0:00:00.420,0:00:03.225 Chris Anderson: You were something of[br]a mathematical phenom. 0:00:03.225,0:00:06.453 You had already taught[br]at Harvard and MIT at a young age. 0:00:06.453,0:00:09.464 And then the NSA came calling. 0:00:09.464,0:00:11.128 What was that about? 0:00:11.128,0:00:15.296 Jim Simons: Well the NSA --[br]that's the National Security Agency -- 0:00:15.296,0:00:17.575 they didn't exactly come calling. 0:00:17.575,0:00:21.963 They had an operation at Princeton,[br]where they hired mathematicians 0:00:21.963,0:00:25.052 to attack secret codes[br]and stuff like that. 0:00:25.052,0:00:27.658 And I knew that existed. 0:00:27.658,0:00:29.519 And they had a very good policy 0:00:29.519,0:00:33.225 because you could do half your time[br]at your own mathematics 0:00:33.225,0:00:36.708 and at least half your time[br]working on their stuff. 0:00:37.768,0:00:39.057 And they paid a lot. 0:00:39.057,0:00:41.857 So that was an irresistible pull. 0:00:41.857,0:00:43.795 So, I went there. 0:00:44.025,0:00:45.500 CA: So you were a code-cracker. 0:00:45.500,0:00:46.306 JS: I was. 0:00:46.306,0:00:47.550 CA: Until you got fired. 0:00:47.550,0:00:49.033 JS: Well, I did get fired. Yes. 0:00:49.043,0:00:50.778 CA: How come? 0:00:50.778,0:00:53.161 JS: Well, how come? 0:00:53.611,0:00:58.487 I got fired because,[br]well the Vietnam War was on, 0:00:58.487,0:01:03.943 and the boss of bosses in my organization[br]was a big fan of the war 0:01:03.943,0:01:08.842 and wrote a New York Times article,[br]a magazine section cover story, 0:01:08.842,0:01:10.699 about how we're going[br]to win in Vietnam. 0:01:10.699,0:01:13.750 And I didn't like that war,[br]I thought it was stupid. 0:01:13.750,0:01:16.373 And I wrote a letter to the Times,[br]which they published, 0:01:16.373,0:01:20.446 saying not everyone [br]who works for Maxwell Taylor, 0:01:20.446,0:01:25.006 if anyone remembers that name,[br]agrees with his views. 0:01:25.006,0:01:27.210 And I gave my own views. 0:01:27.210,0:01:29.206 CA: Oh, OK. I can see that would -- 0:01:29.206,0:01:31.574 JS: Which were different[br]from General Taylor's. 0:01:31.574,0:01:34.035 But in the end nobody said anything. 0:01:34.035,0:01:37.657 But then, I was 29 years old at this time[br]and some kid came around 0:01:37.657,0:01:40.769 and said he was a stringer [br]from Newsweek magazine 0:01:40.769,0:01:46.318 and he wanted to interview me[br]and ask what I was doing about my views. 0:01:46.318,0:01:49.731 And I told him, I said, [br]"I'm doing mostly mathematics now, 0:01:49.731,0:01:54.004 and when the war is over[br]then I'll do mostly their stuff." 0:01:54.004,0:01:56.859 Then I did the only [br]intelligent thing I'd done that day -- 0:01:56.859,0:02:01.247 I told my local boss[br]that I gave that interview. 0:02:01.247,0:02:02.686 And he said, "What'd you say?" 0:02:02.686,0:02:04.126 And I told him what I said. 0:02:04.126,0:02:06.465 And then he said,[br]"I've got to call Taylor." 0:02:06.465,0:02:08.725 He called Taylor; that took 10 minutes. 0:02:08.725,0:02:11.655 I was fired five minutes after that. 0:02:11.655,0:02:12.660 CA: OK. 0:02:12.660,0:02:13.709 JS: But it wasn't bad. 0:02:13.709,0:02:16.369 CA: It wasn't bad, because[br]you went on to Stony Brook 0:02:16.369,0:02:19.684 and stepped up your mathematical career. 0:02:19.684,0:02:23.301 You started working[br]with this man here. Who is this? 0:02:24.021,0:02:25.757 JS: Oh, [Shiing-Shen] Chern. 0:02:25.757,0:02:28.916 Chern was one of the great [br]mathematicians of the century. 0:02:28.916,0:02:34.173 I had known him when[br]I was a graduate student at Berkeley. 0:02:34.173,0:02:36.007 And I had some ideas, 0:02:36.007,0:02:38.120 and I brought them to him[br]and he liked them. 0:02:38.120,0:02:44.738 Together, we did this work [br]which you can easily see up there. 0:02:44.738,0:02:46.490 There it is. 0:02:47.480,0:02:50.681 CA: It led to you publishing[br]a famous paper together. 0:02:50.681,0:02:54.484 Can you explain at all what that work was? 0:02:55.284,0:02:56.289 JS: No. 0:02:56.439,0:02:58.484 (Laughter) 0:02:58.684,0:03:00.774 JS: I mean, I could [br]explain it to somebody. 0:03:00.774,0:03:02.473 (Laughter) 0:03:03.153,0:03:04.868 CA: How about explaining this? 0:03:05.257,0:03:07.770 JS: But not many.[br]Not many people. 0:03:08.620,0:03:11.440 CA: I think you told me[br]it had something to do with spheres, 0:03:11.440,0:03:13.460 so let's start here. 0:03:13.460,0:03:17.064 JS: Well, it did,[br]but I'll say about that work -- 0:03:17.064,0:03:20.880 it did have something to do with that,[br]but before we get to that -- 0:03:20.880,0:03:24.280 that work was good mathematics. 0:03:24.280,0:03:27.520 I was very happy with it; so was Chern. 0:03:27.910,0:03:32.638 It even started a little subfield[br]that's now flourishing. 0:03:32.638,0:03:37.956 But, more interestingly,[br]it happened to apply to physics, 0:03:37.956,0:03:42.275 something we knew nothing about --[br]at least I knew nothing about physics, 0:03:42.275,0:03:44.389 and I don't think Chern[br]knew a heck of a lot. 0:03:44.419,0:03:47.963 And about 10 years[br]after the paper came out, 0:03:47.963,0:03:53.072 a guy named Ed Witten in Princeton[br]started applying it to string theory 0:03:53.072,0:03:57.948 and people in Russia started applying it[br]to what's called "condensed matter." 0:03:57.948,0:04:02.681 Today, those things in there[br]called Chern-Simons invariants 0:04:02.681,0:04:04.473 have spread through a lot of physics. 0:04:04.473,0:04:05.724 And it was amazing. 0:04:05.724,0:04:07.435 We didn't know any physics. 0:04:07.435,0:04:10.506 It never occurred to me[br]that it would be applied to physics. 0:04:10.506,0:04:14.271 But that's the thing about mathematics --[br]you never know where it's going to go. 0:04:14.271,0:04:15.920 CA: This is so incredible. 0:04:15.920,0:04:20.308 So, we've been talking about[br]how evolution shapes human minds 0:04:20.308,0:04:22.630 that may or may not perceive the truth. 0:04:22.630,0:04:25.804 Somehow, you come up[br]with a mathematical theory, 0:04:25.804,0:04:28.049 not knowing any physics, 0:04:28.049,0:04:30.571 discover two decades later[br]that it's being applied 0:04:30.571,0:04:33.696 to profoundly describe[br]the actual physical world. 0:04:33.799,0:04:34.803 How can that happen? 0:04:34.803,0:04:35.997 JS: God knows. 0:04:36.097,0:04:38.094 (Laughter) 0:04:38.754,0:04:41.926 But there's a famous physicist[br]named [Eugene] Wigner, 0:04:41.926,0:04:47.390 and he wrote an essay on the[br]unreasonable effectiveness of mathematics. 0:04:47.560,0:04:49.356 Somehow, this mathematics, 0:04:49.356,0:04:52.420 which is rooted in the real world[br]in some sense -- 0:04:52.420,0:04:56.363 we learn to count, measure, [br]everyone would do that -- 0:04:56.363,0:04:58.713 and then it flourishes on its own. 0:04:58.713,0:05:01.987 But so often it comes back[br]to save the day. 0:05:01.987,0:05:04.495 General relativity is an example. 0:05:04.495,0:05:07.699 [Hermann] Minkowski had this geometry,[br]and Einstein realized, 0:05:07.699,0:05:11.507 hey, it's the very thing [br]in which I can cast General Relativity. 0:05:11.507,0:05:14.619 So, you never know. It is a mystery. 0:05:14.899,0:05:16.089 It is a mystery. 0:05:16.297,0:05:19.965 CA: So, here's a mathematical[br]piece of ingenuity. 0:05:19.965,0:05:20.983 Tell us about this. 0:05:20.983,0:05:26.931 JS: Well, that's a ball -- it's a sphere,[br]and it has a lattice around it -- 0:05:26.931,0:05:29.562 you know, those squares. 0:05:30.582,0:05:35.336 What I'm going to show here was [br]originally observed by [Leonhard] Euler, 0:05:35.336,0:05:38.306 the great mathematician, in the 1700's. 0:05:38.346,0:05:43.045 And it gradually grew to be [br]a very important field in mathematics: 0:05:43.045,0:05:46.879 algebraic topology, geometry. 0:05:47.109,0:05:51.427 That paper up there had its roots in this. 0:05:51.427,0:05:53.285 So, here's this thing: 0:05:53.285,0:05:58.114 it has eight vertices,[br]12 edges, six faces. 0:05:58.114,0:06:01.441 And if you look at the difference --[br]vertices minus edges plus faces -- 0:06:01.441,0:06:02.946 you get two. 0:06:02.946,0:06:05.034 OK, well, two? That's a good number. 0:06:05.034,0:06:09.306 Here's a different way of doing it --[br]these are triangles covering -- 0:06:09.306,0:06:18.361 this has 12 vertices and 30 edges[br]and 20 faces, 20 tiles. 0:06:18.361,0:06:23.191 And vertices minus edges[br]plus faces still equals two. 0:06:23.191,0:06:26.279 And in fact you could[br]do this any which way, 0:06:26.279,0:06:29.484 cover this thing with all kinds[br]of polygons and triangles 0:06:29.484,0:06:31.039 and mix them up. 0:06:31.039,0:06:34.336 And you take vertices minus edges[br]plus faces -- you'll get two. 0:06:34.336,0:06:36.377 Here's a different shape. 0:06:36.377,0:06:39.527 This is a torus, the surface of a donut, 0:06:39.527,0:06:43.315 16 vertices covered by these rectangles, 0:06:43.315,0:06:46.385 32 edges, 16 faces. 0:06:46.385,0:06:49.475 Vertices minus edges comes out 0. 0:06:49.475,0:06:51.003 It'll always come out 0. 0:06:51.003,0:06:55.071 Every time you cover a torus[br]with squares or triangles 0:06:55.071,0:06:59.881 or anything like that,[br]you're going to get 0. 0:07:00.091,0:07:03.151 So, this is called[br]the Euler characteristic. 0:07:03.151,0:07:06.726 And it's what's called[br]a topological invariant. 0:07:06.726,0:07:07.935 It's pretty amazing. 0:07:07.935,0:07:10.726 No matter how you do it,[br]you're always get the same answer. 0:07:10.726,0:07:16.399 So that was the first sort of thrust, [br]from the mid-1700s, 0:07:16.399,0:07:20.960 into a subject which is now[br]called algebraic topology. 0:07:20.960,0:07:23.422 CA: And your own work[br]took an idea like this 0:07:23.422,0:07:26.440 and moved it into[br]higher-dimensional theory, 0:07:26.440,0:07:29.552 higher-dimensional objects,[br]and found new invariants? 0:07:29.552,0:07:34.219 JS: Yes. Well, there were already [br]higher-dimensional invariants: 0:07:34.219,0:07:38.700 Pontryagin classes --[br]actually, there were Chern classes. 0:07:38.700,0:07:41.556 There were a bunch[br]of these types of invariants. 0:07:41.556,0:07:45.658 I was struggling to work on one of them 0:07:45.658,0:07:50.658 and model it sort of combinatorially 0:07:50.658,0:07:53.491 instead of the way it was typically done, 0:07:53.491,0:07:58.251 and that led to this work[br]and we uncovered some new things. 0:07:58.251,0:08:05.118 But if it wasn't for Mr. Euler --[br]who wrote almost 70 volumes of mathematics 0:08:05.118,0:08:07.446 and had 13 children 0:08:07.446,0:08:13.252 who he apparently would dandle on his knee[br]while he was writing -- 0:08:13.252,0:08:19.612 if it wasn't for Mr. Euler, there wouldn't[br]perhaps be these invariants. 0:08:20.366,0:08:24.254 CA: OK, so that's at least given us[br]a flavor of that amazing mind in there. 0:08:24.804,0:08:26.541 Let's talk about Renaissance. 0:08:26.541,0:08:31.394 Because you took that amazing mind[br]and having been a code-cracker at the NSA, 0:08:31.394,0:08:35.504 you started to become a code-cracker[br]in the financial industry. 0:08:35.504,0:08:38.596 I think you probably didn't buy [br]efficient market theory. 0:08:38.596,0:08:44.629 Somehow you found a way of creating[br]astonishing returns over two decades. 0:08:44.629,0:08:46.324 The way it's been explained to me, 0:08:46.324,0:08:49.754 what's remarkable about what you did[br]wasn't just the size of the returns, 0:08:49.754,0:08:53.754 it's that you took them[br]with surprisingly low volatility and risk 0:08:53.754,0:08:55.524 compared with other hedge funds. 0:08:55.602,0:08:57.766 So how on earth did you do this, Jim? 0:08:57.806,0:09:02.035 JS: I did it by assembling[br]a wonderful group of people. 0:09:02.035,0:09:05.773 When I started doing trading, I had [br]gotten a little tired of mathematics. 0:09:05.773,0:09:09.279 I was in my late 30s. [br]I had a little money. 0:09:09.279,0:09:13.180 I started trading and it went very well. 0:09:13.180,0:09:16.012 I made quite a lot of money[br]with pure luck. 0:09:16.012,0:09:17.591 I mean, I think it was pure luck. 0:09:17.591,0:09:19.658 It certainly wasn't mathematical modeling. 0:09:19.658,0:09:23.513 But in looking at the data,[br]after a while I realized: 0:09:23.513,0:09:26.090 it looks like there's some structure here. 0:09:26.090,0:09:29.666 And I hired a few mathematicians,[br]and we started making some models -- 0:09:29.666,0:09:34.100 just the kind of thing we did back [br]at IDA [Institute for Defense Analyses]. 0:09:34.100,0:09:36.957 You design an algorithm,[br]you test it out on a computer. 0:09:36.957,0:09:39.418 Does it work? Doesn't it work? And so on. 0:09:39.418,0:09:40.946 CA: Can we take a look at this? 0:09:40.946,0:09:45.487 Because here's a typical graph[br]of some commodity. 0:09:45.617,0:09:50.580 I look at that, and I say, [br]That's just a random, up-and-down walk -- 0:09:50.580,0:09:53.343 maybe a slight upward trend[br]over that whole period of time. 0:09:53.343,0:09:54.832 How on earth could you trade, 0:09:54.832,0:09:57.543 looking at that and see something[br]that wasn't just random? 0:09:57.543,0:10:01.196 JS: In the old days -- this is [br]kind of a graph from the old days, 0:10:01.196,0:10:05.679 commodities or currencies[br]had a tendency to trend. 0:10:05.679,0:10:11.343 Not necessarily the very light trend[br]you see here, but trending in periods. 0:10:11.343,0:10:16.893 And if you decided, OK, I'm going [br]to predict today, by the average move 0:10:16.893,0:10:20.655 in the past 20 days -- there's 20 days -- 0:10:20.655,0:10:23.608 maybe that would be a good prediction,[br]and I'd make some money. 0:10:23.608,0:10:29.146 And in fact, years ago[br]such a system would work -- 0:10:29.156,0:10:31.596 not beautifully, but it would work. 0:10:31.729,0:10:33.400 You'd make money, [br]you'd lose money, 0:10:33.400,0:10:34.449 you'd make money. 0:10:34.449,0:10:37.013 But this is a year's worth of days, 0:10:37.013,0:10:41.182 and you'd make a little money[br]during that period. 0:10:41.182,0:10:44.155 It's a very vestigial system. 0:10:44.525,0:10:48.078 CA: So you would test[br]a bunch of lengths of trends in time 0:10:48.078,0:10:50.795 and see whether, for example, 0:10:50.795,0:10:54.674 a 10-day trend or a 15-day trend[br]was predictive of what happens next. 0:10:54.674,0:11:00.805 JS: Sure, you would try all those things[br]and see what worked best. 0:11:01.515,0:11:04.889 Trend-following would've [br]been great in the '60s, 0:11:04.889,0:11:09.512 and it was sort of OK in the '70s.[br]By the '80s, it wasn't. 0:11:09.512,0:11:11.783 CA: Because everyone could see that. 0:11:11.783,0:11:15.046 So, how did you stay ahead of the pack? 0:11:15.046,0:11:21.202 JS: We stayed ahead of the pack[br]by finding other approaches -- 0:11:21.202,0:11:23.943 shorter-term approaches to some extent. 0:11:24.423,0:11:28.317 The real thing was to gather[br]a tremendous amount of data, 0:11:28.317,0:11:32.080 and we had to get it by hand[br]in the early days. 0:11:32.080,0:11:35.644 We went down to the Federal Reserve[br]and copied interest rate histories 0:11:35.644,0:11:36.653 and stuff like that. 0:11:36.653,0:11:38.581 Because it didn't exist on computers. 0:11:38.581,0:11:40.810 We got a lot of data. 0:11:40.810,0:11:44.686 And very smart people -- that was the key. 0:11:44.986,0:11:49.239 I didn't really know how[br]to hire people to do fundamental trading. 0:11:49.399,0:11:52.722 I had hired a few -- some made money,[br]some didn't make money. 0:11:52.722,0:11:54.626 I couldn't make a business out of that. 0:11:54.626,0:11:56.692 But I did know how to hire scientists, 0:11:56.692,0:12:00.105 because I have some taste[br]in that department. 0:12:00.105,0:12:02.148 So, that's what we did. 0:12:02.148,0:12:05.167 And gradually these models[br]got better and better, 0:12:05.167,0:12:06.932 and better and better. 0:12:06.932,0:12:10.122 CA: You're credited with doing [br]something remarkable at Renaissance, 0:12:10.122,0:12:12.608 which is building this culture,[br]this group of people, 0:12:12.608,0:12:15.731 who weren't just hired guns[br]who could be lured away by money. 0:12:15.731,0:12:19.819 Their motivation was [br]doing exciting mathematics and science. 0:12:19.819,0:12:22.442 JS: Well I'd hoped that might be true. 0:12:22.442,0:12:25.496 But some of it was money. 0:12:25.496,0:12:27.112 CA: They made a lot of money. 0:12:27.112,0:12:29.681 JS: I can't say that [br]no one came because of the money. 0:12:29.681,0:12:31.966 I think a lot of them[br]came because of the money. 0:12:31.966,0:12:33.970 But they also came[br]because it would be fun. 0:12:33.970,0:12:36.699 CA: What role did machine learning[br]play in all of this? 0:12:36.699,0:12:39.763 JS: In a certain sense,[br]what we did was machine learning. 0:12:39.763,0:12:47.194 You look at a lot of data, and you try[br]to simulate different predictive schemes 0:12:47.194,0:12:49.400 until you get better and better at it. 0:12:49.400,0:12:53.394 It doesn't necessarily feed back on itself[br]the way we did things. 0:12:53.394,0:12:56.318 But it worked. 0:12:56.318,0:13:00.233 CA: So these different predictive schemes [br]can be really quite wild and unexpected. 0:13:00.233,0:13:02.171 I mean, you look at everything, right? 0:13:02.171,0:13:05.513 You look at the weather, [br]length of dresses, political opinion. 0:13:05.513,0:13:07.497 JS: Yes, length of dresses we didn't try. 0:13:07.497,0:13:08.881 (Laughter) 0:13:08.881,0:13:10.112 CA: What sort of things? 0:13:10.112,0:13:12.032 JS: Well, everything. 0:13:12.032,0:13:16.547 Everything is grist for the mill --[br]except hem lengths. 0:13:16.997,0:13:19.176 Weather, annual reports, 0:13:19.176,0:13:24.008 quarterly reports, historic data itself,[br]volumes, you name it. 0:13:24.008,0:13:25.267 Whatever there is. 0:13:25.267,0:13:27.752 We take in terabytes of data a day. 0:13:27.752,0:13:33.186 And store it away, massage it,[br]get it ready for analysis. 0:13:33.306,0:13:34.963 You're looking for anomalies. 0:13:34.963,0:13:36.615 You're looking for, like you said, 0:13:36.615,0:13:40.305 the efficient market [br]hypothesis is not correct. 0:13:40.305,0:13:43.483 CA: But any one anomaly[br]might be just a random thing, 0:13:43.483,0:13:47.478 so is the secret here[br]to just look at multiple strange anomalies 0:13:47.478,0:13:49.607 and see when they align? 0:13:49.607,0:13:52.633 JS: Any one anomaly[br]might be a random thing. 0:13:52.633,0:13:56.328 However, if you have enough data[br]you can tell that it's not. 0:13:56.328,0:14:00.156 You can see an anomaly that's persistent[br]for a sufficiently long time -- 0:14:00.156,0:14:05.218 the probability[br]of it being random is not high. 0:14:05.218,0:14:08.654 But these things fade after a while. 0:14:08.654,0:14:12.961 Anomalies can get washed out;[br]you have to keep on top of the business. 0:14:12.961,0:14:15.644 CA: A lot of people look [br]at the hedge fund industry now 0:14:15.644,0:14:19.107 and are sort of -- 0:14:19.107,0:14:20.177 shocked by it, 0:14:20.177,0:14:22.236 by how much wealth is created there 0:14:22.236,0:14:24.396 and how much talent is going into it. 0:14:24.396,0:14:29.820 Do you have any worries [br]about that industry 0:14:29.820,0:14:31.966 and perhaps the financial[br]industry in general? 0:14:31.966,0:14:34.584 Kind of being on a runaway train that's -- 0:14:34.584,0:14:38.884 I don't know, helping increase inequality? 0:14:38.884,0:14:43.788 How would you champion what's happening[br]in the hedge fund industry? 0:14:43.788,0:14:45.849 JS: I think in the last[br]three of four years, 0:14:45.849,0:14:47.847 hedge funds have not done especially well. 0:14:47.847,0:14:48.705 We've done dandy, 0:14:48.705,0:14:53.119 but the hedge fund industry as a whole[br]has not done so wonderfully. 0:14:53.119,0:14:58.562 The stock market has been on a roll,[br]going up as everybody knows, 0:14:58.562,0:15:01.339 and price-earnings ratios have grown. 0:15:01.339,0:15:04.570 So an awful lot of the wealth [br]that's been created in the last, 0:15:04.570,0:15:07.660 let's say, five or six years[br]has not been created by hedge funds. 0:15:08.430,0:15:11.830 People would ask me,[br]"What's a hedge fund?" 0:15:11.830,0:15:14.361 And I'd say, "One and 20." 0:15:14.361,0:15:17.124 Which means -- now it's two and 20 -- 0:15:17.124,0:15:21.165 it's two percent fixed fee[br]and 20 percent of profits. 0:15:21.165,0:15:23.468 Hedge funds are all different[br]kinds of creatures. 0:15:23.468,0:15:26.229 CA: Rumor has it you charge[br]slightly higher fees than that. 0:15:26.229,0:15:27.895 (Laughter) 0:15:27.895,0:15:30.609 JS: We charged the highest [br]fees in the world at one time. 0:15:30.609,0:15:33.835 Five and 44, that's what we charge. 0:15:33.835,0:15:35.091 CA: Five and 44. 0:15:35.091,0:15:38.641 So 5 percent flat,[br]44 percent of upside. 0:15:38.641,0:15:41.400 You still made your investors[br]spectacular amounts of money. 0:15:41.400,0:15:42.826 JS: We made good returns, yes. 0:15:42.826,0:15:43.826 People got very mad at my investors. 0:15:43.826,0:15:45.681 "How could you charge such high fees?" 0:15:45.681,0:15:47.516 I said, "OK, you can withdraw." 0:15:47.516,0:15:50.174 "But how can I get more?" 0:15:50.174,0:15:51.887 (Laughter) 0:15:51.887,0:15:53.762 But at a certain point, as I told you, 0:15:53.762,0:15:59.351 we bought out all the investors [br]because there's a capacity to the fund. 0:15:59.365,0:16:02.315 CA: But should we worry[br]about the hedge fund industry 0:16:02.315,0:16:05.978 attracting too much[br]of the world's great mathematical 0:16:05.978,0:16:08.439 and other talent to work on that 0:16:08.439,0:16:10.817 as opposed to the many[br]other problems in the world? 0:16:10.817,0:16:12.540 JS: Well it's not just mathematical. 0:16:12.540,0:16:15.426 We hire astronomers and physicists[br]and things like that. 0:16:15.676,0:16:21.681 I don't think we should worry too much.[br]It's still a pretty small industry. 0:16:21.681,0:16:27.742 And in fact, bringing science [br]into the investing world 0:16:27.742,0:16:29.878 has improved that world. 0:16:29.878,0:16:33.746 It's reduced volatility.[br]It's increased liquidity. 0:16:33.746,0:16:36.937 Spreads are narrower because[br]people are trading that kind of stuff. 0:16:36.937,0:16:42.394 So I'm not too worried about Einstein[br]going off and starting a hedge fund. 0:16:42.614,0:16:46.666 CA: You're at a phase in your life now[br]where you're actually investing, though, 0:16:46.666,0:16:50.182 at the other end of the supply chain -- 0:16:50.182,0:16:54.072 in boosting mathematics across America. 0:16:54.072,0:16:56.441 This is your wife, Marilyn. 0:16:56.441,0:17:00.743 You're working on [br]philanthropic issues together. 0:17:00.743,0:17:02.408 Tell me about that. 0:17:02.408,0:17:06.081 JS: Well, Marilyn started -- 0:17:06.081,0:17:09.683 there she is up there,[br]my beautiful wife -- 0:17:09.683,0:17:12.678 she started the foundation[br]about 20 years ago. 0:17:12.678,0:17:13.955 I think '94. 0:17:13.955,0:17:16.067 I claim it was '93, [br]she says it was '94, 0:17:16.067,0:17:18.437 but it was one of those two years. 0:17:18.437,0:17:20.596 (Laughter) 0:17:20.596,0:17:23.178 We started the foundation 0:17:23.178,0:17:27.958 just as a convenient way to give charity. 0:17:27.958,0:17:30.877 She kept the books, and so on. 0:17:30.877,0:17:37.244 We did not have a vision at that time,[br]but gradually a vision emerged -- 0:17:37.244,0:17:43.119 which was to focus on math and science,[br]to focus on basic research. 0:17:43.119,0:17:46.136 And that's what we've done. 0:17:46.136,0:17:52.941 Six years ago or so, I left Renaissance[br]and went to work at the foundation. 0:17:52.941,0:17:54.473 So that's what we do. 0:17:54.473,0:17:56.260 CA: And so Math for America here 0:17:56.260,0:17:59.442 is basically investing in math teachers[br]around the country, 0:17:59.442,0:18:03.760 giving them some extra income,[br]giving them support and coaching. 0:18:03.760,0:18:06.835 And really trying[br]to make that more effective 0:18:06.835,0:18:09.340 and make that a calling[br]to which teachers can aspire. 0:18:09.340,0:18:11.242 JS: Yeah, yeah. 0:18:11.242,0:18:14.442 Instead of beating up the bad teachers -- 0:18:14.442,0:18:18.691 which has created morale problems[br]all through the educational community, 0:18:18.691,0:18:21.616 in particular in math and science -- 0:18:21.616,0:18:27.770 we focus on celebrating the good ones [br]and giving them status. 0:18:27.770,0:18:31.345 Yeah, we give them extra money,[br]15,000 dollars a year. 0:18:31.345,0:18:35.478 We have 800 math and science teachers[br]in New York City in public schools today 0:18:35.478,0:18:37.266 as part of a core. 0:18:37.266,0:18:43.259 There's a great morale among them.[br]They're staying in the field. 0:18:43.259,0:18:46.213 Next year, it'll be 1,000 [teachers],[br]and that'll be 10 percent 0:18:46.213,0:18:49.781 of the math and science teachers[br]in New York public schools. 0:18:49.781,0:18:54.217 (Applause) 0:18:55.227,0:18:58.674 CA: Jim, here's another project[br]that you've supported philanthropically: 0:18:58.674,0:19:02.781 Research into origins of life, I guess.[br]What are we looking at here? 0:19:03.401,0:19:05.779 Well, I'll save that for a second. 0:19:05.779,0:19:07.934 And then I'll tell you[br]what you're looking at. 0:19:07.934,0:19:13.486 Origins of life is a fascinating question.[br]How did we get here? 0:19:13.486,0:19:15.122 Well, there's two questions. 0:19:15.122,0:19:20.905 One is, What is the root[br]from geology to biology? 0:19:20.905,0:19:22.694 How did we get here? 0:19:22.694,0:19:25.024 And the other question is,[br]What did we start with? 0:19:25.024,0:19:27.955 What material, if any,[br]did we have to work with on this route? 0:19:27.955,0:19:31.583 Those are two very,[br]very interesting questions. 0:19:31.583,0:19:37.726 The first question is a tortuous path[br]from geology up to RNA 0:19:37.726,0:19:39.966 or something like that --[br]how did that all work? 0:19:39.966,0:19:42.325 And the other,[br]What do we have to work with? 0:19:42.325,0:19:44.120 Well, more than we think. 0:19:44.120,0:19:49.778 So what's pictured there[br]is a star in formation. 0:19:49.778,0:19:53.285 Now every year in our Milky Way,[br]which has 100 billion stars, 0:19:53.285,0:19:56.141 about two near stars are created. 0:19:56.141,0:19:58.254 Don't ask me how, but they're created. 0:19:58.254,0:20:02.132 And it takes them[br]about a million years to settle out. 0:20:02.132,0:20:04.522 So, in steady state, 0:20:04.522,0:20:08.423 there's about 2 million stars[br]in formation at any time. 0:20:08.423,0:20:11.837 That one is somewhere along[br]this settling down period. 0:20:11.837,0:20:15.390 And there's all this crap[br]sort of circling around it. 0:20:15.390,0:20:17.479 Dust and stuff. 0:20:17.479,0:20:20.916 And it'll form probably a solar system,[br]or whatever it forms. 0:20:20.916,0:20:23.834 But here's the thing -- 0:20:23.834,0:20:28.924 in this dust that surrounds a forming star 0:20:28.924,0:20:35.591 have been found, now,[br]significant organic molecules. 0:20:35.591,0:20:42.121 Molecules not just like methane[br]but formaldehyde and cyanide -- 0:20:42.121,0:20:48.816 things that are the building blocks,[br]the seeds, if you will, of life. 0:20:49.136,0:20:52.215 So, that may be typical. 0:20:52.215,0:20:58.974 And it may be typical[br]that planets around the universe 0:20:58.974,0:21:03.639 start off with some of these[br]basic building blocks. 0:21:03.639,0:21:06.542 Now, does that mean [br]there's going to be life all around? 0:21:06.542,0:21:07.957 Maybe. 0:21:07.957,0:21:12.276 But it's a question[br]of how tortuous this path is 0:21:12.276,0:21:16.734 from those frail beginnings,[br]those seeds, all the way to life. 0:21:16.734,0:21:21.931 And most of those seeds[br]will fall on fallow planets. 0:21:21.931,0:21:23.423 CA: So for you, personally, 0:21:23.423,0:21:26.090 finding an answer to this question[br]of where we came from, 0:21:26.090,0:21:29.783 of how did this thing happen,[br]that is something you would love to see. 0:21:29.783,0:21:32.499 JS: Would love to see. And like to know. 0:21:32.759,0:21:38.444 If that path is tortuous enough, [br]and so improbable 0:21:38.444,0:21:43.251 that no matter what you start with,[br]we could be a singularity. 0:21:43.251,0:21:44.691 But, on the other hand, 0:21:44.691,0:21:47.710 given all this organic dust[br]that's floating around, 0:21:47.710,0:21:52.947 we could have lots of friends out there. 0:21:52.947,0:21:54.304 It'd be great to know. 0:21:54.304,0:21:56.280 CA: Jim, a couple of years ago, 0:21:56.280,0:22:00.712 I got the chance to speak with Elon Musk,[br]and I asked him the secret of his success. 0:22:00.712,0:22:04.798 He said taking physics seriously was it. 0:22:04.798,0:22:08.723 Listening to you, what I hear you saying[br]is taking math seriously, 0:22:08.723,0:22:11.903 that has infused your whole life. 0:22:11.903,0:22:16.710 It's made you an absolute fortune,[br]and now it's allowing you to invest 0:22:16.710,0:22:21.098 in the futures of thousands and thousands[br]of kids across America and elsewhere. 0:22:21.098,0:22:27.418 Could it be that science actually works?[br]That math actually works? 0:22:27.418,0:22:31.680 JS: Well, math certainly works.[br]Math certainly works. 0:22:31.680,0:22:33.033 But this has been fun. 0:22:33.033,0:22:37.956 Working with Marilyn and giving it away[br]has been very enjoyable. 0:22:37.956,0:22:41.060 CA: I just find it --[br]it's an inspirational thought to me, 0:22:41.060,0:22:44.968 that by taking knowledge seriously,[br]so much more can come from it. 0:22:44.968,0:22:47.935 So thank you for your amazing life,[br]and for coming here to TED. 0:22:47.935,0:22:48.664 Thank you. 0:22:48.664,0:22:49.960 Jim Simons. 0:22:49.970,0:22:54.186 (Applause)