WEBVTT 00:00:01.011 --> 00:00:05.096 In 2009, the country of Samoa prohibited the sale of alcohol ---- for three days ---- to 00:00:05.096 --> 00:00:09.839 keep people safe while the island nation switched from driving on the right side of the road 00:00:09.839 --> 00:00:14.009 to driving on the left. The switch was so Samoans could get cheap "hand-me-down" cars 00:00:14.009 --> 00:00:18.059 from nearby left-side driving New Zealand and Australia. But Samoans weren't too pleased, 00:00:18.059 --> 00:00:22.099 since most of the cars they owned were designed to drive on the right. In fact, 2 out of 3 00:00:22.099 --> 00:00:24.094 earthlings drive on the right. 00:00:24.094 --> 00:00:29.019 But why? ... There aren't clear and obvious reasons to choose one side over the other, 00:00:29.019 --> 00:00:32.007 so the origin of driving conventions is a perfect opportunity for the mathematics of 00:00:32.007 --> 00:00:36.034 game theory and symmetry breaking. Or we can just look at historical evidence. 00:00:36.034 --> 00:00:41.056 Today's rules evolved from "driving" livestock and carts on the earliest roads. Archaeologists 00:00:41.056 --> 00:00:45.079 view deeper grooves on the left lane leaving an ancient Roman quarry in England as evidence 00:00:45.079 --> 00:00:50.029 for left-side traffic, since departing wagons would've had heavier loads. And it's possible 00:00:50.029 --> 00:00:54.032 that this left side convention was in place so right-handed soldiers and knights could 00:00:54.032 --> 00:00:57.007 draw their weapons more quickly against passing enemies. 00:00:57.007 --> 00:01:01.048 Whatever the reason, keeping to the left was eventually made into law in England in 1835. 00:01:01.048 --> 00:01:05.129 And today, most people who drive on the left side live in countries, like India, South 00:01:05.129 --> 00:01:08.000 Africa, and Australia, which were once British colonies. 00:01:08.000 --> 00:01:10.092 But that doesn't explain why the rest of the world drives on the right. 00:01:10.092 --> 00:01:15.017 Some claim that following the French Revolution, drivers there switched to the right to reject 00:01:15.017 --> 00:01:19.054 the practices of their overthrown aristocracy, but others suggest the French drove on the 00:01:19.054 --> 00:01:24.014 right all along. Regardless, driving on the right side of the road did spread across much 00:01:24.014 --> 00:01:28.077 of Europe when Napoleon (and later Hitler) imposed their national driving rules on conquered 00:01:28.077 --> 00:01:29.024 territory. 00:01:29.024 --> 00:01:32.909 And other countries voluntarily switched to the right to align with their neighbors, like 00:01:32.909 --> 00:01:37.689 Sweden in 1967, or to veer away from their colonial pasts, like Nigeria and Ghana in 00:01:37.689 --> 00:01:39.014 the 1970s. 00:01:39.014 --> 00:01:44.006 And in the US? Well, America owes its right-sided habit, in part, to the carts and postilion 00:01:44.006 --> 00:01:48.034 wagons of its early days. Driving either from the ground or from horseback, right-handed 00:01:48.034 --> 00:01:51.869 men preferred to walk or ride on the left side of the horses so they could control the 00:01:51.869 --> 00:01:55.059 animals with their right hand. As a result, they drove their wagons to the right in order 00:01:55.059 --> 00:01:59.084 to be seated near the center of the road, to see and steer clear of oncoming traffic. 00:01:59.084 --> 00:02:03.939 And that's ultimately the point of driving laws: to keep us safe from the high-speed, 00:02:03.939 --> 99:59:59.999 two-ton metal projectiles we call cars.