0:00:00.788,0:00:02.970 My dream is to build the world's first 0:00:02.970,0:00:05.704 underground park in New York City. 0:00:05.704,0:00:08.121 Now, why would someone want[br]to build an underground park, 0:00:08.121,0:00:11.378 and why in New York City? 0:00:11.378,0:00:12.942 These three tough little buggers 0:00:12.942,0:00:15.778 are, on the left, my grandmother, age five, 0:00:15.778,0:00:17.128 and then her sister and brother, 0:00:17.128,0:00:18.916 ages 11 and nine. 0:00:18.916,0:00:20.863 This photo was taken just before they left 0:00:20.863,0:00:23.541 from Italy to emigrate to the United States, 0:00:23.541,0:00:25.982 just about a century ago. 0:00:25.982,0:00:27.377 And like many immigrants at the time, 0:00:27.377,0:00:29.088 they arrived on the Lower East Side 0:00:29.088,0:00:30.461 in New York City 0:00:30.461,0:00:33.160 and they encountered a crazy melting pot. 0:00:33.160,0:00:34.567 What was amazing about their generation 0:00:34.567,0:00:37.627 was that they were not only building new lives 0:00:37.627,0:00:40.012 in this new, unfamiliar area, 0:00:40.012,0:00:42.656 but they were also literally building the city. 0:00:42.656,0:00:44.479 I've always been fascinated by those decades 0:00:44.479,0:00:46.189 and by that history, 0:00:46.189,0:00:48.278 and I would often beg my grandmother 0:00:48.278,0:00:49.947 to tell me as many stories as possible 0:00:49.947,0:00:52.265 about the old New York. 0:00:52.265,0:00:54.133 But she would often just shrug it off, 0:00:54.133,0:00:56.383 tell me to eat more meatballs, more pasta, 0:00:56.383,0:00:58.082 and so I very rarely got 0:00:58.082,0:01:01.355 any of the history that I wanted to hear about. 0:01:01.355,0:01:02.886 The New York City that I encountered 0:01:02.886,0:01:04.844 felt pretty built up. 0:01:04.844,0:01:06.711 I always knew as a kid that I wanted 0:01:06.711,0:01:08.489 to make a difference and to somehow 0:01:08.489,0:01:10.435 make the world more beautiful, more interesting, 0:01:10.435,0:01:11.842 and more just. 0:01:11.842,0:01:13.259 I just didn't really know how. 0:01:13.259,0:01:14.947 At first, I thought I wanted to go work abroad, 0:01:14.947,0:01:17.366 so I took a job with UNICEF in Kenya. 0:01:17.366,0:01:19.481 But it felt weird to me that I knew more about 0:01:19.481,0:01:23.115 local Kenyan politics than the[br]politics of my own hometown. 0:01:23.115,0:01:25.121 I took a job with the City of New York, 0:01:25.121,0:01:27.270 but very quickly felt frustrated 0:01:27.270,0:01:30.308 with the slowness of government bureaucracy. 0:01:30.308,0:01:32.243 I even took a job at Google, 0:01:32.243,0:01:35.011 where very fast I drank the Kool-Aid 0:01:35.011,0:01:36.856 and believed almost wholeheartedly 0:01:36.856,0:01:40.654 that technology could solve all social problems. 0:01:40.654,0:01:44.030 But I still didn't feel like I was[br]making the world a better place. 0:01:44.030,0:01:45.819 It was in 2009 that my friend 0:01:45.819,0:01:47.787 and now business partner James Ramsey 0:01:47.787,0:01:50.881 alerted me to the location of a pretty spectacular site, 0:01:50.881,0:01:52.411 which is this. 0:01:52.411,0:01:54.166 This is the former trolley terminal 0:01:54.166,0:01:56.904 that was the depot for passengers 0:01:56.904,0:01:58.648 traveling over the Williamsburg Bridge 0:01:58.648,0:02:00.932 from Brooklyn to Manhattan, 0:02:00.932,0:02:03.701 and it was open between 1908 and 1948, 0:02:03.701,0:02:05.613 just around the time when my grandparents were 0:02:05.613,0:02:08.122 living right in the area, 0:02:08.122,0:02:09.640 and we learned also that the site 0:02:09.640,0:02:12.882 was entirely abandoned in 1948. 0:02:12.882,0:02:14.805 Fascinated by this discovery, 0:02:14.805,0:02:17.933 we begged the authorities to draw us into the space, 0:02:17.933,0:02:19.440 and we finally got a tour, 0:02:19.440,0:02:21.590 and this is what we saw. 0:02:21.590,0:02:23.300 Now, this photo doesn't really do it justice. 0:02:23.300,0:02:25.960 It's kind of hard to imagine the unbelievably magical 0:02:25.960,0:02:28.119 feeling that you have when you get in this space. 0:02:28.119,0:02:31.967 It's a football field of unused land 0:02:31.967,0:02:35.084 immediately below a very crowded area of the city, 0:02:35.084,0:02:37.345 and it almost feels like you're Indiana Jones 0:02:37.345,0:02:39.055 on an architectural dig, 0:02:39.055,0:02:40.833 and all the details are all still there. 0:02:40.833,0:02:43.151 It's really pretty remarkable. 0:02:43.151,0:02:45.401 Now, the site itself is located at the very heart 0:02:45.401,0:02:47.055 of the Lower East Side, 0:02:47.055,0:02:48.766 and today it still remains one of the most 0:02:48.766,0:02:50.757 crowded neighborhoods in the city. 0:02:50.757,0:02:52.557 New York City has two thirds the green space 0:02:52.557,0:02:54.605 per resident as other big cities, 0:02:54.605,0:02:57.778 and this neighborhood as one tenth the green space. 0:02:57.778,0:02:59.601 So we immediately started thinking about how we 0:02:59.601,0:03:01.671 could take this site and turn it into something 0:03:01.671,0:03:03.448 that could be used for the public, 0:03:03.448,0:03:06.036 but also could potentially even be green. 0:03:06.036,0:03:07.780 Our plan, in a nutshell, 0:03:07.780,0:03:09.841 is to draw natural sunlight underground 0:03:09.841,0:03:12.944 using a simple system that[br]harvests sunlight above the street, 0:03:12.944,0:03:15.094 directs it below the city sidewalks, 0:03:15.094,0:03:17.310 and would allow plants and trees to grow 0:03:17.310,0:03:19.999 with the light that's directed underneath. 0:03:19.999,0:03:22.230 With this approach, you could take a site 0:03:22.230,0:03:23.941 that looks like this today 0:03:23.941,0:03:25.707 and transform it into something 0:03:25.707,0:03:28.363 that looks like this. 0:03:28.363,0:03:31.704 In 2011, we first released some of these images, 0:03:31.704,0:03:33.223 and what was funny was, 0:03:33.223,0:03:35.417 a lot of people said to us, "Oh it kind of looks 0:03:35.417,0:03:37.353 like the High Line underground." 0:03:37.353,0:03:41.673 And so what our nickname ended up becoming 0:03:41.673,0:03:43.473 and what ended up sticking 0:03:43.473,0:03:46.319 was the Low Line, so the Low Line was born. 0:03:46.319,0:03:47.996 What was also clear was that people really wanted 0:03:47.996,0:03:49.694 to know a lot more about how the technology 0:03:49.694,0:03:51.260 would look and feel, 0:03:51.260,0:03:53.393 and that there was really much more interest in this 0:03:53.393,0:03:55.488 than we had ever thought possible. 0:03:55.488,0:03:57.727 So, like a crazy person, I decided to quit my job 0:03:57.727,0:03:59.921 and focus entirely on this project. 0:03:59.921,0:04:01.743 Here is us with our team 0:04:01.743,0:04:04.151 putting together a technology demonstration 0:04:04.151,0:04:06.063 in a warehouse. 0:04:06.063,0:04:09.270 Here's the underbelly of this solar canopy 0:04:09.270,0:04:11.599 which we built to show the technology. 0:04:11.599,0:04:14.479 You can see the six solarflectors at the center there. 0:04:14.479,0:04:17.078 And here's the full exhibit all put together 0:04:17.078,0:04:18.541 in this warehouse. 0:04:18.541,0:04:20.318 You can see the solar canopy overhead, 0:04:20.318,0:04:21.974 the light streaming in, 0:04:21.974,0:04:24.358 and this entirely live green space below. 0:04:24.358,0:04:26.124 So in the course of just a few weeks, 0:04:26.124,0:04:29.353 tens of thousands of people came to see our exhibit, 0:04:29.353,0:04:31.044 and since that time, we've grown 0:04:31.044,0:04:33.111 our numbers of supporters both locally 0:04:33.111,0:04:36.163 and among design enthusiasts all over the world. 0:04:36.163,0:04:37.884 Here's a rendering of the neighborhood 0:04:37.884,0:04:40.078 just immediately above the line site, 0:04:40.078,0:04:42.384 and a rendering of how it will look 0:04:42.384,0:04:44.668 after major redevelopment that is coming 0:04:44.668,0:04:46.671 over the course of the next 10 years. 0:04:46.671,0:04:48.786 Notice how crowd the neighborhood still feels 0:04:48.786,0:04:51.070 and how there's really a lack of green space. 0:04:51.070,0:04:53.230 So what we're proposing is really something that will 0:04:53.230,0:04:57.180 add one football field of green space 0:04:57.180,0:04:59.666 underneath this neighborhood, but more importantly 0:04:59.666,0:05:02.760 will introduce a really community-driven focus 0:05:02.760,0:05:04.943 in a rapidly gentrifying area. 0:05:04.943,0:05:06.687 And right now, we're focusing very closely 0:05:06.687,0:05:09.106 on how we engage with the City of New York 0:05:09.106,0:05:12.549 on really transforming the overall ecosystem 0:05:12.549,0:05:14.630 in an integrated way. 0:05:14.630,0:05:16.239 Here's our rendering of how we would actually 0:05:16.239,0:05:18.377 invite people into the space itself. 0:05:18.377,0:05:20.683 So here you see this iconic entrance 0:05:20.683,0:05:22.855 in which we would literally peel up the street 0:05:22.855,0:05:25.870 and reveal the historical layers of the city, 0:05:25.870,0:05:28.775 and invite people into this warm, underground space. 0:05:28.775,0:05:31.214 In the middle of winter, when it's[br]absolutely freezing outside, 0:05:31.214,0:05:32.474 the last place you'd want to go would be 0:05:32.474,0:05:34.344 an outdoor space or outdoor park. 0:05:34.344,0:05:36.559 The Low Line would really be a four-season space 0:05:36.559,0:05:39.225 and a respite for the city. 0:05:39.225,0:05:41.363 So I like to think that the Low Line actually brings 0:05:41.363,0:05:43.984 my own family's story full circle. 0:05:43.984,0:05:45.998 If my grandparents and my parents were really 0:05:45.998,0:05:49.205 focused on building the city up and out, 0:05:49.205,0:05:51.511 I think my generation is focused on reclaiming 0:05:51.511,0:05:53.379 the spaces that we already have, 0:05:53.379,0:05:55.336 rediscovering our shared history, 0:05:55.336,0:05:57.384 and reimagining how we can make our communities 0:05:57.384,0:06:00.737 more interesting, more beautiful, and more just. 0:06:00.737,0:06:02.706 Thanks. 0:06:02.706,0:06:04.437 (Applause)