0:00:00.618,0:00:02.502 Hi. My name is Mark. 0:00:02.502,0:00:05.193 You know, there's a lot of One Direction fan fiction out there, 0:00:05.193,0:00:08.455 but it seems like all the stuff I've read is written by girls. 0:00:08.455,0:00:11.070 Which is great, you know, I'm not knocking girls. 0:00:11.070,0:00:14.061 They're...girls. 0:00:14.061,0:00:18.744 But, I just thought it was about time there was some 1D fan fic written by a dude. 0:00:18.744,0:00:22.579 Which... I'm one — dude. 0:00:22.579,0:00:24.802 So, that's what I did. 0:00:24.802,0:00:27.234 And then, I animated it. 0:00:28.204,0:00:31.049 Good morning. Y'all ready to order? 0:00:31.065,0:00:32.625 I'll have the French Toast, please. 0:00:32.625,0:00:34.557 I'll have the sausage biscuit, please. 0:00:34.557,0:00:36.858 I'll have the tacos, please. 0:00:36.858,0:00:37.666 Harry! 0:00:37.666,0:00:39.889 What? It's my favorite food! 0:00:39.889,0:00:41.527 Tacos are not for breakfast! 0:00:41.527,0:00:44.929 They are now. Introducing Tac-O's. 0:00:44.929,0:00:47.614 It's meat-, cheese- and lettuce-flavored O's 0:00:47.614,0:00:49.184 in a tortilla bowl. 0:00:49.184,0:00:50.130 That's disgusting. 0:00:50.130,0:00:52.979 It even makes the milk tastes like tacos. 0:00:52.979,0:00:54.587 That's even disgusting-er. 0:00:54.587,0:00:56.148 That's not even a word. 0:00:56.148,0:00:56.979 Hi guys. 0:00:56.979,0:00:57.971 [ALL] Hello, Zayn. 0:00:57.971,0:00:59.148 Whoa, new hairdo! 0:00:59.148,0:01:01.094 Yeah, what'ya think? 0:01:01.094,0:01:02.923 It's...uh... 0:01:02.923,0:01:05.977 It's...quite steep. 0:01:05.977,0:01:08.575 Bit like a...ski jump. 0:01:08.575,0:01:11.644 Which I guess is what you were going for? 0:01:11.644,0:01:13.386 Phone rings 0:01:13.386,0:01:14.861 1D! Come in, 1D! 0:01:14.861,0:01:16.814 Oh look! A call from Psymon. 0:01:16.814,0:01:18.391 It's an emergency, boys! 0:01:18.391,0:01:20.386 Report to 1D HQ ASAP. 0:01:20.386,0:01:22.332 No time for breakfast, lads. 0:01:22.332,0:01:24.276 The world needs our help! 0:01:31.276,0:01:33.761 One Direction, thank goodness you're here! 0:01:33.761,0:01:35.845 What seems to be the trouble, Psymon? 0:01:35.845,0:01:37.745 It doesn't look good, boys. 0:01:37.745,0:01:39.845 What doesn't look good? Oh, Zayn's new hairdo? 0:01:39.845,0:01:41.068 Niall! -laughs What? 0:01:41.068,0:01:42.507 I will mess you up! 0:01:42.507,0:01:45.177 Mess me up? Oh, like your hairdresser messed up your hair? 0:01:45.177,0:01:46.446 Oh, it is ON! 0:01:46.446,0:01:48.592 Oh! Ow! Ow! Stop it! Oh! 0:01:48.592,0:01:50.759 It's on like Donkey Kong. -What? 0:01:50.759,0:01:53.659 Boys! Boys! The world is in its hour of need. 0:01:53.659,0:01:55.682 We cannot afford to squabble over [ ]. 0:01:55.682,0:01:57.223 Why, what's up, Psymon? 0:01:57.223,0:01:59.431 Yeah, what's up, besides Zayn's hair? 0:01:59.431,0:02:01.438 'cause that's really up, isn't it, hehe? 0:02:01.454,0:02:02.677 It's like woooosh! 0:02:02.677,0:02:03.546 Ow! Stop! Ow! 0:02:03.546,0:02:05.461 Reports are coming in all over town. 0:02:05.461,0:02:07.638 Pussycats are going missing by the thousands! 0:02:07.638,0:02:10.400 Oh, no! What a catastrophe! 0:02:10.400,0:02:15.404 Or should I say, CAT-astrophe? 0:02:15.404,0:02:17.611 Ooh! -No, you shouldn't. -[FALSETTO] Okay. 0:02:17.611,0:02:20.711 We just need to get out there and help people find their pussycats. 0:02:20.711,0:02:22.503 It may not be as simple as that. 0:02:22.503,0:02:25.576 We have reason to believe Lord Faptaguise is behind this. 0:02:25.576,0:02:27.045 [ALL] Lord Faptaguise? 0:02:27.045,0:02:28.714 But we defeated him in the Battle of Zindalor. 0:02:28.714,0:02:29.814 Well, he's back! 0:02:29.814,0:02:32.914 And we all know how much Lord Faptaguise hates pussycats. 0:02:32.914,0:02:37.999 So the pussycats didn't just go missing; they've been kidnapped! 0:02:37.999,0:02:42.020 Or, should I say, CAT-napped? 0:02:42.020,0:02:45.116 C-cat—catnipped... yeah? 0:02:46.032,0:02:47.239 Ooh! -No. 0:02:47.239,0:02:48.001 [FALSETTO] Sorry. 0:02:48.001,0:02:49.939 So, where is Lord Faptaguise? 0:02:49.939,0:02:53.101 His dreaded tank fortress, the Wrath-o-Sphere has been spotted 0:02:53.101,0:02:54.524 on the outskirts of town... 0:02:54.524,0:02:55.506 Mmm... skirts. 0:02:55.506,0:02:56.481 ...heading East. 0:02:56.481,0:02:57.965 Toward the Dimensional Gate. 0:02:57.965,0:02:59.788 Yes! We must act swiftly! 0:02:59.788,0:03:01.807 If the Wrath-o-Sphere escapes to another dimension 0:03:01.807,0:03:04.761 with the pussycats on board, we will never see them again. 0:03:04.761,0:03:05.984 So, what's the plan? 0:03:05.984,0:03:09.268 Liam, Niall and Zayn: you three must infiltrate the Wrath-o-Sphere 0:03:09.268,0:03:10.999 and find your way to the Control Room. 0:03:10.999,0:03:13.499 It no doubt will be heavily guarded, by guards. 0:03:13.499,0:03:15.759 Niall and Zayn, you must eliminate them, 0:03:15.759,0:03:18.267 allowing Liam to gain access to the Control Room. 0:03:18.267,0:03:20.456 Easy! -Piece of pudding! -What? 0:03:20.456,0:03:22.156 Liam, once inside the Control Room, 0:03:22.156,0:03:24.266 you must hack into the Security Terminal, 0:03:24.266,0:03:26.166 and open the prison cell doors. 0:03:26.166,0:03:28.470 Hey! I'm on it like Donkey Konit. 0:03:28.470,0:03:30.533 What? No, wait. What? 0:03:30.533,0:03:32.679 Just open the cell doors? 0:03:32.679,0:03:34.915 But who's going to round up all the pussycats 0:03:34.915,0:03:36.369 and get them out of there? 0:03:36.369,0:03:39.176 Yes, all the pussies. That's where you come in, Harry. 0:03:39.176,0:03:40.076 You're telling me. 0:03:40.076,0:03:42.268 You must go deep into the Marmitian Swamp, 0:03:42.268,0:03:45.076 and seek the help of an old knight named Paul. 0:03:45.076,0:03:48.591 He will teach you the ancient art of retrieving pussycats. 0:03:48.591,0:03:51.091 I don't need help. I can do it alone. 0:03:51.091,0:03:53.132 No you can't, Harry. That's why you and Louis 0:03:53.132,0:03:54.925 will seek out Sir Paul together. 0:03:54.925,0:03:57.225 Only with teamwork, can you save all the pussycats— 0:03:57.225,0:03:58.971 including your own! 0:03:58.971,0:04:01.932 Oh no, Molly! Did they get Molly? 0:04:02.948,0:04:04.717 I thought his name was Dusty? 0:04:04.726,0:04:07.069 Depends which website you read. 0:04:07.919,0:04:22.407 Molly? gasp NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO— 0:04:24.269,0:04:29.660 ooooooooooooooooooooo. 0:04:29.660,0:04:30.744 Nice! 0:04:30.744,0:04:34.825 Thanks, but Faptaguise, he stole my pussycat! 0:04:34.825,0:04:37.795 Now, it's personal. 0:04:37.795,0:04:41.546 Or, should I say, pussy-nal? 0:04:41.546,0:04:44.161 Oof! [FALSETTO] My balls! 0:04:44.161,0:04:46.412 Phew, we made it inside the Wrath-o-Sphere! 0:04:46.412,0:04:48.235 Now to make our way to the control room. 0:04:48.235,0:04:51.388 This place is a maze. How are we going to find it? 0:04:51.388,0:04:53.935 Easy, just follow the pipes along the ceiling. 0:04:53.935,0:04:56.972 Duh, it's like you've never been inside a Wrath-o-Sphere before! 0:04:58.003,0:04:59.434 Nerds. 0:04:59.972,0:05:03.690 Right, the old knight lives in solitude deep within this swamp. 0:05:03.690,0:05:09.106 He lives alone? So that makes him... a stag-knight! 0:05:09.106,0:05:11.440 That's your worst one yet. 0:05:11.440,0:05:14.215 Oof! -Now come along! 0:05:14.215,0:05:17.841 [FALSETTO] We've been— [NORMAL VOICE] ahem, we've been walking for ages. 0:05:17.841,0:05:20.709 Are you sure we're going in the right direction? 0:05:20.709,0:05:22.343 Well, we're following the map! 0:05:22.343,0:05:24.524 I think we're going the wrong way. 0:05:24.524,0:05:26.238 What, do you think I can't read maps? 0:05:26.238,0:05:28.124 That, or you're holding it wrong. 0:05:28.124,0:05:31.692 What, with my hands? That's how most humans hold things. 0:05:31.692,0:05:34.192 But I guess you wouldn't know anything about that. 0:05:34.192,0:05:36.993 What, are you saying I'm not human? 0:05:36.993,0:05:39.876 I don't know, why don't you ask your four nipples what they think? 0:05:39.876,0:05:41.498 Maybe those will give you a clue. 0:05:44.482,0:05:47.242 That's it, I'm going this direction. 0:05:47.242,0:05:52.395 Harry, come back! We can't go in two directions. We have to go in one direction. 0:05:52.395,0:05:55.781 Not anymore, I can save the pussycats myself. 0:05:55.781,0:05:59.765 I don't need some old knight to help me, and I certainly don't need you! 0:05:59.765,0:06:07.496 Fine. (x12) 0:06:08.316,0:06:11.083 Fine. You tetra-titted tosser. 0:06:11.436,0:06:14.372 Whoa, those guards look dangerous. 0:06:14.372,0:06:16.527 I'm not so sure we can take 'em out. 0:06:16.527,0:06:20.927 Maybe you and Niall can distract them, you know, like, dress up as hot girls or something. 0:06:20.927,0:06:24.604 Well, I mean, at least that works in cartoons. 0:06:24.604,0:06:25.812 What do you think, Niall? 0:06:25.812,0:06:27.679 Already there. 0:06:28.187,0:06:30.422 Hey there big boys. 0:06:30.422,0:06:31.878 Whoa, check it out. 0:06:31.878,0:06:33.228 Hubba, hubba, hubba! 0:06:33.228,0:06:34.333 Nice! 0:06:34.333,0:06:35.691 I love dudes in skirts. 0:06:35.799,0:06:39.445 Huh! Like I need help getting pussycats out of the Wrath-o-Sphere. 0:06:39.445,0:06:43.222 Huh! I've been getting pussycats out of the Wrath-o-Sphere since I was a— 0:06:43.222,0:06:45.014 Whoa, baby. 0:06:46.937,0:06:49.132 Hey there big boy. 0:06:49.132,0:06:50.321 Hello. 0:06:50.321,0:06:51.612 I'm Harry! 0:06:51.612,0:06:54.564 April O'Kruschev. I'm a news reporter. 0:06:54.564,0:06:57.252 I am doing a story on the missing pussycats. 0:06:57.252,0:06:59.084 Oh, I'm- I'm gonna save them. 0:06:59.084,0:07:01.693 You are? Oh you must be very brave. 0:07:01.693,0:07:03.740 Mmhm, I'm brave. 0:07:03.740,0:07:06.772 Well it sounds like we could help each other out. 0:07:06.772,0:07:09.536 I would love to exchange fluids. Heeheehee! 0:07:09.536,0:07:11.258 I mean information. 0:07:11.258,0:07:13.935 Perhaps over dinner? 0:07:13.935,0:07:14.805 Okay. 0:07:14.805,0:07:19.012 How about some... tacos? 0:07:19.012,0:07:19.802 Okay. 0:07:20.017,0:07:22.298 Okay, this must be it. knocks door 0:07:23.145,0:07:32.302 door creaks open slowly 0:07:32.302,0:07:33.368 Who goes there? 0:07:33.368,0:07:35.982 It is I, Louis, of One Direction. 0:07:35.982,0:07:37.097 Greetings. 0:07:37.097,0:07:39.321 I am Sir Paul, of The Beatles. 0:07:39.321,0:07:40.993 gasp And Wings! 0:07:40.993,0:07:42.910 Ehhh... The Beatles. 0:07:42.910,0:07:44.773 Well, I am in need of your help, Sir Paul. 0:07:44.773,0:07:47.080 Pussycats all over the land have been captured, 0:07:47.080,0:07:50.344 and legend has it that you hold the key to retrieving them. 0:07:50.344,0:07:53.150 Aah, I know what you're looking for. 0:07:53.150,0:07:57.874 Now that, I haven't used in a long time. A long time. 0:07:57.874,0:08:00.428 What? What is it? 0:08:00.428,0:08:04.952 What you seek... is the pussymagnet. 0:08:04.952,0:08:06.422 Behold! 0:08:06.422,0:08:08.133 Nice! 0:08:08.133,0:08:09.999 So... how do you turn it on? 0:08:09.999,0:08:12.864 One does not simply turn on a pussymagnet. 0:08:12.864,0:08:15.720 It is activated by a series of tones. You know, 0:08:15.720,0:08:17.704 like the Key in the He-Man movie. 0:08:18.812,0:08:20.637 Allow me to demonstrate. 0:08:20.637,0:08:24.159 singing Well, she was just seventeen 0:08:24.159,0:08:26.489 You know what I mean. And the— 0:08:26.489,0:08:27.725 Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. 0:08:27.725,0:08:28.382 Paul: 0:08:28.382,0:08:29.522 What DO you mean? 0:08:29.522,0:08:31.316 speaking I don't know, John wrote that bit. 0:08:31.316,0:08:32.902 singing And the way she looked 0:08:32.902,0:08:36.181 Was way beyond compare 0:08:36.181,0:08:41.821 So how could I dance with another? Wooooooo! 0:08:45.836,0:08:46.767 meow 0:08:46.767,0:08:48.421 Whoa, that really works! 0:08:48.421,0:08:50.798 Hitting the high note at the end is the key. 0:08:50.798,0:08:51.983 Well, I'll try. 0:08:51.983,0:08:53.894 Though, I bet Harry could hit it... 0:08:53.894,0:08:55.839 Harry? Is he a friend of yours? 0:08:55.839,0:08:57.123 Yeah... 0:08:57.123,0:08:58.879 Or... we used to be. 0:08:58.879,0:09:00.377 We had a bit of a falling out. 0:09:00.377,0:09:02.614 Well, you know, you can't pull this off on your own. 0:09:02.614,0:09:07.064 It's like I've always said: I get by with a little help from my friends. 0:09:08.679,0:09:10.478 I thought that song was about drugs, though. 0:09:10.478,0:09:11.285 Shhhh! 0:09:11.285,0:09:13.585 Don't speak, Harry, don't speak. 0:09:13.585,0:09:15.576 But I'm crazy about you! 0:09:15.576,0:09:17.909 I know, Harry... but I must order now— 0:09:17.909,0:09:19.024 Three tacos, please. 0:09:19.024,0:09:20.693 Hard or soft shelled? 0:09:20.693,0:09:23.338 Oh... What do you think, Harry? 0:09:23.338,0:09:28.482 Hard. A good shell is hard to find, and a hard shell is good to find. 0:09:28.482,0:09:31.312 Oh, Harry. You always know what to say. 0:09:31.312,0:09:36.920 Hey, tacos are my favorite food. But you know, I've never been to a Taco Bell before. 0:09:36.920,0:09:40.729 You mean, this is your first time? -Mmhm. 0:09:40.729,0:09:44.779 Then... you really must try the Nacho BellGrande. 0:09:44.779,0:09:48.017 Well, one Nacho BellGrande please. 0:09:48.017,0:09:51.801 Hey! What do you call a BellGrande that isn't yours? 0:09:52.785,0:09:54.702 ...Not-chyo BellGrande! 0:09:57.241,0:09:58.543 Oof! 0:09:59.235,0:10:04.453 Can we get those tacos to go please? We have a date... at the Wrath-o-Sphere! 0:10:08.115,0:10:09.800 So... you two from around here? 0:10:09.800,0:10:16.722 Oh, no, I'm from Ireland. And Zayn is from a wee little town in England called... Dumbhairshire. 0:10:16.722,0:10:19.199 Niall, I will slap you silly! 0:10:19.199,0:10:20.316 Bring it! 0:10:25.932,0:10:26.432 Hey! 0:10:26.432,0:10:26.950 Uh oh. 0:10:26.950,0:10:30.233 You're not crossdressers. You're just dressed up like crossdressers. 0:10:30.233,0:10:34.101 Uh... Zayn? -Yeah, Niall? -RUN! 0:10:34.101,0:10:34.841 Seize them! 0:10:36.856,0:10:38.973 Zayn, here! Let's take this elevator! 0:10:41.789,0:10:45.069 AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHhhhhhh— 0:10:45.069,0:10:45.998 OOF! 0:10:47.351,0:10:49.803 The garbage chute! Really wonderful idea! 0:10:49.803,0:10:53.475 sniff What an incredible smell you've discovered! 0:10:54.398,0:10:56.186 ...Don't be a c**t. 0:11:00.570,0:11:04.070 typing 0:11:05.270,0:11:08.309 This is a Unix system. I know this. 0:11:08.817,0:11:11.911 I should be able to override the security system to open up the prison doors 0:11:11.911,0:11:14.136 and let those pussycats loose. 0:11:15.182,0:11:15.972 Yes! 0:11:17.849,0:11:22.187 Oh, I'll open that door like Donkey Kong 64. click 0:11:25.049,0:11:29.176 Louis, Harry: The prison doors are open. It's up to you now to save the pussycats. 0:11:29.176,0:11:32.426 And make it—NOT SO FAST. 0:11:32.426,0:11:36.711 You, take pretty boy here down to the Torturitorium for a nice acid bath. 0:11:36.711,0:11:41.796 I'm sure Lord Faptaguise would enjoy seeing you burn alive to death. 0:11:41.796,0:11:43.301 Take him away! 0:11:43.301,0:11:45.546 And you, close the prison doors! 0:11:45.546,0:11:48.458 Dude, this is a Unix system. I don't know this. 0:11:52.997,0:11:56.556 Well, if it isn't Liam! -It is. -Of One Direction! 0:11:57.156,0:11:58.586 ...It is Liam of One Direction. 0:11:58.586,0:11:59.862 Well, not for long! 0:11:59.862,0:12:03.775 Oh, for long. And longer! You'll never dip me in a pit of acid, Faptaguise! 0:12:03.775,0:12:05.158 I have powerful friends! 0:12:05.158,0:12:06.900 Ha, you mean like this one? 0:12:06.900,0:12:08.050 Harry! 0:12:08.050,0:12:08.918 Liam! 0:12:08.918,0:12:10.127 Well, if it isn't Harry! 0:12:10.127,0:12:10.910 [Harry and Liam] It is. 0:12:10.910,0:12:12.347 Well done, May. 0:12:12.839,0:12:15.739 May? I thought your name was June! 0:12:15.739,0:12:18.946 April. -Whatever! -Yes, it's true. My name is May. 0:12:18.946,0:12:21.940 And I am Lord Faptaguise's henchwoman sent to capture you. 0:12:21.940,0:12:23.073 You liar! 0:12:23.350,0:12:24.813 No, I really do work for him. 0:12:25.167,0:12:26.692 No, I don't mean you're lying right now. 0:12:26.692,0:12:28.993 I just mean, you know... generally. 0:12:29.593,0:12:30.606 Oh... okay. 0:12:30.929,0:12:31.849 Okay. 0:12:31.849,0:12:35.055 Okay, tie him up and hang him from the ceiling as well. 0:12:35.055,0:12:38.704 He and his friend can burn in the pit of acid together! 0:12:38.704,0:12:42.094 Oh, but frisk him first. Make sure he doesn't—Well, actually, let me do it! 0:12:42.432,0:12:45.138 snickers creepily 0:12:46.384,0:12:49.568 Ohhh, Faptaguise. I just now got that. 0:12:49.568,0:12:52.254 Any weapons on him? -No, just this taco. 0:12:52.254,0:12:54.598 Dispose of this! -Yes, my lord! 0:12:54.613,0:12:55.976 But I bought that for him! 0:12:55.976,0:12:57.289 Shut up, May; no one likes you. 0:12:57.289,0:13:00.147 Oh... I am now beginning to question my allegiance. 0:13:00.147,0:13:04.393 I AM a villain, but Harry is so sweet and Faptaguise is a total jerkface. 0:13:04.393,0:13:05.806 I'm so confused! 0:13:07.806,0:13:09.893 NOOOOooooo... 0:13:09.893,0:13:11.765 You hear that? Sounds like Liam and Harry 0:13:11.765,0:13:12.827 are in trouble! 0:13:12.827,0:13:14.861 sliding noise You hear that? 0:13:16.338,0:13:18.253 Ooh, yummy! I haven't eaten all day! 0:13:18.253,0:13:23.160 guard coughing and sniffling You hear that? 0:13:23.160,0:13:27.458 guard blowing nose 0:13:27.458,0:13:30.484 guard clearing throat 0:13:31.059,0:13:31.728 flap 0:13:32.005,0:13:32.628 BA-THUD 0:13:35.739,0:13:36.516 squish 0:13:37.932,0:13:39.816 But I'm not eating that. -Yeah, you hear that. 0:13:40.047,0:13:43.237 Lower them in! Now you will meet your doom! 0:13:43.237,0:13:46.625 And once the Wrath-o-Sphere passes through the Dimensional Gate, 0:13:46.625,0:13:49.963 Earth will never see its precious little pussycats again! 0:13:49.963,0:13:51.971 glass breaking I don't think so! 0:13:52.402,0:13:53.274 Louis! 0:13:53.274,0:13:54.119 Harry! 0:13:54.119,0:13:54.855 Louis! 0:13:54.855,0:13:55.534 Liam! 0:13:55.534,0:13:56.431 Louis! 0:13:56.431,0:13:57.186 Who are you? 0:13:57.186,0:13:57.935 May. 0:13:57.935,0:13:58.849 May! 0:13:58.849,0:13:59.596 Louis! 0:13:59.596,0:14:01.137 Har—Hey, you already got one! 0:14:01.137,0:14:01.987 Hmph. 0:14:01.987,0:14:03.469 sigh Harry! 0:14:04.069,0:14:07.309 And as for me, I got—a Pussymagnet! 0:14:07.309,0:14:08.081 [Liam and Harry] Yes! 0:14:08.081,0:14:08.788 [Faptaguise and Guard] No! 0:14:08.788,0:14:11.820 Maybe! I am questioning my allegiance; I am so confused! 0:14:11.820,0:14:13.031 Here goes! 0:14:13.031,0:14:13.626 ahem 0:14:13.626,0:14:16.641 singing Well, she was just seventeen 0:14:16.641,0:14:18.899 You know what I mean 0:14:18.899,0:14:22.832 And the way she looked was way beyond compare 0:14:22.847,0:14:26.988 So how could I dance with another? 0:14:26.988,0:14:30.633 Woo! W-Woo?! speaking I can't hit that high note! 0:14:30.633,0:14:31.713 Woooo? 0:14:31.713,0:14:32.397 Seize him! 0:14:32.397,0:14:33.450 Woo! Wooo-GUHHH! 0:14:33.450,0:14:36.035 NOOOoooooo! 0:14:36.035,0:14:38.053 Man, they really need our help up there. 0:14:38.069,0:14:39.781 But the only way out is up. 0:14:39.781,0:14:40.927 How do we get up there? 0:14:40.927,0:14:43.273 Well, there's this old skateboard here. 0:14:43.273,0:14:46.282 And I could pick up some speed going down this hill of rubbish. 0:14:46.282,0:14:49.007 If only we had some sort of ramp... 0:14:49.007,0:14:50.368 ding 0:14:52.199,0:14:53.005 What? 0:14:53.389,0:14:54.108 Ready? 0:14:54.293,0:14:55.615 Yeah. 0:14:55.615,0:14:57.661 One... two... three! 0:14:58.830,0:14:59.746 woosh 0:14:59.746,0:15:00.415 boink 0:15:01.369,0:15:02.658 plop Whoa! -What the? 0:15:02.658,0:15:04.303 Harry! Catch! 0:15:04.810,0:15:05.751 gulp 0:15:05.751,0:15:07.067 Popeye-esque music plays 0:15:09.774,0:15:11.255 punch AHHHHH! 0:15:11.255,0:15:12.881 Thanks, Harry! -No sweat. 0:15:12.881,0:15:15.072 Now, how do you work this Pussymagnet? 0:15:15.072,0:15:17.428 It's supposed to be activated by a series of tones. 0:15:17.428,0:15:19.405 Hitting the high note at the end is the key. 0:15:19.405,0:15:21.758 But if anyone can do it, Harry, you can! 0:15:21.758,0:15:23.226 Awwww, Louis. 0:15:23.226,0:15:24.332 I mean it. 0:15:24.332,0:15:26.962 And I mean it, when I say... 0:15:26.962,0:15:32.432 singing Can we fall, one more time? 0:15:32.432,0:15:37.494 Stop the tape and rewind 0:15:37.494,0:15:43.543 Oh, and if you walk away I know I'll fade -Harry, I think it's working! Keep going! 0:15:43.543,0:15:48.658 'Cause there is nobody else 0:15:48.666,0:15:53.844 It's gotta be YOU! You! ahem Y-y-you! 0:15:53.844,0:15:55.679 Oh no, Harry, you almost had it! 0:15:55.679,0:15:57.572 I can't hit that high note! 0:15:57.572,0:16:00.838 Haha! You have failed! The pussycats are mine! 0:16:02.130,0:16:03.855 Louis! Hit me in the balls! 0:16:03.855,0:16:04.730 What? 0:16:04.730,0:16:06.408 Hit me in the balls! 0:16:06.408,0:16:07.112 No, Harry, I— 0:16:07.112,0:16:09.610 I can't be a pussy magnet without you! 0:16:09.610,0:16:11.349 Hit me in the balls! 0:16:11.349,0:16:13.860 Harry, I only hit you in the balls when you deserve it. 0:16:13.860,0:16:16.530 You know, like when you make an awful pun or something. 0:16:16.992,0:16:22.186 Hey! What do you call a Spanish toilet that weighs 2000 pounds? 0:16:23.756,0:16:25.405 ...El-Ton-John! 0:16:26.359,0:16:31.548 smack YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU! 0:16:31.548,0:16:34.498 Harry, it's working! -ONLY YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUU! 0:16:34.498,0:16:38.171 confused cat noises 0:16:38.171,0:16:43.529 YOUUUUUUUUUuuuuuuuuuuuuu... 0:16:44.237,0:16:45.499 Harry, you did it! 0:16:45.499,0:16:46.708 We did it! 0:16:46.708,0:16:49.723 Niall, get Liam down, and let's get out of here! 0:16:49.723,0:16:51.156 gun cocks I don't think so! 0:16:51.156,0:16:51.777 gasp 0:16:51.777,0:16:52.898 whirrrrrrrr 0:16:52.898,0:16:53.644 whap 0:16:53.644,0:16:54.282 thud 0:16:54.836,0:16:55.373 April! 0:16:55.373,0:16:55.888 May. 0:16:55.888,0:16:56.610 May! 0:16:56.918,0:16:58.359 You did that for me? 0:16:58.359,0:16:59.952 Yes, I had to. 0:16:59.952,0:17:02.936 Once you go Harry, you don't go... 0:17:02.936,0:17:06.946 Y-you, you don't—you don't go... 0:17:08.286,0:17:09.819 ...Well, you work on that, bye. 0:17:09.819,0:17:10.380 Bye. 0:17:10.380,0:17:12.031 By George, we did it, lads! 0:17:12.031,0:17:14.078 And Harry, you really hit that high note. 0:17:14.309,0:17:15.117 Didn't he, Molly? 0:17:15.317,0:17:15.917 Dusty. 0:17:15.917,0:17:18.827 And I couldn't have gotten that high without you. 0:17:19.089,0:17:21.324 If there's one thing I've learned, it's that 0:17:21.324,0:17:24.444 I get high with a little help from my friends. 0:17:24.721,0:17:26.415 [Liam and Niall] Awwww... 0:17:27.368,0:17:29.150 I thought that song was about drugs, though. 0:17:29.150,0:17:31.052 Shhhhhhh—achoo! 0:17:31.052,0:17:31.936 Are you coming down with something? 0:17:31.936,0:17:34.747 sniff Yeah, I think it was that taco. 0:17:34.747,0:17:37.018 Oh, yeah! Someone's snot rag was all over that taco. 0:17:37.018,0:17:38.380 Plus, it was on a pile of rubbish. 0:17:38.380,0:17:40.176 There's no telling what you'll come down with! 0:17:40.176,0:17:42.217 More like... one infection! 0:17:42.217,0:17:43.390 [ALL] laughing 0:17:43.390,0:17:44.236 Ugh... thud 0:18:08.836,0:18:10.044 Hello?