(violin music) What up, G? Welcome back to Thug Notes This week, we're keepin' it Victorian with Great Expectations by Charles Dickens This book tells the story of Pip, a street kid who's shackin' with his crooked sister and her hubby Joe. One day while paying his respects at his parents' grave, a cracked-out convict rolls up to him and demands some food and a nail-file to escape his chains. Pip helps a brother out but later sees that fool get got by the police. Later, an uppity cracker named Pumblechook arranges for Pip to kick it with a rich broad named Miss Havisham and her adopted daughter Estella. Now Stella may be fine but she be acting a straight cock-tease to my boy Pip. Pip be thinkin' that Miss Havisham want to prime him to get paid like a gentleman, but she shuts his ass down and tells him to hustle as a blacksmith with his po' Uncle Joe. Then one day some lawyer named Jaggers tells Pip that he about to get paid and inherit a swole fortune. So Pip kicks Joe's po' ass to the curb and heads to London where he gonna learn to be a playa. Pip be thinkin' that Miss Havisham gave him all that cash so maybe she be preppin' him to marry Estella. One night, Pip be visited by some playa named Abel Magwitch who turns out to be the convict from the graveyard. He tells Pip that it was him who gave him all them stacks of cash. Now Pip be wiggin' out that he ain't bein' primed to marry Estella. So he rolls up to that ho Havisham's crib and confesses his love for Estella. But that hood rat shuts that this stunner down. Years later, Pip done f***ed up and ends up boned out. Uncle Joe does Pip one last solid and pays off all his debt. Now Pip be feelin' like a fool for dissin' him all those years ago. So Pip decide to stop frontin' with them rich folk and keep it real with the boy who got his back. Then one day while peepin' the ol' Havisham crib, Pip runs into Estella who be off the short leashes of her ex-husband and Havisham and decide she want to be cool with Pip. At the end of the book, Pip say he saw no shadow of another parting from her. Now one of the main things my boy Charlie D trying to say up in here is that if you makin' big ass assumptions about what the future holds you sure as hell got another thing comin', homeboy. You can see this here disconnect between expectations and reality in the character of Havisham. This broad always wearin' a old, crusty wedding dress even though she ain't been married! It's like she walkin' around everyday showin' that she was expecting way more out of life than she actually got. Likewise, Pip always expecting righteous things to happen to him like Miss H makin' him a gentleman and getting freaky with that girl Estella But this stunner is blind to the peeps that actually got his back. For example, when Pip finds out it was Abel that gave him those stacks of cash and not that hag Havisham he gets all crunk 'cause it ain't what he expected when on the real he should be geeked up that he got himself a sugar daddy. Another theme happening here is that having mad money corrupts your mind and your social relations. Before Pip becomes a rich playboy that giddy cat Pumblechuck be disrespecting him all the time but after Pip makes bank Pumblechuck starts treatin' him like the man. Also when my boy Pip gets them fat pockets he starts dissing Joe 'cause he all poor. On page 197, Pip says he would even pay to get Jo's weak ass out of his face in spite of the fact that on page 127 Pip straight up calls this stunner "an angel" Mmm. More money, more problems, blood. Consider this sh*t right here. Conflicting values in this player's life be shown through the images of stars and fire. That chick Estella's name comes from a Latin word that means 'star'. Whereas my man Joe be associated with the forge and fireplace My honky Dickins links that ho with stars 'cause all those stars may be pretty they straight up unreachable just like Pip's romantic expectations. But on the other hand, fire is of the Earth and Dickins links fire to him to emphasize that down-home feeling of life in the hood without wackass delusions. Yo, thanks for watching thug notes, blood. Hit subscribe and tune in next week.