0:00:01.820,0:00:06.900 Let's consider the formula[br]for the period of a simple 0:00:06.900,0:00:11.472 pendulum of length L is[br]formula is T period. 0:00:12.560,0:00:14.080 Is equal to 2π? 0:00:15.180,0:00:21.072 Times the square root of L[br]over G&L is the length of 0:00:21.072,0:00:22.054 the pendulum. 0:00:23.220,0:00:27.114 Now on Earth, we tend to[br]regard G's being fixed it. 0:00:27.114,0:00:30.654 There is a little with[br]altitude, but we tend to 0:00:30.654,0:00:32.778 think of it as being fixed. 0:00:33.810,0:00:39.998 Just supposing we had a pendulum[br]of a fixed length L, and we took 0:00:39.998,0:00:43.976 it somewhere else. Let's say the[br]moon or Mars. 0:00:44.670,0:00:45.970 Somewhere out of the solar 0:00:45.970,0:00:50.810 system. Gravity there would not[br]be the same and we might want to 0:00:50.810,0:00:54.530 measure gravity, so one of the[br]ways will be to take our 0:00:54.530,0:00:55.770 pendulum, set it swinging. 0:00:56.780,0:00:58.100 And measure the time. 0:00:59.060,0:01:03.536 Once we measured the time, we[br]could then use that to Calculate 0:01:03.536,0:01:09.504 G, but before we could do it, we[br]would need to know what G was in 0:01:09.504,0:01:14.726 terms of the rest of the symbols[br]in this formula. So we need to 0:01:14.726,0:01:17.710 rearrange this formula so that[br]it said G. 0:01:19.230,0:01:20.210 Equals. 0:01:22.200,0:01:23.559 Now it's what? 0:01:24.270,0:01:28.518 Goes instead of this question[br]mark that we're going to have a 0:01:28.518,0:01:33.120 look at in this video. We're[br]going to be looking at how we 0:01:33.120,0:01:36.660 transform formally, how we move[br]from an expression like this. 0:01:37.700,0:01:39.218 To another expression. 0:01:40.080,0:01:44.780 Involving exactly the same[br]variables, but one that helps us 0:01:44.780,0:01:49.950 answer the questions that were[br]after in terms of a different 0:01:49.950,0:01:52.508 variable. To do this? 0:01:53.410,0:01:57.840 Transformation of formula will[br]need all the techniques that we 0:01:57.840,0:02:02.270 had in terms of solving[br]equations, so the video solving 0:02:02.270,0:02:07.586 linear equations in one variable[br]might be very useful to have a 0:02:07.586,0:02:12.016 look at, but let's just recap by[br]having a look. 0:02:13.570,0:02:15.990 A simple linear equation. 0:02:16.710,0:02:21.336 So the one going to take[br]three X +5. 0:02:22.860,0:02:28.410 Equals 6[br]- 3 * 5 0:02:28.410,0:02:31.185 - 2 X. 0:02:32.740,0:02:37.206 Now we've got this equation we[br]want to solve it for X, so our 0:02:37.206,0:02:39.758 aim is to end up with X equals. 0:02:40.910,0:02:45.206 So one of the first things[br]we would do is multiply out 0:02:45.206,0:02:45.922 the bracket. 0:02:48.110,0:02:53.258 So we have minus three times by[br]5 is minus 15. 0:02:54.130,0:03:00.439 Minus three times by minus[br]2X is plus 6X. 0:03:01.650,0:03:09.030 Next, we can simplify this[br]bit. Here three X +5 0:03:09.030,0:03:16.410 equals 6X, and now six[br]takeaway 15 is minus 9. 0:03:17.760,0:03:24.368 Now, one of the things we would[br]want to do is to try and get all 0:03:24.368,0:03:30.150 the ex is together. So we were[br]three X here under 6X there, so 0:03:30.150,0:03:34.693 will take 3X away from each[br]side, so that's three X 0:03:34.693,0:03:38.823 takeaway. Three X +5 equals 6X[br]takeaway, 3X minus 9. 0:03:39.630,0:03:46.013 3X takeaway 3X the X is go.[br]We've known left and then we've 0:03:46.013,0:03:52.396 got this. Five is equal to six X[br]takeaway 3X. That's three X 0:03:52.396,0:03:53.869 again takeaway 9. 0:03:55.400,0:04:00.524 Now we need to get the constant[br]terms, the numbers together. So 0:04:00.524,0:04:07.783 to do that we would add 9 to[br]each side. So we 5 + 9 is equal 0:04:07.783,0:04:10.772 to three X minus 9 + 9. 0:04:11.570,0:04:17.078 So again, we're doing to the[br]same thing to both sides. Here 0:04:17.078,0:04:23.045 we took three X away from each[br]side. Here we're adding nine to 0:04:23.045,0:04:29.930 each side, so five and nine is[br]14 equals 3X, and we minus 9 + 0:04:29.930,0:04:34.520 9.0. Now we need to divide both[br]sides by three. 0:04:35.340,0:04:41.724 So we have 3X over three an 14[br]over 3, dividing both sides by 0:04:41.724,0:04:46.740 three, and so those three[br]canceled and we're left with X 0:04:46.740,0:04:51.756 equals 14 over 3. Now I've[br]written this out very fully. 0:04:51.756,0:04:56.772 I've written out every step that[br]I've said, but we wouldn't 0:04:56.772,0:05:00.876 normally expect to see all of[br]that written down. 0:05:02.100,0:05:03.720 Starting from here. 0:05:07.750,0:05:11.974 The next line we'd expect[br]to see is this one because 0:05:11.974,0:05:16.198 we say Take 3X away from[br]both sides and we'd expect 0:05:16.198,0:05:18.502 to see that as the result. 0:05:19.540,0:05:24.714 Then we'd say add 9 to both[br]sides, and So what we would 0:05:24.714,0:05:28.296 expect to see having done that[br]would be that. 0:05:28.930,0:05:31.990 And then we, say, divide both[br]sides by three. 0:05:34.030,0:05:38.398 And so we see that So what we[br]would see written down in our 0:05:38.398,0:05:41.830 exercise book or on a piece of[br]paper that carried the 0:05:41.830,0:05:44.638 solution to this equation will[br]be something like this. 0:05:45.830,0:05:49.810 OK, we've been through the[br]steps now of solving an 0:05:49.810,0:05:52.994 equation. These techniques,[br]particularly idea of a balance 0:05:52.994,0:05:57.770 of keeping the same on both[br]sides by doing the same thing 0:05:57.770,0:06:02.944 to both sides is what we're[br]going to do when we look at 0:06:02.944,0:06:04.536 the transformation of[br]formally. 0:06:07.060,0:06:14.460 So let's begin with our[br]first formula V equals U 0:06:14.460,0:06:20.155 plus AT. And the variable[br]that we're going to try and 0:06:20.155,0:06:21.310 find is TI. 0:06:22.320,0:06:28.464 T is the variable we're going to[br]find what is T expressed? 0:06:29.130,0:06:33.486 In terms of the rest of the[br]letters or symbols that there 0:06:33.486,0:06:37.842 are in this formula well, in[br]order to model this, what I'm 0:06:37.842,0:06:42.198 going to do is I'm going to[br]write down an equation which 0:06:42.198,0:06:44.739 looks like this, but it just got 0:06:44.739,0:06:51.595 numbers in. With a T there as[br]the unknown. So what we might 0:06:51.595,0:06:56.445 have is something like this.[br]Seven for V5 for you. 0:06:57.040,0:07:02.026 Let's say a tool[br]for A and then T. 0:07:03.440,0:07:08.432 Now what would we do to solve[br]this equation? The first thing 0:07:08.432,0:07:15.088 we try and do is get the TS on[br]their own and so to do that, 0:07:15.088,0:07:20.912 we take 5 away from each side.[br]So this would be 2. Over here 0:07:20.912,0:07:25.904 equals 2 T, so having done[br]that there, let's do it here. 0:07:25.904,0:07:29.648 V minus U taking you away from[br]each side. 0:07:31.280,0:07:36.190 Now we would divide both sides[br]by two over here. 0:07:39.400,0:07:46.600 In order to end up with just T[br]on its own, so let's do the 0:07:46.600,0:07:52.840 same. Here. A is what multiplies[br]by T, so we need to divide 0:07:52.840,0:07:59.080 everything on this side V minus[br]U over a equals T. That's it. 0:07:59.080,0:08:05.320 Notice everything here is over[br]a, not just one part of it, but 0:08:05.320,0:08:07.240 both the whole expression. 0:08:07.470,0:08:10.070 The minus U over a. 0:08:11.800,0:08:16.665 Let's take another[br]one. V squared equals 0:08:16.665,0:08:20.140 U squared plus 2A S. 0:08:21.190,0:08:24.778 And this time, let's say the[br]symbol that I'm going to try and 0:08:24.778,0:08:28.366 find all the variables that I'm[br]going to try and find in terms 0:08:28.366,0:08:30.022 of all the others, is you. 0:08:31.990,0:08:36.577 So that's the case. Again,[br]I'm going to write down an 0:08:36.577,0:08:39.913 equation over here which[br]looks like this one. 0:08:41.090,0:08:42.209 So let's have. 0:08:43.450,0:08:44.620 25 0:08:46.060,0:08:48.370 equals U squared. 0:08:49.360,0:08:51.660 +9. 0:08:53.180,0:08:58.262 Weather 9 is in place of this[br]lump here of algebra. 0:08:58.850,0:09:04.752 So what would we do here? Our[br]first step would be to take 0:09:04.752,0:09:10.654 nine away from both sides. So[br]let's do that. 25 - 9 equals 0:09:10.654,0:09:16.556 U squared and that gets us EU[br]squared on its own. So let's 0:09:16.556,0:09:21.550 do that over here. Let's take[br]this lump away from both 0:09:21.550,0:09:26.544 sides. 20 squared minus 2A S[br]is equal to U squared. 0:09:28.150,0:09:33.535 Now what I would want to do now[br]is to take the square root of 0:09:33.535,0:09:37.843 both sides 'cause I want just[br]you and here I've got you 0:09:37.843,0:09:43.228 squared. So I need the square[br]root of 25 - 9 and I want the 0:09:43.228,0:09:47.895 square root of all of that not[br]square root of 25 minus the 0:09:47.895,0:09:53.280 square root of 9. I want the[br]square root of 25 - 9, so again 0:09:53.280,0:09:58.306 I've got to do the same over[br]here I want the square root of. 0:09:58.430,0:10:00.620 All. Love it. 0:10:05.400,0:10:10.847 Let's just check why I need the[br]square root of all of this. 0:10:12.030,0:10:18.675 25 - 9 is 16, so that 16 equals[br]U squared. Take the square root 0:10:18.675,0:10:24.434 of both sides. Four is equal to[br]you and we're happy. That's the 0:10:24.434,0:10:30.566 answer. But what if I do the[br]square root of 25 minus the 0:10:30.566,0:10:36.488 square root of nine? Well,[br]that's 5 - 3 is 2, which is not 0:10:36.488,0:10:41.564 the answer very definitely not[br]the answer, so we need to take 0:10:41.564,0:10:46.217 the square root of everything,[br]not just each little piece. And 0:10:46.217,0:10:52.139 so this over here has to be the[br]square root of all of that. 0:10:55.720,0:11:01.456 I've been working so far with[br]the formula that are for uniform 0:11:01.456,0:11:05.280 acceleration, so let's continue[br]with that and take. 0:11:05.890,0:11:13.534 Another one of them S equals[br]UT plus 1/2 AT squared, and 0:11:13.534,0:11:16.082 this time it's a. 0:11:17.630,0:11:21.914 Then I'm going to be looking for[br]can I rearrange this formula? 0:11:21.914,0:11:24.770 Can I transform it so it says a 0:11:24.770,0:11:32.063 equals? Again, let me model it[br]with an equation. Let's say that 0:11:32.063,0:11:39.945 S is 21, but U times by[br]T is 15 + 1/2 of a 0:11:39.945,0:11:41.634 Times by 9. 0:11:42.870,0:11:49.240 And it's this a the time after[br]first of all. Let's isolate the 0:11:49.240,0:11:55.610 term with the unknown in it. So[br]that's the ater. So let's take 0:11:55.610,0:12:02.960 15 away from both sides. So I'm[br]21 - 15 is equal to 1/2 of 0:12:02.960,0:12:09.820 a times by 9. So again, let's do[br]that here. Let's take this lump 0:12:09.820,0:12:12.760 away. S minus Utah equals 1/2. 0:12:12.870,0:12:18.525 AT squared, so again, my first[br]steps are to try and isolate the 0:12:18.525,0:12:20.700 variable. The term that I'm 0:12:20.700,0:12:25.922 looking for. Now this one[br]looks a bit complicated. We 0:12:25.922,0:12:31.434 got a half. There would be[br]nice to get rid of the half, 0:12:31.434,0:12:36.946 so let's multiply both sides[br]by two. If we do it at this 0:12:36.946,0:12:43.306 side, that's just a times by[br]9. We do it this side 2 * 21 0:12:43.306,0:12:48.818 - 15 and it multiplies all[br]of it. So let's do the same 0:12:48.818,0:12:53.482 here. Multiply both sides by[br]2, two times S minus UT. 0:12:54.780,0:12:58.338 Equals AT squared. 0:13:00.000,0:13:06.104 Going back to the equation we[br]got equals a Times by 9. I just 0:13:06.104,0:13:12.208 want a on its own and so I must[br]divide both sides by 9. 0:13:15.470,0:13:18.935 Here the thing that's doing[br]the multiplying it's T 0:13:18.935,0:13:23.555 squared. So let's divide both[br]sides by T squared and in the 0:13:23.555,0:13:27.790 same way as I divided[br]everything by 9, I've got to 0:13:27.790,0:13:30.100 divide everything here by T[br]squared. 0:13:37.740,0:13:40.400 And that gives me a. 0:13:42.540,0:13:47.300 Notice I haven't made any[br]effort to cancel because T 0:13:47.300,0:13:52.536 is not a common factor. It[br]is not a common factor. 0:13:54.770,0:14:00.590 No, we've been working with the[br]equations that are to do with 0:14:00.590,0:14:05.042 uniform acceleration. But there[br]are some other kinds of 0:14:05.042,0:14:09.434 equations that we need to gain[br]practice at and in order to 0:14:09.434,0:14:13.460 develop these skills, I'm going[br]to start with some made up 0:14:13.460,0:14:16.388 equations that don't have[br]physical applications in the 0:14:16.388,0:14:20.414 real world, but we will come[br]back once we've developed those 0:14:20.414,0:14:24.074 skills to looking at some real[br]equations that do contain 0:14:24.074,0:14:27.734 physical applications that we[br]will be able to transform, but 0:14:27.734,0:14:32.492 we need to develop some skills[br]to begin with. So first of all. 0:14:32.670,0:14:38.440 Let's take this expression,[br]let's call it rather than a 0:14:38.440,0:14:39.017 formula. 0:14:40.840,0:14:46.990 So then we have Y times 2X plus[br]one equals X Plus One and the 0:14:46.990,0:14:52.320 thing that we're going to be[br]after is X. Can we rearrange it 0:14:52.320,0:14:54.370 so it says X equals? 0:14:55.030,0:14:58.998 Well gain, let me[br]try and model this. 0:15:00.600,0:15:05.495 With an equation. So all[br]I need to do to model 0:15:05.495,0:15:09.945 this as an equation is[br]replaced the Y by three. 0:15:11.470,0:15:16.030 And if I was to solve this[br]inequation, my first step would 0:15:16.030,0:15:20.970 be to multiply out the bracket.[br]So let's do that. 6X plus three 0:15:20.970,0:15:23.250 is equal to X plus one. 0:15:23.970,0:15:30.273 So let's do that over here.[br]Multiply out this bracket. So 0:15:30.273,0:15:33.138 that's two XY Plus Y. 0:15:33.850,0:15:37.216 Is equal to X plus one. 0:15:38.730,0:15:44.749 Our next step with the equation[br]will be to get all the excess 0:15:44.749,0:15:50.768 together. So I would take X away[br]from both sides, so that would 0:15:50.768,0:15:57.250 be 6X takeaway X +3, and taking[br]the X away from this side just 0:15:57.250,0:16:03.269 leaves me with one. So let's do[br]that here. Let's take this X 0:16:03.269,0:16:08.825 away from both sides, so have[br]two XY minus X Plus Y. 0:16:09.060,0:16:10.648 Is equal to 1. 0:16:12.030,0:16:18.390 Now I would naturally want to[br]combine these two in some way. 0:16:18.390,0:16:21.570 6X minus X is just 5X. 0:16:22.790,0:16:28.880 I can't really do that at this[br]side, but what I can do is 0:16:28.880,0:16:34.535 gather together the terms in X[br]by taking out X as a common 0:16:34.535,0:16:40.190 factor. So we take out X from[br]this as a common factor. The 0:16:40.190,0:16:42.800 other factor is 2 Y minus. 0:16:44.010,0:16:46.946 And taking X out[br]of there is one. 0:16:48.330,0:16:52.490 Plus Y equals[br]1. 0:16:54.800,0:16:59.935 What now? Well now I've got my[br]ex is together over here. Let's 0:16:59.935,0:17:05.860 write this as 5X plus 3 equals[br]1. My next step will be to leave 0:17:05.860,0:17:10.995 the X term on its own by taking[br]three away from each side. 0:17:13.190,0:17:19.538 So let's do that here. Lead[br]the Exterm on its own by 0:17:19.538,0:17:24.828 taking the other term. That's[br]why away from both sides. 0:17:30.200,0:17:34.796 Now I'm just going to simplify[br]this. Five X equals minus two, 0:17:34.796,0:17:40.541 and in order to solve this to[br]get a value of XI need to divide 0:17:40.541,0:17:45.520 both sides by this number 5. So[br]that's X equals minus two over 0:17:45.520,0:17:51.265 5. So if I come back to this[br]this term in the bracket, two Y 0:17:51.265,0:17:56.244 minus one is the term that's[br]multiplying the X, and so I need 0:17:56.244,0:18:03.498 to divide. Both sides by so X[br]is equal to 1 minus Y over 0:18:03.498,0:18:09.372 2Y plus. Sorry made a mistake[br]there. Two Y minus one. 0:18:12.020,0:18:16.676 I just look again at what we've[br]done here. We've mimic the 0:18:16.676,0:18:20.556 solving of an equation. First,[br]we multiplied out the brackets. 0:18:22.300,0:18:25.606 Then we got the terms together 0:18:25.606,0:18:29.198 in X. The variable[br]that we were after. 0:18:31.310,0:18:33.760 Having got those terms together. 0:18:34.540,0:18:38.566 We then isolated them so that[br]they were on their own. 0:18:39.970,0:18:43.870 So we need to bear that in mind[br]and follow it through. 0:18:47.190,0:18:54.165 Let's take another expression Y[br]over Y plus X. 0:18:55.770,0:18:58.710 +5 is equal to X. 0:18:59.440,0:19:04.480 This time. We're going to be[br]finding why we're going to be 0:19:04.480,0:19:08.562 getting Y equals, and we want[br]some lump of numbers and X is 0:19:08.562,0:19:09.504 over this sigh. 0:19:11.180,0:19:19.064 So let's model this with an[br]equation Y over Y plus 3 0:19:19.064,0:19:23.006 + 5 is equal to 3. 0:19:24.580,0:19:28.100 Look at this side. Here we've[br]got an algebraic fraction. 0:19:28.950,0:19:33.617 Y over Y plus 3Y plus three is[br]the denominator. It's in the 0:19:33.617,0:19:35.053 bottom of the fraction. 0:19:35.840,0:19:41.885 So in order to get rid of that,[br]we need to multiply everything 0:19:41.885,0:19:46.535 in this equation by this[br]denominator. So I'm going to 0:19:46.535,0:19:53.045 write that out in full Y over Y,[br]plus three. Put that in a 0:19:53.045,0:19:55.370 bracket times Y plus 3. 0:19:56.680,0:19:59.888 Plus five times Y. 0:20:00.290,0:20:06.530 Three is equal to three times Y[br]plus three. Let me just 0:20:06.530,0:20:13.290 emphasize we have to do the same[br]thing to both sides, so here 0:20:13.290,0:20:19.530 I've had to multiply everything[br]on both sides of the equation by 0:20:19.530,0:20:22.130 this term Y plus 3. 0:20:23.230,0:20:27.190 Here those will cancel out,[br]just leaving me with why, so 0:20:27.190,0:20:30.790 let's do that at this site.[br]Let's multiply everything by 0:20:30.790,0:20:35.470 this term Y plus X so we know[br]this first one. When we've 0:20:35.470,0:20:39.790 multiplied it by wiper sex is[br]just going to give us Why. 0:20:41.390,0:20:48.090 Plus five times by Y[br]plus X is equal to 0:20:48.090,0:20:52.110 X times by Y plus[br]X. 0:20:54.000,0:20:57.344 Coming back to the equation[br]here, faced with a lot of 0:20:57.344,0:21:00.688 brackets, we know the first[br]thing we would do is multiply 0:21:00.688,0:21:03.120 out the brackets. So let's do[br]that, why? 0:21:04.350,0:21:11.938 Plus five times by Y is 5[br]Y five times by three is 15 0:21:11.938,0:21:19.526 is equal 2 three times by Y[br]is 3 Y and three times by 0:21:19.526,0:21:21.152 three is 9. 0:21:23.210,0:21:25.670 Do the same here, why? 0:21:27.050,0:21:34.699 +5 Y.[br]Five times by X Plus 5X is 0:21:34.699,0:21:41.940 equal to X times by Y is[br]XY&X times by X is X. 0:21:42.600,0:21:43.230 Square. 0:21:45.390,0:21:49.688 On this side now we would like[br]to get all of our wise together. 0:21:50.680,0:21:53.944 So we've Y plus 0:21:53.944,0:22:00.138 5Y6Y. Take away 3 Y[br]so we've six. Why 0:22:00.138,0:22:05.367 already and we're going[br]to take away 3Y. Plus 0:22:05.367,0:22:11.177 15 is equal to 9, so[br]let's gather all the 0:22:11.177,0:22:15.825 wise together Y +5. Y[br]is 6 Y. 0:22:17.340,0:22:23.332 I need to bring this term over,[br]so I'll take XY away from both 0:22:23.332,0:22:24.616 sides minus XY. 0:22:25.410,0:22:29.100 And then let's just write down[br]the other terms. 0:22:30.940,0:22:37.002 Now here I simplify this. I'd[br]have six Y takeaway 3 Y and that 0:22:37.002,0:22:43.064 would just leave me with three Y[br]plus 15 equals 9. I can't do 0:22:43.064,0:22:49.126 that here, but the thing that I[br]can do is bring them much closer 0:22:49.126,0:22:51.291 together by taking out why. 0:22:52.290,0:22:58.192 The thing that I'm after as a[br]common factor. So let's take why 0:22:58.192,0:23:04.094 out of these two terms. Why[br]brackets? Why times by 6 Y means 0:23:04.094,0:23:11.358 I must have a 6 in their minus[br]XY means I must have a minus X 0:23:11.358,0:23:14.082 there plus 5X equals X squared. 0:23:15.380,0:23:22.335 Now over here I'd isolate this[br]term in why by taking 15 away 0:23:22.335,0:23:29.825 from both sides 3 Y is equal[br]to. Now this is 9 - 15, 0:23:29.825,0:23:36.780 so I've got to do the same[br]here. Take 5X away from each 0:23:36.780,0:23:43.735 side, isolating this term in YY[br]times 6 minus X is equal to 0:23:43.735,0:23:45.340 X squared minus. 0:23:45.480,0:23:47.170 5X. 0:23:48.930,0:23:54.824 This side now I've got 3 Yi,[br]just need Y so I would divide 0:23:54.824,0:23:59.876 everything on this side by[br]three. So I've got to do the 0:23:59.876,0:24:04.507 same with this. I've got to[br]divide everything on this side 0:24:04.507,0:24:09.980 by this term 6 minus X so we[br]have X squared minus 5X. 0:24:10.640,0:24:14.620 Divided by 6 minus X. 0:24:15.960,0:24:21.144 Put it all in a bracket to keep[br]it together. Notice I'm 0:24:21.144,0:24:25.464 attempting no canceling 'cause[br]there is no common factor in 0:24:25.464,0:24:29.784 this numerator and this[br]denominator. They do not share a 0:24:29.784,0:24:34.536 common factor, so that's my[br]answer and I finished. I've got 0:24:34.536,0:24:39.288 Y equals a lump of algebra[br]involving X is and numbers. 0:24:42.980,0:24:48.656 We started with a real formula.[br]We started with the formula for 0:24:48.656,0:24:50.075 a simple pendulum. 0:24:50.880,0:24:57.075 Of length Lt equals[br]2π square root. 0:24:57.630,0:25:04.270 L over G and the problem that we[br]posed was what was G in terms of 0:25:04.270,0:25:06.900 T? So G. 0:25:07.990,0:25:10.909 After G equals. 0:25:13.230,0:25:17.778 Let's have a look at a simple[br]equation. Let's say it's 10 0:25:17.778,0:25:22.705 equals 2π and I'll keep the two[br]Pike's. Part is just a number, 0:25:22.705,0:25:24.979 so 2π is just a number. 0:25:26.360,0:25:30.950 Square root[br]of 3 over G. 0:25:32.200,0:25:37.030 Now as an equation, this one is[br]a bit tricky because the G is 0:25:37.030,0:25:41.170 trapped inside this square root[br]sign. We need to bring it out 0:25:41.170,0:25:46.000 and the way to get a square root[br]sign to disappear, so to speak, 0:25:46.000,0:25:50.140 is to square both sides, reverse[br]the operation if you like, so 0:25:50.140,0:25:56.573 will square. Both sides of this[br]equation so 10 multiplied by 0:25:56.573,0:26:02.897 itself. I'm going to write it as[br]10 squared equals 2π multiplied 0:26:02.897,0:26:09.221 by itself, 'cause we're squaring[br]the whole of both sides times by 0:26:09.221,0:26:11.329 a nice square this. 0:26:11.920,0:26:14.830 Three over G. 0:26:16.450,0:26:21.546 Now we need to do the same here,[br]square the whole of both sides. 0:26:22.420,0:26:25.306 So that will be T squared. 0:26:26.890,0:26:33.208 2π all squared[br]L over G. 0:26:35.040,0:26:38.648 Coming back to the equation,[br]jeez, in the denominator I don't 0:26:38.648,0:26:43.568 want it there. I want it to say[br]G equals I want G upstairs, so 0:26:43.568,0:26:48.488 to speak, so I have to get rid[br]of it out of the denominator and 0:26:48.488,0:26:52.096 so to do that I must multiply[br]both sides by G. 0:26:52.950,0:27:00.066 So I've got 10 squared times.[br]G is equal to 2π squared 0:27:00.066,0:27:07.182 times three, so let's do that[br]here. Multiply both sides by G. 0:27:07.182,0:27:14.298 So I have T squared times[br]by G is equal to 2π 0:27:14.298,0:27:17.263 all squared times by L. 0:27:19.500,0:27:26.700 Gee, I want on its own. I want[br]to say G equal, so I must divide 0:27:26.700,0:27:33.000 by this thing 10 squared. So G[br]is equal to 2π all squared times 0:27:33.000,0:27:35.250 3, all over 10 squared. 0:27:36.320,0:27:43.376 And I can work that out. Let's[br]do the same with this G equals 0:27:43.376,0:27:49.928 2π all squared times by L, and[br]I'm getting rid of this T 0:27:49.928,0:27:53.456 squared by dividing everything[br]by T squared. 0:27:55.800,0:27:58.544 And we can leave it like that. 0:27:59.350,0:28:05.426 We can make it look a little[br]bit nicer if we want to buy 0:28:05.426,0:28:09.332 spotting that we've got a[br]square here under Square 0:28:09.332,0:28:13.672 there, and it might be nice[br]to combine those two. 0:28:13.672,0:28:17.578 Squaring process is by[br]writing 2π over T all 0:28:17.578,0:28:19.314 squared times by L. 0:28:20.410,0:28:23.785 Basically this is the answer[br]that we finished with. 0:28:24.700,0:28:27.890 Let's take another couple of. 0:28:29.280,0:28:33.804 Examples of real formula that we[br]might want to be able to 0:28:33.804,0:28:38.705 manipulate. So let's have a look[br]at the lens Formula One over F. 0:28:39.540,0:28:41.460 Is equal to one over U. 0:28:43.030,0:28:44.098 This one over V. 0:28:44.930,0:28:46.578 Let's say it's you. 0:28:48.120,0:28:50.706 That we're after we want you 0:28:50.706,0:28:55.655 equals. Well, let me write[br]down an equation. 0:28:58.550,0:28:59.260 Similar. 0:29:00.720,0:29:05.164 One over 3 equals 1 over U plus[br]one over 5. 0:29:06.650,0:29:12.161 I want to isolate this term[br]first in one over you. 0:29:13.380,0:29:18.983 To do that, I'm going to take[br]this away from both sides. 1/3 0:29:18.983,0:29:21.569 takeaway 150 is equal to one 0:29:21.569,0:29:26.862 over you. So let's do that.[br]Isolate this term in you. 0:29:29.000,0:29:33.680 And so to do that, we take away[br]one over V from both sides, so 0:29:33.680,0:29:34.928 we want over F. 0:29:35.530,0:29:39.523 Take away one over V is equal to[br]one over you. 0:29:40.930,0:29:45.493 Now, faced with problems[br]like this, it's very, very 0:29:45.493,0:29:49.042 tempting to simply turn[br]everything upside down. 0:29:50.290,0:29:56.800 Well, I just have a think about[br]that. This says 1/3 - 1/5. Now a 0:29:56.800,0:29:58.970 third is bigger than 1/5. 0:30:00.810,0:30:05.220 So 1/3 - 1/5 is a positive[br]number, so you at the very least 0:30:05.220,0:30:06.795 has got to be positive. 0:30:07.860,0:30:12.080 Watch what happens if I just[br]turn everything upside down. 0:30:12.710,0:30:19.670 3 - 5 equals U, which tells me[br]that minus two is equal to you. 0:30:19.670,0:30:25.702 But we just agreed that you had[br]to be positive and not negative. 0:30:25.702,0:30:27.558 You can't do that. 0:30:28.380,0:30:32.020 These are fractions, and so[br]because their fractions we have 0:30:32.020,0:30:36.388 to combine them as fractions,[br]which means we have to find a 0:30:36.388,0:30:40.028 common denominator and a common[br]denominator for three and five 0:30:40.028,0:30:44.032 is a number that both three and[br]five will divide into. 0:30:44.910,0:30:48.627 Easiest number is 3 times by 5. 0:30:49.270,0:30:55.500 So three Zing to three times by[br]5, which is 15 goes five times. 0:30:55.500,0:31:02.175 So I found multiplied 3 by 5. I[br]must multiply by this one by 5, 0:31:02.175,0:31:03.955 so that's 5 minus. 0:31:04.600,0:31:10.168 I've multiplied 5 by three, so I[br]multiply this one by three 0:31:10.168,0:31:17.128 equals one over. You know if I[br]did that here, I've got to do it 0:31:17.128,0:31:21.746 over here. So I want[br]to common denominator. 0:31:23.300,0:31:27.944 Here the common denominator I[br]talk was three times by 5, so 0:31:27.944,0:31:30.266 let's take F times by vis. 0:31:32.720,0:31:34.688 I've multiplied F. 0:31:36.230,0:31:38.960 By the so I must multiply the 0:31:38.960,0:31:40.730 one. By faith. 0:31:43.890,0:31:44.730 Minus. 0:31:45.830,0:31:49.436 I've multiplied the V by F. 0:31:50.180,0:31:53.436 So I must multiply the one by F. 0:31:58.700,0:32:04.212 Now if I come back over here,[br]let me just simplify this. This 0:32:04.212,0:32:10.148 is 2 over 15 is one over you,[br]and now I've got a complete 0:32:10.148,0:32:15.236 fraction on both sides. I can[br]turn it upside down and say 0:32:15.236,0:32:16.932 that's what you is. 0:32:18.370,0:32:23.430 Now there was a lot of[br]calculation went on here. I 0:32:23.430,0:32:28.490 can't do that calculation here,[br]but I have got a complete 0:32:28.490,0:32:31.710 fraction here so I can turn it. 0:32:34.740,0:32:35.820 Upside down. 0:32:36.850,0:32:38.198 To give me you. 0:32:39.670,0:32:44.930 So let's take as our final[br]example the time dilation 0:32:44.930,0:32:46.508 formula from relativity. 0:32:47.480,0:32:52.709 The formula is T[br]equals T, not. 0:32:53.990,0:32:55.440 Divided by. 0:32:56.630,0:33:04.206 1. Minus. V[br]squared over C squared to the 0:33:04.206,0:33:07.296 power. 1/2 or square root. 0:33:08.880,0:33:13.534 So let's take some numbers and[br]in fact what we're going to be 0:33:13.534,0:33:17.114 after is we're going to be[br]looking for this expression 0:33:17.114,0:33:21.410 here, V over C. So I just[br]write that down there. That's 0:33:21.410,0:33:26.422 what we're going to be looking[br]for. Can we get V over C in 0:33:26.422,0:33:27.854 terms of T&T Nord? 0:33:29.160,0:33:34.552 So let's have 6[br]equals 5 over 1 0:33:34.552,0:33:36.574 minus X squared. 0:33:39.170,0:33:42.798 To the half. Now solving this. 0:33:43.410,0:33:48.282 What would we do? Well, we've[br]got a square root. Let's Square 0:33:48.282,0:33:53.560 both sides in order to get rid[br]of that square root. So that 0:33:53.560,0:33:58.432 would be 6 squared equals 5[br]squared all over 1 minus X 0:33:58.432,0:34:03.666 squared. So let's do that here.[br]Square both sides. 0:34:04.320,0:34:11.074 T squared. Equals TN[br]squared all over 1 0:34:11.074,0:34:15.898 minus V squared over[br]C squared. 0:34:17.590,0:34:24.394 Now, well here the term I want[br]in X is in the denominator. I 0:34:24.394,0:34:29.254 need it upstairs, so let's[br]multiply both sides of this 0:34:29.254,0:34:34.114 equation by one minus X[br]squared. That would be 6 0:34:34.114,0:34:39.460 squared times 1 minus X[br]squared is equal to 5 squared. 0:34:40.740,0:34:42.750 So let's do that here. 0:34:43.990,0:34:49.438 T squared times, 1[br]minus V squared over 0:34:49.438,0:34:54.886 C squared is equal[br]to T Nord squared. 0:34:57.150,0:35:00.566 Now I want the X squared bit. 0:35:01.720,0:35:06.652 And it would be nice perhaps to[br]multiply out the bracket, but 0:35:06.652,0:35:11.584 there's a slightly quicker way.[br]I can divide both sides by 6 0:35:11.584,0:35:15.694 squared, and that's nice. 'cause[br]it keeps the square bits 0:35:15.694,0:35:21.448 together, so to speak. So let me[br]do that one minus X squared is 0:35:21.448,0:35:26.791 equal to 5 squared over 6[br]squared. So I'm going to do that 0:35:26.791,0:35:31.723 here. Divide both sides by T[br]squared, 1 minus V squared over 0:35:31.723,0:35:38.808 C squared. Is equal to[br]TN squared over T squared? 0:35:40.740,0:35:41.190 Now. 0:35:42.430,0:35:45.430 Running out of paper here.[br]So what I'm going to do is 0:35:45.430,0:35:48.680 turn over and write this one[br]down at the top of the next 0:35:48.680,0:35:50.180 page, and this one as well. 0:35:52.980,0:36:00.042 So we've got 1 minus V[br]squared over. C squared is 0:36:00.042,0:36:05.178 equal to T not squared over[br]T squared. 0:36:07.340,0:36:13.676 And here, with one minus X[br]squared is equal to 5 squared 0:36:13.676,0:36:15.260 over 6 squared. 0:36:17.050,0:36:23.836 It's The X squared that we're[br]after so I can add X squared 0:36:23.836,0:36:30.100 both sides, so this is one[br]equals 5 squared over 6 squared 0:36:30.100,0:36:37.408 plus X squared. So let me add[br]V squared over C squared to each 0:36:37.408,0:36:44.194 side. One is equal to T not[br]squared over T squared plus B 0:36:44.194,0:36:46.282 squared over C squared. 0:36:47.840,0:36:50.207 Now I want the X[br]squared on it so. 0:36:51.440,0:36:58.556 So take this away from both[br]sides. 1 - 5 squared over 0:36:58.556,0:37:05.672 6 squared is equal to X[br]squared, so 1 minus T, not 0:37:05.672,0:37:12.788 squared over T squared is equal[br]to V squared over C squared. 0:37:12.788,0:37:15.753 Taking this away from both 0:37:15.753,0:37:23.507 sides. Almost there now it's[br]X that I want not X squared 0:37:23.507,0:37:26.909 selects. Take the square root of 0:37:26.909,0:37:33.923 both sides. So do the[br]same here. The oversee that I 0:37:33.923,0:37:39.593 want, so let's take the square[br]root of both sides. 0:37:43.540,0:37:47.968 And that's it. We have found[br]the ratio of the velocity to 0:37:47.968,0:37:51.658 the speed of light in terms[br]of the two times. 0:37:52.680,0:37:57.095 So. That concludes this video on[br]transformation of formula thing 0:37:57.095,0:38:02.065 to do is to treat it always as[br]though it was an equation that 0:38:02.065,0:38:03.840 you were trying to solve. 0:38:05.000,0:38:10.603 In terms of the variable that[br]you want, X equals G equals and 0:38:10.603,0:38:15.344 you just perform the steps as[br]though you were solving an 0:38:15.344,0:38:20.516 equation. If you keep that in[br]mind, then most of your problems 0:38:20.516,0:38:22.671 should be taken care of.