WEBVTT 00:00:55.266 --> 00:00:57.668 Man: No, no. They don't want that. 00:00:55.733 --> 00:00:57.701 Lay it over there. 00:00:59.533 --> 00:01:01.468 [Ringing Softly] 00:01:08.833 --> 00:01:10.768 First, l'm going to cut out this border. 00:01:16.433 --> 00:01:18.368 [Strains] 00:01:26.666 --> 00:01:28.434 Percy: H-Helen? 00:01:28.500 --> 00:01:30.869 H-Helen! 00:01:30.933 --> 00:01:32.501 Stop! 00:01:32.566 --> 00:01:34.634 Percy: Helen! 00:01:35.799 --> 00:01:37.401 Martha: Stop it, Helen. 00:01:38.833 --> 00:01:42.937 Why she stick her fingers in my mouth? 00:01:43.000 --> 00:01:44.468 Because she mad at you talking all day 00:01:44.533 --> 00:01:45.500 when she can't hear nothing. 00:01:45.566 --> 00:01:46.500 [Moans] 00:01:46.566 --> 00:01:47.633 Percy: If she can't hear, 00:01:47.700 --> 00:01:49.635 then how she know talk coming out of my mouth? 00:01:51.599 --> 00:01:53.802 l think she trying to talk. 00:01:53.866 --> 00:01:55.000 Percy: Now she gone crazy, 00:01:55.066 --> 00:01:56.767 eating herself. 00:01:56.833 --> 00:01:58.467 You stop that. 00:01:58.533 --> 00:02:00.201 Helen, stop it. 00:02:00.266 --> 00:02:01.967 Helen. Helen! 00:02:02.033 --> 00:02:03.868 Martha: Stop it. Ohh! 00:02:03.933 --> 00:02:05.401 Percy: Help! Help! 00:02:05.466 --> 00:02:06.500 Helen's trying to kill us! 00:02:06.566 --> 00:02:09.602 She trying to kill us again! 00:02:09.666 --> 00:02:11.234 [Muffled Yelling] 00:02:13.800 --> 00:02:14.800 Helen? 00:02:16.766 --> 00:02:17.700 Helen. 00:02:17.766 --> 00:02:19.667 Stop it, Helen. Stop it. 00:02:19.733 --> 00:02:20.900 Stop it. 00:02:20.966 --> 00:02:22.534 OK, OK, give mother the scissors. 00:02:22.599 --> 00:02:24.501 Helen. 00:02:24.566 --> 00:02:26.634 Helen, give mother the scissors. 00:02:26.699 --> 00:02:27.634 Helen. 00:02:30.666 --> 00:02:31.933 OK. 00:02:32.000 --> 00:02:32.934 OK. 00:02:37.666 --> 00:02:39.200 There, now. 00:02:40.366 --> 00:02:41.767 OK. 00:02:41.833 --> 00:02:43.434 That's my pretty girl, huh? 00:02:43.733 --> 00:02:45.367 Well, Father, 00:02:45.433 --> 00:02:47.368 James: l hope you got your story ready. 00:02:47.433 --> 00:02:48.600 What story is that? 00:02:48.666 --> 00:02:49.600 The one you're going to tell 00:02:49.666 --> 00:02:51.267 when the little savage kills somebody. 00:02:51.333 --> 00:02:52.667 James: ''Your honor, 00:02:52.733 --> 00:02:55.402 l had no idea that poor deaf and dumb child 00:02:55.466 --> 00:02:56.900 could be so violent.'' 00:02:56.966 --> 00:03:00.602 Arthur: Your sister is none of your concern, James. 00:03:00.666 --> 00:03:02.667 Don't you have some occasion you need to dress for? 00:03:02.733 --> 00:03:05.302 Aunt Ev: Why don't l ever meet 00:03:05.366 --> 00:03:07.434 any of your young friends,James? 00:03:07.500 --> 00:03:09.602 How can l invite people here? 00:03:09.666 --> 00:03:11.067 Aunt Ev: But surely your friends 00:03:11.133 --> 00:03:13.967 don't think that Helen is any reflection on you. 00:03:14.033 --> 00:03:16.635 Helen is the real head of this house. 00:03:16.699 --> 00:03:17.834 She's probably just pretending 00:03:17.900 --> 00:03:19.701 she can't speak or hear 00:03:19.766 --> 00:03:21.167 so she don't have to answer to anyone. 00:03:21.233 --> 00:03:24.202 Your jealousy of that helpless child is intolerable. 00:03:26.033 --> 00:03:26.967 Auntie. 00:03:32.000 --> 00:03:32.934 [Bumps Table] 00:03:33.000 --> 00:03:35.335 Oh, well, here we are. 00:03:35.400 --> 00:03:37.168 Here's Father 00:03:37.233 --> 00:03:38.801 and Aunt Ev. 00:03:38.866 --> 00:03:40.734 Ha ha. 00:03:40.800 --> 00:03:42.501 l saw James. 00:03:42.566 --> 00:03:44.668 l hope the two of you weren't quarreling again. 00:03:44.733 --> 00:03:46.267 Arthur: No, no. 00:03:46.333 --> 00:03:47.567 Aunt Ev: Oh, Katie, 00:03:47.633 --> 00:03:49.468 we all love Helen, 00:03:49.533 --> 00:03:52.235 but surely you must see what an effect 00:03:52.300 --> 00:03:54.735 she is having on your household. 00:03:54.800 --> 00:03:56.268 Why, James and Arthur 00:03:56.333 --> 00:03:58.401 can barely speak a civil word, 00:03:58.466 --> 00:04:01.834 and all your time is given over to the girl. 00:04:01.900 --> 00:04:03.167 You hardly ever have time 00:04:03.233 --> 00:04:04.667 for your new baby. 00:04:04.733 --> 00:04:06.935 James is right. 00:04:07.000 --> 00:04:08.701 Aunt Ev: You and Arthur 00:04:08.766 --> 00:04:10.934 must do something-- and soon. 00:04:11.000 --> 00:04:12.935 What can we do, Evelyn? 00:04:13.000 --> 00:04:14.768 The only thing left to do 00:04:14.833 --> 00:04:17.035 is to take Helen to an asylum, 00:04:17.100 --> 00:04:18.534 and Kate would never stand for it. 00:04:18.600 --> 00:04:19.968 Well, have you tried-- 00:04:20.033 --> 00:04:21.901 We have taken her to evey hospital in 2 states. 00:04:21.966 --> 00:04:23.367 No one holds out any hope. 00:04:23.433 --> 00:04:25.434 Aunt Ev: what about that Dr. Chisolm 00:04:25.500 --> 00:04:26.467 up in Baltimore? 00:04:26.533 --> 00:04:27.467 l read an article 00:04:27.533 --> 00:04:29.768 in your vey own newspaper, Arthur. 00:04:29.833 --> 00:04:31.401 Aunt Ev: They say he has cured 00:04:31.466 --> 00:04:33.234 many cases of blindness 00:04:33.300 --> 00:04:35.602 that other doctors have given up on. 00:04:35.666 --> 00:04:37.401 Now, why not write to him? 00:04:37.466 --> 00:04:39.801 And have Kate's heart broken again? 00:04:39.866 --> 00:04:41.634 l'm prepared for my heart to break 00:04:41.699 --> 00:04:43.301 any number of times, Captain. 00:04:43.366 --> 00:04:44.600 Aunt Ev: l'll write to him myself 00:04:44.666 --> 00:04:46.067 if you like, Katie. 00:04:46.133 --> 00:04:47.734 There isn't going to be any cure, 00:04:47.800 --> 00:04:50.002 Arthur: and the sooner we accept that fact, 00:04:50.066 --> 00:04:52.234 the better off we'll all be. 00:04:52.300 --> 00:04:54.702 l will never accept it, Captain. 00:04:54.766 --> 00:04:56.367 Kate: l can't. 00:04:57.600 --> 00:04:58.734 l'm going to the printers. 00:04:58.800 --> 00:05:00.034 [Moans] 00:05:01.100 --> 00:05:04.437 Now look. l can't turn my back for a moment. 00:05:04.500 --> 00:05:05.868 Aunt Ev: Arthur, Helen knows a lot more 00:05:05.933 --> 00:05:07.768 than you think about what goes on in this house. 00:05:07.833 --> 00:05:08.700 Nothing is solved 00:05:08.766 --> 00:05:10.167 by running all over the county 00:05:10.233 --> 00:05:11.934 evey time some quack doctor 00:05:12.000 --> 00:05:13.401 Arthur: gets his name in the papers. 00:05:13.466 --> 00:05:14.567 Kate: Nothing is solved 00:05:14.633 --> 00:05:16.301 by running to the office, either. 00:05:16.366 --> 00:05:17.300 Hmm. 00:05:17.366 --> 00:05:19.234 Kate, darling, 00:05:19.300 --> 00:05:20.901 what can anyone do? 00:05:20.966 --> 00:05:22.167 The kindest thing we could do 00:05:22.233 --> 00:05:23.434 would be to find a sanitarium 00:05:23.500 --> 00:05:24.701 in a beautiful spot where she could be taken care of. 00:05:24.766 --> 00:05:27.835 No. No, never. 00:05:27.899 --> 00:05:30.836 Oh! She tore off my buttons. 00:05:32.266 --> 00:05:33.500 Ohh! 00:05:35.266 --> 00:05:37.234 Kate: It's eyes. 00:05:37.300 --> 00:05:38.968 She wants the doll-- 00:05:39.033 --> 00:05:41.268 She wants the doll to have eyes. 00:05:41.333 --> 00:05:42.934 l'm sorry, Evelyn. 00:05:43.000 --> 00:05:44.201 Arthur:Just tell me what it'll cost 00:05:44.266 --> 00:05:45.300 to have the buttons replaced, and l'll-- 00:05:45.366 --> 00:05:46.900 Kate: l know she does. 00:05:46.966 --> 00:05:49.301 Oh, don't mind about that. 00:05:49.366 --> 00:05:50.934 What are a couple of buttons 00:05:51.000 --> 00:05:53.268 if it makes Helen happy? 00:05:53.333 --> 00:05:55.234 l'll sew them on if you like. 00:05:55.300 --> 00:05:56.434 ls that what you're trying to do? 00:05:56.500 --> 00:05:57.534 Make Helen happy? 00:05:57.600 --> 00:05:59.435 James: Nothing makes her happy. 00:05:59.500 --> 00:06:01.568 Everything you give her only makes her worse. 00:06:01.633 --> 00:06:02.900 Arthur: She can have these little things 00:06:02.966 --> 00:06:03.900 that make her happy. 00:06:05.033 --> 00:06:05.967 Oh, Helen! 00:06:06.033 --> 00:06:07.768 Aunt Ev: The baby! 00:06:07.833 --> 00:06:09.601 [Crying] 00:06:09.666 --> 00:06:10.967 Helen... 00:06:11.033 --> 00:06:13.101 Listen, you cannot do things like that, OK? 00:06:13.166 --> 00:06:15.101 James: Why? She can have the little things 00:06:15.166 --> 00:06:16.100 that make her happy. 00:06:16.166 --> 00:06:18.401 lf you won't send her away, 00:06:18.466 --> 00:06:21.435 then we must find some way of confining her. 00:06:21.500 --> 00:06:23.568 What, you want to lock her away in the attic 00:06:23.633 --> 00:06:25.901 like some sort of mad woman? 00:06:25.966 --> 00:06:27.567 She wants to talk. 00:06:27.633 --> 00:06:28.567 [Dishes Clatter] 00:06:31.133 --> 00:06:32.067 Unh! 00:06:32.133 --> 00:06:34.068 Helen, come here. 00:06:37.066 --> 00:06:38.133 lt's OK. 00:06:38.199 --> 00:06:39.167 Aah! 00:06:39.233 --> 00:06:40.567 lt's OK. Look, l know. 00:06:40.633 --> 00:06:42.401 All right. 00:06:42.466 --> 00:06:44.434 l'll write to Dr. Chisolm. 00:06:44.733 --> 00:06:47.469 Dr. Anagnos: Dr. Chisolm could do nothing for the girl 00:06:47.533 --> 00:06:50.669 and referred them to Dr. Alexander Graham Bell. 00:06:50.733 --> 00:06:52.101 As the girl is young, 00:06:52.166 --> 00:06:54.568 and the parents are not willing to send her to us, 00:06:54.633 --> 00:06:56.067 l have put you up 00:06:56.133 --> 00:06:58.201 for the role of governess. 00:06:59.500 --> 00:07:01.835 [lrish Accent] Governess? 00:07:01.899 --> 00:07:02.900 Or nursemaid. 00:07:04.533 --> 00:07:07.235 We both knew you'd get rid of me one of these days. 00:07:07.300 --> 00:07:09.101 Dr. Anagnos: You've accomplished so much here. 00:07:09.166 --> 00:07:10.467 But when you first came to us, 00:07:10.533 --> 00:07:13.836 you couldn't even spell your name. 00:07:13.899 --> 00:07:15.635 Are your eyes still so painful? 00:07:15.699 --> 00:07:17.801 No. It's my ears, sir. 00:07:20.133 --> 00:07:22.068 Tell me about the child. 00:07:22.133 --> 00:07:23.801 ls she bright... 00:07:23.866 --> 00:07:26.201 or dull? 00:07:26.266 --> 00:07:27.567 [Sighs] 00:07:27.633 --> 00:07:28.900 Can she be taught? 00:07:28.966 --> 00:07:31.535 She's given to tantrums, they say. 00:07:32.766 --> 00:07:33.900 So am l. 00:07:33.966 --> 00:07:35.500 Maybe you should warn the Kellers about me. 00:07:35.566 --> 00:07:37.434 l've told them nothing of your histoy 00:07:37.500 --> 00:07:41.303 except your qualifications for the job. 00:07:41.366 --> 00:07:43.968 Here is the money 00:07:44.033 --> 00:07:46.168 for your train ticket. 00:07:51.066 --> 00:07:54.002 And here is a gift from all of us, 00:07:54.066 --> 00:07:55.167 Dr. Anagnos: with our love. 00:07:55.233 --> 00:07:57.201 We're going to miss you. 00:08:01.266 --> 00:08:02.934 Dr. Anagnos: This is my last chance 00:08:03.000 --> 00:08:04.434 to counsel you, Annie. 00:08:04.500 --> 00:08:06.068 You lack tact 00:08:06.133 --> 00:08:08.935 Dr. Anagnos: and the talent to bend to others. 00:08:09.000 --> 00:08:12.870 You're hard to fool and harder to please, 00:08:12.933 --> 00:08:16.469 but all the same, we are proud of you. 00:08:30.666 --> 00:08:32.567 We're off to meet the train again. 00:08:32.633 --> 00:08:34.634 Well, l hope the girl is on this one. 00:08:34.698 --> 00:08:36.769 Oh, she will be. 00:08:36.832 --> 00:08:38.667 Well, we'll see you at supper, then. 00:08:48.399 --> 00:08:49.334 Giddy up. 00:09:05.966 --> 00:09:08.401 Your mother's not here, child. 00:09:09.866 --> 00:09:12.034 l'm here, though. 00:09:12.100 --> 00:09:13.034 l'm your father. 00:09:14.200 --> 00:09:15.668 l'm your father. 00:09:18.733 --> 00:09:21.302 l used to swing you through the air, 00:09:21.366 --> 00:09:23.701 and you weren't even 2 years of age yet. 00:09:25.399 --> 00:09:28.236 l wonder if you remember any of that... 00:09:28.299 --> 00:09:29.300 or any of us. 00:09:30.066 --> 00:09:31.868 Here you are. 00:09:31.933 --> 00:09:35.369 There's a piece of candy for you. 00:09:52.766 --> 00:09:53.733 Mm-hmm. 00:09:53.799 --> 00:09:55.835 You want your mama, don't you, missy? 00:09:55.899 --> 00:09:57.935 Captain Keller, wouldn't like this if he saw it, 00:09:58.000 --> 00:10:00.502 but what's one little candy going to hurt? 00:10:01.066 --> 00:10:02.668 Watch your step, sir. 00:10:03.033 --> 00:10:04.007 Ma'am. 00:10:04.133 --> 00:10:07.101 [Train Whistle Blows] 00:10:07.333 --> 00:10:09.268 Man: Don't worry about it, sir. 00:10:09.333 --> 00:10:10.500 [Horse Neighs] 00:10:13.400 --> 00:10:15.435 Miss Sullivan? -Yes. 00:10:15.600 --> 00:10:16.834 l'm James Keller. 00:10:17.666 --> 00:10:20.268 l had a brother, Jimmie. 00:10:20.333 --> 00:10:21.367 Are you Helen's... 00:10:21.433 --> 00:10:22.600 Halfbrother. Do you have a trunk? 00:10:22.666 --> 00:10:23.600 Yes. 00:10:23.666 --> 00:10:26.135 Henry, Percy. 00:10:26.200 --> 00:10:27.467 Kate: Miss Sullivan. 00:10:27.533 --> 00:10:29.334 l'm so relieved. We were beginning 00:10:29.399 --> 00:10:30.768 to get a little bit worried about you. 00:10:30.833 --> 00:10:31.867 The man who sold me that ticket 00:10:31.933 --> 00:10:33.334 ought to be tied to the tracks. 00:10:33.400 --> 00:10:35.902 l'm Katherine Keller. l'm Helen's mother. 00:10:36.566 --> 00:10:38.001 You didn't bring Helen. 00:10:38.066 --> 00:10:40.000 l was hoping you would. 00:10:40.066 --> 00:10:42.634 Well her father wanted to spend the afternoon with her, actually. 00:10:43.000 --> 00:10:45.435 Kate: They so enjoy their time together. 00:10:45.500 --> 00:10:47.702 Kate, you should be ashamed. 00:10:47.766 --> 00:10:49.934 Miss Sullivan, you'll find that in the south 00:10:50.000 --> 00:10:51.201 James: we make up these little stories 00:10:51.266 --> 00:10:52.400 just to amuse each other. 00:10:52.466 --> 00:10:53.967 l hope you won't mind. 00:10:54.033 --> 00:10:55.401 [Bell Rings] 00:10:55.466 --> 00:10:57.901 [Train Whistle Blows] 00:11:01.833 --> 00:11:03.601 Kate: How much can a blind and deaf child learn, 00:11:03.666 --> 00:11:04.700 Miss Sullivan? 00:11:04.766 --> 00:11:06.868 l don't know. 00:11:06.933 --> 00:11:08.668 Does she communicate with you at all? 00:11:08.733 --> 00:11:10.401 Oh, well, l always know what she wants 00:11:10.466 --> 00:11:11.400 if that's what you mean. 00:11:13.133 --> 00:11:14.567 No, you don't. 00:11:14.633 --> 00:11:15.767 All anybody knows 00:11:15.833 --> 00:11:17.367 that if you give Helen a piece of candy, 00:11:17.433 --> 00:11:19.802 she'll be quiet for a while. 00:11:21.933 --> 00:11:24.101 Can you teach her to sit still, Miss Sullivan? 00:11:24.166 --> 00:11:25.567 l'd have to teach her Ianguage first. 00:11:25.633 --> 00:11:26.567 Language? 00:11:26.633 --> 00:11:28.501 lf she doesn't know words, 00:11:28.566 --> 00:11:30.935 how could she know why you want her to sit still? 00:11:31.000 --> 00:11:33.469 Miss Sullivan, perhaps you were misled 00:11:33.533 --> 00:11:34.634 as to Helen's condition. 00:11:34.699 --> 00:11:36.735 She can neither see nor hear. 00:11:36.800 --> 00:11:38.735 But if it is her senses that are impaired 00:11:38.800 --> 00:11:40.168 and not her mind, 00:11:40.233 --> 00:11:41.968 she must have language. 00:11:42.033 --> 00:11:44.535 Language is more important to the mind 00:11:44.599 --> 00:11:45.901 than light is to the eye. 00:11:45.966 --> 00:11:48.535 But how will you teach her 00:11:48.599 --> 00:11:50.001 if you can't talk to her? 00:11:50.066 --> 00:11:51.700 Anyway l can. 00:11:51.766 --> 00:11:53.134 Kate: We are going to do 00:11:53.199 --> 00:11:55.735 everything that we can to help you. 00:11:55.800 --> 00:11:56.767 l don't want you to think of us 00:11:56.833 --> 00:11:58.367 as strangers, Miss Annie. 00:11:58.433 --> 00:12:00.635 Annie: Strangers aren't so strange to me. 00:12:00.699 --> 00:12:04.170 l've been around them all my life. 00:12:10.066 --> 00:12:12.001 James: Watch your step. 00:12:18.833 --> 00:12:21.101 Welcome to Ivy Green, Miss Sullivan. 00:12:21.166 --> 00:12:23.101 l trust you had a good journey. 00:12:23.166 --> 00:12:24.667 Annie: l had several. Thank you. 00:12:24.733 --> 00:12:26.034 Where's Helen? 00:12:26.099 --> 00:12:27.100 Oh, Miss Annie? 00:12:27.166 --> 00:12:28.700 We've put you in the upstairs corner room. 00:12:28.766 --> 00:12:30.434 Now, if there is any breeze at all this summer, 00:12:30.500 --> 00:12:31.434 you're going to feel it. 00:12:31.500 --> 00:12:32.601 l'll take my suitcase, thanks. 00:12:32.666 --> 00:12:33.733 l have it, Miss Sullivan. 00:12:33.800 --> 00:12:34.867 No, please, let me. 00:12:34.933 --> 00:12:36.200 l wouldn't think of it. 00:12:36.266 --> 00:12:39.736 l have something in it for Helen. 00:12:41.300 --> 00:12:44.870 l needn't to be treated like a guest. 00:12:44.933 --> 00:12:46.934 Now, when may l see Helen? 00:12:47.000 --> 00:12:49.035 Well, there she is. 00:12:49.099 --> 00:12:50.834 Kate: That's Helen. 00:13:30.500 --> 00:13:31.434 Unh! 00:13:34.566 --> 00:13:35.500 [Slaps] 00:13:44.033 --> 00:13:45.534 [Sniffs] 00:13:59.099 --> 00:14:00.267 Unh. 00:14:01.533 --> 00:14:02.467 Unh! 00:14:07.599 --> 00:14:08.968 Unh! 00:14:18.033 --> 00:14:20.402 She seems vey rough, Kate. 00:14:20.466 --> 00:14:22.835 Why didn't she take her glasses off? 00:14:22.900 --> 00:14:23.900 Well, the institute said 00:14:23.966 --> 00:14:25.634 that the light hurts her eyes. 00:14:25.699 --> 00:14:28.436 Apparently, she was nearly blind as a child. 00:14:28.500 --> 00:14:29.500 Blind? 00:14:29.566 --> 00:14:31.968 Well, she's had 9 operations on her eyes. 00:14:32.033 --> 00:14:36.036 And they expect one blind person to teach another one? 00:14:36.099 --> 00:14:38.869 How long was she employed at that school? 00:14:38.933 --> 00:14:42.102 Well, she--she wasn't employed there. 00:14:42.166 --> 00:14:44.368 She was one of their best students. 00:14:44.433 --> 00:14:46.501 Student? 00:14:46.566 --> 00:14:47.900 James: Now you have 2 blind girls 00:14:47.966 --> 00:14:49.167 to take care of, Father. 00:14:49.233 --> 00:14:51.969 You stay out of this. 00:14:54.033 --> 00:14:55.467 James... 00:14:55.533 --> 00:14:58.869 why do you have to be so mean about Helen? 00:14:58.933 --> 00:15:01.402 Why, to confirm my father's view of me, of course. 00:15:07.833 --> 00:15:09.000 Those are mine. 00:15:28.633 --> 00:15:30.634 Yes, yes. 00:15:35.533 --> 00:15:36.834 All right, then, Helen. 00:15:36.900 --> 00:15:39.269 '' Doll'' will be your first word. 00:15:39.333 --> 00:15:41.234 lt's as good as any. 00:15:42.000 --> 00:15:43.234 '' D...'' 00:15:48.133 --> 00:15:49.167 ''O...'' 00:15:50.533 --> 00:15:51.634 '' L...'' 00:15:55.566 --> 00:15:56.600 '' L.'' 00:15:56.666 --> 00:15:57.833 Doll. 00:15:58.100 --> 00:15:59.234 Doll. 00:16:00.000 --> 00:16:01.067 lt has a name. 00:16:01.133 --> 00:16:02.067 ''D...'' 00:16:04.266 --> 00:16:05.200 ''O...'' 00:16:05.266 --> 00:16:06.834 Annie: ''L...'' 00:16:12.066 --> 00:16:13.167 James: Thank you, Henry. 00:16:13.233 --> 00:16:14.701 Thank you, Percy. 00:16:16.799 --> 00:16:18.034 So, what was that? 00:16:18.100 --> 00:16:19.034 Some sort of game? 00:16:19.100 --> 00:16:21.702 lt's an alphabet for the deaf. 00:16:21.766 --> 00:16:23.567 Each letter has a sign. 00:16:23.633 --> 00:16:25.134 ''D...'' 00:16:25.199 --> 00:16:26.467 ''O...'' 00:16:26.533 --> 00:16:27.901 ''L...'' 00:16:27.966 --> 00:16:29.367 ''L.'' 00:16:29.433 --> 00:16:30.367 Doll. 00:16:32.466 --> 00:16:35.302 First, she will learn to imitate. 00:16:35.366 --> 00:16:37.301 '' D,'' ''O...'' 00:16:38.500 --> 00:16:39.801 Ah! 00:16:39.866 --> 00:16:41.500 James: Oh, she can imitate things, all right-- 00:16:41.566 --> 00:16:43.100 like a regular little monkey. 00:16:43.166 --> 00:16:45.101 A bright little monkey. 00:16:46.666 --> 00:16:48.034 Mmm... 00:16:48.100 --> 00:16:49.267 '' D.'' 00:16:49.333 --> 00:16:51.334 James: l think she wants her doll back. 00:16:51.400 --> 00:16:53.001 She can have it back when she spells it. 00:16:53.066 --> 00:16:55.568 She has no idea what words even are. 00:16:55.633 --> 00:16:56.600 How can she spell them? 00:16:56.666 --> 00:16:58.567 lf her fingers learn the letters now, 00:16:58.633 --> 00:17:00.134 then maybe someday 00:17:00.199 --> 00:17:01.968 her brain will learn that they have a meaning. 00:17:02.033 --> 00:17:03.834 Did you make up this alphabet? 00:17:03.900 --> 00:17:05.468 Me? No. 00:17:05.532 --> 00:17:07.468 Spanish monks under a vow of silence, 00:17:07.532 --> 00:17:11.403 which, Mr.James, l wish you would take. 00:17:12.465 --> 00:17:14.401 [Helen Moans] 00:17:18.665 --> 00:17:20.601 [Sighs] 00:17:25.866 --> 00:17:27.334 [Sniffs] 00:17:47.766 --> 00:17:49.501 ''C...'' 00:17:49.566 --> 00:17:51.434 ''A...'' 00:17:51.499 --> 00:17:53.101 ''K...'' 00:17:53.166 --> 00:17:54.100 ''E.'' 00:17:55.566 --> 00:17:57.200 Cake. 00:18:01.699 --> 00:18:03.768 ''C...'' 00:18:03.833 --> 00:18:05.267 ''A...'' 00:18:06.966 --> 00:18:08.934 ''K...'' 00:18:08.999 --> 00:18:10.968 ''E.'' 00:18:11.033 --> 00:18:12.901 Annie: Very good. 00:18:12.966 --> 00:18:14.000 Cake. 00:18:20.499 --> 00:18:22.068 ''D...'' 00:18:22.133 --> 00:18:23.567 ''O...'' 00:18:23.633 --> 00:18:25.001 ''L...'' 00:18:25.066 --> 00:18:26.167 ''L.'' 00:18:29.133 --> 00:18:30.701 Uhh! 00:18:30.766 --> 00:18:32.467 Mm-mm-mm. 00:18:32.533 --> 00:18:34.568 Uhh! 00:18:34.633 --> 00:18:35.900 [Sighs] 00:18:35.966 --> 00:18:37.467 ''D...'' 00:18:37.533 --> 00:18:38.767 ''O...'' 00:18:38.833 --> 00:18:40.267 ''L...'' 00:18:41.699 --> 00:18:43.268 ''L.'' 00:18:43.333 --> 00:18:44.734 Vey good, Helen. 00:18:44.800 --> 00:18:46.168 Vey good. 00:18:46.233 --> 00:18:48.134 Good first lesson. 00:18:48.199 --> 00:18:50.268 Very well done. Very well done. 00:18:50.333 --> 00:18:51.801 Ohh! Ohh! 00:19:06.666 --> 00:19:08.501 [Tries Door] 00:19:08.566 --> 00:19:09.600 Helen! 00:19:09.666 --> 00:19:13.102 Annie: Let me out, you wicked girl. 00:19:13.166 --> 00:19:14.333 Helen! 00:19:14.400 --> 00:19:15.567 Ohh! 00:19:23.066 --> 00:19:24.000 Unh. 00:19:26.999 --> 00:19:28.267 [Spits] 00:19:28.333 --> 00:19:32.270 Ohh. And l wondered if she was bright. 00:19:33.800 --> 00:19:37.003 She's the brightest one in this house. 00:19:39.366 --> 00:19:41.601 Where is Miss Annie? 00:19:41.666 --> 00:19:42.767 She's in her room. 00:19:42.833 --> 00:19:44.968 Didn't anyone call her to supper? 00:19:45.033 --> 00:19:48.169 Arthur:James, go upstairs and bring her down. 00:19:48.233 --> 00:19:50.335 Certainly. l'll get the ladder. 00:19:50.400 --> 00:19:51.534 What? 00:19:51.600 --> 00:19:53.702 l'll need a ladder. It won't take long. 00:19:53.766 --> 00:19:55.300 What are you talking about? 00:19:57.366 --> 00:19:58.667 Well, Helen locked her in her room 00:19:58.733 --> 00:19:59.667 and run off with the key. 00:20:01.166 --> 00:20:03.368 [Sighs] 00:20:03.433 --> 00:20:04.867 And l suppose you are going to sit there 00:20:04.873 --> 00:20:05.934 and say nothing. 00:20:05.999 --> 00:20:08.702 You told me it was none of my business, Father. 00:20:08.766 --> 00:20:11.735 l was just trying to respect your wishes. 00:20:20.466 --> 00:20:22.701 Miss Sullivan, are you in there? 00:20:22.766 --> 00:20:23.933 Yes, sir, l'm in here. 00:20:23.999 --> 00:20:25.801 lsn't there a key on your side? 00:20:27.433 --> 00:20:29.268 [Whispering] For God's sake. 00:20:29.333 --> 00:20:31.168 No, sir. There's no key, sir. 00:20:37.666 --> 00:20:39.100 Put that ladder away,Jimmy. 00:20:39.166 --> 00:20:41.067 Whatever you say, Father. 00:20:42.600 --> 00:20:44.768 Kate: Captain, we can't keep Miss Annie locked up 00:20:44.833 --> 00:20:45.934 until we find the key. 00:20:48.333 --> 00:20:49.267 James. 00:20:50.666 --> 00:20:52.567 Bring the ladder back. 00:20:54.133 --> 00:20:55.767 Whatever you say, Father. 00:21:06.933 --> 00:21:08.701 l hired her to solve problems, 00:21:08.766 --> 00:21:10.200 not create them. 00:21:11.600 --> 00:21:13.001 Arthur: Hold it, Jimmy. 00:21:13.066 --> 00:21:14.700 Thank you, Percy. 00:21:19.999 --> 00:21:20.934 Miss Sullivan! 00:21:23.033 --> 00:21:23.967 Yes, Captain Keller? 00:21:24.033 --> 00:21:25.801 l hope this is not a sample 00:21:25.866 --> 00:21:27.434 of what we can expect of you. 00:21:27.499 --> 00:21:30.836 Arthur: Come out and sit on my shoulder. 00:21:42.400 --> 00:21:44.101 l'm perfectly capable 00:21:44.166 --> 00:21:45.300 of going down a ladder by myself. 00:21:45.366 --> 00:21:47.167 Do as l say, Miss Sullivan. 00:21:53.033 --> 00:21:54.000 Ohh. 00:21:55.266 --> 00:21:57.468 [Bystanders Laugh] 00:22:00.533 --> 00:22:01.734 Very chivalrous of you. 00:22:01.800 --> 00:22:04.502 This is not chivalry. This is practicality. 00:22:04.566 --> 00:22:08.970 You're no good to us trapped in a room. 00:22:11.100 --> 00:22:12.468 Woman: Ooh. 00:22:13.533 --> 00:22:14.467 [Applause] 00:22:16.866 --> 00:22:19.034 Not in the house 10 minutes. 00:22:19.100 --> 00:22:21.435 Honestly, l don't see how you managed it. 00:22:21.499 --> 00:22:22.434 [Sighs] 00:22:22.499 --> 00:22:23.734 l'll look for the key, sir. 00:22:23.800 --> 00:22:25.401 Thank you. Just don't look in any rooms 00:22:25.466 --> 00:22:28.302 that can be locked. 00:22:28.366 --> 00:22:30.868 All right, eveyone. Excitement's over. 00:22:30.933 --> 00:22:34.703 l'd better leave the L-A-D-D-E-R. 00:22:34.766 --> 00:22:36.701 [Laughs] 00:23:16.366 --> 00:23:18.634 Oh, you little devil. 00:23:21.233 --> 00:23:22.934 lf you think you can get rid of me that easily, 00:23:22.999 --> 00:23:24.201 you're wrong. 00:23:29.766 --> 00:23:32.635 l have nothing better to do 00:23:32.699 --> 00:23:34.635 and nowhere else to go. 00:23:34.999 --> 00:23:36.534 Annie: To the best of my knowledge, 00:23:36.600 --> 00:23:38.401 no one in this house 00:23:38.466 --> 00:23:41.702 has ever tried to control the girl, 00:23:41.766 --> 00:23:42.700 but... 00:23:43.833 --> 00:23:45.634 how can l discipline her 00:23:45.699 --> 00:23:48.436 without breaking her spirit? 00:23:48.499 --> 00:23:49.434 But... 00:23:50.566 --> 00:23:53.602 if she won't obey me... 00:23:53.666 --> 00:23:55.567 Oh! 00:23:55.633 --> 00:23:56.567 Ohh. 00:24:00.366 --> 00:24:01.300 Tsk. 00:24:09.833 --> 00:24:11.067 lnk. 00:24:11.133 --> 00:24:12.534 lt has a name. 00:24:17.333 --> 00:24:19.068 Pen. 00:24:19.133 --> 00:24:20.067 Pen. 00:24:24.333 --> 00:24:25.267 Uhh! 00:24:28.266 --> 00:24:29.901 [Moans] 00:24:32.700 --> 00:24:34.035 No, Helen. 00:24:46.666 --> 00:24:47.667 [Gasps] 00:24:48.133 --> 00:24:49.067 Annie: Ohh! 00:24:49.533 --> 00:24:50.800 Bad... 00:24:51.066 --> 00:24:52.167 Annie: girl. 00:24:52.333 --> 00:24:54.368 Kate: No. Never you mind, Miss Annie. It's-- 00:24:54.433 --> 00:24:56.001 lt's not the first. 00:24:56.066 --> 00:24:57.500 No, Helen. 00:25:02.499 --> 00:25:04.401 The Captain thinks that your spelling eveything 00:25:04.466 --> 00:25:05.466 that Helen does 00:25:05.533 --> 00:25:08.569 is like spelling to a fence post. 00:25:08.633 --> 00:25:11.235 You talk to the baby, don't you? 00:25:11.300 --> 00:25:13.135 Does she understand what you mean? 00:25:13.199 --> 00:25:15.235 Not yet, but she will someday 00:25:15.300 --> 00:25:17.168 if she hears enough words. 00:25:17.233 --> 00:25:19.668 l'm letting Helen hear the words. 00:25:23.333 --> 00:25:25.301 Kate: How long will it take? 00:25:25.366 --> 00:25:27.067 A million words, maybe. 00:25:27.133 --> 00:25:28.467 Annie: Pen. 00:25:40.533 --> 00:25:41.500 Did you see that? 00:25:42.066 --> 00:25:43.467 Annie: l spelled ''pen.'' 00:25:43.533 --> 00:25:46.102 She spelled ''cake.'' 00:25:47.999 --> 00:25:51.770 She wants to see if l can tell the difference. 00:25:51.833 --> 00:25:54.268 There's nothing impaired in that head, Mrs. Keller. 00:25:54.333 --> 00:25:57.369 Helen is smart... and angry. 00:25:57.433 --> 00:25:58.634 l can use that. 00:25:58.699 --> 00:26:00.535 Can you teach me those letters? 00:26:00.600 --> 00:26:03.069 l'll start tomorrow. 00:26:03.133 --> 00:26:04.601 lf both of us are spelling to her, 00:26:04.666 --> 00:26:06.401 that makes only about half a million words each. 00:26:07.066 --> 00:26:08.067 [Laughs] 00:26:08.133 --> 00:26:09.133 Ow! 00:26:09.200 --> 00:26:10.534 Helen! 00:26:10.600 --> 00:26:12.034 Helen: Uhh! 00:26:13.199 --> 00:26:14.134 Helen. 00:26:14.199 --> 00:26:16.135 [Moaning] 00:26:20.033 --> 00:26:21.735 [Stops Moaning] 00:26:21.800 --> 00:26:25.102 Why does she get a reward for stabbing me? 00:26:25.666 --> 00:26:28.301 l--l don't know. 00:26:28.366 --> 00:26:29.467 l'm--l'm sorry. 00:26:31.866 --> 00:26:32.866 [Rooster Crows] 00:26:32.933 --> 00:26:33.867 James: Miss Sullivan, 00:26:33.933 --> 00:26:36.235 breakfast is ready. 00:26:36.300 --> 00:26:38.101 Shall l get the ladder? 00:26:38.166 --> 00:26:39.634 That's enough,Jimmy. 00:26:47.800 --> 00:26:49.735 Oh, good morning, Miss Annie. 00:26:49.800 --> 00:26:51.535 Good morning. 00:26:51.600 --> 00:26:52.667 Morning. 00:26:54.999 --> 00:26:57.402 l hope you've settled in comfortably, Miss Sullivan. 00:26:57.466 --> 00:26:59.901 Thank you, Captain. l have. 00:27:01.866 --> 00:27:03.667 Arthur: Please, help yourself. 00:27:03.733 --> 00:27:06.802 Miss Annie, if there is ever anything that you need, 00:27:06.866 --> 00:27:07.833 please let us know. 00:27:18.499 --> 00:27:20.802 Tobacco prices are up, Father. 00:27:20.866 --> 00:27:23.201 We should earn a nice profit this year for a change. 00:27:25.999 --> 00:27:27.201 Arthur: It used to be that a man 00:27:27.266 --> 00:27:29.001 could make a good living running a farm. 00:27:29.066 --> 00:27:31.001 James: Well, perhaps if you'd leave 00:27:31.066 --> 00:27:32.066 your pet newspaper 00:27:32.133 --> 00:27:33.534 and come show me my business, 00:27:33.600 --> 00:27:35.368 we could make some real money. 00:27:35.433 --> 00:27:36.700 Arthur: Not in front of Miss Sullivan. 00:27:36.766 --> 00:27:38.367 Why not in front of Miss Sullivan? 00:27:42.733 --> 00:27:43.667 Kate: Miss Annie, 00:27:43.733 --> 00:27:45.468 Helen is used to helping herself 00:27:45.533 --> 00:27:46.467 from our plates. 00:27:46.533 --> 00:27:48.301 l'm afraid l'm not used to it. 00:27:48.366 --> 00:27:50.000 Arthur: No, of course not. 00:27:50.066 --> 00:27:52.067 Viney, please bring Miss Sullivan another plate. 00:27:52.133 --> 00:27:53.801 There's nothing wrong with my plate, Captain, 00:27:53.866 --> 00:27:55.701 only that Helen's hands don't belong in it. 00:27:55.766 --> 00:27:58.301 One plate is hardly worth spoiling our breakfast over. 00:27:58.366 --> 00:27:59.734 Kate: You see, she's just going to keep trying 00:27:59.800 --> 00:28:01.301 until she gets her way. 00:28:02.833 --> 00:28:04.834 Arthur: l must insist that you let the girl go. 00:28:07.166 --> 00:28:08.433 Unh! 00:28:08.499 --> 00:28:09.367 Arthur: Thank you. 00:28:09.433 --> 00:28:10.367 Unh! 00:28:16.699 --> 00:28:17.634 - [Kicks] - Oh! 00:28:19.466 --> 00:28:20.767 [Moaning] 00:28:20.833 --> 00:28:21.934 Oh, look, now she's hurt herself. 00:28:21.999 --> 00:28:24.168 No, she hasn't. l know a tantrum when l see one 00:28:24.233 --> 00:28:26.068 and a badly spoiled child. 00:28:26.133 --> 00:28:27.467 Miss Sullivan. 00:28:30.066 --> 00:28:31.233 Please, show some pity. 00:28:31.300 --> 00:28:32.868 For this kind of behavior? 00:28:32.933 --> 00:28:35.068 Annie: Pity's the one thing she doesn't need. 00:28:35.133 --> 00:28:37.335 The whole house waits on her hand and foot. 00:28:37.400 --> 00:28:39.335 - Hear, hear. - You stay out of this. 00:28:39.400 --> 00:28:40.934 Letting Helen have her own way-- 00:28:40.999 --> 00:28:42.668 it's really such a small thing. 00:28:42.733 --> 00:28:45.102 Small? It's seems you've all decided 00:28:45.166 --> 00:28:46.700 it's easier to feel sory for Helen 00:28:46.766 --> 00:28:49.335 than to teach her how to behave. 00:28:49.400 --> 00:28:50.567 Well, l've not seen 00:28:50.633 --> 00:28:52.401 that you've taught her anything yet, Miss Sullivan. 00:28:52.466 --> 00:28:54.634 Quite right, Captain. Well observed. 00:28:54.699 --> 00:28:58.203 l'll start right now if you'll leave the room. 00:28:58.266 --> 00:28:59.200 Leave the room? 00:28:59.266 --> 00:29:00.200 Annie: Yes. 00:29:00.266 --> 00:29:01.200 Please, Captain. 00:29:01.200 --> 00:29:02.734 Right now, if you'll leave the room. 00:29:02.800 --> 00:29:04.068 Miss Sullivan-- 00:29:04.133 --> 00:29:06.134 lf you're not willing to stand up to one tantrum, 00:29:06.200 --> 00:29:07.668 l cannot teach her anything. 00:29:07.733 --> 00:29:09.334 Unh! 00:29:09.399 --> 00:29:10.467 Mrs. Keller, 00:29:10.533 --> 00:29:11.934 you asked if there was anything l needed. 00:29:12.000 --> 00:29:13.501 Yes, but l-- 00:29:13.566 --> 00:29:15.601 l need to be alone with Helen. 00:29:15.666 --> 00:29:17.467 [Moaning] 00:29:17.533 --> 00:29:18.467 Annie: Right now. 00:29:18.533 --> 00:29:19.567 Miss Sullivan-- 00:29:19.633 --> 00:29:20.567 Kate: Captain. 00:29:24.966 --> 00:29:26.934 Kate: James. 00:29:27.000 --> 00:29:30.470 Captain, may l speak with you outside? 00:29:45.133 --> 00:29:46.634 Give us a moment, please. 00:29:46.700 --> 00:29:47.634 Oh... 00:29:49.066 --> 00:29:51.001 [Helen Continues Moaning] 00:29:59.533 --> 00:30:01.001 This is absurd. 00:30:01.066 --> 00:30:04.002 Arthur, l'm sure that she is only trying 00:30:04.066 --> 00:30:05.534 to do what is best. 00:30:05.600 --> 00:30:08.602 l will not have my house turned into a circus. 00:30:13.566 --> 00:30:15.834 [Moans] 00:30:15.900 --> 00:30:17.534 Unless there is a change in attitude, 00:30:17.600 --> 00:30:19.168 Miss Sullivan is dismissed. 00:30:19.233 --> 00:30:22.169 Arthur, and then what hope do we have for Helen? 00:30:22.233 --> 00:30:23.968 No less than we had before, 00:30:24.033 --> 00:30:25.968 and then perhaps we can regain some quiet. 00:30:26.033 --> 00:30:27.534 [Helen Moans] 00:30:51.666 --> 00:30:53.601 [Helen Tapping Floor] 00:31:02.233 --> 00:31:03.434 Ow! 00:31:06.466 --> 00:31:07.400 Ow! 00:31:08.766 --> 00:31:10.134 Shh. Shh. 00:31:10.200 --> 00:31:11.134 Ohh! 00:31:58.666 --> 00:31:59.600 [Cries] 00:32:02.066 --> 00:32:04.101 Shh, shh, shh. 00:32:04.166 --> 00:32:05.400 [Moaning] 00:32:07.133 --> 00:32:09.268 [Doorknob Rattles] 00:32:27.133 --> 00:32:28.067 [Sighs] 00:32:33.933 --> 00:32:34.867 Helen. 00:32:38.566 --> 00:32:40.901 [Helen Banging On Door] 00:33:31.200 --> 00:33:32.668 Oh, God. 00:33:40.166 --> 00:33:42.268 [Both Breathing Heavily] 00:33:56.166 --> 00:33:57.700 [Helen Hits Table] 00:34:12.033 --> 00:34:13.900 [Moans] 00:34:28.399 --> 00:34:30.869 [Spoon Clatters] 00:34:56.833 --> 00:34:58.768 [Spoon Clatters] 00:35:00.833 --> 00:35:03.135 [Spoon Clatters] 00:35:09.599 --> 00:35:11.535 [Moaning] 00:35:20.366 --> 00:35:22.301 [Stops Moaning] 00:35:27.399 --> 00:35:29.335 [Moans] 00:35:30.666 --> 00:35:32.601 [Spoon Clatters] 00:35:36.933 --> 00:35:38.868 [Spoon Clatters] 00:35:53.800 --> 00:35:54.734 Ahh! 00:36:16.533 --> 00:36:18.167 Good. 00:36:18.233 --> 00:36:20.168 [Sighs] 00:36:22.166 --> 00:36:23.200 Ahh! 00:36:28.033 --> 00:36:29.868 [Church Bell Ringing] 00:36:34.800 --> 00:36:36.468 What you want me to do, Miss Kate? 00:36:36.533 --> 00:36:37.567 lt's noon time, 00:36:37.633 --> 00:36:39.334 and the breakfast dishes ain't been cleared. 00:36:39.399 --> 00:36:41.001 [Objects Clatter] 00:36:41.066 --> 00:36:42.634 [Door Closes] 00:36:42.700 --> 00:36:44.435 - [Crying] - Hush, now. 00:36:52.966 --> 00:36:54.067 Come on. 00:36:54.133 --> 00:36:56.235 Viney: Shh. 00:36:56.300 --> 00:36:58.235 [Moaning Softly] 00:37:14.666 --> 00:37:16.134 Helen... 00:37:16.200 --> 00:37:18.435 ate from her own plate 00:37:18.500 --> 00:37:19.634 with a spoon 00:37:19.700 --> 00:37:22.803 Annie: all by herself... 00:37:22.866 --> 00:37:25.068 and she folded her napkin. 00:37:25.133 --> 00:37:27.602 The room's a wreck, 00:37:27.666 --> 00:37:29.834 but she folded her napkin. 00:37:31.533 --> 00:37:35.169 l'll be in my room, Mrs. Keller. 00:37:40.300 --> 00:37:41.534 Viney: Shh, shh. 00:37:41.599 --> 00:37:43.068 Oh, Helen. 00:37:47.900 --> 00:37:49.468 Viney: Don't be long now, Miss Annie. 00:37:49.533 --> 00:37:51.301 Lunch going to be ready right away. 00:37:51.366 --> 00:37:52.934 Mm-hmm. 00:37:53.899 --> 00:37:56.536 My Helen folded her napkin. 00:38:09.499 --> 00:38:10.434 What are you reading? 00:38:10.499 --> 00:38:11.434 [Annie Sighs] 00:38:11.499 --> 00:38:12.868 Dr. Howe's account 00:38:12.933 --> 00:38:15.568 of his patient Laura Bridgman. 00:38:15.633 --> 00:38:16.867 She was deaf. blind, and mute 00:38:16.933 --> 00:38:18.301 from the age of 2. 00:38:18.366 --> 00:38:20.534 Did he succeed with her? 00:38:21.200 --> 00:38:22.467 He did. 00:38:22.533 --> 00:38:24.102 Then it is possible. 00:38:24.166 --> 00:38:27.469 Annie: With patience, l suppose-- 00:38:27.533 --> 00:38:30.367 something they did not give me a certificate for at Perkins. 00:38:30.433 --> 00:38:32.802 Kate: After this morning's lesson... 00:38:34.033 --> 00:38:35.834 the Captain wants me to dismiss you, 00:38:35.900 --> 00:38:38.869 but l am going to insist that you remain. 00:38:38.933 --> 00:38:39.867 Thank you. 00:38:41.566 --> 00:38:43.134 Where is your family, Miss Annie? 00:38:44.266 --> 00:38:46.101 My brotherJimmie was the last l had. 00:38:46.166 --> 00:38:47.533 He died 12 years ago. 00:38:47.600 --> 00:38:49.969 l'm sory. l-- 00:38:50.033 --> 00:38:51.934 l tried to protect him. 00:38:51.999 --> 00:38:53.768 l failed. 00:38:53.833 --> 00:38:55.334 lt's no use trying to protect 00:38:55.400 --> 00:38:56.701 or speak for other people. 00:38:56.766 --> 00:38:58.801 Not really. 00:38:58.866 --> 00:39:01.134 The only hope 00:39:01.200 --> 00:39:03.502 is to teach them to do it for themselves. 00:39:03.566 --> 00:39:06.702 Annie: That's what l'm trying to do with Helen. 00:39:07.900 --> 00:39:11.136 What you demand of her now 00:39:11.200 --> 00:39:12.634 is all she'll ever be. 00:39:22.466 --> 00:39:24.201 Step. 00:39:26.066 --> 00:39:27.000 Unh! 00:39:33.400 --> 00:39:35.568 [Sighs] 00:39:39.999 --> 00:39:41.435 Captain. 00:40:23.066 --> 00:40:25.501 And if what happened this morning wasn't enough, 00:40:25.566 --> 00:40:28.035 Helen can't stand to be near her. 00:40:28.099 --> 00:40:29.734 Things have gotten worse, 00:40:29.799 --> 00:40:31.668 and l want you to give her notice. 00:40:31.733 --> 00:40:32.834 No. 00:40:33.500 --> 00:40:34.935 [Sighs] 00:40:34.999 --> 00:40:38.303 Well, if you won't, l must. 00:40:38.366 --> 00:40:42.803 Annie: Good evening, Captain, Mrs. Keller. 00:40:43.166 --> 00:40:43.800 Uh... 00:40:44.166 --> 00:40:45.400 Miss Sullivan... 00:40:46.133 --> 00:40:49.302 l find that l am not satisfied with this-- 00:40:51.066 --> 00:40:53.837 That is, this arrangement-- 00:40:53.900 --> 00:40:55.534 Arthur: Will you please take off your glasses? 00:40:55.599 --> 00:40:58.069 l find it very difficult to speak to you with them on. 00:40:59.033 --> 00:41:00.735 Annie: Well, of course. 00:41:04.099 --> 00:41:06.368 lf you must, keep them on. 00:41:06.433 --> 00:41:07.801 Now, Miss Sullivan-- 00:41:07.866 --> 00:41:09.734 Annie: Please tell me, Captain, is the little house 00:41:09.800 --> 00:41:11.734 in the grove of trees being used for anything? 00:41:12.000 --> 00:41:13.035 The garden house? 00:41:13.099 --> 00:41:16.269 Arthur: This is just what l am talking about. 00:41:16.333 --> 00:41:20.704 Miss Sullivan, if you expect to stay on here, 00:41:20.766 --> 00:41:23.034 there must be a change in your manner. 00:41:23.100 --> 00:41:25.068 Arthur: And you must convince me 00:41:25.133 --> 00:41:27.001 that there is the slightest hope of teaching a child 00:41:27.066 --> 00:41:29.334 who flees from you like the plague. 00:41:29.400 --> 00:41:31.001 You could show some sympathy. 00:41:31.066 --> 00:41:33.401 You're absolutely right, Captain. 00:41:33.466 --> 00:41:35.401 There is not the slightest possibility 00:41:35.466 --> 00:41:37.534 of teaching a child who runs away from me. 00:41:37.599 --> 00:41:41.000 lt is hopeless here, and the sooner we realize that, 00:41:41.033 --> 00:41:43.000 the sooner we can get to a solution. 00:41:43.000 --> 00:41:44.368 lt is not hopeless! 00:41:45.900 --> 00:41:49.570 Helen could talk by the time she was 10 months old. 00:41:49.633 --> 00:41:50.900 Before this illness, 00:41:50.966 --> 00:41:52.167 she was such a good child. 00:41:52.233 --> 00:41:54.201 Yes, she was an extraordinary child. 00:41:54.266 --> 00:41:57.168 l believe that, 00:41:57.233 --> 00:42:00.069 but she's not that child anymore. 00:42:00.133 --> 00:42:01.968 l've seen pets behave better than she does 00:42:02.033 --> 00:42:03.934 and it's your pity that's the cause of it. 00:42:04.099 --> 00:42:05.134 l beg your pardon! 00:42:05.200 --> 00:42:08.403 l'm afraid your love for Helen 00:42:08.466 --> 00:42:10.334 is a greater handicap to her 00:42:10.400 --> 00:42:12.635 than her blindness or her deafness. 00:42:12.699 --> 00:42:13.667 Annie, before you came, 00:42:13.733 --> 00:42:17.470 we spoke of putting Helen in an asylum. 00:42:17.533 --> 00:42:19.668 Please don't give up. 00:42:19.733 --> 00:42:22.702 Obviously, Miss Sullivan thinks it's hopeless. 00:42:22.766 --> 00:42:25.468 Here! lt's hopeless here! 00:42:25.533 --> 00:42:28.000 l'm only just beginning! 00:42:28.133 --> 00:42:30.702 [Sighs] 00:42:30.766 --> 00:42:32.667 Please let me show you. 00:42:32.733 --> 00:42:34.901 Please follow me. 00:42:42.066 --> 00:42:44.034 [Frogs Croaking] 00:42:48.999 --> 00:42:51.335 God knows what this has to do with anything. 00:42:52.099 --> 00:42:54.236 Captain: This is ridiculous. 00:42:54.300 --> 00:42:57.169 l believe l can only make progress with Helen 00:42:57.233 --> 00:42:59.101 If l have complete charge of her. 00:42:59.166 --> 00:43:00.901 But you already have that. 00:43:00.966 --> 00:43:03.468 Annie: No. l mean day and night. 00:43:03.533 --> 00:43:05.401 She must depend on me. 00:43:05.466 --> 00:43:07.067 For what? 00:43:07.133 --> 00:43:08.801 For eveything! Her food, her clothes 00:43:08.866 --> 00:43:10.534 her play time, her sweets. 00:43:10.600 --> 00:43:12.568 All of these things are tools 00:43:12.633 --> 00:43:14.735 Annie: that l can use to reach her. 00:43:14.800 --> 00:43:16.635 And how do you propose to do that 00:43:16.700 --> 00:43:18.134 when she runs away from you? 00:43:18.200 --> 00:43:20.302 lf she can run to you, l have no hope. 00:43:20.366 --> 00:43:24.467 Annie:Which is why l must live with her somewhere else. 00:43:26.133 --> 00:43:27.067 Annie: You can bring Helen here 00:43:27.133 --> 00:43:28.767 after a long carriage ride. 00:43:28.833 --> 00:43:30.501 She won't know where she is, 00:43:30.566 --> 00:43:32.467 Annie: and you can still see her every day, 00:43:32.533 --> 00:43:34.401 provided she does not know you're here. 00:43:34.466 --> 00:43:38.000 How long would you keep her? 00:43:38.100 --> 00:43:40.403 Annie: As long as it takes. 00:43:40.466 --> 00:43:43.101 l know this is the way! 00:43:43.166 --> 00:43:45.701 And, Captain, l cannot be rude to you 00:43:45.766 --> 00:43:47.234 if you're not around to interfere with me. 00:43:51.533 --> 00:43:54.936 Am l to understand that if l say no to this, 00:43:54.999 --> 00:43:57.268 you will abandon your charge to an asylum? 00:43:57.333 --> 00:44:00.202 An asylum is no place for Helen, Captain. 00:44:00.266 --> 00:44:03.435 Believe me, l know. 00:44:03.499 --> 00:44:07.303 l grew up in an asylum-- 00:44:07.366 --> 00:44:08.600 in the state poorhouse, 00:44:08.666 --> 00:44:12.970 my brother and l-- until it took his life. 00:44:13.033 --> 00:44:14.834 Our playroom was the deadhouse 00:44:14.899 --> 00:44:17.569 where they kept the bodies until they could dig the graves. 00:44:17.633 --> 00:44:20.902 Annie: It made me strong, 00:44:20.966 --> 00:44:23.234 but Helen is strong enough already. 00:44:26.833 --> 00:44:31.037 Please give me this chance. 00:44:31.100 --> 00:44:33.902 Give her this chance to save herself. 00:44:33.966 --> 00:44:38.135 Miss Sullivan, do you like this child? 00:44:38.866 --> 00:44:40.000 Do you? 00:44:44.299 --> 00:44:46.703 Captain... 00:44:46.766 --> 00:44:48.801 with your permission. 00:45:00.166 --> 00:45:01.667 l'll give you 2 weeks. 00:45:02.833 --> 00:45:03.901 Arthur: You have 2 weeks 00:45:03.966 --> 00:45:06.068 to get the child to tolerate you. 00:45:06.133 --> 00:45:07.400 Kate: Percy could stay here. 00:45:07.466 --> 00:45:08.834 He could run errands for you. 00:45:10.099 --> 00:45:11.802 2 weeks is not enough. 00:45:12.066 --> 00:45:14.501 2 weeks is what l am offering. 00:45:17.833 --> 00:45:18.901 l'll take it. 00:45:24.833 --> 00:45:26.668 [Pigeons Cooing] 00:45:34.333 --> 00:45:36.501 Where would you like your suitcase, Miss Sullivan? 00:45:36.566 --> 00:45:38.467 Oh, anywhere is fine. 00:45:40.499 --> 00:45:42.902 How do you expect to win her over in this place? 00:45:42.966 --> 00:45:45.935 James: You plan to tie her to the chair? 00:45:49.733 --> 00:45:51.801 How is it you have no pity for Helen? 00:45:51.866 --> 00:45:54.935 To have pity for someone is a waste of energy. 00:45:57.866 --> 00:46:01.536 Feeling sorry for ourselves is even worse. 00:46:04.666 --> 00:46:06.401 Well, l hope you win, Miss Sullivan. 00:46:30.600 --> 00:46:31.934 Unh! 00:46:32.000 --> 00:46:35.737 Kate: Well, we rode in the country for 2 hours. 00:46:35.800 --> 00:46:37.902 For all she knows she could be in another town. 00:46:37.966 --> 00:46:40.101 Bring her inside, please. 00:47:41.300 --> 00:47:43.035 Oh, she wants me. 00:47:43.100 --> 00:47:47.037 She can have you back in 2 weeks. 00:47:50.233 --> 00:47:54.103 Miss Annie, please take good care of her. 00:47:54.166 --> 00:47:55.500 l will. 00:48:07.966 --> 00:48:09.867 [Helen Moaning] 00:48:34.899 --> 00:48:36.835 Aah! Hush, hush, hush. 00:48:36.899 --> 00:48:38.301 Hush, hush. 00:48:54.133 --> 00:48:55.067 Unh! 00:48:55.133 --> 00:48:56.901 [Moaning] 00:48:56.966 --> 00:48:58.000 Oh. 00:49:11.800 --> 00:49:13.735 [Helen Crying] 00:49:24.233 --> 00:49:25.501 [Moans] 00:49:31.766 --> 00:49:32.800 Annie: Percy! 00:49:35.333 --> 00:49:37.368 Wake up. l need your help. 00:49:37.733 --> 00:49:38.867 Ohh. 00:49:44.566 --> 00:49:46.501 [Moans] 00:49:51.199 --> 00:49:52.801 Try again. 00:49:52.866 --> 00:49:54.100 Try again. 00:49:54.166 --> 00:49:56.101 [Moans] 00:49:57.233 --> 00:49:59.168 [Sniffs] 00:50:05.233 --> 00:50:06.167 Good. 00:50:06.233 --> 00:50:07.367 Let me go. 00:50:07.433 --> 00:50:09.168 She gonna pinch me. 00:50:18.100 --> 00:50:20.535 l think she's trying to talk. 00:50:20.600 --> 00:50:23.068 She can talk, but she's got to use her hands. 00:50:23.133 --> 00:50:24.667 Here. Let me show you. 00:50:25.233 --> 00:50:26.901 Aah! 00:50:26.966 --> 00:50:28.634 She's mad at me now, so she doesn't want to play, 00:50:28.700 --> 00:50:30.301 but she knows a lot of letters. 00:50:30.466 --> 00:50:31.400 ''C...'' 00:50:32.733 --> 00:50:34.067 ''A...'' 00:50:35.133 --> 00:50:36.067 ''K...'' 00:50:38.000 --> 00:50:38.934 ''E.'' 00:50:41.566 --> 00:50:43.000 Annie: Cake. 00:50:44.099 --> 00:50:45.067 "C..." 00:50:45.133 --> 00:50:46.934 ''A...'' 00:50:47.000 --> 00:50:48.434 ''K...'' 00:50:49.633 --> 00:50:51.201 ''E.'' 00:50:52.533 --> 00:50:54.468 [Moans] 00:50:57.666 --> 00:51:00.035 She spells cake, she gets cake. 00:51:02.766 --> 00:51:04.300 She doesn't know what the word means yet... 00:51:05.700 --> 00:51:08.002 but she will. 00:51:08.066 --> 00:51:08.933 Percy. 00:51:16.166 --> 00:51:17.834 We don't need her. 00:51:17.900 --> 00:51:19.001 How would you like to learn one she doesn't know? 00:51:19.066 --> 00:51:21.935 Annie: ''M'' is easy. 00:51:22.000 --> 00:51:22.934 ''l'' is even easier-- 00:51:23.000 --> 00:51:24.735 Just the pinkie up. 00:51:24.799 --> 00:51:26.268 Annie: ''L.'' 00:51:28.799 --> 00:51:29.734 '' K.'' 00:51:31.466 --> 00:51:32.466 '' M.'' Why should l talk to you? 00:51:32.533 --> 00:51:34.668 l'm teaching Percy. 00:51:34.733 --> 00:51:38.603 M-l-L-K. 00:51:44.166 --> 00:51:45.100 No. 00:51:45.166 --> 00:51:47.001 l'm teaching Percy. 00:51:48.133 --> 00:51:49.400 Ooh, you're jealous. 00:52:00.400 --> 00:52:01.334 [Moans] 00:52:05.200 --> 00:52:06.200 ''M...'' 00:52:06.266 --> 00:52:07.367 ''I...'' 00:52:07.433 --> 00:52:08.667 ''L...'' 00:52:08.733 --> 00:52:09.667 ''K.'' 00:52:17.066 --> 00:52:18.500 [Sighs] 00:52:19.566 --> 00:52:23.002 Annie: At least l'm back to where l can touch you. 00:52:32.133 --> 00:52:34.134 You can go back to bed, Percy. 00:52:34.200 --> 00:52:35.468 Thank you. 00:52:58.633 --> 00:52:59.667 [Sighs] 00:53:09.799 --> 00:53:13.403 l never thought that life could be so quiet. 00:53:25.033 --> 00:53:26.634 l miss her, too. 00:53:28.500 --> 00:53:30.668 # Hush, little baby# 00:53:30.733 --> 00:53:33.035 # Don't say a word # 00:53:33.099 --> 00:53:37.804 # Mama's gonna buy you a mockingbird # 00:53:37.866 --> 00:53:42.237 # If that mockingbird don't sing # 00:53:42.299 --> 00:53:47.405 # Mama's gonna buy you a diamond ring # 00:53:47.466 --> 00:53:48.900 Jimmie: Annie. 00:53:50.533 --> 00:53:51.901 l can't sleep, Annie. 00:53:51.966 --> 00:53:54.835 There are rats in my room. 00:53:54.900 --> 00:53:57.669 Can't we live somewhere else? 00:53:57.733 --> 00:53:59.334 We don't have anywhere else,Jimmie. 00:54:00.000 --> 00:54:02.336 Please, can l sleep with you? 00:54:02.400 --> 00:54:04.034 Just for tonight. 00:54:05.866 --> 00:54:07.801 [Baby Crying] 00:54:12.333 --> 00:54:14.535 # Hush, little baby# 00:54:14.599 --> 00:54:16.902 # Don't say a word # 00:54:16.966 --> 00:54:18.934 # Mama's gonna buy you # 00:54:19.000 --> 00:54:21.335 #A mockingbird # 00:54:21.400 --> 00:54:24.136 Annie: # And if that Mockingbird # 00:54:24.200 --> 00:54:25.868 #Doesn't sing# 00:54:25.933 --> 00:54:29.668 # Mama's gonna buy you, A diamond ring # 00:54:52.500 --> 00:54:54.435 [Sniffs] 00:54:55.833 --> 00:54:57.234 Flower. 00:55:02.533 --> 00:55:03.533 Leaf. 00:55:08.333 --> 00:55:09.500 Water. 00:55:17.433 --> 00:55:18.534 No. 00:55:18.599 --> 00:55:20.935 Not ''apple.'' 00:55:23.500 --> 00:55:24.667 Water. 00:55:29.366 --> 00:55:31.568 [Sighs] 00:55:31.633 --> 00:55:34.302 Why is it so hard to understand? 00:55:45.366 --> 00:55:47.067 We were just about to have lunch. 00:55:47.133 --> 00:55:48.434 How is she, Miss Annie? 00:55:49.500 --> 00:55:50.602 Fine. 00:55:51.066 --> 00:55:53.067 Annie: l taught her that stitch yesterday. 00:55:53.133 --> 00:55:54.400 Now l can't get her to stop. 00:55:57.266 --> 00:55:59.835 lt's so quiet in the house without her. 00:55:59.900 --> 00:56:01.234 Kate: Well, when the Captain and James 00:56:01.300 --> 00:56:03.368 aren't bickering, that is. 00:56:03.433 --> 00:56:04.867 l noticed they don't get along. 00:56:04.933 --> 00:56:06.200 Oh, well, they used to 00:56:06.266 --> 00:56:08.001 when James' mother was alive. 00:56:08.066 --> 00:56:10.034 Kate: But then Helen came along, 00:56:10.100 --> 00:56:12.668 and, well, she takes up so much of our attention. 00:56:12.733 --> 00:56:14.067 [Sniffs] 00:56:29.133 --> 00:56:30.467 Soup. 00:56:36.466 --> 00:56:37.600 Annie: Ooh, such a lady. 00:56:37.666 --> 00:56:40.702 She'd rather starve than eat without a spoon. 00:56:40.766 --> 00:56:42.601 You have taught her so much 00:56:42.666 --> 00:56:43.900 in a week and a half. 00:56:43.966 --> 00:56:45.734 Annie: It's not enough. 00:56:45.800 --> 00:56:47.701 Obedience is not enough. 00:56:47.766 --> 00:56:50.969 She knows so many words. 00:56:51.033 --> 00:56:52.834 lf only she knew what they meant. 00:56:52.900 --> 00:56:55.569 Kate: And how will she learn? 00:56:55.633 --> 00:56:56.967 The way a bird learns to use its wings. 00:56:57.033 --> 00:56:58.267 lt has to come. 00:56:58.333 --> 00:57:01.569 But how, Miss Annie? 00:57:01.633 --> 00:57:02.567 l... 00:57:04.233 --> 00:57:05.167 need... 00:57:06.699 --> 00:57:08.468 more... 00:57:08.533 --> 00:57:09.433 time. 00:57:09.499 --> 00:57:11.201 Alone with her? 00:57:11.266 --> 00:57:12.200 Annie: Yes. 00:57:12.266 --> 00:57:13.367 Why not? 00:57:14.999 --> 00:57:16.334 Because l can't-- l -- 00:57:16.400 --> 00:57:17.334 Annie: Spell it. 00:57:17.400 --> 00:57:18.367 lf she ever learns, 00:57:18.433 --> 00:57:20.268 you're the first person 00:57:20.333 --> 00:57:21.500 she's going to want to talk to. 00:57:26.533 --> 00:57:27.967 Annie: She... 00:57:30.100 --> 00:57:32.836 needs... 00:57:33.000 --> 00:57:34.234 me. 00:57:35.833 --> 00:57:37.634 She needs me, too. 00:57:40.300 --> 00:57:41.234 No. 00:57:42.600 --> 00:57:45.235 You have 3 days, Annie. 00:57:45.300 --> 00:57:47.235 That's all you have. 00:58:06.033 --> 00:58:08.402 E-G-G. 00:58:08.466 --> 00:58:09.333 Egg. 00:58:10.533 --> 00:58:12.568 The word is the thing. 00:58:13.218 --> 00:58:15.153 lt has a name. 00:58:20.851 --> 00:58:21.818 [Cracks Egg] 00:58:21.884 --> 00:58:22.818 [Gasps] 00:58:22.884 --> 00:58:24.819 [Chirping] 00:58:28.618 --> 00:58:29.885 Bird. 00:58:34.918 --> 00:58:38.688 The bird is coming out of its shell, Helen. 00:58:38.751 --> 00:58:41.186 You -- You come out, too. 00:58:44.518 --> 00:58:47.287 [Annie Gasps] 00:58:47.351 --> 00:58:48.785 Annie: Ohh. 00:58:56.151 --> 00:58:57.785 Well, Francis, 00:58:57.851 --> 00:59:00.019 l believe we're onto something here. 00:59:00.084 --> 00:59:02.820 [Horse Neighs] 00:59:02.884 --> 00:59:04.652 James: Father? 00:59:04.718 --> 00:59:06.519 Hello, Francis. James. 00:59:06.584 --> 00:59:07.518 Captain. 00:59:10.351 --> 00:59:12.252 Thought l'd come take a look around. 00:59:14.184 --> 00:59:17.220 We had an idea last year and tried something, 00:59:17.284 --> 00:59:19.719 and it looks like 22 inches between the plants 00:59:19.784 --> 00:59:21.185 gives us about twice the yield. 00:59:21.251 --> 00:59:23.386 Twice the yield? 00:59:23.451 --> 00:59:24.718 Francis: We had that blue mold 00:59:24.784 --> 00:59:26.018 pretty bad last year, sir. 00:59:26.084 --> 00:59:29.886 We think it's carrying over the winter in the roots 00:59:29.951 --> 00:59:30.951 so we're going to try to get 00:59:31.018 --> 00:59:32.386 all the roots and stalks out of the ground 00:59:32.451 --> 00:59:33.385 after the harvest. 00:59:33.451 --> 00:59:35.219 Well, with the roots gone, 00:59:35.284 --> 00:59:37.019 we get a bad rain, we stand to lose 00:59:37.084 --> 00:59:38.885 a whole layer of topsoil. 00:59:38.951 --> 00:59:41.553 Well, l was thinking of that, too. 00:59:41.618 --> 00:59:44.921 Let's plant some low grass for the winter. 00:59:44.984 --> 00:59:47.920 Look for some, would you, Francis? 00:59:55.918 --> 00:59:58.220 Did you need something, Father? 00:59:58.284 --> 01:00:01.220 l think l have it, Jimmy. 01:00:03.551 --> 01:00:05.252 Sorry to interrupt. 01:00:11.084 --> 01:00:12.051 Horse. 01:00:27.151 --> 01:00:28.285 Horse... 01:00:30.318 --> 01:00:32.086 eats... 01:00:32.151 --> 01:00:33.085 apple. 01:01:11.451 --> 01:01:13.653 How l have waited for this day. 01:01:13.718 --> 01:01:17.521 Arthur: l only hope we won't be disappointed. 01:01:17.584 --> 01:01:19.619 Helen doesn't ever disappoint you, Father. 01:01:31.884 --> 01:01:33.318 Why are you jealous, James? 01:01:33.384 --> 01:01:34.818 l'm not jealous. 01:01:35.918 --> 01:01:36.852 l'm envious. 01:01:39.851 --> 01:01:42.653 lt's not only Helen who needs to learn how to talk. 01:01:45.818 --> 01:01:47.186 Things will be very different here 01:01:47.251 --> 01:01:49.219 if Helen is better. 01:01:49.284 --> 01:01:50.718 l know. 01:01:53.918 --> 01:01:56.487 Who will l blame then for my unhappiness? 01:01:56.851 --> 01:02:01.222 Annie: If only there was someone to help me. 01:02:03.184 --> 01:02:07.187 l feel l need a teacher as much as Helen does. 01:02:07.251 --> 01:02:08.819 [Horse Neighs] 01:02:08.884 --> 01:02:09.751 Arthur: Whoa. 01:02:11.151 --> 01:02:13.086 [Sighs] 01:02:14.251 --> 01:02:15.185 [Dog Barking] 01:02:15.251 --> 01:02:16.185 Ohh. 01:02:17.618 --> 01:02:18.885 Captain. 01:02:18.951 --> 01:02:22.220 Miss Sullivan, l've brought Helen a playmate. 01:02:22.284 --> 01:02:24.285 A kind of graduation present. 01:02:24.351 --> 01:02:26.352 Please, wait outside, Captain. 01:02:41.718 --> 01:02:42.652 Dog. 01:02:48.384 --> 01:02:49.852 Well, Miss Sullivan, 01:02:49.918 --> 01:02:51.552 the 2 weeks are up. 01:02:51.618 --> 01:02:52.618 Not until 5:00pm. 01:02:52.684 --> 01:02:55.686 Oh, what difference can half a day make? 01:02:55.751 --> 01:02:58.253 You don't know how eager we are to have her back. 01:02:58.318 --> 01:02:59.852 l do know. 01:02:59.918 --> 01:03:00.852 lt's my main concern. 01:03:02.518 --> 01:03:04.887 You've done wonders for her, 01:03:04.951 --> 01:03:07.019 and you've done us a great service. 01:03:07.084 --> 01:03:09.085 l've actually missed her. 01:03:09.151 --> 01:03:10.652 l owe that debt to you. 01:03:10.718 --> 01:03:12.753 Pay it to Helen, Captain. 01:03:12.818 --> 01:03:13.785 Give her another week. 01:03:15.284 --> 01:03:17.486 Look what you've done for her already. 01:03:17.551 --> 01:03:20.086 She's well-behaved. She seems quite contented. 01:03:20.151 --> 01:03:21.085 Certainly cleaner. 01:03:21.151 --> 01:03:22.785 She's cleaner? 01:03:22.851 --> 01:03:25.320 ls that what you care about? 01:03:25.384 --> 01:03:27.419 She's learning to talk, Captain. 01:03:27.484 --> 01:03:29.552 The words are in her fingers already. 01:03:29.618 --> 01:03:31.486 l can't risk her unlearning it 01:03:31.551 --> 01:03:35.521 when she goes back to her old life in the house. 01:03:35.584 --> 01:03:37.786 Oh, look. 01:03:37.851 --> 01:03:39.986 Arthur: What is she spelling? 01:03:40.051 --> 01:03:42.119 Water. 01:03:42.184 --> 01:03:43.618 [Laughs] Miss Sullivan... 01:03:45.084 --> 01:03:46.685 that dog doesn't know what words are 01:03:46.751 --> 01:03:48.586 any more than she does. 01:03:48.651 --> 01:03:51.320 Arthur: The dog's happy enough, though. 01:03:51.384 --> 01:03:52.651 God may not have meant 01:03:52.718 --> 01:03:54.453 for Helen to speak, Miss Sullivan. 01:03:54.518 --> 01:03:57.554 l mean her to, Captain. 01:03:57.618 --> 01:03:58.952 Give her half a week. 01:04:02.784 --> 01:04:04.385 You have until 5:00pm. 01:04:05.684 --> 01:04:08.319 Kate cannot bear to be separated from her 01:04:08.384 --> 01:04:09.752 for another night. 01:04:15.518 --> 01:04:16.619 Where is she? 01:04:18.551 --> 01:04:20.653 Your Miss Sullivan insisted on keeping her 01:04:20.718 --> 01:04:21.852 until 5:00pm. 01:04:23.218 --> 01:04:24.619 [Sighs] 01:04:24.684 --> 01:04:27.286 [Sighs] 01:04:27.351 --> 01:04:28.885 No. 01:04:28.951 --> 01:04:31.286 Not ''water.'' 01:04:35.884 --> 01:04:36.918 Dog. 01:04:40.984 --> 01:04:41.918 Dog. 01:04:45.918 --> 01:04:46.852 [Sighs] 01:04:51.751 --> 01:04:53.085 This... 01:04:54.318 --> 01:04:56.687 This -- This is water. 01:05:12.084 --> 01:05:15.020 How do l make her understand? 01:05:16.351 --> 01:05:18.786 How do l tell you? 01:05:22.451 --> 01:05:24.686 l don't know anything. 01:05:32.351 --> 01:05:33.819 They're satisfied. 01:05:35.151 --> 01:05:37.286 Give them back their child 01:05:37.351 --> 01:05:38.819 and their dog... 01:05:39.984 --> 01:05:41.485 both house-broken. 01:05:43.051 --> 01:05:44.519 Eveyone's satisfied. 01:05:46.218 --> 01:05:48.653 Eveyone but me... 01:05:48.718 --> 01:05:51.053 Annie: and you. 01:05:51.118 --> 01:05:52.285 Reach! 01:05:55.718 --> 01:05:57.519 Reach! 01:06:06.618 --> 01:06:09.787 Oh, what l wanted to give you, Helen. 01:06:09.851 --> 01:06:11.586 Eveything in the earth, 01:06:11.651 --> 01:06:14.253 eveything that we are, what we dream of. 01:06:14.318 --> 01:06:17.187 what we leave behind, 01:06:17.251 --> 01:06:20.287 what we think and feel and know and share-- 01:06:20.351 --> 01:06:22.786 it's all in words. 01:06:24.518 --> 01:06:27.053 lfl could give you one word... 01:06:27.118 --> 01:06:29.353 [Sighs] 01:06:29.418 --> 01:06:32.888 One word, l could give you eveything. 01:06:38.951 --> 01:06:40.852 Wool. 01:06:40.918 --> 01:06:43.086 lt means this. 01:06:54.884 --> 01:06:55.818 Chair. 01:07:00.651 --> 01:07:03.286 Napkin. 01:07:08.251 --> 01:07:09.385 Dress. 01:07:22.518 --> 01:07:23.986 Face. 01:07:29.351 --> 01:07:31.286 [Sighs] 01:07:35.584 --> 01:07:37.519 [Crying] 01:07:42.118 --> 01:07:43.118 Ohh. 01:08:02.451 --> 01:08:03.585 Tears. 01:08:17.850 --> 01:08:19.953 [Clock Chimes 5:00pm] 01:08:22.551 --> 01:08:24.219 Let's bring her home. 01:08:37.018 --> 01:08:38.452 Hmm? 01:08:38.518 --> 01:08:40.987 Let's put your things away. 01:08:44.384 --> 01:08:45.818 Put them away. 01:08:47.884 --> 01:08:49.218 Good. 01:08:49.283 --> 01:08:51.886 You are going home. 01:08:53.551 --> 01:08:54.484 Helen... 01:08:55.718 --> 01:08:57.152 is going home. 01:09:02.417 --> 01:09:04.419 That's right. Put your things away. 01:09:04.484 --> 01:09:06.018 Arthur: Whoa. 01:09:11.118 --> 01:09:12.618 How is she? 01:09:12.684 --> 01:09:15.286 Please. Please give me more time. 01:09:15.350 --> 01:09:17.486 l can't. 01:09:17.551 --> 01:09:18.551 Helen? 01:09:21.018 --> 01:09:21.984 Ohh. 01:09:26.584 --> 01:09:28.519 [Sniffs] 01:09:32.783 --> 01:09:33.718 Helen. 01:09:35.384 --> 01:09:36.818 Ohh. 01:09:36.884 --> 01:09:37.818 Oh. 01:09:41.584 --> 01:09:43.519 [Laughs] 01:09:45.251 --> 01:09:46.518 Oh. 01:10:10.418 --> 01:10:12.353 [Sighs] 01:10:23.051 --> 01:10:25.386 Jimmie: Annie l'm so hot, Annie! 01:10:25.451 --> 01:10:27.853 Can you bring me some water? Annie 01:10:28.018 --> 01:10:30.000 l have to go to him! 01:10:30.118 --> 01:10:32.019 He's got no one on the earth but me! 01:10:32.104 --> 01:10:34.086 Do you think l want an epidemic on my hands? 01:10:34.151 --> 01:10:35.418 Jimmie: Annie! 01:10:35.484 --> 01:10:36.651 - Proctor: You can't - Annie: Jimmie! 01:10:36.718 --> 01:10:37.752 Jimmie: Annie 01:10:37.818 --> 01:10:38.952 Jimmie! 01:10:39.018 --> 01:10:41.520 Proctor: We're doing the best we can. 01:10:41.584 --> 01:10:44.052 l'll come and get you when l can. 01:10:44.118 --> 01:10:46.252 Jimmie! -Jimmie: Annie 01:10:46.384 --> 01:10:48.418 Jimmie: Annie -l tried, but they wouldn't let me in. 01:10:48.584 --> 01:10:50.152 Jimmie: Annie - Jimmie. 01:10:50.218 --> 01:10:51.752 Annie: Jimmie! 01:10:51.818 --> 01:10:53.986 Jimmie: Annie. 01:10:54.051 --> 01:10:55.752 Jimmie: Annie 01:10:56.984 --> 01:10:58.919 [Sobs] 01:11:26.218 --> 01:11:27.285 [Sniffles] 01:11:31.918 --> 01:11:33.986 May l escort you? 01:11:34.051 --> 01:11:37.320 l'm not vey good company right now. 01:11:37.384 --> 01:11:39.119 Oh, l didn't come to keep you company. 01:11:39.184 --> 01:11:41.352 l came to keep you from getting lost in the dark. 01:11:41.418 --> 01:11:44.253 Maybe that's just what l was looking to do. 01:11:44.318 --> 01:11:47.087 Are you feeling sorry for yourself. Miss Sullivan? 01:11:47.351 --> 01:11:49.353 Just this once. 01:11:49.418 --> 01:11:50.552 Yes. 01:11:56.551 --> 01:12:00.154 My father has a great respect for you, 01:12:00.218 --> 01:12:02.653 and that's not easily earned. 01:12:02.718 --> 01:12:04.553 He fought at Vicksburg. 01:12:04.618 --> 01:12:06.553 He edits the newspaper. 01:12:07.718 --> 01:12:10.854 And he's always daring you to measure up. 01:12:10.918 --> 01:12:13.253 lf you have any advice for me, 01:12:13.318 --> 01:12:15.019 l wouldn't mind hearing it. 01:12:15.104 --> 01:12:16.118 l never really had a father, 01:12:16.184 --> 01:12:20.488 so l'm the last person to ask, 01:12:20.551 --> 01:12:22.619 but you've got to stand up to the world. 01:12:22.684 --> 01:12:23.951 That's all l know. 01:12:24.018 --> 01:12:26.887 Well, what if he's the world? 01:12:26.951 --> 01:12:28.000 Then you can just Iook around, James, 01:12:28.051 --> 01:12:32.088 and see how much bigger it really is. 01:12:32.151 --> 01:12:34.553 He's a man, James. That's all. 01:12:34.618 --> 01:12:36.052 So are you. 01:12:42.284 --> 01:12:44.019 [Knock On Door] 01:12:45.918 --> 01:12:48.053 Aunt Evelyn. 01:12:48.118 --> 01:12:49.819 Well, come in. Come in. 01:12:50.184 --> 01:12:51.919 lt is so good to see you. 01:12:51.984 --> 01:12:55.554 You have come and see our Helen now. 01:12:59.085 --> 01:13:00.786 [Sniffs] 01:13:12.518 --> 01:13:14.453 The sweet child. 01:13:14.518 --> 01:13:17.454 Miss Sullivan must be a wonder. 01:13:17.518 --> 01:13:19.653 Arthur: Miss Sullivan. 01:13:21.218 --> 01:13:23.887 l've brought you your first month's salary. 01:13:23.951 --> 01:13:25.886 [Sighs] 01:13:28.051 --> 01:13:29.819 You've done quite a job. 01:13:29.884 --> 01:13:31.985 You've taken a wild thing 01:13:32.051 --> 01:13:33.085 and given us back a child. 01:13:33.151 --> 01:13:35.420 l taught Helen one thing-- 01:13:36.000 --> 01:13:37.000 "No." 01:13:37.118 --> 01:13:39.187 Don't do this. Don't do that. 01:13:39.251 --> 01:13:42.287 l wanted to teach her ''yes.'' 01:13:43.051 --> 01:13:45.053 Well, you'll have all the time you need now. 01:13:46.118 --> 01:13:47.186 Will you help me, Captain? 01:13:47.251 --> 01:13:48.585 Yes. How? 01:13:49.151 --> 01:13:50.920 Don't undo what l've done. 01:13:52.084 --> 01:13:54.386 The world is not an easy place for anyone. 01:13:54.451 --> 01:13:56.853 Annie: To give Helen her way in everything 01:13:56.918 --> 01:13:58.486 is a lie to her. 01:13:58.551 --> 01:14:01.253 You've got to stand between her and that lie. 01:14:01.318 --> 01:14:04.054 Annie: Don't give in. 01:14:04.118 --> 01:14:07.120 We're certainly going to try. 01:14:07.184 --> 01:14:11.755 l used to wonder how l would earn a living. 01:14:11.818 --> 01:14:13.386 Now, the question is, can l survive it? 01:14:14.551 --> 01:14:16.953 l'll see you at supper. 01:14:20.384 --> 01:14:22.319 [Sniffs] 01:14:24.484 --> 01:14:25.618 Oh... 01:14:25.684 --> 01:14:29.454 we glad to have you back, missy. 01:14:50.651 --> 01:14:53.320 What, Helen? What? 01:14:53.384 --> 01:14:54.318 Oh, yes. 01:14:54.384 --> 01:14:56.285 Keys. Yes. 01:14:56.351 --> 01:14:58.553 l'll keep the keys, hmm? 01:14:58.618 --> 01:15:01.454 l think we've had enough of locked doors around here. 01:15:02.784 --> 01:15:04.218 Here they are. 01:15:05.318 --> 01:15:06.752 That's right. 01:15:09.551 --> 01:15:12.487 James: ''And Jacob was left alone 01:15:12.551 --> 01:15:15.487 for the breaking of day, 01:15:15.551 --> 01:15:19.554 James: and he wrestled with an angel. 01:15:19.618 --> 01:15:21.152 And the angel said, 'Let me go, 01:15:21.218 --> 01:15:23.286 for the daybreaks# 01:15:23.351 --> 01:15:25.219 And Jacob said, 'l will not let you go 01:15:25.284 --> 01:15:27.219 until you bless me.''' 01:15:28.318 --> 01:15:29.686 Amen. 01:15:29.751 --> 01:15:30.685 - Arthur: Amen - Aunt Ev: Amen. 01:15:30.751 --> 01:15:31.685 Kate: Amen. 01:15:33.384 --> 01:15:35.652 That's a vey strange grace,James. 01:15:35.718 --> 01:15:38.087 l thought it was a vey fitting grace 01:15:38.151 --> 01:15:39.385 considering the circumstances. 01:15:39.451 --> 01:15:42.020 So, you're an expert now on the Bible 01:15:42.084 --> 01:15:45.020 Arthur: and tobacco, is that right,James? 01:15:46.684 --> 01:15:47.985 Kate: Pickles, Aunt Ev? 01:15:48.051 --> 01:15:49.719 Aunt Ev: l should say so. 01:15:49.784 --> 01:15:51.685 You know my opinion of your pickles. 01:15:51.751 --> 01:15:54.420 Well, this is the last of them, l'm afraid. 01:15:54.484 --> 01:15:56.018 l didn't put up nearly enough last summer, 01:15:56.084 --> 01:15:58.252 but this year, l intend to. 01:15:59.884 --> 01:16:01.819 Arthur: Reverend Tompkins stopped by the office today 01:16:01.884 --> 01:16:03.685 to complain about his weevils. 01:16:03.751 --> 01:16:05.419 l told him... 01:16:07.118 --> 01:16:08.285 James: Did you tell him to-- 01:16:08.351 --> 01:16:10.486 l told him to talk to you about his weevils, James. 01:16:10.551 --> 01:16:12.119 Aunt Ev: l think it's marvelous 01:16:12.184 --> 01:16:13.785 what a successful farmer 01:16:13.851 --> 01:16:15.419 you have turned out to be, James. 01:16:18.751 --> 01:16:20.085 Ohh. 01:16:24.651 --> 01:16:26.252 Miss Annie, no. 01:16:26.318 --> 01:16:27.252 [Moaning, Kicking Table] 01:16:27.318 --> 01:16:28.252 No. 01:16:28.318 --> 01:16:29.452 Kate: Please? 01:16:29.518 --> 01:16:31.319 l have hardly had an hour with her. 01:16:32.784 --> 01:16:34.519 Captain? 01:16:34.584 --> 01:16:36.018 Katie... 01:16:36.084 --> 01:16:37.118 We... 01:16:37.184 --> 01:16:38.919 Arthur: we had a little talk. 01:16:38.984 --> 01:16:41.419 Miss Sullivan feels that if we indulge Helen in-- 01:16:41.484 --> 01:16:42.918 Aunt Ev: But what's the child done? 01:16:42.984 --> 01:16:44.919 Annie: She's learned not to throw things on the floor 01:16:44.984 --> 01:16:46.185 and kick. 01:16:46.251 --> 01:16:47.318 Well, it's only a napkin. 01:16:47.384 --> 01:16:49.085 lt's not as if it were something breakable. 01:16:49.151 --> 01:16:51.286 Either give Helen to me, or you keep her from kicking. 01:16:51.351 --> 01:16:52.552 Please. 01:16:52.618 --> 01:16:53.618 What do you want me to do? 01:16:53.684 --> 01:16:55.285 Let me take her from the table. 01:16:55.351 --> 01:16:57.619 But this is her first evening back. 01:16:57.684 --> 01:17:00.787 Kate: Will once hurt so much, Miss Annie? 01:17:00.851 --> 01:17:02.352 l have made all of Helen's favorite foods. 01:17:02.418 --> 01:17:03.552 She's testing you. 01:17:03.618 --> 01:17:04.952 She's testing you. 01:17:05.018 --> 01:17:06.686 Annie: l know! 01:17:06.751 --> 01:17:08.252 Well she's not kicking now. 01:17:08.318 --> 01:17:11.287 This is what l was worried about. 01:17:11.351 --> 01:17:13.419 ls this what you promised me Iess than an hour ago? 01:17:21.184 --> 01:17:22.485 Give in to her, then. 01:17:22.551 --> 01:17:26.454 She's the one who will pay for it. 01:17:26.518 --> 01:17:30.588 Annie: Please pass me more of Helen's favorite foods. 01:17:39.651 --> 01:17:41.919 Take her, Miss Annie. 01:17:41.984 --> 01:17:43.785 Thank you. 01:17:46.151 --> 01:17:47.752 There. Take her. 01:17:48.818 --> 01:17:51.153 [Helen Moaning] 01:17:52.518 --> 01:17:53.452 Arthur: No. 01:17:53.518 --> 01:17:55.686 l won't have this. 01:17:57.118 --> 01:17:59.885 l don't see that we need to send her from the table. 01:17:59.951 --> 01:18:01.752 Let me hold Helen to what she's learned, 01:18:01.818 --> 01:18:03.386 and she will go on learning. 01:18:03.451 --> 01:18:06.720 Take her out of my hands, and it all comes apart. 01:18:06.784 --> 01:18:08.418 She is the guest of honor. 01:18:08.484 --> 01:18:10.586 [Moans] 01:18:10.651 --> 01:18:12.052 Bring her plate back. 01:18:12.118 --> 01:18:13.519 lf she were a seeing child, 01:18:13.584 --> 01:18:14.518 Annie: you would not stand for this. 01:18:14.584 --> 01:18:15.584 Well, she's not. 01:18:15.651 --> 01:18:17.486 l think some allowances are called for. 01:18:19.018 --> 01:18:20.853 Arthur: Bring her plate back, please. 01:18:20.918 --> 01:18:22.019 Unh! 01:18:29.084 --> 01:18:31.052 Thank you. 01:18:31.118 --> 01:18:32.586 Unh! 01:18:39.318 --> 01:18:40.252 There. 01:18:49.251 --> 01:18:50.819 Now let's start all over. 01:19:06.318 --> 01:19:07.986 No. 01:19:08.051 --> 01:19:09.285 - No. - [Moans] 01:19:09.351 --> 01:19:11.286 Annie: Mm-mmm. 01:19:11.351 --> 01:19:12.618 No. 01:19:12.684 --> 01:19:13.851 No. 01:19:15.018 --> 01:19:15.952 Uhh! 01:19:18.218 --> 01:19:19.185 [Helen Moaning] 01:19:19.251 --> 01:19:20.185 Don't get up! 01:19:20.251 --> 01:19:21.518 What are you doing? 01:19:21.584 --> 01:19:23.018 l treat her like a seeing child 01:19:23.084 --> 01:19:24.518 because l ask her to see! 01:19:24.584 --> 01:19:26.119 l expect her to see! 01:19:26.884 --> 01:19:28.318 Where are you taking her? 01:19:28.484 --> 01:19:31.319 To make her refill this pitcher! 01:19:31.518 --> 01:19:33.453 [Moaning] 01:19:39.884 --> 01:19:41.485 Uhh! 01:19:42.051 --> 01:19:45.387 You let her speak to you like that, Arthur? 01:19:45.551 --> 01:19:46.419 [Helen Crying] 01:19:47.034 --> 01:19:48.001 No, l don't. 01:19:48.068 --> 01:19:49.702 Let her go! 01:19:49.768 --> 01:19:51.536 What? 01:19:53.434 --> 01:19:54.434 Let her go. 01:19:54.501 --> 01:19:55.835 She's right. 01:19:55.901 --> 01:19:57.502 She's right, and Kate's right. 01:19:57.568 --> 01:19:59.036 lf you drive Miss Sullivan away from here, 01:19:59.101 --> 01:20:00.569 then we're lost. 01:20:00.634 --> 01:20:01.935 No. 01:20:03.368 --> 01:20:04.368 Helen is lost. 01:20:04.434 --> 01:20:05.835 Captain, please. 01:20:22.234 --> 01:20:23.168 Jimmy... 01:20:27.634 --> 01:20:28.568 Thank you. 01:20:33.501 --> 01:20:35.336 [Moaning] 01:20:43.568 --> 01:20:45.636 Know where we are? 01:20:45.701 --> 01:20:47.702 You recognize this place? 01:20:50.934 --> 01:20:51.868 Pump. 01:21:02.634 --> 01:21:03.668 No. 01:21:03.734 --> 01:21:06.503 Your mother's... 01:21:06.568 --> 01:21:09.137 not here. 01:21:09.201 --> 01:21:10.468 Ah. 01:21:10.534 --> 01:21:11.635 Pump. 01:21:22.501 --> 01:21:23.869 [Water Pouring] 01:21:27.934 --> 01:21:29.502 Annie: Water. 01:22:12.268 --> 01:22:13.769 W... 01:22:13.834 --> 01:22:15.368 Helen:Wa... 01:22:15.434 --> 01:22:16.368 Wa... 01:22:17.768 --> 01:22:19.002 Wa... 01:22:19.068 --> 01:22:21.203 Wa... 01:22:22.434 --> 01:22:24.035 W... 01:22:24.101 --> 01:22:26.336 W... 01:22:26.401 --> 01:22:27.602 W... 01:22:30.968 --> 01:22:33.036 Water. 01:22:33.101 --> 01:22:34.335 Yes. 01:22:34.401 --> 01:22:36.069 Water. 01:22:36.134 --> 01:22:37.168 lt has a name. 01:22:38.834 --> 01:22:39.868 Water. 01:22:40.934 --> 01:22:42.669 Annie: Yes. Yes. 01:22:42.734 --> 01:22:44.869 W-W... 01:22:44.934 --> 01:22:45.868 W... 01:22:45.934 --> 01:22:47.402 Annie: Yes. Yes. 01:22:47.468 --> 01:22:48.435 Wa... 01:22:48.501 --> 01:22:50.469 Wa...Wa... 01:22:50.534 --> 01:22:52.435 Yes. Yes. 01:22:52.501 --> 01:22:53.635 Water. 01:22:53.701 --> 01:22:55.369 Yes. 01:22:58.534 --> 01:22:59.668 Pump. 01:23:06.401 --> 01:23:07.335 Ground. 01:23:10.068 --> 01:23:11.102 Yes. 01:23:16.634 --> 01:23:17.568 Bush. 01:23:20.368 --> 01:23:21.302 Flower. 01:23:25.534 --> 01:23:26.835 [Laughs] 01:23:26.901 --> 01:23:29.236 [Moans] 01:23:29.301 --> 01:23:30.235 [Bell Rings] 01:23:31.368 --> 01:23:32.435 Annie: Captain 01:23:32.501 --> 01:23:34.269 Mrs. Keller, come quickly! 01:23:34.334 --> 01:23:35.735 She knows! 01:23:38.201 --> 01:23:39.302 Annie: Mrs. Keller... 01:23:40.368 --> 01:23:41.302 she knows! 01:23:41.368 --> 01:23:42.802 She knows! 01:23:46.868 --> 01:23:47.802 Mother. 01:23:53.801 --> 01:23:54.768 Yes. 01:23:54.834 --> 01:23:56.101 Kate: Yes. 01:23:56.168 --> 01:23:57.102 Annie: Captain. 01:24:02.268 --> 01:24:03.536 Papa. 01:24:05.034 --> 01:24:06.468 Kate: Good. 01:24:31.968 --> 01:24:33.903 [Sighs] 01:25:07.668 --> 01:25:08.535 Teacher. 01:25:23.234 --> 01:25:24.168 Yes. 01:25:24.234 --> 01:25:25.435 Teacher. 01:25:41.068 --> 01:25:42.336 Keys? 01:25:42.401 --> 01:25:43.536 She wants the keys. 01:25:46.234 --> 01:25:47.535 Here you go. 01:25:47.601 --> 01:25:48.535 There. 01:25:59.201 --> 01:26:00.135 OK. 01:26:01.301 --> 01:26:03.169 ''K...'' 01:26:03.234 --> 01:26:04.735 "E...'' 01:26:04.801 --> 01:26:05.801 ''Y.'' 01:26:05.868 --> 01:26:07.069 Key. 01:26:14.601 --> 01:26:16.002 Teacher. 01:26:19.201 --> 01:26:20.569 Kate: Teacher. 01:26:24.101 --> 01:26:25.636 Kate, darling. 01:26:53.552 --> 01:26:54.886 l... 01:26:56.386 --> 01:26:57.620 love... 01:26:59.252 --> 01:27:00.419 Helen... 01:27:02.852 --> 01:27:04.520 so much. 01:27:07.119 --> 01:27:09.553 So much.