0:00:06.880,0:00:09.303 Food doesn't last. 0:00:09.303,0:00:12.652 In days, sometimes hours,[br]bread goes moldy, 0:00:12.652,0:00:14.522 apple slices turn brown, 0:00:14.522,0:00:17.883 and bacterium multiply in mayonaise. 0:00:17.883,0:00:22.112 But you can find all of these foods[br]out on the shelf at the grocery store, 0:00:22.112,0:00:23.792 hopefully unspoiled, 0:00:23.792,0:00:25.923 thanks to preservatives. 0:00:25.923,0:00:28.063 But what exactly are preservatives? 0:00:28.063,0:00:31.962 How do they help keep food edible[br]and are they safe? 0:00:31.962,0:00:35.062 There are two major factors that cause[br]food to go bad - 0:00:35.062,0:00:37.573 microbes and oxidation. 0:00:37.573,0:00:40.824 Microbes like bacteria and fungi[br]invade food 0:00:40.824,0:00:42.824 and feed off its nutrients. 0:00:42.824,0:00:44.763 Some of these can cause diseases, 0:00:44.763,0:00:47.312 like listeria and botulism. 0:00:47.312,0:00:52.883 Others just turn edibles into a smelly,[br]slimy, moldy mess. 0:00:52.883,0:00:57.202 Meanwhile, oxidation is a chemical change[br]in the food's molecules 0:00:57.202,0:01:02.025 caused by enzymes or free radicals[br]which turn fats rancid 0:01:02.025,0:01:05.504 and brown produce, [br]like apples and potatoes. 0:01:05.504,0:01:09.764 Preservatives can prevent both types[br]of deterioration. 0:01:09.764,0:01:12.354 Before the invention of artificial[br]refrigeration, 0:01:12.354,0:01:16.227 fungi and bacteria could [br]run ramped in food. 0:01:16.227,0:01:21.166 So we found ways to create an inhospitable[br]environment for microbes. 0:01:21.166,0:01:25.414 For example, making a food more acidic[br]unravels enzymes 0:01:25.414,0:01:27.864 that microbes need to survive. 0:01:27.864,0:01:30.654 And some types of bacteria [br]can actually help. 0:01:30.654,0:01:34.435 For thousands of years, people preserved[br]food using bacteria 0:01:34.435,0:01:37.265 that produce lactic acid. 0:01:37.265,0:01:39.875 The acid turns perishable vegetables[br]and milk 0:01:39.875,0:01:42.025 into longer lasting foods, 0:01:42.025,0:01:43.804 like sauerkraut in Europe, 0:01:43.804,0:01:45.235 kimchi in Korea, 0:01:45.235,0:01:47.525 and yogurt in the Middle East. 0:01:47.525,0:01:52.875 These cultured foods also populate your[br]digestive track with beneficial microbes. 0:01:52.875,0:01:56.724 Many synthetic preservatives [br]are also acids. 0:01:56.724,0:01:58.655 Benzoic acid in salad dressing, 0:01:58.655,0:02:00.635 sorbic acid in cheese, 0:02:00.635,0:02:03.696 and propionic acid in baked goods. 0:02:03.696,0:02:04.853 Are they safe? 0:02:04.853,0:02:08.656 Some studies suggest that benzoates,[br]related to benzoic acid, 0:02:08.656,0:02:11.635 contribute to hyperactive behavior. 0:02:11.635,0:02:14.097 But the results aren't conclusive. 0:02:14.097,0:02:17.556 Otherwise, these acids seem to be[br]perfectly safe. 0:02:17.556,0:02:22.836 Another microbial strategy is to add[br]a lot of sugar, like in jam, 0:02:22.836,0:02:25.795 or salt, like in salted meats. 0:02:25.795,0:02:30.107 Sugar and salt hold on to water[br]that microbes need to grow 0:02:30.107,0:02:35.006 and actually suck moisture out[br]of any cells that may be hanging around, 0:02:35.006,0:02:36.949 thus destroying them. 0:02:36.949,0:02:40.876 Of course, too much sugar and salt[br]can increase your risk of heart disease, 0:02:40.876,0:02:41.731 diabetes, 0:02:41.731,0:02:43.146 and high blood pressure, 0:02:43.146,0:02:46.626 so these preservatives [br]are best in moderation. 0:02:46.626,0:02:51.067 Antimicrobial nitrates and nitrites,[br]often found in cured meats, 0:02:51.067,0:02:56.457 ward off the bacteria that cause botulism,[br]but they may cause other health problems. 0:02:56.457,0:02:58.857 Some studies linking cured meats to cancer 0:02:58.857,0:03:02.997 have suggested that these preservatives[br]may be the culprit. 0:03:02.997,0:03:06.737 Meanwhile, antioxidant preservatives[br]prevent the chemical changes 0:03:06.737,0:03:10.638 that can give food an off-flavor or color. 0:03:10.638,0:03:13.446 Smoke has been used to preserve food[br]for millennia 0:03:13.446,0:03:18.327 because some of the aromatic compounds[br]in wood smoke are antioxidants. 0:03:18.327,0:03:22.600 Combining smoking with salting was an[br]effective way of preserving meat 0:03:22.600,0:03:24.677 before refrigeration. 0:03:24.677,0:03:27.619 For antioxidant activity [br]without a smoky flavor, 0:03:27.619,0:03:30.768 there are compounds like BHT[br]and tocopherol, 0:03:30.768,0:03:33.077 better known as vitamin E. 0:03:33.077,0:03:36.878 Like the compounds in smoke,[br]these sop up free radicals 0:03:36.878,0:03:39.258 and stave off rancid flavors 0:03:39.258,0:03:41.228 that can develop in foods like oils, 0:03:41.228,0:03:42.047 cheese, 0:03:42.047,0:03:44.119 and cereal. 0:03:44.119,0:03:47.305 Other antioxidants like citric acid[br]and ascorbic acid 0:03:47.305,0:03:49.798 help cut produce keep its color 0:03:49.798,0:03:53.268 by thwarting the enzyme [br]that causes browning. 0:03:53.268,0:03:56.268 Some compounds [br]like sulfites can multitask. 0:03:56.268,0:04:00.125 They're both antimicrobials[br]and antioxidants. 0:04:00.125,0:04:03.239 Sulfites may cause allergy symptoms[br]in some people, 0:04:03.239,0:04:08.965 but most antioxidant preservatives[br]are generally recognized as safe. 0:04:08.965,0:04:11.329 So should you be worried [br]about preservatives? 0:04:11.329,0:04:14.518 Well, they're usually near the end[br]of the ingredients list 0:04:14.518,0:04:16.779 because they're used [br]in very small amounts 0:04:16.779,0:04:19.842 determined by the FDA to be safe. 0:04:19.842,0:04:22.488 Nevertheless, some consumers[br]and companies 0:04:22.488,0:04:24.920 are trying to find alternatives. 0:04:24.920,0:04:29.329 Packaging tricks, like reducing[br]the oxygen around the food can help, 0:04:29.329,0:04:31.679 but without some kind [br]of chemical assistance, 0:04:31.679,0:04:36.250 there are very few foods that can[br]stay shelf stable for long.