percent like to thank grown and grown for inviting me and for giving me the opportunity to speak to you this time not the bar the shears is that there are they no school what I have been doing for the last fifteen years the cheese gender equality on neither today and going to Krogers on unemployment and I really pick-up in every 20 years you will see now what that the previous speakers kid smoking a bong only I really focused or bench time and our discussion on they case increase click respectability become about background I'm sure that your own taking I in the newspapers for few years now I'm tripping com workers said happened eating Europe's five countries including Greece what they have in mind he's we can release saying or two girl Ireland and grease so I'm let me let me begin arm we okay re just peace lines that really some I'm there and did you what happened in Greece and I wouldn't it would be you some background on before we begin repay use Eventbrite how to handle and government today increase so at the end 0 5 2009 beginning all 2010 Greece finds itself in a situation where they 56 and bi-annual difference between great thanks that they're collecting the taxes are collected and the amount the government spends was exactly a sixty-percent and the day accumulate you did was come into the crowd percentage would be and got who's invited a scan actually over it CP that or countries that belong to the puter zone that they're using day you know com pick to sign on in order to become members of the euro zone and being in my arms see pp that they signed when they become members over the euro zone's says that they day cannot exceed sixty percent of GDP and their i'm yearning their deficit cannot be more than 3 percent okay to be I'll so preschoolers clearly and buy an external drive from but I wanna ask the company's and new carpet the I rose that they had him as you see big gap between the red and blue lines the red line being total expenditures and add the 29 a gripping you I'm is there but it is quite small be for the conference center and the last quarter Richies when their subprime mortgage crisis erupts in the United States and starts scathing sound throughout the world northeast that between 2007 and up 2007 and 2000 a there is a gap between the two got of course he's home difficult process and put a long time but then 160 2009 think that he had eight they definitely increase total expenditures do not change much today they've done does not change much because the blue line that goes beyond what does that mean that means you have a economy that is in the section you have an environment for businesses writing this because the crises and therefore there is this didn't that the government has big gap between spending and revenue decreases it is in these circumstances in 2009 got Greece is not able cool certainly speaks it it has a because the the rolling over obligations that they had good on and their for that government that was elected back pain 2009 arm sorry about that in 2009 are decided that exactly loans the way to be taken out and getting paid by the troika that these days you know bien Commission the European Central Bank and a and their now I am at pretty sure that you all know their Latin America way school plenty of similar financial trouble in the eighties and big head to also be rescued through these and I could use on all funds that they would be saving and they had to sign memoranda all agreements in order to receive these loans and that point 8 p.m. background exactly the same idea was applied in grace but in other countries as well the thinking is that if you're borrowing the primary concern if the borrower is to ensure that you're going to be able to pay back and in order to pay back some supervisory board is going to make sure that your micro economic policies and the way the truth and the economy he said that love accept less meaning you will be collecting more taxes than work is spending you know to be able to make payments but if we think about it for a minute you can accomplish this through two different ways one easy economy grows prior and the like then your revenue really be plenty and you again spend for your local needs and have something left over to make payments your debtors the etrade to do it is to slash spending government spending you may be receiving this AM revenue now you don't spend it and basically what you do I you reduce spending on health education transportation you'll find here your public severance literally you did use their ages by how much go percent 15 percent and 20 percent pensions you stop paying pensions you refuse pensions by 34 percent and at the same time p57 you ongoing and that with the primary sectors with the surface that will allow you to make payments but in the meantime you may have killed of the economy and its people and this is exactly what is happening in Greece and this is what I'm trying here on the 3rd Graf on the 2nd Graf here where you see government spending disposable income and consumption expenditures the learning or won't be needed if they don't essentially com since 2010 and picking 2010 because this is where I'm we sign that first bailout package so Greece has now borrow $250 billion know that too be able to roll over it's there and essentially or what they described which are there austerity measures and based on the AVR that payment center there God to the degree that you are cutting down the sink in the government sector less and less government spending we're I love you to reach have to say for the fun of course this is company nonsense and one of the things that happen me is that I have see think they see it 2008 unemployed people in Greece where room the unemployed in places where downdraft 370,000 2010 their on their doing this second here the crisis in Greece before the AM at and alone scummy and we have 640 that there are but fast-forwarding and give it two and a half more years this is where the speaker comes from and you now have 1.3 million people online this is a small country 10 million people the n really meant that you were talking about earlier to the appropriation on acro need 2008 let's say worth roughly six percent today this forty percent and we 40 percent employment vicious repair unemployment that his cheeks 27 can be going to 28 percent justifiably this thought that might be the babysitter com where they have here is to grass that that comparing the Greek situation with the Great Depression the United States com the craft's comment from it paper aren't prepared mind by my to call it that they leave Institute and the blue line represents Greece and you can see that bone the lead hand side graph that shows added be gross national product he's declining and is the plan and get the clanging four years into their Great Depression in the United States you have it there around nothing grace see going down and when you look at the unemployment situation saving the Blackline here so the United States the resistor around in terms of unemployment lot going our best 25 percent and coming down increase as I have shown you already it has being or Olympics crosscut 35 percent it now closer to 28 percent and rising so whether they should not increase it when we look at unemployment the basic issue is that we continue to hair we continued to head a our said all 40s the aesthetic that there was describing before this reading of the government decline ways no smaller and I will sorry harm the used rangy trying to become more competitive in export more that are simply not working there shading the economy but they are not the getting us outdoor the sex now in Greece is in a bit could hear situation the United States is in a very different and they did exist under very different circumstances because you have an autonomous KNC and for those who have you that of have been participating in the day is sending out with him on Monday beauty you would be immediately recognize what that means Greece does not have it carries ovitz home cannot be shipped goods your bar all they you know and that means for example you can I think I'm here only this face you cannot get up eat mine you cannot issue bonds yourself you have to care permission and if the position is not be then you cannot so saying then my my stick 50 as you 24 also take subway BRB cool head expansionary fiscal policy so during a session on instead of the government being there I 3 able to spend more in order to make up for this thinking that they took place in the private sector you cannot do that either so you don't have fiscal plans you don't want to say but if you don't have it saved it for you so what do you have 100 any policy instruments there were a lot of up folks have talked about today incomplete this phone p I picked our all they European Union and how these needs to change I don't think I'll warm or cool of the European Union and if that is not the greatest we're gonna go anywhere you know there is no employment target for any of the country's you know the word this excess or crazy here all the country and what countries signed on 30 games to where they hit people your Park CW and he was spending under control he does not ask on or whether the economy is growing increasing creating decent jobs so the orientation on that even didn't fully you know this magnificent a benefit for those that like that this is it good landed where it is likely not there or not to have quantitative easing up by the thinking easing in terms of employment back took place of birth but at least you have to send the data center banks a we will continue this policy and being unemployment rates come down 5 percent in Europe there is no policy essentially around and going but what do we have in Europe what we have in Europe is and undegraded active labor market said appoints are what they mean by anti prom Bob spoke about handed area if you beat me in we APR got when do you have any learn there is something wrong with that person that these and run many the president's applying made by the 5k contact with everything education and that he thinks so cuz the fight poverty educate them if you educate them they have good skills to bed getting the market today the right way he said they get employed Bernard professor that it or read that ain't necessarily so and I love love you made the comparisons between white folks and got the folks when it comes to different levels over education because I remember teaching gender all you get exactly the same picture up until the late 90's then something's teams huge huge gaps that that inexplicable back pain prism so if they suck yoba boy these problems I think what you do you have to pay you have to think they did you and you don't have to pick up my pic you don't have to fix the labor markets you don't have to think about whether it be man he said patient to cry everybody'd your feet say about and who are wrongly labour s was most vulnerable in the opinion all the europeans the most vulnerable the you they don't care any experience maybe they have the same level of education but if it is any no I meant we have to help them become and purely a bomb and be there educate them a little bit more or we had through I love them given first tends to the company so that government for you see in Sweden you feel and in Germany you never see them countries in Europe has been focusing on two things when they speak about hand I'm one these increasing and create be the other is increasing the ability to be an entertainer anything wrong with that no he doesn't line though some people absolutely this is this story for excitement to the bookmaker but not for everybody and there are other issues that pic to do wreath demand for labour so in a situation like the one we are facing now movies and what they had here is com be any live in great see if you can look I the first column this is 2008 and the next column shows you the and Gromit then second quarter of 2013 work you will observe actually if you work to look at all of these on rates he's got every city country except for German Casey their employment increase including of course you have that fire countries that time that lady cokie com Highland Greece Spain and so on but what is important in Arby's is that that countries such as Bulgaria on let me I'm that in Paris all their finances any there for their ability to pay that there had a didn't find that ticket services beef is not protected them prominent black and white because day reason you got any crime and wars that your head markets eugenia shaping and demand globally global growth rate suppose time why would have a problem with the men and you get and unemployment ok 27 percent increase because a black up demand for labour there anything that is being offered is and maybe so what do they do they didn't give stipends all the equivalent in the grass will be two hundred dollars and I'm for someone to go through a training school per month ago and there are start these after studies that pixel that the and period be getting better at home you get employed by the progress once the program ends nothing doing forward about unemployment I'm not sure what this is okay one word about on youth unemployment and then I we pay the next three minutes food company what we're doing grace I am be careful and I it I'm addressing both my colleagues fearing their room and everybody else youth unemployment is very high are increase as was mentioned actually today 6 percent so here you have to use any blanket get credit for you know I love this country is a red line you can clearly see and climb in rates are much higher better I think I'm for the race for the population aged 55 to 64 but see what happens if a look at the National ratio ok this is an employment share by age saying Greece a hair today at one point one point 3 1.3 mi n people and employed and what I'm asking here it is how many among them I yearn what is this shared anything like increase is 170 thousand proper one going 3 medium people but rather than 73,000 that I down do they not face a problem absolutely yes but here is the hypocrisy in the last year we had five meetings in europe for me there's to see how they would respond to an end run into you know they know they talked about most use any run and they came up with bit different budgets to support projects that but I was talking about but we had received resending plan for 100 and 70,000 and they believe 1,000,000 people without any response essentially so there is another kind of record there with you then line and that they think we have to be mine no okay so now I have two more very fast and can you I hope you will ask me some questions so I we whet your appetite this that about what I want to talk you in the next day saying that this over there estimates that they had I okay out that you're going to see this famous for one person for many people that came have been Business College love them was called means payments he spoke about financial fragility and that's where the means the moment comes from that you have on seen and heard on but he also spoke about the employer of last resort policy which is this that is a sham policy got we heard about before getting my text advertiser it is called it doesn't guarantee an Employment Guarantee and and I and they thankfully again to my colleague on professor baby it because he explained very much like the days what I want to do in the next one minute I guess the pet hair is to tell you that in 2010 the libyans the cute spoke with look at Teddy who was the Minister of you remembered about all who was a minister old labor at the time and they had not signed any agreements anymore and that but we were in a recession so we spoke to look good together with the trade unions because you need these kinds of agreements an agreement was reached in 2010 before the signing of the memorandum that an Employment Guarantee programme was name and she said we don't have a lot of money but what we have left over for the year we we start the program with 50,000 55,000 and they said and in terms of the design and how do you do that property all some of us including myself back at work in South Africa and Mexico in India the problems that actually home way talked about earlier we mentioned at least earlier and we headed to the XPS anyway we started this then what happens is austerity measures and then bailouts coming they devastate the economy they didn't state of course labor market convey 1b you with a fifty thousand here so we have said of course that one the estate because the stock secondly en masse see kind all eighty investment in the construction plan as the setting increase otherwise we're not getting out of this situation your hair suicides you have homelessness to the phenomena that we never imagined we're going to see are no water no sanitation no heat Nikkei I am and they are now looking in 20 the opportunity that may exist that we're going to change the government I'm sending that this Government will poll because they keep insisting on the same policies and that a new more and like 10 a progressive government with arm it they call them work we have done here therefore as we are conversation we various om home constituencies in place is the week have created a program for 250,000 or 515 thousand jobs we care course the big way sixty percent all the cost goes for wages forty percent goes for any station and materials because their projects that are waiting to be done along the lines that he heard already but including in the case of Greece and vital mentor local environmental at work that these home waiting and work you have improved review is then macroeconomic implications upset program so let me just look at one sec you could pay it wait till 586 you toast per month and you cryin record meet new people 550,000 people because the multiplier effects you we generate more jobs in the economy so they got their number of jobs that the one candidate got pleeease 700,000 good thing he course and not unit 67 billion mind you $7 billion-a-year is work with a right now for he Curtis payments army do that day that belongs to 35 this other countries essentially Sabrina moratorium or just three yes we don't make payments would just two years and we during the summer but money to a job-creation program we could solve so many many problems in Greece so who things out own or because he's 7.1 BDN corners you know art day practically everything that we did a you end up with the course ok CBN bandwidth CDN year you can support full time jobs for 700,000 many you've got handgun impact these therefore becomes and ASAP they any good you i'm talking about. is and Employment Guarantee programme serving precisely their goal all this had been a great importance in expansionary fiscal policy for me instead of investing container and waking aren't here the jobs get created you go the other way round you target you're spending your public spending directly on job creation the last say that I'm not gonna go through because I just did everybody stations by now I describes for the case increase where would the money come from which is always a question where will the money come from we can find the money actually week don't having to have not gone get the political will and back to school for peace for the United States and they cool beans that eventually we will be able to be open and international I'm that Khamis to changing in fact constitutional rights the way they did in India because that's what they didn't get they amended the constitution and the right to work movement that took 10 years to take root by now guarantees employment not sweet I'm not whatever but for front-month every year in router areas braid your hair seasonal and fun and now your hand more art than one-third all the population participating year after year if you get can do it please do not come to the united states cannot thank you you