0:00:00.000,0:00:03.136 (Ian Goldin) Great, thank you: it's [br]wonderful to be with educators 0:00:03.136,0:00:06.377 who care about the intersection[br]of learning and technology, 0:00:06.377,0:00:08.076 because that's going to shape the future. 0:00:08.388,0:00:11.247 Whether we're able [br]to get this right or not 0:00:11.247,0:00:14.475 will determine whether we have[br]a glorious 21st century 0:00:14.730,0:00:17.346 or a period of unmitigated risks. 0:00:17.808,0:00:21.502 The walls are coming down everywhere and[br]it's difficult to not think about this, 0:00:21.502,0:00:23.945 being so close to it, here in Berlin, 0:00:23.952,0:00:26.898 25 years ago, these walls coming down. 0:00:26.898,0:00:29.420 But it's not just about physical walls[br]coming down, 0:00:29.840,0:00:32.911 it's about mental walls,[br]it's about financial walls, 0:00:32.911,0:00:34.643 it's about technological walls. 0:00:34.657,0:00:38.202 All the walls are coming down,[br]and it's that 0:00:38.202,0:00:41.961 which makes this the most exciting century [br]in the history of humanity. 0:00:42.318,0:00:45.658 It changes all of our lives[br]in surprising ways. 0:00:45.891,0:00:47.775 And it's certainly changed mine. 0:00:47.789,0:00:50.223 I was living in Paris [br]when this wall came down. 0:00:50.591,0:00:53.198 I didn't imagine that it would touch me[br]personally. 0:00:53.198,0:00:57.218 I thought it was about Eastern Europe,[br]about the Cold War, about something else. 0:00:57.218,0:01:01.278 But within 6 months, I would, [br]much to my surprise, 0:01:01.278,0:01:06.275 I was invited to have dinner with[br]President Mandela in Paris. 0:01:06.275,0:01:09.197 He wasn't president then, [br]he had just been released from prison. 0:01:09.625,0:01:12.250 But he was released [br]because the Cold War ended. 0:01:13.074,0:01:16.512 And the defining feature of this period[br]we live in, our lives, 0:01:17.522,0:01:21.858 is that what happens elsewhere will[br]dramatically affect us in new ways. 0:01:21.858,0:01:25.335 It's this change that results [br]from the walls coming down. 0:01:25.335,0:01:29.303 And it's this change that will shape[br]education going forward 0:01:29.303,0:01:30.966 and technological progress. 0:01:31.698,0:01:36.000 And of course, the other fundamental [br]period of -- in this time -- 0:01:36.000,0:01:40.172 is technology, technology[br]which got off the ground 0:01:40.172,0:01:44.352 at the same time as the Berlin Wall[br]came down, over 25 years, 0:01:44.352,0:01:47.493 this exponential growth in[br]virtual connectivity. 0:01:48.585,0:01:53.405 And now we have a world of 5 billion[br]literate, educated people 0:01:53.405,0:01:55.795 whereas we had a world, [br]only 30 years ago, 0:01:55.795,0:01:58.711 of well less than a billion [br]connected people. 0:01:59.162,0:02:02.568 Four billion more literate[br]connected people in the world, 0:02:02.568,0:02:04.371 and this is the engine of change, 0:02:04.371,0:02:08.086 where the people in the slums of Mumbai,[br]Soweto, Sao Paulo, 0:02:10.159,0:02:11.833 or in apartments in Berlin, 0:02:11.833,0:02:14.973 they will contribute to change [br]in surprising new ways. 0:02:14.973,0:02:16.312 And they're coming together. 0:02:16.575,0:02:18.986 There is a release of individual genius. 0:02:18.986,0:02:24.030 If you believe in the random distribution[br]of exceptional capabilities, which I do, 0:02:24.030,0:02:29.036 there is just more people out there,[br]educated, connected, giving, learning. 0:02:29.036,0:02:31.448 But I also believe in collective genius, 0:02:31.448,0:02:33.689 the capabilities of people [br]coming together, 0:02:33.689,0:02:36.348 to form teams, [br]to learn from each other 0:02:37.322,0:02:40.634 through the methods that [br]we heard about this morning. 0:02:40.634,0:02:42.373 and in other ways. 0:02:42.373,0:02:46.529 So new cures for cancer being developed[br]on 24-hour cycles around the world. 0:02:46.529,0:02:52.622 My lab in Oxford, doing this with people [br]in Beijing and San Francisco and Palo Alto 0:02:52.622,0:02:54.791 and all over, in real time. 0:02:55.413,0:02:57.687 There is no sleep on innovation any more. 0:02:57.982,0:03:01.211 And that's the power, the engine,[br]which brings change. 0:03:01.211,0:03:03.029 So if you think you've seen [br]a lot of change 0:03:03.029,0:03:05.127 be ready for much more surprises. 0:03:05.127,0:03:08.080 This is the slowest time in history[br]you will know. 0:03:08.471,0:03:11.602 It's going to get faster,[br]the pace of change greater, 0:03:11.602,0:03:14.276 the surprises more intense. 0:03:14.657,0:03:16.537 It's always going to be 0:03:19.040,0:03:21.684 more and more difficult [br]to predict what's next. 0:03:21.684,0:03:25.267 Uncertainty will grow because[br]the pace of change is growing. 0:03:25.267,0:03:26.779 Because the walls have come down, 0:03:26.779,0:03:31.334 there are two billion more people [br]in the world since 1990. 0:03:31.937,0:03:34.478 And that's because ideas have traveled,[br]simple ideas, 0:03:34.478,0:03:38.039 like washing your hands prevents[br]contagious diseases; 0:03:38.039,0:03:41.906 really complicated ideas[br]like those embedded in vaccines 0:03:41.906,0:03:44.640 in new cures for cancer[br]and many other things. 0:03:44.967,0:03:49.240 Two billion more people coming together,[br]most of them now urbanized, 0:03:49.572,0:03:52.316 and even those that aren't[br]physically together, 0:03:52.316,0:03:53.781 virtually together. 0:03:53.791,0:03:56.283 A quite extraordinary moment[br]in human history, 0:03:56.283,0:03:59.650 one where we've come together[br]as a community, 0:04:00.660,0:04:05.597 like we were 150,000 years ago,[br]when we lived in villages together, 0:04:05.597,0:04:09.871 our ancestors in East Africa,[br]and then dispersed around the world 0:04:09.871,0:04:11.848 and now, reconnected. 0:04:11.848,0:04:15.988 And it's this reconnection, which[br]I believe, gives us the potential. 0:04:15.988,0:04:17.563 But do we learn from it? 0:04:17.563,0:04:20.160 And are we able to think of ourselves[br]in new ways, 0:04:20.160,0:04:22.207 because we're connecting in new ways? 0:04:22.396,0:04:27.428 Is this wall coming down changing the way[br]we are and we think? 0:04:27.428,0:04:31.194 Or do we still think like individualists[br]in our nation states, 0:04:31.194,0:04:34.984 pursuing our own self-interest[br]and those of our countries, 0:04:34.984,0:04:38.316 not realizing that now,[br]we are in a different game? 0:04:38.316,0:04:40.571 Now we're in a game in which[br]we have to cooperate, 0:04:40.571,0:04:42.448 where we have to think about others, 0:04:42.448,0:04:47.326 where our actions, for the first time,[br]spill over in dramatic new ways 0:04:47.326,0:04:50.189 and affect people [br]on the other side of the planet. 0:04:51.492,0:04:57.945 This pace of education means that [br]not only are we liberating ourselves, 0:04:57.945,0:05:02.218 but we're liberating people from[br]all sorts of past habits. 0:05:02.218,0:05:06.024 And this change is leading [br]to quick changes in social norms. 0:05:07.761,0:05:10.480 Acceptance of gay marriage [br]is one of those, 0:05:10.480,0:05:12.881 but there'll be many, many, many others. 0:05:12.881,0:05:15.566 And so, what we think about [br]as normal today 0:05:16.038,0:05:19.210 will seem very strange [br]in a few years' time: 0:05:19.463,0:05:23.267 this pace of change driven by education, 0:05:24.526,0:05:27.072 more doctorates being created [br]in China now 0:05:27.072,0:05:29.535 than in the rest of the world [br]put together every year, 0:05:29.535,0:05:31.299 more scientists alive today 0:05:31.299,0:05:33.349 than all the scientists [br]that ever lived in history, 0:05:33.349,0:05:35.306 more literate people alive today 0:05:35.306,0:05:37.656 than all the literate people [br]that ever lived in history. 0:05:37.656,0:05:39.597 This is the engine of change. 0:05:40.305,0:05:43.340 But it's not simply about [br]more and more progress. 0:05:43.340,0:05:45.277 It's not simply that we know 0:05:45.277,0:05:47.117 that this is going to get [br]better and better. 0:05:48.228,0:05:50.082 It's about what's next. 0:05:50.082,0:05:51.823 We don't know what the future holds. 0:05:51.823,0:05:55.027 We live in this extraordinary moment [br]of our lives 0:05:55.027,0:06:00.004 where we've seen exponential growth[br]in incomes: that's red. 0:06:00.459,0:06:03.850 And we seen this most rapid [br]increase in populations, 0:06:03.850,0:06:09.572 and income growth, even more rapid[br]than population growth, which is why 0:06:09.572,0:06:13.009 people have escaped poverty at a pace[br]that has never happened in history. 0:06:13.497,0:06:18.022 Despite the world's population increasing[br]by two billion over the last 25 years, 0:06:18.022,0:06:22.398 the number of desperately poor people[br]has gone down by about 300 million. 0:06:22.398,0:06:23.952 This has never happened before. 0:06:23.952,0:06:27.755 This is an incredible time, by far [br]the best time to be alive. 0:06:28.047,0:06:31.475 Just while you're here, your average [br]life expectancy should increase 0:06:31.475,0:06:32.875 by about 10 hours. 0:06:33.255,0:06:34.832 That's the pace of progress: 0:06:35.443,0:06:38.941 what you're learning,[br]and what's happening in the labs. 0:06:39.262,0:06:42.291 And it's that which makes me [br]incredibly optimistic. 0:06:42.291,0:06:45.966 This is the age of discovery,[br]this is the new Renaissance. 0:06:46.319,0:06:49.978 This is a period of creativity[br]and technological change 0:06:50.223,0:06:52.914 which hasn't been seen for 500 years. 0:06:52.914,0:06:55.932 This is from my stem cell lab[br]in the Oxford Martin School: 0:06:57.333,0:07:00.376 the lab technician's skin[br]turned into a heart cell. 0:07:00.692,0:07:03.410 And this is one of the [br]extraordinary things that's happening 0:07:04.063,0:07:07.254 that makes one so excited [br]about the future. 0:07:07.695,0:07:12.667 A future of rising life expectancy,[br]so children being born today 0:07:12.667,0:07:19.417 in Berlin or elsewhere in Europe,[br]will have life expectancies well over 100, 0:07:19.417,0:07:22.274 and not having to worry about the things[br]that I worry about, 0:07:22.274,0:07:25.029 like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and dementia. 0:07:25.029,0:07:29.116 But what skills are they learning today[br]that will help them shape this future, 0:07:29.116,0:07:33.752 prepare for it, and will still be relevant[br]in a hundred years time? 0:07:34.284,0:07:38.320 It's those skills that you have [br]the responsibility to help shape. 0:07:38.680,0:07:43.877 We can imagine this glorious future,[br]an extraordinary time in human history. 0:07:44.388,0:07:45.901 But we can also realize 0:07:45.909,0:07:48.687 that it could come very, very badly[br]at stuck. 0:07:49.396,0:07:51.517 I looked at the Renaissance [br]for inspiration 0:07:51.517,0:07:55.345 to try and understand how people[br]interpreted these choices. 0:07:55.345,0:07:58.796 That was a period of [br]creative exceptionalism, 0:07:59.357,0:08:01.467 scientific exceptionalism. 0:08:01.467,0:08:06.017 And we think today of the iconic figures,[br]the Michelangelos, the Da Vincis, 0:08:06.017,0:08:07.596 the Copernicuses, 0:08:07.596,0:08:11.672 discovering the earth went round the sun,[br]not the other way round, 0:08:11.891,0:08:15.713 fundamentally changing our understanding[br]of ourselves in the universe 0:08:15.713,0:08:18.756 in ways that will happen [br]in our lifetimes. 0:08:19.340,0:08:22.717 Fundamental changes [br]which lead to Humanism, 0:08:23.093,0:08:26.938 Enlightenment and many, [br]many other things, 0:08:27.645,0:08:29.610 spurred by technologies. 0:08:29.610,0:08:32.523 Then, it was the Gutenberg press. 0:08:32.883,0:08:35.614 Simple ideas travel very rapidly. 0:08:36.204,0:08:38.318 Until then only monks [br]could read and write, 0:08:38.318,0:08:40.387 in Latin, in their monasteries. 0:08:40.387,0:08:43.179 Less than half of 1% of the world[br]was literate. 0:08:43.179,0:08:46.251 There was nothing to read [br]-- and it was in Latin. 0:08:46.765,0:08:51.175 And then, this invention lead[br]to a whole new way of thinking. 0:08:51.175,0:08:55.761 Ideas traveled, people could learn[br]in their own languages, 0:08:56.224,0:08:57.775 and we had the Renaissance. 0:08:58.512,0:09:00.807 We also had the development [br]of nationalism 0:09:01.313,0:09:03.294 because people could identify. 0:09:03.752,0:09:07.249 and of course, massive [br]technological push-back. 0:09:07.770,0:09:10.965 The Bonfire of the Vanities, [br]the burning of books, 0:09:11.267,0:09:13.920 not far from here and across Europe. 0:09:14.402,0:09:19.254 Destruction of presses,[br]religious fundamentalism, 0:09:19.254,0:09:22.851 extremism,[br]religious wars for 150 years. 0:09:22.851,0:09:24.968 Now if you recall those curves I put up, 0:09:24.968,0:09:28.493 of the long trajectory of income growth[br]and population growth, 0:09:28.785,0:09:31.034 but the Renaissance did not figure. 0:09:31.034,0:09:34.169 It was a non-event, [br]it lead to no improvements 0:09:34.169,0:09:37.524 in people's welfare in Europe or beyond. 0:09:37.885,0:09:39.005 Are we different? 0:09:39.311,0:09:44.588 Can we embrace our technologies in ways[br]that lead to sustained progress? 0:09:44.940,0:09:47.429 And there are two things I worry about[br]in this respect. 0:09:47.785,0:09:51.953 First, while the walls have gone down[br]between societies, 0:09:52.382,0:09:56.516 within societies, [br]the walls are going up everywhere. 0:09:56.516,0:10:00.164 All countries are experiencing [br]rising inequality. 0:10:00.456,0:10:01.576 Why is this? 0:10:02.129,0:10:06.259 It's because the pace of progress [br]is so fast at the frontier 0:10:06.740,0:10:10.385 that this process of integration[br]-- some call it globalization -- 0:10:10.767,0:10:15.852 has led to such rapid change[br]that if you aren't on the frontier, 0:10:15.852,0:10:21.064 if you don't have the skills, [br]the mobility, the attitude to change, 0:10:22.054,0:10:27.741 to adapt, to grab new things,[br]you're left further and further behind. 0:10:27.741,0:10:31.696 If you're in the wrong place, [br]with the wrong skills at the wrong time, 0:10:31.696,0:10:35.696 or you're too old,[br]you're left further and further behind. 0:10:35.696,0:10:38.719 And so we see in all societies [br]rising inequality. 0:10:39.048,0:10:42.489 And some people have been able to capture[br]the goods of globalization. 0:10:43.049,0:10:44.825 They've been able to park their money, 0:10:44.825,0:10:47.245 whether they are a corporation [br]in Bermuda or somewhere, 0:10:47.245,0:10:50.893 or an individual in Monaco [br]or Lichtenstein or Luxembourg. 0:10:51.053,0:10:53.610 And so governments are becoming [br]less and less able 0:10:54.424,0:10:56.928 to tax their citizens [br]and tax their corporates 0:10:56.928,0:11:00.802 and less able to fund education,[br]health, infrastructure, 0:11:00.802,0:11:02.073 and the other things we need. 0:11:03.067,0:11:07.366 And the second big problem[br]of this integration process 0:11:07.366,0:11:09.198 is: when things connect, 0:11:09.430,0:11:12.316 unfortunately,[br]not only good stuff connects. 0:11:12.560,0:11:14.724 Rarely, bad stuff connects too. 0:11:15.858,0:11:21.213 And so the question is how do we have [br]this complex, dense, intertwined system 0:11:21.213,0:11:24.180 without becoming overwhelmed by it? 0:11:24.180,0:11:26.960 Are we able to manage[br]our interdependencies 0:11:26.960,0:11:29.867 in ways that will be sustained[br]and benefit us, 0:11:29.867,0:11:31.978 or will they overwhelm us? 0:11:31.978,0:11:36.224 And this is both the intended[br]consequences which lead 0:11:36.224,0:11:38.204 to unintended bads. 0:11:38.204,0:11:42.398 Our intended consequence of using[br]more antibiotics around the world 0:11:42.398,0:11:44.316 leading to antibiotic resistance. 0:11:44.610,0:11:46.479 Or as our energy growth grows[br]around the world 0:11:46.479,0:11:50.114 because people are escaping poverty,[br]leading to climate change. 0:11:50.544,0:11:54.674 Or as our resource use increases[br]because people are consuming more food, 0:11:54.931,0:11:56.697 leading to resource depletion. 0:11:56.925,0:12:02.467 And the unintended consequences,[br]banks which spread around the globe 0:12:02.467,0:12:06.231 becoming centers of cascading risk[br]and financial crisis. 0:12:06.573,0:12:12.648 Airports spreading pandemics, what I call[br]the butterfly defect of globalization. 0:12:13.635,0:12:15.786 The spreading of risk is not a new idea. 0:12:15.786,0:12:19.291 We think in England that a rat coming[br]off a ship in Liverpool 0:12:19.291,0:12:22.728 might have killed half the British[br]population in the Black Death. 0:12:22.975,0:12:25.950 Early globalization leading [br]to systemic risk. 0:12:26.247,0:12:29.058 But what's new is the pace[br]and scale of the change. 0:12:29.713,0:12:32.142 So the swine flu that starts [br]in Mexico City 0:12:32.142,0:12:35.914 in 160 countries in thirty days. 0:12:35.914,0:12:39.397 And the emerging infections group[br]in the Oxford Martin School 0:12:39.974,0:12:44.002 has modeled spread of this[br]with airline traffic 0:12:44.002,0:12:45.639 and shown it exactly replicates. 0:12:45.639,0:12:48.482 So the super-spreaders of the good[br]of globalization 0:12:48.970,0:12:53.604 like JFK, Heathrow, Frankfurt, [br]and other great airports 0:12:54.373,0:12:58.196 become the super-spreaders of the bads,[br]in this case, pandemics. 0:12:59.062,0:13:02.186 And in the cybersphere, of course,[br]we see this dramatically, 0:13:02.577,0:13:08.185 that anything can be instantaneously[br]elsewhere, be it good or be it bad. 0:13:08.523,0:13:11.477 In finance, we've seen a dramatic [br]indication of this, 0:13:11.477,0:13:16.431 this collapsing system starting [br]from a subprime crisis in the US 0:13:16.431,0:13:21.607 leading to 100 million people laid off[br]in work from work around the world. 0:13:21.996,0:13:24.805 So what happens somewhere[br]dramatically affecting people 0:13:24.805,0:13:27.844 on the other side of the world[br]in the same way that my life 0:13:27.844,0:13:31.804 was shaped, but sometimes[br]with disastrous consequences. 0:13:32.807,0:13:38.719 And what the financial system also teaches[br]us is the rising power of individuals. 0:13:38.945,0:13:44.486 These new technologies give individuals[br]simply unprecedented powers. 0:13:45.056,0:13:47.836 Barings Bank had existed for 200 years. 0:13:48.353,0:13:53.006 It had withstood the most amazing[br]technological, political, and other changes, 0:13:53.006,0:13:58.774 and one young man, Nick Leeson, [br]having some fun, a bit of trading, 0:13:58.774,0:13:59.934 managed to bring it down. 0:13:59.934,0:14:03.470 And the same thing almost happened[br]in Société Générale with Jérôme Kerviel, 0:14:03.470,0:14:06.114 JP Morgan, UBS, and many others. 0:14:06.114,0:14:09.798 We see that these individuals[br]now have power in new ways. 0:14:10.177,0:14:14.870 And of course, individuals can also,[br]in new ways, develop biopathogens 0:14:14.870,0:14:18.808 using a DNA sequencing which[br]is going down exponentially in price, 0:14:19.079,0:14:21.842 a single individual now[br]can build something, 0:14:21.842,0:14:24.489 using a technology like a drone [br]to distribute it, 0:14:25.295,0:14:28.743 and kill perhaps tens, if not hundreds, [br]of millions of people. 0:14:28.997,0:14:33.723 This new capability, this new power[br]of individuals has changed 0:14:34.382,0:14:38.903 so that nation states are becoming[br]less and less powerful 0:14:39.257,0:14:41.294 relative to the power of individuals. 0:14:41.294,0:14:44.110 And there are seven billion of us[br]growing to nine billion 0:14:44.110,0:14:45.864 over the next 35 years. 0:14:46.734,0:14:49.526 Within the cybersphere,[br]we see this dramatically, 0:14:49.736,0:14:52.659 how small groups can cause mayhem, 0:14:52.659,0:14:55.129 steal all our records, [br]open our bank accounts, 0:14:55.129,0:14:57.219 they'll be opening our front door locks, 0:14:57.219,0:15:00.719 controlling our vehicle-to-vehicle [br]communication, etc. 0:15:01.377,0:15:07.302 Understanding how we build systems[br]which liberate us, 0:15:08.127,0:15:12.807 and yet we do not become slaves [br]or vulnerable to, is the central question. 0:15:13.531,0:15:17.928 Can we create interdependent systems[br]where we are in control, 0:15:17.928,0:15:19.358 and what does that mean? 0:15:19.680,0:15:25.269 And that education process requires[br]a new understanding of responsibility. 0:15:25.631,0:15:29.284 As these technologies pervade [br]intoour bodies, on our bodies 0:15:29.284,0:15:30.776 and everything we do, 0:15:30.776,0:15:32.367 it becomes more and more important. 0:15:32.367,0:15:35.282 Trust, integrity, judgment, 0:15:35.772,0:15:39.207 these old things become [br]more and more important. 0:15:39.520,0:15:45.005 The financial crisis was characterized[br]by a number of remarkable things. 0:15:46.587,0:15:52.298 Over 250,000 extremely well-paid[br]people in the central banks of the world 0:15:52.848,0:15:58.447 in the IMF and other institutions[br]with this enormous amount of data 0:15:58.842,0:16:00.309 do not see it coming. 0:16:01.287,0:16:04.114 Too much data, too little integrity. 0:16:04.524,0:16:06.641 And as machines begin to take our jobs 0:16:06.641,0:16:11.523 -- and one of my groups in the Oxford[br]Martin School has said that 47% of US jobs 0:16:11.523,0:16:15.112 will be lost to machine intelligence[br]over the next 20 years -- 0:16:15.357,0:16:19.578 people will increasingly see[br]machine intelligence as a threat 0:16:19.578,0:16:23.316 not only to their bank accounts[br]and other systems, 0:16:23.316,0:16:25.683 but to their jobs and to their careers. 0:16:25.970,0:16:30.624 And so, how do we create education[br]systems where we are not vulnerable 0:16:31.278,0:16:32.980 to automation taking our jobs? 0:16:32.980,0:16:36.619 And the answer is, we need to do things[br]which are not automatable. 0:16:36.895,0:16:38.156 What does that mean? 0:16:38.403,0:16:45.444 It means creativity, dexterity, [br]empathy, judgment 0:16:46.139,0:16:49.948 and that's what will keep us [br]different from machines 0:16:49.948,0:16:51.907 for at least the next 50 years. 0:16:52.777,0:16:57.492 So, creating an environment where [br]machines complement our abilities, 0:16:57.782,0:17:00.067 help us, do many of the things 0:17:00.067,0:17:04.267 that are really, in many ways, [br]inhumane for people to be doing, 0:17:04.665,0:17:06.931 dangerous and others; 0:17:07.587,0:17:10.870 help us be more effective, [br]but don't supplant us. 0:17:11.341,0:17:13.628 Being in Germany, we're reminded always 0:17:13.628,0:17:17.603 that it's not that technologies exist[br]that people decide to adopt them. 0:17:17.857,0:17:19.471 It's society's attitude. 0:17:19.471,0:17:23.204 Germany has banned nuclear power,[br]It has banned GMOs. 0:17:23.530,0:17:26.318 Many other places [br]embrace these technologies. 0:17:27.075,0:17:29.832 It's what we feel about these technologies[br]that matters. 0:17:29.832,0:17:34.368 It's how we feel we can control them,[br]whether we feel that we're on top, 0:17:34.635,0:17:37.363 which will shape the way [br]that societies adopt them. 0:17:37.363,0:17:41.753 And so, in education, it seems [br]absolutely vital that we understand them. 0:17:41.753,0:17:45.048 People need to understand[br]what genetic modification is. 0:17:45.048,0:17:48.632 People need to understand[br]what DNA sequencing is. 0:17:48.632,0:17:53.890 People need to understand these new, [br]extremely powerful technologies, 0:17:53.890,0:17:58.988 which will change the way we are[br]and the choices we face going forward. 0:17:58.988,0:18:03.845 There will be societal choices:[br]do we want to create superhumans, or not? 0:18:04.079,0:18:06.677 And if others do it, [br]what is our attitude to that? 0:18:06.944,0:18:11.019 These are choices that we will face,[br]let alone the next generation. 0:18:11.019,0:18:14.346 So this handshake, [br]this understanding of technology, 0:18:14.346,0:18:18.346 the literacy becomes [br]more and more important, 0:18:18.346,0:18:20.154 as well as the interconnectivity. 0:18:22.060,0:18:26.896 As we will become wealthier,[br]as we will become more connected, 0:18:27.696,0:18:32.076 the spillovers of our choices[br]get stronger and stronger. 0:18:32.636,0:18:36.732 And we see this in many, many areas.[br]We see -- 0:18:37.311,0:18:41.459 -- sorry, I just want to go back to the [br]slide before with the video, if I may -- 0:18:43.144,0:18:51.935 (people arguing animatedly around[br]a big tuna in Japanese, then clapping) 0:18:51.935,0:18:54.691 (Goldin) This is the tuna market in Tokyo. 0:18:54.691,0:18:59.184 This tuna was sold for about 1.5 million Euro. 0:18:59.674,0:19:05.125 This the market's response to the scarcity[br]of a natural resource. 0:19:05.771,0:19:08.876 The price goes up, the tuna don't know[br]how much they're worth, of course. 0:19:08.876,0:19:10.928 They don't reproduce more [br]when they're worth more. 0:19:11.488,0:19:15.062 Hi-tech fishermen go and chase[br]the remaining tuna 0:19:15.062,0:19:16.463 and you get extinction. 0:19:16.463,0:19:20.237 And the same thing, of course, with rhino[br]and any natural resource. 0:19:20.432,0:19:23.018 Natural resources don't understand [br]markets. 0:19:23.503,0:19:25.458 they are irrelevant to them. 0:19:25.879,0:19:29.994 and so, as we go forward and we have[br]a market system which determines choice, 0:19:29.994,0:19:31.313 on the one hand, 0:19:31.313,0:19:33.024 and more and more people [br]with more wealth 0:19:33.024,0:19:35.539 are claiming resources [br]through this system. 0:19:35.539,0:19:39.645 But on the other hand, we have [br]the supply of natural resources, 0:19:39.645,0:19:41.440 determined in totally different ways, 0:19:41.809,0:19:45.191 we have a very serious problem [br]of extinction. 0:19:46.657,0:19:48.929 Governments are not [br]very smart at this either. 0:19:48.929,0:19:53.765 Thinking short term, [br]they extract resource, 0:19:54.205,0:19:55.922 often for the good of their people, 0:19:55.922,0:19:58.415 but collectively, in the long term, [br]a disaster. 0:19:58.415,0:19:59.637 This is the Aral Sea. 0:19:59.937,0:20:02.776 Peop-- countries, six countries[br]doing the right thing, 0:20:02.776,0:20:04.623 drawing water to feed their people. 0:20:04.958,0:20:07.245 Collectively, a disaster. 0:20:07.520,0:20:10.609 The examples of success [br]-- and the Mediterranean is one -- 0:20:10.609,0:20:15.630 where citizens, scientists, politicians,[br]civil society movements 0:20:15.630,0:20:18.160 came together and saved this. 0:20:18.160,0:20:22.038 And with climate change, of course,[br]we have this dramatic problem. 0:20:23.923,0:20:27.759 What's happening in Paris this week[br]is of huge significance 0:20:28.092,0:20:29.842 to the future of the planet. 0:20:30.208,0:20:33.906 But it's not enough;[br]we need to do much more. 0:20:34.776,0:20:37.855 And we need to do it in a way [br]that allows people around the world 0:20:37.855,0:20:39.653 to benefit from the things that we have. 0:20:39.653,0:20:43.673 We've created 90% of the problem[br]in the rich countries 0:20:44.633,0:20:50.559 but 80%, already 70% of the flows, (check)[br]growing to 80 over the next 15 years, 0:20:50.561,0:20:52.827 will be coming from emerging markets. 0:20:52.827,0:20:55.744 So how do we let the rest of the world[br]clime the energy curve, 0:20:56.324,0:21:01.238 while ensuring we keep global warming[br]to below 2 degrees? 0:21:01.365,0:21:08.335 These collective decisions, increasingly,[br]will shape the way that the planet moves. 0:21:08.335,0:21:10.094 Who's going to do this? 0:21:11.000,0:21:15.898 This set of institutions is totally unfit[br]for purpose. 0:21:15.898,0:21:19.274 It was built in a different era,[br]with different power structures. 0:21:20.724,0:21:23.568 It is unable to meet [br]the challenges of our time, 0:21:23.568,0:21:27.727 and in some areas, like cyber[br]there is no institution at all. 0:21:27.727,0:21:31.648 Small changes, [br]largely rearranging the furniture. 0:21:31.648,0:21:34.250 (laughter) 0:21:34.668,0:21:39.616 (Goldin) So I think of us as nations,[br]like in a cabin within a big ocean liner, 0:21:39.616,0:21:45.555 each in our little cabin, drifting[br]with no captain, on Planet Earth's deck. 0:21:46.416,0:21:51.361 Again, part of this is the result[br]of extroardinarily positive changes. 0:21:51.778,0:21:56.332 We're no longer in a world[br]where twelve white men, smoking cigars, 0:21:56.332,0:21:58.939 could sit in their room and decide[br]the earth's future, 0:21:59.098,0:22:01.089 as they did after the Second World War. 0:22:01.595,0:22:05.878 New power balances mean we have [br]to have a transition in power. 0:22:05.878,0:22:09.292 But we're in this dangerous time[br]where the old powers no longer rule 0:22:09.292,0:22:12.841 and the new powers have not been able[br]to step up to the plate. 0:22:12.841,0:22:17.112 So it's a time of transition, it's a time [br]where the big institutions, 0:22:17.112,0:22:20.679 the best of them like the IMF,[br]have proved themselves 0:22:21.251,0:22:23.518 totally unfit for purpose. 0:22:23.905,0:22:27.960 It requires citizens, it requires [br]thinking in new ways 0:22:27.960,0:22:29.491 to overcome this problem. 0:22:29.491,0:22:31.480 Thinking which overcomes short-termism, 0:22:31.717,0:22:36.106 be it in business or [br]be it in our own decisions. 0:22:36.106,0:22:39.259 We need to think long, [br]because we're here for the long term 0:22:39.259,0:22:43.191 and the kids of today will be here[br]for at least the next century. 0:22:44.047,0:22:48.831 How we do this and how we realize[br]that our own decisions, increasingly, 0:22:49.291,0:22:52.691 are entangled with others'[br]is of course the critical question. 0:22:52.875,0:22:56.316 What we see in the politics[br]is a reversal. 0:22:57.448,0:23:01.551 People feel the future is scary,[br]uncertain. 0:23:01.846,0:23:06.511 They feel that openness and connectivity[br]makes them more vulnerable, 0:23:06.511,0:23:07.641 and they're right. 0:23:07.893,0:23:11.296 And so, we see this political revulsion[br]with extremism growing 0:23:11.685,0:23:15.576 in all countries, but certainly in Europe[br]and in the US. 0:23:15.899,0:23:20.176 People wanting to return to an age[br]which they romanticize as being better: 0:23:21.288,0:23:24.287 protectionist, nationalist, xenophobic. 0:23:25.046,0:23:26.993 It's profoundly misguided. 0:23:27.637,0:23:30.223 In order to ensure that [br]we can manage this world, 0:23:30.444,0:23:32.859 we need to be more connected, not less. 0:23:32.859,0:23:37.224 We need to ensure that we're able[br]to come together, but be protected; 0:23:37.921,0:23:43.423 resilient, thinking together, and insuring[br]that through our decisions 0:23:43.423,0:23:46.971 we not only protect our own futures 0:23:47.419,0:23:50.521 but protect those of others [br]and the planet. 0:23:50.733,0:24:01.279 Thank you.[br](Applause) 0:24:01.279,0:24:04.555 If we can do all that, we can rock on[br]to a happy old age. 0:24:04.555,0:24:06.642 (Moderator) Ian, (laughs) thank you [br]very much indeed. 0:24:06.642,0:24:09.444 There's a lot of comments here, but[br]there is one theme that is emerging. 0:24:09.444,0:24:15.241 Let me just give you this one comment[br]from Anastasia Brewer (check), I think it was? 0:24:15.646,0:24:17.881 It's just nipped out as -- 0:24:18.324,0:24:22.195 I want to pick up actually, really,[br]on what David said right at the beginning 0:24:22.195,0:24:24.876 about "Don't be afraid, [br]don't be in denial" 0:24:25.075,0:24:26.979 and this need for change,[br]and what you said about 0:24:26.979,0:24:31.114 the new normal will feel very strange[br]in a few years' time, 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 because Jeff Kortenbush (check)[br]makes this comment: 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 "A key skill set should be about [br]adapting to rapid change, 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 "to learn, unlearn and relearn." 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 And the debate tonight is going to be[br]about 21st century skills 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 are not being taught in schools[br]and should be. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Now, much of the work in the Martin School[br]is about behavior 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 and about understanding [br]how the brain works 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 and adaptability and the fears of [br]the second (check) generation 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 to be able to adapt to this new shift, 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 which is accelerating probably even faster[br]than most realize. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 How optimistic can we be that actually,[br]our human capacity can cope with this? 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 (Goldin) Yes, this is [br]the most difficult question. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 My sense is that the world is moving[br]at a revolutionary speed 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 and we and our institutions are[br]evolutionary very slow adapters. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 My hope is that this concentration[br]of knowledge which is being unleashed 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 through the new connectivity and literacy[br]will allow us to leapfrog. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 And we do see that, [br]and we see signs of this in so many ways. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 So there's all sorts of exciting things, 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 like the things we heard about [br]earlier today, 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 that are happening. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 The big question, and I think it's going[br]to be partly a question that's resolved 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 in Paris this week, is can we learn[br]to cooperate on these big challenges. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Are we able to give up [br]some independence and sovereignty 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 as individuals or as countries, 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 to ensure that collectively, [br]we'll all have a bigger future. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Are we able take longer term--[br](Moderator) What about the .... (check) 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 and the ability and -- we've only got[br]about 3 minutes to run now -- 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 but what about the ability [br]of the human being 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 to cope with this enormity, particularly[br]to adapt to the speed 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 that the next generation, [br]through the education process, 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 will be expecting? 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 (Goldin) Humans can do anything. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 In my college at Oxford Balliol, we had[br]a third of the college giving their lives 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 in the First World War, 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 and about 20% of the college giving [br]their lives in the Second World War 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 to defend ideals of freedom. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 People are prepared to make the most[br]extraordinary sacrifices, 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 to change their lives fundamentally, 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 if they believe that [br]it's the right thing to do. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 (Moderator) Can they do it?[br](Goldin), Yes, they can. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 We've done it before, we can do it again:[br]I'm absolutely convinced. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 (Applause) 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 (Moderator) But again, I'm picking up and[br]trying to bring together 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 a number of themes here, but that --[br]what David said right at the beginning: 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 "Don't be afraid, don't be in denial." 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 That is achievable, is it, that kind of[br]reversal with this scale of change, 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 and the shift, [br]the acceleration taking place? 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 (Goldin) Yes. I think one has to [br]open one's eyes 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 before one can see [br]what's happening around. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 And this pace of change is really [br]what it's about. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Are we able to appreciate 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 this extraordinary moment in history[br]we're in? 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 This age of discovery, are we able[br]to recognize it for what it is, 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 and seize the opportunities[br]that come with it? 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 (Moderator) Yes, I'm going to stop there.[br]I'm afraid you - because you ran too much, 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 25 minutes, so the 30 minutes is up, so[br]I have to stop you at that point 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 because some people have begun to leave,[br]there's coffee and everything else 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 and a very tight schedule. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Remember, this is going to be part of [br]a big debate later tonight 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 and also, let me underscore that [br]everyone here can talk more about it. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 And indeed, David Price is signing [br]his book, 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 "How will we work, live and learn[br]in the future?" at 13:05, 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 and that's in Potsdam 3, 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 and "Information doesn't want to be free",[br]Cory is going to be speaking about that 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 on copyright in the digital age, as well,[br]at 12 o'clock. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 So, plenty: we've really burdened you[br]with an enormous number of concepts. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 And David, can I tell you as well, 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 there are large numbers of people [br]who sent messages, admiring your battle 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 and how you've won your battle on health. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 Can I thank you all very much indeed, [br]and also for contributing 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 some important comments and questions[br]from the floor. 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 It's coffee time.[br](Applause) 9:59:59.000,9:59:59.000 [Recordings of this session will be [br]uploaded to www.online-educa.com] 28:31