0:00:10.640,0:00:12.560 It wasn't supposed to be this way. 0:00:13.840,0:00:15.680 They weren't supposed to die... 0:00:16.160,0:00:16.960 ...this way. 0:00:47.360,0:00:49.980 It all started with survivors... 0:00:54.180,0:00:58.640 …on my first visit to Iowa Farm Sanctuary,[br]our state's first and only vegan sanctuary 0:00:58.640,0:01:03.820 for farmed animals who have either been liberated[br]or escaped their fate in our food industry. 0:01:05.240,0:01:10.100 Not long after I arrived, IFS co-founder Shawn[br]received a call from her husband. 0:01:10.760,0:01:16.400 A semi truck carrying cows to slaughter had[br]flipped on a highway about 45 minutes away. 0:01:17.880,0:01:22.420 The Sanctuary's only trailer had a blown tire,[br]so they posted a desperate call for help on 0:01:22.420,0:01:26.680 Facebook as we took off for the crash site[br]in hopes of saving any survivors. 0:01:28.540,0:01:34.180 By the time we arrived, they'd been cleaning[br]up for over five hours already. 0:01:34.940,0:01:37.140 But three bodies still remained. 0:01:41.560,0:01:46.480 We could see the legs of one cow projecting[br]upwards from the top of the dumpster, filled 0:01:46.480,0:01:48.720 to the brim with carcasses. 0:01:50.680,0:01:55.179 Walking the path of the truck through the[br]woods, seeing cast off parts wrapped around 0:01:55.179,0:02:00.270 trees from the sheer impact of the descent,[br]the remaining ejected bodies of cows lying 0:02:00.270,0:02:04.400 bloodied in the brush, and the violently contorted[br]remains of the trailer 0:02:05.340,0:02:08.060 it was hard to believe anyone survived. 0:02:09.380,0:02:11.740 Information was scant and scattered. 0:02:11.750,0:02:16.340 We’d heard that the driver was at the hospital—pulled[br]from the wreckage in the river. 0:02:16.340,0:02:20.440 At least twenty cows had died from the impact[br]or were shot on site. 0:02:22.400,0:02:27.200 Some escaped into the woods, and we found[br]the body of one who had tried, but succumbed 0:02:27.200,0:02:28.540 to his internal injuries. 0:02:29.920,0:02:34.840 And there were eight survivors who’d been[br]caught, but their current location was unclear. 0:02:35.900,0:02:39.459 Shawn made call after call, tracing their[br]path, finally getting a tip that they were 0:02:39.460,0:02:43.600 being held at some back-roads location registered[br]to a trucking agency. 0:02:44.580,0:02:49.760 But we arrived to find it largely abandoned,[br]save for an idling empty livestock truck— 0:02:50.480,0:02:54.960 a striking contrast to the mangled remains of the one I’d been inside only 0:02:54.960,0:02:56.300 half an hour ago. 0:02:57.540,0:03:01.600 While Shawn spoke with the driver, I went[br]around back, finding a group of baby cows 0:03:01.609,0:03:03.689 huddled together in a holding pen. 0:03:03.689,0:03:07.629 Recently taken from their mothers, they were[br]likely awaiting transfer to either the veal 0:03:07.629,0:03:13.520 or beef industry—their impending slaughter[br]not a matter of if, but when. 0:03:15.230,0:03:19.500 A man—whom I’ll call Chad—had answered[br]the sanctuary’s plea for a trailer and met 0:03:19.500,0:03:20.420 us at the stop off. 0:03:20.640,0:03:24.540 It was clear within a few minutes that he[br]didn't quite understand what he'd volunteered for. 0:03:25.600,0:03:27.300 This is Iowa. 0:03:27.300,0:03:30.230 The center of America's industrial agriculture. 0:03:30.230,0:03:33.080 The first state to pass the modern Ag Gag[br]laws. 0:03:33.420,0:03:37.960 For many residents, the concept of a farmed[br]animal sanctuary isn’t just unheard of— 0:03:38.580,0:03:40.320 it’s incomprehensible. 0:03:41.040,0:03:47.080 But it would be a mistake—and one we activists[br]often make—to dismiss, or become combative 0:03:47.080,0:03:48.480 with people like Chad. 0:03:49.540,0:03:54.739 When Shawn got a new lead about an equally[br]vague location, the driver of the empty truck—familiar 0:03:54.740,0:03:57.450 with the area’s industry stops—offered[br]to escort us. 0:03:57.700,0:03:58.880 DRIVER: I’m headed up that way. 0:03:58.880,0:04:00.840 I’ll just put my turn signal on where you’re[br]supposed to turn. 0:04:00.940,0:04:03.060 SHAWN: Okay, perfect. We'll follow you. Thank you so much. 0:04:03.060,0:04:03.740 EMILY: Thanks! 0:04:03.940,0:04:09.960 And so we began our unlikely caravan: a livestock[br]truck leading two vegan activists rounded 0:04:09.960,0:04:15.100 out with a beef farmer and his trailer—all[br]off to save some cows. 0:04:16.300,0:04:18.920 And this time, we found them. 0:04:20.040,0:04:23.480 The man in charge—whom I’ll call Frank—was[br]a bit wary at first. 0:04:23.480,0:04:25.760 FRANK: You better get ahold of whoever these[br]cattle belong to. 0:04:26.340,0:04:29.800 In the system we've created, the eight surviving[br]cows were someone’s property. 0:04:30.260,0:04:35.100 And like any business, the “owner” has[br]to assess if they were financially worth recovering. 0:04:36.380,0:04:39.960 While Shawn made another call to what we hoped[br]was the company with legal ownership, 0:04:40.020,0:04:42.220 SHAWN: Have you guys filed a claim with your[br]insurance yet? 0:04:42.540,0:04:44.280 I spoke with Frank about the crash site. 0:04:44.280,0:04:46.160 FRANK: Yeah, I thought for sure he was dead. 0:04:46.220,0:04:50.580 He was one of the first people on the scene[br]and described how initially, they’d mistaken 0:04:50.590,0:04:53.880 the driver’s screams for just another cow[br]crying out in pain. 0:04:53.880,0:04:56.450 FRANK: They could—they could hear him going[br]“Get me out of here.” 0:04:56.450,0:04:59.930 They’d found him pinned in the wreckage,[br]his mouth filling with water from the river 0:04:59.930,0:05:01.100 as he called for help. 0:05:02.400,0:05:03.720 Finally, we were given the go-ahead. 0:05:03.720,0:05:07.140 SHAWN: Alright, thank you so much. Yep, buh-bye. Alright, let's do it. 0:05:07.200,0:05:08.240 FRANK: That’s right. Back ‘er up. 0:05:09.460,0:05:10.560 And there they were. 0:05:11.520,0:05:12.820 Shaken and terrified. 0:05:13.680,0:05:19.540 With no way of knowing that this final trip[br]of their very long day, had them bound for home. 0:05:26.920,0:05:30.840 Arriving at the Sanctuary, the residents gathered[br]to check out the newcomers. 0:05:30.840,0:05:34.480 And as the eight brothers stepped out of the[br]trailer, they took their first steps 0:05:34.580,0:05:36.500 as free individuals. 0:05:36.840,0:05:39.620 Liberated…by accident. 0:05:49.380,0:05:53.650 As we watched them huddle into the far corner,[br]shielding the most injured of the group—still 0:05:53.650,0:05:58.740 on high alert—Chad, the beef farmer who[br]answered the desperate call of some vegan 0:05:58.740,0:06:04.890 activists, making this entire rescue possible,[br]asked me a question I will never forget: 0:06:04.890,0:06:07.800 CHAD: They just live until they die, or what? 0:06:08.200,0:06:09.460 “Yeah,” I said. 0:06:09.940,0:06:11.360 “They live until they die.” 0:06:13.960,0:06:18.580 In order for us to be able to do what we do[br]to animals and maintain the image we have 0:06:18.580,0:06:24.460 of ourselves as good and decent people—animal[br]lovers, even—we’ve had to distance, disconnect, 0:06:24.500,0:06:25.860 and distract ourselves. 0:06:26.240,0:06:32.360 Construct systems so astoundingly convoluted,[br]that the concept of a chicken, pig, or cow 0:06:32.360,0:06:36.460 living until they die is literally beyond[br]our grasp. 0:06:37.620,0:06:41.040 Yet at the same time, we like to believe that[br]the animals we eat lived a good life. 0:06:41.840,0:06:43.060 That they were well-treated. 0:06:43.680,0:06:47.940 We shield ourselves from the violent deaths[br]they're destined for, shuttering them inside 0:06:48.000,0:06:53.800 metal boxes at which we dare not look too[br]closely, lest we meet their eyes and remember 0:06:53.820,0:06:56.800 that these…are individuals. 0:06:58.180,0:07:02.940 But when a truck flips, spilling their bodies[br]and blood across our path, we're confronted 0:07:02.940,0:07:08.010 not only with the horror of their suffering[br]and deaths, but also with the very thing we've 0:07:08.010,0:07:14.000 had to work so hard to suppress and avoid:[br]our compassion. 0:07:16.880,0:07:24.120 These accidents expose the depth of our disconnect[br]and lay bare our conflicting beliefs: people 0:07:24.120,0:07:29.840 wince at the news of a livestock truck crash,[br]mutter "those poor cows" or "how awful for 0:07:29.840,0:07:34.720 those pigs" without the slightest awareness[br]of the absurdity of their statements. 0:07:35.030,0:07:39.960 Because these very same people will later[br]consume the flesh and secretions of some other 0:07:39.960,0:07:48.880 "poor" cow, pig, or chicken who had the great[br]fortune of their truck making it to the slaughterhouse. 0:07:51.100,0:07:53.780 It all ended with survivors… 0:08:04.040,0:08:09.400 That accident that day—as horrifying as[br]it was, and as terrifying as it must have been 0:08:09.400,0:08:16.400 to experience—for these eight cows, it was[br]a miracle of sorts—their only chance at life. 0:08:17.100,0:08:21.380 Because had everything gone according to plan,[br]they’d have been killed, bled out and hacked 0:08:21.380,0:08:26.800 apart—their deaths no less brutal than their[br]brothers who died in the crash that day. 0:08:28.380,0:08:36.060 But like the other over 822,000 cows slaughtered[br]that day behind closed doors, they’d have 0:08:36.060,0:08:42.240 passed from existence without a single gasp[br]of shock or even quiet whisper of 0:08:42.240,0:08:44.180 “those poor cows.” 0:08:45.520,0:08:48.279 Find out what happened to the survivors in[br]part two. 0:08:48.279,0:08:53.440 To support the life-saving efforts of IFS,[br]visit IowaFarmSanctuary.org and to help Bite 0:08:53.440,0:08:58.640 Size Vegan create more videos like this, see[br]the support link here and in the description. 0:08:58.640,0:09:01.710 Please share this video and subscribe for[br]more content. 0:09:01.710,0:09:04.510 Now go live vegan, and I’ll see you soon.