9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 "Attack by japan considered imminent." 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 "Today you will be with me[br]in paradise." So fear not. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 'Cause I always saw in you my light 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 - 1,500 cartons over there.[br]- Remember what jesus said: 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 - Admiral?[br]- The navy's planes are small. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 - Any other questions?[br]- Well, sir... 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 - Are you nervous?[br]- No-- Yes, sir. Yes. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 - Bombs away![br]- Bombs away! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 - Can you do me a favour?[br]- What? 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 - Can you hear me? Come on.[br]- Yeah. Yeah. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 - Clean that up.[br]- Yes, sir. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 - Colonel, he's crazy.[br]- The lady's fat![br]- Listen to him. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 - Congratulations[br]on your promotion, sir.[br]- I heard what you did. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 - Damn![br]- How in the heck you--[br]- Damn! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 - Danny![br]- Rafe! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 - Danny. Easy, easy, easy.[br]- I've had better landings. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 - Don't let in anyone without a mark.[br]- Stay back! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 - Drop your ordnance.[br]- Bombs away. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 - Engine one's fluctuating.[br]- We're gonna lose it any minute. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 - Evelyn, we need a tourniquet![br]- Tourniquet? 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 - Evelyn.[br]- Here. Use this.[br]- I need you to go outside. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 - Excuse me, Major jackson.[br]- Yes.[br]- Do you remember me? 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 - Fellas?[br]- Sir. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 - Get us outta here![br]- Help! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 - Get us outta here![br]- The room's filling up with water! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 - Go down there and get Gooz![br]- I want everyone to separate! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 - God![br]- Put every man on the line now! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 - Gooz? You okay, man?[br]- Danny! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 - He's critical. Get him into Critical![br]- Keep him off me. Keep him off me! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 - Help us! Hurry![br]- The air hose! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 - Hold on. just hold on one second.[br]- Rafe. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 - How can we help?[br]- We need blood. Come on. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 - How many yards?[br]- 400 yards and closing, sir. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 - I can't.[br]- No, please, do it! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 - I have to amputate here![br]I have to amputate![br]- You're not gonna die! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 - I told you, stand back![br]- Stay outside. Keep 'em outside. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 - I wanna be in the command post.[br]- I'm sorry. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 - I want you to do me a favour.[br]- What's that, Colonel? 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 - I will. I'll see you, Rafe.[br]- Rafe, we're the tip of the sword. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 - I'm getting peppered up here![br]- just hope they don't hit a prop. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 - I'm hit![br]- They're gonna tear this plane apart. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 - I'm sure. I'm sure.[br]Now, lose it like a skirt, son.[br]- Release brakes! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 - I-I-I don't--[br]I don't think she's breathing.[br]- No, she's dead. Take her. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 - Is this all you got?[br]- That's all we got, Red. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 - It's not marking. It's not ma--[br]Ev, you got a marker?[br]- Uh, uh, no. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 - It's your personal effects.[br]- Thank you, sir. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 - Let me try to pull this out for you.[br]- Where's Gooz? 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 - Let's go! Let's go! Move![br]- Come on, you guys. Get up there! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 - Lieutenants Rafe McCawley,[br]Daniel Walker?[br]- Major. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 - Man your guns back there.[br]- I'm cocked and locked! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 - Maybe this mission's a bad idea.[br]- No, they're too heavy. We got[br]to get drastic with these planes. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 - Move 'em up![br]- All right, full power![br]Full power! Here we go! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 - Mr President--[br]- Mr President![br]- Get back, George. Get back. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 - Now, let's head over[br]to Battleship Row.[br]- I'm with you. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 - Oh, no.[br]- Oh, God! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 - Oh, yeah![br]- P-40s![br]- Yeah! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 - Over here![br]- Admiral? 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 - Pray for both of us.[br]- It's gotta be right! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 - Rafe, no! Rafe![br]- Danny! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 - Rafe, you gotta prime it.[br]- I'm priming it. How about now? 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 - Secretary of the navy gave me these.[br]- What are they? 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 - So what's going on?[br]- Well, sir, we only have 1 6 planes. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 - Superchargers low and latched.[br]- Superchargers are low and latched. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 - Take the burn victims by the trees.[br]- I just found her. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 - They're cuttin' through![br]- Yeah! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 - Try and clean that up.[br]- They're shooting flak at us! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 - Turning on one![br]- Turning on two! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 - Wait here.[br]- Don't touch me, you jap![br]Get your hands off me! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 - Watch out. The enemy will get you.[br]- Maybe she's ri ght. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 - We caught 'em by surprise.[br]- Dropping ordnance. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 - We got it![br]- We got it! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 - We're a dead stick.[br]- Get out of the nose! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 - We're gonna make it.[br]- Yeah. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 - We've got broomsticks for tail guns.[br]- Yeah, maybe it'll scare 'em. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 - What do they want you[br]to do with them, sir?[br]- We're gonna wire them[br]to the bombs and give them back. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 - What's your favourite gun?[br]- What? 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 - When did you find religion?[br]- When you assigned me[br]to this mission, sir. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 - Who are you?[br]- I, sir? 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 - Who's got extra magazines?[br]- I got 'em. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 - Yeah![br]- Way to go! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 - You know how I know?[br]- No. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 - You know what top secret is?[br]- Yes, sir. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 - You saved us back there.[br]- I got something in my neck. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 - You take care of yourself up there.[br]- Yeah. I will. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 - You were right there for me[br]- You were right there for me 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 - You're gonna be just fine, sweetheart.[br]- I don't wanna die![br]- You're gonna be just fine. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 - You're gonna put a broomstick[br]where this gun was.[br]- A broomstick. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 - You've got to be sure before you--[br]- She's dead. Get back to work.[br]- Oh, my God! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 -jesus![br]- What do you wanna do? 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 37 degrees. Target in sight. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 624 miles-- 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 624 miles. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 A place for you 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 A place for you for all my life 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Actually, It's about two pilots. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Add ten more cans of fuel[br]for each plane. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Admiral Halsey's ordering[br]the cruisers to open fire! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 After it,[br]there was hope of victory. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Ah! Come on! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Ain't gonna be any easier. That's three[br]feet shorter than our practice runway. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 All hands,[br]man yourbattle stations! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 All he needs to think about is how[br]to do this mission and get back alive. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 All ocean, no land.[br]Homing into nothing. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 All right,[br]in honour of our trip to japan,[br]I got us some, uh, victory cigars! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 All right,[br]look alive back there. I see coastline. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 All right, Bobby, don't kick.[br]I know it's hard, but-- 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 All right, boys,[br]let's knock their clocks off! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 All right, we're gonna pull out[br]of this, Gooz. Come on. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 All right. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 All the strength you gave to me 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Amen. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 America realized that she would win[br]and surged forward. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 America suffered,[br]but America grew stronger. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 And I always will remember 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 And I wanna thank you now[br]for all the ways 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 And everywhere I am 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 And everywhere I am 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 And everywhere I am 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 And everywhere I am 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 And everywhere I am 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 And in times like these,[br]you see them... 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 And once you get it up, you're gonna[br]learn to fly it like a fighter... 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 And our bombers may lack the fuel[br]to reach the mainland anyway, sir. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 And the dreams we left behind 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 And then all this happened. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 And we're gonna bomb it. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 And where is God in all this? 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Approaching targets for bombing raid.[br]Open bomb bay doors.[br]Open bomb bay doors. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Army pilots, man your planes! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 As soon as we're airborne, the carrier[br]will head straight back for Hawaii. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Ask Colonel Doolittle. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Because at 468 feet... 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Because of this... 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Because they're rare. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Before the Doolittle raid,[br]America knew nothing but defeat. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Bombs away! Bombs away! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Break radio silence. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 But I just wanna know why. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 But consider the risk,[br]Mr President. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 But he would not be the last.[br]He joined a brotherhood of heroes. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 But if the carriers head home,[br]where do we land? 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 But it'll be straight[br]through their hearts. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 But that's just me. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 But they send them[br]to your relatives. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 But we see our friends[br]laid out here before us-- 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 But we're on our own. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 But when I see defeat[br]in the eyes of my countrymen... 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 But, back home,[br]millions ofAmerican workers... 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 By the way, McCawley,[br]the Brits sent this over. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Can you have someone else[br]write my name on the tombstone? 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Captain Low, Mr President. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Captain, Radar reports japanese[br]patrol boats range of 400 yards. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Colonel Doolittle had[br]to advance his execution order[br]by 12 hours, Mr President. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Colonel! I need a minute. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Colonel,[br]we're too far out to make it. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Colonel. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Colonel... 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Come here. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Come on! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Come on! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Come on! Come on! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Come on! Come on![br]Come on! Come on! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Come on! Here we go![br]Here we go! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Come on! Let's go![br]Take this guy up! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Come on! Max power! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Come on, Gooz.[br]We're the tip of the sword. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Come on. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Come on. Stay in there.[br]Stay in there! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Copy that, Rafe. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Critical, front ward! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Cut 'em out! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Dangerous kind. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Danny! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Danny, I got one! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Danny, be careful.[br]You hear me? 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Danny, don't do this.[br]Don't go on this mission. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Danny, follow me now.[br]We can make this. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Danny, this-- this-- 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Danny, you can't die.[br]You can't die. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Danny. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Danny. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Danny. Oh! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Danny? 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Danny? 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Dear Rafe, it's so strange[br]to be this far from you... 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 December 7, 1941... 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Do not tell me... 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Does anyone in this room... 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Don't lose us![br]Keep swimming! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Dorie Miller was the first black[br]American to be awarded the Navy Cross. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Dump that ashcan.[br]See that bombsight? Get rid of it. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 During the intervening time... 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Evelyn already lost the man she loved[br]once. I just don't want to see[br]that happen to her again. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Evelyn, loving you[br]kept me alive. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Every plane! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Everyone all right? 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Everyone brave enough[br]to accept this... 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Explain what? 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Factories.Just factories. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Fear not, my son. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Fellas, it's gonna be[br]a hard landing. Hold on. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Fire away, gentlemen. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Follow me. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 For all my life 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 For all my life 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 For always 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Friendship medals the japanese gave us[br]when they were pretending[br]they wanted peace. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 From Berlin, Rome and Tokyo,[br]we have been described... 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 From Washington. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Gentlemen... 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Get an air line in here! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Get into the clouds, Danny,[br]right now! Get up-- 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Get into the clouds, Danny,[br]right now. Get up in that soup! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Get ready, you suckers. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Get up! Get up! Get up! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Get us outta here! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Give him enough morphine[br]to make him comfortable.[br]He's not gonna make it. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Go back to work, Sandra. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Go to general quarters! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Go with God, my son. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 God help them. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 God. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Goddam it! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Gooz! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Grenade! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Guys like us got no choice.[br]This is war. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Has that ever even been done before?[br]Taking army bombers off a navy carrier? 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 He did. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 He's a submariner.[br]He came up with this idea, sir. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 He's dead. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 He's fine.[br]He's right over there. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 He's gonna help us lighten[br]these fat ladies here. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 He's probably[br]saying goodbye to his squadron.[br]We've been assigned to Doolittle. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Heads up, boys! Heads up! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Here. Stay here. Don't talk to them.[br]They won't talk to you. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Hey, Cap'n. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Hey, Danny.[br]How'd you like to go flying? 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Hey, Rafe? 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Hey, Red, you think they just picked us[br]to do this 'cause we're young and dumb? 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Hold on now. I got you.[br]You're all right.[br]You're all right. There you go. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Hold on to your faith, my son. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Hold on, boys![br]We're going down! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Hold your fire. They're Chinese. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 How bad am I? 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 How do you like it[br]when someone's shootin' back at you? 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 How in the hell do you know[br]about this mission, Lieutenant? 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 How many cans of fuel[br]we got left? 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 I absolve you of your sins[br]in the name of the Father... 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 I ask that the Congress[br]declare a state of war. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 I can see the coast right now.[br]It's only a few miles out. Follow me. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 I can't promise you anything. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 I couldn't have you go away[br]without you understanding something. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 I couldn't help what happened[br]any more than you could. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 I didn't even know until the day[br]you turned up alive. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 I do, because you're acting[br]like I didn't love you. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 I don't know if the planes can carry[br]enough fuel to make it to China. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 I don't know what to do. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 I don't know. Colonel... 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 I don't want him to know. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 I got you, son of a bitch! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 I got you.[br]Can you hold on to this-- 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 I have a phrase[br]I want you to memorize. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 I haven't told Danny. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 I hear somebody![br]Let's get some guys over here! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 I just wanna be there[br]when the news comes in[br]to tell us if they've lived or died. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 I know they're going[br]into great danger. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 I like sub commanders. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 I love you, Danny... 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 I mean, how much difference[br]we really gonna make? 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 I need you for a mission[br]I've been ordered to put together. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 I need you to do it. Go! Go! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 I regret to tell you[br]that over 3, 000 American lives... 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 I see rice paddies right there.[br]We'll bring it in right here. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 I see the coastline.[br]I see the coast! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 I should've died over there. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 I think Theo's dead![br]Theo, wake up! Theo! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 I told Him I knew I'd been[br]a fool for leaving you... 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 I told Him I was sorry. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 I want you to say hello to Lieutenant[br]Jack Richards, Navy Aviation. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 I was strong and proud[br]and arrogant. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 I wasn't built to be a prisoner. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 I wasn't looking for Danny. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 I'd find the sweetest[br]military target I could... 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 I'll be glad[br]'cause I was blessed to get 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 I'll go too, sir. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 I'll go, sir. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 I'll keep a part of you with me 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 I'll keep a part of you with me 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 I'll keep a part of you with me 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 I'll look and see your face 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 I'll love you my whole life. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 I'll see you on board. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 I'm 45 years old.[br]I'm an old man. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 I'm goin' after 'em. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 I'm gonna short this out! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 I'm gonna walk away,[br]and I won't ask you for anything. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 I'm not--[br]I'm not gonna make it. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 I'm okay. I'm okay. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 I'm pushing up on two. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 I'm so cold. I'm so cold. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 I'm sorry, gentlemen. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 I'm talking about hitting the heart[br]of japan the way they have hit us. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 I've been looking[br]all over for you. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 I, uh, can't find Danny. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 I-I don't know[br]what you're talking about. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 If the japanese[br]invade us right now... 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 In Chinese. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 In my dreams, I'll always see you 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 In my dreams, I'll always see you 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 In my dreams, I'll always see you 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 In my heart, there will always[br]be a place for you 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 In my heart, there will always be 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 In my heart, there will always be 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Is it true... 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Is that the good news, sir, or-- 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 It is obvious[br]that planning the attack... 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 It means "I am an American." 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 It was a war that changed[br]America and the world. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 It was not inevitable. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 It was worth it. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 It won't cut any faster! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 It's a good bet[br]that in the next six weeks... 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 It's an electric fi--[br]We got a fire back here! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 It's not that we're afraid, sir.[br]It's just that we might die doing this,[br]and we wanna know what it's for. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 It's the kind of mission[br]where you get medals. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Jap patrols! Take cover! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Japan continues its military conquest[br]throughout the Pacific. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Japan realized, for the first time, that[br]they could lose and began to pull back. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Japs one mile away![br]They've reported our position! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Japs transmitting![br]Japs transmitting! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Japs! We got jap patrols[br]all over the place! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Jesus, that was short. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Just tell me that, will you, please?[br]Just tell me why. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Leave your goddam hula shirts[br]at home. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Let them repeat that now. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Let them tell that[br]to General MacArthur and his men. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Let them tell that[br]to the boys in the Flying Fortresses. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Let them tell that[br]to the marines. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Let them tell that[br]to the soldiers who today... 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Let's call it[br]an inadvertent disclosure. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Let's go do some business. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Let's go! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Let's show these boys[br]how this thing is done! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Line the critical up in the ward.[br]Get him morphine. Take him over there. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Listen. I want you to strip[br]everything out of this plane[br]you don't need, and I mean now. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Lose those suitcases now! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Man your planes! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Max power! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Max power! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Maybe you can. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Midway is too far,[br]and Russia... 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 More speed! More speed! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Most nurses would have gone on[br]to someone else instead of keeping[br]their fingers plugged in your artery. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Most officers would have[br]thrown you in the brig. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Mr President,[br]Pearl Harbor caught us unawares... 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Mr President,[br]with all respect, sir. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Mr President, I think we have an idea[br]about how to bomb the japanese. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 My friends in the War Department[br]don't want me to lead this raid... 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 My strength 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 No matter how long[br]it may take us... 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 No, you are. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 No. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Now I wonder[br]every hour of my life... 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Now I'm gonna give Danny[br]my whole heart... 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Now. We launch now! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Oh, God! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Oh, God. Dan-- Danny! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Oh, God. Engine one's dead. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Oh, I owe so much to you 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Oh, I'm on your ass now. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Oh, are you sure, Ev?[br]Could you check her one more time[br]to be sure? 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Oh, my God. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Oh, my God. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Oh, shit. Anthony. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Oh, sure I do. I'm sorry.[br]I've been meaning to thank you. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Oh, yes, you are.[br]Yes, you are. Danny, look at me. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Okay. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 One away! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 One, two, three, one![br]One, two, three, two![br]One, two, three-- 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Only those that can be saved,[br]you bring in here. You got that? 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Or the seven planes[br]you shot down? 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Orders. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Our enemies believe[br]that a divine wind protects them. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Our mission is to hit military targets,[br]aircraft and tank factories. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Over there. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Packing. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Please, Danny. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Please. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Please. Please. Please. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Pretend to type whatever information[br]we pass you. That's it. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Pull! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Put that in your inside pocket[br]next to your heart. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Rafe! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Rafe, I got him! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Rafe, I'm pregnant. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Rafe, all I ever wanted[br]was for us to have a home... 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Rafe, you better pray for land. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Rafe. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Red, go check it out. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Remember, pain is temporary,[br]but glory is forever. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Remember, son,[br]hold on to your faith. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Richards!japs! 400 yards.[br]Let's go! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Ripley, you got[br]our target in sight? 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Sandra, we're running out[br]of morphine, so you gotta-- 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 She knows that. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 She's a fat lady.[br]We want a skinny lady. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 She's dead, Sandra, she's dead.[br]Take her over there. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Sir, it's risky, but it's bold. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Sir. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 So I would have my crew bail out. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 So I'm going with you. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 So I'm gonna stand by[br]my end of the deal. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 So our boys are flying blind[br]on empty tanks. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 So what you do is up to you. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 So? 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Soar above the sky 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Soar above the sky 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Soar above the sky 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Start preflight. Let's go! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Still not getting a signal. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Strap yourself in, boys![br]We're coming in hard! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Take a look[br]at the man beside you. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Tell me about your ship.[br]What ship are you from? 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Thankyou, George. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 That comes as a special request[br]directly from President Roosevelt. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 That why you're here?[br]Looking for Danny? 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 That won't matter. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 That's exactly why[br]we have to strike back now. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 That's for all the Raiders. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 That's japan right there, fellas.[br]Tighten up back there. Man your guns! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 The Army Air Corps has long-range[br]bombers but no place to launch them. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 The attack yesterday[br]on the Hawaiian Islands... 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 The fact is, we just both[br]love the same woman. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 The mission I'm asking you to volunteer[br]for is exceptionally dangerous. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 The mission will launch[br]in a couple ofhours. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 The navy's gonna sneak us about[br]400 miles off the japanese coast,[br]and we'll launch from the carrier there. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 The plane carrying them[br]crashed en route to China. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 The times tried our souls... 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 The top secret kind. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Them. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 There you'll be 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 There you'll be 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 There you'll be 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 There you'll be 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 There you'll be 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 There you'll be 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 There'll be no homing beacons. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 There's Japs everywhere![br]Danny, land somewhere else! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 There's nothing left. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 There's nothing stronger[br]than the heart of a volunteer,jack. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 There's only one more thing[br]I can tell you. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 There's somebody in here![br]Get somebody down here! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 There's too many to help.[br]Okay? You gotta sort 'em out. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 These are all empty! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 These planes need more fuel,[br]but if they're too heavy,[br]they might not get off the deck. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 They carry light loads[br]and have a short range. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 They don't have time for bullshit,[br]and neither do I. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 They don't want me up in the air[br]flying with the men that I've chosen... 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 They got us pinned down! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 They just keep rolling[br]past that line. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 They want me to stand[br]in the flight deck and wave you off.[br]Well, I don't see it that way. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 They're only an hour late. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 They're pullin' out into the clouds,[br]Danny. We ain't gonna let[br]these sons of bitches get home. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 They're shooting at something. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 This armoured plating's[br]got to go. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 This can't be good. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 This is Orphan Annie[br]from Radio Tokyo... 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 This is different, though, Danny. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 This isn't a time[br]for ignoring them again. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 This much is certain. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 This raid,[br]even ifwe make it through... 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 This really was[br]a suicide mission. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Three away! Four away! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 To feel the sky within my reach 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 To have you in my life 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Top secret means[br]you train for something... 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Two away! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Up, please! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Use my lipstick.[br]Put M for morphine. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Victory belongs to those[br]that believe in it the most[br]and believe in it the longest. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Watch for japs. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Watch the trees! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 We are at war.[br]Of course there's a risk. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 We can explain that, sir. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 We can hear tapping[br]from inside the hull. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 We can make it in.[br]Easy. Pull it back. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 We got a fire![br]We got a fire! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 We got flak everywhere. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 We got to get up into those hills[br]and find the Chinese. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 We gotta face facts here. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 We gotta sink these jap boats[br]before they give away our position. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 We gotta take it up. 800 feet. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 We gotta try[br]and get out of this shit, Gooz. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 We hit our targets.[br]Good job, Raiders. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 We made it! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 We need help[br]from anybody who can move. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 We take off tomorrow afternoon,[br]drop our fire and head for China. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 We'd have to get them within[br]a few hundred miles ofjapan... 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 We'll glide in,[br]go in on fumes. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 We're doing everything[br]we can to get to them,[br]but they're 40 feet below water. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 We're following you, Rafe.[br]We gotta find a soft landing spot. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 We're full into the wind. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 We're gonna believe. We're gonna[br]make America believe too. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 We're gonna lose[br]engine two any second. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 We're in the enemy's backyard. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 We're on the ropes, gentlemen. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 We're preparing an attack against[br]the Marshall and Gilbert Islands, sir,[br]to keep our-- 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 We're supposed to launch 400 miles away.[br]How far are we now? 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 We've been trained to think[br]that we're invincible... 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 We've got men trapped[br]everywhere in the harbour. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Well, I'm gonna train you[br]to do it in 467 feet. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Well, gentlemen, now I can tell you[br]that we're going to Tokyo. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Well, if he can do it-- 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Well, in that situation,[br]I can't tell you what you should do. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Well, you showed me how it feels 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 What can we do? 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 What do we do[br]if the beacons are switched off? 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 What do we do if our planes are damaged[br]and we have to bail out over japan? 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 What for, sir? 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 What is it, General? 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 What kind of orders? 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 What would you do, Colonel? 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 What you're asking can't be done. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Whatever it is[br]you heard about us, sir. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 When I look back on these days 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 When I think back on these times 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 When I was in that water,[br]I made a deal with God. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 When the action is over[br]and we look back... 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 When the japs hit us,[br]they had more than 300. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 When the news starts coming in about[br]those boys in the Doolittle outfit... 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Where are the clamps?[br]Hurry. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Where's Ripley? 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Who taught you[br]how to fly, Lieutenant? 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Whoa! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 World War II, for us,[br]began at Pearl Harbor... 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Yeah, victory cigars![br]There you go. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Yeah, well, you do tend[br]to need it from time to time. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Yeah, well, you don't have[br]to explain anything to me. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Yes, sir. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Yesterday... 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Yo. I want you to go to the kitchen,[br]get some broomsticks. Cut 'em down,[br]paint 'em black and bring 'em here. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 You are a man truly blessed.[br]Truly blessed. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 You bring her down any way you can[br]and do your best to avoid capture. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 You do it on that basis[br]or not at all. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 You don't have a chance![br]Rafe! 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 You got nothing to prove. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 You guys have[br]your whole lives ahead of you. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 You hear me? Danny. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 You kept me alive, Evelyn.[br]You brought me home. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 You know what? 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 You know why? 'Cause[br]you're gonna be a father, Danny. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 You know, at Pearl,[br]they hit us with a sledgehammer. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 You know, she's the first girl[br]I ever felt this way about, Rafe. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 You know, the only thing[br]that scares me... 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 You know,jack, we may lose this battle,[br]but we're gonna win this war. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 You mean some fly boy[br]you're dating shot his mouth off. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 You mean the hula shirts[br]you were flying in? 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 You ready for this? 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 You tell your crew to take a piss[br]before they take off, or they're[br]not gonna clear the deck. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 You wanna get off this deck,[br]you give me one of those guns now.[br]It's still too heavy. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 You were right there for me 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 You were right there for me 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 You were right there for me 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 You will be with God and all[br]the saints, all the angels very soon. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 You will die[br]in a state of grace. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 You'll stay right in here. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 You're all brave souls... 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 You're all right. Hey. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 You're both being awarded[br]the Silver Star... 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 You're both going stateside.[br]Fly out in two hours. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 You're gonna be a daddy.[br]I was-- I wasn't supposed to tell you. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 You're gonna be a father. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 You're just about the only pilots[br]in the army with combat experience. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 You're not gonna die, sweetheart.[br]I got your hand. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 You're not gonna die. Look at me.[br]Listen to me. You ain't gonna die. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 You've been trying to protect me[br]since we were kids. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Your grandmother could take a B-25 off[br]on a mile-long runway. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Your love made me make it through 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Your plane's gonna be fine. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 a date which will live[br]in infamy... 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 among the bravest I've ever had[br]the privilege of flying with. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 and 1,177 men still lie entombed[br]in the battleship Arizona. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 and I promised I'd never[br]ask for anything again... 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 and I'll be here[br]waiting for you when you come back. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 and drive my plane[br]right smack into the middle of it. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 and grow old together, but life[br]never asked me what I wanted. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 and now our proudest ships[br]have been destroyed... 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 and of the Son[br]and the Holy Spirit. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 and promoted to captain. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 and that I've come to respect. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 and therefore risk our carriers,[br]and if we lose our carriers... 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 and through the trial,[br]we overcame. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 and you go without knowing[br]where you're going. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 are fighting hard[br]in the far waters of the Pacific. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 as a nation[br]of weaklings and playboys... 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 band together, bringing factories[br]to life to avenge Pearl Harbor. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 because they say I'm too valuable. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 because we didn't face facts. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 began many weeks ago. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 but I don't think I'll ever look at[br]another sunset without thinking of you. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 but you should know this:[br]every night-- 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 by an enemy[br]we considered inferior. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 by false statements[br]and expressions of hope... 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 by naval and air forces... 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 for continued peace. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 for times like these when we all need[br]to be reminded who we truly are-- 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 has caused severe damage[br]to American military forces. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 have been lost. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 if I could just see you[br]one more time. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 in your eyes right now, I start to think[br]that maybe he brought me down... 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 is it even possible to land a B-25[br]on an aircraft carrier deck? 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 is that you might love him[br]more than you love me. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 it can't be done. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 it'll only be a pinprick. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 men are still trapped alive[br]inside the Arizona? 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 most of you did not know me[br]when I had the use of my legs. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 never done before[br]in aviation history... 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 of the Empire of japan. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 so we can keep track of who's got--[br]got the morphine already. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 step forward. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 stepping forward. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 that I've chewed out, cussed out,[br]pushed to the limit... 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 that we will not give up[br]or give in. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 the American people[br]in their righteous might... 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 the Japanese government[br]has deliberately sought... 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 the United States of America was[br]suddenly and deliberately attacked... 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 they would penetrate as far[br]as Chicago before we could stop them. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 think that victory is possible[br]without facing danger? 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 thirty feet off the ground. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 this ain't no time[br]to leave things unsaid. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 to absolute victory. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 to all the lonely boys[br]in the South Pacific. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 to deceive the United States... 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 to do our fighting for us. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 to overcome[br]this premeditated invasion... 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 trying to go over there[br]and be a hero... 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 unprovoked, dastardly attacked[br]by Japan... 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 we understand both more and less. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 we'll have no shield[br]against invasion. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 who hire British or Russian[br]or Chinese soldiers... 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 why God put me[br]into this chair. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 will be dead. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 will win through... 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 won't allow us[br]to launch a raid from there. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 you gotta mark 'em,[br]you gotta find some way to mark 'em... 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 you or he... 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 you're dead. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 you've given us the homing beacons,[br]but you've also told us that China[br]is overrun with japanese troops. 0:03:34.547,0:03:35.741 -German bandits at 2 o'clock![br]- Increase throttle! Power dive! 0:03:36.182,0:03:37.945 Spell it right, Rafe. 0:04:03.443,0:04:05.138 "Rudder" is spelled with two D's. 0:04:05.345,0:04:09.441 - Thanks, wingman.[br]- Yeah, sure. 0:04:09.649,0:04:12.812 Whoa, bandits! 0:04:20.893,0:04:22.258 - Crack shootin', Danny.[br]- Crack shootin', Rafe. 0:04:22.328,0:04:26.059 - Land of the free.[br]- Home of the brave. 0:04:26.432,0:04:28.400 Great flyin', Dad! 0:04:28.468,0:04:30.800 Come on. I'm gonna[br]teach you how to fly. 0:04:31.371,0:04:32.804 - I get the front![br]- No, you take the back. 0:04:32.939,0:04:36.568 I'm bigger,[br]and I should be in front. 0:04:36.676,0:04:38.337 I'm older and I'm teachin',[br]so no. 0:04:38.945,0:04:40.674 - Wow. It's like we're really flying.[br]- Yeah, I did it lots of times. 0:05:28.561,0:05:30.222 Come on. You man the guns.[br]I'll give her some throttle. 0:05:41.674,0:05:42.538 We gotta get those[br]dirty German bandits. 0:06:47.673,0:06:49.402 Oh, gosh! 0:06:49.475,0:06:50.840 - Hang on![br]- Make it stop, Rafe! 0:06:51.043,0:06:52.806 I've seen my dad do this[br]lots of times. Don't worry! 0:06:53.146,0:06:55.046 Rafe! 0:06:55.481,0:06:56.470 - Oh, my gosh! We're flying![br]- We're flying! 0:06:58.918,0:07:00.977 My dad's gonna kill me.[br]Come on. 0:07:08.561,0:07:11.530 Yes! Woo-hoo! 0:07:12.465,0:07:15.400 - We flew![br]- We flew! Yes! I'm a pilot! 0:07:15.468,0:07:16.298 - I know![br]- Yeah! 0:07:16.869,0:07:18.769 We flew. 0:07:19.138,0:07:20.730 - You no-account boy![br]- Daddy! 0:07:20.907,0:07:23.933 I done told you, you spend time playing[br]with this stupid boy, can't read... 0:07:24.143,0:07:26.873 you ain't never gonna[br]amount to nothin'! 0:07:31.918,0:07:33.408 He ain't stupid, Daddy![br]Daddy! 0:07:34.987,0:07:36.545 Come on! 0:07:38.658,0:07:41.786 Get on back home. Now! 0:07:42.295,0:07:44.490 Get on up.[br]You got work to do. 0:07:44.997,0:07:49.263 Come on![br]Come on. Get on home! 0:07:50.503,0:07:53.495 You let him alone! 0:07:54.006,0:07:58.170 Daddy, no! 0:07:58.377,0:08:00.572 I will bust you open,[br]you dirty German! 0:08:03.115,0:08:05.140 What'd you call me? 0:08:05.751,0:08:09.243 I fought the Germans[br]in France. 0:08:11.023,0:08:14.117 And I fought 'em[br]in the trenches. 0:08:15.728,0:08:16.956 And I pray to God no one ever[br]has to see the things that I saw. 0:08:17.029,0:08:19.657 You're my best friend. 0:08:19.732,0:08:21.723 Daddy, wait! 0:08:22.768,0:08:25.134 Daddy, wait. 0:08:25.705,0:08:30.142 Adolf Hitler builds[br]the German military machine... 0:08:30.776,0:08:34.769 and drags[br]all of Europe into war. 0:08:35.481,0:08:38.348 But even while France falls to Hitler... 0:08:38.551,0:08:42.681 America still refuses[br]to join the fighting. 0:08:43.289,0:08:45.189 - Where's McCawley and Walker?[br]- Still training, sir. 0:08:46.158,0:08:47.989 All right, Danny.[br]Now, let's show 'em how to fly. 0:08:48.728,0:08:49.990 We're gonna play chicken.[br]You ready? 0:08:51.731,0:08:54.495 This ain't the farm,[br]and these ain't no crop dusters. 0:08:54.734,0:08:58.067 - I'm not playing chicken with ya.[br]- Now don't be a baby.[br]I'll tell you what. 0:08:59.572,0:09:02.166 - I'm not doing it, Rafe.[br]- Well, I'm coming right at you. 0:09:07.847,0:09:09.610 You can turn or you can hit me.[br]It's up to you. 0:09:09.749,0:09:12.877 - What the--[br]- Oh, boy. 0:09:12.952,0:09:14.715 Why you always[br]bustin' my ass, Rafe? 0:09:15.187,0:09:17.553 Which way you goin'? 0:09:17.623,0:09:20.490 I guess I'll go right.[br]No, left. I'll go left. 0:09:20.560,0:09:24.724 - Okay, we're goin' left, right?[br]- Uh, right. Right? 0:09:25.164,0:09:27.155 "Right" like we're going right[br]or "right" like we're going left? 0:09:27.233,0:09:31.397 Now you got me all mixed up![br]I don't know. Make up your mind. 0:09:32.471,0:09:36.805 God, Rafe, we're going right![br]Righty-tighty! 0:09:43.549,0:09:45.983 Those are some smooth aces. 0:09:46.185,0:09:47.812 Did you say something? 0:09:47.887,0:09:51.983 'Cause let me tell ya,[br]those farm boys are grounded! 0:09:52.058,0:09:56.392 Yes, sir, an entirely unacceptable use[br]of m-m-military aircraft, sir. 0:09:56.596,0:10:01.124 - Get my hat.[br]- Yes, sir. 0:10:02.168,0:10:05.001 Get those hedge-hoppers[br]in Doolittle's office. 0:10:05.304,0:10:06.532 After two years of training... 0:10:21.754,0:10:25.019 you believe that a $5,000 aeroplane[br]is there for your amusement? 0:10:25.257,0:10:26.417 No, sir. I was just trying[br]to keep my edge, Major. 0:10:27.593,0:10:30.323 And when you did the outside loop[br]last week, what did you think that was? 0:10:30.596,0:10:33.258 Honing your skills? 0:10:33.466,0:10:35.434 That's not training, McCawley.[br]That's a stunt. 0:10:35.601,0:10:39.298 And I personally consider it[br]to be reckless and irresponsible. 0:10:39.472,0:10:42.464 Major. 0:10:42.541,0:10:44.634 How could that be when you're famous[br]for being the first man in the world[br]ever to do it? 0:10:44.710,0:10:46.871 - Don't get cute with me, son.[br]- No, sir. I-- 0:10:46.979,0:10:50.278 I don't mean to be disrespectful.[br]I just think that-- Well, I-- 0:10:51.183,0:10:53.981 It is reckless and irresponsible if[br]you're just doing it to be a show-off. 0:10:54.620,0:10:56.178 But I was doing it[br]to try to inspire the men, sir... 0:10:56.922,0:10:58.685 in the way that[br]you've inspired me. 0:10:59.458,0:11:00.447 I believe the French[br]even have a word for that... 0:11:00.960,0:11:04.828 when the men get together[br]to honour their leaders. 0:11:11.003,0:11:12.493 They call it an homage, sir. 0:11:12.872,0:11:14.635 - A what?[br]- An homage, sir. 0:11:16.442,0:11:18.137 That's bullshit, McCawley! 0:11:18.444,0:11:21.277 But it's very, very good bullshit. 0:11:21.480,0:11:22.708 Thank you, sir. 0:11:22.848,0:11:26.716 McCawley, you remind me[br]of myself 15 years ago. 0:11:27.920,0:11:31.583 Which is why we need[br]to discuss this. 0:11:31.657,0:11:35.058 Have a seat, son. 0:11:35.661,0:11:36.650 The British have accepted you[br]into the Eagle Squadron. 0:11:37.163,0:11:38.755 You're on your way to England[br]tomorrow, if you still want to go. 0:11:41.233,0:11:44.964 Wow. 0:11:45.037,0:11:48.598 Just a few British pilots[br]are all that stand... 0:11:50.076,0:11:51.043 between Hitler[br]and total victory in Europe. 0:11:51.143,0:11:53.543 They're gonna need all the help[br]they can get. 0:11:54.880,0:11:58.008 Yes, sir.[br]Well, I'm on my way. 0:12:03.989,0:12:05.854 Just for the record, I'm supposed[br]to ask you to reconsider. 0:12:10.696,0:12:12.129 - Sir?[br]- Sooner or later... 0:12:27.813,0:12:29.576 we're gonna be in this war[br]whether we like it or not. 0:12:30.015,0:12:31.846 And I'm gonna need[br]all of my best pilots. 0:12:32.518,0:12:35.214 So it's my duty[br]to ask you to stay. 0:12:58.978,0:13:01.276 Major, what would you do? 0:13:01.947,0:13:02.971 If it was me... 0:13:03.215,0:13:04.204 I'd go. 0:13:08.587,0:13:10.054 God! Am I going bald[br]right back here? 0:13:10.389,0:13:11.378 Ooh! 0:13:11.991,0:13:13.049 Man, I am one good-lookin'[br]son of a bitch. 0:13:13.726,0:13:18.060 Don't you ever die. 0:13:18.230,0:13:19.356 Die. That's exactly the concept[br]you gotta work tonight. 0:13:20.399,0:13:22.390 You put a drop of this clove oil[br]under your eyes... 0:13:22.768,0:13:24.668 and you let 'em sting[br]and well up. 0:13:25.004,0:13:26.801 You get your nurse alone,[br]take a breath... 0:13:27.139,0:13:30.040 Iet her see your eyes glisten[br]and say... 0:13:34.947,0:13:36.073 "Baby, they're training me for war... 0:13:58.604,0:14:01.937 and I don't know[br]what'll happen... 0:14:02.208,0:14:05.200 but if I die tomorrow... 0:14:06.078,0:14:07.602 I want to know that we lived[br]all we could tonight." 0:14:12.451,0:14:14.715 Come on, guys![br]We got nurses waitin'. 0:14:15.154,0:14:18.555 Come on, before the rest[br]of his hair falls out. 0:14:19.892,0:14:22.087 How could you do this? 0:14:22.795,0:14:23.989 Well, Doolittle assigned me. 0:14:24.063,0:14:27.089 He wanted me to get some real--[br]real combat training in. 0:14:27.166,0:14:29.327 Well, guess what? 0:14:29.435,0:14:32.029 It's not training over there.[br]It's war... 0:14:32.204,0:14:35.503 where the losers die[br]and there aren't any winners... 0:14:35.574,0:14:37.940 just guys who turn into[br]broken-down wrecks like my father. 0:14:40.746,0:14:43.715 Yeah, I understand that, Danny,[br]but I feel like I got a duty to go. 0:14:43.782,0:14:46.615 Don't preach to me about duty, damn it.[br]I wear the same uniform you do. 0:14:47.486,0:14:49.317 Now, if trouble wants me, I'm ready[br]for it, but why go looking for it? 0:14:49.521,0:14:53.287 God, Danny, come on. I'm gonna be 25.[br]I might as well be an old man. 0:14:53.359,0:14:55.418 They're gonna have me bein'[br]a flight instructor. 0:14:57.196,0:14:58.686 I don't wanna teach[br]loops and barrel rolls. 0:15:08.307,0:15:11.799 - I wanna be a combat fighter.[br]- Hey, come on! 0:15:11.977,0:15:13.808 The nurses can't[br]d-d-dance by themselves. 0:15:14.680,0:15:18.081 Let's go. 0:15:18.284,0:15:21.913 If the call to duty means seeing[br]150 men in their underwear every day... 0:15:22.121,0:15:23.986 we are here to serve. 0:15:24.123,0:15:26.455 I can't believe it.[br]Saturday night in New York City. 0:15:26.525,0:15:28.755 Do you know what they're doing[br]where I come from? Nothing. 0:15:30.529,0:15:32.224 Cow tipping. 0:15:37.569,0:15:38.934 That's why[br]you joined the navy, hon. 0:15:39.104,0:15:40.969 Get out of that dusty little town[br]and see the world. 0:15:41.373,0:15:43.773 May I remind you, Barbara,[br]we're navy nurses, not tourists. 0:15:45.244,0:15:48.543 I joined to do my patriotic duty[br]and to meet guys. 0:15:49.181,0:15:51.149 Me too. 0:15:55.054,0:15:56.043 Girls, we're gonna have so much fun[br]tonight in the city. 0:15:58.290,0:16:01.282 You gotta tell them[br]the story, Evelyn. 0:16:01.794,0:16:04.388 What? 0:16:04.596,0:16:05.585 Oh, come on. Tell us. 0:16:05.831,0:16:08.163 - Oh, it's such a long story.[br]- We got time. 0:16:08.767,0:16:12.897 I saw it happen. 0:16:13.038,0:16:16.804 Well, it was about four weeks ago. 0:16:16.875,0:16:19.537 What do you think[br]is b-better? 0:16:19.611,0:16:21.602 All in the one cheek[br]or spreading them out? 0:16:22.247,0:16:23.509 Okay. 0:16:25.084,0:16:28.576 Fusco, Anthony. 0:16:28.754,0:16:30.244 You all right, buddy? 0:16:30.756,0:16:33.247 Sweetie, do you really[br]have to do this? 0:16:33.759,0:16:35.920 I'm not gonna get yellow fever[br]in my barracks. 0:16:36.128,0:16:37.925 No? If you'd rather,[br]she can do it. 0:16:39.431,0:16:42.559 Whoa, whoa, whoa.[br]J-j-just gimme a minute. 0:16:42.768,0:16:44.702 Honey, the government says[br]stick 'em, we stick 'em. 0:16:44.903,0:16:47.337 Hey, Red, you all right? 0:16:47.406,0:16:49.704 Eye exam number four? 0:17:04.957,0:17:06.356 Listen, Doc, I have passed[br]a dozen medical checks. 0:17:09.395,0:17:12.922 You write that,[br]they won't let me fly. 0:17:15.401,0:17:17.198 Sorry, son. 0:17:17.903,0:17:20.736 I'm gonna fail.[br]They're gonna take my wings away. 0:17:21.407,0:17:24.899 No, they won't. just relax. 0:17:25.077,0:17:25.975 Read the bottom line, please. 0:17:26.045,0:17:29.537 Just keep practisin'[br]the bottom line. 0:17:29.615,0:17:32.641 And don't worry.[br]I'm right behind you. 0:17:32.718,0:17:33.844 J-L-M-K-P-O-- 0:17:33.919,0:17:34.851 Thankyou. 0:17:42.728,0:17:43.752 - Next.[br]- Ma'am. 0:17:43.829,0:17:48.596 J-L-M-K-P-O-E-T-X.[br]Eyes like an eagle, ma'am. 0:17:48.934,0:17:50.128 Slow down, flyboy. 0:17:50.369,0:17:52.599 And instead of the bottom,[br]read the very top. Both eyes. 0:17:53.105,0:17:55.039 "C." Sorry. "j." 0:17:55.874,0:17:57.739 "C," "W," uh, "Q", uh, "Q." 0:17:57.943,0:17:59.968 Read the bottom line again, please,[br]but read it right to left... 0:18:00.412,0:18:03.040 and every other letter. 0:18:03.482,0:18:07.213 E-X-- 0:18:07.386,0:18:11.550 - X-E.[br]- X-E. 0:18:12.191,0:18:15.592 X-E, ma'am. 0:18:15.828,0:18:19.093 Ma'am, I know how this looks. 0:18:19.331,0:18:23.427 I'm sorry, Lieutenant.[br]I really am... 0:18:23.502,0:18:27.097 but army and navy[br]requires 20/20 vision. 0:18:27.172,0:18:28.696 Oh, I-- It's not a problem[br]with my eyes. I mean, I can see. 0:18:28.774,0:18:32.210 I mean, I can hit a running rabbit[br]with a $3.00 pistol. 0:18:32.277,0:18:33.266 I got a problem with letters,[br]that's all. 0:18:33.612,0:18:36.581 Well, maybe after some schooling,[br]you could come back[br]and take the test again. 0:18:36.782,0:18:38.841 No, I had schooling.[br]I mean, the teachers just[br]never knew what to make of it. 0:18:38.917,0:18:41.715 It's just letters.[br]I mix 'em up sometimes. That's all. 0:18:42.888,0:18:45.254 I mean, I just get 'em[br]backward sometimes. 0:18:47.025,0:18:49.084 Look here. My math and spacial reasoning[br]and my verbal scores are all excellent. 0:18:54.633,0:18:56.498 But you barely passed[br]the written exam. 0:18:56.735,0:18:59.101 Yeah, but he did pass it.[br]So is it my turn now? 0:18:59.771,0:19:01.568 - No, you'll wait your turn.[br]- Yes, ma'am. 0:19:06.478,0:19:08.605 Ma'am, I'm never gonna be[br]an English teacher. 0:19:08.680,0:19:11.672 But I know why I'm here:[br]to be a pilot. 0:19:11.750,0:19:16.687 And you don't dogfight with manuals.[br]You don't fly with gauges. 0:20:03.068,0:20:05.901 It is all about feeling and speed... 0:20:06.905,0:20:09.567 and lettin' that plane become[br]like a part of your body. 0:20:14.079,0:20:16.707 And that manual says that a guy who's[br]a slow reader can't be a good pilot. 0:20:17.149,0:20:19.982 That file says[br]I'm the best pilot in this room. 0:20:20.052,0:20:22.145 Ma'am, please,[br]don't take my wings. 0:20:22.221,0:20:24.781 Well, I felt so bad. 0:20:24.856,0:20:26.915 Evelyn, rotate to station three. 0:20:27.993,0:20:29.221 I had no choice. 0:20:29.895,0:20:32.864 I passed him. 0:20:33.065,0:20:34.498 So then this cocky pilot[br]comes back. 0:21:18.043,0:21:22.810 - Say, fella, are you enlisted?[br]- Yeah. 0:21:23.649,0:21:26.379 "Yeah"?[br]Boy, you're talking to an officer. 0:21:26.585,0:21:29.850 - Yes, sir. Sorry, sir.[br]- Give me that file. 0:21:30.055,0:21:32.888 - Yes, sir.[br]- Parade rest. 0:21:33.725,0:21:36.785 Yes, sir. 0:21:37.262,0:21:41.289 Ma'am, I didn't get[br]a chance to thank you. 0:21:41.366,0:21:43.960 Drop your skiwies. 0:21:44.036,0:21:46.027 Oh. Okay. 0:21:46.905,0:21:48.270 Just like this? 0:21:48.840,0:21:51.331 That's fine. 0:21:51.576,0:21:55.672 He did have a very cute butt. 0:21:55.881,0:21:58.076 You know, I know you didn't have[br]to pass me, and you did. 0:21:58.283,0:22:02.185 And I just-- I didn't think[br]you'd understand, and you did. 0:22:02.254,0:22:04.518 You know, you still[br]haven't said thank you. 0:22:04.656,0:22:08.023 - Thankyou.[br]- You're welcome. 0:22:08.560,0:22:09.891 Why'd you do it?[br]I mean, I'm just curious. 0:22:10.162,0:22:11.686 You're like my hero now. 0:22:11.997,0:22:16.525 Actually, my father was a pilot... 0:22:16.735,0:22:20.671 and I've seen firsthand what happens[br]when a pilot loses his wings. 0:22:20.872,0:22:22.339 You know what?[br]Your father's my hero then too. 0:22:22.541,0:22:24.406 In fact, as an officer,[br]I think it'd be my duty... 0:22:24.643,0:22:29.342 to take my new hero's daughter out[br]tonight just to-- 0:22:29.915,0:22:32.315 - Gosh, did I poke too deep?[br]- I think you hit the bone there. 0:22:32.484,0:22:36.580 You are so mean. 0:22:36.822,0:22:38.187 What, so is-- so is there any chance[br]that you might kind of, sort of... 0:22:38.390,0:22:42.258 you know, like me, or-- 0:22:42.561,0:22:45.792 How did you guess? 0:22:46.898,0:22:51.733 They never taught us how[br]to deal with this feeling. 0:22:51.937,0:22:55.998 What feeling? 0:22:56.208,0:22:58.039 Well, it's kind of like this. 0:22:58.276,0:23:01.439 Well, he was getting fresh,[br]so I poked him again. 0:23:01.680,0:23:03.875 All right, Romeo.[br]I want to get this over with. 0:23:04.116,0:23:05.481 Hold on a second. 0:23:05.684,0:23:10.018 Miss, I really, really lick you. 0:23:10.522,0:23:13.355 Ah! What did he mean? 0:23:13.692,0:23:14.989 Like you. 0:23:15.060,0:23:18.359 I didn't mean to say that.[br]And I just, um... 0:23:18.830,0:23:19.819 I just want to ask you, please,[br]if I can donate dinner. 0:23:23.068,0:23:24.399 He started to act very strange. 0:23:24.936,0:23:28.531 Or, well, buy you dinner. 0:23:31.176,0:23:34.168 - This isn't your chart.[br]- Whoa! 0:23:34.346,0:23:36.143 No. That's the, uh, this fellow[br]over here's. I think he left. 0:23:36.448,0:23:39.849 Have you already[br]had this shot? 0:23:39.918,0:23:42.318 Yeah, well, once already. 0:23:42.854,0:23:45.220 Well, I wanted-- I mean, I just--[br]can I ask you out? 0:23:45.457,0:23:49.052 No. 0:23:49.194,0:23:53.893 And he just went wham! 0:23:54.065,0:23:56.329 Oh! What'd you do to him? 0:23:57.436,0:23:59.063 Poor guy. 0:24:04.009,0:24:06.944 Hey! 0:24:07.145,0:24:09.340 Hey! 0:24:09.514,0:24:12.005 Oh, my God.[br]Are you okay? 0:24:12.184,0:24:16.348 Uh, yeah.[br]I'm fine. I feel great. 0:24:16.721,0:24:19.622 This is just standard,[br]precautionary thing. 0:24:19.825,0:24:23.556 But, look, I got some, uh, genuine[br]French champagne from France. 0:24:23.795,0:24:27.458 And I thought, you know,[br]maybe we could celebrate. 0:25:03.635,0:25:04.932 Celebrate what? 0:25:05.904,0:25:07.804 Oh, I don't know.[br]You being my hero, for one. 0:25:07.973,0:25:09.440 Okay. Why not? 0:25:10.809,0:25:14.575 So I wanted to thank you... 0:25:15.914,0:25:19.611 and I just wanted to put your mind[br]at ease about passing me... 0:25:19.818,0:25:21.342 because I really do think[br]you did this country a service. 0:25:21.586,0:25:25.420 I mean, I am a great flier. 0:25:25.624,0:25:26.818 And if you have a fault, which you[br]obviously don't, it's modesty. 0:25:29.494,0:25:31.621 No. If I have a fault,[br]it's candour. 0:25:31.830,0:25:34.196 You are just so-- 0:25:34.833,0:25:36.130 Cork just got away from me. 0:25:39.004,0:25:44.340 God, it hurts! 0:25:44.943,0:25:47.138 It hurts something fierce. 0:25:48.013,0:25:50.846 I'm sorry. 0:25:51.049,0:25:53.176 - It's bleeding.[br]- God. 0:25:53.385,0:25:56.183 Oh. 0:25:56.488,0:25:59.685 - Lay still.[br]- I ruined everything. Oh, it hurts. 0:25:59.891,0:26:01.722 - It's cold![br]- It'll stop the bleeding. 0:26:02.427,0:26:07.262 - I can't breathe.[br]- Lay still. 0:26:11.136,0:26:13.627 You are so beautiful,[br]it hurts. 0:26:14.005,0:26:14.994 It's your nose that hurts. 0:26:15.974,0:26:17.339 I think it's my heart. 0:26:17.943,0:26:20.741 And then I kissed him. 0:26:20.946,0:26:22.573 Evelyn, that's the most romantic story[br]I ever heard. 0:26:22.814,0:26:25.282 It's been the most romantic[br]four weeks and two days of my life. 0:26:25.483,0:26:28.646 I'm so jealous. 0:26:29.821,0:26:31.789 Hello, Lieutenant.[br]It's good to see you. 0:26:31.957,0:26:33.288 - You, too, Lieutenant.[br]- Pick a hand. 0:26:35.093,0:26:36.151 It's beautiful. 0:26:36.361,0:26:40.024 What's in your other hand? 0:26:40.098,0:26:41.395 Mine. 0:26:41.499,0:26:45.993 Well, it took me six hours[br]to fold these. 0:26:46.204,0:26:50.140 I want you to meet[br]my friends. 0:26:50.342,0:26:51.468 Rafe, this is Martha,[br]Barbara, Sandra. 0:26:51.543,0:26:55.445 - Hi. I'm Betty.[br]- Hi. 0:26:55.513,0:26:58.414 Would you happen[br]to have any friends? 0:26:59.284,0:27:03.152 Take your pick. 0:27:03.388,0:27:06.789 Hi. 0:27:06.958,0:27:10.394 We ever get in this war[br]and somethin' happens to me... 0:27:10.962,0:27:12.224 I can't tell you how good[br]it makes me feel to know... 0:27:12.931,0:27:15.058 that someone as sweet as you will[br]be there to nurse me back to health. 0:27:16.201,0:27:17.896 Good, but we're not[br]in the war yet. 0:27:24.309,0:27:25.970 Okay. That was a bad line. 0:27:26.811,0:27:28.642 Hi. 0:27:49.000,0:27:52.993 I'm-- I'm Red. 0:28:00.979,0:28:02.378 Red S-S-Strange. 0:28:02.914,0:28:04.814 - Your last name's Strange?[br]- Yeah, she's all yours, soldier. 0:28:05.050,0:28:07.610 No. It's-- It's Winkle. 0:28:07.786,0:28:09.083 Red is such a ladies' man. 0:28:09.287,0:28:11.221 - Do you always stutter?[br]- No. Only when I'm-- 0:28:18.763,0:28:22.130 She's totally buying it. 0:28:22.333,0:28:23.425 - Nervous?[br]- Yeah. 0:28:23.568,0:28:28.005 Why can't I get[br]something like that? 0:28:28.073,0:28:29.597 - Hello.[br]- Hi. 0:28:29.808,0:28:30.672 Danny seems kind of shy[br]around the girls. 0:28:30.909,0:28:32.934 It's not that he's shy. 0:28:33.078,0:28:36.343 He's just a little unsure[br]of himself, you know. 0:28:44.622,0:28:48.319 His old man used to[br]run him down a lot. 0:28:48.493,0:28:52.020 Get him in a plane,[br]he's sure of himself. 0:28:52.330,0:28:54.127 He's like my brother.[br]He's like my best friend. 0:28:54.933,0:28:56.924 You know, my right hand. 0:28:57.435,0:28:58.561 Which, at the moment,[br]is a long way south of my waist. 0:29:02.140,0:29:04.973 Oh, I'm sorry. 0:29:07.112,0:29:11.310 I guess I lost[br]a little altitude. 0:29:12.951,0:29:15.749 Yeah, I guess you did. 0:29:18.556,0:29:20.547 Excuse me. 0:29:20.792,0:29:24.990 You and me,[br]we got to talk. 0:29:26.464,0:29:29.956 So the rumour is the navy's[br]shipping us to Pearl Harbor. 0:29:30.335,0:29:32.360 Well, won't be so bad. 0:29:32.937,0:29:33.926 It's about as far from[br]the fighting as you can get. 0:29:35.540,0:29:36.768 You'll get a suntan. 0:30:11.009,0:30:12.476 So maybe the army[br]will post you guys there too. 0:30:12.544,0:30:16.071 You are[br]a super special woman. 0:30:24.155,0:30:26.623 And, and, well-- 0:30:26.691,0:30:28.522 Well, they're training me[br]to be a big bad warrior... 0:30:28.593,0:30:31.585 and, well-- 0:30:37.902,0:30:42.566 So I mean, you never know[br]what might happen tomorrow or-- 0:30:44.909,0:30:47.343 or any day after that,[br]you know? 0:30:48.913,0:30:50.904 So... 0:30:51.783,0:30:54.752 God, we need to make tonight[br]super special. 0:30:55.353,0:30:57.787 Why are you crying? 0:30:58.857,0:31:00.757 I guess it's the thought that I might[br]not ever get to see you again. 0:31:01.759,0:31:03.056 Dry your eyes, toots.[br]Tonight you're mine. 0:31:04.796,0:31:06.320 I don't want to be[br]with a crowd tonight. 0:31:07.365,0:31:09.128 I just want to be[br]alone with you. 0:31:10.568,0:31:11.899 Well, how does New York Harbor[br]by moonlight sound? 0:31:14.138,0:31:15.366 Are you gonna be[br]a bad influence? 0:31:17.742,0:31:19.642 Of course[br]I'm a bad influence. 0:31:20.245,0:31:23.373 Let's see if we can[br]commandeer this vessel... 0:31:24.716,0:31:27.014 'cause we're officers[br]of the U.S. government. 0:31:27.151,0:31:28.550 Not for long, we won't be. 0:31:32.156,0:31:34.283 One day, we'll take a trip[br]on a boat like that. 0:31:35.226,0:31:39.686 Would you like that? 0:31:41.032,0:31:45.401 We'll be dressing for cocktails[br]and walk into the Grand Salon. 0:31:45.570,0:31:47.697 No one's talking about war.[br]They're just dancing to Cole Porter. 0:31:48.339,0:31:50.500 - I'll have to get a tux.[br]- Yeah. 0:31:51.142,0:31:54.976 - Come on. There you go. All aboard.[br]- You're out of your mind. 0:32:20.204,0:32:24.038 Yeah. Careful now.[br]Here, sit down. 0:32:24.242,0:32:25.675 Now, let's see here. 0:32:26.177,0:32:28.645 There we go. 0:32:32.984,0:32:34.178 See, this is as close[br]as I could get you to your ship. 0:32:39.490,0:32:42.084 So at least I tried, right? 0:32:42.860,0:32:45.852 Actually, you know what?[br]This is better. 0:32:46.064,0:32:48.532 Yeah, it is. 0:32:48.900,0:32:51.164 God, you're pretty. 0:32:51.402,0:32:52.835 What's gonna become[br]of us all, Rafe? 0:32:53.438,0:32:55.269 Well, the future's not[br]exactly in our hands, is it? 0:32:55.506,0:32:56.871 No. I guess you're right. 0:32:58.543,0:33:02.877 Oh, my God![br]Are you all right? 0:33:03.815,0:33:05.715 - Yeah, are you?[br]- That was not part of the date. 0:33:06.284,0:33:08.616 - Watch your step.[br]- Oh, thank you. 0:33:08.987,0:33:12.115 - Evelyn![br]- Guys, come up! Come on-- 0:33:12.323,0:33:14.689 Come up![br]We're in 321. 0:33:15.493,0:33:17.654 There's something[br]I got to tell you. 0:33:17.862,0:33:21.389 Well, you got no secrets[br]from me, Lieutenant. 0:33:21.466,0:33:24.629 I've seen your medical chart. 0:33:24.836,0:33:28.033 This can't be good,[br]or it wouldn't be so hard to say. 0:33:28.106,0:33:31.303 Yeah. I got to go away. 0:33:31.376,0:33:34.573 We're all going away. 0:33:34.645,0:33:36.613 Yeah... 0:33:36.681,0:33:40.208 but I'm going to the war[br]tomorrow. 0:33:40.952,0:33:43.113 I'm flying with[br]the Eagle Squadron. 0:33:43.321,0:33:46.620 It's an outfit the British started[br]for American pilots. 0:33:46.691,0:33:49.956 I don't understand. 0:33:50.561,0:33:51.823 You're in the U.S. Army.[br]How could they order you to go? 0:34:03.775,0:34:07.973 They didn't order me.[br]I volunteered. 0:34:21.659,0:34:23.957 But I passed you.[br]I let you through. 0:34:24.762,0:34:28.163 And now you volunteer for the most[br]dangerous place you could go? 0:34:29.167,0:34:33.263 It's not your responsibility,[br]not your choice. 0:34:44.682,0:34:46.843 Flying's the only thing[br]I ever wanted to do. 0:34:47.018,0:34:48.349 I mean, everything in my life[br]has led me up to this point. 0:34:48.853,0:34:51.617 Meeting you. 0:34:53.024,0:34:55.151 I love you. 0:35:00.031,0:35:04.491 I love you so much. 0:35:12.043,0:35:16.605 Let's go inside. 0:35:16.881,0:35:18.075 All right. Wait a minute.[br]I just-- I can't do this. 0:35:18.749,0:35:20.216 This just-- It's not right.[br]I'm sorry. I just-- 0:35:21.085,0:35:22.382 See, I can't do this.[br]I mean, I-- 0:35:36.267,0:35:37.097 I mean, I can.[br]I-- I want to. 0:35:43.841,0:35:45.001 I'm not trying[br]to be noble, you know. 0:35:45.076,0:35:46.509 Or not saying[br]I know what would happen. 0:35:46.911,0:35:49.004 Or just--[br]I need to stop talking. 0:35:50.915,0:35:52.246 I just-- I just don't want it-- I just[br]don't want it to be like everybody else. 0:35:53.084,0:35:56.247 I don't want you to have anything[br]about tonight that you'll regret. 0:35:57.255,0:35:58.722 I mean, it's been[br]the most incredible night of my life... 0:36:02.860,0:36:04.020 and I don't want[br]to ruin that. 0:36:05.029,0:36:07.793 Oh, you couldn't ruin it. 0:38:46.991,0:38:48.322 If I had one more night to live,[br]I'd want to spend it with you. 0:38:49.493,0:38:50.926 See, that's what I want[br]to come home to. 0:39:36.073,0:39:38.667 That's what I want to have[br]to think about and dream about. 0:39:38.976,0:39:41.809 I want to know that the best part[br]of my life is still ahead of me. 0:39:43.981,0:39:47.314 Look. 0:39:47.451,0:39:50.443 Don't-- 0:39:56.961,0:39:58.258 Could you[br]not come see me off? 0:39:59.630,0:40:00.858 Because saying goodbye to you[br]once is hard enough. 0:40:05.269,0:40:06.600 Here. 0:40:07.905,0:40:10.874 - Take this.[br]- You think it looks good on me? 0:40:42.406,0:40:43.771 I will come back. 0:40:47.611,0:40:49.238 I thought you said[br]you told her not to come. 0:40:51.015,0:40:52.346 - Yeah, I did.[br]- Why are you looking for her then? 0:40:53.451,0:40:56.443 It's my test. 0:41:41.031,0:41:42.089 If I tell her not to come,[br]and she comes anyway... 0:41:43.367,0:41:45.858 then I--[br]I know she loves me. 0:41:52.910,0:41:56.573 All aboard![br]Track 57! 0:41:56.747,0:42:00.080 If, uh, anything[br]happens to me... 0:42:11.829,0:42:13.387 I want you to be[br]the one to tell her, all right? 0:42:13.631,0:42:15.360 You just make sure and come back[br]for the both of us, all right? 0:42:15.566,0:42:17.295 - See you when I get back.[br]- Yeah. 0:42:17.368,0:42:18.801 Good hunting, Rafe. 0:42:19.003,0:42:20.027 Evelyn! Evelyn! 0:42:20.104,0:42:21.128 Evelyn! 0:42:27.478,0:42:28.911 Evelyn! Evelyn! Hey! 0:42:30.314,0:42:32.680 She loves me. 0:42:32.917,0:42:34.748 The German Luftwaffe relentlessly[br]bombards downtown London... 0:42:38.489,0:42:41.322 while Churchill's Royal Air Force[br]is in a deadly struggle... 0:42:41.659,0:42:44.253 to maintain control[br]of the British skiies. 0:42:44.929,0:42:46.920 This is a real mess. 0:42:46.997,0:42:48.328 Lieutenant McCawley[br]reporting for duty, sir. 0:42:52.136,0:42:55.230 Good. We'll get you settled[br]into your quarters... 0:42:55.306,0:42:58.104 and then introduce you[br]to the crate you'll be flying. 0:42:58.175,0:43:02.271 Yes, sir, well, if y'all are patching up[br]bullet holes right here on the runway... 0:43:02.446,0:43:05.847 maybe we ought to skip housekeeping[br]and get me right into an aeroplane. 0:43:12.022,0:43:15.150 Two didn't come back, sir.[br]We counted only eleven. 0:43:15.492,0:43:16.754 Are all Yanks as anxious as you[br]to get themselves killed, Pilot Officer? 0:43:19.263,0:43:20.457 Not anxious to die, sir.[br]Just anxious to matter. 0:43:20.664,0:43:22.131 This is yours. 0:43:25.102,0:43:26.296 Good chap. 0:43:36.780,0:43:38.805 Didn't die till he'd landed[br]and shut down his engine. 0:43:39.416,0:43:41.907 Please be seated,[br]gentlemen. 0:43:42.319,0:43:45.516 I'm afraid[br]I'm in a bad mood. 0:43:45.756,0:43:48.020 Churchill and Stalin are asking me[br]what I'm asking you. 0:43:49.259,0:43:53.593 How long is America going[br]to pretend the world is not at war? 0:43:53.831,0:43:56.425 We've increased food and oil supply[br]shipments to them, Mr President... 0:43:57.735,0:43:59.498 and as far as I know-- 0:43:59.903,0:44:01.268 What they really need are tanks, planes,[br]bullets, bombs and men to fight. 0:44:01.505,0:44:04.030 But our people think Hitler and[br]his Nazi thugs are Europe's problem. 0:44:06.010,0:44:08.945 We have to do more. 0:44:09.013,0:44:10.981 Send the Brits and Russians more of[br]our ships and anti-aircraft weapons. 0:44:14.218,0:44:16.015 And keep cannibalizing[br]the Pacific Fleet? 0:44:16.220,0:44:18.051 What choice do we have? 0:44:18.288,0:44:19.687 We're building refrigerators[br]while our enemies build bombs. 0:44:19.857,0:44:21.449 This is so exciting. 0:44:21.525,0:44:22.958 You know, there's about[br]a hundred ships on Pearl. 0:44:23.193,0:44:24.990 And how many sailors per ship? 0:44:33.737,0:44:34.965 It depends. There's more[br]on a battleship than a sub. 0:44:38.809,0:44:41.403 But say, on average, 2,000? 0:44:41.812,0:44:45.111 Yeah, but then there's the fliers,[br]the marines, the base personnel. 0:44:45.249,0:44:47.080 I'm still working on the sailors. 0:44:47.284,0:44:50.412 Girls, I think the odds[br]are in your favour. 0:44:50.721,0:44:52.154 Yeah, like 4,000 to 1. 0:44:53.157,0:44:56.649 It's paradise. 0:44:56.760,0:44:58.751 See you on the beach, boys![br]We're in Hawaii! 0:44:58.829,0:45:01.923 Hey, you know, you're not[br]supposed to be paintin' titties[br]on the side of my aeroplanes. 0:45:02.700,0:45:05.191 And if you do,[br]don't make 'em lopsided. 0:45:06.770,0:45:09.967 - They were lopsided, Earl.[br]- Look, it says right here. 0:45:10.441,0:45:13.137 "Never ride waves amongst rocks[br]or submerged pilings." 0:45:13.210,0:45:15.041 See, it says[br]you shouldn't do that. 0:45:15.112,0:45:17.342 Well, how you gonna know they're[br]submerged if they're submerged? 0:45:17.414,0:45:20.815 Hey, Gooz, what in the hell[br]are you doing? 0:45:21.051,0:45:22.416 He's trying to fix[br]this surfboard thing of his. 0:45:22.619,0:45:26.453 He keeps taking chunks off his nose[br]on the rocks. 0:45:27.291,0:45:30.226 I thought I'd come in on my day off,[br]work on my new invention-- 0:45:30.461,0:45:32.292 the Gooz cruise fin. 0:45:32.463,0:45:33.828 I'm gonna be a rich fella. 0:45:34.732,0:45:36.290 Every surfboard in the nation's[br]gonna need one. 0:45:37.668,0:45:39.295 Yeah?[br]You're gonna need a broom. 0:45:40.137,0:45:42.105 Oh. Check out[br]these new recruits. 0:45:42.406,0:45:44.874 - Hi.[br]- Aloha. 0:45:44.942,0:45:46.739 Y'all pilots? 0:45:50.314,0:45:52.475 We're working on it. 0:45:54.351,0:45:56.478 There's a lot of switches[br]and stuff. 0:46:01.325,0:46:03.020 - Pride of the Pacific.[br]- Who are you? 0:46:03.093,0:46:05.288 Terrors of the Skies. 0:46:05.529,0:46:06.860 - Welcome, ladies.[br]- Hi. 0:46:06.930,0:46:08.591 I have to deal with[br]Coastie's sunburnt rump... 0:46:11.769,0:46:14.294 before I can show you around. 0:46:17.107,0:46:21.043 Dear Evelyn... 0:46:21.278,0:46:24.543 it's different than I thought[br]it would be here. 0:46:25.816,0:46:29.877 It's cold. 0:46:30.120,0:46:31.815 So cold it goes deep[br]into your bones. 0:46:32.156,0:46:35.455 There is one place[br]I can go to find warmth. 0:46:35.626,0:46:37.958 That is to think of you. 0:46:38.629,0:46:41.530 I just wish I could be[br]back there with you. 0:46:41.932,0:46:44.560 It's not easy making friends. 0:46:44.768,0:46:46.599 Two days ago, I had a beer[br]with a couple of the RAF pilots. 0:47:08.725,0:47:11.319 Yesterday,[br]both of them got killed. 0:47:11.395,0:47:12.987 Dear Rafe... 0:47:13.063,0:47:14.690 I miss you so much. 0:47:20.204,0:47:21.637 It's so strange to be[br]half a world away from you. 0:47:21.705,0:47:25.038 I'm right on his tail! 0:47:25.876,0:47:29.039 Got one! 0:47:29.479,0:47:31.379 Every night I look at the sunset... 0:47:31.548,0:47:33.709 and try to draw the last ounce[br]of heat from its long day... 0:47:35.886,0:47:37.251 and send it[br]from my heart to yours. 0:47:37.321,0:47:38.811 Family? 0:47:39.389,0:47:41.380 Girl, sir. 0:47:42.259,0:47:44.022 The girl. 0:47:44.561,0:47:46.586 A lot of people frown on the Yanks[br]for not being in this war yet. 0:47:47.497,0:47:49.158 I'd just like to say... 0:47:57.074,0:47:58.837 if there are many more[br]back home like you... 0:48:22.032,0:48:23.192 God help anyone who goes[br]to war with America. 0:48:28.906,0:48:30.100 Atten-hut! 0:48:30.707,0:48:31.901 Attention on deck![br]Admiral Kimmel... 0:48:32.709,0:48:34.142 commander-in-chief,[br]Pacific Fleet, on deck. 0:48:34.378,0:48:35.367 Sharp presentation, Captain. 0:48:35.545,0:48:38.742 Thank you, Admiral Kimmel. 0:48:38.815,0:48:40.874 For four months now,[br]Washington's been blowing pink smoke... 0:48:41.051,0:48:42.416 about the threat from japan. 0:48:42.653,0:48:45.178 Could make us lose our fighting edge.[br]I'm determined not to let that happen. 0:48:45.255,0:48:46.813 With your permission,[br]Captain. 0:48:47.257,0:48:49.487 Admiral, urgent,[br]from Washington. 0:48:49.559,0:48:52.653 I'm supposed to keep this fleet[br]battle-ready to take on the japanese... 0:48:52.729,0:48:53.753 cover half the damn globe. 0:48:53.997,0:48:56.056 Now they want me to transfer[br]another 12 destroyers to the Atlantic. 0:49:01.104,0:49:04.335 Don't they know what[br]we're facing out here? 0:49:05.676,0:49:06.938 They feel Europe[br]is the greater danger, Admiral. 0:49:24.294,0:49:26.785 I'm assuming these risk assessments[br]include Hawaii. 0:49:26.863,0:49:29.127 Well, Pearl Harbor is too shallow[br]for an aerial torpedo attack... 0:49:29.199,0:49:30.564 and we're surrounded by sub nets. 0:49:59.162,0:50:00.754 All we have to worry about here[br]is sabotage... 0:50:01.832,0:50:03.732 so we bunched our planes together[br]to make them easier to protect. 0:50:03.900,0:50:05.265 Distance is our ally, Admiral. 0:50:05.736,0:50:07.169 You analysts got it[br]all figured out, don't you? 0:50:07.237,0:50:08.932 The smart enemy hits you exactly[br]where you think you're safe. 0:50:09.406,0:50:10.930 I fixed the hydraulics[br]and electrical systems, sir... 0:50:11.908,0:50:13.307 but the oil hoses[br]still need attention. 0:50:13.944,0:50:15.241 - just crank it, Ian![br]- God speed you, sir. 0:50:16.279,0:50:17.576 Red section, take the bombers.[br]Blue section, look out for fighters. 0:50:17.748,0:50:19.238 Bombers dead ahead. 0:50:21.585,0:50:26.522 Let's drop in on 'em[br]and give 'em a reception. 0:50:27.024,0:50:28.514 Red Two, follow my lead,[br]high side. 0:50:29.192,0:50:31.183 - Go right at the lead bomber.[br]- Following you, Red One. 0:50:31.428,0:50:33.623 Good hit! Good hit! 0:50:33.864,0:50:35.263 Red One, coming around,[br]reset for the kill. 0:51:21.578,0:51:24.843 I have the middle bomber. 0:51:32.089,0:51:33.454 Hammer down! 0:51:34.424,0:51:37.120 We got him.[br]Nice shot, Red Two. 0:51:37.794,0:51:42.094 I got two M.E.'s dead ahead. 0:51:44.367,0:51:46.927 I'm on him. I'm on his tail.[br]Hammer down. 0:51:47.137,0:51:48.434 I got one of them! 0:51:49.439,0:51:50.428 I got another one. 0:51:57.447,0:51:58.778 Red One, you got fighters[br]all over your tail! 0:51:58.949,0:52:00.211 I'm under fire![br]I'm taking fire! 0:52:00.283,0:52:02.717 Red One, get out of there.[br]Pull up! Pull up! 0:52:04.154,0:52:06.486 I got an oil leak! 0:52:07.023,0:52:08.991 Can't see a damn thing! 0:52:09.226,0:52:12.059 I can't bail![br]My canopy's stuck! 0:52:12.229,0:52:14.026 I can't bail out! 0:52:16.399,0:52:17.923 He's on my tail, Red Two. 0:52:40.557,0:52:43.424 I'm hit! I'm hit! 0:52:44.761,0:52:47.924 Mayday! Mayday! 0:52:48.131,0:52:50.099 Oh, my God. 0:52:51.101,0:52:53.695 - I'm no good at church.[br]- What do you mean, sweetie? 0:52:53.937,0:52:55.768 Well, whenever I'm up there[br]getting my slate wiped clean... 0:52:55.972,0:52:59.738 I can't help but think of how[br]I'm gonna dirty it up again. 0:52:59.809,0:53:01.868 - This from a virgin.[br]- I've got to inventory supplies. 0:53:01.945,0:53:03.071 Oh! Kill me now.[br]Could you be any more boring? 0:53:03.146,0:53:04.477 Don't bother.[br]Sundays she writes Rafe. 0:53:05.582,0:53:08.050 Ten pages[br]instead of the usual five. 0:53:08.885,0:53:12.719 Gosh, I wish I was in love. 0:53:12.923,0:53:15.255 Hey, sweetheart. 0:53:27.270,0:53:29.067 She hates me. 0:53:35.845,0:53:37.278 - Good to see you, Red.[br]- Sure good to see you, too, Betty. 0:53:37.914,0:53:39.279 What are you doing?[br]You wanna come for a ride? Come on. 0:53:39.916,0:53:43.181 Yeah, I'll be your chauffeur. 0:53:43.420,0:53:45.911 That-a-boy! Be a mad dog! 0:53:46.756,0:53:49.418 You hit pretty hard[br]for a cook. 0:53:49.593,0:53:53.393 All right, Walker, who you got?[br]Come on. Fight's almost over. 0:53:53.463,0:53:56.830 - I'll take the cook.[br]- Why? You don't like money? 0:53:59.436,0:54:01.529 Come on![br]Get out there now! 0:54:02.205,0:54:04.537 - I'll put five on it.[br]- Done. 0:54:04.708,0:54:05.800 Against the mechanic?[br]That guy craps rivets. 0:54:06.042,0:54:07.304 How's it feel up from that dark, oily[br]engine room? Sunlight botherin' you? 0:54:07.577,0:54:09.875 Ow. 0:54:10.046,0:54:11.843 Man, he's getting[br]all busted up in there! 0:54:11.982,0:54:14.883 Move! Move! 0:54:15.085,0:54:18.919 Come here. We gotta talk.[br]Get down here. 0:54:19.422,0:54:21.515 - He can't hurt us.[br]- He can hurt us. 0:54:21.658,0:54:23.387 - He cut us. We bleeding.[br]- Bleeding? 0:54:24.561,0:54:25.823 That's a scratch.[br]You see this here? 0:54:27.530,0:54:28.861 This here's the hard-earned greenbacks[br]of every pot-scrubbin', dish-washin'[br]chop in this here fleet. 0:54:34.104,0:54:36.004 Now, if we don't win, the Teeny here[br]has to find himself another battleship. 0:54:50.453,0:54:53.980 'Cause there's no way I'm going back[br]to the Arizona empty-handed. 0:54:54.090,0:54:56.354 Don't worry about the money. 0:54:56.459,0:54:57.687 I'm gonna send that smug[br]engine-fixin' snipe... 0:55:13.810,0:55:15.710 back below decks[br]where he belong. 0:55:21.384,0:55:22.817 Come on, man! We the man![br]You the man! 0:55:38.902,0:55:40.096 He slapped your mama, remember?[br]Be a son of a bitch! 0:55:50.814,0:55:52.941 Look at this![br]All right, Dorie! 0:55:53.149,0:55:54.741 That's enough.[br]That's enough. 0:55:54.951,0:55:58.751 Oh! Where's my money? 0:55:58.922,0:56:01.254 Nah. Fight's rigged. 0:56:01.324,0:56:03.554 We're rich! 0:56:03.626,0:56:05.457 How'd you get this? 0:56:06.029,0:56:08.122 Boxing. 0:56:08.198,0:56:10.860 Did you win? 0:56:12.736,0:56:15.534 Yes, ma'am. 0:56:15.605,0:56:18.836 What do you get[br]for winning? 0:56:18.908,0:56:20.136 Respect. 0:56:20.210,0:56:21.609 So why do you have to fight[br]with your fists to get respect? 0:56:28.752,0:56:30.720 I left my mama in Texas and[br]joined the navy to see the world... 0:56:30.920,0:56:32.182 become a man. 0:56:45.635,0:56:47.159 They made me a cook. 0:57:01.151,0:57:03.449 Not even that. I, uh,[br]clean up after other sailors eat. 0:57:18.368,0:57:20.700 Two years, they never even[br]let me fire a weapon. 0:57:21.037,0:57:22.299 Well, let's hope[br]you never have to. 0:57:24.374,0:57:25.739 Yes, ma'am. 0:57:26.209,0:57:28.541 You take care,[br]Petty Officer Miller. 0:57:28.711,0:57:31.339 You, too, ma'am. 0:57:31.581,0:57:34.141 You know,[br]he taught me to fly. 0:57:43.726,0:57:46.217 I always knew that no matter[br]what kind of trouble I got into... 0:57:46.596,0:57:48.393 I'd never be in it alone. 0:57:49.232,0:57:50.221 He'd be there with me. 0:57:50.433,0:57:52.924 Up there, he was always pushing me[br]to be better and faster. 0:57:53.136,0:57:54.626 He told me you were[br]a great flier. 0:58:02.345,0:58:07.112 It was the same night he told me[br]he volunteered to go to England. 0:58:08.418,0:58:12.184 Volunteered? 0:58:13.590,0:58:14.852 He-- 0:58:14.924,0:58:17.222 He told me[br]he'd been assigned. 0:58:19.529,0:58:22.123 He was always[br]trying to protect me. 0:58:22.365,0:58:25.459 But you know what? I look at myself[br]in the mirror in this uniform... 0:59:19.222,0:59:21.190 and I still don't know[br]who I am. 0:59:22.292,0:59:23.987 I look like a hero... 0:59:26.029,0:59:27.496 but I don't feel like it. 0:59:37.240,0:59:39.265 Rafe... 0:59:41.678,0:59:42.975 he always looked the part,[br]didn't he? 0:59:43.313,0:59:44.803 He couldn't wait to be one. 0:59:52.021,0:59:53.818 To Rafe McCawley. 1:00:15.845,1:00:17.836 The best pilot... 1:00:23.419,1:00:24.613 and the best friend[br]I ever knew... 1:00:27.957,1:00:29.424 or ever will know. 1:00:37.934,1:00:39.629 To Rafe. 1:00:42.605,1:00:43.765 Look at this. Look at this. 1:02:11.227,1:02:14.856 The japanese are flooding[br]the Pacific with radio traffic. 1:02:15.398,1:02:19.425 Everywhere from the Panama Canal[br]to Southeast Asia. 1:02:19.635,1:02:22.229 There's no logical pattern[br]in it, Captain. 1:02:22.438,1:02:27.034 No, there's--[br]There's always logic. 1:02:27.310,1:02:30.143 They know we read their mail. 1:02:30.279,1:02:32.008 They're trying to make us think[br]their fleet is moving south. 1:02:32.081,1:02:35.949 I'm not buying it. 1:02:36.152,1:02:38.882 Something, something--[br]Something's up. 1:02:38.955,1:02:42.982 Otherwise, why would they take[br]the trouble to bullshit me? 1:02:43.259,1:02:45.750 Evelyn, um, I signed for[br]these letters for you today. 1:02:45.928,1:02:49.227 They're from England. 1:02:49.332,1:02:52.267 They're from Rafe. 1:02:52.435,1:02:55.097 I'm sorry, Ev. 1:03:01.944,1:03:03.377 You know how long[br]it takes mail to get here. 1:03:25.134,1:03:27.728 - Hurry up![br]- Show time, boys! Come on! 1:03:30.406,1:03:31.839 America still awaits Japan's response[br]to peace proposals. 1:03:31.908,1:03:33.273 Ambassador Nomura[br]arrives in Washington... 1:03:41.184,1:03:43.948 in what could hopefully guarantee[br]continued peace in the Pacific. 1:04:18.454,1:04:21.981 On the British front,[br]Churchill declares... 1:04:22.058,1:04:23.150 "Give us the tools,[br]and we will finish the job. " 1:05:02.498,1:05:03.863 The RAF has fought bravely... 1:05:04.433,1:05:05.627 against Hitler's ambition[br]to rule the skiies over the Channel. 1:05:12.842,1:05:14.707 Victory does not come[br]without sacrifice. 1:05:14.844,1:05:18.610 - Evelyn![br]- Danny. 1:05:18.681,1:05:20.308 - Hey.[br]- Some comedy, huh? 1:05:34.797,1:05:36.128 - Yeah.[br]- It's been awhile. 1:05:36.198,1:05:38.962 Yeah, I've been logging[br]a lot of flight hours. 1:05:39.168,1:05:42.660 I kinda been[br]avoiding you too. 1:06:15.004,1:06:18.701 Yeah. 1:06:19.775,1:06:21.367 - Look--[br]- Do you-- 1:06:21.444,1:06:25.540 - Do you want to?[br]- Sure, yeah. 1:06:25.781,1:06:28.443 I remember this one time[br]when I was like seven years old. 1:06:28.651,1:06:29.948 I was always building[br]these gadgets and things. 1:06:32.688,1:06:35.088 He told me he wanted me[br]to build him some wings... 1:06:36.792,1:06:38.657 so that he could fly like[br]his daddy, dusting crops. 1:06:39.028,1:06:43.658 I told him you can't fly without[br]some kind of engine, right? 1:06:44.033,1:06:45.625 But he wouldn't listen.[br]You know, he told me... 1:06:46.102,1:06:51.438 "Danny, never mind all that.[br]Just build 'em anyway." 1:06:52.241,1:06:53.435 So I did. 1:06:53.509,1:06:56.478 And I'm up there, strapping[br]these big ol' wings on his back... 1:06:56.545,1:06:59.673 that we made from paper and glue[br]and these massive silk bloomers[br]that we stole. 1:07:11.761,1:07:15.458 He looked so stupid, you know?[br]And I told him... 1:07:15.664,1:07:18.132 "You can't jump off[br]the barn in these." 1:07:19.268,1:07:21.702 And bam! 1:07:46.996,1:07:50.193 He busted his leg[br]on the backhoe. 1:08:10.352,1:08:12.047 God, I miss him. 1:08:24.100,1:08:27.263 Yeah, but don't you think that Rafe[br]wasn't back up there the next day... 1:08:36.612,1:08:38.170 cast and everything... 1:08:38.948,1:08:40.108 telling me to make some[br]adjustments on those wings. 1:09:08.911,1:09:10.902 Wow. Check this out.[br]Crossroads to the Pacific. 1:09:11.514,1:09:15.610 Tahiti, 1,700 miles.[br]All right! Okay. 1:09:17.086,1:09:21.420 Say, Betty. 1:09:21.590,1:09:24.753 - No, Betty! Get up![br]- What's going on, Red? 1:09:24.960,1:09:26.086 - You've gotta stand up, please.[br]- What do you mean, get up? 1:09:27.663,1:09:28.960 Just stand up.[br]Stand up here. 1:09:29.498,1:09:31.489 Oh! 1:09:49.785,1:09:52.310 - Betty--[br]- Red, come on! 1:09:56.525,1:09:58.823 We got a dinner reservation. 1:09:59.461,1:10:00.553 Can I get a minute? 1:10:01.964,1:10:03.864 What's the matter,[br]you sick? 1:10:03.933,1:10:06.026 Can a guy propose? 1:10:08.304,1:10:10.829 Oh! Thankyou! 1:10:14.176,1:10:15.734 Am I talking too much?[br]Sometimes I do that. I'm sorry. 1:10:15.811,1:10:16.800 Hold up. Look at this. 1:10:16.979,1:10:20.415 Hello. 1:10:20.482,1:10:21.471 - Okay, let's get out of here.[br]- Okay. Hey! 1:10:34.563,1:10:36.190 I guess I should go. 1:10:38.334,1:10:41.826 Don't let it be three months[br]before I see you again, all right? 1:10:46.175,1:10:48.200 - I had a good time.[br]- Yeah, me too. 1:10:48.844,1:10:51.176 - Do you want me to walk you home?[br]- No, I'll be fine. 1:10:51.714,1:10:54.842 No. Of course. 1:11:06.662,1:11:07.651 - Good night, Danny.[br]- Good night. 1:11:12.134,1:11:13.624 I was just wondering if maybe[br]I could come by some time... 1:11:16.005,1:11:19.463 get a cup of coffee[br]or a piece of pie. 1:11:19.642,1:11:22.975 What am I doing? 1:11:23.178,1:11:25.305 Okay. 1:11:25.814,1:11:27.213 Oh! You were asleep.[br]I'm sorry. 1:11:29.818,1:11:34.050 Danny? 1:11:34.323,1:11:36.484 Is something wrong? 1:11:46.568,1:11:47.830 No! There's nothing wrong.[br]There's no problem. Hi. 1:11:49.838,1:11:52.204 It's just Danny. 1:12:02.117,1:12:04.677 I just-- You--[br]You forgot this. 1:12:04.953,1:12:06.784 Oh. 1:12:07.623,1:12:10.717 Thanks. It was good of you to take[br]the trouble to drop it over now. 1:12:10.893,1:12:12.724 I-- I thought you might need it,[br]you know... 1:12:12.795,1:12:15.195 uh, maybe tomorrow morning. 1:12:15.564,1:12:18.692 If, uh-- I mean, not that[br]you wear this to work, but-- 1:12:18.801,1:12:20.894 No. It's a hanky. 1:12:20.969,1:12:24.461 Right, right. Yeah. 1:12:25.407,1:12:27.739 Listen, I was thinking[br]maybe, uh, I could come by[br]some time or give you call-- 1:12:54.903,1:12:56.495 If I gave you a call,[br]could I come by some time? 1:12:56.572,1:12:59.370 Once, maybe,[br]if you're not busy? 1:12:59.575,1:13:02.442 Yeah, maybe. 1:13:02.644,1:13:04.635 - Maybe?[br]- Maybe. 1:13:04.947,1:13:08.781 Okay, all right. 1:13:09.618,1:13:13.987 - Thanks. Good night.[br]- Goodbye. Good night. Good night. 1:13:14.456,1:13:15.445 You are such an idiot. 1:13:18.127,1:13:22.291 - Did you have fun last night?[br]- It wasn't how it looked. 1:13:37.479,1:13:39.970 And if it was, it'd be all right.[br]It's been months. It's time to move on. 1:13:40.149,1:13:41.844 - I am moving on.[br]- Ev, don't lie. 1:13:42.985,1:13:44.509 All I know is I hear you crying[br]when you think I'm asleep. 1:13:46.355,1:13:48.084 When my dad left, I was too much[br]for my mom to handle... 1:13:52.995,1:13:54.860 so she sent me[br]to live with my aunt. 1:13:59.835,1:14:01.735 I thought my life was over, but you[br]don't know where it's all going to lead. 1:14:01.804,1:14:04.102 If I hadn't have run away and lied[br]about my age and enlisted in the navy... 1:14:04.173,1:14:06.801 I-- I wouldn't have met Red,[br]and-- now he's my fiance. 1:14:07.509,1:14:08.476 Oh, God, I can't[br]get used to that word. 1:14:12.815,1:14:15.943 - It's only been 12 hours.[br]- Oh, Betty. 1:14:16.218,1:14:18.209 Uh, Little Betty beat us all[br]to the post. 1:14:18.320,1:14:21.483 And this is ward three.[br]As you can see, no patients. 1:14:30.132,1:14:32.623 Welcome to Hawaii.[br]Come on. I'll show you the bar. 1:14:32.701,1:14:33.861 Sandra, new recruits to torture. 1:14:33.936,1:14:37.702 - Come on. Excuse me, ladies.[br]- Hi! 1:14:37.973,1:14:40.237 We're gonna wait two years until[br]I'm 19 and Red can buy me a ring. 1:14:40.309,1:14:40.832 Rafe sent his best friend to tell you[br]so you would be okay... 1:14:41.076,1:14:42.236 so you can move on. 1:14:48.083,1:14:49.380 You gotta go on living, Ev. 1:14:55.224,1:14:57.886 Red! 1:15:03.599,1:15:04.122 Oh! Sorry. 1:15:04.199,1:15:05.928 Bye, Rafe. 1:15:06.001,1:15:08.367 The japanese fleet is missing. 1:15:08.604,1:15:10.504 They're operating[br]under radio silence. 1:15:11.006,1:15:12.030 This footage was shot[br]four days ago on October 28. 1:15:19.715,1:15:21.410 Well, we're sending scout planes in[br]wider vectors all over the Pacific... 1:15:21.817,1:15:23.546 but they get nothing. 1:15:23.619,1:15:26.315 Now, they could be[br]anywhere in here. 1:15:26.655,1:15:29.453 I don't understand how two whole[br]carrier divisions can just disappear. 1:15:29.892,1:15:31.985 Clear! 1:15:32.160,1:15:34.321 Oh, we're all over the page. 1:15:34.396,1:15:36.864 We got one walleyed[br]and one pigeon-toed. 1:15:37.466,1:15:38.990 - Anthony, tap in number six.[br]- All right. 1:15:39.067,1:15:42.298 - Gooz?[br]- Yeah? 1:15:45.007,1:15:47.498 - Tap in number three.[br]- All right. 1:15:47.676,1:15:48.700 Hey, we got a visitor. 1:15:48.911,1:15:52.347 Oh, that ain't no[br]navy issue uniform, eh? 1:15:52.915,1:15:55.179 - Danny, it's Evelyn.[br]-jesus. 1:15:55.384,1:15:57.614 - You all right?[br]- Yeah, yeah. 1:15:57.686,1:16:00.211 No. 1:16:00.422,1:16:01.787 I think I'm falling for her. 1:16:32.721,1:16:35.713 Wow. You know,[br]I saw this coming. 1:16:35.791,1:16:38.487 I didn't want this to happen.[br]It just kind of did. Can't help it. 1:16:39.127,1:16:43.291 Well, Danny, she's got to be[br]with somebody. It might as well be you. 1:16:45.133,1:16:49.069 You're telling me[br]if you were dead, and you saw[br]your best buddy doing your girl... 1:16:50.339,1:16:53.069 you wouldn't come back and[br]beat the livin' crap out of him? 1:16:53.241,1:16:54.970 - Tony, back off.[br]- I'd be back so fast. 1:16:55.143,1:16:58.237 Danny's being a better friend[br]taking care of her himself. 1:16:58.413,1:17:00.745 I got a girlfriend. 1:17:04.753,1:17:06.516 That's great.[br]Come on, fellas. Let's split. 1:17:06.655,1:17:09.886 Danny, whatever happens now is[br]just about you and her. 1:17:09.958,1:17:12.085 You got to try[br]and forget about Rafe. 1:17:12.160,1:17:14.560 Be careful, all right? 1:17:14.796,1:17:16.991 Ladies cloud the mind. 1:17:17.165,1:17:20.191 - Thanks, Gooz.[br]- You're welcome. 1:17:21.436,1:17:23.267 Hey, Danny. 1:17:23.338,1:17:26.171 Where's everybody going? 1:17:27.042,1:17:30.341 Just being discreet. 1:17:32.614,1:17:33.808 Does it seem like everybody's[br]acting a little strange? 1:17:34.116,1:17:35.481 No, no. 1:17:35.550,1:17:40.112 Right. 1:17:40.322,1:17:43.519 Well, maybe--[br]maybe a little, yeah. 1:17:44.559,1:17:46.049 Well, people in this outfit have way[br]too much time on their hands. 1:17:46.495,1:17:47.553 Oh, yeah. 1:17:53.735,1:17:54.963 I just hope they don't think[br]there's been something going on[br]between us. That's all. 1:18:11.319,1:18:14.948 Oh, no, I mean, no. I mean,[br]that would be embarrassing, right? 1:18:23.932,1:18:25.866 I forgot my wrenches. 1:18:26.535,1:18:29.868 - It'd definitely be embarrassing.[br]- Yeah. 1:18:30.305,1:18:32.205 - Hi. Forgot my wrenches.[br]- Hey. He really doesn't have to leave. 1:18:32.374,1:18:33.966 No. 1:18:51.993,1:18:53.358 I, uh-- I'm just going out[br]with the girls, so-- 1:18:54.296,1:18:56.457 - Guess I'll see you later.[br]- Yeah. 1:19:20.255,1:19:21.415 - All right.[br]- Yeah. All right. I'll see you around. 1:19:26.428,1:19:29.420 Shit. 1:20:03.198,1:20:04.529 Evelyn? 1:20:23.151,1:20:24.550 Have you ever seen[br]Pearl Harbor at sunset? 1:20:25.053,1:20:26.042 - Of course.[br]- Well, from the air? 1:20:26.888,1:20:30.449 You know, I could get kicked out[br]of the military for this. 1:20:30.625,1:20:32.024 - Really?[br]- Yes. Stay down. 1:20:32.227,1:20:34.787 The Hawaiians call[br]this harbour Wai Momi. 1:20:35.030,1:20:38.124 - It means "water of pearls."[br]- It's so beautiful. 1:20:50.579,1:20:51.910 My dad took me up[br]a couple of times. 1:20:52.080,1:20:54.014 Just don't do what he did.[br]What do you call it? When you flip over? 1:20:54.082,1:20:55.947 - A barrel roll?[br]- Yeah. 1:20:56.017,1:20:58.349 Oh. 1:20:58.420,1:21:01.787 Oh! 1:21:01.857,1:21:03.415 Oh, my God. 1:21:03.491,1:21:05.482 - What do you think?[br]- I like that. 1:21:05.861,1:21:07.453 - Hey, that plane was supposed...[br]- Duck. 1:21:07.529,1:21:09.929 to be back here an hour ago. 1:21:10.298,1:21:13.062 Quick. Hide in[br]the parachute hangar. 1:21:13.368,1:21:15.632 My heart is pounding. 1:21:15.704,1:21:19.367 Danny, last night-- 1:21:20.041,1:21:21.770 No, that's terrible. 1:21:22.510,1:21:23.943 Danny, we need[br]to talk about this. 1:21:29.517,1:21:32.077 - Sir. Evelyn![br]- Danny! 1:21:33.154,1:21:37.352 Hey. Hi. 1:21:38.393,1:21:40.657 Hi. 1:21:40.896,1:21:43.558 I didn't sleep a wink[br]last night. 1:21:45.033,1:21:48.093 I had to see ya. 1:21:48.336,1:21:49.325 Last night was crazy, I know,[br]but I'm not sorry. 1:21:51.606,1:21:54.837 Are you? 1:21:54.910,1:21:56.605 I don't know. 1:21:56.678,1:22:01.115 Danny, I had a wonderful time[br]last night. I-- 1:22:01.349,1:22:03.681 - It's just all too fast.[br]- Listen, Evelyn. 1:22:04.052,1:22:07.988 I was just down at the beach this[br]morning, and I watched the sun rise... 1:22:08.056,1:22:09.580 and I knew that everything[br]was gonna be different... 1:22:09.658,1:22:14.527 that this was the start[br]of something new... 1:22:14.763,1:22:17.254 in this place,[br]in this moment... 1:22:17.332,1:22:21.200 and I don't care[br]what anybody else says, you know? 1:22:32.213,1:22:33.373 How can I not feel this way? 1:22:33.448,1:22:36.508 I kind of like ya. 1:22:36.718,1:22:38.151 Oh, you do? 1:22:41.656,1:22:42.623 You have your tie on crooked. 1:22:47.729,1:22:49.196 Everything's gonna[br]be all right, okay? 1:22:51.566,1:22:53.056 Everything's gonna be all right. 1:22:53.802,1:22:55.531 Do you have any air tours[br]going through the valley of Oahu? 1:22:56.705,1:22:58.172 You do? 1:22:59.407,1:23:01.170 Aloha. This is KGMB[br]in Honolulu... 1:23:13.755,1:23:15.017 on another beautiful fall day[br]here in paradise. 1:23:29.971,1:23:32.531 We have enough information. 1:23:32.707,1:23:35.676 We are returning home. 1:23:37.278,1:23:39.508 Do you ever wonder if[br]this war's gonna catch up with us? 1:23:41.249,1:23:42.238 Not a whole lot. 1:23:49.457,1:23:52.426 Every moment we're not together,[br]you're up there training for it. 1:23:52.527,1:23:54.825 Yeah, well, I'm training[br]for moments like these. 1:23:54.896,1:23:58.332 'Cause I have no idea how I'm gonna[br]get this car out of the sand. 1:23:58.533,1:24:01.593 Evelyn, can you please[br]come out of the bathroom? 1:24:01.836,1:24:05.294 You've been there for an hour.[br]Evelyn! 1:24:05.407,1:24:07.307 What are you trying to do?[br]Look like me? 1:24:07.509,1:24:08.976 - Are you okay?[br]- Yeah. 1:24:09.177,1:24:10.269 What's the matter? No, you-- 1:24:10.345,1:24:14.611 They call it the Vacant Sea. 1:24:16.684,1:24:20.677 None of the major sea lanes[br]go through it... 1:24:21.022,1:24:25.186 and you could bury the entire land mass[br]of Asia there, and nobody would know. 1:24:26.094,1:24:28.619 From there,[br]they could attack anywhere. 1:24:28.963,1:24:29.759 Our last signals intercept indicate[br]that the japanese task force... 1:24:33.768,1:24:35.395 is heading south, toward[br]the Philippines or Southeast Asia. 1:24:35.470,1:24:36.528 But Captain Thurman[br]of Naval Intelligence here... 1:24:37.705,1:24:39.195 has his own theory[br]about the missing ships. 1:24:40.975,1:24:43.170 Sir, I believe they'll try to hit us[br]where it'll hurt us the most-- 1:24:57.092,1:24:58.855 Pearl Harbor. 1:25:04.032,1:25:05.021 That's over 4,000 nautical miles[br]from japan. 1:25:14.909,1:25:16.501 To Pearl, that's a long distance[br]to steam a navy, Captain. 1:25:23.952,1:25:25.943 Your theory--[br]It's based on what? 1:25:26.020,1:25:29.888 Well, it's what I would do. 1:25:31.192,1:25:33.023 It's not exactly hard evidence,[br]Captain Thurman. 1:25:34.529,1:25:37.692 Well, Admiral, if I had hard evidence,[br]we'd already be at war. 1:25:37.999,1:25:41.093 Sir, we can read their diplomatic[br]codes faster than they can type them. 1:25:42.303,1:25:43.827 But Captain Thurman's cryptology team is[br]still trying to crack the naval codes. 1:25:43.905,1:25:45.964 The intercepts have missing words[br]and garbled lines. 1:25:46.040,1:25:48.133 So to explain the decrypts... 1:25:49.210,1:25:52.702 we have to try to interpret[br]what we think they're trying to do. 1:25:52.947,1:25:57.213 Interpret? You mean, guess. 1:25:57.385,1:25:59.649 They use their[br]informed intuition, sir. 1:25:59.721,1:26:01.484 We guess. It's like[br]playing chess in the dark. 1:26:01.556,1:26:06.721 Any rumour, troop movement, ship[br]movement, spine tingle, goosebump... 1:26:07.996,1:26:10.021 we pay attention to it. 1:26:10.498,1:26:13.365 When I was in the Asiatic fleet,[br]the locals used to try to... 1:26:13.434,1:26:15.402 get outside of a problem[br]to try to see the inside. 1:26:15.470,1:26:17.062 Well, I see a strike on Pearl. 1:26:17.138,1:26:18.127 It's the worst thing[br]that could happen. 1:26:18.406,1:26:20.738 A blow to Pearl would devastate the[br]Pacific Fleet's ability to make war. 1:26:28.449,1:26:29.882 So, sir, you would have us[br]mobilize the entire fleet... 1:26:29.951,1:26:32.181 at the cost[br]of millions of dollars... 1:26:43.698,1:26:44.756 based on this spine-tingling[br]feeling of yours? 1:26:47.702,1:26:48.691 No, sir. I understand my job[br]is to gather and interpret material. 1:27:04.152,1:27:06.916 Making difficult decisions[br]based on incomplete information... 1:27:07.121,1:27:08.088 from my limited decoding ability[br]is your job, sir. 1:27:34.182,1:27:35.740 Then break the damn naval code, Captain,[br]so I can make a better decision. 1:27:37.919,1:27:39.147 Aye, sir. We are trying. 1:27:39.220,1:27:41.188 I wonder if we shouldn't put[br]the Pacific Fleet on full alert. 1:27:41.256,1:27:44.157 In case the optimism[br]of the Honolulu Advertiser... 1:27:44.292,1:27:46.385 proves unfounded, gentlemen... 1:27:47.362,1:27:49.193 what are General Short and the army[br]going to do about protecting my ships? 1:27:52.600,1:27:53.589 Within a ten-mile radius[br]of your harbour... 1:28:02.143,1:28:03.405 we have fighter planes[br]here at Wheeler... 1:28:03.645,1:28:06.580 bombers at Hickam[br]and a training strip at Haleiwa. 1:28:06.648,1:28:08.240 We've recently established[br]a radar station here that[br]can detect planes 125 miles out. 1:28:08.316,1:28:09.749 Which is a month old, Admiral,[br]and untested. 1:28:09.817,1:28:13.548 I've seen these[br]new radar screens, Major. 1:28:13.621,1:28:16.283 There's no way of telling[br]whether they're ours, theirs[br]or a flock of damn birds. 1:28:21.996,1:28:25.090 I'm intercepting a call from Tokyo[br]to somewhere close by Pearl. 1:28:26.100,1:28:27.567 There's a call from Tokyo.[br]They say they don't know you. 1:28:27.669,1:28:30.536 Hello? 1:28:30.772,1:28:33.468 It's a local dentist. He can see[br]Pearl Harbor from his office. 1:28:33.541,1:28:35.509 "Are there many sailors around?" 1:28:35.576,1:28:38.511 Uh, the dentist says that[br]the flat ships are not in port. 1:28:38.946,1:28:41.073 They're talking about the weather. 1:28:41.816,1:28:44.410 He doesn't seem to know[br]who he's talking to. 1:28:48.489,1:28:49.387 Hello? 1:28:49.457,1:28:52.517 Hello? 1:28:52.593,1:28:56.552 Hello? 1:28:56.631,1:28:57.620 That was a strange call. 1:28:59.467,1:29:02.732 Admiral, may I speak to you[br]in private? 1:29:04.205,1:29:05.797 Why would a spy use a phone? 1:29:06.607,1:29:07.972 They know we tap[br]all international lines. 1:29:08.176,1:29:10.167 Our listeners feel[br]it's probably not code talk. 1:29:23.091,1:29:26.390 It sounds like someone in japan[br]is sneaking around... 1:29:31.666,1:29:33.759 asking a local citizen[br]the location of our carriers. 1:29:33.835,1:29:35.496 Well, that makes me[br]feel all warm inside. 1:29:35.570,1:29:37.731 Get the FBI on it immediately. 1:29:38.239,1:29:42.266 Have we found[br]the goddam japanese fleet yet? 1:29:42.610,1:29:46.171 No, Admiral, the bases[br]are looking all over the Pacific. 1:29:46.347,1:29:47.814 So the entire fleet could be[br]rounding Diamond Head right now. 1:29:48.015,1:29:49.414 We wouldn't know a thing about it. 1:29:49.484,1:29:53.477 Get on it. 1:29:54.255,1:29:57.520 I'm alive. 1:29:59.327,1:30:01.124 This is the first[br]I could get word out. 1:30:02.530,1:30:03.519 I told you I'd come back. 1:30:16.010,1:30:16.999 Here. Sit down.[br]Sit down. Come here. 1:30:25.486,1:30:26.817 It's okay. 1:30:27.355,1:30:29.152 It's all right. 1:30:42.537,1:30:43.526 - You're real.[br]- Yeah. 1:30:47.275,1:30:48.674 - I wished for this every day.[br]- I know. Me too. 1:30:52.180,1:30:53.204 Every second, so did I. 1:30:56.951,1:30:57.940 I thought you were dead. They--[br]They said you were shot down in the sea. 1:31:11.432,1:31:13.627 Yeah, I was. 1:31:14.202,1:31:15.328 I was in the ocean.[br]It was so cold. 1:31:36.757,1:31:39.624 I missed you. 1:31:39.694,1:31:42.822 I got picked up by a--[br]a French fishing boat, and I-- 1:31:43.464,1:31:44.863 I was in Occupied France.[br]I couldn't get word out. 1:31:44.932,1:31:49.369 I'll tell you all about it.[br]I promise. 1:31:49.871,1:31:54.535 But I'm fine. I'm okay,[br]and I'm here now. 1:31:54.742,1:31:58.041 I just wanted to see you.[br]You're so beautiful. 1:31:58.112,1:32:00.706 I love you. 1:32:00.781,1:32:03.306 I love you. 1:34:40.174,1:34:42.802 Hey, it's okay. It's okay. 1:34:47.448,1:34:51.384 Evelyn-- Evelyn, I'm back. 1:34:55.923,1:34:58.858 It's okay.[br]I won't leave you again. I promise. 1:34:58.926,1:35:02.453 Rafe, you died. 1:35:02.663,1:35:05.723 So did I. 1:35:05.966,1:35:08.059 I know, but I'm-- I'm--[br]It's fine now. I'm back. 1:35:08.235,1:35:12.763 We're together. 1:35:13.407,1:35:17.036 I mean, we are together, right? 1:35:17.111,1:35:18.203 I don't know where I am. 1:35:18.279,1:35:20.770 Rafe. 1:35:21.015,1:35:25.475 Rafe? 1:35:26.387,1:35:28.412 Stay away. 1:35:28.489,1:35:30.889 Rafe! 1:36:15.970,1:36:19.565 This is Radio Honolulu,[br]playing the sweetest music... 1:36:19.640,1:36:22.507 on the sweetest island[br]in the Pacific. 1:36:29.717,1:36:32.914 It's a beautiful December 6[br]with beautiful music... 1:36:46.700,1:36:48.429 from the beautiful beach[br]of Waikiikii. 1:36:48.669,1:36:49.761 - Rafe![br]- Rafe! 1:36:52.206,1:36:54.538 Oh! God damn it.[br]There you go. 1:36:54.608,1:36:59.045 A real live ace! 1:37:00.514,1:37:01.640 An ace is only five.[br]I shot down six M.E.'s. 1:37:01.916,1:37:04.350 - And I got two smokers too.[br]They don't count them.[br]- Oh, sorry. 1:37:04.418,1:37:06.784 Of course, I got shot down myself[br]before they could pin me. 1:37:06.854,1:37:08.321 You got back from behind enemy lines,[br]huh? What was that combat like? 1:37:08.923,1:37:11.153 - Were you scared?[br]- Hey! One at a time. 1:37:11.225,1:37:13.716 Oh, fine. 1:37:17.198,1:37:18.995 Well, them Luftwaffe boys can[br]fly pretty good. It's not like,[br]you know, training. They're, uh-- 1:37:41.088,1:37:42.783 - Danny.[br]- You know, they're all[br]about tactics is what it is. 1:37:43.157,1:37:45.557 You see, the Nazis, right?[br]They're faster than you are. 1:37:45.960,1:37:48.724 So they'll disappear,[br]and they get up in the soup. 1:37:48.963,1:37:52.091 They'll throw like[br]a roll or a hammerhead and[br]come around your high side, you know. 1:37:52.166,1:37:53.030 Shoot you from behind,[br]like some Americans will. 1:37:54.602,1:37:56.729 Hey, Gooz, you're[br]lookin' at a real live ace. 1:38:01.542,1:38:02.600 Well, let me give you[br]the shirt off my back. 1:38:02.676,1:38:05.611 - Aloha! There you go![br]- I'll take it from you! 1:38:05.779,1:38:09.738 You all are having[br]a pretty good time out here. 1:38:09.817,1:38:13.947 Hey, Rafe,[br]we got to talk, all right? 1:38:15.589,1:38:17.921 Ain't got nothing[br]to talk about with you. Here. 1:38:17.992,1:38:20.825 Why don't you have a drink? 1:38:21.328,1:38:23.489 I'll make a toast. 1:38:23.964,1:38:25.329 To returnin' from the dead. 1:38:26.133,1:38:27.498 Wasn't all I expected,[br]but, well, that's life. 1:38:33.073,1:38:34.631 And to-- to my best friend[br]and loyal buddy Danny... 1:38:35.309,1:38:36.537 for keeping up the war effort[br]back here at home. 1:38:50.057,1:38:53.424 - Yeah.[br]- All right, here we go.[br]- That was good. 1:38:53.494,1:38:54.620 You know, where I come from,[br]somebody makes a toast to you... 1:38:57.564,1:38:58.861 and you don't drink,[br]that's sayin' somethin'. 1:39:01.302,1:39:03.031 All right, Rafe,[br]that's how it's gonna be. 1:39:03.270,1:39:04.601 - To you.[br]- Hey, you guys need to spend[br]some time alone, I think. 1:39:11.845,1:39:13.244 Oh, hell, no, Red. Come on. 1:39:20.054,1:39:21.043 What are you talking--[br]No, no, no. We're celebrating here. 1:39:29.563,1:39:30.552 Me over there fightin'. 1:39:32.366,1:39:33.492 Almost gettin' killed. 1:39:33.634,1:39:34.896 My friend Danny back here,[br]looking after my interests for me. 1:39:38.238,1:39:39.603 You all know Danny was[br]even good enough to look out for[br]my girl for me while I was gone. 1:39:40.374,1:39:41.773 We thought you were dead, Rafe,[br]and it gutted us both... 1:39:43.077,1:39:44.704 and we were just trying[br]to get on with our lives. 1:39:45.879,1:39:48.814 Life is good, ain't it, Danny? 1:39:57.224,1:39:58.521 You know, you're a rotten drunk.[br]You always have been. 1:39:58.592,1:40:00.287 Yeah, well, you're a lousy friend.[br]That's a new development. 1:40:07.368,1:40:09.393 You left her to fight[br]somebody else's war. 1:40:10.738,1:40:13.400 And you made damn sure[br]that I didn't go with ya,[br]and we thought that you were dead! 1:40:13.474,1:40:14.532 I almost did die,[br]you little son of a bitch. 1:40:14.608,1:40:16.303 Her face was the last thing[br]that went through my mind. 1:40:16.477,1:40:18.809 So don't stand there and tell me[br]to act like it's all right. 1:40:18.879,1:40:19.971 Yeah, Rafe, well, I stayed. 1:40:20.047,1:40:22.641 I stayed, and you made sure of that,[br]and some things changed. 1:40:22.716,1:40:25.776 - I hope you can get used to that.[br]- Oh, I have to get used to it. 1:40:27.121,1:40:29.351 - Yeah.[br]- All right. 1:40:29.423,1:40:30.913 We'll see how[br]I can get used to it. 1:40:31.492,1:40:33.858 - Get used to that, boy.[br]- Hey! 1:40:34.328,1:40:36.592 - And that's my left hand too.[br]- Hey, hey, hey! 1:40:36.997,1:40:38.396 Come on! 1:40:38.599,1:40:39.827 Melee at the Hula-la! Send MP's! 1:40:40.034,1:40:42.434 You called me a lousy friend? 1:40:42.503,1:40:44.664 Shit! 1:40:44.738,1:40:46.137 Come on! 1:40:46.340,1:40:47.329 - Let's go get 'em![br]- Move out! 1:40:47.408,1:40:49.205 Oh, they're gonna throw us[br]in the brig. Let's go. 1:40:50.144,1:40:53.170 Oh, shit. 1:40:53.247,1:40:57.115 Rafe, you're[br]the only family I got. 1:40:57.217,1:41:00.277 When you were gone, it was[br]the loneliest I'd ever been. 1:41:00.354,1:41:02.754 The same for her too. 1:41:02.823,1:41:04.723 Oh, boy, now you're[br]really breaking my heart. 1:41:05.092,1:41:06.081 If you hadn't gone,[br]none of this would have happened. 1:41:06.326,1:41:10.319 Oh, so it's my fault, I guess. 1:41:10.664,1:41:14.100 Damn it, Rafe. 1:41:14.368,1:41:17.303 I just know there's[br]got to be some way... 1:41:17.504,1:41:19.995 we can work[br]things out so that... 1:41:20.340,1:41:21.773 things can be right[br]between me and you. 1:41:21.842,1:41:23.309 I just don't see how[br]it could ever be the same. 1:41:23.377,1:41:27.108 Revered father... 1:41:27.181,1:41:29.741 I go now to fulfil[br]my mission and my destiny. 1:41:30.517,1:41:32.610 I hope it is a destiny[br]that will bring honour to our family. 1:41:32.820,1:41:37.052 And if it requires my life... 1:41:37.124,1:41:39.991 I will sacrifice it gladly[br]to be a good servant of our nation. 1:41:40.194,1:41:42.526 Hey, I got a large haze. 1:41:42.996,1:41:47.865 That's too big to be planes, right? 1:41:48.202,1:41:52.036 Is that what you want to do?[br]Knight to knight five? 1:41:52.239,1:41:56.005 Boom! Wrong move. 1:42:02.583,1:42:04.016 Lieutenant! Radar's picking up a large[br]return moving in from the northeast. 1:42:04.084,1:42:06.518 Hang on. 1:42:08.388,1:42:10.185 Relax. It's a flight of B-17's[br]coming in from the mainland. 1:42:49.263,1:42:52.130 Nothing to worry about. 1:42:54.768,1:42:57.896 Heck of a lot of B-1 7's. 1:42:58.105,1:42:59.504 Good shot, Hot. 1:43:21.094,1:43:22.857 This better be good, Commander. 1:43:23.096,1:43:25.462 One of our destroyers reports having[br]fired and sunk enemy submarine... 1:43:25.966,1:43:26.830 attempting to enter[br]Pearl Harbor at 0653. 1:43:28.835,1:43:31.133 - It's 7:20.[br]- We had decoder delays, Admiral. 1:43:31.271,1:43:32.898 Relay this to Washington.[br]Recall the staff. 1:43:33.073,1:43:34.734 "Failure-- 1:43:34.808,1:43:39.404 Peace talks useless." 1:43:39.613,1:43:43.447 Thurman here. Tokyo transmitting[br]to their embassy in Washington. 1:43:43.517,1:43:45.508 "Discontinue use of your decoding[br]machine and dispose of immediately. 1:43:45.719,1:43:48.620 Special emphasis on destroying important[br]parts." Do you read that? Acknowledge. 1:43:48.822,1:43:52.883 Admiral, Naval Intel intercepted[br]a transmission from Tokyo... 1:43:53.093,1:43:58.360 to the japanese embassy[br]in Washington... 1:43:58.565,1:44:00.089 instructing them to break apart[br]all decoder machines... 1:44:01.101,1:44:02.329 and burn all secret documents. 1:44:07.441,1:44:08.669 The japanese are expectin' a war. 1:44:09.376,1:44:11.844 Should we? 1:44:12.579,1:44:13.568 Warning of possible japanese[br]aggressive movement in any direction. 1:44:14.047,1:44:16.447 "Broken relationship.[br]Hostilities imminent." But where? 1:44:16.650,1:44:20.051 Did you ever[br]lose a fight, Miller? 1:44:23.991,1:44:25.288 I been lucky so far, Captain. 1:44:25.959,1:44:28.951 From what I hear, it ain't luck. 1:44:32.165,1:44:36.795 Ship's proud of you, son. 1:44:38.672,1:44:40.537 Come on. 1:44:41.375,1:44:43.104 Come on, come on, come on. 1:44:44.111,1:44:45.703 How do you like that? 1:44:45.912,1:44:49.006 Why the hell is the navy doing[br]practice this early on a Sunday? 1:44:49.549,1:44:54.111 - Heads up![br]- Where's that coming from? 1:44:55.589,1:44:58.114 Get down! 1:45:04.064,1:45:05.861 Go! Go, go, go! 1:45:09.136,1:45:13.573 I'm with navy newsreel, and I can tell[br]you one thing! Them ain't navy planes! 1:45:14.041,1:45:16.942 -All hands, man your battle stations![br]-We're being bombed! We're being bombed![br]Get up! Get up! 1:45:18.512,1:45:21.879 All hands,[br]man your battle stations. 1:45:22.082,1:45:25.449 Jesus Christ! 1:45:25.585,1:45:28.577 - Man your battle stations![br]All hands, man your battle stations.[br]- Another dumb drill. 1:45:29.022,1:45:30.819 - All hands, man your battle stations![br]- What the heck was that? 1:45:31.224,1:45:35.285 - It's a bomb![br]- Go! Go! Go! Go! 1:45:36.063,1:45:38.497 Go! Go! Go! Go![br]Move! Move! Move! Move! Move! 1:45:38.965,1:45:41.160 Son of a b-- 1:45:54.014,1:45:57.677 Go! Go! 1:45:59.820,1:46:03.256 Get me the engine room! 1:46:05.992,1:46:08.859 My God. 1:46:16.570,1:46:19.801 Take cover! 1:46:20.006,1:46:23.464 Down! Down! 1:46:23.677,1:46:27.977 - Report battle stations![br]Manned and ready![br]- Man your battle stations. 1:46:28.181,1:46:30.274 Man your battle stations! 1:46:31.551,1:46:34.452 This is no shit![br]They just sunk the Arizona! 1:46:34.588,1:46:36.215 - General quarters! General quarters![br]- Hustle! Hustle! 1:46:37.157,1:46:40.524 All hands, man your battle stations![br]This is no damn drill! 1:46:41.795,1:46:45.492 - jap planes![br]- Go! Go! 1:46:45.699,1:46:47.223 They look like japs. 1:46:47.300,1:46:49.291 I didn't even know[br]the japs were sore at us. 1:46:49.503,1:46:52.097 Danny, you just get me[br]into a goddam aeroplane. 1:46:52.172,1:46:54.470 Holy jesus! 1:46:58.979,1:47:01.914 Oh, my God! This is good footage.[br]Did you see that? 1:47:01.982,1:47:04.177 Holy cow! 1:47:04.584,1:47:05.710 I hope there's still[br]an airfield left. 1:47:05.786,1:47:07.777 - Hurry up![br]- What in the world? 1:47:10.056,1:47:12.217 Look. So many. 1:47:13.160,1:47:14.218 Everybody to the hospital! 1:47:21.935,1:47:24.369 Why is the navy always buzzin' us? 1:47:25.005,1:47:26.370 Shut up, Red! 1:47:27.941,1:47:29.272 - Hey, come on.[br]- Red, it's too early for this. 1:47:29.342,1:47:30.934 The japs are here! 1:47:31.011,1:47:32.603 - What the hell?[br]- Let's go! Let's go! 1:47:33.046,1:47:34.035 Get outta here! 1:47:36.450,1:47:37.815 Run! Run! 1:47:37.951,1:47:39.145 - It's the japs![br]- Take cover![br]- Get down! 1:47:39.219,1:47:40.481 - Take cover![br]- Let's go! Hurry up! 1:47:41.154,1:47:42.883 - General quarters![br]- Get corpsmen to the bridge.[br]- Aye, Captain. 1:47:43.123,1:47:44.988 Repair says third deck[br]is flooding port side. 1:47:45.058,1:47:46.286 Look out! 1:47:46.626,1:47:49.595 Get up! Get up, you cowards![br]Get up there and fight! Move it! 1:47:50.831,1:47:52.128 - Incoming![br]- Take cover! 1:48:03.343,1:48:04.571 Go, go, go! 1:48:23.697,1:48:24.686 Oh, my God! 1:48:28.301,1:48:30.735 - I got you, Captain.[br]- You radio for air cover! 1:48:46.386,1:48:48.183 Initiate damage control. 1:48:48.255,1:48:52.658 Find my XO![br]Tell him to assume command! 1:48:52.859,1:48:55.521 - And you make sure the gunners--[br]- Everyone is where[br]they need to be, Captain. 1:49:11.845,1:49:15.804 You trained us well. 1:49:17.617,1:49:19.209 You trained us well. 1:49:19.419,1:49:22.354 Captain? 1:49:22.956,1:49:25.049 Okay. 1:49:31.498,1:49:34.592 Get down now! 1:49:36.102,1:49:39.128 Oh, my God! 1:49:42.809,1:49:44.606 Go, go, go! Go! 1:49:49.983,1:49:51.143 Let's go! Let's go![br]Everybody move! Let's move it! 1:49:51.217,1:49:52.206 Get to the guns! 1:49:52.419,1:49:53.886 Get the ammo for that 50 cal![br]Get that 50 cal! 1:49:53.954,1:49:54.978 Let's get a fuel hook-up! 1:50:09.002,1:50:10.196 - Let's go! We're gotta get--[br]- Hey! 1:50:23.383,1:50:25.317 Come on, man![br]We gotta get this thing loaded up! 1:51:15.769,1:51:17.760 Get to the planes! 1:51:51.237,1:51:52.966 Let's go! Let's go! 1:51:53.039,1:51:56.270 - Get the fuel.[br]- Help! 1:51:56.342,1:51:58.333 Come on! Let's go! Let's go! 1:51:58.411,1:52:00.072 Come on! Get down! 1:52:00.146,1:52:03.081 Down! Down! 1:52:03.149,1:52:05.174 Get to the planes![br]Get to the planes! 1:52:09.889,1:52:14.519 Come on! 1:52:15.195,1:52:18.961 Get down! 1:52:19.065,1:52:21.329 Danny, get me into a damn plane. 1:52:22.035,1:52:25.027 Come on! 1:52:25.238,1:52:26.466 - Planes coming in![br]- Get down! 1:52:26.673,1:52:29.437 Get some ammo up here![br]We need to man these guns! 1:52:29.509,1:52:34.003 Sir! Captain says[br]you're in charge, sir! 1:52:39.285,1:52:40.513 We need more ammo! Now! 1:52:44.591,1:52:48.186 Send up ammunition[br]for the five-inch guns. 1:52:49.529,1:52:52.327 - Medic![br]- All of'em! Now! 1:53:12.485,1:53:15.045 Send everything you got! 1:53:16.222,1:53:20.318 Come on! 1:53:21.227,1:53:22.694 Come on! 1:53:22.896,1:53:26.161 Come on, you sum'bitch! 1:53:26.332,1:53:29.495 Oh, yeah! 1:53:30.703,1:53:32.170 I need a doctor![br]Somebody help me! 1:53:32.739,1:53:34.570 Take a deep breath![br]Come on! Breathe! 1:53:35.909,1:53:38.104 Get to the supply room! 1:53:39.045,1:53:40.910 Get everything out! 1:53:44.017,1:53:45.348 Planes incoming! 1:53:46.186,1:53:48.051 Cut 'em down! 1:53:50.023,1:53:51.354 Come on! Come on![br]Get 'em away from the windows! 1:53:54.427,1:53:59.364 Get against the wall! 1:54:06.806,1:54:08.671 The mattresses![br]Get 'em against the wall! 1:54:10.643,1:54:13.111 Take cover! 1:54:13.179,1:54:14.510 - Is everybody all right?[br]- Can you stand? 1:54:16.316,1:54:17.374 Come on! Help 'em out! 1:54:19.519,1:54:22.647 - Hold your fire![br]- Get to the guns! Hurry up! 1:54:23.156,1:54:24.987 Get down, Danny! 1:54:25.158,1:54:27.422 - Earl![br]- This is Walker. 1:54:27.493,1:54:29.984 We need to get those planes[br]fuelled and loaded right now! 1:54:30.163,1:54:31.323 - What's going on out there, huh?[br]- Danny, what the hell's that noise? 1:54:32.699,1:54:34.166 You guys doing target practice[br]or something? 1:54:35.401,1:54:36.834 I think World War II just hit us. 1:54:37.871,1:54:38.997 - Get down![br]- Go, go, go! 1:54:39.072,1:54:41.404 - Billy![br]- Run! 1:54:42.342,1:54:43.502 Bomb! 1:54:51.184,1:54:52.173 It's a dud. 1:54:53.186,1:54:54.517 - It's a bomb![br]- It's a dud! 1:55:21.547,1:55:22.844 Get down! 1:55:25.718,1:55:26.742 - Danny! Danny, you all right?[br]- I'm all right! 1:55:43.836,1:55:45.167 Come on! Let's go! Come on! Let's go![br]Gooz, come on, man! 1:56:11.798,1:56:13.265 We're sinking! We're sinking! 1:56:16.636,1:56:18.365 Stay together![br]Close the hatches! 1:56:26.646,1:56:28.443 - I can't swim![br]- You hang on! 1:56:28.982,1:56:31.212 Move it! Now! 1:56:31.718,1:56:35.381 Joe! Go! Go! 1:56:35.655,1:56:38.146 - Come on![br]- We're gettin' out of here![br]Get in the car! 1:56:41.160,1:56:42.491 Get in! Get in![br]Let's go! Go! Go! Go! 1:56:42.996,1:56:45.863 Get out of the way![br]Get out of the way! 1:56:45.965,1:56:48.991 - Where's this place we're goin'?[br]- We got a small mechanic runway[br]about 1 0 minutes away. 1:56:49.068,1:56:51.832 Hasn't been hit yet. 1:56:52.038,1:56:54.666 Zeros on our six! 1:56:56.676,1:56:58.667 Duck! 1:57:00.346,1:57:04.942 We're trapped. 1:57:05.118,1:57:08.884 Try-- Try the door! 1:57:12.658,1:57:15.786 Oh, my God! I'm gonna be under![br]I'm gonna be under! 1:57:16.629,1:57:18.324 - It's sucking me back![br]- The current's too strong! 1:57:18.531,1:57:21.989 Watch it![br]They're still shootin' us! 1:57:28.408,1:57:30.308 I don't wanna die! I don't wanna die![br]I don't wanna die! 1:57:39.052,1:57:42.146 - This is it.[br]- Help! There's no way out! 1:57:48.327,1:57:49.919 How bad? 1:57:53.833,1:57:56.324 It's still not over, sir. 1:57:56.402,1:57:58.529 An entire fleet at anchor. 1:57:59.238,1:58:02.264 My God. My God. 1:58:02.442,1:58:05.878 Barbara, fill every syringe[br]you can find with morphine! 1:58:05.945,1:58:08.436 Fill up the kitchen![br]Fill up the ki-- 1:58:08.681,1:58:09.841 Are you listening to me?[br]Fill up the kitchen! 1:58:21.627,1:58:22.787 Over there![br]Over there! 1:58:25.131,1:58:26.723 - Bad neck wound here![br]We got a dire neck wound![br]- Surgery! 1:58:27.700,1:58:30.567 Go! We've got to[br]get him to surgery! 1:58:30.636,1:58:31.625 Oh, God. In here. 1:58:32.839,1:58:36.605 Guy's still bleeding.[br]Give me another haemostat. 1:58:36.809,1:58:37.798 Hurry! Haemostat![br]Give me a haemostat now! 1:58:37.977,1:58:38.966 Hurry! 1:58:39.045,1:58:40.137 Give me another haemostat.[br]Give me another suture. 1:58:40.313,1:58:42.042 - Oh, God! I'm so sorry![br]- Hurry it up! 1:59:14.614,1:59:18.050 - Doctor![br]- Here it is! 1:59:42.642,1:59:47.306 Am I gonna die?[br]Am I gonna die? 1:59:47.480,1:59:50.313 Nurse! 1:59:50.483,1:59:52.678 - Don't leave me![br]- Doctor, get over here! 2:00:00.826,2:00:03.886 My fingers[br]are plugging his artery. 2:00:04.363,2:00:06.797 Doctor, what do you need? 2:00:09.135,2:00:11.228 Doctor, focus. Look at me.[br]What do you need? 2:00:11.304,2:00:14.034 - H-H-H-Haemostat.[br]- Haemostat. 2:00:17.210,2:00:21.943 Here. All right.[br]Look at me. 2:00:22.148,2:00:23.877 It's gonna be all right.[br]It's gonna be all right. 2:00:23.950,2:00:26.441 I need more ammo![br]I need more ammo, ladies! 2:00:27.186,2:00:30.952 I need more ammo! 2:00:50.910,2:00:53.174 - Earl! We good to go?[br]- Yeah, mostly, but-- 2:00:53.346,2:00:54.677 - Get down! Get down![br]- Shit! Take cover![br]- Oh, jeez-- 2:01:04.857,2:01:07.018 Oh, my God![br]Earl, get in here! 2:01:25.578,2:01:29.105 Hey, Sergeant! They come back around,[br]we're gonna need more than a shotgun. 2:01:29.348,2:01:31.009 You got any other weapons and ammo[br]you can lay us some cover fire? 2:01:31.217,2:01:33.811 Yeah, inside that ammo locker! 2:01:41.027,2:01:43.154 Come on! Let's go! Move it! 2:01:43.362,2:01:46.092 Go! Go! Go![br]Gimme a gun, goddam it! 2:01:46.632,2:01:49.692 You said the planes were[br]mostly ready "but." But what? 2:01:58.878,2:01:59.970 Well, she's down, she's broke,[br]she's shit. I got four left. 2:02:03.249,2:02:06.582 One's good to go,[br]two need ammo, one needs fuel. 2:02:07.253,2:02:09.050 Fall out.[br]Load up in the bunker. 2:02:09.121,2:02:11.089 - Let's go! Get down![br]- Move![br]- Come on! 2:02:11.924,2:02:16.918 - Get ready to roll.[br]- Get down! Down! 2:02:17.129,2:02:18.619 All right, Anthony, Red... 2:02:18.831,2:02:21.925 you two are gonna[br]stay here and man the 50-calibre. 2:02:22.101,2:02:26.265 Gooz, you get up to the next bunker[br]and you lay down some cover fire,[br]all right? 2:02:27.273,2:02:28.535 Planes! 2:02:28.607,2:02:29.801 Should we fire? 2:02:30.009,2:02:32.500 Stay down! Stay down![br]No, goddam it, hold your fire! 2:02:34.447,2:02:35.812 - Stay still. Nobody fire.[br]- Oh, God! Oh, God! Oh, God![br]Oh, God! Oh, God![br]- Hold your fire. 2:02:36.949,2:02:39.941 They don't know we're here. 2:02:40.019,2:02:42.453 - Stay down.[br]- We can fire.[br]- No, no, no, no, no, goddam it. 2:02:45.324,2:02:46.518 They don't know we're here.[br]Stay down. Stay still. Don't fire. 2:02:47.126,2:02:49.321 Oh, God. 2:02:52.732,2:02:54.097 I don't see any ordinance.[br]I think they're goin' home. 2:03:04.610,2:03:06.840 No, they'll be back. We still[br]got planes on the ground. 2:03:06.912,2:03:10.109 All right, you pilots, listen up.[br]Get all the airspeed you can[br]coming off the runway. 2:03:10.316,2:03:13.979 Don't get on the stick[br]till you get to the very end. 2:03:14.920,2:03:16.285 When you get in the air,[br]stay low between the buildings. 2:03:18.257,2:03:19.485 You see any Zero on your tail,[br]try to wipe him off. Don't freeze. 2:03:20.993,2:03:22.790 All right? just keep moving.[br]We're gonna try to break 'em up[br]and separate 'em. 2:03:23.496,2:03:25.327 - That way we can take 'em out[br]one by one.[br]- All right. 2:03:25.798,2:03:27.265 P-40s can't outrun Zeros,[br]so don't try. 2:03:27.933,2:03:29.560 We're just gonna[br]have to outfly 'em. 2:03:30.936,2:03:32.198 We got high-level bombers. They're[br]gonna bust this hangar wide open. 2:03:38.844,2:03:41.074 - Grab the 50s! Let's move![br]- Okay![br]- Let's go! Let's go! 2:03:41.947,2:03:45.110 - Move! Move! Move![br]- Go, go, go! 2:03:50.723,2:03:52.122 - Let's go![br]- Zeros! 2:03:52.792,2:03:54.817 Take cover! Take cover! 2:04:04.904,2:04:05.893 Go! Faster! 2:04:08.741,2:04:10.072 Take cover! Take cover! 2:04:10.276,2:04:12.107 - Get down! Get down! Get down![br]- Gooz, Danny, come on! 2:04:22.655,2:04:26.056 Get in there! 2:04:26.125,2:04:27.217 Danny! 2:04:27.293,2:04:30.285 Come on![br]Come on, buddy! 2:04:31.263,2:04:32.662 Leave him! He's dead![br]He's dead! 2:04:34.099,2:04:37.364 - All right, they're kickin' our butt.[br]Get to the aeroplanes! Let's go![br]- Let's go! 2:04:39.772,2:04:41.831 - Come on. Go, go, go![br]- Get up! 2:04:58.757,2:05:01.282 - Danny, let's run![br]- Red, Anthony, let's go! 2:05:03.295,2:05:04.660 Hey! Come on! Help me! 2:05:04.897,2:05:06.262 Let's do it, Anthony![br]Come on! 2:06:00.853,2:06:03.287 - Knock 'em dead.[br]- Here. Get in.[br]Here. Put these on. 2:06:04.523,2:06:05.785 They're coming around, boys![br]Pick it up! Let's go, go, go, go, go! 2:06:08.294,2:06:09.659 Red, get outta here, goddam it![br]I'm all right. Go! Go! 2:06:11.030,2:06:13.021 Come on, come on. Let's go. 2:06:18.037,2:06:19.629 - joe, get out the way![br]- I'm rollin'! I'm rollin'! 2:06:20.239,2:06:22.730 Clear, clear! Go! 2:06:24.543,2:06:25.908 Planes! 2:08:49.755,2:08:51.245 Help me, damn it! 2:09:41.140,2:09:42.903 Hey,joe.joe, you got three Zeros[br]right behind you! You got[br]three Zeros on your six! 2:09:42.975,2:09:46.638 Turn! Turn! 2:09:48.313,2:09:50.338 Oh, God! 2:09:53.719,2:09:57.712 - Oh, shit.[br]- What are you doing?[br]Get goin'! Get movin'! 2:10:01.994,2:10:03.621 Danny, start that thing up[br]and get in the air, now. 2:10:04.830,2:10:06.695 I'm not much good[br]without a wingman. 2:10:16.775,2:10:18.367 - I need you.[br]- I got you. 2:10:51.710,2:10:53.109 Let's do it! 2:10:57.683,2:10:58.672 It's real tight, Rafe.[br]It's real tight. 2:10:58.851,2:11:01.843 Hey, Rafe, I'm not sure[br]we have enough runway! 2:11:04.456,2:11:09.291 Get your airspeed up[br]before you leave the dirt! 2:11:09.461,2:11:11.156 Don't freeze.[br]Don't freeze. 2:11:11.763,2:11:13.458 I don't think I'm gonna[br]make it up over this. 2:11:13.565,2:11:16.295 Get up! Get up! 2:11:17.870,2:11:19.804 We did it! I'm up! 2:11:20.806,2:11:24.298 We got Zeros behind us, Rafe! 2:11:25.043,2:11:26.943 How many you see back there? 2:11:28.714,2:11:31.342 We got five on our six! 2:11:46.498,2:11:47.897 Take it down[br]to the deck, Danny! Now! 2:11:50.002,2:11:51.833 We gotta split 'em up, Danny. 2:11:54.239,2:11:55.797 You take left,[br]I'll take right. 2:12:00.979,2:12:02.276 Earl, you better get some guns[br]in that goddam tower up there! 2:12:03.282,2:12:04.772 Okay, okay. Let's go![br]Get to the truck! Let's go! Follow me! 2:12:04.950,2:12:08.283 Danny, I got three on my six! 2:12:08.854,2:12:12.688 Whoo! 2:12:13.492,2:12:15.926 Stop it! Stop it! Let's go![br]Let's go! Let's go! Move it![br]Move it, Red. 2:12:16.261,2:12:17.489 - Let's go. Move it![br]- Gimme the 50! 2:12:18.130,2:12:19.961 Let's go! Let's go! Come on! 2:12:21.700,2:12:23.998 I still got two[br]behind me, Rafe. 2:12:25.504,2:12:29.634 Coming in! Take cover! 2:12:31.476,2:12:32.807 Son of a bitch! 2:12:34.980,2:12:36.311 No! 2:12:46.658,2:12:51.027 Earl, do you hear me, goddam it?[br]Get some guns in that tower! 2:12:56.168,2:12:59.160 On the tower. Yeah.[br]Goin' ten storeys up.[br]It's a long son of a bitch. 2:13:12.017,2:13:14.178 - Look! Look![br]- Move it! 2:13:14.252,2:13:18.951 Rafe, they're all over me.[br]I can't get 'em off me! 2:13:20.492,2:13:22.824 Danny, I still got three on my tail. 2:13:23.028,2:13:26.964 - Keep jinkin' it.[br]Don't let 'em get a handle on you.[br]- I can't shake 'em, Rafe. 2:13:28.367,2:13:29.857 Damn it. 2:13:35.640,2:13:38.336 Danny, let's play some chicken[br]with these jap suckers. 2:13:38.477,2:13:40.741 All right, I'm with you. 2:13:40.879,2:13:42.369 Jesus! 2:13:43.648,2:13:46.378 - I'm comin' right at you, Rafe.[br]- Don't break till I tell you. Hold on. 2:13:47.085,2:13:49.519 Not yet. Not yet! 2:13:52.491,2:13:54.891 Come on! Come on! 2:13:57.829,2:14:00.229 Go left, now! 2:14:02.801,2:14:04.826 - Whoo! We got 'em![br]- Whoo! Ha-ha-ha! 2:14:05.937,2:14:07.962 Set up over there! 2:14:13.311,2:14:15.575 Come on. Load it. 2:14:19.551,2:14:22.611 Okay, we're at the top of the tower. 2:15:06.198,2:15:09.895 Earl, I got one on my tail.[br]I'm gonna bring him right by you. 2:15:10.936,2:15:13.404 He's comin' around! He's comin' around![br]Let's get this jap sucker! 2:15:14.306,2:15:17.798 Hold your fire. Hold your fire.[br]Here he comes. 2:15:19.010,2:15:23.174 You better be cocked[br]and locked when I come by there. 2:15:24.483,2:15:26.917 Hold your fire. 2:15:27.285,2:15:31.119 Fire! 2:15:31.556,2:15:36.152 Whoo![br]Good shootin', boys! 2:15:36.361,2:15:39.194 Nice job, Earl.