WEBVTT 00:00:08.176 --> 00:00:09.177 Good afternoon. 00:00:09.177 --> 00:00:12.258 It's a real pleasure to do another TED Talk. 00:00:12.258 --> 00:00:16.048 And today I'm going to talk to you about you. 00:00:16.748 --> 00:00:19.238 And share with you, hopefully, 00:00:19.238 --> 00:00:22.748 an idea that's really made a massive difference in my life 00:00:22.748 --> 00:00:25.789 and hopefully could make a massive difference in your life too. 00:00:26.888 --> 00:00:29.809 I've spent my life, really, studying human beings. 00:00:30.196 --> 00:00:32.470 When I was a kid, I was the youngest of four, 00:00:32.470 --> 00:00:35.370 so I spent a lot of time just watching my brothers and sisters 00:00:35.370 --> 00:00:38.260 and seeing the mess and the challenge that they got into, 00:00:38.260 --> 00:00:40.499 and trying to clock how I avoided that. 00:00:40.499 --> 00:00:43.131 Then I had the great fortune of training as a physician, 00:00:43.131 --> 00:00:45.091 and some of you may know 00:00:45.091 --> 00:00:48.941 that medical training is the most incredible opportunity, 00:00:48.941 --> 00:00:52.141 because you get up close and personal with human suffering 00:00:52.141 --> 00:00:55.271 on every single level, on a daily basis. 00:00:55.791 --> 00:00:58.792 I've been in a room where people have died right in front of me, 00:00:58.792 --> 00:01:00.561 and it's a really profound moment. 00:01:00.561 --> 00:01:03.821 I've also been in a room where life has come into the world; 00:01:03.821 --> 00:01:09.263 I've delivered a number of children, including three of my own four boys, 00:01:09.823 --> 00:01:11.203 one of whom is at the back - 00:01:11.203 --> 00:01:12.213 Hi, son. 00:01:12.213 --> 00:01:14.842 (Laughter) 00:01:14.842 --> 00:01:17.842 (Son from the audience) Hi, dad! 00:01:19.423 --> 00:01:22.154 So medical training, a fantastic experience. 00:01:23.104 --> 00:01:26.373 I became a researcher, initially an immunologist, 00:01:26.373 --> 00:01:28.974 and studied right down to the nano detail 00:01:28.974 --> 00:01:33.126 of how our white blood cells roll along the inside of our blood vessels 00:01:33.516 --> 00:01:35.484 and with really clever adhesion molecules 00:01:35.484 --> 00:01:38.555 stick and kind of squeeze out between the endothelia cells 00:01:38.555 --> 00:01:40.084 and fight infection. 00:01:40.084 --> 00:01:44.125 More recently as a neuroscientist. So right down at nano level. 00:01:44.505 --> 00:01:46.615 And also at a much bigger scale. 00:01:46.615 --> 00:01:50.815 I had the good fortune of working with CEOs and leaders around the world 00:01:50.815 --> 00:01:53.306 in some of our biggest companies and multi-nationals, 00:01:53.306 --> 00:01:56.347 looking at the hidden social dynamics and the networks that exist 00:01:56.347 --> 00:01:59.676 that determine whether a company succeeds or fails. 00:02:00.308 --> 00:02:01.277 As you heard, 00:02:01.277 --> 00:02:04.618 I've worked with elite athletes, helping them to win gold medals. 00:02:05.218 --> 00:02:07.778 I've read a lot, learned a lot. 00:02:07.778 --> 00:02:11.808 And through all that time, one question kept bothering me, 00:02:11.808 --> 00:02:14.008 sort of eating away at my brain. 00:02:14.008 --> 00:02:15.239 And that question was: 00:02:15.239 --> 00:02:22.029 if you could teach yourself, your children, or anybody one thing, 00:02:22.619 --> 00:02:23.848 what would it be? 00:02:23.848 --> 00:02:25.238 What would that one thing be? 00:02:25.638 --> 00:02:27.009 You can only teach one thing 00:02:27.009 --> 00:02:29.150 of all the things I've learned and understood, 00:02:29.150 --> 00:02:31.480 and it's that that I want to share with you today. 00:02:31.480 --> 00:02:32.590 What is that one thing? 00:02:32.590 --> 00:02:36.510 I can tell you it's not "Eat an apple"; that's not what it is. 00:02:37.160 --> 00:02:38.641 We're going to talk about that. 00:02:38.641 --> 00:02:42.950 But before, I want to return, just, to really the story of you. 00:02:42.950 --> 00:02:44.581 I don't know whether you remember, 00:02:44.581 --> 00:02:48.582 but there was a time before you knew you existed. 00:02:48.582 --> 00:02:51.961 For some of you that was probably last Friday night, after a skinful. 00:02:51.961 --> 00:02:52.961 (Laughter) 00:02:53.891 --> 00:02:56.392 But as we all grow up, there's a moment in our life - 00:02:56.392 --> 00:02:59.192 and this is a really beautiful moment if you witness it - 00:02:59.192 --> 00:03:01.193 where you can see, about one year old - 00:03:01.193 --> 00:03:04.712 it might happen a bit sooner, a bit later, but roughly about one year old - 00:03:04.712 --> 00:03:08.253 where a child realizes they exist as a physical entity. 00:03:08.533 --> 00:03:11.733 It's that moment where they look in the mirror, and they kind of go, 00:03:11.733 --> 00:03:13.552 "Oh, that's me!" 00:03:13.552 --> 00:03:15.484 They move their hand and that hand moves, 00:03:15.484 --> 00:03:17.383 and they realize that that's them. 00:03:17.383 --> 00:03:20.033 So they have a physical awareness, if you will. 00:03:20.033 --> 00:03:23.244 But they haven't yet developed an awareness of their emotional self, 00:03:23.244 --> 00:03:25.245 which is why you get the terrible twos. 00:03:25.245 --> 00:03:26.825 So when a two-year-old is hungry, 00:03:26.825 --> 00:03:30.275 the world is hungry and why aren't we eating? 00:03:30.275 --> 00:03:34.735 So there's that kind of intensity, that egocentricity in a two-year-old. 00:03:35.775 --> 00:03:38.076 That's where they kind of get to test the power. 00:03:38.076 --> 00:03:39.276 So in the supermarket, 00:03:39.276 --> 00:03:43.177 it's "Mom, mom, that that, me, me, food, food, me, me, me, food," 00:03:43.177 --> 00:03:45.986 and they kind of bother you to a great extent. 00:03:45.986 --> 00:03:50.428 And then again, it's witnessable, this moment where they suddenly realize 00:03:50.428 --> 00:03:52.946 that not only are they physically separate from you, 00:03:52.946 --> 00:03:55.908 but their emotions are not your emotions. 00:03:55.908 --> 00:03:57.398 You may have witnessed this 00:03:57.398 --> 00:04:00.629 with a child walking down the aisle in the supermarket, 00:04:00.629 --> 00:04:05.317 eyes, streaming red, bawling in frustration and rage 00:04:05.317 --> 00:04:07.233 that they can't get what they want, 00:04:07.233 --> 00:04:10.009 and then looking at you completely baffled, 00:04:10.009 --> 00:04:11.479 like: "Why aren't you crying?" 00:04:11.479 --> 00:04:13.909 "We're hungry; we want those chocolates." 00:04:13.909 --> 00:04:15.189 (Laughter) 00:04:15.189 --> 00:04:17.037 There's that bafflement in their eyes, 00:04:17.037 --> 00:04:19.010 that sort of thousand yard stare. 00:04:19.010 --> 00:04:22.600 And that's the emergence of the awareness of the emotional self, 00:04:22.600 --> 00:04:25.470 separate from the parent or the caregiver. 00:04:25.470 --> 00:04:27.210 So that's a sort of second level up, 00:04:27.210 --> 00:04:29.801 but it's not until they get to three to six years old 00:04:29.801 --> 00:04:32.070 that they get into the "conceptual self," 00:04:32.070 --> 00:04:35.241 and part of that emergence is a sense of identity. 00:04:35.241 --> 00:04:37.380 So it's what you would know as consciousness, 00:04:37.380 --> 00:04:39.442 is they start to become aware - 00:04:39.442 --> 00:04:42.032 not only that they're physically, emotionally separate, 00:04:42.032 --> 00:04:43.972 but they've got an identity. 00:04:43.972 --> 00:04:46.231 And it blossoms between three and six years old. 00:04:46.231 --> 00:04:47.692 One of the things that happens 00:04:47.692 --> 00:04:49.982 in the emergence of conceptual self is language. 00:04:49.982 --> 00:04:53.983 So language is essentially a concept: it's a noise to represent something. 00:04:53.983 --> 00:04:56.923 So the emergence of conceptual self happens, 00:04:56.923 --> 00:04:59.303 and we start to label our universe - 00:04:59.303 --> 00:05:02.844 you know, cat, dog, bat, ball, window, floor, and so on. 00:05:02.844 --> 00:05:06.134 So the world starts to make sense and we start to be able to navigate. 00:05:06.134 --> 00:05:08.304 Children between the age of three and six 00:05:08.304 --> 00:05:10.664 learn about six new words every single day. 00:05:10.664 --> 00:05:13.355 There's phenomenal language acquisition going on. 00:05:13.355 --> 00:05:15.215 But only from the fourth level, 00:05:15.215 --> 00:05:17.303 which is called concrete consciousness, 00:05:17.303 --> 00:05:20.955 they start to learn the rules that govern the concepts. 00:05:21.525 --> 00:05:23.126 Then it all starts to make sense: 00:05:23.126 --> 00:05:25.106 why is a dog a dog and a cat a cat? 00:05:25.106 --> 00:05:27.026 Why is a mummy a mummy and daddy a daddy? 00:05:27.026 --> 00:05:28.315 What's the rule? 00:05:28.885 --> 00:05:31.265 It's in that between six and nine years old 00:05:31.265 --> 00:05:32.716 that the fun starts to happen. 00:05:32.716 --> 00:05:34.986 So if you speak to a seven-year-old, 00:05:34.986 --> 00:05:37.807 you can start to have fun by playing against the rules - 00:05:37.807 --> 00:05:39.996 you know, look at that cat going woof-woof? 00:05:39.996 --> 00:05:41.018 No! 00:05:41.978 --> 00:05:45.448 Cats go meow! They don't go woof-woof. 00:05:45.998 --> 00:05:49.057 And it makes them laugh because you're playing against the rules. 00:05:49.057 --> 00:05:51.827 There's this whole rule emergence that occurs 00:05:51.827 --> 00:05:53.938 in a child between six and nine. 00:05:53.938 --> 00:05:57.488 And then that's where most people 00:05:57.488 --> 00:05:59.038 stay ... 00:05:59.038 --> 00:06:01.818 (Laughter) 00:06:02.518 --> 00:06:05.268 Most of the people you're going to meet, 20, 30, 40, 00:06:05.268 --> 00:06:07.190 on the inside: nine! 00:06:07.190 --> 00:06:09.059 (Laughter) 00:06:09.742 --> 00:06:11.412 See it in accompanies all the time: 00:06:11.412 --> 00:06:13.730 toys out of the pram, behaving like children. 00:06:13.730 --> 00:06:15.070 It's very common. 00:06:15.070 --> 00:06:17.700 There is an attempt, usually in the early teenage years, 00:06:17.700 --> 00:06:20.751 to get beyond that concrete self, to get beyond the rules, 00:06:20.751 --> 00:06:23.131 which is why you get teenage conflict. 00:06:23.131 --> 00:06:26.101 You'll see it, and parents try to suppress this, 00:06:26.101 --> 00:06:27.261 like it's a bad thing. 00:06:27.261 --> 00:06:28.562 It's a developmental stage! 00:06:28.562 --> 00:06:31.701 You shouldn't be suppressing this stuff; they're testing the rules. 00:06:31.701 --> 00:06:33.152 So this battle ensues: 00:06:33.152 --> 00:06:36.682 you told me to be home at ten, I want to be home at 11. 00:06:36.682 --> 00:06:39.132 You told me to be honest; you're not being honest, 00:06:39.132 --> 00:06:40.572 and the fight breaks out. 00:06:40.572 --> 00:06:43.013 And they have their whole turbulent teenage years. 00:06:43.013 --> 00:06:47.442 Regardless of who wins that battle, whether it's mom or dad or the child, 00:06:47.442 --> 00:06:49.693 it bubbles along for a few years. 00:06:49.693 --> 00:06:52.484 Now eventually, regardless of who wins the battle, 00:06:52.484 --> 00:06:54.723 they leave home - hopefully. 00:06:54.723 --> 00:06:57.864 (Laughter) 00:06:57.864 --> 00:07:01.184 (Applause) 00:07:02.294 --> 00:07:03.915 They go! Right? 00:07:05.265 --> 00:07:08.643 But then a much bigger parent called society comes in 00:07:08.643 --> 00:07:10.734 and imposes its rules. 00:07:10.734 --> 00:07:13.265 So a lot of people go back into the concrete, 00:07:13.265 --> 00:07:16.646 not like transferred but back in the concrete following a set of rules, 00:07:16.646 --> 00:07:19.376 that we start to believe that we've got to get a degree, 00:07:19.376 --> 00:07:23.295 we've got to get a job, a relationship, a car, a house, 00:07:23.295 --> 00:07:27.066 we've got to get all these things to be a good corporate citizen. 00:07:27.066 --> 00:07:29.947 So we start to follow the rules, and we enter a company, 00:07:29.947 --> 00:07:33.037 and we start to work our way up the career ladder, 00:07:33.037 --> 00:07:34.477 following the rules. 00:07:35.257 --> 00:07:38.256 So a lot of people you'll encounter are back in that concrete, 00:07:38.256 --> 00:07:40.368 their life become stereotypical. 00:07:40.368 --> 00:07:42.008 You'll see people talk about this: 00:07:42.008 --> 00:07:44.108 "That's not how we do things at this company. 00:07:44.108 --> 00:07:47.257 You'll be the Chief Executive, I'll be the Chief Financial Officer. 00:07:47.257 --> 00:07:48.829 That's how we do it around here." 00:07:48.829 --> 00:07:51.439 It's a set of rules that we're all following, 00:07:51.439 --> 00:07:53.789 and we're often not even aware of those rules. 00:07:53.789 --> 00:07:56.309 And that will often happen for the rest of your life; 00:07:56.309 --> 00:07:58.649 you don't even realize you're running the rules. 00:07:58.649 --> 00:08:01.770 By the way, these rules weren't given to you with your permission; 00:08:01.770 --> 00:08:05.429 they were just imposed by parents or society. 00:08:05.779 --> 00:08:07.370 We're not even aware of it. 00:08:07.650 --> 00:08:10.470 If you're lucky, you have a crisis. 00:08:10.750 --> 00:08:12.041 At some point in your life, 00:08:12.041 --> 00:08:15.376 something terrible happens to get you to question the rules. 00:08:15.376 --> 00:08:17.434 Now, most people this never happens to - 00:08:17.434 --> 00:08:20.410 or if it does, it doesn't cause them to question. 00:08:20.410 --> 00:08:22.232 That might be the loss of a loved one, 00:08:22.232 --> 00:08:25.012 the loss of a relationship or something terrible happens, 00:08:25.012 --> 00:08:27.301 usually, most commonly, in midlife. 00:08:27.951 --> 00:08:30.912 Then you enter the stage what we call "the disease of meaning," 00:08:30.912 --> 00:08:32.260 is it starts to occur to you 00:08:32.260 --> 00:08:34.793 there's something wrong with the picture of your life. 00:08:34.793 --> 00:08:38.803 I've been following all these rules, and it hasn't delivered. 00:08:38.803 --> 00:08:41.123 I thought if I was a good corporate citizen, 00:08:41.123 --> 00:08:44.773 and I got a good job, and a good house, and paid tax and all of that stuff, 00:08:44.773 --> 00:08:47.184 I would be happy and blissful forever; 00:08:47.184 --> 00:08:48.424 and I'm not. 00:08:48.884 --> 00:08:52.034 That's the disease of meaning, and that is real pain. 00:08:52.034 --> 00:08:55.375 If that happens in a religious context, people call it purgatory. 00:08:56.014 --> 00:08:58.045 I mean, literally, it's hell on earth. 00:08:58.045 --> 00:09:00.574 So people get into this state and often they lash out, 00:09:00.574 --> 00:09:03.574 they become unpleasant and negative and so on, 00:09:03.574 --> 00:09:05.604 because they're basically in pain. 00:09:05.604 --> 00:09:08.175 Now there are two strategies to that pain. 00:09:08.175 --> 00:09:10.243 First strategy - much loved by students - 00:09:10.243 --> 00:09:11.773 anaesthetic. 00:09:11.773 --> 00:09:13.665 (Laughter) 00:09:14.275 --> 00:09:17.076 Because if I can blot out the meaning of life, 00:09:17.076 --> 00:09:19.176 that kind of existential question - 00:09:19.176 --> 00:09:21.287 if I'm wasted on a Friday night, 00:09:21.287 --> 00:09:24.687 I don't have to think about what's the meaning of all this. 00:09:24.687 --> 00:09:26.756 It just goes away as a question. 00:09:26.756 --> 00:09:31.068 So then some people do this every night, some people every weekend, getting wasted, 00:09:31.068 --> 00:09:32.698 either through alcohol and drugs. 00:09:32.698 --> 00:09:35.368 But the problem is when the hangover wears off, 00:09:35.368 --> 00:09:38.319 the question returns; it's still there. 00:09:39.259 --> 00:09:40.609 You can't answer it. 00:09:40.609 --> 00:09:43.229 If you're smart, you realize anesthetics won't help you. 00:09:43.229 --> 00:09:45.969 So you get into the second strategy, which is distraction. 00:09:46.369 --> 00:09:49.009 There are lots of different types of distraction. 00:09:49.009 --> 00:09:52.345 That distraction can simply be that you become a gym bunny. 00:09:53.425 --> 00:09:55.029 Let's pump some iron. 00:09:55.029 --> 00:09:59.660 Because when I'm feeling the burn, I don't have to think about the question. 00:09:59.660 --> 00:10:03.861 So I become "the body beautiful," stuck at the gym the whole time, 00:10:04.391 --> 00:10:07.241 getting the kick on the endorphins and so on. 00:10:07.241 --> 00:10:10.201 But you realize that, actually, when you get away from the gym, 00:10:10.201 --> 00:10:11.801 the question is there again. 00:10:12.011 --> 00:10:13.612 So the gym doesn't solve it. 00:10:13.612 --> 00:10:16.392 So you might use a very common strategy: 00:10:16.392 --> 00:10:17.961 sex ... 00:10:17.961 --> 00:10:18.961 Right? 00:10:18.961 --> 00:10:21.972 Because while I am engaged in the intimacy of the sexual union, 00:10:21.972 --> 00:10:25.483 I don't have to think about the question, because I'm too busy doing this. 00:10:25.483 --> 00:10:27.443 (Laughter) 00:10:28.983 --> 00:10:32.383 But you may have noticed that when the act is over, 00:10:32.383 --> 00:10:34.614 that bloody question comes back again. 00:10:35.744 --> 00:10:38.763 So some people go even more nuts: I'll have sex with two people, 00:10:38.763 --> 00:10:39.764 (Laughter) 00:10:39.764 --> 00:10:41.324 then a whole crowd - 00:10:41.824 --> 00:10:45.561 desperately trying to get away from this question that's bothering them: 00:10:46.431 --> 00:10:48.235 the meaning of their life. 00:10:48.235 --> 00:10:51.555 So if sex doesn't work - and it doesn't, ultimately - 00:10:51.555 --> 00:10:54.212 then you get into materialism: shoes! 00:10:54.212 --> 00:10:56.166 I'll go and buy some shoes. 00:10:56.926 --> 00:10:59.256 Or a car, or a house, or a yacht. 00:10:59.256 --> 00:11:00.545 So we get into materialism, 00:11:00.545 --> 00:11:03.676 or some people that we see, very common in industry, workaholism - 00:11:03.676 --> 00:11:04.976 they become work-addicted. 00:11:04.976 --> 00:11:07.656 Because while I am working that hard, having to do stuff, 00:11:07.656 --> 00:11:09.617 I don't have to think about the question. 00:11:09.617 --> 00:11:11.565 None of that solves the problem. 00:11:11.565 --> 00:11:13.637 Because we mistakenly believe 00:11:13.637 --> 00:11:16.527 that the problem is out there and the solution is out there, 00:11:16.527 --> 00:11:18.678 whereas the real problem is in here. 00:11:19.158 --> 00:11:23.868 You cannot solve your sense of emptiness, or your unrest, 00:11:23.868 --> 00:11:26.347 with an external solution outside of yourself. 00:11:26.347 --> 00:11:29.499 So stop looking out there, you have to look in here, 00:11:29.499 --> 00:11:33.127 and particularly to look at your own emotional experience. 00:11:33.127 --> 00:11:37.149 Now, most people go through their life completely unaware of emotions, 00:11:37.149 --> 00:11:38.689 particularly us fellows, right? 00:11:38.689 --> 00:11:42.130 If somebody mentions the word "emotions," we run for the hills! 00:11:43.130 --> 00:11:46.980 Emotions are just energy in motion, they're composite biological signals: 00:11:46.980 --> 00:11:49.541 the signals made up of all the pounding heart rate, 00:11:49.541 --> 00:11:51.641 the sweaty palms, the tension in the muscles 00:11:51.641 --> 00:11:53.891 or whatever is going on biologically, 00:11:53.891 --> 00:11:58.731 it's stereotypical energetic patterns - energy in motion, they are e-motions. 00:11:58.731 --> 00:12:01.870 Now, we all have emotions, every single second of every single day, 00:12:01.870 --> 00:12:03.231 even us fellows. 00:12:03.231 --> 00:12:05.682 Feelings, however, are something entirely different. 00:12:05.682 --> 00:12:08.992 Feelings are the awareness in our mind of the energy. 00:12:08.992 --> 00:12:11.953 So the energy is always there but we don't necessarily feel it, 00:12:11.953 --> 00:12:13.633 and that's where we're stuck - 00:12:14.303 --> 00:12:18.663 is we haven't really learned to understand our own emotional life. 00:12:18.663 --> 00:12:19.883 So we go through our life 00:12:19.883 --> 00:12:22.464 believing how we're feeling on a moment by moment basis 00:12:22.464 --> 00:12:23.824 is down to somebody else. 00:12:23.824 --> 00:12:25.044 We actually say this: 00:12:25.044 --> 00:12:28.324 "You annoyed me," "You made me unhappy," 00:12:28.594 --> 00:12:32.104 "You did it to me," and we point the finger at other people, 00:12:32.104 --> 00:12:35.304 believing other people are the cause of our own unhappiness. 00:12:35.304 --> 00:12:36.355 So newsflash: 00:12:37.355 --> 00:12:39.345 nobody's doing it to you. 00:12:39.725 --> 00:12:41.535 Nobody's making you feel these things. 00:12:41.535 --> 00:12:43.355 I mean, what do you think that happens 00:12:43.355 --> 00:12:46.015 when you get frustrated with somebody else? 00:12:46.015 --> 00:12:48.986 Did they come up to you and inject you with frustration, 00:12:48.986 --> 00:12:50.906 with the chemicals of frustration? 00:12:51.276 --> 00:12:53.815 Did they create the electrical signals of frustration, 00:12:53.815 --> 00:12:55.876 the pressure waves, the sound waves? 00:12:55.876 --> 00:12:58.127 No. You did that. 00:12:58.127 --> 00:13:02.456 You created that inside yourself in response to their poor behavior. 00:13:03.526 --> 00:13:06.948 So, if you can accept that you're doing it - 00:13:08.048 --> 00:13:10.038 it's not them, it's you - 00:13:10.728 --> 00:13:14.658 that simple truth takes you from what we call the victim position, 00:13:15.408 --> 00:13:18.648 and it crosses the threshold to ownership. 00:13:19.108 --> 00:13:22.399 That's the most important transition you'll ever make in your life. 00:13:22.399 --> 00:13:24.939 So to help you navigate that, 00:13:24.939 --> 00:13:28.839 first and foremost, you have to understand where am I in the universe of emotions. 00:13:28.839 --> 00:13:32.489 If I asked you to write down your current emotions and gave you five minutes, 00:13:32.489 --> 00:13:33.870 you'd have a list of things, 00:13:33.870 --> 00:13:36.640 and then we said, OK, put your hands up who's got how many, 00:13:36.640 --> 00:13:39.020 and we did a test of how many you got, 00:13:39.020 --> 00:13:42.051 the average in a room like this would be about ten or twelve. 00:13:42.611 --> 00:13:47.401 There are 34,000 emotions that you can experience. 00:13:47.401 --> 00:13:49.710 Most people go through life with ten or twelve. 00:13:49.710 --> 00:13:53.489 And just to try to help you navigate, I'll show you an app that we've built 00:13:53.489 --> 00:13:56.811 to help people know where they are in the universe of emotions. 00:13:56.811 --> 00:14:00.951 So we've plotted all these emotions on a map, 00:14:00.951 --> 00:14:03.342 and this map shows you the axes. 00:14:03.342 --> 00:14:08.903 So, to the top of the axis in the universe of emotions, 00:14:08.903 --> 00:14:12.153 we've got the ones that are, sort of, more energy, if you like, 00:14:12.153 --> 00:14:14.803 and to the bottom the ones that are more relaxed. 00:14:14.803 --> 00:14:16.844 To the left the ones that are more positive 00:14:16.844 --> 00:14:19.144 and to the right the ones that are more negative. 00:14:19.144 --> 00:14:22.714 So you can see that we've plotted maybe the 20 commonest emotions there, 00:14:22.714 --> 00:14:26.365 and as I'm talking to you, right now, you're somewhere on this grid. 00:14:26.365 --> 00:14:30.355 You're somewhere in the universe experiencing one of these planets, 00:14:30.355 --> 00:14:33.685 and we can bring in the next 100 emotions, 00:14:33.685 --> 00:14:37.225 we can bring in the next 200 emotions, the next 1,000. 00:14:37.225 --> 00:14:40.786 So we've built this app to try and crowd source with you all 34,000, 00:14:40.786 --> 00:14:43.996 we've built it with just 2,000 as a starter. 00:14:43.996 --> 00:14:49.286 And you can enter into one of the 64 galaxies that exist 00:14:49.286 --> 00:14:51.297 and start to navigate round 00:14:51.297 --> 00:14:55.277 and see where you are in relation to some of the other emotions, 00:14:55.277 --> 00:14:58.466 because if you don't know where you are, you're lost. 00:14:59.476 --> 00:15:02.008 Now, you'd never get control of your own state, 00:15:02.008 --> 00:15:05.818 and it's really important for your health, for your well-being, for your success, 00:15:05.818 --> 00:15:06.958 whatever you're doing, 00:15:06.958 --> 00:15:09.468 whether you're a sportsperson or a business leader, 00:15:09.468 --> 00:15:12.129 that you can start to control your own emotional state 00:15:12.129 --> 00:15:13.728 of what's going on for you. 00:15:13.728 --> 00:15:15.268 If you don't know where you are, 00:15:15.268 --> 00:15:17.479 how can you possibly control any of this stuff? 00:15:17.479 --> 00:15:19.239 The answer is you can't. 00:15:19.239 --> 00:15:23.339 So the start of the journey is even knowing which planet are you on. 00:15:24.009 --> 00:15:27.310 This is designed to help you, and you can see in the top corner there, 00:15:27.310 --> 00:15:31.199 it shows you roughly where you are in the universe, at any point in time. 00:15:31.199 --> 00:15:35.431 Now, we can zoom in into one of these 64 galaxies 00:15:35.431 --> 00:15:37.521 and look at a specific solar system. 00:15:37.521 --> 00:15:40.661 So, where do we go into? Maybe, Sociable. 00:15:40.661 --> 00:15:41.671 We can see. 00:15:41.671 --> 00:15:44.542 So let's zoom in to the solar system of Sociable 00:15:44.542 --> 00:15:47.611 and start to see what planets are around you. 00:15:47.611 --> 00:15:49.992 If you want to move from Sociable to something else 00:15:49.992 --> 00:15:53.832 and then gradually navigate yourself to a different part of the universe, 00:15:53.832 --> 00:15:55.303 you can see where you are. 00:15:56.283 --> 00:15:59.022 Most importantly, you can track where you are, 00:15:59.022 --> 00:16:00.951 so you can enter some notes. 00:16:00.951 --> 00:16:04.413 You visit the planet of, I don't know, Popular. 00:16:04.413 --> 00:16:06.424 I felt popular today. 00:16:06.424 --> 00:16:09.434 People came up and gave me various messages, and I felt popular. 00:16:09.434 --> 00:16:13.415 And you could enter how popular you felt or you didn't feel 00:16:13.415 --> 00:16:15.124 and actually keep an audit trail, 00:16:15.124 --> 00:16:17.455 and you can socialize this with your mates. 00:16:17.455 --> 00:16:23.074 You can either share it on Facebook or tweet it or Gmail it 00:16:23.074 --> 00:16:27.535 and see, well, who else is in the solar system of Sociable 00:16:27.535 --> 00:16:30.465 or even on the planet Popular - who else is out there. 00:16:30.465 --> 00:16:31.596 And I can track, 00:16:31.596 --> 00:16:34.296 as it does with these audit trails, of where I've been. 00:16:34.296 --> 00:16:36.875 So this is your start point, starting to get a grip 00:16:36.875 --> 00:16:39.927 of do you even know which planet you're on, 00:16:40.397 --> 00:16:43.537 which are the nearest planets and how you can start to move around, 00:16:43.537 --> 00:16:47.447 start to get some navigational capability within that universe. 00:16:48.027 --> 00:16:51.187 So the first thing is you've got to learn navigational potential, 00:16:51.187 --> 00:16:54.998 and this is designed to help you build your emotional repertoire. 00:16:54.998 --> 00:16:57.358 So you're not just stuck with twelve emotions, 00:16:57.358 --> 00:16:58.898 or in some people frankly: 00:16:58.898 --> 00:17:00.028 two! 00:17:00.998 --> 00:17:04.979 I feel "yuck" or "OK," the only two motions they've got. 00:17:05.919 --> 00:17:07.749 So you've got to build a repertoire, 00:17:07.749 --> 00:17:10.429 and what you discover as you start to build a repertoire, 00:17:10.429 --> 00:17:13.819 some emotions are better antidotes than others. 00:17:13.819 --> 00:17:16.590 So you can start to navigate around. 00:17:16.590 --> 00:17:17.849 The second maneuver, 00:17:17.849 --> 00:17:21.010 once you've started to navigate around the universe, 00:17:21.010 --> 00:17:24.489 is really, once you get to a more constructive planet, 00:17:24.489 --> 00:17:27.931 there's no right and wrong, but is this emotion really serving you? 00:17:27.931 --> 00:17:30.201 When you get to a more constructive planet, 00:17:30.201 --> 00:17:31.649 can you stay there? 00:17:31.649 --> 00:17:34.531 And that really requires you to do a separate maneuver, 00:17:34.531 --> 00:17:35.702 it's called Mastery, 00:17:35.702 --> 00:17:40.141 where you actually take the emotion which is subject to you - 00:17:40.141 --> 00:17:44.742 it's a subjective experience, below the level of your real awareness, 00:17:44.742 --> 00:17:48.223 you're sort of subject to it, i.e. it's got you. 00:17:48.223 --> 00:17:52.033 So if you've got anger, if anger is going through your system, 00:17:52.033 --> 00:17:53.613 if you're on the planet of Anger, 00:17:53.613 --> 00:17:54.612 it's got you. 00:17:54.612 --> 00:17:57.344 You haven't got it; it's got you. 00:17:57.344 --> 00:18:00.193 The way to get control over it is to objectify it. 00:18:00.193 --> 00:18:02.274 Like, "Oh, it is anger." 00:18:02.274 --> 00:18:04.414 So you take it out as a subjective experience, 00:18:04.414 --> 00:18:05.734 and you objectify it. 00:18:05.734 --> 00:18:08.325 And if you can objectify it, you can get a grip of it. 00:18:08.795 --> 00:18:11.185 If you can do that with your positive emotions, 00:18:11.185 --> 00:18:14.464 then you can move yourself over to the positive side of the universe 00:18:14.464 --> 00:18:15.895 and stay there. 00:18:16.415 --> 00:18:20.686 So you really don't have to feel anything you do not want to feel. 00:18:21.606 --> 00:18:24.915 Misery is optional, you don't have to feel that. 00:18:25.305 --> 00:18:27.935 But if you haven't got control, 00:18:27.935 --> 00:18:28.976 then who has? 00:18:28.976 --> 00:18:31.567 And the answer is usually somebody outside of you. 00:18:31.567 --> 00:18:33.157 So I'd really encourage you, 00:18:33.157 --> 00:18:35.427 if you want to transform your life forever - 00:18:35.427 --> 00:18:38.636 because, ultimately, emotions will predict your health, 00:18:38.636 --> 00:18:42.888 they'll predict your performance, your wellbeing, your sense of fulfillment, 00:18:42.888 --> 00:18:47.658 they'll determine your ability to make effective decisions, 00:18:47.658 --> 00:18:50.988 emotions drive all of that, your motivation and so on. 00:18:50.988 --> 00:18:53.669 If you don't know about them and have control over them, 00:18:53.669 --> 00:18:56.479 it's a little bit of a lottery as life. 00:18:56.479 --> 00:19:00.650 So if you go away after today, and ask yourself one question: 00:19:00.650 --> 00:19:02.860 what planet am I on? 00:19:03.520 --> 00:19:05.880 And what planet would I like to be on? 00:19:05.880 --> 00:19:09.260 And start to work to be on the planet that you want to be on 00:19:09.260 --> 00:19:12.311 rather than wherever life has pushed you. 00:19:13.221 --> 00:19:15.910 Imagine a world where all of us 00:19:15.910 --> 00:19:18.781 could be on the planet we wanted to be on, 00:19:18.781 --> 00:19:20.870 or navigate around that kind of solar system 00:19:20.870 --> 00:19:23.262 or the galaxies that we wanted to experience. 00:19:23.262 --> 00:19:24.782 Imagine a world 00:19:24.782 --> 00:19:29.512 where, when you go to the bar to chat up that attractive person at the bar, 00:19:29.512 --> 00:19:31.512 you didn't need four pints of Dutch courage 00:19:31.512 --> 00:19:33.363 before you could go there. 00:19:33.893 --> 00:19:36.821 Imagine you could just do that yourself. 00:19:36.821 --> 00:19:37.943 Imagine a world 00:19:37.943 --> 00:19:42.223 where you didn't need to feel anxious going into an exam or a job interview, 00:19:42.223 --> 00:19:45.504 where you didn't need to feel terrified coming on stage. 00:19:45.504 --> 00:19:49.103 Imagine a world where your children, on the receiving end of bullying, 00:19:49.103 --> 00:19:51.314 didn't feel terrified or bullied. 00:19:52.094 --> 00:19:56.943 If you could control your emotions, you can change your life completely. 00:19:57.463 --> 00:19:58.785 So I'd really encourage you 00:19:58.785 --> 00:20:02.615 to start wondering about what planet you're on 00:20:02.615 --> 00:20:05.434 and start putting yourself in the universe, 00:20:05.434 --> 00:20:09.005 in that part of the universe where you really want to live your life. 00:20:09.005 --> 00:20:10.276 Thank you very much. 00:20:10.276 --> 00:20:13.316 (Applause)