because that's what good teachers do we read the book, and then we come out with really good examples then we present it in a really dynamic way and the kids can just sit there and then they can learn it why would they want to read the book? we read it for them so when I forced them to read the book a lot of them struggled and we have to work with that the last thing I learned, is that we're not Vulcans In the most recent star trek movie, young Spock sits in a little module and he surrounded by computer screens and the computer keeps throwing questions at him, and philosophy, and relativity and that's his school day, just sits in a module like that so a lot of people think they can change education by somehow use videos or automating the learning process that sucks, who would want to be at a school like that? kids are coming to school to be social so I add elements of social learning at the class to make it more compelling This is a TED talk, all the good TED talks always end with a call to action so what can you do? I think schools need to move from a passive teacher-centered learning environment to an active student centered environment that's what I did I was off to the side now, there's a mentor in the class so how do we do that? If you are a student, you get feedback to your teachers, everything I do in my class all I got is a result of feedback I got from my students what you do if you are a parent? Your write an email if you want your schools to change the only emails I get from parents are complaining about their students grades I never get "My students had an A in your class, but I have a problem with the philosophy in your class" that doesn't happen, so message you are sending to teachers is that the grade is the only thing that's important but maybe you're not a parent, and maybe you're not a student but you are human so what's the lesson? what's in the bottle? what's in there it's your passion, it's the one thing you wanna do can you figure out what my passion is? I love my family and I love teaching and if you can drink that bottle, also remembering to fail, learn and repeat the process over and over again, then I think you'll have a life worth living Thank you