In the final clip of this Question and Answer week I want to answer some questions I received on the exam. What to expect? The exam consists of one hundred multiple choice questions. Each question has, just like the weekly practice questions, three possible answers, only one of which is correct. I have tried to make the questions comparable to what you are used to, so I don' expect any surprises there. The topics are of course everything that we discussed in the weekly lectures and just to avoid misunderstanding, that also includes this week's contents. The contents of the Little Box of Nuance, however, are not part of the exam. I will ask you to define concepts, name theories and models, mention important scholars, technological innovations, pick the correct approach that fits one particular statement. All of these things. Basically everything that we practiced. Well I recommend that you use the text files we've made available of the lecture transcripts. and the practice questions. I'm sure they will come in handy. You have one week to fill in the exam. You will have to look on our website for the final date to submit the exam. Your certificate with your grade will be emailed to you within three weeks. Just something else. I can imagine it's very tempting to use offline or online help, while making the exam. But I strongly recommend against this. As you know, your certificate and grade is solely for yourself. It does not give you university credits and it is not comparable to our regular certificates. It is a certificate of participation. An indicator of your interest in our field, and your personal commitment and dedication to follow this course through. Therefore, make it a real reflection of your knowledge and understanding I'm sure you will value it more that way. In week eight I will a present a behind the scene look on our MOOC It's about why we made this course, how we made it, who made it, things we learned on the way, who you are, and what you thought of the course, according to the survey we sent out, and what future improvements might be. Also, we'll talk about the exam, how well you did, and how many people finished the entire course within our set timeframe. I wish you good luck for next week.