0:00:00.618,0:00:02.502 Hi. My name is Mark. 0:00:02.502,0:00:05.193 You know, there's a lot of One Direction fan fiction out there, 0:00:05.193,0:00:08.455 but it seems like all the stuff I've read is written by girls. 0:00:08.455,0:00:10.900 Which is great, you know, I'm not knocking girls. 0:00:10.900,0:00:14.476 Theyre...girls. 0:00:14.476,0:00:18.744 But, I just thought it was about time there was some 1D fan fic written by a dude. 0:00:18.744,0:00:22.579 Which...I'm one - dude. 0:00:22.579,0:00:24.802 So, that's what I did. 0:00:24.802,0:00:27.388 And then, I animated it. 0:00:28.204,0:00:31.049 Good morning. Y'all ready to order? 0:00:31.065,0:00:32.626 I'll have the French Toast, please. 0:00:32.626,0:00:34.557 I'll have the sausage biscuit, please. 0:00:34.557,0:00:36.858 I'll have the tacos, please. 0:00:36.858,0:00:37.666 Harry! 0:00:37.666,0:00:39.889 What? It's my favorite food! 0:00:39.889,0:00:41.527 Tacos are not for breakfast! 0:00:41.527,0:00:44.929 They are now. Introducing Tac-O's. 0:00:44.929,0:00:47.614 It's meat-, cheese- and lettuce-flavored O's 0:00:47.614,0:00:49.184 in a tortilla bowl. 0:00:49.184,0:00:50.130 That's disgusting. 0:00:50.130,0:00:52.979 It even makes the milk tastes like tacos. 0:00:52.979,0:00:54.587 That's even disgusting-er. 0:00:54.587,0:00:56.148 That's not even a word. 0:00:56.148,0:00:56.979 Hi guys. 0:00:56.979,0:00:57.971 [ALL] Hello, Zayn. 0:00:57.971,0:00:59.148 Whoa, new hairdo! 0:00:59.148,0:01:01.094 Yeah, what'ya think? 0:01:01.094,0:01:02.923 It's...uh... 0:01:02.923,0:01:05.977 It's...quite steep. 0:01:05.977,0:01:08.575 Bit like a...ski jump. 0:01:08.575,0:01:11.644 Which I guess is what you were going for? 0:01:11.644,0:01:13.386 [PHONE RINGS] 0:01:13.386,0:01:14.861 1D! Come in, 1D! 0:01:14.861,0:01:16.814 Oh look! A call from Psymon. 0:01:16.814,0:01:18.391 It's an emergency, boys! 0:01:18.391,0:01:20.386 Report to 1D HQ ASAP. 0:01:20.386,0:01:22.332 No time for breakfast, lads. 0:01:22.332,0:01:24.276 The world needs our help! 0:01:31.276,0:01:33.761 One Direction, thanks goodness you're here! 0:01:33.761,0:01:35.845 What seems to be the trouble, Psymon? 0:01:35.845,0:01:37.745 It doesn't look good, boys. 0:01:37.745,0:01:39.845 What doesn't look good? Oh, Zayn's new hairdo? 0:01:39.845,0:01:41.068 Niall! -[LAUGHS] What? 0:01:41.068,0:01:42.507 I will mess you up! 0:01:42.507,0:01:45.177 Mess me up? Oh, like your hairdresser messed up your hair? 0:01:45.177,0:01:46.446 Oh, it is ON! 0:01:46.446,0:01:48.592 Oh! Ow! Ow! Stop it! Oh! 0:01:48.592,0:01:50.759 It's on like Donkey Kong. -What? 0:01:50.759,0:01:53.659 Boys! Boys! The world is in it's hour of need. 0:01:53.659,0:01:55.682 We cannot afford to squabble over [ ]. 0:01:55.682,0:01:57.223 Why, what's up, Psymon? 0:01:57.223,0:01:59.431 Yeah what's up, besides Zayn's hair? 0:01:59.431,0:02:01.438 'cause that's really up, isn't it? 0:02:01.454,0:02:02.677 It's like weeeesh! 0:02:02.677,0:02:03.546 Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! 0:02:03.546,0:02:05.461 Reports are coming in all over town. 0:02:05.461,0:02:07.638 Pussycats are going missing by the thousands! 0:02:07.638,0:02:10.400 Oh, no! What a catastrophe! 0:02:10.400,0:02:15.404 Or should I say, CAT-astrophe? 0:02:15.404,0:02:17.611 Ooh! -No, you shouldn't. -[FALSETTO] OK. 0:02:17.611,0:02:20.711 We just need to get out there and help people find their pussycats. 0:02:20.711,0:02:22.503 It may not be as simple as that. 0:02:22.503,0:02:25.576 We have reason to believe Lord Faptaguise is behind this. 0:02:25.576,0:02:27.045 [ALL] Lord Faptaguise? 0:02:27.045,0:02:28.776 But we defeated him in the Battle of Zindalor. 0:02:28.776,0:02:29.814 Well, he's back! 0:02:29.814,0:02:32.914 And we all know how much Lord Faptaguise hates pussycats. 0:02:32.914,0:02:37.999 So the pussycats didn't just go missing, they've been kidnapped. 0:02:37.999,0:02:42.020 Or, should I say, CAT-napped? 0:02:42.020,0:02:45.116 cat-, catnipped, yes? 0:02:46.339,0:02:47.239 No. 0:02:47.239,0:02:48.001 [FALSETTO] Sorry. 0:02:48.001,0:02:49.939 So, where is Lord Fapatguise? 0:02:49.939,0:02:53.178 His dreaded tank fortress, the Rap-o-Sphere has been spotted 0:02:53.178,0:02:54.816 on the outskirts of town... 0:02:54.816,0:02:55.506 Good. 0:02:55.506,0:02:56.481 ...heading East. 0:02:56.481,0:02:57.965 Toward the Dimensional Gate. 0:02:57.965,0:02:59.788 Yes! We must act swiftly! 0:02:59.788,0:03:01.807 If the Rap-o-Sphere escapes to another dimension 0:03:01.807,0:03:04.761 with the pussycats on board, we will never see them again. 0:03:04.761,0:03:05.984 So, what's the plan? 0:03:05.984,0:03:09.268 Liam, Niall and Zayn: you three must infiltrate the Rap-o-Sphere 0:03:09.268,0:03:10.999 and found your way to the Control Room. 0:03:10.999,0:03:13.499 It no doubt will be heavily guarded by guards. 0:03:13.499,0:03:15.759 Niall and Zayn, you must eliminate them, 0:03:15.759,0:03:18.267 allowing Liam to gain access to the Control Room. 0:03:18.267,0:03:20.456 Easy! -Piece of pudding! -What? 0:03:20.456,0:03:22.156 Liam, once inside the Control Room, 0:03:22.156,0:03:24.266 you must hack into the Security Terminal, 0:03:24.266,0:03:26.166 and open the prison cell doors. 0:03:26.166,0:03:28.470 Hey! I'm on it like Donkey Konit. 0:03:28.470,0:03:30.533 What? No, wait. What? 0:03:30.533,0:03:32.679 Just open the cell doors? 0:03:32.679,0:03:34.915 But who's going to round up all the pussycats 0:03:34.915,0:03:36.369 and get them out of there? 0:03:36.369,0:03:39.176 Yes, all the pussys. That's where you come in, Harry. 0:03:39.176,0:03:40.076 You're telling me. 0:03:40.076,0:03:42.268 You must go deep into the Marmitian Swamp, 0:03:42.268,0:03:45.076 and seek the help of an old knight named Paul. 0:03:45.076,0:03:48.591 He will teach you the ancient art of retrieving pussycats. 0:03:48.591,0:03:51.091 I don't need help, I can do it alone. 0:03:51.091,0:03:53.132 No you can't, Harry. That's why you and Louis 0:03:53.132,0:03:54.925 will seek out Sir Paul together. 0:03:54.925,0:03:57.225 Only with teamwork, can you save all the pussycats - 0:03:57.225,0:03:58.971 including your own! 0:03:58.971,0:04:01.932 Oh no, Molly! Did they get Molly? 0:04:02.948,0:04:04.717 I thought his name was Dusty? 0:04:04.726,0:04:07.069 Depends which web site you read.