0:00:00.760,0:00:03.240 Paying close attention to something: 0:00:03.280,0:00:04.520 not that easy, is it? 0:00:05.520,0:00:10.536 It's because our attention is pulled[br]in so many different directions at a time, 0:00:10.560,0:00:14.640 and it's in fact pretty impressive[br]if you can stay focused. 0:00:16.360,0:00:20.416 Many people think that attention[br]is all about what we are focusing on, 0:00:20.440,0:00:25.240 but it's also about what information[br]our brain is trying to filter out. 0:00:26.320,0:00:29.040 There are two ways[br]you direct your attention. 0:00:29.600,0:00:31.160 First, there's overt attention. 0:00:31.640,0:00:35.776 In overt attention,[br]you move your eyes towards something 0:00:35.800,0:00:37.360 in order to pay attention to it. 0:00:38.360,0:00:40.336 Then there's covert attention. 0:00:40.360,0:00:44.376 In covert attention,[br]you pay attention to something, 0:00:44.400,0:00:45.960 but without moving your eyes. 0:00:47.040,0:00:48.680 Think of driving for a second. 0:00:50.960,0:00:53.976 Your overt attention,[br]your direction of the eyes, 0:00:54.000,0:00:55.656 are in front, 0:00:55.680,0:00:57.456 but that's your covert attention 0:00:57.480,0:01:00.560 which is constantly scanning[br]the surrounding area, 0:01:01.600,0:01:03.480 where you don't actually look at them. 0:01:05.519,0:01:07.456 I'm a computational neuroscientist, 0:01:07.480,0:01:10.576 and I work on cognitive[br]brain machine interfaces, 0:01:10.600,0:01:13.640 or bringing together[br]the brain and the computer. 0:01:14.720,0:01:16.320 I love brain patterns. 0:01:16.720,0:01:18.416 Brain patterns are important for us 0:01:18.440,0:01:21.936 because based on them[br]we can build models for the computers, 0:01:21.960,0:01:23.376 and based on these models 0:01:23.400,0:01:27.616 computers can recognize[br]how well our brain functions, 0:01:27.640,0:01:29.240 and if it doesn't function well, 0:01:30.080,0:01:34.000 then these computers themselves[br]can be used as assistive devices 0:01:34.760,0:01:35.960 for therapies. 0:01:36.480,0:01:38.120 But that also means something, 0:01:39.360,0:01:41.856 because choosing the wrong patterns 0:01:41.880,0:01:43.776 will give us the wrong models 0:01:43.800,0:01:45.456 and therefore the wrong therapies. 0:01:45.480,0:01:46.680 Right? 0:01:47.640,0:01:49.296 In case of attention, 0:01:49.320,0:01:50.600 the fact that we can 0:01:51.800,0:01:55.296 shift our attention not only by our eyes 0:01:55.320,0:01:56.640 but also by thinking -- 0:01:57.440,0:02:01.520 that makes covert attention[br]an interesting model for computers. 0:02:02.280,0:02:05.736 So I wanted to know[br]what are the brainwave patterns 0:02:05.760,0:02:09.440 when you look overtly[br]or when you look covertly. 0:02:10.440,0:02:12.200 I set up an experiment for that. 0:02:12.960,0:02:15.696 In this experiment[br]there are two flickering squares, 0:02:15.720,0:02:19.080 one of them flickering[br]at a slower rate than the other one. 0:02:20.600,0:02:24.416 Depending on which of these flickers[br]you are paying attention to, 0:02:24.440,0:02:28.400 certain parts of your brain[br]will start resonating in the same rate 0:02:29.200,0:02:30.640 as that flickering rate. 0:02:32.000,0:02:34.936 So by analyzing your brain signals, 0:02:34.960,0:02:38.000 we can track where exactly[br]you are watching 0:02:38.760,0:02:40.320 or you are paying attention to. 0:02:43.000,0:02:47.216 So to see what happens in your brain[br]when you pay overt attention, 0:02:47.240,0:02:50.496 I asked people to look directly[br]in one of the squares 0:02:50.520,0:02:51.800 and pay attention to it. 0:02:52.760,0:02:58.056 In this case, not surprisingly,[br]we saw that these flickering squares 0:02:58.080,0:03:00.016 appeared in their brain signals 0:03:00.040,0:03:02.400 which was coming[br]from the back of their head, 0:03:03.560,0:03:06.960 which is responsible for the processing[br]of your visual information. 0:03:08.280,0:03:10.616 But I was really interested 0:03:10.640,0:03:13.800 to see what happens in your brain[br]when you pay covert attention. 0:03:14.480,0:03:18.376 So this time I asked people[br]to look in the middle of the screen 0:03:18.400,0:03:20.280 and without moving their eyes, 0:03:21.120,0:03:23.840 to pay attention[br]to either of these squares. 0:03:25.120,0:03:26.736 When we did that, 0:03:26.760,0:03:30.696 we saw that both of these flickering rates[br]appeared in their brain signals, 0:03:30.720,0:03:31.920 but interestingly, 0:03:32.640,0:03:36.176 only one of them,[br]which was paid attention to, 0:03:36.200,0:03:37.856 had stronger signals, 0:03:37.880,0:03:40.136 so there was something in the brain 0:03:40.160,0:03:42.696 which was handling this information 0:03:42.720,0:03:48.920 so that thing in the brain was basically[br]the activation of the frontal area. 0:03:50.440,0:03:53.416 The front part of your brain[br]is responsible 0:03:53.440,0:03:56.320 for higher cognitive functions as a human. 0:03:57.160,0:04:01.600 The frontal part,[br]it seems that it works as a filter 0:04:02.640,0:04:07.016 trying to let information come in[br]only from the right flicker 0:04:07.040,0:04:08.680 that you are paying attention to 0:04:09.400,0:04:13.360 and trying to inhibit the information[br]coming from the ignored one. 0:04:15.400,0:04:20.696 The filtering ability of the brain[br]is indeed a key for attention, 0:04:20.720,0:04:23.496 which is missing in some people, 0:04:23.520,0:04:26.000 for example in people with ADHD. 0:04:26.640,0:04:31.656 So a person with ADHD[br]cannot inhibit these distractors, 0:04:31.680,0:04:36.440 and that's why they can't focus[br]for a long time on a single task. 0:04:37.600,0:04:39.136 But what if this person 0:04:39.160,0:04:42.696 could play a specific computer game 0:04:42.720,0:04:45.600 with his brain connected to the computer, 0:04:46.440,0:04:48.560 and then train his own brain 0:04:49.360,0:04:51.800 to inhibit these distractors? 0:04:53.680,0:04:56.160 Well, ADHD is just one example. 0:04:57.200,0:05:00.456 We can use this cognitive[br]brain machine interfaces 0:05:00.480,0:05:02.680 for many other cognitive fields. 0:05:03.760,0:05:05.536 It was just a few years ago 0:05:05.560,0:05:11.280 that my grandfather had a stroke[br]and he lost complete ability to speak. 0:05:12.640,0:05:15.976 He could understand everybody,[br]but there was no way to respond, 0:05:16.000,0:05:18.480 even not writing[br]because he was illiterate. 0:05:20.000,0:05:22.520 So he passed away in silence. 0:05:24.800,0:05:27.136 I remember thinking at that time, 0:05:27.160,0:05:31.056 what if we could have a computer 0:05:31.080,0:05:32.440 which could speak for him? 0:05:33.840,0:05:36.056 Now, after years that I am in this field, 0:05:36.080,0:05:38.400 I can see that this might be possible. 0:05:40.240,0:05:43.096 Imagine if we can find brainwave patterns 0:05:43.120,0:05:46.560 when people think[br]about images or even letters, 0:05:47.720,0:05:50.656 like the letter A generates[br]a different brainwave pattern 0:05:50.680,0:05:52.400 than the letter B, and so on. 0:05:52.960,0:05:56.640 Could a computer one day[br]communicate for people who can't speak? 0:05:57.640,0:05:59.080 What if a computer 0:05:59.960,0:06:04.520 can help us understand[br]the thoughts of a person in a coma? 0:06:05.840,0:06:07.456 We are not there yet, 0:06:07.480,0:06:10.216 but pay close attention. 0:06:10.240,0:06:11.936 We will be there soon. 0:06:11.960,0:06:13.456 Thank you. 0:06:13.480,0:06:16.880 (Applause)