0:00:16.667,0:00:22.293 I think we all agree that it takes longer[br]to grow up today than it did in the past. 0:00:22.295,0:00:25.362 That seems like a fairly[br]uncontroversial statement, 0:00:25.363,0:00:28.042 and it is backed up by a lot of facts. 0:00:28.043,0:00:31.822 So in 1960, if we take 1960[br]as a baseline year, 0:00:33.082,0:00:36.899 relatively few people got[br]any education beyond high school, 0:00:36.900,0:00:39.371 if they even finished high school. 0:00:39.372,0:00:42.151 And 40% of people[br]didn't even get that far. 0:00:43.621,0:00:49.156 In 1960, the median marriage age[br]was 20 for women and 23 for men. 0:00:50.676,0:00:56.432 Now it's 27 for women[br]and 29 for men, and it is still rising. 0:00:56.433,0:00:57.804 So a lot has changed 0:00:57.805,0:01:00.981 in the course of the last 50 years[br]in the lives of young people. 0:01:00.982,0:01:03.845 So much has changed[br]in fact, that I propose 0:01:03.846,0:01:08.479 that it is helpful to think of it[br]as a new life stage of emerging adulthood 0:01:08.480,0:01:12.579 in between adolescence[br]and young adulthood. 0:01:12.580,0:01:16.470 But why does it take so long[br]to grow up now, 0:01:16.471,0:01:18.180 so much longer than in the past? 0:01:18.181,0:01:21.765 Why is there this new stage[br]of emerging adulthood? 0:01:22.645,0:01:28.390 There are four revolutions that took place[br]in the 1960s and the 1970s 0:01:28.391,0:01:33.051 that set the stage in many ways[br]for the society that we know today, 0:01:33.052,0:01:36.664 including the new life stage[br]of emerging adulthood. 0:01:36.665,0:01:39.893 Those four revolutions[br]are the technology revolution, 0:01:39.894,0:01:41.768 the sexual revolution, 0:01:41.769,0:01:45.737 the Women's Movement,[br]and the Youth Movement. 0:01:45.738,0:01:48.033 First, the technology revolution. 0:01:48.034,0:01:52.379 The technology revolution[br]is not just iPhones and iPads, 0:01:52.380,0:01:55.293 or even laptops and the Internet. 0:01:55.294,0:01:59.794 Another huge technology revolution[br]of the last 50 years has been a transition 0:01:59.795,0:02:04.759 from a manufacturing economy[br]to a knowledge economy. 0:02:05.709,0:02:09.398 We've gotten so good at making[br]things with machines 0:02:09.399,0:02:12.534 that we no longer need[br]so many people to make them. 0:02:13.854,0:02:15.830 Most of us are also aware 0:02:15.831,0:02:19.410 of how a lot of jobs in manufacturing[br]have gone to other countries. 0:02:19.411,0:02:20.973 But it's not just that. 0:02:20.974,0:02:24.599 Our manufacturing output[br]is actually six times greater now 0:02:24.600,0:02:26.595 than it was in the 1950s. 0:02:26.596,0:02:29.961 But we are able to do that[br]with only half as many people. 0:02:29.962,0:02:31.952 So gone are the days 0:02:31.953,0:02:37.239 where a young man could walk[br]in an automobile factory or a steel plant, 0:02:37.240,0:02:41.125 and make enough money to support[br]not only himself and his family. 0:02:41.865,0:02:45.358 The new jobs in the knowledge economy 0:02:45.359,0:02:48.948 are in information[br]and technology and services. 0:02:48.949,0:02:53.588 And all of these require education[br]beyond high school. 0:02:54.398,0:02:58.340 Those are where you get the best new jobs[br]in the knowledge economy. 0:02:58.341,0:03:02.162 You have to have some kind of education[br]beyond high school. 0:03:02.163,0:03:07.398 So now more people get more education[br]for longer than ever before. 0:03:08.298,0:03:10.467 And that pushes everything else out 0:03:10.468,0:03:13.529 because most people[br]won't get a stable long-term job 0:03:13.530,0:03:17.766 for several years after[br]they have finished their education, 0:03:17.767,0:03:21.304 and most people prefer[br]to wait for marriage and parenthood 0:03:21.305,0:03:23.535 until after they have a stable job. 0:03:24.635,0:03:27.154 The second revolution[br]is the sexual revolution. 0:03:28.164,0:03:31.277 The invention of the birth[br]control pill in 1964, 0:03:31.278,0:03:34.317 along with other effective methods[br]of contraception, 0:03:34.318,0:03:38.640 broke the age-old link between sexuality[br]and reproduction for the first time. 0:03:39.660,0:03:40.666 And in turn, 0:03:40.667,0:03:45.826 the link between sexuality and marriage[br]became broken for the first time. 0:03:45.827,0:03:49.400 And so the marriage age[br]started to go steadily up, 0:03:49.401,0:03:53.870 even as the age of beginning[br]first sexual relations went down. 0:03:53.871,0:03:59.728 And today, most people begin having[br]sexual relations in their late teens, 0:03:59.729,0:04:03.950 a decade or more before they enter[br]marriage and parenthood. 0:04:04.920,0:04:08.178 And so that changes[br]what the late teens and 20s are like. 0:04:08.179,0:04:11.488 Instead of entering the commitments[br]of marriage and parenthood, 0:04:11.489,0:04:15.248 people now have this longer spans[br]of a decade or more 0:04:15.249,0:04:18.208 when they are making[br]a break in relationships, 0:04:18.209,0:04:21.380 and they are not yet committed[br]to the structure of family life. 0:04:22.871,0:04:25.357 Number three is the Women's Movement. 0:04:26.657,0:04:29.636 In 1960, not many people[br]were going to college, 0:04:29.637,0:04:34.638 but there were twice as many men as women[br]who were college students. 0:04:34.639,0:04:39.993 Today, 58% of undergraduates[br]are female, only 42% male. 0:04:39.994,0:04:42.946 And women are also half of the students 0:04:42.947,0:04:46.806 in med schools, in law schools,[br]in business schools. 0:04:46.807,0:04:49.526 That has been truly revolutionary. 0:04:49.527,0:04:53.762 And that has changed how young women think[br]about their lives and plan their lives. 0:04:53.763,0:04:56.114 It's hard for us to even imagine 0:04:56.115,0:05:01.430 how much pressure there must have been[br]on a young woman in 1960 to find a man. 0:05:01.900,0:05:03.309 Because if you didn't, 0:05:03.310,0:05:05.877 what else were you going to do[br]with your life? 0:05:05.878,0:05:09.273 There weren't really hardly[br]any professions open to you. 0:05:09.274,0:05:12.886 And so that was[br]what they were most focused on, 0:05:12.887,0:05:14.686 not that they can do anything. 0:05:14.687,0:05:16.089 They, like young men, 0:05:16.090,0:05:20.417 want to use most of their 20s[br]for making progress 0:05:20.418,0:05:23.417 in their education[br]and then in their career. 0:05:23.418,0:05:26.391 And that has changed entirely[br]what the 20s are like 0:05:26.392,0:05:29.251 for both young men and young women. 0:05:29.252,0:05:32.072 And finally, the Youth Movement. 0:05:32.882,0:05:37.330 It used to be that adulthood[br]was associated with a lot of good things, 0:05:37.331,0:05:40.327 like social status and authority. 0:05:40.328,0:05:43.861 Well, it still is to some extent,[br]but not so much as it used to be. 0:05:43.862,0:05:48.179 The 60s and the 70s changed that[br]with the Youth Movement. 0:05:48.180,0:05:50.940 "I hope I die before I get old." 0:05:50.941,0:05:53.311 How many of you are old enough[br]to remember that? 0:05:53.312,0:05:56.635 Or "Never trust anyone over 30." 0:05:56.636,0:06:00.520 Those were said somewhat tongue in cheek,[br]but only somewhat. 0:06:00.521,0:06:02.524 Those are truths underlying them. 0:06:02.525,0:06:07.345 Now adulthood and age became diminished, 0:06:07.346,0:06:10.125 and it became youth that was venerated. 0:06:10.126,0:06:14.816 And so young people are no longer[br]in such a hurry to enter adulthood. 0:06:14.817,0:06:17.977 They preferred to prolong their youth[br]as long as they could 0:06:17.978,0:06:20.310 and enjoyed it while it lasted. 0:06:21.420,0:06:24.871 So together, those[br]four changes have resulted 0:06:24.872,0:06:27.871 in this new life stage[br]of emerging adulthood. 0:06:27.872,0:06:32.797 It used to be that people set up[br]the stable structure of an adult life 0:06:32.798,0:06:34.977 by about age 20, 0:06:34.978,0:06:37.906 but now it's really true that 30[br]is the new 20. 0:06:37.907,0:06:41.017 There's a good reason why that phrase[br]has become more popular. 0:06:41.018,0:06:44.648 Because now the transitions[br]that used to happen around age 20 0:06:44.649,0:06:47.742 happen closer to age 30 for most people. 0:06:47.743,0:06:51.438 Instead of moving from adolescence[br]to young adulthood, at about age 20, 0:06:51.459,0:06:55.450 it's the adolescence and then emerging[br]adulthood for most of the 20s, 0:06:55.451,0:06:59.995 and then the entrance[br]into a stable young adulthood follows. 0:07:02.215,0:07:08.545 Not everybody is delighted to hear about[br]the new life stage of emerging adulthood. 0:07:08.546,0:07:10.165 Not everybody is happy 0:07:10.166,0:07:13.131 that it takes longer[br]to grow up than it used to. 0:07:13.132,0:07:16.599 Quite the contrary, a lot of people[br]are very unhappy about it. 0:07:16.600,0:07:20.780 And a lot of people think[br]that the fact that young people enter 0:07:20.781,0:07:23.970 these transitions of a stable[br]adulthood later in the past 0:07:23.971,0:07:26.872 means there must be[br]something wrong with them. 0:07:27.452,0:07:31.986 And their parents and grandparents[br]can't help but look at the progress 0:07:31.987,0:07:35.206 or lack of it of their children[br]and grandchildren 0:07:35.207,0:07:40.636 toward adult life in their 20s[br]and think, and maybe say, 0:07:40.637,0:07:42.314 "When I was your age..." 0:07:43.544,0:07:49.644 Because the timetable has really changed,[br]but I'd like to challenge you 0:07:49.645,0:07:53.975 if you think that way today[br]to try to think about it differently. 0:07:56.375,0:07:59.554 It doesn't mean there is[br]something wrong with them. 0:07:59.994,0:08:03.923 It takes longer to prepare yourself[br]for the knowledge economy 0:08:03.924,0:08:08.264 than it did for a manufacturing[br]economy, first of all. 0:08:08.265,0:08:10.743 So that's not their fault. 0:08:10.744,0:08:15.003 They are very intently involved[br]in preparing themselves for their world 0:08:15.004,0:08:18.477 and are trying to find a place[br]in a very complex economy. 0:08:20.127,0:08:24.013 Secondly, the Women's Movement[br]has opened up 0:08:24.014,0:08:27.163 a huge range of opportunities[br]for young women. 0:08:27.164,0:08:28.754 But that is not a bad thing. 0:08:28.755,0:08:32.625 I think few of us would view that[br]as a negative development. 0:08:32.626,0:08:35.331 It's a good thing. It's a great thing. 0:08:35.332,0:08:38.820 And so, having this life stage[br]of emerging adulthood, 0:08:38.821,0:08:44.104 allows both young men and young women[br]to develop their skills for the workplace. 0:08:46.954,0:08:51.523 There is also that wouldn't most of us 0:08:52.373,0:08:55.122 make a better choice of a marriage partner 0:08:55.123,0:09:00.624 at 28, or 29, or 30,[br]than we would've at 19, or 20, or 21? 0:09:01.964,0:09:04.909 Wouldn't most of us be a better parent 0:09:04.910,0:09:10.249 if we begin at 30 or 31,[br]rather than 20 or 21? 0:09:10.250,0:09:12.883 I don't think there is[br]any doubt about that. 0:09:12.884,0:09:14.772 There is also this. 0:09:16.262,0:09:19.314 Having the space for emerging adulthood 0:09:19.315,0:09:24.321 gives young people an unprecedented[br]and unparalleled period of freedom. 0:09:25.061,0:09:27.324 It's a time when you can do things 0:09:27.325,0:09:30.324 you never could do before[br]when you were a kid, 0:09:30.325,0:09:33.372 and you really won't be able to do later. 0:09:34.122,0:09:37.665 So if you have a taste for adventure, 0:09:37.666,0:09:40.767 if you'd like to see[br]what it is like to live 0:09:40.768,0:09:43.751 in a different part of the country[br]or the world for a while, 0:09:43.752,0:09:46.109 and maybe do some kind[br]of service project there, 0:09:46.110,0:09:48.069 this is the time to do it. 0:09:48.070,0:09:51.752 If you'd like to take a stab[br]at a long-shot career, 0:09:51.753,0:09:56.042 like actor, or musician,[br]or something else in the arts, 0:09:56.043,0:09:58.469 this is the time to do it. 0:09:58.470,0:10:00.668 Because later, it would be[br]much more difficult 0:10:00.669,0:10:02.739 when you've made those commitments. 0:10:02.740,0:10:07.798 Right now, in emerging adulthood,[br]nobody else really depends on you. 0:10:07.799,0:10:10.790 That's one of the unique things about it. 0:10:10.791,0:10:13.274 And eventually, people will depend on you. 0:10:13.275,0:10:15.673 That will narrow the range[br]of your choices. 0:10:15.674,0:10:17.516 During emerging adulthood, 0:10:18.186,0:10:22.361 you have a rare freedom[br]and a brief freedom, 0:10:22.362,0:10:24.232 and you should make the most of it. 0:10:27.052,0:10:30.202 I'd like to close by saying 0:10:30.203,0:10:35.372 to the young people[br]who are emerging adults or about to be: 0:10:35.373,0:10:40.493 don't let other stampede you[br]to adulthood before you are ready. 0:10:40.494,0:10:44.186 Adulthood will still be ready[br]when you are. 0:10:44.187,0:10:49.168 And a lot of well-meaning people want you[br]to get there as soon as possible. 0:10:49.169,0:10:51.397 But it's not their life. 0:10:51.398,0:10:53.286 It's your life. 0:10:53.287,0:10:56.747 And you should remind them[br]of that if necessary. 0:10:56.748,0:11:01.669 Adulthood is something[br]almost everybody enters eventually. 0:11:01.670,0:11:06.133 And it's a land that once you enter,[br]you can never really go back. 0:11:06.883,0:11:10.721 So make the most[br]of your emerging adulthood freedom 0:11:10.722,0:11:12.371 while that lasts. 0:11:12.372,0:11:13.695 Thank you. 0:11:13.696,0:11:15.046 (Applause)