WEBVTT 00:00:04.285 --> 00:00:08.988 In 1913, the Ottoman Empire came to be ruled 00:00:08.998 --> 00:00:12.661 by Talaat, Enver and Djemal Pasha. 00:00:12.665 --> 00:00:14.083 Under their leadership, 00:00:14.097 --> 00:00:19.025 a national movement was orchestrated to unify the Turkic people in the region, 00:00:19.036 --> 00:00:22.681 and ultimately remove all non-Muslims from the land. 00:00:23.812 --> 00:00:27.845 The presence of the Armenian people, as well as other Christian minorities, 00:00:27.852 --> 00:00:31.258 was not conducive to this new Turkish ideology, 00:00:31.266 --> 00:00:35.859 and thus the Armenians were subjected to systematic decapitalization, 00:00:35.866 --> 00:00:39.066 deportation and ultimate extermination. 00:00:39.973 --> 00:00:42.015 Over a hundred years have passed 00:00:42.024 --> 00:00:45.436 since the events that marked the start of the Armenian Genocide. 00:00:46.015 --> 00:00:50.049 From 1915 into the early 1920s, 00:00:50.066 --> 00:00:54.591 over 1.5 million Armenians lost their lives 00:00:54.606 --> 00:00:56.924 at the hands of the Ottoman Turkish government. 00:00:57.622 --> 00:01:01.071 Over 1.5 million lives cut prematurely, 00:01:01.086 --> 00:01:04.543 over 1.5 million stories were never told. 00:01:06.034 --> 00:01:07.243 But I'm here today 00:01:07.250 --> 00:01:10.348 to tell one story of an Armenian Genocide survivor, 00:01:10.580 --> 00:01:13.318 my great-grandmother, Anna Tutundjian. 00:01:15.391 --> 00:01:21.515 Anna's story begins in Sivas, Turkey, where she was born in 1903. 00:01:22.373 --> 00:01:26.030 She was 11 years old in the summer of 1915 00:01:26.042 --> 00:01:29.880 when Ottoman Turkish officials came into town 00:01:29.894 --> 00:01:31.997 and rounded up all of the Armenians. 00:01:33.361 --> 00:01:38.024 The men and young boys were soon separated from the group, 00:01:38.217 --> 00:01:39.475 and Anna watched 00:01:39.485 --> 00:01:43.809 as her father, uncles and beloved cousins were shot to death. 00:01:45.301 --> 00:01:49.198 Shortly after the men were removed and killed, 00:01:49.205 --> 00:01:52.483 the infant babies were taken from their mothers, 00:01:52.489 --> 00:01:54.915 including Anna's baby brother. 00:01:55.279 --> 00:02:01.724 These babies were then buried in the ground only up to their shoulders, 00:02:02.044 --> 00:02:05.558 and Anna watched as horses trampled over them. 00:02:06.785 --> 00:02:08.967 All that remained at the end of the day 00:02:07.972 --> 00:02:11.807 were the women, the young girls, and the elderly. 00:02:13.168 --> 00:02:15.774 But fate wouldn't spare them much longer. 00:02:16.415 --> 00:02:20.260 Soon after, the officials came back, 00:02:20.264 --> 00:02:22.342 and they ordered all of the Armenian women, 00:02:22.350 --> 00:02:23.463 and all who remained, 00:02:23.464 --> 00:02:25.481 that they needed to evacuate their homes. 00:02:25.724 --> 00:02:31.487 Anna remembers helping her mother tie whatever belongings they could 00:02:31.494 --> 00:02:32.757 into sheets, 00:02:32.764 --> 00:02:35.259 and sew their belongings into sheets. 00:02:36.237 --> 00:02:41.978 And very soon, the women, including Anna, her mother and her sisters, 00:02:41.985 --> 00:02:44.330 began a march, a death march, 00:02:44.337 --> 00:02:48.180 ultimately through Turkey into and through the Syrian desert. 00:02:54.400 --> 00:02:56.460 On this march, they had no food, 00:02:56.473 --> 00:02:58.982 other than whatever they had carried from home. 00:02:58.992 --> 00:03:01.772 And, as you can imagine, it didn't last very long. 00:03:02.053 --> 00:03:05.190 They walked all day, and only stopped at night. 00:03:05.472 --> 00:03:08.047 Water was scarce. 00:03:08.350 --> 00:03:12.000 Anna says that whenever they saw a spring or a well, 00:03:12.008 --> 00:03:14.219 they would try to go to it and fill their jugs. 00:03:14.364 --> 00:03:17.332 But that's only if they were able to get away from the caravan 00:03:17.338 --> 00:03:18.676 without being noticed. 00:03:19.394 --> 00:03:24.298 Anna says she was with hundreds of women - women, children alike, 00:03:24.313 --> 00:03:27.310 and she remembers it took about two or three days 00:03:27.321 --> 00:03:30.930 before the first of these women began to drop out of formation. 00:03:33.204 --> 00:03:37.260 One morning, early one morning, before the march began again, 00:03:37.262 --> 00:03:41.335 Anna and her sisters were at a well filling their water jug. 00:03:41.348 --> 00:03:44.583 While at the well, a man grabbed her. 00:03:45.587 --> 00:03:47.526 Anna screamed and kicked and cried out, 00:03:47.545 --> 00:03:50.600 and her sisters ran back to get their mother. 00:03:50.620 --> 00:03:55.149 But by the time their mother returned, by the time the sisters returned, 00:03:55.157 --> 00:03:56.950 Anna had been taken. 00:03:58.161 --> 00:04:01.357 Anna does not know where her abductor took her, 00:04:01.375 --> 00:04:05.913 but, at 11 years old, he chose her to be his new wife. 00:04:06.704 --> 00:04:08.524 He already had a wife though. 00:04:08.524 --> 00:04:09.988 Many, in fact, 00:04:09.988 --> 00:04:14.274 and she became one of about 15 or 20 other young Armenian girls, 00:04:14.274 --> 00:04:16.578 just like herself, in his harem. 00:04:18.168 --> 00:04:21.846 Anna says that he would pretty much leave her alone, 00:04:21.856 --> 00:04:25.789 but that he also called her his "pretty one". 00:04:27.469 --> 00:04:32.009 Within the year, Anna had given birth to a daughter. 00:04:32.020 --> 00:04:38.414 And by the time Anna was 13 years old, she had given birth to another. 00:04:40.194 --> 00:04:41.861 Although she loved her children, 00:04:41.865 --> 00:04:44.325 day after day, she thought only about running away, 00:04:44.327 --> 00:04:46.201 she missed her mother and her sisters, 00:04:46.208 --> 00:04:50.423 and wanted more than anything to leave this man. 00:04:50.931 --> 00:04:52.974 The problem was she was never alone. 00:04:52.993 --> 00:04:57.140 There was never a window of opportunity for her to do anything by herself, 00:04:57.168 --> 00:04:59.265 let alone escape. 00:04:59.279 --> 00:05:01.837 The girls always had to accompany each other 00:05:01.858 --> 00:05:04.863 no matter where they went, or what they did. 00:05:04.881 --> 00:05:11.223 If a girl stepped out of line, or tried to do anything on her own, 00:05:11.240 --> 00:05:13.180 the girls would squeal on one another 00:05:13.202 --> 00:05:16.004 in hopes of being rewarded by their captor. 00:05:18.882 --> 00:05:24.128 One night, the girl who was supposed to accompany Anna to the outhouse 00:05:24.147 --> 00:05:26.442 was too tired to do so. 00:05:26.454 --> 00:05:28.457 She let Anna go alone, 00:05:28.471 --> 00:05:31.901 figuring probably that Anna has two daughters, 00:05:31.906 --> 00:05:34.321 she's going to go, do her business, and come back. 00:05:34.330 --> 00:05:37.257 But Anna took that as an opportunity to escape. 00:05:37.910 --> 00:05:39.201 And she did. 00:05:39.202 --> 00:05:41.237 She ran and managed to escape ... 00:05:41.573 --> 00:05:42.796 although alone. 00:05:44.138 --> 00:05:45.506 She ran through the night, 00:05:45.528 --> 00:05:50.473 and eventually made her way to an Armenian church. 00:05:50.645 --> 00:05:53.536 However, the church couldn't help her, 00:05:53.567 --> 00:05:57.439 and she ended up running away from them as well. 00:05:57.470 --> 00:06:00.594 She's still only 13 years old. 00:06:00.634 --> 00:06:04.984 She found an Armenian priest 00:06:04.993 --> 00:06:07.895 who took her in, gave her a refuge, 00:06:07.908 --> 00:06:11.878 and ultimately helped her to get to Aleppo, Syria, 00:06:11.896 --> 00:06:16.143 which at the time was becoming a makeshift resettlement community 00:06:16.148 --> 00:06:17.529 for all of the Armenians 00:06:17.532 --> 00:06:20.633 who were surviving the death marches through the desert. 00:06:22.203 --> 00:06:25.362 Anna lived in an orphanage for years. 00:06:25.366 --> 00:06:28.632 She worked with other survivors, other girls her age, 00:06:28.634 --> 00:06:31.103 working, and weaving rugs. 00:06:31.811 --> 00:06:33.651 And every Armenian she met, she'd ask, 00:06:33.662 --> 00:06:35.906 "Do you know my family? Do you know my mother? 00:06:35.914 --> 00:06:37.887 Have you heard what happened to them?" 00:06:38.325 --> 00:06:40.955 And one day, her question was answered. 00:06:40.968 --> 00:06:43.251 "Yes, I know your mother. I know your sisters. 00:06:43.259 --> 00:06:44.908 They're alive. They survived. 00:06:44.913 --> 00:06:46.834 They're living in Marseilles, France." 00:06:48.660 --> 00:06:54.789 With the help of the AGBU, the Armenian General Benevolent Union, 00:06:54.801 --> 00:06:58.391 an Armenian humanitarian organization, still very active today, 00:06:58.404 --> 00:07:01.143 Anna was able to go to France, 00:07:01.176 --> 00:07:04.787 and was finally reunited with her mother. 00:07:05.008 --> 00:07:08.304 At this point, she was in her early 20s. 00:07:08.863 --> 00:07:11.212 This reunion, however, was short-lived 00:07:11.233 --> 00:07:12.790 because, unbeknown to Anna, 00:07:12.799 --> 00:07:15.400 halfway around the world in America, 00:07:15.406 --> 00:07:18.550 her future husband was making his way to France. 00:07:19.167 --> 00:07:24.152 Now, by 1925, my great-grandfather, 00:07:24.152 --> 00:07:25.794 Kevork Malikyan, 00:07:25.794 --> 00:07:28.181 had been living in America for over 20 years. 00:07:28.290 --> 00:07:29.714 He was married 00:07:29.723 --> 00:07:31.917 and had two daughters of his own. 00:07:32.121 --> 00:07:33.855 One of them was a newborn, 00:07:33.857 --> 00:07:37.032 and his wife was having a hard time producing milk for the newborn 00:07:37.040 --> 00:07:40.001 and was given the advice that she should ice her chest. 00:07:40.747 --> 00:07:43.642 This, however, caused her to get pneumonia, 00:07:43.647 --> 00:07:45.096 and she died, 00:07:45.105 --> 00:07:49.330 leaving Kevork alone to care for his two girls. 00:07:49.337 --> 00:07:53.273 And he was able to get by for a while with the help of some relatives. 00:07:53.279 --> 00:07:55.748 But after some time, these relatives were saying, 00:07:55.752 --> 00:07:57.146 "This is too much for us. 00:07:57.146 --> 00:07:58.533 You need to remarry. 00:07:58.533 --> 00:08:01.650 You need to find a wife and someone to take care of your girls." 00:08:01.658 --> 00:08:05.192 He was told that there was a large Armenian community 00:08:05.201 --> 00:08:06.634 living in Marseilles. 00:08:07.152 --> 00:08:10.890 He should go there, find a wife, bring one home. 00:08:11.704 --> 00:08:12.766 So he did. 00:08:12.772 --> 00:08:16.360 In 1925, my great-grandfather went to Marseilles. 00:08:16.490 --> 00:08:19.616 He went to the rug factory where Anna was working, 00:08:19.619 --> 00:08:20.952 and admired her. 00:08:21.184 --> 00:08:24.551 He then found her mother, told her of his intentions, 00:08:24.763 --> 00:08:27.500 By the time Anna came home from work that night, 00:08:27.505 --> 00:08:29.544 the arrangements were all made. 00:08:29.866 --> 00:08:32.222 Kevork and Anna were married the next day. 00:08:32.226 --> 00:08:37.095 Shortly after their little wedding ceremony, 00:08:37.111 --> 00:08:39.664 they boarded a ship and came to America. 00:08:41.332 --> 00:08:44.669 Kevork and Anna went on to have three more children. 00:08:44.679 --> 00:08:48.104 Their first, born in 1927, is my grandmother. 00:08:48.697 --> 00:08:50.846 Growing up, my grandmother knew 00:08:50.866 --> 00:08:53.762 that her mother was an Armenian Genocide survivor. 00:08:53.870 --> 00:08:56.348 However, the genocide was never spoken about, 00:08:56.358 --> 00:08:58.464 except in very generalized terms, 00:08:58.479 --> 00:09:01.622 like, "The horrors we Armenians saw", 00:09:01.628 --> 00:09:05.512 or, "The crimes the Turks, the Ottoman Turks, did to us". 00:09:07.694 --> 00:09:12.342 After Kevork's passing in 1962, 00:09:12.834 --> 00:09:17.082 Anna started receiving letters from relatives in Turkey. 00:09:17.543 --> 00:09:20.173 When my grandmother questioned her about these letters, 00:09:20.177 --> 00:09:23.340 she would say that they were from sisters of hers. 00:09:23.685 --> 00:09:27.911 But these were sisters that Anna had never previously spoken about. 00:09:27.917 --> 00:09:29.647 These were sisters that, growing up, 00:09:29.653 --> 00:09:32.601 my grandmother never even knew existed. 00:09:33.387 --> 00:09:37.030 In the beginning of the summer of 1964, 00:09:37.047 --> 00:09:40.327 Anna announced that she was going to go visit them. 00:09:40.915 --> 00:09:43.026 This caused my grandmother great stress 00:09:43.034 --> 00:09:46.395 because Anna had never traveled anywhere alone in her adult life, 00:09:46.409 --> 00:09:48.695 let alone to another country. 00:09:48.704 --> 00:09:53.216 And she hadn't been to Turkey since she was an 11-year-old child. 00:09:53.945 --> 00:09:56.901 But Anna was a stubborn woman, and she persisted, 00:09:56.901 --> 00:09:59.491 and in the beginning of the summer of 1964, 00:09:59.504 --> 00:10:01.012 she went back to Turkey. 00:10:02.989 --> 00:10:09.237 When she returned at the end of the summer of 1964, 00:10:09.246 --> 00:10:12.484 she sat my grandmother down and admitted to her 00:10:12.501 --> 00:10:16.148 that the sister she had gone to visit, 00:10:17.204 --> 00:10:20.827 the relative she had gone to visit, the women she was calling her "sisters", 00:10:20.827 --> 00:10:22.431 weren't actually her sisters. 00:10:22.437 --> 00:10:24.021 They were her two daughters, 00:10:24.027 --> 00:10:27.385 the two daughters she had abandoned when she was 13 years old. 00:10:28.589 --> 00:10:30.166 In the letters of correspondence 00:10:30.175 --> 00:10:32.413 she had been sending back and forth to Turkey, 00:10:32.739 --> 00:10:35.718 she found out that her abductor had died. 00:10:35.964 --> 00:10:38.359 So for the first time in nearly 50 years, 00:10:38.363 --> 00:10:42.122 she felt it was safe to go back and to go find these girls, 00:10:42.131 --> 00:10:44.764 who, of course, themselves were women at the time. 00:10:46.697 --> 00:10:51.452 It took Anna 50 years to speak the truth 00:10:51.465 --> 00:10:55.140 of what she witnessed with the massacres 00:10:55.149 --> 00:10:58.203 and with her experience of being abducted and the rape. 00:11:00.432 --> 00:11:02.327 And ... 00:11:03.751 --> 00:11:07.911 while I could have chosen to tell - 00:11:08.077 --> 00:11:10.405 While I chose to tell Anna's story, 00:11:10.427 --> 00:11:14.305 I could just as well have told any of my great-grandparents' story, 00:11:14.331 --> 00:11:16.339 all of whom survived the genocide, 00:11:16.358 --> 00:11:20.421 all of whom experienced equally incomprehensible hardships. 00:11:22.779 --> 00:11:26.549 I am here today because of the strength that they had, 00:11:26.581 --> 00:11:29.927 and I see that strength continue to be embodied every day 00:11:29.942 --> 00:11:32.464 in my parents and in my grandparents. 00:11:33.263 --> 00:11:38.895 I say that I'm an Armenian-American, a third-generation Armenian-American, 00:11:38.904 --> 00:11:41.359 but it might be more fitting to say 00:11:41.373 --> 00:11:45.942 that I am a third-generation Armenian Genocide survivor, 00:11:47.013 --> 00:11:51.135 because I am the great-great-grandchild of men and women 00:11:51.149 --> 00:11:55.190 who never even had an opportunity to dream that I would exist. 00:11:55.704 --> 00:11:58.758 So I like to think it's my duty and my obligation 00:11:58.759 --> 00:12:00.006 to tell their story 00:12:00.026 --> 00:12:03.547 and to keep the history of all of those who came before me alive. 00:12:04.331 --> 00:12:05.578 Thank you. 00:12:05.587 --> 00:12:08.713 (Applause)