Aye, what's good y'all. I'm BM of KARD on the mic to to share some spicy, important and juicy news. I finally finished working on an extremely intimate and vulnerable project called MINDSET where I spill the beans on legit every aspect of my life. Did y'all know I was a chunky monkey back in the day? Yeah, that's right. The leader of the Big Tiddy Gang was once a little chunky monkey. Real talk though, I'm gonna be revealing really personal stories of my life. You know, from before K-pop and how I've become the person I am today. So if you need a little inspiration, a little motivation or just like a shoulder to lean on my MINDSET and I are here for you. So now go to getmindset.com that's g-e-t-m-i-n-d-s-e-t .com to start listening and join me in creating positive vibes everywhere. And aye, shoutout one time to each one of you listening. I see you, do your thing. Keep it up. Hi guys, welcome back to another episode of Get Real hosted by me, Ashley and me BM from KARD, and me, Peniel of BTOB. This is where we get honest about all the ups and downs of young adulthood but from our perspective and today we have with us, once again, pH-1 Harry situations! Harry situations! Oh my gosh, we didn't have a Harry situations last week. Today, we hope we get one. Ooh looking at the topic I feel like we just might. Hmm 'cause today we're talking about flirting. Okay guys, interact with use on our socials at DIVE studios or leave us a comment on our full episode videos at Youtube.com/divepods and follow the podcast on Spotify and Apple Podcasts and make sure to leave us a review, please so more people can join in on the fun. Alright, pH-1! Welcome back to another week! Yes sir! How have you been? I've been good, I've been busy So I have a song coming I have a song dropping on the 29th. 29th? April 29, okay okay And the feature is Jamie Yeah, our dear friend, Jamie Nice, nice, nice - That's gonna be some ear candy What is the song about? The song is about basically, you know like I'm thinking about you, 365 days, 7 days a week. Ooh wee! - It's a love song Yeah, it's a pop track Oh, pop track It gon' make me feel lonely Alright, so that's gonna be coming out May 20? Oh no, April, April It's actually out today right? When the videos released Perfect timing It's out right now, it's out right now guys, go check it out Go stream it Is there a music video too? There's a live clip, with me and Jamie Oh, okay, well go check out the live clip And then come back here to listen to the rest And tag us so we know you watched it or streamed it And also put it on your stories too Isn't that how they're gonna tag us? Oh, yes Okay, so it's called, wait can you tell us the name? "365 and 7" 365 and 7 365 days a week, oh days a year, 7 days a week Alright, go stream and now let's talk about today's topic which is "flirting" Um, so let's be real guys Which matches the song, it's about love Do you guys think you're a flirt? No, I think I forgot how to flirt What does "flirting" mean? Let's define flirting. Yes, Ashley. What is flirting? I think girls are more sensitive, or they're more aware of you know, the act of flirting Yeah, you guys like know what you're doing and you guys know when it's happening Almost even when it's not happening you guys think it's happening When the other person's just being nice, we kinda mistake it Yeah, he definitely likes me What are some cues? Some like straight up be like, "Okay, this is for sure flirting." The googly eyes You know when you're looking into the guy's eyes and you can just tell that he's into you or like even the girl when I see a girl, she gives me googly eyes, I'm just like "Okay" And going out of their way to do nice things for you What does googly eyes look like? Well, I can't do it to you Then do it to the camera You might freak out If you do it to me I will feel weird I don't wanna do it either, I don't know how to do the googly eyes I'm usually the one getting them Oh. look at the confidence, okay Is it like this? No I'm so glad there's not a camera over there No, it's like when you're having a conversation and the conversation's going good Usually the googly eyes comes with a smile You look like you're