1 00:00:00,506 --> 00:00:14,516 [ Music ] 2 00:00:15,016 --> 00:00:16,126 [applause] 3 00:00:16,126 --> 00:00:19,536 >> Thank you all. 4 00:00:21,086 --> 00:00:25,346 Do you remember the moment when you realized what you wanted to do with your life? 5 00:00:26,676 --> 00:00:31,616 I do. It was just a couple years back and I had recently moved into a new apartment 6 00:00:31,816 --> 00:00:33,726 that overlooked my old college campus. 7 00:00:33,726 --> 00:00:37,756 And I was telling a friend how much I like the view and I mentioned, 8 00:00:37,756 --> 00:00:42,166 you know sort of offhandedly at first, I said it's so fitting that I live so close 9 00:00:42,166 --> 00:00:45,406 to school now because campus always felt like home to me anyways. 10 00:00:45,406 --> 00:00:46,906 And it was true. 11 00:00:47,296 --> 00:00:50,156 As an undergraduate student I was very involved on campus. 12 00:00:50,386 --> 00:00:53,556 I was the president of my sorority, I served on student government, 13 00:00:53,556 --> 00:00:58,956 I started the school spirit club, school was my life, campus was home. 14 00:00:59,526 --> 00:01:03,136 And when I said those words that day it just hit me and I thought oh my gosh, 15 00:01:03,666 --> 00:01:06,696 if I study higher education then I can work 16 00:01:06,696 --> 00:01:10,426 on college campuses forever and I'll never have to leave. 17 00:01:10,946 --> 00:01:14,436 So I did and here I am. 18 00:01:14,436 --> 00:01:19,166 I talk about that story, you know, that moment often when explaining to people why I'm 19 00:01:19,166 --> 00:01:23,076 so passionate about higher education or why I like working with college students, 20 00:01:23,476 --> 00:01:26,296 but there's a part of the story that I usually leave out. 21 00:01:26,296 --> 00:01:32,906 And that is exactly why college felt like home to me back then and it wasn't just 22 00:01:32,906 --> 00:01:38,276 because of friends or student organizations, it was because for a period during 23 00:01:38,276 --> 00:01:41,626 that time I didn't really have anywhere else to call home. 24 00:01:41,886 --> 00:01:43,236 I was homeless. 25 00:01:43,906 --> 00:01:47,016 And it turns out I was not the only one. 26 00:01:48,366 --> 00:01:50,366 It's estimated that there are upwards 27 00:01:50,366 --> 00:01:54,656 of 58,000 homeless students on college campuses nationwide. 28 00:01:55,206 --> 00:01:56,636 And this is likely a low estimate. 29 00:01:57,696 --> 00:02:02,246 A more recent study of community college students found that 14 percent were homeless 30 00:02:02,786 --> 00:02:07,496 and half, 50 percent, were experiencing housing insecurity. 31 00:02:08,776 --> 00:02:13,406 I became a part of this statistic after the economy crashed in 2008 and I lost my job. 32 00:02:14,536 --> 00:02:16,656 Shortly after my car was repossessed. 33 00:02:16,656 --> 00:02:23,276 I was evicted from two different apartments and I had failed four semesters worth of classes. 34 00:02:24,516 --> 00:02:27,446 My life was in a constant state of upheaval 35 00:02:27,786 --> 00:02:30,776 but through all this I kept just trying to go to school. 36 00:02:31,186 --> 00:02:33,606 It never even occurred to me to take a break. 37 00:02:34,156 --> 00:02:36,486 And plus I don't want to drop out of school. 38 00:02:36,876 --> 00:02:39,636 Being a student was my entire life. 39 00:02:39,636 --> 00:02:42,056 I identified as being a student. 40 00:02:42,856 --> 00:02:44,926 I never identified as being homeless. 41 00:02:45,516 --> 00:02:51,436 Since then I've become very passionate about helping at risk students succeed. 42 00:02:51,936 --> 00:02:56,426 And after working with this population for several years now I'm realizing more and more 43 00:02:56,686 --> 00:03:01,666 that homelessness truly is a hidden problem, especially among college students. 44 00:03:01,856 --> 00:03:06,896 And this is largely due to misconceptions that we have about homelessness that make it hard 45 00:03:06,896 --> 00:03:10,906 for us to accept that this problem can happen to students. 46 00:03:10,986 --> 00:03:13,856 Prior to working in this field I had misconceptions 47 00:03:13,856 --> 00:03:15,056 about what homelessness looked like. 48 00:03:15,056 --> 00:03:20,286 I bet that everyone here has a very specific stereotype that comes to mind 49 00:03:20,666 --> 00:03:22,276 when I say the word homeless, right? 50 00:03:22,746 --> 00:03:25,546 This is what I looked like when I was homeless. 51 00:03:26,146 --> 00:03:29,426 It doesn't really fit the stereotype, does it? 52 00:03:30,516 --> 00:03:31,866 Most of our students won't. 53 00:03:32,656 --> 00:03:37,266 There are different definitions of homelessness that range from people living in shelters 54 00:03:37,266 --> 00:03:40,756 or sleeping in their cars to those facing eviction or people 55 00:03:40,756 --> 00:03:42,256 that are couch surfing like I was. 56 00:03:43,256 --> 00:03:47,576 Most students aren't even aware that what they're experiencing is homelessness. 57 00:03:47,576 --> 00:03:52,386 And even if they were no student wants to be labeled as homeless anyways. 58 00:03:52,716 --> 00:03:58,166 Students just want to fit in and they will try their hardest to keep their situation hidden. 59 00:03:58,626 --> 00:04:04,736 Another mistake we make is that we assume that students have some level of family privilege. 60 00:04:05,396 --> 00:04:09,326 So we assume that students have families and parents 61 00:04:09,326 --> 00:04:12,676 and those families are safe and stable, loving. 62 00:04:13,586 --> 00:04:14,796 We assume that families are able 63 00:04:14,796 --> 00:04:18,846 to provide financial support including housing to the student, if needed. 64 00:04:19,856 --> 00:04:22,176 So you know how can a student be homeless? 65 00:04:22,356 --> 00:04:25,076 Can't they just move back home? 66 00:04:25,276 --> 00:04:28,466 Unfortunately that's not the reality of a lot of our students. 67 00:04:29,086 --> 00:04:30,736 It definitely was not my reality. 68 00:04:31,406 --> 00:04:37,696 Sometimes there are no parents, no family, or the family may be unable 69 00:04:37,766 --> 00:04:40,316 or unwilling to provide support of any kind. 70 00:04:41,156 --> 00:04:44,146 There might not be a childhood or family home to return to. 71 00:04:45,526 --> 00:04:49,406 In my situation, although I was occasionally able to crash at my dad's place, 72 00:04:49,966 --> 00:04:53,226 his living situation wasn't safe or stable. 73 00:04:53,786 --> 00:04:57,156 So it wasn't really an option for me. 74 00:04:57,156 --> 00:04:59,866 I was lucky of the fact that I pretty much always had a place 75 00:04:59,866 --> 00:05:01,816 to sleep even if it was inconsistent. 76 00:05:02,516 --> 00:05:06,866 But all the instability still had a huge effect on every aspect 77 00:05:06,866 --> 00:05:09,826 of my life, especially my academics. 78 00:05:10,686 --> 00:05:13,536 Before all this started happening I was a Dean's list student. 79 00:05:14,346 --> 00:05:17,886 This is hardly scientific evidence because this is just based on my GPA 80 00:05:18,226 --> 00:05:21,086 but one would not be wrong to assume 81 00:05:21,086 --> 00:05:26,246 that being homeless may have negatively impacted my grades, it probably did. 82 00:05:26,826 --> 00:05:31,566 But unfortunately we don't know how this problem affects other students 83 00:05:32,016 --> 00:05:34,486 because we have very little data on this subject. 84 00:05:35,586 --> 00:05:39,896 We haven't done a good job of identifying homeless students, giving them support 85 00:05:39,896 --> 00:05:45,376 and resources and tracking their progress through college, even when we've known 86 00:05:45,736 --> 00:05:47,606 that we have homeless students on our campuses. 87 00:05:48,696 --> 00:05:52,546 Just recently EMU made national news when it was discovered 88 00:05:52,546 --> 00:05:55,816 that a student was sleeping in his car and in this library. 89 00:05:56,796 --> 00:06:01,066 People seemed shocked that such a big problem could be going on seemingly unnoticed. 90 00:06:01,746 --> 00:06:06,916 But when you don't have any data it's really hard to prove that a problem even exist. 91 00:06:08,416 --> 00:06:10,036 But it does exist. 92 00:06:10,436 --> 00:06:14,156 Let me tell you it is really hard to focus on school if you don't know 93 00:06:14,156 --> 00:06:17,216 where you're going to sleep that night. 94 00:06:17,216 --> 00:06:21,946 I recently attended a lecture on housing and the speaker said something that really stuck 95 00:06:22,016 --> 00:06:28,836 with me, he said without stable housing everything else falls apart. 96 00:06:30,286 --> 00:06:35,896 Students cannot learn if their basic needs are not being met. 97 00:06:35,896 --> 00:06:40,286 And we cannot help them achieve success until we are willing to admit 98 00:06:40,466 --> 00:06:42,946 that homelessness is a problem on our campuses. 99 00:06:44,106 --> 00:06:48,116 And it is a problem but it is not one that colleges need to solve alone. 100 00:06:48,826 --> 00:06:54,216 In fact this is a great opportunity for colleges to collaborate with community organizations 101 00:06:54,216 --> 00:06:55,686 that are already doing this type of work. 102 00:06:56,416 --> 00:07:01,516 EMU, Washtenaw community college and Ozone House recently launched the MORE program 103 00:07:01,816 --> 00:07:07,016 which places support for homeless students from Ozone house right on those college campuses. 104 00:07:07,686 --> 00:07:11,526 And our new millennial Ozone Board is going to be doing outreach in the community 105 00:07:11,526 --> 00:07:15,946 and on campuses raising awareness and helping to connect students to resources. 106 00:07:16,716 --> 00:07:19,226 These are just a couple of examples of what this collaboration is looking 107 00:07:19,226 --> 00:07:20,996 like right here in our community. 108 00:07:22,096 --> 00:07:23,766 And now that all of you are aware 109 00:07:23,766 --> 00:07:27,246 of this problem you can also help be a part of our solution. 110 00:07:27,246 --> 00:07:30,986 And there'll be lots of ways for you to continue to help moving forward, don't worry. 111 00:07:31,416 --> 00:07:38,536 But for now an easy way to start is simply by rejecting stereotypes and misconceptions 112 00:07:38,816 --> 00:07:40,166 that you may have had about homelessness. 113 00:07:41,016 --> 00:07:44,056 And instead acknowledging that this problem exists. 114 00:07:45,456 --> 00:07:50,316 For far too long homeless students have been hidden on our campuses 115 00:07:51,046 --> 00:07:55,946 and they deserve an opportunity to succeed in college and I believe 116 00:07:55,946 --> 00:07:59,796 that if we continue working together we can give our students, all students, 117 00:07:59,996 --> 00:08:02,876 the opportunity to achieve success. 118 00:08:03,066 --> 00:08:03,546 Thank you. 119 00:08:04,516 --> 00:08:07,896 [ Applause ] 120 00:08:08,396 --> 00:08:08,906 Thank you. 121 00:08:08,998 --> 00:08:10,998 [applause]