Gathering in Muizen
Gathering in muizen
How do we save cultural associations?
Do we still feel commitment in the long run?
dar people
I have been asked
to say something
which I am happy to do
there are 4 question marks
How do we come together in Muizen?
How do we stem the decline of cultural life?
Why are people less likely to commit themselves for longer periods of time?
How do the associations of the future look like?
question mark
How do we save cultural associations?
the royal brass band Musina Muizen
brings together about thirty amateur musicians
who every Friday evening
study a qualitative and contemporary harmony repertoire
with the year 1874 as founding date
they celebrate theier 150 years of existence
to the musicians among you
the band is always looking for new musicians
composer Lies Van Espen
was asked to write a new piece
Journey to Musina, it has become
Lies Van Espen grew up in Muizen
she's currently studying at Lemmens
writing Journey to Musina was a real process for Lies
during conversations with Musina
Lies promised to do her best
listen and judge for yourself
but in my opinion
she did more than her best
lots of listening pleasure